Science Showing How Stupid Racists Really Are

-By Warner Todd Huston

As scientists unravel the human genome, it is becoming increasingly obvious that there is no such thing as a “race” of humans. All humans share parts of their DNA with almost every other human as it happens, and this is increasingly so as this big world shrinks with cheap, safe, and easy travel. But as science learns more of our DNA we have found that there was intermixing between our human ancestors and the more primitive Neanderthals and that story tends to show just how stupid racists really are.

So, let’s think back to the most common taunt that racists who are related through white, European ancestors offer when assessing darker humans, whether they be Indians, blacks, or others. Don’t they say that their heavy brows or dark features make them out to be “primitives”?

Further, haven’t blacks been portrayed as Neanderthals, dim witted, slow, plodding, animalistic sorts who aren’t as sophisticated as those more learned white folks?
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Science Showing How Stupid Racists Really Are”

Buzzfeed: Hey, Romney Drove Past a Confederate Flag, He Must be a Racist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Before we get any further into this story, I have to warn you that this is not satire. That having been said, Buzzfeed’s Zeke Miller perpetrated one of the worst attempts at guilt by association ever made. Miller attempted to intimate that Mitt Romney is a racist because his motorcade drove past private property that had a Confederate flag flying on it as he campaigned in Virginia.

You read that right. All Romney did was sit in a car that drove past a Confederate flag and that was something that Miller thought was “news.”

Miller made this trenchant observation on his Twitter feed on October 5.

Romney motorcade just passed a hill flying a large confederate flag in rural SW VA

Wow. Imagine, driving past a Confederate flag in a state that makes millions in tourist money off its intimate connection to American history! Imagine the sheer luck of finding a Confederate flag flying in the one state most associated with the Civil War! Why, the absolute craziness of finding a Confederate flag flying in the state that hosted the Capitol of the Confederate States of America!

What are the chances?
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Buzzfeed: Hey, Romney Drove Past a Confederate Flag, He Must be a Racist”

Economist Says Obama Misrepresented his Study on Romney Tax Plan

-By Warner Todd Huston

Princeton economics professor Harvey Rosen wants everyone to know that he didn’t say what Obama’s reelection campaign is claiming he said about Mitt Romney’s tax plan, namely that it would necessarily raise taxes on the middle class.

On the evening of October 7, team Obama mass emailed another one of its ever present campaign press releases and the topic du jour was how Mitt Romney’s plan will raise taxes on the middle class.

“Even the studies that Romney has cited to claim his plan adds up still show he would need to raise middle-class taxes,” the press release said. “In fact, Harvard economist Martin Feldstein and Princeton economist Harvey Rosen both concede that paying for Romney’s tax cuts would require large tax increases on families making between $100,000 and $200,000.”
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Economist Says Obama Misrepresented his Study on Romney Tax Plan”

The Desolate Wasteland of Post-Apocalyptic Television

-By Warner Todd Huston

Many TV critics and commentators like to say that you can judge the way this nation is feeling about itself and its times by looking at the sort of shows that are playing on television. They say that our mood and our outlook about our present and our future can be understood through the collective programming on the TV.

Well, a look at some of the popular shows now playing or those about to debut on the boob tube might make you wonder if TV has noticed that the country ain’t feeling so great? In fact, it’s downright post-apocalyptic.

That’s right, we’ve gone from 2008 and hope-n-chngiesness to the depths of post-apocalyptic cynicism.
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The Desolate Wasteland of Post-Apocalyptic Television”

Obama’s Offensive Anti-Woman Campaign Ad (Now Disappeared Down Memory Hole)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier today the Obama campaign’s “official Tumblr page” featured an offensive message:

This image was followed with a text tag that said, “because they kinda do.”

Uh, no, they kinda don’t, you supercilious liars.

And since when was a woman nothing but her p*ssy? I thought women wanted to be considered a whole person, a person with a mind and someone worth more than a mere sex organ?

Apparently all liberal women think is that they are a giant, walking vagina and absolutely nothing else.

Naturally, as soon as a light was shown on their lies, the Obama campaign removed the offensive page. All you get is an error page now. Now it’s down the memory hole as if it never happened.


Click on the image above to see a bigger version of a screen shot of the Tumblr page

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Obama’s Offensive Anti-Woman Campaign Ad (Now Disappeared Down Memory Hole)”

Talker Jerry Doyle Replaces Michael Savage on Talk Radio Network

-By Warner Todd Huston

Talk Radio Network has finally announced who will be replacing the recently departed Michael Savage as the network’s 3PM to 6PM conservative talk radio host. That man is TRN’s Jerry Doyle.

Noting that the network “owns no stations” and that its stable of hosts have to “earn their keep ” by garnering syndicated affiliates, TRN promises radio stations that Doyle will be “eminently saleable.”

Today begins the first in a series of changes to bring talk radio firmly into the 21st century. For too long, we’ve had to choose between ratings and salability, but no longer. Today the 6th largest syndicated talk show in America replaces what was the 3rd largest show, and in so doing, stations will get more light and less heat, a show that they can sell locally with pride, but also a show that will respect its stations, advertisers and audiences with a brilliance that sets great shows apart from good ones.

Doyle will debut on nearly 300 stations, a bit fewer than Savage as some stations have already made their own changes since Savage left the airwaves last month.
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Talker Jerry Doyle Replaces Michael Savage on Talk Radio Network”

Both Sides Set Expectations for Presidential Debates

-By Warner Todd Huston

Both the Romney and Obama camps are attempting to lower expectations for their respective performances in the upcoming presidential debates with both saying the other has an advantage.

In a recent memo to Romney supporters, for instance, Romney adviser Beth Myers noted that the President is a “universally-acclaimed public speaker and has substantial debate experience under his belt.”

“This will be the eighth one-on-one presidential debate of his political career. For Mitt Romney, it will be his first,” Myers warned.

As for team Obama, in his memo the President’s top political adviser, David Axelrod, played the “Obama’s really busy” card trying to play down expectations that he will do well at the debates because he has a lot of duties as President that gives him less time to prepare for debates.

“The challenger, unencumbered by the responsibilities of being the President, has more time to prepare — a benefit of which Gov. Romney has taken full advantage,” Axelrod said.
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Both Sides Set Expectations for Presidential Debates”

Wash. Post-Owned Website: Will Romney Reach Out to Racists?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A website owned by the Washington Post, one that caters to African Americans, has a question about the upcoming debates. In yet another outrageous use of the race card, The Root wants to know if GOP nominee Mitt Romney will “reach out to racists” in the debates.

Keli Goff ‘s Root piece is exactly as insulting, racist, and ignorant as that title leads you to believe it is, too.

In Goff’s blinkered opinion, only racists question the inappropriate, 20-year-long relationship between racist Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama. Goff’s feverish imagination conjures that racism as Romney’s next move to gain the advantage in this close election contest.

First of all, aside from her own racist premise that all whites are racists enough that re-introducing Rev. Wright into this election will automatically win Romney votes, one has to wonder why this fool would think that this tactic would work in 2012 when it didn’t four years ago?
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Wash. Post-Owned Website: Will Romney Reach Out to Racists?”

The Official Trailer for the New Film ‘Hating Breitbart’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is the official trailer for the new film Hating Breitbart.

The film’s director, Andrew Marcus, took a year or so out of his life to follow media mogul Andrew Breitbart around with his camera to chronicle the swashbuckling, new media crusader as he daily slammed the Old Media and led a new conservative movement until his untimely death this year.

I feel blessed to have personally known Andrew (our one-on-one dinner in Mexico was quite a night) and I am also sort of amused that I actually appear in this film.

(To see the trailer, be sure and click closed the ad that appears in the middle of the screen. Then the trailer will continue.)

Hating Breitbart on the web.

If You Work for Government, You Deserve to be Fired

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yes, that title, If You Work for Government, You Deserve to be Fired, is meant literally. I really don’t care what you do for government I think you deserve to be fired.* In fact, I think that you need to be fired to save this republic. Not only do I want you fired, I want your pension negated. You don’t deserve one.

I’ll let that sink in a bit.

Of course, conservatives have the reputation of wanting to oust everyone in office and for wanting to “vote the scoundrels out.” But, I am not just wallowing in a trope, here. In fact, I’d like to add one more level to the throw-them-out-of-government concept. Let’s fire every government worker from the smallest village receptionist or sewer worker to the staffers of the highest Senator and every menial clerk and recalcitrant paper shuffler in between.

I am, here, indulging a little bombast, of course, but only a little. A very little.

It’s not just pique at the famous laziness of government workers I’m talking about. I’m also not only deploying that stereotype contending that the only reason government workers get their jobs is because they are pals with a politician — or another government worker, for that matter. It’s not just that they are better paid than just about any real American in the private sector — whether they deserve it or not — and it’s not because they are impossible to fire, nor is it because they get a better pension and health care than anyone who really contributes to society… well, OK, it is because of that stuff. All that stuff and more.
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If You Work for Government, You Deserve to be Fired”

ACLU: Obama Has Quadrupled Warrantless Wiretaps

-By Warner Todd Huston

The ACLU released a report this week that shows that under Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder, warrantless wiretapping and monitoring of American’s electronic communications is “sharply on the rise.”

After months of litigation and Freedom of Information Act requests, the ACLU obtained documents from the federal government proving that real-time monitoring of electronic communications inside the U.S. has climbed 60 percent since 2009 and far surpasses that under President Bush.

The ACLU reports that the Dept. of Justice used “pen register” and “trap and trace” techniques 23,535 times in 2009 and 37,616 times in 2011.
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ACLU: Obama Has Quadrupled Warrantless Wiretaps”

Pelosi: ‘We’re Keeping it Positive,’ But ‘Republicans Poison the Debate’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In an appearance on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D, CA) claimed that Democrats were conducting a “positive” campaign but Republicans were trying to “poison the debate.”

Pelosi also told Maddow that Republicans are trying to “suffocate the airwaves, suppress the vote, poison the debate,” and cause “people throw up their hands and say, ‘I just don’t even know if I want to participate in this.'”

Pelosi went on to claim that she and her party are trying to “keep the campaign positive.”

This from the side of the aisle that called GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney a “felon,” and claimed he killed a steel worker’s wife.
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Pelosi: ‘We’re Keeping it Positive,’ But ‘Republicans Poison the Debate’”

VIDEO: The Future Is Brighter With School Choice

This weekend’s release of Won’t Back Down has helped shine the spotlight on school choice. Heritage would like to keep it there, which is why we produced a short new video about the importance of parental choice in education.

Frustrated by the status quo and failing schools, more and more parents are demanding a choice for their children. That’s the plot of “Won’t Back Down,” which showcases how two committed parents take on the establishment. It’s based on actual events that stemmed from the parent-trigger law in California. The law allows parents to organize and, with the support of at least 50 percent, implement reform measures such as converting to a charter school or changing leadership.

>> Q&A: “Won’t Back Down” Producer Brings School Choice to Big Screen

With a cast of stars, including Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis, the movie has already prompted protests from union leaders like Randi Weingarten and opponents of school choice.

Education reformers appear to be winning. Last year was dubbed “The Year of School Choice” by the Wall Street Journal. More than a dozen states enacted school-choice legislation, empowering parents to choose a safe and effective education for their children. Heritage defines those choices as public, private, charter, online, and home school opportunities.

The video runs about two-and-a-half minutes. It was produced by Ben Howe of Mister Smith Media. For more videos from Heritage, subscribe to our YouTube channel.

NBC To Put Lefty Willie Geist on Today Show

-By Warner Todd Huston

Close on the tail of news that NBC Today show host Matt Lauer has suffered severely in popularity polls since the network unceremoniously dumped co-host Ann Curry, there are now reports that MSNBC panelist Willie Geist is being brought into the show’s third hour and will be an occasional substitute for Lauer on the venerable morning show.

Willie Geist has of late been a member of the panel on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program but his contract is coming to an end in September. Now Geist will join Natalie Morales, Al Roker and Savannah Guthrie in the third hour of the daily broadcast.

While known for his affable on-air demeanor, Geist is, of course, just another left-wing TV talking head.
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NBC To Put Lefty Willie Geist on Today Show”

Separated at Birth: Rachel Maddow and Convicted Criminal Cameron Douglas

-By Warner Todd Huston

For a little Saturday fun, were these two people separated at birth?

Check out these photos of Cameron Douglas and Rachel Maddow and you decide.

Douglas is the convicted criminal son of actor Michael Douglas and grandson of famed actor Kirk Douglas. In 2010, Douglas was convicted of possession of drugs and sent to prison for a five year sentence.

Maddow is the host of MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show.

Convicted criminal Cameron Douglas

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow

Both are sick in the head, anyway.
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Separated at Birth: Rachel Maddow and Convicted Criminal Cameron Douglas”

40th Anniversary Ms. Magazine Says Vote Obama or You’ll Die

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ms. Magazine is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year and it has a very special message for its upcoming fall issue: Vote Obama or you’ll die.

Forty years ago Ms. Magazine featured DC Comic Book Super Heroine Wonder Woman on its cover. In 1972 the main worries for feminists was body hair, cash for performing housework, and Simone De Beauvoir. But 40 years ago it was also about “how women vote” and along with featuring Wonder Woman on the cover, just ahead of the 2012 presidential election, Ms. is repeating that theme.

Ms. Magazine’s 1972 Debut Cover

Only, this time instead of “peace and justice for ’72,” a reference to the Vietnam War, Ms. Magazine is all about another war. Unlike 1972, though, Ms. Magazine’s war for 2012 is not a real war. It is a faux war. It is a “war on women.”

And this war is so intense that Ms. is telling its readers that if they don’t vote the correct way, well, their very lives are in danger.

On the fall 2012 cover underneath a leaping Wonder Woman, we see pleas to “stop the war on women,” and “2012, Vote as if your life depends on it.”

Ms. Magazine’s Fall, 2012 Cover

So, you see, Wonder Woman isn’t the only fantasy element of Ms. for Fall of 2012.
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40th Anniversary Ms. Magazine Says Vote Obama or You’ll Die”

Bill Clinton’s Brother Accused of Hiring Women to Beat Each Other Up

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bill Clinton’s brother, Roger, may not be the Clinton that feels others’ pain, but it sure seems he enjoys watching it.

Ever in trouble of one kind or another, this time Roger is accused of hiring women to beat each other up while he watches.

The National Enquirer broke the story of Nadeze Connelly, 36, who claims that on April 1, 2011, Roger Clinton invited her to his home to cook dinner for him but when she arrived she was physically attacked by a woman named Melissa Fitzpatrick.

Connelly claims that Roger simply stood by watching the assault and did nothing to break up the tussle.
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Bill Clinton’s Brother Accused of Hiring Women to Beat Each Other Up”

Muslim Activist Succeeds in Anti-First Amendment Crusade in New York

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another Islamo-Nazi has won a victory smashing the Second Amendment, this time in New York City, the very metropolis where murderous Muslims killed thousands in 2001.

Only a day after an Islamo-Nazi paraded through the New York subway system defacing advertisement posters erected by the New York subway authorities, the city has changed its policy about allowing “provocative” ads.

Bowing to the protests by this hatemongering Muslim, subway authorities have announced that it has changed its policy on ads that they think might “provoke violence.”

The posters that sparked the outrageous outrage of yet another outrageously outraged Islamo-nazi were taken out by The American Freedom Defense Initiative and read: “In any was between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel, Defeat Jihad.”

Islamo-Nazi Mona Eltahawy was incensed enough to begin to deface the ads at subway stations. She demanded that any speech she doesn’t like be censored and that anything even remotely considered negative against that mythical God Muslims call the “Prophet Muhammad” be eliminated. Now New York City agrees with the anti-First Amendment activist.
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Muslim Activist Succeeds in Anti-First Amendment Crusade in New York”

L.A. Times Lays Groundwork to Explain Poor Obama Debate Performance

-By Warner Todd Huston

The first presidential debate is only a week away, but the L. A. Times already seems to be laying the groundwork to explain away a what could be a bad Obama performance in the contest.

In a September 26 article, L. A. Times writer Christi Parsons is already foreseeing the possibility of a rocky Obama performance and she has a reason why it might be so. Her reason why Obama may do so badly? He’s busy.

As far as Parsons is concerned, Obama is at a disadvantage for the up coming debates because he is just so darn busy being president that he has less time for debate practice than does Romney.

“President Obama has blocked out three days to prepare for the October debates, but with the constant pressures that come with one of the world’s most important jobs, aides worry he may not get enough practice at the podium,” Pasrons writes.

So, if Obama does badly, it’s not because he did badly, it’s because being president is just so gosh darn hard. It can’t be Obama’s fault, after all.
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L.A. Times Lays Groundwork to Explain Poor Obama Debate Performance”

Known Thug Alec Baldwin Claims U.S. ‘Will Never Be Great Again’ Under Romney

-By Warner Todd Huston

Alec Baldwin is warning the country. “America will never be great again under a Romney administration,” the volatile actor sonorously intoned in a recent, rambling Huffington Post screed.

If Mitt Romney is elected, Baldwin tells us, only “rich people” will find the country great. “Everyone else will be asked to dial down their [sic] expectations of what it means to be an American, again,” he warns.

It is clear that Mr. Baldwin isn’t paying attention to his fellow Americans because as a nation we are already lowering our expectations for the future. We are doing so right now, under Barack Obama.

Let’s see how Americans feel under Obama’s regime:
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Known Thug Alec Baldwin Claims U.S. ‘Will Never Be Great Again’ Under Romney”

Rockers Lynyrd Skynyrd Denounce Then Support The Confederate Flag

-By Warner Todd Huston

After forty some years of prominently featuring the Southern Cross flag of the old Confederacy as part of its schtick, suddenly the southern rock band Lynyrd Skynrd is denouncing the banner claiming it is a symbol of racism.

Sole surviving original band member, Gary Rossington, explained why the band was dumping its long-time use of the Southern Cross flag (often mistakenly called “The Stars and Bars”) in an interview with CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield in an episode of the cabler’s Face to Face entertainment segment.

It became such a issue, you know, about race and stuff, where, we just had it, in the beginning because we were southern and that was our image back in the 70s and late 60s because they kinda branded us from being from the south so we showed that.

But I think through the years, you know, people like the KKK and skinheads and people have kind of kidnapped the Dixie or Rebel flag from the southern tradition and the heritage of the soldiers, you know, that’s what it was about. And they kinda made it look bad in certain ways. So, we didn’t want that to go to our fans or show the image like we agreed with any of the race stuff or any of the bad things.

Bandmate Johnny Van Zant went on noting that they all grew up “loving the old Blues artists,” and other black musicians and they “just didn’t want to be associated with that particular (racist) thing.”
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Rockers Lynyrd Skynyrd Denounce Then Support The Confederate Flag”

10% Fewer Americans Believe US Is Winning War on Terror

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the turmoil in the Middle East roils and President Obama’s foreign policy scheme faces severe pressure, a recent survey of likely voters finds that pessimism about our success in the War on Terror “continues to grow” with 45 percent saying they think the U.S. is winning that war, a 17-point drop from its one-time high of 62 percent in February 2009.

Rasmussen found that 45 percent think the U.S. is winning the war, 21 percent think the terrorists are winning, and 26 percent think that the neither side has an advantage.

The number of those who think the U.S. is winning has been steadily dropping since May of 2011.
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10% Fewer Americans Believe US Is Winning War on Terror”

Wall Street Journal ‘Corrects’ Source on Obama Event Attendance

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week a story appeared at The Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire blog that made an unsupported claim that President Obama packed 18,000 people into a Wisconsin arena that only sports 5,000 seats. At the time it was posted, The Journal did not offer a source for the 18,000 attendee count, but today there has been an addition updating that source.

Now, according to Washington Wire, that source has been identified as Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

The Wall Street Journal wasn’t the only news outlet that blindly regurgitated the 18,000 attendee claim. Politico and the Associated Press both used the seemingly impossible number.
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Wall Street Journal ‘Corrects’ Source on Obama Event Attendance”

Conan O’Brien Mocks Serious Question to Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently, Late-night comedian Conan O’Brien thinks asking the President of the United States a serious question is something to ridicule. Or maybe it wasn’t the question, but just the fact that it was a well-known conservative that posed the rather inoffensive query.

As President Obama has allowed but one puffball interview after another, avoiding all the serious questions he can, he was nonetheless asked a rather mild, but serious question by Elisabeth Hasselbeck of ABC’s The View.

But the gall of someone actually asking a serious question of the President was too much for O’Brien to bear.

“Who the hell’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck?,” O’Brien demanded to know.
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Conan O’Brien Mocks Serious Question to Obama”

Ill. Dem. Candidate Claiming to be a ‘Businessman,’ Reports no Earnings For Last 3 Years

-By Warner Todd Huston

Brad Schneider is running for Congress in Illinois against 10th District incumbent, Republican Robert Dold. Schnedier claims he’s a “businessman” and is running on the pretext that, according to his campaign literature, he’ll “bring his business expertise to Congress.” Yet, this “businessman” has reported no income at all for the last three years from the very small business he claims is his primary occupation.

How is it that one can claim to be an expert businessman yet have no income from his business? That is a question that at least one 10th District constituent wants answered.

In his literature, Schneider claims that he’s “worked with small business, helping them grow and succeed.” He’s also said, “I’m a business guy. I like using numbers to solve problems and help people.”

Consequently, in his disclosures, at appearances, and on questionnaire forms, Schneider lists Cadence Consulting Group, LLC as his primary occupation.

Yet, despite claiming that Cadence Consulting Group, LLC is his chief source of income, he’s reported no income at all from the company for the last three years.
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Ill. Dem. Candidate Claiming to be a ‘Businessman,’ Reports no Earnings For Last 3 Years”

Obama’s UN Speech: Soft Pedaling America’s Principles

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another UN meeting, another Obama appearance where he bends over backwards for foreign ideals and terror supporters. Once again Obama basically places ideas antithetical to America’s in front of ours as he addresses the world, seeming to apologize for us all over again.

For instance, the President began his speech with a eulogy of sorts to murdered U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. But the President didn’t have the courage to call that murder an act of terrorism. In fact, Obama used the word terror only one time in this speech and this in the same month in which acts of terror have been perpetrated across the Middle East.

Obama was upbeat, though, about the so-called Arab Spring that swept across the Middle East earlier this year and he was self-congratulatory on his part in it all.

“Since then, the world has been captivated by the transformation that has taken place, and the United States has supported the forces of change,” he said to the foreign leaders gathered at the UN.

But, Obama sure hasn’t supported pro-democracy forces in Iran. And with his “leading from behind” he has offered but uneven and tepid support for the forces in Libya, not to mention his complete silence about the pro-democracy activists in China. Further he has wasted not a word urging Bahrain to release its pro-democracy political prisoners. In fact, he’s been slow to voice support for most of the pro-democracy activists throughout the very Arab Spring he praised at the UN.
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Obama’s UN Speech: Soft Pedaling America’s Principles”

Chevy Volt Battery Plant Floundering Despite $151 Million from Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another in a long list of Obama-touted and tax-supported “green energy” companies is on the verge of going out of business, this time in Michigan.

Two years ago, President Obama visited the LG Chem battery plant in Holland, Michigan. Obama then hailed the plant saying, “You are leading the way in showing how manufacturing jobs are coming right back here to the United States of America.”

But today, those LG Chem jobs Obama claimed were “coming back” are seeing intermittent layoffs instead of growth.
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Chevy Volt Battery Plant Floundering Despite $151 Million from Obama”

ABC, CBS, CNN, & MSNBC All Knock Obama For Campaigning Instead of Governing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every once in a while the Old Media takes a jab at their most favorite president of all time and Obama’s decision to skip any meetings with the world leaders that are gathering at the UN this week seems to be one of those times.

Just to name a few, Chuck Todd of MSNBC, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, ABC’s Jake Tapper, and the CBS Evening News all took swipes at the president for doing campaign stops, TV entertainment shows, and softball interviews instead of doing his job as our nation’s chief foreign policy representative by meeting with the world leaders who are this week visiting New York at the United Nations.

CBS slapped Obama saying “diplomacy gets a backseat to campaigning” on Monday in a piece by Nancy Cordes.

Noting that last year Obama conducted “13 one-on-one meetings with major leaders,” this year not so much.
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ABC, CBS, CNN, & MSNBC All Knock Obama For Campaigning Instead of Governing”

CNN’s Piers Morgan: Ahmadinejad is Charming

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN’s Piers Morgan has now met and interviewed Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and has found himself “fascinated” with the man. He isn’t just fascinated with Ahmadinejad, the man famous for his wish to kill all Jews and for being a proponent of killing gays, Morgan also finds him “charming.”

Morgan claims to have “pressed” Ahmadinejad on several issues — such as gays in Iran and the existence of Israel. But if his preview of the interview is any indication, Morgan swallowed a lot of nonsense whole and without argument, too.

Morgan was quite taken with the Iranian president telling CNN’s Brooke Baldwin that Ahmadinejad is “contradictory.” Of course, most people would just say that Ahmadinejad is a liar. But not Morgan.

“He’s contradictory in this sense, Brooke. When I asked him… How would you feel, given your relentless anti-Israeli statements, how would he feel if he was to find out that one of his children was dating a Jew. And to my astonishment he said he would be perfectly OK with that. And I was surprised. It wasn’t what I was expecting.”

Come on, Piers. You can’t possibly believe that Ahmadinejad was being truthful there, can you?
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CNN’s Piers Morgan: Ahmadinejad is Charming”