Radical Islamic Nut Killed by Georgia Police

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another case of sudden jihad syndrome one more nut has bitten the dust here in the good ol’ USA. But this one won’t be enjoying the traditional 72 virgins, well, unless she is a very uncommon Muslim, that is. Jameela Cecila Barnette was killed by a Cobb County, Georgia Police Officer on Christmas morning, no less, when she attacked him with a knife. Merry Christmas, indeed.

Barnette, 53, apparently a recent convert to Islam, was under indictment for threatening several lawmakers, one of whom is New York State Senator Greg Ball whom Barnette sent a rambling, threatening letter in a box with a stuffed monkey with Stars of David pinned to it.

The letter read in part:

it is apparent that you are the proud, dirty-white, goose-stepping, cross-bearing, flag-draped, Muslim-hating Christian ghoul marching to your own destruction,” agents said Barnette wrote in the letter. “I have included a gift for you, your own miniature Jew that you can worship in the privacy of your own home. I will be scanning the obituaries to read the end of your saga. Enjoy your brief and evil life of fairy tales and hokum your evil Jew masters created for you because the Hell-fire is your final destination and the final destination of all of your colleagues.

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Radical Islamic Nut Killed by Georgia Police”

While We Celebrated, Obama Sneaked Terrorist Into US Courts on July 4

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you know that a suspected Somali terrorist was sneaked into a U.S. criminal court in New York City over the July 4th holiday? Most people don’t. While we were all distracted by celebrating our Independence Day President Obama was sneaking foreign terrorists into our civil court system instead of taking him to Guantanamo.

A few weeks ago, Reuters reported that Somali terrorist Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame was brought to New York City to face criminal charges in our home-based court system on July 4th, yet.

Warsame was captured in April in the Gulf region and was held aboard a U.S. Naval ship until July being questioned by the military and the FBI.
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While We Celebrated, Obama Sneaked Terrorist Into US Courts on July 4″

McConnell Wants Terror Suspects Held in Kentucky to be Sent to Gitmo

-By Warner Todd Huston

Why are a pair of foreign terrorists sitting in a jail in Kentucky? That’s what Senate GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to know. He wants them sent to the facilities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where they belong.

Why is the Justice Department doing this? Why expose our heartland to these monsters?
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McConnell Wants Terror Suspects Held in Kentucky to be Sent to Gitmo”

Slate: Proving Once Again Why Leftists Don’t ‘Get’ Radical Islam

… and Why Liberals are Our Weak Spot

-By Warner Todd Huston

For the online, left-wing magazine Slate, William Saletan thinks he’s found something that will damage Osama bin Ladden’s reputation in the Islamic world. But what he thinks is such a big deal proves that he doesn’t understand radical Islam or even the Muslim world. Worse, it proves why liberals are our soft spot and why they could be the death of us.

Saletan is all excited over the fact that the U.S. found a large cache of pornography in bin Ladden’s living quarters. This, Saleton is happy to say, will undermine bin Ladden’s reputation as a strictly holy man. This hurts bin Ladden, says Saleton, because, “they’re more upset by porn and hiding behind women than by suicide bombing”

Saleton contends that in our fight against bin Ladden, we’ve found the right “argument” to level against our opponent.

Why is porn such a big idea?
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Slate: Proving Once Again Why Leftists Don’t ‘Get’ Radical Islam”

Democrats Against Our Intelligence Community

-By Warner Todd Huston

Representatives Dennis Kucinich (D, Ohio), Barbara Lee (D, Calif.), Pete Stark (D, Calif.) and Lynn Woolsey (D, Calif.) Democrats all, do not seem to like our intel folks, especially those brave men that helped take out Osama bin Ladden — at President Obama’s orders, I’ll remind you.

Late last week the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a resolution of support honoring our intelligence community for its excellent, painstaking work in finding and eliminating Osama bin Ladden, murderer of untold thousands of Americans and others.
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Democrats Against Our Intelligence Community”

U.S. University Giving Award to Anti-American, Terror Supporting Al-Jazeera TV

-By Warner Todd Huston

Columbia University announced last week that its Graduate School of Journalism is awarding its highest award to America’s enemies, Al-Jazeera TV.

The university is awarding Al-Jazeera with its journalism award for the Arab-centric mid eastern “news” it has produced. Al-Jazeera is apparently being recognized for “singular journalism in the public interest.”

“Al Jazeera English has performed a great service in bringing the English-speaking world in-depth coverage of the turmoil in the Middle East,” said Nicholas Lemann, dean of Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism.

So, once again we have a leftist American university turning its back on America this time to award its top honors to a foreign TV service whose goal includes the daily denunciation of the United States of America.
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U.S. University Giving Award to Anti-American, Terror Supporting Al-Jazeera TV”

Christians Barred By NYPD From Muslim/ANSWER Sponsored Anti-War Rally

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two Christians were told by Police that they were not allowed to attend an anti-war rally held by a conglomerate of Muslims groups, unions, and Barack Obama’s Organizing for America organization on April 9 in New York City.

About 1,000 people came together at Union Square on Saturday to protest the U.S. military at a rally sponsored by the group Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER).

James Simpson reports, though, that two Christians were removed from the scene by police because the jackboots claimed that they were “disturbing people.”

According to a counterprotester on the scene, “Besides the sea of them, there were two Christians peacefully preaching about how Jesus died for our sins, and the police told them to leave because they were “disturbing people.”

This event was co-sponsored by the usual, anti-American suspects, of course. A group calling itself the Muslim Peace Coalition USA was one of the sponsors. So was the Islamic Circle of North America. As well as a host of radical, anti-American groups many with ties to The Worker’s World Party socialists.

As Simpson notes, this rally got much favorable TV time in Iran and acted to assist that murderous regime with it’s anti-American propaganda. It’s great that they could aid and abet our enemies, isn’t it?
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Christians Barred By NYPD From Muslim/ANSWER Sponsored Anti-War Rally”

Time Mag Editor: Koran Is ‘Directly The Word of God,’ Bible Just a Book ‘Written By Man’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another example of a sort of cultural suicide where western media types assume that all Muslims are blameless while all Americans are at fault in this clash of civilizations between Islamism and the West we have a recent episode of MSNBC’s Hardball with one-time Democratic operative Chuck Todd standing-in for host Chris Matthews.

Todd was discussing the riots in Afghanistan sparked by Islamist ire over the burning of a Koran by a Florida pastor. During the interview Todd and a guest stated that the Christian Bible was just a book written by men while the Koran was the “direct word of God.” The two implied that this excuses Muslims from murdering people over the book burning.

In the segment Time Magazine’s World Editor Bobby Ghosh told Chuck Todd that the riots and murders perpetrated by Muslims in Afghanistan were obviously understandable because the Koran is apparently more holy than the Christian Bible. Ghosh averred that it’s important to “keep in mind” that the Koran is “not the same as the Bible to Christians.” Why, you might ask? Why it’s because the Koran is “directly the word of God.” On the other hand, the Bible is just a book “written by men.”
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Time Mag Editor: Koran Is ‘Directly The Word of God,’ Bible Just a Book ‘Written By Man’”

Wash. Post’s Ezra Klein Absolves Radical Islam, ‘Young Christians’ Perpetrate ‘School Shootings’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Journolister and Washington Post writer Ezra Klein is another one of those liberals in the elite Old Media trying to pretend that there is no Islam in terrorism these days. He’s also another one of those who, in the face of reality, hyperbolically say that Christians are somehow just as prone to terrorism as Muslims. If only he could find any of that terrorism, he might have some veracity on the issue.

Oh, Klein is desperately trying to find that Christian terrorism no matter how wild a stretch it is, sure enough. Like President Obama and his Deputy National Security Advisor, Denis McDonough, Klein is trying to take criminal acts unconnected to religion perpetrated by Americans and morph them into “Christian terrorism.”

On MSNBCs Morning Joe for March 7, Klein tied himself into knots of illogic in order to absolve radical Islam for the thousands of acts of terrorism perpetrated over the last 50 or so years.
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Wash. Post’s Ezra Klein Absolves Radical Islam, ‘Young Christians’ Perpetrate ‘School Shootings’”

‘Atheists for Islam’ Happy to Support Religion?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sometimes a single picture is enough to put the left’s folly in crystal clear terms and we have one for you today.

The current crop of militant atheists have been parading about the country wailing about how the evil, evil Christians are oppressing them by having non-sectarian things like “In God We Trust” on our money or allowing a manger scene on city property. That’s some oppression, there, eh?

Well, last weekend a photo was snapped that shows exactly what militant atheists really mean behind their rhetoric. Oh, they aren’t against religion. They don’t likely think they are being oppressed, either. No their real goal is rather simple. They are enemies of Christianity exclusively.

Today’s militant atheists aren’t looking for “equality” or “fair treatment.” They only want one thing: the destruction of Christianity. The total elimination of it in public.

Why do I say that? Witness the photo below snapped at the March 6th “I Am A Muslim Too” rally held at Times Square, New York, organized by rap music mogul Russell Simmons.

This is a stark contradiction in terms, is it not? Atheists are spending every waking minute telling anyone that will listen that religion is the root of all evil — and by that they mean Christianity — yet here they are helping to support Islam at an “interfaith” rally?

How does that track? How does it make any sense at all?
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‘Atheists for Islam’ Happy to Support Religion?”

Evangelical Christians and American Jews, Allies or Foes?

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the text of an address I gave to a men’s luncheon in Niles, Illinois on March 3, 2011. Niles and its neighbor Skokie are heavily Jewish areas in the northern suburbs of Chicago. I hope it was fairly well received and that you will similarly find it interesting.

We all know there has been a complicated and often unfortunate history between European Christians and their Jewish fellows. There is an earned suspicion that Jews have for European Christians that goes back centuries. Over time relationships between Jews and European Christians has swing wildly from acceptance, to indifference to outright antagonism and back again.

Sadly, it seems that these days the pendulum is swinging back to Europeans again seeing Jews as an unwanted element and crimes against Jews in many parts of Europe have been on the rise. Some of this is due to the influx of Muslim immigrants in Europe, but not all of it by a long shot.
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Evangelical Christians and American Jews, Allies or Foes?”

Wa Post Editorialist Admires Members of Taliban’s Armies, Are Just as Good as U.S. Soldiers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Does anyone on the left understand right and wrong? Do any of them understand that some things humans do are morally reprehensible or is everything relative? If we could find one that understands it, it certainly won’t be Colman McCarthy. We can say this because this week the former Washington Post columnist and current director for the farcical Washington-based “Center for Teaching Peace” said that he “admires” people who “join armies” and, revealing his moral ignorance, he said he even admires those that join the Taliban’s “army.”

In a recent Washington Post piece meant to convince people that the U.S. Army is evil and that ROTC programs should be eliminated from our nation’s universities, McCarthy made the startling admission of his admiration for the Taliban’s murderous minions. And, like most leftists, he tried to dress up his admiration for immoral actions by cloaking it in the left’s favorite vehicle for misdirection: nuance.

Like most leftists McCarthy tries to split hairs saying that he isn’t “anti-soldier” by being anti-U.S. Army. He says he “admires soldiers” but just hates their work. Of course, it isn’t possible to love the troops and hate everything they do, but that is a leftist’s illogic writ large.
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Wa Post Editorialist Admires Members of Taliban’s Armies, Are Just as Good as U.S. Soldiers”

All Those Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes in the U.S. Aren’t Happening

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently there is an awful lot of “anti-Muslim hate” going on in this post 9/11 America. At least that’s what the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) gravely tells us each and every day.

Just look at all this anti-Islamic bigotry going on out there:

In May, CAIR demanded that the GOP refudiate all that “racist,” anti-Muslim hatred a’goin’ on out there. (OK, they said “repudiate,” but, well, you know) In July CAIR demanded that the FBI explain why it dared to hire terror expert Robert Spencer to advise it on matters of terrorism. In October CAIR — a group that exists to find anti-Islamic bigotry under every rock — was surprised to find in a study it created that there is an awful lot of anti-Islamic animosity going on in the U.S.A. today. Mere days ago CAIR was furious that Muslims were getting “hate messages” in Oklahoma.
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All Those Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes in the U.S. Aren’t Happening”

Death Of The West: Creeping Shariah

-By Warner Todd Huston

The worst aspect of the Muslim invasion of the west is the alarming way that Islam is undermining Western culture using the west’s own liberal, democratic processes to do so. Muslims are using our own best philosophy against us and it is working to destroy our own culture, laws, and traditions, not just in the U.S. — where the effect has been less destructive to date — but also in Europe — where it has been more pernicious.

Overseas, creeping shariah has already damaged western societies. One example appears in England where the British have damaged their own legal system by setting up a parallel legal system allowing shariah-styled pseudo-courts to operate in Muslim enclaves where residents eschew the proper English legal system and are allowed to conduct their own courts. So much for equal under the law. In England it is now “our” laws for us and “their” laws for them. These parallel legal systems are begin pursued by Muslims throughout the west and destroys a cohesive society and undermines western culture.
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Death Of The West: Creeping Shariah”

Colorado: Art Depicting Christ in Gay Sex Causes Christians to Riot, Many Killed… Or Not

-By Warner Todd Huston

An art exhibit sponsored by the City of Loveland, Colorado that depicts Jesus Christ engaging in gay sex is causing some heartburn among local Christians.

The piece by a 10-artist group going under the title, “The Legend of Bud Shark and His Indelible Ink,” depicts Jesus receiving oral sex from a man.

Christian groups have protested the exhibit and are pressuring the city to pull this particular piece from display in the museum.

One of the reasons that Christians are asking that this piece be pulled is that the exhibit hall is open to all ages — children included. Protesters point out the sexual, perhaps pornographic, nature of the art and contend it is unfit for an all-ages showing.
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Colorado: Art Depicting Christ in Gay Sex Causes Christians to Riot, Many Killed… Or Not”

Movie Review: Newt Gingrich’s America At Risk

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Washington D.C. on Sept. 12 I attended the star studded premiere of the new film America at Risk: The War With No Name, featuring Newt and Callista Gingrich and a dozen well respected experts on the subject of the War on Terror. The event was held at the Newseum, a block or so from the National Mall.

America At Risk clearly reveals the dangers that radical Islam still presents to American security and safety. We are still at war with radical Islam and it is a war we are at best treading water on and at worst actually losing. The biggest problem, according to the film, is our current president. Obama refuses even to recognize that we are at war and is constantly undermining our past efforts and leaving us open for future attack.

In fact, the movie makes a strong case that the U.S.A. doesn’t even have a serious global strategy to fight radical Islam and that the only reason we haven’t had a new major attack is because we’ve been lucky more than we’ve been good at preventing them. The film says that it isn’t a matter of “if” we get hit again, but when.
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Movie Review: Newt Gingrich’s America At Risk”

September 11, 2001: Nine Years On

-By Frank Salvato

The subject of the attacks of September 11, 2001, seems to validate the notion that the American public has an attention span issue. How else can we explain the “tolerance” argument being foisted upon the citizenry by proponents of the Islamic Center and mosque slated for construction just 500 feet from the epicenter of Ground Zero? How else can we explain the abundance of Wahabbist literature in Saudi funded mosques all over the United States? And how else can we explain the fact that a grotesquely overwhelming number of violent acts are committed, daily, in the name of Islam?

Can anyone possibly believe these issues would have been embraced with apathy and conciliation on September 12, 2001; just one day after Americans watched their countrymen leaping from jet-fuel infused infernos only to partially disintegrate as they impacted with the ground below?

Can anyone imagine any family member of anyone killed by the bloodthirsty and barbaric Islamist ideologues on that fateful day rationalizing the construction of an Islamic center and mosque on what is literally the graveyard for 2,977 souls; souls dispatched in the name of Allah and Muhammad?
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September 11, 2001: Nine Years On”

On Day French Gov’t Bans Burkas, Bomb Threat Empties Eiffel Tower

-By Warner Todd Huston

News is starting to make its way around the world that the Eiffel Tower received a bomb threat hours after the French Senate voted to ban the burka, the face coverings forced upon Muslim women.

CNN is reporting that the Tower and the park surrounding it were evacuated Tuesday evening after a bomb threat was received.

Some 2,000 people were in the area when the evacuation was ordered, police said, according to CNN affiliate BFM-TV . Also evacuated were a number a nearby apartment buildings and businesses, according to news reports.

It should be no surprise that this threat came on the same day that the government voted to ban Muslim burkas. Tuesday morning, the Senate overwhelmingly voted to ban burkas worn in public on a 246 to one vote. The bill had already passed the lower house and it is assumed that the law will stick through the 10-day rebuttal period.

The Media are not saying that the bomb threat is tied to the burka ban, but it is hard to dismiss it all as mere coincidence.
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On Day French Gov’t Bans Burkas, Bomb Threat Empties Eiffel Tower”

Pastor Jones: Won’t Burn A Quran, ‘Not Today, Not Ever.’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The on again, off again, on again Koran burning in Florida is off again, this time for good says infamous pastor Terry Jones. It seems that Pastor Jones finally decided that the burning would not have been the best course of action.
“We will definitely not burn the Quran, no,” he said. “Not today, not ever.”
Jones said that his goal was achieved without the burning. He said that he wanted “to expose that there is an element of Islam that is very dangerous and very radical.” He felt it was a success. “We have definitely accomplished that mission,” he said.

Jones was in New York to appear on the Today Show and said that he hoped he could arrange a meeting with Ground Zero Mosque pusher Imam Faisal Rauf but that no meeting had been arranged at this time.

This story is all puffery, of course. Without the willing assistance of the Old Media it never would have gotten any notice at all. Yet, Pastor Jones has about worn out his welcome with the Old Media, too. Several recent stories in the media have lamented that they bothered to give Jones any coverage at all… which is easy to say now that they’ve done so and the story has run its course.
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Pastor Jones: Won’t Burn A Quran, ‘Not Today, Not Ever.’”

Hartford City Council to Start Meeting With Islamic Prayer

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a move sure to see some controversy, the city council of Hartford, Connecticut has decided to start off its city council meetings with a Muslim prayer. An email from the city says they are doing this as “an act of solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters.”

The email from the city invokes the supposed “anti-Islam events” sweeping the country. “One of the goals of the Council is to give a voice to the many diverse peoples of the City, which is especially important given the recent anti-Islam events throughout the country,” it says.

There is more explaining from the council:
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Hartford City Council to Start Meeting With Islamic Prayer”

Fatwa Issued Against Fake Fatwa Issuer’s Fatwas

-By Warner Todd Huston

Youssef Al-Ahmed, a Saudi cleric, issued a fatwa against the supermarket chain Panda for daring to hire women who mingle with male customers and employees alike.

But Grand Mufti Sheik Abdul-Aziz Al Sheik has issued a fatwa against the fatwa issued by Youssef Al-Ahmed because Al-Ahmed is not of sufficient status to issue fatwas.

In reply Al-Ahmed issued a fatwaette against any of his junior clerics from talking about the rescinded fatwa.

Grand Mufti Sheik Abdul-Aziz Al Sheik then issued a fatwa against fatwaettes saying you can’t have smaller fatwas. “A fatwa is a fatwa is a fatwa,” the Mufti said.

Al-Ahmed sent a holy text on his i-Phone to the Grand Mufti asking if he might issue lite-twas, instead?

The Grand Mufti texted back saying that Al-Ahmed could issue lite-twas but only once a month and only against fast food places and not supermarkets.

Al-Ahmed countered with asking permission to issue lite-twas against gas station lunch counters and fast food places.

The Grand Mufti agreed but told him that he couldn’t issue lite-twas against Taco Bell because the Mufti loved their goat meat tacos.

Al-Ahmed agreed and issued his first lite-twa against Burger King because they forgot to add extra pickles the last time he drove his limo through the drive thu.

And God approved.

As-Salamu ‘Alaykum, everybody.
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Fatwa Issued Against Fake Fatwa Issuer’s Fatwas”

Did Turkey Bomb Kurds With Chemical Weapons in 2009?

-By Warner Todd Huston

News is just beginning to eek out that Turkey might have used chemical weapons to kill some Kurdish activists a year ago in the Kurdish area of southeastern Turkey. If this is true it could severely complicate relations between the EU and Turkey, an applicant for EU membership.

Germany’s largest magazine, Der Spiegel, is reporting that German officials have received photos of eight members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) all of whom were killed by Turkish military forces in 2009.

A German photo fraud expert pronounced the photos authentic after assessing them since March. A forensics report confirming that the photos are of people killed by chemical agents has also been reported.
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Did Turkey Bomb Kurds With Chemical Weapons in 2009?”

Breaking: Obama Defends Ground Zero Mosque as ‘The Writ of Our Founders’

-By Warner Todd Huston

We have finally heard the full and definitive take that President Obama has on the outrageous Ground Zero mosque project. He’s all for it.

During Obama’s Ramadan celebration dinner (called an Iftar dinner) Obama addressed the Ground Zero mosque.

Even as Obama claimed that he understood that Ground Zero was “hallowed ground” he went on to say that the Muslims may build their Mosque anywhere they want and we should let them because of it is in keeping with “the writ from our founders.”

Here are the relevant parts of the address (my bold for emphasis):
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Breaking: Obama Defends Ground Zero Mosque as ‘The Writ of Our Founders’”

Obama Has No Policy on ‘Housing’ For Detainees Convicted by Military Tribunals

-By Warner Todd Huston

After the heming and hawing by the Obama administration over whether we should bring terror suspects to trial before military commissions, Obama’s DOJ and DOD finally decided that they could. But once again we see the half-way actions of the Obama administration shining through by the fact that, even as Obama seems to agree with the Bush administration policy of military tribunals for terrorists, the president hasn’t made a single plan on what to do with any of those terrorists after they are convicted.

As the Washington Post euphemistically puts it, “the Defense Department has no written policy on how detainees convicted in military commissions should be housed.” I like that. “Housed.” What the Washington Post was too delicate to say was Obama has made no plans on where to imprison these convicted terrorists of the future.

Obviously the Washington Post decided to use spin rhetoric to soften the ultimate fate of convicted terrorists. A convicted terrorist isn’t “housed,” he’s imprisoned. But the Post didn’t want to link the words “imprisoned” and “terrorists” to Barack Obama, hence the softer, less accurate word “housed.”
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Obama Has No Policy on ‘Housing’ For Detainees Convicted by Military Tribunals”

Treasury Dept’s New Charge: Muslim Outreach??

-By Warner Todd Huston

Is the U.S. Department of the Treasury undertaking a new role? Taking its newest press release as an example, one could be excused to imagine that our Treasury Department has decided that it is now our next Department of Muslim Outreach.

Today, Treasury released this statement:

Treasury Department Statement Marking the Beginning of Ramadan

WASHINGTON – As Muslims in the United States and around the world begin their observance of Ramadan, the U.S. Department of the Treasury recognizes the importance of this period of intense devotion, reflection and charitable giving. Charitable giving and philanthropy are core American values, reflected in many faiths and traditions, and are of particular significance within the Muslim faith during the holy month of Ramadan.

The Treasury Department fully supports the ability of American Muslims – and Muslims worldwide – to fulfill their religious obligations through charitable giving and seeks to advance charitable giving at home and abroad, while protecting the charitable sector from the threat posed by those who seek to abuse this sacred obligation. In recent years, Treasury has strengthened its partnership with the charitable sector and donor community to promote transparency and to safeguard against such abuse.

The Treasury Department will continue to work closely with the charitable sector and Muslim American communities to promote our common goals of safe and effective charitable activity and to protect the sector from exploitation by terrorist organizations. We look forward to the continued development of this partnership.

For information about steps that donors and charities can take to guard against terrorist abuse, visit link.

OK, we all remember the incident from July where NASA administrator Charles Bolden announced that the Space Administration’s new role was to be “Muslim outreach.” We might also remember that the White House tried to pooh-pooh that claim even as it was later confirmed that our rocket scientists were more interested in the political gladhanding of Muslims than it was in, well… rocket science.

So what about Treasury?
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Treasury Dept’s New Charge: Muslim Outreach??”

Terror Connected Islamic Group Loses Hotel for Chicago Convention

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last month we discussed the convention that was to be held in Chicago planned by the Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir (HIHZ’-buht-ah-tuh-REER’). It was to be their second Chicago convention, the first held in 2009.

The event was supposed to be held on July 11 at the Marriott hotel in Oak Brook but the hotel chain canceled their reservation at the end of June offering no explanation to the Muslim group.

It is possible that the hotel got complaints about the upcoming Islamist gathering. Last year’s Islamist event in Chicago pulled counter protests and news coverage. Perhaps the hotel did not want such negative publicity again — though one does wonder why the hotel agreed to take the convention in the first place.
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Terror Connected Islamic Group Loses Hotel for Chicago Convention”

The Danger of Islam Taking Over the World

-By Warner Todd Huston

In India two Muslim savages cut off their college professor’s hand because they felt one of the questions on an exam he issued was “insulting to Islam.” So-called “honor killings” where Muslims kill their own wives, daughters, and sisters over perceived immodesties or violations of sharia “laws” are on the rise throughout the western world. Soon we may all be faced with these sort of uncivilized outrages every single day.

The reason we are seeing these murderous behaviors spreading is because Muslims are expanding heavily into areas they previously did not often immigrate to. And once there they are breeding in greater numbers than the natives. This short film explains how if current demographics continue, Islam will be the overwhelming majority religion in the world and will wipe out Europe in less than 50 years.

Now, I don’t really give a flying fig about the fate of Europeans per se. As far as I am concerned as a culture(s) they have done little to be worthy of saving over the last hundred years or so — they haven’t done much useful for posterity for well over a hundred years, for sure. But to be replaced by the tyrannical Muslims? Now that is a cruel fate for mankind, indeed. While the Europeans are a simpering group of wretches, at least they aren’t wildly dangerous at this time. Islam, on the other hand… well, there is no more dangerous idea than the tyranny of Islam — now that communism is about gone, anyway.
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The Danger of Islam Taking Over the World”

Ill. State Police Fire Muslim Chaplin Over Terror Ties

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Illinois State Police has revoked the appointment of its first Muslim chaplain. The State Police claim that “information revealed during the background investigation” led to their decision but they haven’t elaborated on what information that might have been.

Chicago imam Kifah Mustapha was appointed by the ISP in December of 2009.

Mustapha has been linked to the radical Muslim Brotherhood by The Investigative Project on Terrorism, a Washington DC-based think tank founded by Steven Emerson in 1995.
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Ill. State Police Fire Muslim Chaplin Over Terror Ties”

Terrorist Supporting Islamist Group Coming Back to Chicago

-By Warner Todd Huston

While Mayor Richard “King” Daley goes about his important work of destroying Chicagoan’s 2nd Amendment Rights, a terror supporting Islamist organization is again coming to the Windy City to spread its message of jihad and raise money for the cause.

Hizb ut-Tahrir America, a group committed to a world-wide caliphate by which to oppress the world and destroy freedom and liberty, is bringing its newest outrage to Chicago for the second year in a row. The terror supporting group’s second conference, titled “Emerging World Order: How the Khilafah Will Shape the World,” is scheduled to be held on July 11 at the Chicago Marriott Oak Brook.

While Daley might be happy that terror supporters are setting up shop in the city he is attempting to disarm, not everyone thinks this jihadi conference is a good idea.
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Terrorist Supporting Islamist Group Coming Back to Chicago”

American Medical Group Facilitates Barbaric Practice of ‘Female Circumcision’

NOTE: To avoid confusion, this article is NOT about the American Medical Association. It is about a different American medical group called the American Academy of Pediatrics. My headline is not meant to implicate the AMA in anything but means to discuss the actions of “an” American medical group, in this case the AAP. I add this note because some people have made the mistake to think I am discussing the AMA here. I am not.

-By Warner Todd Huston

The barbaric Muslim practice of mutilating the genitals of little girls apparently is A’OK with the American Academy of Pediatrics, at least just a little bit, anyway. In an act of political correctness gone mad the AAP has announced that it thinks it’s a good idea to mollify Muslims and gloss over their barbaric practice by instituting what they are calling a “ritual nick” on little girl’s genitals.

It’s the veritable camel’s nose under the tent flaps. After all, by what logic does one refuse to accept this disgusting attack on womanhood when you agree that any part of the practice is justifiable? Today it will be a “ritual nick,” then it becomes a “ceremonial slash,” graduating to excuse the removal of some ever growing amount of flesh, and before you know it we have full-blown mutilation of little girls just like many Muslims want.
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American Medical Group Facilitates Barbaric Practice of ‘Female Circumcision’”