I’ll Be on Chicago’s WGN Radio on Saturday Morning, 10AM

-By Warner Todd Huston

In connection with my ChicagoNow.com Publius Forum site, I have been asked to wing it on down to the WGN radio studios this weekend.

I’ll be in studio with host Sarah Spain on Chicago Now Radio starting around 10AM central time.
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I’ll Be on Chicago’s WGN Radio on Saturday Morning, 10AM”

Obama to Hold ‘Fiscal Responsibility Summit’… So Who’s Gonna Teach HIM?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In January, then president-elect Obama announced that sometime in February he intended to hold what he was calling a “fiscal responsibility summit” as he would be planning his proposal for the 2010 budget. Apparently it will be held on February 23, most likely at the White House.

But first we have the stimulus bill that Obama most likely plans to sign on February 17. That in mind, I ask the question: what does Barack Obama know of “fiscal responsibility”?

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Obama to Hold ‘Fiscal Responsibility Summit’… So Who’s Gonna Teach HIM?”

UAW Walks Out on GM During Bailout Negotiations

-By Warner Todd Huston

When the Auto Bailout was approved by Congress one of the stipulations was that the automakers had to get concessions from the unions.

So, in an attempt to abide by Congress’ demands, GM has been in negotiations with the United Auto Workers to make the requisite deals. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as if the UAW is in the mood for making any deals, at least if it involves any cuts for them. Consequently the UAW has decided to walk out on further negotiations.

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UAW Walks Out on GM During Bailout Negotiations”

Stimulus: Congress rejected mandated open access/net neutrality; affirmed reasonable network management

-By Scott Cleland

In promoting the important goals of extending broadband to all Americans and stimulating the economy, Congress has rejected attempts by net neutrality regulation proponents to broadly impose open access or net neutrality requirements on the marketplace at large via the economic stimulus bill. The Congress obviously understood that would not be an economic stimulus, but a wrong-headed, counter-productive depressant to necessary private broadband investment (see the stimulus bill).

Importantly, Congress implicitly affirmed the necessity for “reasonable network management” and also implicitly rejected the core end-to-end network principle of the net neutrality movement — where they define/accuse any smart network management/innovation as anti-competitive discrimination or infringement of free speech.
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Stimulus: Congress rejected mandated open access/net neutrality; affirmed reasonable network management”

Chicago Suburban Democrats Throw Homeless Man off Ballot

-By Warner Todd Huston

Savor that headline, will you? The Democratic stronghold of Oak Park, home of trendy downtown shops and many Obama signs, is working with its lawyers to keep a homeless man off the ballot for the next village election.

The Chicago Tribune is reporting that Oak Park’s village board voted 2-1 to prevent Daniel Fore from running for village trustee on the April 7 ballot because he does not have a residential address. Fore is, however, registered to vote in Cook County using the address of an Oak Park relative and has been a well known citizen of the area since the 1970s.

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Chicago Suburban Democrats Throw Homeless Man off Ballot”

Don’t Blame President Obama

-By Thomas E. Brewton

The simple truth is that no president can pull an economy out of recession or guarantee continuous prosperity.

Our nation has become hypnotized by the PR hype surrounding all presidents. The proposed stimulus plan almost certainly will do little to boost employment, but it will give a huge boost to inflation. In our economic ignorance, we desperately want to believe that presidents can take steps to manage the economy back to low unemployment and prosperity. We therefore demand action, even if such action always leads to inflation that makes economic problems worse.

Chalk the misperception up to President Franklin Roosevelt (FDR). He was the first president to operate on the hubristic presumption that a president could plan and successfully manage the entire economy to prosperity by imposing the liberal-progressive ideology of social justice. Even Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., one of President Roosevelt’s most sycophantic eulogizers, was compelled to tie the New Deal to what he termed the imperial presidency.
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Don’t Blame President Obama”

When Did Obama Decide to Turn Against Himself?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Shocking video of Obama campaign promises that he wantonly violated with this stimulus bill!

We were told by every love struck denizen of the Old Media that Barack Obama was bringing a “new” politics to Washington. He was, we were assured, a candidate that was post-partisan, post-racial, and anti-business-as-usual. We were told we could bank on his campaign promises and that he wasn’t like any other politician.

Unfortunately, President Obama seems to have summarily dismissed the promises of candidate Obama, at least as far as this stimulus bill is concerned.

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When Did Obama Decide to Turn Against Himself?”

‘Name That Party’ Reaches House Floor

-By Warner Todd Huston

We have for a few years now been chronicling the constant failure of the media to label a criminal or troubled politician with his party affiliation when that politician is a Democrat, we all know. Every couple of days we detail a new “name that party” story where an Old Media outlet reports on a Democrat politician arrested, convicted, or accused of a crime though he seems never to be labeled as such. We’ve also noted many times the opposite tale where a recalcitrant pol that happens to be a Republican finds his party receiving top billing in the Old Media. We have dozens and dozens of examples.

Well, it appears that at least one member of Congress has noticed the same thing and has mentioned the media’s penchant for Democrat Party passing on the floor of the House of Representatives. The Hill’s Briefing Room blog gives us the story.

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‘Name That Party’ Reaches House Floor”

Boehner: Thanks to Dems, We Don’t Have Time to Let America Know What’s in This Stimulus Bill

Representative John Boehner (R-OH), Minority leader of the House has been very good on Obama’s Generational Debt Bill — obscenely known as the “stimulus bill.” Here he is scolding Democrats for not giving Congress time to even read this 1,100 page bill. Boehner contends that “not one member has read.”

Boehner deserves a pat on the back for his strong stance against this bill.

An Interview With Richard Nadler from 2007

I did an interview with Richard Nadler, President of the nonprofit think tank Americas Majority a few years ago that I’d like to add to this series. This interview was conducted at the 2007 Conservative Leadership Conference.

Feel free to visit the Publius Forum TalkShoe page to see my past podcasts. New podcasts appear approximately monthly, or whenever the mood strikes me to do one.


-By Warner Todd Huston

Jimmy over at Deciever.com noticed a funny disconnect in Senator Judd Greg’s (R-NH) little tap dance as he was announcing that he wanted out of taking President Obama’s offer to become Secretary of Commerce.

When the Associated Press asked Gregg to share the results of his soul-searching, this is what he came up with:

“For 30 years, I’ve been my own person in charge of my own views, and I guess I hadn’t really focused on the job of working for somebody else and carrying their views, and so this is basically where it came out.”

If I were an arrogant jackass, this is what I might call “a teachable moment.” You see, it’s a really, really good thing that Judd Gregg realized this deep truth about himself and decided to go back to the Senate, where his job has always been to work for somebody else and carry their views.

You know — his constituents? The people of New Hampshire? Memba’ them?

I generally approve of Senator Gregg… but I gotta admit, Jimmy pegged a hilarious disconnect there!

CNN Can’t Stop Talking About Obama Even in Lincoln’s Birthday Stories

-By Warner Todd Huston

Like Seinfeld’s “soup Nazi,” CNN is yelling “No birthday for YOU” to Abraham Lincoln on his 200th birthday — at least not one for Lincoln alone. Interestingly, the TV Cable Newser can’t seem to just give Lincoln his day without shoehorning Barack Obama into many of its stories about Lincoln. Its Lincoln/Obama day as far as CNN is concerned.

Certainly it is natural to see Obama as the culmination of Abraham Lincoln’s legacy, but CNN takes this coupling a tad too far. Out of the 12 stories about Lincoln on their Lincoln page, fully one third include Obama. Additionally, the header graphic on the Lincoln page celebrates the day as being “From Lincoln to Obama.” One of the stories is about an artist that morphed photographs of Lincoln’s head with Obama’s face as if this was somehow pertinent to Lincoln’s birthday… or even pertinent to art, for that matter.

It nearly looks as if the day is as much about Barack Obama as it is Abraham Lincoln to CNN.

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CNN Can’t Stop Talking About Obama Even in Lincoln’s Birthday Stories”

Obama’s Pre-approved ‘Press List’ At Last Getting Notice

-By Warner Todd Huston

A month ago, I noted a comment by Chicago Sun-Times writer Carol Marin who was mildly complaining that President Obama never goes before the press without having a list of pre-approved journalists upon whom he’ll call during a press conference. She offhandedly quipped that in the press corps, “most of us don’t even bother raising our hands any more to ask questions because Obama always has before him a list of correspondents who’ve been advised they will be called upon that day.”

I wondered last month how long it would take for anyone else in the press corps to notice Obama’s tendency to hand pick from among the free press who he will deign to allow to ask a question? I also wondered if this same “free press” would have meekly allowed president Bush get away with treating the press in such a way? Or would they have raised a hue and cry that would have deafened the world? Drudge. at least, noticed then because within a day my post had wracked up over 200,000 views. But, until February 11, no one in the press has seemed too interested in discussing this issue.

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Obama’s Pre-approved ‘Press List’ At Last Getting Notice”

An Interview With J.D. Hayworth from 2007

I did an interview with former Congressman J.D. Hayworth a few years ago that I’d like to add to this series. Later in the week I will post the companion interview I did with Richard Nadler.

Feel free to visit the Publius Forum TalkShoe page to see my past podcasts. New podcasts appear approximately monthly, or whenever the mood strikes me to do one.

To Commemorate the Day the Music Died

– By Warner Todd Huston

Today is the 50th anniversary of the terrible plane crash that took the lives of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and Jiles “The Big Bopper” Richardson. There is quite an interesting story about The Big Bopper’s son that I discuss in today’s podcast.

Feel free to visit the Publius Forum TalkShoe page to see my past podcasts. New podcasts appear approximately monthly, or whenever the mood strikes me to do one.

Rush Limbaugh and Warner Todd Huston

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last year, Rush Limbaugh read one of my Op Eds and reacted to it. I’ve had Rush read about 5 or so of my pieces, but here is one that I have the audio on.

Feel free to visit the Publius Forum TalkShoe page to see my past podcasts. New podcasts appear approximately monthly, or whenever the mood strikes me to do one.