-By Dan Scott
Rahm Emanuel was quoted as saying “Let no crisis go to waste.” This is a corollary to the long-standing tactic of the left in America to create charges and victims out of whole cloth in order to advance their many agendas. The fake but true narrative is a time-tested formula. In the last few weeks a new crisis seems to be resurrected, that being the threat of armed and violent extremist right wing groups. I say resurrected since the initial attempt to gin up this issue flopped badly when Janet Napolitano, the head of DHS commissioned a smear campaign in a report on Right Wing Extremists written by a known left leaning group at the beginning of the Obama Presidency in 2009. Their plan tripped over it’s own two feet with over the top suggestive finger pointing (innuendo) at those who honorably served in the military. What made the Report on Right Wing Extremists even more outrageous was that it was actually distributed to police departments around the country with zero public comment beforehand. No proof was offered for their absurd accusations and furthermore, all instances of violence at that time was from the left, as it is to this very day. In fact, this odious report commissioned by Obama’s hand picked DHS leader if read literally essentially labels anyone who participates in the Tea Party movement as potential Right Wing Extremists. In 2010 we begin to see the fruit of that initial attempt this month.
It seems the liberals are ginning up the “Right Wing Extremist” activities just like Clinton did during his tenure. Recently, the MSM has been attempting to link broken windows at Representative Slaughter’s offices to the Tea Party movement, of course this is done with absolutely no proof whatsoever, but what’s new for the low journalistic standards using innuendo by the MSM? The MSM itself is the de facto propaganda arm of the Democrat Party and of the Obama Administration. The MSM conveniently fails to mention all the similar threats and activities against Republicans. This universal failure of reporting indicates a concerted effort to foist a false and misleading narrative upon the American People. We should not be surprised at this universality of (in)action by the MSM as they have regular daily teleconferences with Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s political advisor.
Recent raids in various states of the Hutaree Militia seem to indicate the Obama Administration has given marching orders to federal agencies to prop up the “Extremist Right Wing” narrative. If there are more of these events, it will be because Obama’s politically appointed leftist extremists running the FBI, DHS and ATF have their marching orders to demonize anyone who potentially could be used for propaganda purposes. What better way to discredit the Tea Party movement than to link it by innuendo to violent activity or armed kooks? But back to the Hutaree for the moment, whatever their particular beliefs and gun ownership, as Americans, they have a right to bear arms, practice firing those firearms in a safe manner on private property and have the right of free speech and beliefs without fear from the government making false accusations. What’s troubling in this case with the early reports from the MSM, we see the use of innuendo in initial AP reports through such quotes as: “They would shoot guns and often wore camouflage” or “often wore Army fatigues and would “play-fight” with his purebred German Shepherds.” It seems the government picks on groups or individuals with peculiar beliefs in an attempt to rationalize their ham handed and illegal behavior towards the citizenry. We saw this with the Waco tragedy and the Ruby Ridge incident where government agents murdered Randy Weaver’s wife and child. Yes, it was murder and an agent was sent to jail. The MSM’s role in this is to cover up and rationalize the government’s actions via propaganda.
An interesting side note to Ruby Ridge was that precisely because of the government’s ham handed behavior toward people like Randy Weaver, more citizens banded together creating militia groups during the Clinton Administration than any time in US history. Once George W Bush came into office most of those groups lost significant membership or disbanded because the perceived threat of the government as the enemy went down. The people at the FBI, DHS and ATF might want to take note that historically, high profile provocative actions on their part are self-defeating IF their intent is to minimize violent activity or discourage armed groups. So what is the government’s intent with the current situation with the Hutaree? The Obama Administration squandered the public trust when it foolishly passed ObamaCare with back room deals and parliamentary tricks over the objections of millions, and not only dismissed their concerns but labeled them negatively for doing so. There is no benefit of the doubt or free pass on this one gentleman, cynicism of government action is warranted given the behavior of the government. You in the Obama Administration have only yourselves to blame for the current environment of mistrust; the failure to take responsibility and blame shifting is a lack of leadership on your part, not the public’s. You made a choice, you chose the agenda item over the public trust.
New AP reports today indicate the Hutaree are being accused of planning to kill police officers and make home made bombs. Pay close attention to the charges leveled against them:
“The indictment includes charges of seditious conspiracy, possessing a firearm during a crime of violence, teaching the use of explosives, and attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction — homemade bombs.
The indictment charges members of the group conspired “to levy war against the United States, (and) to oppose by force the authority of the government of the United States…”
…Andrew Arena, head of the FBI’s field office in Detroit, said the case “is an example of radical and extremist fringe groups which can be found throughout our society. The FBI takes such extremist groups seriously, especially those who would target innocent citizens and the law enforcement officers who protect the citizens of the United States.”
Isn’t it interesting that no leftist group (who actually have perpetrated violent acts) has been rounded up by the FBI, DHS or ATF in a similar manner or with similar charges? Yet according to the FBI fringe groups are throughout our society? This is a long used tactic of liberals to minimize their own misdeeds while hyping innuendo and accusation against the opposition. And since when does the government begin to charge people with “seditious conspiracy” or “to levy war?” This rises to the level of charges against Aaron Burr when he was accused of rebellion and treason back in 1807; he was acquitted by the way. This seems a rather ominous development by the Obama Administration to create a distraction and more importantly shows the lengths they are willing to go to discredit the opposition.
There are of course other plausible explanations for this recent activity by federal agencies. Another could be the confiscation of firearms as was illegally done in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. There are 80 million Americans who own 200 million guns; they have always been viewed as a threat by the left. A crisis could be fabricated to rationalize the confiscation of firearms in this country. This is not to say that mentally unbalanced people don’t exist or misuse their rights requiring law enforcement to confront them and take away their guns. Will there be another Ruby Ridge before the November elections as an attempt to discredit all opposition to liberal policies as extremist right wing kooks? Ever since the Tea Party movement has surfaced, the Obama Administration and MSM have repeatedly tried to link them to violent actions. Time will tell, but you will know for sure when the MSM trumpets in their usual self-righteous manner about gun ownership, ObamaCare or one of their other pet peeves. As stated before, the MSM gets its narrative from Rahm Emanuel and they sure do seem to act in tandem. If the incidents continue to add up, a conclusion can be drawn regarding a pattern of behavior. Once is an incident, twice is a coincidence but three times is a pattern.
In the meantime, IF you are approached to modify a shotgun by cutting it down, as Randy Weaver was – DON’T DO IT. If anyone asks you to supply threaded pipe nipples and caps, DON’T DO IT, because you will be accused of supplying materials for a pipe bomb, as it now seems some members of the Hutaree Militia are being charged. If you asked to supply urea based fertilizer and diesel fuel to someone, DON’T DO IT. Like Randy Weaver you will be repeatedly hounded (that should be your red flag) to engage in these activities and then if you give in they will then serve you with trumped up charges in order to force you to name names as though you were apart of a greater conspiracy. The government engaging in entrapment is not a new tactic. The charge of conspiracy has a very low threshold of evidence, thus are very easy trump up. The incidents we are currently hearing about maybe the precursors to a very public psyops program by the Obama Administration. If there is an agenda it will become clear shortly before the November elections as the Democrats need a distraction from the current anger of the American People over the passage of ObamaCare. They are saying get over it, what better way than to focus on a new crisis?
DHS worried about Rightwing Extremists
Dan Scott calls himself a “Member of the Global Capitalist Cabal preaching Capitalism and personal responsibility as the economic solution to world poverty.” He is also a member of the 14th Amendment Society — victimhood is a liberal code word for denying the civil rights of others. He is also a proud member of the Global Warming Denier Cabal, insisting that facts not agendas determine the truth.
Dan can be reached for comments at dscott8186@yahoo.com.
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