Muslim Activist Succeeds in Anti-First Amendment Crusade in New York

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another Islamo-Nazi has won a victory smashing the Second Amendment, this time in New York City, the very metropolis where murderous Muslims killed thousands in 2001.

Only a day after an Islamo-Nazi paraded through the New York subway system defacing advertisement posters erected by the New York subway authorities, the city has changed its policy about allowing “provocative” ads.

Bowing to the protests by this hatemongering Muslim, subway authorities have announced that it has changed its policy on ads that they think might “provoke violence.”

The posters that sparked the outrageous outrage of yet another outrageously outraged Islamo-nazi were taken out by The American Freedom Defense Initiative and read: “In any was between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel, Defeat Jihad.”

Islamo-Nazi Mona Eltahawy was incensed enough to begin to deface the ads at subway stations. She demanded that any speech she doesn’t like be censored and that anything even remotely considered negative against that mythical God Muslims call the “Prophet Muhammad” be eliminated. Now New York City agrees with the anti-First Amendment activist.
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Muslim Activist Succeeds in Anti-First Amendment Crusade in New York”

10% Fewer Americans Believe US Is Winning War on Terror

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the turmoil in the Middle East roils and President Obama’s foreign policy scheme faces severe pressure, a recent survey of likely voters finds that pessimism about our success in the War on Terror “continues to grow” with 45 percent saying they think the U.S. is winning that war, a 17-point drop from its one-time high of 62 percent in February 2009.

Rasmussen found that 45 percent think the U.S. is winning the war, 21 percent think the terrorists are winning, and 26 percent think that the neither side has an advantage.

The number of those who think the U.S. is winning has been steadily dropping since May of 2011.
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10% Fewer Americans Believe US Is Winning War on Terror”

The Full Charlie Hebdo Mohammad Cartoon — France

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If you are not redirected automatically, follow this link to the UPDATE: The Full Charlie Hebdo Mohammad Cartoon–France

-By Warner Todd Huston

Over the last few days a magazine in France published a political cartoon making fun of The Muslim’s mythical Muhammad.

The magazine’s name is Charlie Hebdo and the artist is Stéphane Charbonnier and naturally Muslims are now out to murder him… you know… because Islam is the “religion of peace,” and all.

Click on excerpt above to see the full image.

I don’t read French, so I haven’t a clue what is being said there, but I don’t really care. Islam is a cancer on the earth and it’s about time westerners stop cowering from this simple truth.
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The Full Charlie Hebdo Mohammad Cartoon — France”

Not Done: 9/11 Still Infuriates

-By Warner Todd Huston

I’ve been mulling this all day *today. What should I say about the tenth anniversary of 9/11? I mean, everyone expects a blogger to have something to say, right?

Many people have written me to let me know that they feel I am “a good writer.” Of course, I thank them for this compliment, but sitting here all day looking at an empty word document sitting ready to be filled with my 9/11 remembrance, I certainly feel that my little reputation is unearned. I’ve just found it so hard to start this piece.

But sometime about 6PM on Sept. 10 I realized why it is so hard for me to start this piece. I am still furious. Feelings are still too raw, I still well up when I see video of the towers falling, my heart still stops when I see that heart-wrenching image of bodies falling from windows hundreds of feet in the air. I still get that dark feeling in the pit of my stomach, the same one I felt that morning in 2001.

It’s all still too emotional to write a mere memorial. My words fail me.
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Not Done: 9/11 Still Infuriates”

Obama’s Constant BS About Thomas Jefferson and Islam

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every year he’s been in office, President Obama has hosted an “iftar dinner” to honor Islam in the White House. The President has also each time led his speech with the outlandish nonsense that Thomas Jefferson held the “first iftar dinner” in the White House. And every time it’s been utter hogwash. This year’s speech was no different in that respect.

For the 2012 iftar dinner celebration. Obama said the following:

As I’ve noted before, Thomas Jefferson once held a sunset dinner here with an envoy from Tunisia — perhaps the first Iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago. And some of you, as you arrived tonight, may have seen our special display, courtesy of our friends at the Library of Congress — the Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson. And that’s a reminder, along with the generations of patriotic Muslims in America, that Islam — like so many faiths — is part of our national story.

This year’s reference to Jefferson’s so-called iftar dinner is at least a step closer to reality in that Obama said it was “perhaps the first iftar at the White House.” In the past, he was less equivocal. In 2010, for instance, Obama said it was the first iftar dinner.
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Obama’s Constant BS About Thomas Jefferson and Islam”

Terror Trials: Delaying American Justice to Observe Ramadan

-By Warner Todd Huston

A military judge has just put off American justice in a terror trial so that the accused can observe Ramadan. So our culture, our system of justice is now to take a back seat to Islam. This is how our civilization ends and how we capitulate to radical Islamism without our firing a shot, folks.

As the AP reports, “A U.S. military judge agreed Monday to postpone the next court hearings at the Guantanamo Bay prison for five men charged in the Sept. 11 attacks to avoid a conflict with the Muslim holy period of Ramadan.”

Well, isn’t that nice of him? Those that perverted their own religion to launch an attack that killed thousands of Americans will be allowed to take a holiday from their prosecution!
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Terror Trials: Delaying American Justice to Observe Ramadan”

Muslims in Michigan Attack Christians With Bottles, Stones — Cops Turn Blind Eye

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is one of the most disgusting and alarming videos made in America I’ve seen in quite some time. In it you will see scores of teenaged Muslims surrounding a small group of less than a dozen Christians in Dearborn, Michigan. You will see these Muslim thugs taunting the Christians, cursing them, throwing bottles, and even chunks of concrete at them. One scumbag, punk even throws a plastic milk carton at the Christians.

You will also see Dearborn police ignoring these crimes. Why? Because Dearborn police don’t care about enforcing the law. They care about placating their Muslim citizens. It is easier for Dearborn cops to allow these Muslims to attack Christians and then to blame it all on the Christians than to uphold the law much less the U.S. Constitution.

This is truly disgusting…

Why are these Muslim creeps doing this? Because these few Christians wanted to stage a little march sporting their banners and touting their cause. And what could be more American than wanting to have a little march, protest or otherwise?
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Muslims in Michigan Attack Christians With Bottles, Stones — Cops Turn Blind Eye”

Obama’s Narcissism: The Troops are Fighting for Me, Me, Me

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama revealed the extent of his narcissism, his outsized sense of self-regard, this week during his hasty explanation of his flip flop on the issue of gay marriage. In his ABC News interview Obama waxed poetic about those American troops that he thinks are fighting for him as opposed to fighting for their country.

During his interview, Obama told ABC News’ Robin Roberts that he feels “constrained” in war policy, but it’s what he said before that which startles for its arrogance (my bold for emphasis).

When I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage, at a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married.

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Fighting on your behalf, Mr. President? What an amazing conceit. No, Mr. President, our soldiers are fighting for their country not for a particular president. Cesar’s troops fought for him, on “his behalf.” So did Napoleon’s. But our nation has no emperor, Mr. Obama. American troops fight for their country not its leaders or leader.
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Obama’s Narcissism: The Troops are Fighting for Me, Me, Me”

Bragging Mr. President? Heroes Don’t Spike the Football

-By Warner Todd Huston

This video perfectly illuminates the unseemliness of Obama’s constant gloating and bragging that he, himself killed Osama bin Laden.

This video comes out just in time as members of the SEALs are slamming Obama for bragging so much about bagging binnie.

As the caption notes:
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Bragging Mr. President? Heroes Don’t Spike the Football”

Traitors: American Professors Go to Tehran to Help Mad Mullahs

-By Warner Todd Huston

A couple of so-called American professors recently went to Tehran University to help the radical, anti-American, racist, Islamists propagandize about how wonderful the Mad Mullahs think the Occupy Wall Street “movement” here in America is.

Wonderful, no?

Anti-Americans Alex Vitae, professor at Brooklyn College, Heather Gautney, professor at Fordham University, John Hammond, professor at City University of New York all appeared at the terrorist’s little convention to speak glowingly of the hate spewed by both the OWSers and the Mad Mullahs.

The fact that the Mad Mullahs love the OWS “movement” says an awful lot about what the true nature of OWS is, doesn’t it? It’d be like being on the KKK’s Christmas card list!
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Traitors: American Professors Go to Tehran to Help Mad Mullahs”

Israel Killed Fewer Civilians in Military Operations Than Others, Including the US

-By Warner Todd Huston

The last decade or so we’ve assigned a euphemism to the deaths of civilians in military operations; we’ve called it “collateral damage.” The fact is, though, that deaths of bystanders — purportedly innocent — are almost unavoidable in war operations. After all, war usually entails the indiscriminate firing of automatic weapons or the dropping of large bombs and this simply cannot be done in a surgical manner. But one nation has succeeded in a near total elimination of the deaths of innocents. That country is Israel.

Commendably, Israel has gone far out of its way to minimize civilian causalities over the last five years or so. Does this bust well-worn Palestinian propaganda? It should. In general the facts make the lie to nearly everything the Palestinians and their supporters say, but this particular point demolishes the propaganda.

Propagandists against Israel love to throw around claims that Israel is a violent, war-like nation and that she loves to invade her neighbors. But, once again, facts devastate this blather. In its short life Israel has been engaged in many military actions, to be sure, but few of them began with the Israelis as the aggressors. Most of Israel’s actions have been defensive in nature. The idea of defense as opposed to conquest is so inculcated in Israel that they’ve even put the word “defense” in the name of their military forces. Hence we have the Israeli Defense Force (IDF).

In 2006 after the Israeli disengagement in Gaza, the number of rockets fired into Israel by Muslims in Palestine increased a shocking 436 percent. Israel allowed this outrage to continue for a long time before finally replying and they did this for fear of causalities of non-combatant Palestinians.
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Israel Killed Fewer Civilians in Military Operations Than Others, Including the US”

Radical Islamic Nut Killed by Georgia Police

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another case of sudden jihad syndrome one more nut has bitten the dust here in the good ol’ USA. But this one won’t be enjoying the traditional 72 virgins, well, unless she is a very uncommon Muslim, that is. Jameela Cecila Barnette was killed by a Cobb County, Georgia Police Officer on Christmas morning, no less, when she attacked him with a knife. Merry Christmas, indeed.

Barnette, 53, apparently a recent convert to Islam, was under indictment for threatening several lawmakers, one of whom is New York State Senator Greg Ball whom Barnette sent a rambling, threatening letter in a box with a stuffed monkey with Stars of David pinned to it.

The letter read in part:

it is apparent that you are the proud, dirty-white, goose-stepping, cross-bearing, flag-draped, Muslim-hating Christian ghoul marching to your own destruction,” agents said Barnette wrote in the letter. “I have included a gift for you, your own miniature Jew that you can worship in the privacy of your own home. I will be scanning the obituaries to read the end of your saga. Enjoy your brief and evil life of fairy tales and hokum your evil Jew masters created for you because the Hell-fire is your final destination and the final destination of all of your colleagues.

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Radical Islamic Nut Killed by Georgia Police”

Boston University Muslim Chaplin Raising Funds for Al Qaeda, Mass. Pols Embrace Him

-By Warner Todd Huston

Abdullah Faaruuq, a Muslim “spiritual advisor” and chaplain from Boston-based Northeastern University, was a key speaker at a fundraiser for al Qaeda’s Ma Barker, the criminal female terrorist named Aafia Siddiqui, also known as “Lady al Qaeda.” This man, Faaruuq, is living off American taxpayers yet advocates for his followers to use “the gun and the sword” to advance Islam in America.

The fundraiser for Siddiqui was held at the Islamic Center of Worcester, Mass. on Dec. 8 with the stated goal of raising $30,000 to assist this female terrorist convicted in 2008 of attempting to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan.

As Steve Emerson of Family Security Matters reports, Abdullah gave Siddiqui high praise.
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Boston University Muslim Chaplin Raising Funds for Al Qaeda, Mass. Pols Embrace Him”

CAIR Insists That Candidates Answer 11 Questions on Muslim Interests

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has issued it’s new candidate questionnaire for the 2012 election season. CAIR is insisting that candidates answer to them before getting that jihadi stamp of approval, apparently.

CAIR has devised 11 questions for the candidates so that they can “empower American Muslims by increasing their political capacity and presence.” Because, you know, it is working so well for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, after all.

Not surprisingly, the very first question is a misconstruction of the truth. Question one states (my bold):
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CAIR Insists That Candidates Answer 11 Questions on Muslim Interests”

Denial: VP Biden Says Taliban NOT Our Enemy, Obama Official Refuses to Say al Qaeda are ‘Radical Islamists’

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama and his various quislings and underlings still cannot bring themselves to say that the USA is under attack by radical Islamists. This is the self-destructive garbage that comes from the Obama administration every day. This is the kind of stuff that makes of us the “weak horse” that Islamists use to justify their attacks on the US.

We have two examples of this today, one from a representative of the Department of Homeland Security and one from Gaffemaster Joe Biden.

First up, our erstwhile VP. Ol’ Slow Joe Biden told Newsweek’s Leslie Gelb that the Taliban isn’t our enemy, either. You know, despite that we invaded Afghanistan to oust them from power, and all.

Look, the Taliban per se is not our enemy. That’s critical. There is not a single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens U.S. interests.

Next we have assistant defense secretary for homeland defense Paul Stockton refusing to agree with Rep. Dan Lungren’s (R.-Calif.) characterization of al Qaeda as “radical Islamists.”
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Denial: VP Biden Says Taliban NOT Our Enemy, Obama Official Refuses to Say al Qaeda are ‘Radical Islamists’”

We Need Rules for Cyberwarfare Before a President Steals That Power, Too

-By Warner Todd Huston

A recent New York Times article revealed that the Pentagon briefly considered engaging in cyberwarfare at the outset of the actions in Libya, but decided against it for a variety of reasons. This reminds us all that as a nation we really need to discuss the use of cyberwarfare. The first question asked must be: should a president be able to simply order such an attack on his own hook?

The Times noted that one of the concerns about the use of cyberwarfare is how it would be justified under the War Powers Resolution of 1973?

One unresolved concern was whether ordering a cyberattack on Libya might create domestic legal restrictions on war-making by the executive branch without Congressional permission. One question was whether the War Powers Resolution — which requires the executive to formally report to lawmakers when it has introduced forces into “hostilities” and sets a 60-day limit on such deployments if Congress does not authorize them to continue — would be required for an attack purely in cyberspace.

One would think that the answer to this would be somewhat obvious — though nothing seems obvious in Constitution-based discussions, sadly.

We know that the Founders vested in Congress the power to declare war not in the president. They wanted to avoid a repeat of the historical outrage of a King’s untrammeled powers to declare wars without the consent of the people and their duly elected representatives.
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We Need Rules for Cyberwarfare Before a President Steals That Power, Too”

Ga. Middle School: Muslim Polygamy Is Normal, Burkas Good For Women

-By Warner Todd Huston

A middle school in Smyrna, Georgia included in an assignment material that essentially shows 7th grade children that Islamic polygamy is a perfectly legitimate concept and that there is nothing wrong with the strict dress codes used to oppress Muslim women the world over.

The material was presented to the 7th graders at Campbell Middle School as part of a discussion of the school’s dress codes, apparently meant to use the ideas of Islamic culture for women’s clothing as some sort of example to compare how the school regulates clothing for its students in Georgia.

The concepts were presented in the lesson as a letter from a fictional 20-year-old Muslim woman named “Ahlima.” In this letter “Ahlima” tells readers that she wouldn’t mind if her husband took a second wife and also extolled the virtues of the burkha. She claims that American women are “horribly immodest” in the way they dress.

As to polygamy, the fictional Ahlima says, “I understand that some Westerners condemn our practice of polygamy, but I also know they are wrong.”
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Ga. Middle School: Muslim Polygamy Is Normal, Burkas Good For Women”

Debunking the Palestine Lie

There has NEVER been such a people as the Palestinians. And those that wanted their own nation have been little else but murderers, racists, and hatemongers since the 1920s and before!

This video does a great job explaining the REAL history of these murderous, monstrous, haters.

Worse, during WWII the Palestinians honed their hatred to a special edge by learning at the feet of the Nazis.

The basis for all this violence, hatred, murder, war, and destruction perpetrated by the so-called Palestinians? Islam, of course.

Not Done: 9/11 Still Infuriates

-By Warner Todd Huston

I’ve been mulling this all day *today. What should I say about the tenth anniversary of 9/11? I mean, everyone expects a blogger to have something to say, right?

Many people have written me to let me know that they feel I am “a good writer.” Of course, I thank them for this compliment, but sitting here all day looking at an empty word document sitting ready to be filled with my 9/11 remembrance, I certainly feel that my little reputation is unearned. I’ve just found it so hard to start this piece.

But sometime about 6PM on Sept. 10 I realized why it is so hard for me to start this piece. I am still furious. Feelings are still too raw, I still well up when I see video of the towers falling, my heart still stops when I see that heart-wrenching image of bodies falling from windows hundreds of feet in the air. I still get that dark feeling in the pit of my stomach, the same one I felt that morning in 2001.

It’s all still too emotional to write a mere memorial. My words fail me.
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Not Done: 9/11 Still Infuriates”

We All Know Who Broke the Circle of Peace on 9/11

That makes the broken-circle memorial to Flight 93 a memorial to the terrorists, who are depicted not only as smashing our circle of peace, but as leaving a giant Islamic crescent-and-star flag in its place:


They call it a broken circle now, but the unbroken part of the circle, what symbolically remains standing in the wake of 9/11, is just the original Crescent of Embrace: a giant Islamic-shaped crescent, pointing to Mecca.

The damned thing is actually an al Qaeda victory mosque, with the Mecca-oriented crescent as its mihrab: the Mecca-direction indicator around which every mosque is built.
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We All Know Who Broke the Circle of Peace on 9/11″

While We Celebrated, Obama Sneaked Terrorist Into US Courts on July 4

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you know that a suspected Somali terrorist was sneaked into a U.S. criminal court in New York City over the July 4th holiday? Most people don’t. While we were all distracted by celebrating our Independence Day President Obama was sneaking foreign terrorists into our civil court system instead of taking him to Guantanamo.

A few weeks ago, Reuters reported that Somali terrorist Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame was brought to New York City to face criminal charges in our home-based court system on July 4th, yet.

Warsame was captured in April in the Gulf region and was held aboard a U.S. Naval ship until July being questioned by the military and the FBI.
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While We Celebrated, Obama Sneaked Terrorist Into US Courts on July 4″

Chicago: Two Anti-American Conferences Held on Independence Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

While patriotic Chicagoans attended parades, BBQs and otherwise celebrated our Independence Day holiday — and while Democrats stayed home and brooded — two of the most anti-American ideologies imaginable met to plot their revenge on the USA.

Not only did representatives of these two ideologies meet, but they met in the same town, on the same dates, and right across the street from each other. How’s that for kismet?

Over the July Fourth weekend, radical Islamists met at the Rosemont Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois for their 48th Annual Islamic Society of North America Convention. Over the same days the Socialism 2011 conference met across the street at the Crowne Plaza Hotel & Conference Center.

Both groups plan to destroy what is currently the USA and replace it with their own particular un-American idea of what should be.
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Chicago: Two Anti-American Conferences Held on Independence Day”

Delta Airlines: Anti-Soldier, Anti-Jew, Anti-Christian, but Now Pro Racist Muslims

-By Warner Todd Huston

I think Delta Airlines should change its name to Omega Airlines because at this point it is the last airline that I’ll ever fly. Not only did Delta try to charge our returning soldiers thousands of dollars to check their bags as they came back from the wars, now the airlines has intertwined itself with Saudi Arabia airlines and have agreed to discriminate against Jews and Christians because of it.

USA Today reported early on Thursday that Delta Airlines would be bowing to Saudi Arabia’s oppressive and racist entry laws by banning Jews — ore even people with “Jewish sounding names” — as well as anything related to Christianity.

As my friend Jeff Dunetz snarked, “Ladies and Gentlemen we are no approaching Saudi Arabia, the Captain has turned on the no Jews light.”
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Delta Airlines: Anti-Soldier, Anti-Jew, Anti-Christian, but Now Pro Racist Muslims”

McConnell Wants Terror Suspects Held in Kentucky to be Sent to Gitmo

-By Warner Todd Huston

Why are a pair of foreign terrorists sitting in a jail in Kentucky? That’s what Senate GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to know. He wants them sent to the facilities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where they belong.

Why is the Justice Department doing this? Why expose our heartland to these monsters?
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McConnell Wants Terror Suspects Held in Kentucky to be Sent to Gitmo”

Texas: More Atheists Lies Get Court Backing

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another strike against freedom, democracy, and American traditions a Texas court has decided that a Texas High School cannot have a prayer during its upcoming graduation ceremonies. Not only that, but according to this judge speakers are even barred from saying the words “join in prayer,” “bow their heads,” “amen,” and “prayer.” So now, according to these anti-democratic courts, mere words are illegal!

Naturally this decision was once again a result of a lawsuit filed by some radical, anti-American atheists. These prevaricators claimed that hearing a prayer would cause them “irreparable harm.” What tosh…

Red the rest at .

EXCLUSIVE Interview with Rep. Peter Roskam About Israel, Unified Palestinian Govt., And US Foreign Policy

By Jeff Dunetz

The past few months have seen unexpected developments in the Middle East, the continuing “Arab Awakening,” Egypt’s slide toward being controlled by the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, Syria and Libya in revolt; it seemed as if for the first time in recent history the Israeli-Palestinian dispute represented the calmest place in this violence-prone area of the world.

That all changed in early May when the Palestinian Authority, run by the “moderate” terrorists of the Fatah party, agreed to reunite with the more overt terrorists of Hamas who rule over the Gaza Strip.

…This morning Politico carried an op-ed composed by two members of the House GOP leadership: Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), and Peter Roskam (R-Ill) Deputy Majority Whip and Co-Chair of Republican Israel Caucus.

I had the opportunity to interview Congressman Roskam this morning. We discussed the Politico op-ed as well as other key issues regarding American foreign policy as it relates to Israel and the Middle East. Below is that interview, beginning with an overview of the situation provided by the Congressman….

Read the rest at YidWithLid.

Slate: Proving Once Again Why Leftists Don’t ‘Get’ Radical Islam

… and Why Liberals are Our Weak Spot

-By Warner Todd Huston

For the online, left-wing magazine Slate, William Saletan thinks he’s found something that will damage Osama bin Ladden’s reputation in the Islamic world. But what he thinks is such a big deal proves that he doesn’t understand radical Islam or even the Muslim world. Worse, it proves why liberals are our soft spot and why they could be the death of us.

Saletan is all excited over the fact that the U.S. found a large cache of pornography in bin Ladden’s living quarters. This, Saleton is happy to say, will undermine bin Ladden’s reputation as a strictly holy man. This hurts bin Ladden, says Saleton, because, “they’re more upset by porn and hiding behind women than by suicide bombing”

Saleton contends that in our fight against bin Ladden, we’ve found the right “argument” to level against our opponent.

Why is porn such a big idea?
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Slate: Proving Once Again Why Leftists Don’t ‘Get’ Radical Islam”

Democrats Against Our Intelligence Community

-By Warner Todd Huston

Representatives Dennis Kucinich (D, Ohio), Barbara Lee (D, Calif.), Pete Stark (D, Calif.) and Lynn Woolsey (D, Calif.) Democrats all, do not seem to like our intel folks, especially those brave men that helped take out Osama bin Ladden — at President Obama’s orders, I’ll remind you.

Late last week the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a resolution of support honoring our intelligence community for its excellent, painstaking work in finding and eliminating Osama bin Ladden, murderer of untold thousands of Americans and others.
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Democrats Against Our Intelligence Community”

U.S. University Giving Award to Anti-American, Terror Supporting Al-Jazeera TV

-By Warner Todd Huston

Columbia University announced last week that its Graduate School of Journalism is awarding its highest award to America’s enemies, Al-Jazeera TV.

The university is awarding Al-Jazeera with its journalism award for the Arab-centric mid eastern “news” it has produced. Al-Jazeera is apparently being recognized for “singular journalism in the public interest.”

“Al Jazeera English has performed a great service in bringing the English-speaking world in-depth coverage of the turmoil in the Middle East,” said Nicholas Lemann, dean of Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism.

So, once again we have a leftist American university turning its back on America this time to award its top honors to a foreign TV service whose goal includes the daily denunciation of the United States of America.
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U.S. University Giving Award to Anti-American, Terror Supporting Al-Jazeera TV”