WIND Kicks Joe Walsh Off The Air, Station Refused to Allow Honest Discussion of Racism

-By Warner Todd Huston

Former Congressman Joe Walsh joined WIND AM 560 not long after he left Congress and has been doing a great, fearless job on the air. The station was even beginning to look into syndicating him. But now, because he tried to have an honest discussion about racism, the station got cold feet and suspended him until further notice.

Here is some of what the Chicago Sun-Times said today

According to posts on former U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh’s Twitter account Thursday night, the conservative radio talk-show host was kicked off the air on WIND-AM (560) for using racial slurs while trying to have a discussion about racial slurs.

In a series of tweets posted about 7 p.m., Walsh says: “Just got kicked off the air until further notice. Tried to have honest discussion about racist terms and management censored my language.”

And: “I’m trying to have an honest, adult conversations about words without resorting to alphabet soup phrases (C-word, N-word, etc).”

The posts said the discussion involved the ethical debate about the name of the pro football team in Washington, D.C.: the Redskins.

Joe’s show is from 5PM to 8PM weekdays.

You can follow Joe on Twitter at https://@WalshFreedom.

This is what Joe sent out on Twitter today: “Want to hear what I ACTUALLY said last night?

All Republicans and conservatives in the Chicagoland area need to call WIND and tell them to put Joe back on the air. Here is the WIND contact page.

AM 560
25 NW Point Blvd. Suite 400
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
(847) 437-5200

For specific questions about our Privacy Policy or Terms of use, or to submit a claim of infringing content, please send an email to:

To send an e-mail, please click on the name of the person you’d like to contact.

Jeff Reisman
General Manager

Marcus Brown
Program Director

Michael Mann
General Sales Manager

Bryan Biggs
Joe Walsh Show Executive Producer
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

Follow Warner Todd Huston on:

Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s,, and, as well as,,,, among many, many others. Huston has also appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and many local TV shows as well as numerous talk radio shows throughout the country.

For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.

Should Senator Mark Kirk Step Down? Joe Walsh Wonders…

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sen. Kirk getting help from others to
walk the streets of Washington DC.

Former Congressman turned WIND radio host Joe Walsh has wondered aloud… and by aloud we mean on the radio… if Senator Mark Kirk–who suffered a serious stroke last year–should step down as U.S. Senator because of his health. Walsh is questioning whether or not Kirk can handle the mental effort of being a U.S. Senator and presents a few video clips that tends to show Kirk at his worst.

On November 5, Walsh posted a pair of another piece on the next day reiterating that call.
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Should Senator Mark Kirk Step Down? Joe Walsh Wonders…”

Frmr Congressman Walsh: Illinois GOP Delegation Wants me to Stay Out of Washington

-By Warner Todd Huston

Joe Walsh was, to say the least, a firebrand as the Congressman for the Illinois 8th District during his one term in Congress. He lost his re-election bid in the 2012 cycle, but while he was out there in D.C. he was always in the news for one thing or another that he said or did. Apparently he was such a firebrand that all our current GOP Congressmen have told Joe not to run for Congress again!

Walsh appeared at an event in Wauconda, Illinois on Sunday, July 28, and told the crowd that he’s poked around with his former colleagues as to whether or not they’d support him for another run for Congress if he should decide to try.

Joe said that his former pals are less than enthused, if you will.

Some say that the reason his form colleagues don’t want him around is so that they can “fold like a cheap tent” in the face of Democrat demands and his presence in D.C. makes that harder to do.

What do you think?

Now-a-days Joe Walsh is a talk show host (what else could he be! Ha, ha) and has a great show evening on WIND AM 560 in Chicago.
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Frmr Congressman Walsh: Illinois GOP Delegation Wants me to Stay Out of Washington”

Hey Dhimmi Duckworth, Rep. Joe Walsh Was Right About Boston Bombers

-By Warner Todd Huston

TODAY: A bombing during the Boston Marathon kills three and injures over a hundred, some requiring multiple amputations. Muslims that had become naturalized American citizens perpetrated these crimes.

During the 2012 election cycle, then Representative Joe Walsh was attacked by his opponent, Tammy Duckworth–now our elected Congressman–and her campaign assistants in what we call “the press” because at a campaign stop he said there are homegrown radical Islamists in America that are just as dangerous as those overseas.

In response to criticism by Dhimmi Duckworth, Walsh said the following: “While the overwhelming majority of Muslim Americans are as peace loving as everyone else, there are radical Islamists right here in the United States trying to kill Americans and destroy this country.”

This man was turned out of office despite that he was 100% right. Now we have a terror apologist in that seat in Washington DC. This is only in keeping with a President that feels the same way as Dhimmi Duckworth.

Obama and Dhimmi Duckworth have failed to keep America safe. Boston’s blood is on their hands.

Joe Walsh now has his own radio show on WIND-AM Chicago.
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Hey Dhimmi Duckworth, Rep. Joe Walsh Was Right About Boston Bombers”

Joe Walsh Forms Super PAC In Answer to Karl Rove

-By Warner Todd Huston

Former Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh has announced he’s forming a super PAC to fight Karl Rove’s RINO incumbent protection PAC.

VIDEO: FreePac Speech of Congressman Joe Walsh

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday, October 26, I attended Freepac, Chicago held at the Schaumburg Convention Center. The event, sponsored by Freedomworks, had many fine speakers including Judge Andrew Napolitano, former President of Poland Lech Walesa, John Fund, CL Bryant, Deneen Borelli, John Tillman, Congressman Joe Walsh, and Adam Andrzejewski, hosted by Freedmworks CEO Matt Kibbe.

Here is the video I took of 8th District Congressman Joe Walsh.

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VIDEO: FreePac Speech of Congressman Joe Walsh”

Walsh Supporters Protest Outside Duckworth’s Office

-By Warner Todd Huston

On October 17, about 30 some supporters of incumbent Congressman Joe Walsh gathered outside Democrat opponent Tammy Duckworth’s suburban campaign office to protest what they say is her outright lies about her part in the firing of a pair of whistleblowers when she headed the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA).

Duckworth essentially caused this controversy herself during the October 9 debate. At the debate, Walsh quizzed Duckworth about her time at the DVA, a tenure that included 12 violations from the Inspector General and charges of the illegal use of a government vehicle.

Walsh also confronted Duckworth on the lawsuit filed against her by several fired DVA employees who have charged the former Army Major with wrongful termination and public humiliation.

As Walsh explains the case, “the Plaintiff filed a complaint against a supervisor for allowing political campaigning on VA property. Duckworth received the complaint and subsequently terminated the employee who made the complaint and allegedly instructed the other Plaintiff to “keep her mouth shut” and she could keep job.”

During the debate, Duckworth flat out denied she is currently being sued.
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Walsh Supporters Protest Outside Duckworth’s Office”

Washington Post Accuses GOP Congressman of Saying Something He Never Said

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is a perfect example of Old Media “gotcha” reporting. On July 3, the Washington Post attempted to accuse GOP Congressman Joe Walsh (Ill. 8th District) of saying that his Democrat opponent, Iraq War veteran Tammy Duckworth, is not a hero.

Not only is this perfect as “gotcha” reporting, it also an example of the Washington Post getting its marching orders from the left-wing, George Soros controlled Internet group Think Progress because that is where this faux report originated.

Only July 1, Congressman Walsh held a townhall event near Elk Grove, Illinois, ostensibly to talk about the Obamacare decision issued by the Supreme Court of the United States a few days before. In his comments Walsh brought up those men and women that serve or have served the U.S. in our armed forces, as he always does at the beginning of his appearances. He noted that such heroes don’t usually talk about their service and he used the example of Senator John McCain, who was often reluctant to talk about his service during the 2008 campaign for President.

Eventually, in an offhanded comment, Walsh mentioned Duckworth’s touting of her own service saying, “that’s all she talks about.”

Now, before we get into this further, I was actually at this Walsh Townhall. I reported on it at my Illinois site, but I mention this so that I can tell you my impression of what actually went on there.
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Washington Post Accuses GOP Congressman of Saying Something He Never Said”

Congressman Joe Walsh Has a Message for the Illinois GOP and America

-By Warner Todd Huston

Is Congressman Walsh Making a Populist Run for Illinois Governor?

Joe Walsh is not a rock star like Joe Walsh. Joe Walsh (the Congressman) is not Joe Walsh (The rock singer from the 1970s band The Eagles) yet both were in town this weekend working political ends. Singer Joe Walsh was stumping for Democrat Tammy Duckworth, a practically vacant, establishment Democrat who is good for little else but spewing talking points it doesn’t seem she fully grasps, while Congressman Joe Walsh was across town warning voters at a well attended townhall that thanks to Obamacare, the 2012 election may be our last chance to save America. (

Walsh was in the Elk Grove area to talk chiefly about the historic and historically bad Supreme Court decision that gave Obama a win on his nationalization of America’s healthcare industry. So, Obamacare was the big topic this day.

“I was overwhelmed by the close to 400 people who turned out for today’s forum,” Congressman Walsh stated. “It was clear from the crowd that this decision was not only historic, but also tragic. It’s even more clear that the only way to repeal this unpopular law is to do so legislatively. This health care plan is a job killing bureaucratic mess that is now recognized by the Supreme Court as a massive tax on the struggling middle class. I have made it clear that getting Americans back to work and repealing the President’s health care plan are my top priorities.”

More on healthcare in a moment, but first, after the townhall I had the chance to ask the Congressman some questions about his ideas and his campaign for reelection to his 8th District Congressional seat.

At the outset of our interview, Congressman Walsh had some very stern words for the Illinois Republican Party. In fact, he said the Illinois GOP is currently part of the problem, not the solution.

Here is a transcript of Walsh’s warning to the Illinois GOP.
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Congressman Joe Walsh Has a Message for the Illinois GOP and America”

What Happened at the Illinois GOP Convention? Mostly Status Quo, But…

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Illinois Republican Party held its 2012 Party Convention this weekend. On the docket was addressing some asked for rules changes and picking a slate of delegates to the GOP national convention to nominate Mitt Romney to carry the Party’s banner in the upcoming presidential election. My ultimate analysis is that this was a status quo convention, but signs show that the status quo might not be too long for this world.

Two things first, here. One, I have to state up front that I intended to be a delegate from my district at the Illinois GOP convention. I registered as such and was accepted by my man Tim Schneider of the Hanover Republicans, but forces outside of politics (in other words, real life) prevented me from participating to the fullest extent. Regardless, I wanted to let you know of my intentions upfront so that you can see that I am not just a disinterested bystander in this deal.

Two, if you want a blow-by-blow account of the many great speeches, see Cal Skinner’s report at McHenry County Blog. I will mention a few things, but won’t do the speech-by-speech analysis. Skinner covered that very well so I don’t feel the need to cover that ground again.

Rep. Aaron Schock plies the crowd after his address

Now, The single most controversial issue that was on the docket was the decision to initiate direct elections. For instance, there are many Republicans who want to change how the members of the State Central Committee are selected. Currently they are appointed by the committeemen but many voices in the party want to change that. They want these party leaders to stand for election (like the Democrats do, incidentally) instead of being appointed by the votes of the committeemen. This issue has been in debate throughout the state for several years already and I’ve covered that debate many times. (Check my out old coverage of SB600 using the search feature)

I am told that several attempts were made by various committeemen to get this issue its due during Friday’s Committee meetings. The issue failed in committee on Friday, but a spirited debate continued that afternoon, anyway. Ultimately, John Parrot of Congressional District 15 attempted to get the direct elections issue brought to the convention floor on Saturday for discussion and a vote as a separate issue. Instead party leaders decided to allow a “yea” or “nay” vote on Saturday.
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What Happened at the Illinois GOP Convention? Mostly Status Quo, But…”

CPAC Chicago, Part 4: Joe Walsh, Randy Hultgren, Straw Poll Results

-By Warner Todd Huston

Finally, in part four we’ll hear from two solid Illinois Congressmen, the 8th District’s Joe Walsh and Randy Hultgren of the 14th. We’ll also hear the, perhaps not startling results of the straw poll, the most important question from which was who Romney should pick for his vice presidential candidate (hint, the top picks weren’t any of his one-time rivals for the nomination).

Congressman Joe Walsh

Rep. Joe Walsh gins up the crowd

Joe Walsh of the Illinois 8th District is the one Congressman that the left wants to eliminate more than any other Republican Congressman. This is because Joe has carved out from among his fellows an outsized voice for conservatism. He appears regularly on TV and radio to tout the conservative message. But he’s become a major target of Democrat redistricting and now faces a tough challenge to be reelected in his newly reconfigured 8th District. Me, I think he can easily beat the know-nothing candidate the Democrats have put up against him, but Joe is taking nothing for granted.

One thing is sure, though, Joe Walsh knows how to get a conservative audience in motion.
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CPAC Chicago, Part 4: Joe Walsh, Randy Hultgren, Straw Poll Results”

CPAC Chicago, Part 3: Bobby Jindal, Peter Roskam, Michele Bachman

-By Warner Todd Huston

In part three of our series we’ll take a look at the speeches of Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, Illinois Congressman Peter Roskam, and Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota. Bachmann’s speech was quite interesting for its singular focus on a particular jihad-supporting Muslim group that is operating in America today. Bachmann was vehement that Obama ban this group.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal

Gov. Bobby Jindal on the main stage

Jindal is another favorite of the greater conservative movement. He has a very compelling story of immigrant parents that came to America to become part of this great nation to finally see their little son become the most powerful man in their adopted state. It’s the perfect American story, for sure.

Speaking of stories, Jindal has a lot of them especially where it concerns his involvement in the BP Oil spill from 2010. I’ve seen Jindal relate this tale several times and it is always a good one. His description of how the federal government was more interested in observing its silly OSHA than deal quickly with the emergency before them was telling and hilarious — though ultimately sad and infuriating. Since this is standard stump speech stuff of Jindal’s, though, I did not Tweet that segment.

Like the others Jindal started praising the Walker win in Wisconsin. One of his funniest lines was that all the news people were proclaiming that the vote would be so close that it would be a long night for Wisconsin as they tallied the votes. But reality proved that the whole thing was over in a matter of hours with Walker’s landslide. Instead of it being a long night for Wisconsin, Jindal joked that it was instead a “long night at Obama headquarters in Chicago!”
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CPAC Chicago, Part 3: Bobby Jindal, Peter Roskam, Michele Bachman”

CPAC Chicago, Part 2: Richard Mourdock, Chris Christie, Herman Cain

-By Warner Todd Huston

In part two of my coverage of CPACs first Midwestern conference event, we will see some of the high spots of the floor speeches of Indiana Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie – always a crowd favorite – and the redoubtable Herman Cain. Cain also visited the media room and I have video of that below the fold.

Indiana Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock

Richard Mourdock is the current Indiana State treasurer but he also just defeated long-time incumbent Senator Richard Lugar for the GOP nomination for the U.S. Senate from Indiana. He’ll face the Democrat come November. Mourdock has been widely touted as the insurgent Tea Party candidate that beat Lugar, the old line, establishment man.

“No one expected a lowly state treasurer could take out a 36-year Senator! But we DID,” Mourdock said triumphantly.

Mourdock also noted that Senator Chuck Schumer of New York has called him the “Hoosier headache.” Mourdock was rather proud of that appellation.
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CPAC Chicago, Part 2: Richard Mourdock, Chris Christie, Herman Cain”

CPAC Chicago, Wisconsin Praised, Obama Razed — Part One: Rick Santorum, Ron Johnson

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, Friday evening, June 8, 2012, we marked the end of the first CPAC event held in Chicago and what a great event it was. The triumph in Wisconsin was on everyone’s mind but so was Obama’s dismal record. Not just dismal, but according to several speakers, even dangerous. The economy and the election of Romney were focal points but so was foreign policy this day. One theme, though, was constant: Obama has to go.

Because of other things going on and the several press availability sessions, I didn’t catch every speaker in the main hall, but I did hear the speeches of (in this order) former Senator Rick Santorum, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, Indiana Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Illinois Representative Peter Roskam, Minnesota Representative Michelle Bachmann, and Illinois Representatives Joe Walsh and Randy Hultgren. I also heard and recorded the press availability sessions of Herman Caine, Peter Roskam, and Michelle Bachmann and I caught most of Kansas Representative Tim Huelskamp’s.

Other notables whose speeches I missed were Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, Heritage Foundation President Ed Feulner, and Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback.

The event was a great success with well over 2,000 participants, all seats filled for the most part during the speeches and some great groups like the United Republican Fund, the Illinois Policy Institute, the Heartland Institute, Champion News, and others hosting and participating.

I’ll say a few words about the speakers I did see in the order I saw them and I’ll do this in a few installments so that this won’t be one long, overly taxing post. Now, as each of these speakers appeared before us I live Tweeted their comments, so the following quotes are pulled from my Twitter feed.

But before I do that, each speaker was quite enthusiastic over the win of Governor Scott Walker who defeated an effort by the far left and their union overlords to recall him in Wisconsin. Each speaker praised Walker and crowed about the left’s loss in there. I won’t regurgitate the Wisconsin hunk of each speaker as they were pretty much all the same; exuberant. The essential point was that we are all cheeseheads now.

Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum on the main stage

Former Pennsylvania Senator and recent GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum gave one of his well-crafted, typically workman-like speeches. One of Santorum’s early points was that America is at a “tipping point” and we’d better be there to tip it in the right direction.
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CPAC Chicago, Wisconsin Praised, Obama Razed — Part One: Rick Santorum, Ron Johnson”

Too Many Republican Congressmen Giving Unions Free Tax Dollars

-By Warner Todd Huston

For such a blue state, Illinois has some rather good Republicans in Congress, but on one issue many of them consistently fail. That is in their unfortunate support for Big Labor. The issue of Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) is a perfect example of this penchant to support issues dear to the hearts of Big Labor.

Unions love PLAs because the rule forces government construction projects to be conducted under union rules, to pay union pay scales to workers as well as pension payments to the union plans, and requires all work to be controlled by union bosses even if the companies hired to do the work are non-union. With PLAs unions feel they have the best of both worlds because they can still benefit from free government money even when they aren’t hired to do the work. In short, PLAs are a sop to unions.

The main problem with PLAs is that they drive up the costs of government building contracts from word go. This costs us all money and in this era when we need to be cutting back the skyrocketing costs of government adding rules that drive up costs before the first foundation is dug is madness. Worse it is unfair to the largest number of construction companies that aren’t union members as they are forced as a condition of getting the work to pay unions thousands out of their pockets even as they’ll never benefit from union pensions or other programs.

Sadly, too many Illinois Republican Congressmen have been consistently in favor of allowing unions this free government handout. It is probably not a huge surprise that even Republicans in deep blue Illinois might end up bowing to the needs of greedy Big Labor initiatives. But it is not a healthy support regardless.
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Too Many Republican Congressmen Giving Unions Free Tax Dollars”

Annual NW Suburban GOP Lincoln Day Dinner — Newt, Roskam, Walsh, Dold, Schock

-By Warner Todd Huston

I attended the annual Northwest Suburban Republican Lincoln Day Dinner March 14 and took a handful of photos for your interest. This year’s special guest speaker was Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, in town making the rounds for his run for the White House.

The program was emceed by WLS Radio personality and political gadfly Dan Proft. Also speaking were Congressmen Joe Walsh (8th District), Robert Dold (10th District), Peter Roskam (6th District), and the keynote speaker was Rep. Aaron Schock (18th District).

I got a bit rushed by the Secret Service, sadly. I had taken a chair just to the right of the stage (audience right, not stage right) and had all my computer gear and whatnot out and in use and the Secret Service decided I wasn’t allowed to be there for what ever absurd reason. I was 5 tables away from the stage and in a corner, not in an aisle. Anyway, they grabbed all my gear and rushed me to the back of the room. Sheese.

Still I settled in and was at least allowed to take my photos. So, as the program began Radio talker Proft began the night with a joke. Not that this is uncommon, for an emcee to start with a joke, but it was an amusing one, so I’ll recount it here.

Dan Proft, WLS Radio

Callista Gingrich

“What is the difference between a Democrat politician in Illinois and a mobster,” Proft asked. The answer: “A pension.”

Proft next introduced Newt’s wife Callista who then introduced the Speaker.

Newt Takes the Stage

Seeing as how this was the Lincoln Day Dinner, Newt began with some words about the 16th President, noting that he was the president of technology for his day. Lincoln held a patent as an inventor, was a railroad booster (and corporate lawyer) and was always keenly interested in new war tech as he led the union to victory.
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Annual NW Suburban GOP Lincoln Day Dinner — Newt, Roskam, Walsh, Dold, Schock”

Rep. Walsh Schools National Park Service Director About Occupy DC

-By Warner Todd Huston

Why does the National Park Service think they should treat Occupy DC with kid gloves? Because they have “occupy” in their name… er… something. At least that is according to the head of the National Park Service, Jonathan B. Jarvis.

8th District Congressman Joe Walsh (R, ILL) wonders why Park Service personnel are not just tolerating the OWSers but actively assisting them and giving them aid for their protests!

Are we paying our taxes so that the Park Service can become part of an anti-American protest movement? Apparently we are.

Congressman Walsh did a great job showing that these OWSers are not something to be coddled.

(H/T Marathon Pundit)

FULL VIDEO: Rep. Walsh Picks 8th District for 2nd Run

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Thursday night I attended the Chicago Tea Party meeting which featured a jazzed up first term Congressman Joe Walsh who came to announce in which District he’d take a crack at running to affect his reelection to Congress. Without stringing you along, Walsh chose the newly redistricted 8th for his run.

The Chicago Tea Party event was held at Chicago’s famous Cubby Bear restaurant right across the street from The Cub’s Wrigley field stadium.

With the Democrats in control of how Illinois’ electoral map was redrawn — due to the fact that the Illinois GOP has practically no power at all in the state — Walsh became the chief target that Democrats wanted to eliminate for 2012. Walsh’s home is currently in his 8th District, but redistricting casts his home into the 14th District, a district that is already represented by Randy Hultgren, also a solid Republican (and also a freshman congressman To boot).

A full House for Joe’s announcement at Chicago’s favorite Cubby Bear Pub

Initially Walsh announced plans to primary Hultgren and run in the newly jiggered 14th District. But as the weeks rolled on that prospect seemed an increasingly dismal idea. To primary another Republican would have meant a very, very bloody primary fight, one that would do neither Hultgren nor Walsh — nor Republicans for that matter — any good at all regardless of who won the primary.

This led Walsh to a hard decision and that is what brought him to the Cubby Bear that night.
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FULL VIDEO: Rep. Walsh Picks 8th District for 2nd Run”

Illinois Values Voters Forum: Rep. Joe Walsh, State Rep. Morrison, More

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Saturday morning, Dec. 3, I attended an event put on in Carpentersville, Illinois by Allen Skillcorn. The Illinois Value Voters Forum was billed as a forum on social issues, but it was also a great opportunity to have a nice friendly chat with several Illinois politicians on a variety of issues, not just those “values” issues we generally associate with social conservatism.

Results of Straw Poll Below the Fold

The Panel

Panelists included 8th District Congressman Joe Walsh, 54th District State Representative Tom Morrison, former State Rep Penny Pullen (currently of the Life Advocacy Research Project), and Bruno Behrend who was on hand to represent Adam Andrzejewski’s Open The Books Portal Project, a website where you can learn how much your public officials are making off the taxpayers. Along with the panel above, quite a few local officials and candidates in the hunt for the GOP nomination in their district also came out to meet and greet attendees.

Allen Skillcorn introducing Rep. Joe Walsh

Rep. Joe Walsh and Bruno Behrend

The first question posed by moderator Skillcorn was “when does life begin,” a common enough question for the values crowd. Ever the rebel, Congressman Walsh went on a ten-minute discussion on why we need to change Congress to GOP control and why we need to send “the right kind of Republicans” to Washington. But, after the stump speech, he did answer the question: “at conception,” of course.

The rest of the panel generally agreed with that, but I’d like to dwell a bit on Walsh’s stump speech. He reminded us of the fiscal disaster that this nation faces and he said that we should not forget that “the Republican Party helped us get here and we have to say that forcefully and respectfully.”

But Walsh saw a “revolution” stirring with the Tea Party and the 2010 midterm vote, one that has “only just started.”
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Illinois Values Voters Forum: Rep. Joe Walsh, State Rep. Morrison, More”

Freedom Works Picks Walsh Over Hultgren for 14th District Primary

-By Warner Todd Huston

Denver, Colorado- Max Pappas, Vice President of Public Policy and Government Affairs at Freedom Works, has announced that the FW candidate evaluation committee has chosen to support Congressman Joe Walsh in the upcoming 14th District GOP primary.

Pappas appeared at Blogcon 2011 as a member of a discussion panel focused on the suitability of the various 2012 primary candidates when the discussion turned to the Illinois 14th District.

Pappas said that in a survey of 80 votes, Joe Walsh only voted badly on one. “Walsh is with us 99.9% of the time. Hultgren only 60%,” Pappas said.

The only vote that Freedom Works disagreed with Walsh on was his vote favorable to Big Labor. Walsh voted against a right-to-work measure making that the only strike against his record.

Going solely on voting record, then, Freedom Works is supporting Joe Walsh for the 14th District primary.
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Freedom Works Picks Walsh Over Hultgren for 14th District Primary”

Video: Walsh Gets a Bit Testy With Constituent

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Internet tubuals have been heating up with a video showing 8th District Republican Congressman Joe Walsh getting — shall we say — a bit testy with a constituent at a recent townhall.

The townhall was held in North Suburban Gurnee at Uno Bar and Grill and Walsh was being grilled about a lack of banking regulations by at least one voter.

Walsh was having none of it, as you saw. He’s exactly right about his point, too. It was Congress that was the problem, not any lack of banking regulations. I stand with Joe on the idea of getting government out of the economy not, as the voters on the video was trying to urge, get government more involved in the economy.

However, I feel Joe’s comportment was over the top and inappropriate. I support his passion on that issue, but he was simply too harsh in reply.
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Video: Walsh Gets a Bit Testy With Constituent”

Is Rep. Walsh Supporter’s Facebook Page ‘Cyber Bullying’ of Rep. Hultgren?

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the Daily Herald’s bloggers is wondering if the attack page against Congressman Randy Hultgren put on Facebook by a Rep. Walsh supporter qualifies as “cyberbullying.” It is an absurd charge, but the page in question is an interesting page of which to take note.

For those unaware, because of Democrat’s having redisticted Illinois and because the state lost a congressman because we lost residents in the last census, Rep. Joe Walsh (currently elected to the 8th District) announced that he will run against Rep. Randy Hultgren (currently of the 14th District). Instead or running again in the newly reconfigured 8th District, Walsh is challenging Hultgren in the 14th District.

Walsh feels he has to do this because his District was turned from a moderately GOp District to a leans Democrat District and because a lot of his constituents were switched over to the 14th district. This out come, where it is Republican against Republican, is precisely what the Democrats wanted. And boy are they getting it.
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Is Rep. Walsh Supporter’s Facebook Page ‘Cyber Bullying’ of Rep. Hultgren?”

Rep. Joe Walsh Discusses Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Representative Joe Walsh appeared at a conference earlier this month and he was asked to address some of the troubles that this nation is going to suffer once Obamacare really kicks in.

Walsh is 100% right about his contentions over this destructive Obamacare mess.

Representative Walsh has already announced that he will run against Republican Congressman Randy Hultgren in the newly re-configured 14th District in the upcoming primaries.
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Rep. Joe Walsh Discusses Obamacare”

GOP to Illinois State Leaders: There Will Be No Federal Pension Bailout‏

This morning, Chief Deputy Whip Peter Roskam (IL-06), 8 House GOP Committee Chairs, and the entire Illinois GOP Delegation sent a letter to Illinois’ legislative leaders and Gov. Quinn in advance of next week’s Veto Session. Gov. Quinn wrote in his FY 2012 Budget earlier this year that his Administration was considering “seeking a federal guarantee of the debt” for Illinois’ $85 billion unfunded pension liability.

They write, “we urge you to seize the opportunity to appropriately reform the State’s public pension systems to address their massive unfunded liabilities,” but “we can say with clarity: there will be no legislative bailouts from the U.S. House of Representatives.”

Roskam was joined by the Illinois GOP congressional delegation and Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers, Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, Education & Workforce Chairman John Kline, Energy & Commerce Chairman Fred Upton, Financial Services Chairman Spencer Bachus, Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith, Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa and Ways & Means Chairman Dave Camp.
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GOP to Illinois State Leaders: There Will Be No Federal Pension Bailout‏”

Another Strong Fundraising Quarter‏

From the office of Rep. Joe Walsh (R, Illinois 8th District)…

Rep. Walsh on another strong fundraising quarter
“This continued support tells me that people are happy that I have kept my promises to cut the size of government, cut taxes, cut red tape and kill Obamacare.”

McHenry– Last night Congressman Joe Walsh released his third quarter fund-raising numbers. As of September 31st, Congressman Walsh has now raised over $800,000 dollars. This latest quarter now puts him on pace for raising over one million dollars for the year. These numbers contrast with his potential opponent Randy Hultgren who has only raised roughly $650,000 for the year. Other highlights from this reporting period are:
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Another Strong Fundraising Quarter‏”

Rep. Walsh WILL Run Against Hultgren in the New 14th District

-By Warner Todd Huston

I spoke to Rep. Joe Walsh in Lake Villa, Illinois this past weekend and one of his first questions to me was about running against Hultgren in the new 14th District. Obviously the question was weighing heavily on him that weekend.

I told him it would be a tough fight but that I felt Joe had gone a long way to get his name recognition up in his first big year in D.C. Other than that, I had no advice on whether or not Joe could win there.

Well, now Congressman Walsh has made the final decision and will run against Republican Randy Hultgren in the new 14th District.
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Rep. Walsh WILL Run Against Hultgren in the New 14th District”

Rep. Walsh: Obama’s Jobs Speech, It Was Political

From Rep. Joe Walsh (Ill., 8th District)…

Last week, I announced that instead of attending Obama’s political speech, I would host a small business job forum. I told you I would not be a political prop in Obama’s latest campaign game.

It looks as though I have been proven correct.

The Democratic National Committee just released their latest web ad promoting Obama. What is the topic? You guessed it: Obama’s joint session. The video is titled “14 Months”, the remaining time until the next election. As reported by “The Daily Caller”, it is evident the ad’s purpose is to raise money for the democrats.
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Rep. Walsh: Obama’s Jobs Speech, It Was Political”

Joe Walsh’s Interview With Ginni Thomas of The Daily Caller

From the office of Rep. Joe Walsh (Ill., 8th District)…

Leaders with Ginni Thomas: Rep. Joe Walsh

One Republican freshman from Illinois has the audacity to tell the president he lies, to tell Chris Matthews he bullies guests, and to say the Tea Party movement seems bigger than either the Republican or Democratic parties.
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Joe Walsh’s Interview With Ginni Thomas of The Daily Caller”

Statement of GOP House Members from Ill. on the Proposed Congressional Map Filed Today in Federal Court

“The Fair Map filed in federal court today proves that it is possible to create congressional districts that respect both constitutional and democratic principles. More importantly, this map stands in stark contrast to the contorted map passed by the Democrats, which is so gerrymandered that it can have no goal but to maximize partisan advantage by disregarding the will of Illinois voters.

“The Fair Map specifically addresses the problems with the Democrats’ map by providing a second district for the state’s growing Latino population, creating district lines that satisfy the tests for compactness, and protecting communities of interest by keeping them wholly within individual districts.

“We look forward to an impartial hearing in court that exposes the fatal flaws in the Democrats’ Illinois congressional redistricting scheme and recognizes the fact that creating fair, compact, and representative congressional districts is not only possible, but necessary.”

Rep. Peter Roskam (Il-6)
Rep. Joe Walsh (Il-8)
Rep. Robert Dold (Il-10)
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Il-11)
Rep. Judy Biggert (Il-13)
Rep. Randy Hultgren (Il-14)
Rep. Don Manzullo (Il-16)
Rep. Bobby Schilling (Il-17)
Rep. Aaron Schock (Il-18)
Rep. John Shimkus (Il-19)