I am about sick to my stomach over all the ill-tempered protest signs and the over-the-top rhetoric from all these “tea baggers,” man. It’s a good thing that the left is so patriotic and level-headed. Why THEY would NEVER act like morons, half-wits, and the unhinged. They are logical, dispassionate, intellectual even. Leftists are all about the zen of good sense, ya know? No conspiracy theories nor strawman arguments. No idiotic, wild-eyed claims for them, nosiree. The left is too smart for that.
A Trip Down Memory Lane, Film by Evan Coyne Maloney
Uh…. oh…. oops. I can’t find ANYTHING from the tea party groups that come anywhere NEAR that sort of unhinged leftism. Hmmmmm. Maybe the tea party guys aren’t as unhinged as the media is trying to portray them as?