Socialism Doesn’t Pay: Britain is Poorer Than Any US State But Mississippi

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fraser Nelson of The Spectator did some number crunching recently and found a shocking fact: Britain is poorer than every State in the USA but one.

As Nelson wrote on August 22, “if Britain were to somehow leave the EU and join the US … we’d be the 2nd-poorest state in the union, poorer than Missouri. Poorer than the much-maligned Kansas and Alabama. Poorer than any state other than Mississippi, and if you take out the south east we’d be poorer than that too.”

This is both shocking and disheartening, especially to American liberals. The liberals all assume that Great Britain is still the jewel of Europe pointing to its nearly 100 percent socialist-styled government as a model of perfection. But it turns out that decades of socialism has laid Britain low making it worse off than every state in the USA but Mississippi…. and with Britain’s jihadi problem, one would think it would be better to be a bit poorer in Mississippi than be forced to live in Britain!
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Socialism Doesn’t Pay: Britain is Poorer Than Any US State But Mississippi”

Why Did National GOP Operative Brad Dayspring Favorite a Teen Porn Site on Twitter?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In this electronic age it is hard to understand how any savvy political operative can be so stupid as to get caught in an electronic imbroglio of his own making. Can you imagine a big political operative favoriting a teen porn website on Twitter, for instance? One would think that a big time political hatchet man would not be that stupid. But here we have a case of it anyway with National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) operative Brad Dayspring who did just that very insanely stupid thing.

After the GOP establishment was caught stealing an election in Mississippi for Thad Cochran, people began to fan out in search of ammo to use against establishment stooges like Dayspring. Of course, mud slinging is an old political custom. After all, politics is a blood sport. But when you give your enemies the ammo all by yourself… well, it’s always just so hilariously stupid.

I mean, seriously. How dumb can you be to do something like this?

After the Mississippi debacle, Charles C. Johnson has became a thorn in the establishment’s side with his blog posts and investigative reporting on the illicit actions of the GOP heavies who swarmed into Mississippi to make sure conservatives and tea party advocates were thoroughly destroyed there.
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Why Did National GOP Operative Brad Dayspring Favorite a Teen Porn Site on Twitter?”

With Thad Cochran it’s Time to Think Long Term About Destroying the GOP

-By Warner Todd Huston

The tea party movement is often accused of not thinking long term. In many cases this is probably a true accusation because most tea partiers think an election is a goal in and of itself. But with the underhanded, anti-conservative, un-American tactics of the GOP establishment that gave Thad Cochran a primary win in Mississippi, it is obviously time for the tea party to start planning the destruction of the GOP establishment.

Thad Cochran and his patrons allied with former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour did not run an honorable campaign. In the waning days of their campaign it was their strategy to lie about conservatives, throw the race card and scare vulnerable black voters with tales that the KKK would swoop down upon them if Cochran’s tea party opponent won the primary, dole out cash to voters for their vote, and tell them Cochran would increase free food stamps for them if they crossed over and voted in the GOP primary.

In short Haley Barbour and the senile Cochran perpetrated every low down, Democrat-styled trick to destroy a true conservative candidate just so they could remain in power. These so-called Republicans purposefully disenfranchised tens of thousands of Republican voters.
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With Thad Cochran it’s Time to Think Long Term About Destroying the GOP”

Haley Barbour Says He’s NOT Running for White House

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN’s Political Ticker has the scoop that Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has decided not to run for president in 2012. This is a bit surprising as he seemed to be well on his way to launching a serious bid. Now, all of a sudden, he’s decided he’s out.

“I will not be a candidate for president next year,” Barbour said in a statement. “This has been a difficult, personal decision, and I am very grateful to my family for their total support of my going forward, had that been what I decided.”

I spoke to Barbour myself at CPAC this year and asked the hard question: how can a white southerner beat the first black president… see video…

Read the rest at RightPundits/com
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Haley Barbour Says He’s NOT Running for White House”

Miss. School: Only White Students can be Class Prez, Only Blacks Vice Prez

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Mississippi, Nettleton Middle School is finally doing away with its policy of portioning school class officer positions by race. As the policy stood before this month, the student officer positions were set up so that if you wanted to run for eighth grade class president you had to be white while if you wanted to be vice-president, why you had to be black.

Before you get the wrong idea, here, this is a 30-year holdover policy meant to assure that both blacks and whites were represented on the school student council in Nettleton. It isn’t a new policy by any means.

This year when the memo went home to parents about the racial requirements to run for class officer positions, though, the school district was questioned on the efficacy of the practice. So, after 30 years the board finally decided to get rid of the old policy. Superintendent Russell Taylor released a statement explaining the decision made at an “emergency session” of the school board.
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Miss. School: Only White Students can be Class Prez, Only Blacks Vice Prez”

Will Admiral Ackbar Replace School’s Confederate Mascot?

-By Frederick Meekins

Students at the University of Mississippi are campaigning to make Admiral Ackbar from “Return of the Jedi” the school’s new mascot.

The school banished its old mascot Old Reb, an elderly Southern gentleman in Confederate garb, because of “negative connotations of the old South”.

If the Rebel Alliance had the same backbone as these radical multiculturalists, Vader and Palpatine would have conquered the galaxy without even having to build a Deathstar.

Frankly, there is no pleasing these malcontents.
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Will Admiral Ackbar Replace School’s Confederate Mascot?”