From the Chicago Tea Party…
The Chicago Tea Party will be coordinating a free bus trip to the Iowa Straw Poll on Saturday, August 13. The Iowa Straw Poll is a critical event in deciding who President Obama’s opponent will be in the 2012 election. It’s a fun event with a great atmosphere including music, entertainment, food and a chance to see and hear from the field of Presidential candidates.
Who: People who want to chose a candidate who will uphold the Constitution and defeat Barack Obama in 2012.
What: Free bus trip to the Iowa Straw Poll on the campus of Iowa State University in Ames, IA.
Where: Bus leaves from the Cumberland CTA Blue Line station parking lot, 5800 N. Cumberland, Chicago, IL 60631.
When: The bus begins boarding at 5:00AM and will leave the Cumberland CTA Station at 5:15AM
How: The road trip will include a free bus trip, free breakfast, free lunch at the straw poll, free t-shirt and free tickets to the straw poll. The bus is an executive coach bus with a restroom facility on board.
There will also be free adult beverages on the ride back home.
There will be several Chicago reporters covering our trip, so you may have multiple opportunities to have your voice heard.
Seating is limited, please register as soon as possible. The deadline to register will be Friday, August 12 at noon.
The trip is being sponsored by Strong America Now. Strong America Now is dedicated to educating and mobilizing Americans focused on eliminating the national debt and deficit using a proven waste-elimination process called Lean Six Sigma. Strong America Now wants to change the way Washington thinks about spending money, as do we.
You can register for the free road trip here now.
You must be an Iowa resident to actually vote in the straw poll, but you are welcome to attend and participate in all the straw poll activities.
Please call 773-599-0105 or email us with any questions.
You can learn more about TeaCon and purchase your tickets for TEACON 2011 at