Our Radio Show Tonight at 8PM: We Welcome the Illinois Conservative FaceBook Folks

Tonight at 8PM central, 9PM eastern, we once again take to the air with our show Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Conservatism.

Tonight we welcome Zach Oltmanns the spokesman for the new group of young Illinois conservatives from the Rockford, Ill. area that formed an exciting new FaceBook group called Illinois Conservatives.

Zach and his young friends have been all over the news with their new effort and it is exciting to see young people turn their attention to politics. We’ll talk to Zach about the excitement as well as the unexpected pitfalls of starting this effort.

To join Ann “Babe” Huggett and myself on our show tonight, click our logo below.

A Sneak Peek At Barry Obama’s Year End Grade School Report Card

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Punahou School Report Card – 1979
Name: Barry Obama



Reading: Daydreams in class and affects strange cadence when reading out loud.



English: Absolutely hopeless as a writer and needs constant help in stringing together even the most basic of sentences. Failed the Public Speaking section for being too dependent on notes, refusing to make eye contact or to engage the audience in a genuine and meaningful way.



Mathematics: Good on basic concepts but hopelessly uninterested in applying that information to real world economics or budgetary principles.



Geography: Interested in anywhere but the United States of America.



History: Has regrettable tendency to rewrite American and English history to reflect personal bias but shows remarkable grasp of the French and Russian Revolutions.



Civics: Shows little interest in US Constitution or understanding of the 3 branches of government.



Sports: Excels at basketball and is very aggressive on the court.



Social Skills: Although outwardly friendly, is secretive, oddly manipulative and does not let people know the ìrealî Barry Obama. Has a tendency to run from problems. Expects other people to clean up after him.



Secondary Language: Excels in Indonesian.



Elective Language: Excels in Arabic



Grade Average



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A Sneak Peek At Barry Obama’s Year End Grade School Report Card”

This Chick Does Flicks: Sherlock Holmes

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Blame it on my British husband for turning me into a fan of Guy Ritchie as a director but I just love his movies! Sure, they’re violent but so is the news and if what is being done to the US Constitution by our ruling elites doesn’t qualify as excessively brutal, I don’t know what is. So, what can a maturing director, whose movies have convoluted plots and Dickensian characters, do but combine 1892 Victorian London and the greatest fictional detective of all, Sherlock Holmes? The mix works and it is magic. Sherlock Holmes is director Guy Ritchie’s masterpiece of grit, grime and gigantic characters all grinding together in an exciting mystery adventure film complete with ersatz occult magic hinting at New World Order trickery.

Sherlock Holmes is a feast for the eyes and a real workout for the educated. You’ve got clues galore, fantastic urban archeology, great costuming, your usual satanic cult, your “dead” rising from the grave, your decadent aristocrats, your gruesome deaths, bare knuckle fighting, scenes in slaughterhouses, crazy contraptions ala Jules Verne, allusions to Cecil Rhodes’ desire to reunite America to Great Britain, the disastrous and premature launching of a sailing vessel, the construction detailing of London’s Tower Bridge being turned into a rough justice gibbet and Escher moments on stairwells.
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This Chick Does Flicks: Sherlock Holmes”

Obama Administration Sets The Stage For Bogus Asylum Seekers To Take America By Storm

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

It’s such a little AP notice; hardly more than a blip on the news ticker but, as of January 4, 2010, Immigration and Customs Enforcement will no longer detain asylum seekers to the US if they can prove a credible fear of persecution in their home countries. ICE Director, John Morton, under the orders of the Obama Administration, said that if asylum seekers can meet certain conditions then they can temporarily enter the US.

At time of entry, the asylum seeker must be able to prove their identities, not be a danger to America, not be a flight risk and must fear for their lives or physical safety if they return home. As it stands now, any asylum seeker without documentation is deported immediately while many of the documented are detained until processed.

As with any so-called “improvement” by socialist dominated regimes in once free Western countries, it is always important to go beyond what looks good on their paper to see what such programs look like in practice in other nations. In spite of President Obama’s best efforts to totally alienate them, one need not look any further than our still closest ally, Great Britain.
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Obama Administration Sets The Stage For Bogus Asylum Seekers To Take America By Storm”

Put The Blame On Santa Claus

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

The Copenhagen Climate Summit imploded on its second day over the lethal ‘Danish text” leak of the draft agreement, which further empowers First World nations over the developing and undeveloped nations, sidelines the UN and dumps the Kyoto Protocol. As the screaming developing nations let off CO2 like weenies on a grill amidst all the limos and private jets of the attendees, the Northern hemisphere is gripped in Winter’s snowy embrace while it is still Fall. Global warming is dead and it’s too late to switch back to the Global Cooling of the ‘70s. The only control freak Globalist thing left on their humanity hating agenda is Climate Change with which to bludgeon us into shivering serfs.

The Summit started off with the usual political correct nonsense of Christmas trees being banned since it is a socialist rich, post Christian environment where nothing as crass as trees sacrificed for bourgeoisie sentimentality is allowed. To paraphrase C. S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, in the bizarro world of the socialist, it’s always Winter and never Christmas.
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Put The Blame On Santa Claus”

Iran Demands Nurses In Bolivia Wear Hijabs

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

On Wednesday, November 24, Iranian demands that female nurses don the hijab in response to Iran’s providing $1.2 million for funding of the new El Alto city hospital in Bolivia sparked a national outcry among women’s rights advocates within Bolivia. In an international teleconference in La Paz held between Bolivian President, Evo Morales, and Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to celebrate the hospital’s opening, nurses were shown wearing hijabs as part of their new uniform regulations.

This imposition of political Islamic pseudo-religious attire from another country is causing a rift within Bolivian political ranks. Even though the Morales administration is the profoundly socialist MAS party, the Iranian demand is still seen as an affront on Bolivian cultural integrity especially in a country with a Roman Catholic majority.

Lourdes Millares, the Deputy for the Democratic and Social Power Party called the Iranian hijab demand, “…an assault on the dignity of women…” and excoriated Morales for, “…submission to the rules of another government.”
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Iran Demands Nurses In Bolivia Wear Hijabs”

Giving Thanks On Thanksgiving Day 2009

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

There are so many truly awful things going on the world today that it is easy to get overwhelmed and downhearted. For one thing, it seems that no matter how much We the People protest against the socialist agenda juggernaut going on in our nation’s Capital, all our respective representatives-turned-dictatorial-lawgivers snort is “Whee! The people…?” This last being squealed as they lift their snouts from the public tax dollar trough in disgust at our kicking and screaming as we refuse to be robbed further or be dragged into their nightmare version of a command economy.

Then there are the leftist cultural and institutional attacks on Christianity, the shredding of the US Constitution, the governmental corruption and lawlessness, the voter fraud, the rapidly devaluing US dollar, the crumbling of the housing market, our devastated economy, the unemployment, the loss of our manufacturing base, illegal immigration, domestic spontaneous jihad syndrome attacks, you name it!
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Giving Thanks On Thanksgiving Day 2009″

This Chick Does Flicks: 2012

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

I’m not given to laughing at inappropriate moments in movies, especially when it’s literally the end of the world, but no one warned me that within the current disaster mega hit 2012 there lurks such utter and impossible physical lunacy that all you can do is laugh. When 2012’s sneak peek trailer was released earlier this year, it went viral on the web precisely because the trailer defied belief what with it’s violent upheaval special effects, star John Cusak’s crazy limo driving and Tom McCarthy’s sudden ability to segue from inexperienced student pilot to a Millennium Falcon flight jockey thanks to a massive overdose of adrenalin form which he probably is still recovering…recovering that is if his character hadn’t gone into the meat grinder gears of a later day Noah’s Ark right towards the end.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. The official 2012 web site has a synopsis so it’s worth quoting if only to get the minimal divorced-daddy-who-still-secretly-loves-his-wife-and-kids-saves-them-against-all-the-laws-of-physics-and-current-boyfriend-of-ex-wife-and-lives-happily-ever-after human interest subplot. To wit: Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists and governments. “2012″ is an epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors.
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This Chick Does Flicks: 2012″

Burning Man Obama Is A Flaming Shame

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

U.S. President Barack Obama is scheduled to arrive in Beijing, China on Sunday, November 15 and in preparation for the event, Chinese artist Liu Bolin constructed and then set alight his eerily evocative “Burning Man Obama” sculpture which he claims represents Obama’s worldwide influence.
Showing his admiration, Liu Bolin said, “Obama is a very interesting and perspective leader. He is so hot now that I decided to impress this in “Burning Man Obama” work. Yes, setting something on fire can have negative connotations, but this piece represents energy and life that Obama has given to the world. We’re eager to see what he can do for China and U.S. relations.”
Made of bronze and modeled after an Obama Time Magazine “Man of the Year” cover, the statue is peppered with tiny holes for gas flames which engulf the statue giving it a nightmarish and satanic look unintended by the artist.

Fiery flames are one of the “Twelve Symbols” found on Chinese Imperial robes. It represents the Summer Solstice and the renewable energy of the emperor himself. However, the main impression of the work is one of unintended consequences. Because it deals with a controversial political figure both at home and abroad, it speaks immediately to the viewer’s own political orientation.

In other words, Bolin’s work is very much like Obama himself in that it is a blank slate on which to write one’s own perceptions. It doesn’t elevate the viewer like great art but relies on the shock value of an uncontrolled, undisciplined energy. It confirms the viewer’s own primal orientation towards fire, not as a source of light and energy as represented by contained symbolism inherent within candles, oil lamps or halos of spiritual enlightenment, but as an out-of-control, destructive, consuming beast gobbling up the very person it seeks to honor.
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Burning Man Obama Is A Flaming Shame”

Who would you rather have with you as a back-up in that dark alley?

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

London’s flamboyant, bike-commuting mayor, Boris Johnson, did something rather extraordinary earlier this week in that criminal paradise known as the UK where self-defense and “have-a-go heroes” face prosecution for stopping crimes before the police can get there purposely too late in order to just have to fill out paperwork. In the UK, where everyone basically quails before the whims of the violent, Boris Johnson confronted a gang of teenage girls (one armed with an iron bar), who were threatening an older woman.

With his reputation as an out-of-control rugby player still hanging around him like a miasma, big, burly Johnson sped up on his bike to help the founder of the environmentalist 10:10 campaign and film director, Franny Armstrong (The Age of Stupid) as the wolf pack of girls descended on her. The girls, not used to meeting resistance from anyone, dropped their weapon and fled.

Armstrong, who was a supporter of Johnson’s mayoral rival, “Red” Ken Livingston, was clearly impressed when she said, “If you find yourself down a dark alleyway and in trouble, I think Boris would be of more use than Ken.”
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Who would you rather have with you as a back-up in that dark alley?”

What’s So Happy About Halloween This Year?

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

The terror of ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties and things that go “Bump” in the night hasn’t got anything on the real life fright Americans are experiencing nine months into the Obama Administration. One could look at the title of this article and substitute Thanksgiving and/or Christmas too because it is only going to get worse if Obamacare is passed.

The “Pedophile Protection Act” just got signed into law as a rider to a defense spending bill. Our men are dropping like flies in Afghanistan as Obama dithers around on the golf course. US workers are losing their jobs, their homes, their currency, their privacy and if Obama unconstitutionally signs that Globalist climate control Treaty of Copenhagen in December, their sovereignty and freedom to a one world government predicated on massive redistribution of wealth to Third World countries, anarcho-tryanny through demonization of native First World populations if they fight against unrestricted immigration from hostile and aggressive foreign cultures and peoples and grotesquely criminal governmental corruption paid for by the fiscal enslavement of producing workers for generations to come.

The American Dream is turning into a nightmare but, hey, First Lady Michele Obama is on the December cover of Glamour Magazine, sans her usual boob belt, and inside chirping on about how “cute” doesn’t make it in the long haul. In light of the utter hash her husband is making of the US Presidency, perhaps we need to revisit Thomas Paine’s comment that, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” because what Barack Obama is doing to this country isn’t cute either although it has long haul repercussions.
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What’s So Happy About Halloween This Year?”

Anita MonCrief – A Modern David Takes on The Obama/ACORN Goliath

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

On Tuesday, October 20, 2009, in a teleconference for bloggers hosted by Andrew Breitbart of Breitbart TV and BigGovernment.com and ACORN whistle-blower, Anita MonCrief, the launch of Ms MonCrief’s defense fund website, Fight for Anita, (http://fightforanita.com/) was announced.

A brief description of Anita’s website, which was included in the invitation, read, “ACORN is doing everything it can to intimidate Anita and others like her from telling the public what they know about ACORN. In June 2009, Project Vote and ACORN filed a lawsuit against Anita to try to get her to stop talking. The defense fund, Fight for Anita was created to help Anita with her very expensive legal fees during this crucial battle for Anita’s First Amendment rights so that she may continue to tell her brave story.”

The Fight for Anita site is as direct and as straightforward as the lady is herself. Anita never wanted the publicity, legal persecution or notoriety of whistle blowing on ACORN, Project Vote and ultimately President Obama himself. However, her innate honesty, patriotism and the very same idealism that led her to work for ACORN in the first place, also gave her the strength and courage to reject and expose the corruption, voter fraud and thuggery she saw around her.
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Anita MonCrief – A Modern David Takes on The Obama/ACORN Goliath”

Chessboxing Latest Addition To Competitive Sports

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

One thing that I love about the British is that when they take a cultural idea, no matter how off-the-wall from another nation, that idea somehow morphs into something far grander than the original concept before it hits our shores. And so it is with Chessboxing, the latest hybrid competitive sport gaining popularity in the UK. Originally theorized in a comedy routine by Serbian comic, Enki Bilal, and first staged before a crowd of 800 in a church in 2003 by Dutch artist, Iepe Rubingh, Chessboxing consists of 11 rounds of alternating speed chess and boxing with the chess segments four minutes long and the boxing segments three minutes long. The winner is determined by whoever knocks out their opponent first either through checkmate or a finishing punch, the judge’s decision or if one of the opponents exceeds 12 minutes of chess time.
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Chessboxing Latest Addition To Competitive Sports”

Illegal Immigrant Detentions To Be Scaled Back To Just The Violent And Threatening

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, will announce later this week that, in order to cut back on the cost of incarceration of illegal aliens in America’s jails, the 40%, which are nonviolent, will be placed in cheaper hotels and nursing homes instead. This comes on the heels of a new reclassification of illegals according to the threats they pose or the crimes that they have already committed. Those not considered dangerous are women, children and non-offenders but if the DHS does not maintain lock-downs on the participating hotels and nursing homes, then this latest program is nothing more than a new variant of “catch-and-release”.

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Illegal Immigrant Detentions To Be Scaled Back To Just The Violent And Threatening”

Drugged Out Of One’s Gourd

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Poor Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown of the UK has been the subject of some scurrilous web rumors lately that he is “self-medicating” by popping pills in order to “get himself through” his high pressure/low respect days. Who could blame Brown, if he took to at least the bottle after not only being snubbed five times in a row to get a bilateral conference with US President Barack Obama but ended up disgracing himself and his country over the Lockerbie bomber release-for-oil fiasco earlier on? Brown strikes me as a scotch and soda sort of fellow, who drinks in private but that old adage about never drinking alone because, if discovered, it will only arouse pity comes to mind here.

Normally, web rumors are just that and usually go no further especially in a country where the media works hand-in-hand with the government. The pro-Labour BBC is solidly leftist these days so Brown was not expecting the sucker punch live interview question on BBC TV by UK political presenter, Andrew Marr, when Andrew asked point blank, “…something everybody has been talking about in the Westminster village… A lot of people in this country use prescription painkillers and pills to help them get through. Are you one of them?”

Brown, of course, reacted in outrage because the insinuation carries behind it the acknowledgment that Labour has lost the approval of the media. Earlier in the week the UK’s political Rasputin of the Left, Business Secretary, Lord Mandelson, commented that he could easily work with the Tories should have let everyone know that Labour’s days in power are numbered.

Andrew Marr’s question is also interesting on a different level because, quite frankly, it needs to be asked of all the world’s current leaders. Drugs, booze, decadent excess, jet lag and plain old mental instability would go a long way in explaining why we’re all in this hand basket and where we are all going.
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Drugged Out Of One’s Gourd”

A Sneak Peek Inside Obama’s Presidential Diary

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Just a typical Wednesday, 2009:

6:30 am: Rise and Shine! Push-ups, sit-ups and cinch Michelle into her latest thick leather belt. Man! That woman looks more and more like a plow horse every day! I’ve got to talk her out of those harnesses!

7:00 am: See the girls before they go off to that private Sidwell Friends School of theirs. Those girls deserve the best!

7:15 am: Sneak a cigarette and sign papers killing vouchers for school choice. Who do those parents think they are by keeping their children out of the public school indoctrination into MY Personality Cult like that?
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A Sneak Peek Inside Obama’s Presidential Diary”

Democrats Can Dish It Out But They Can’t Take It

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

How soon Democrats forget! Didn’t we just finish up eight non-stop, miserable, name-calling, hate-filled, invective-slinging years by them aimed at President Bush and his policies? We are not just talking about the Daily Kossacks’ “Chimpy McHitler” taunts either. We’re talking Senator Harry Reid on record calling President Bush a “liar”, Senator John Kerry insulting US troops in Iraq by referring to them as “stuck” there because they obviously failed at school and Rep. John Murtha attacking US Marines for the fictional Haditha Massacre.

Let’s not forget the entire Main Stream Media banging the anti-war, anti-Bush drum incessantly either. Somehow Abu Ghraib was Bush’s fault as was Hurricane Katrina and global warming. One has only to go to a 2006 posting on Democratic Underground to see a thread offering new and exciting (to them) insults to be leveled at President Bush and the GOP.

Yet one lousy but brilliant poster of President Obama tricked out as the Joker in Batman with the word “Socialism” underneath and the Left falls apart. Why? Because the dead eyes of Obama correlated perfectly with the anarchy that he is unleashing on America with his Nanny State policies. In other words, it was believable! The Left had already used the same iconography to smear President Bush but it never took because Bush was still perceived as upholding American values.
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Democrats Can Dish It Out But They Can’t Take It”

A Teachable Moment Concerning Obama Quotations

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

As the controversy surrounding President Obama’s September 8 education speech to the nation’s school children starts dying down, it’s easy for adults and even parents to forget that what was seemingly short, innocuous and narcissistic on the surface has a follow-up program of indoctrinating American children into the Cult of Obama. The speech is over, the lesson plans are just beginning and it’s going to be nine whole months of “Obama-this” and “Obama-that” for those students stuck in our ignorance factories a.k.a US public schools.

Originally, the main lesson plan was to have students follow-up their viewing of Obama’s “I-Me-Mine” oration with essays detailing how each student could personally “help Obama” achieve the President’s goals. However, that smacked too much of turning little Johnny and Janie Q. Public into junior enforcers of socialist engineering. Instead the essay was neutered to merely describing the student’s educational goals. Considering that most students have been trained to not only be dumber than dirt but to be eager participants in our current toxic culture, Obama’s exhortations to study, work hard and invent things must have come as quite a shock. Here they were expecting to be able to rhapsodize about becoming the next bling-laden rapper or Hollywood tartlet and instead now have to lower their expectations to pharmacist and secretary. Unless, of course, they can’t spell those types of careers and have to ask their teacher to suggest something like “brain surgeon” or “rocket scientist” in order to maintain self-esteem.
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A Teachable Moment Concerning Obama Quotations”

Left Abandons Women’s Rights In Favor Of Islam

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

What do aging pop-star, Madonna, and Harper’s Bazaar have in common besides an obsession with the House of Balmain? How about rank ignorance of non-Western political agendas? Madonna just got booed while on the Bulgaria section of her latest tour not for her minimal talents but for making unwarranted, politically correct statements about the status and treatment of gypsies. She pushed the tolerance line to people, who weren’t buying because they have extensive dealings with the lawlessness, crime, fraud, drug dealing, vandalism and human trafficking that have made the Romany communities notorious all over the EU.

The 2009 September issue of Harper’s Bazaar has an article titled France’s Burkha Ban Uncovered with the usual leftist tripe that banning French burkhas equals religious bigotry by the war correspondent, Janine di Giovanni, whose cost-of-war stories always seem to tilt towards being pro-Islamic and anti-Western. So when such supposedly sophisticated taste makers like Madonna and Harper’s Bazaar don’t bother to consider the ramifications of their leftist opinions, is it any wonder then that articles like Twice Branded: Western Women In Muslim Lands by Vanity Fair editor, Judy Bachrach start showing up wondering why our Western governments do not go to women’s aid when they fall victim to Islamic misogyny?
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Left Abandons Women’s Rights In Favor Of Islam”

Pot Calls Kettle Black: News at 11

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Hey, greetings fellow Obama critics, or should I say, fellow racists? Yes, that’s right; if you so much as dare to breathe even a scintilla of critical analysis about the national disaster train wreck that is President Obama and his socialist agenda for America, you are now a racist. Just ask the grindingly prejudiced Southern Poverty Law Center or Cuba’s why-isn’t-he-dead-yet Fidel Castro or Hollywood hackette Janeane Garofalo. They’ve demonized you nine ways to Sunday so own up to being a demon and get on with your life…preferably marginalized, ignored, unwashed, unloved and ridden out of town on a rusty rail.

It’s their America now, not yours, peasant, so shut-up when our oh-so-corrupt rulers legally loot the public treasury at their convenience. Corrupt? Did I say corrupt? I beg your pardon! It’s “morally challenged” in the brave new world of socialist double-speak.

Remember all the true moral outrage of real Americans at the Town Hall meetings especially aimed at the elected members of the Jackass Party? Authentic, spontaneous and honest Town Halls are slated for extinction because Democrats can’t stand the smell of real people. Right, Senator Harry Reid? Since Democrats are quick studies get set for stage-managed pro-Obama rallies, where political dissent will be a thing of the past because Obama’s Union thugs will make sure to beat it out of you.
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Pot Calls Kettle Black: News at 11″

Fashion Police In UK Impose Burkinis On Non-Muslims

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Summer 2009 may be half way over but there’s still time to work on that tan down by the public swimming pool. Unless, of course, you happen to live in the UK and then sunburn and tan lines will be the least of your worries. It turns out that non-Muslim recreational swimmers must adhere to sharia approved swim wear or be turned away from taxpayer funded municipal pools and state schools. It’s the UK’s latest move to accommodate its increasingly demanding, never-satisfied, always-probing-for-weaknesses Islamic community.

With such blatant favoritism guaranteed to stir up even greater antipathy towards Muslims than already exists, the politically correct pool fool administrators across the country are now insisting on sex-segregated access, that men, yes men, “…cover themselves from the navel to the knee…” and that women show only their faces, hands and feet. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t Muslim; you either wear “modest” Muslim approved dress during the days or hours designated for Muslim swimmers or you don’t so much as dip your big toe in the water.

Large, baggy swim wear for men has been a regrettable sportswear staple for years and even topping those trunks off with a tee shirt won’t impede the swimmer too much. However, on the distaff side of the equation, form fitting wet suits aren’t modest enough and Doctor Denton jammies are right out because they have drop door rear ends. So it’s the burkini for you, baby, or else!
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Fashion Police In UK Impose Burkinis On Non-Muslims”

Martha’s Vineyard 2009 Vacation Style Tip Do’s and Don’ts For President Obama and His Posse

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Mark Twain’s cynical comment that, “No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.” is even truer today than when he first uttered those words in 1866. So, America, let’s all let out a collective sigh of relief that our increasingly kleptocratic Congress is currently in recess! Time to hit the beach and frolic in the waves just like our President and Representatives!

Oh, wait, we can’t. We’re too busy clinging to our jobs to take time off for fun, working two jobs to pay for the ever-increasing cost of living or too broke from being unemployed to go any where for vacation this year. Bummer. Guess we’ll just have to live vicariously through watching our hardly-working, always-traveling, apologist-in-Chief, President Obama, and the DC Ruling Elites splash about for us in one of America’s most exclusive, swank and expensive vacation spots ever, Martha’s Vineyard.

Beloved by preppy snobs of either party, Martha’s Vineyard is a pricey haven away from the common herd. It’s been the vacation get-away for celebrities and politicians for decades and it’s not uncommon for the likes of Kate Jackson, Steve Tyler, Reese Witherspoon, Beyoncé Knowles and Meg Ryan to bump into Senator John Kerry, President Bill Clinton and Senator Ted Kennedy.
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Martha’s Vineyard 2009 Vacation Style Tip Do’s and Don’ts For President Obama and His Posse”

Political Correctness Is Purposely Making The UK Nuttier Than A Fruitcake

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Last week, in my article titled “Every Day Is A Bad Hair Day When You Send The Wrong Signals”, I explored the unhealthy appeasement to the Muslims in the UK’s Avon and Somerset Islamic communities by the secular state police force issuing head scarves to its female officers for their use when entering mosques on police business. I argued that by stripping female police and Community Support Officers of part of their uniforms, I held that they effectively lost an important part of the power inherent in those uniforms.

I then went on to mockingly write, “So, police women of Avon and Somerset in the UK and eventually Dearborn, MI and Huston, TX in the US, today it’s the scarf but maybe tomorrow it’s the burqa even topped off with the niqab.” So you can imagine my precognitive shock to find out that this week the South Yorkshire police force in Sheffield, UK actually ordered three of their non-Muslim female police officers to forsake their uniforms entirely and don burqas with two of the three also having to wear the niqab as well!

In what is an appallingly unilateral exercise called “In Your Shoes” geared specifically to understand the Muslim community better, Sergeants Deb Leonard, Deb Pickering and Police Community Support Officer Helen Turner all had to smile and say “cheese” as they sported burqas for a photo op before going out into the streets to be stared at in disbelief by their more rational fellow countrymen. Naturally, the three literally undercover policewomen were accompanied by four Muslim women guides, who eagerly explained Islam to them more than likely figuring that if they are dressing the part then they are ripe for conversion.
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Political Correctness Is Purposely Making The UK Nuttier Than A Fruitcake”

Every Day Is A Bad Hair Day When You Send The Wrong Signals

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

While the rest of the fashion world is buzzing about US First Lady Michelle Obama’s new up do that took her from a Laura Petrie wannabe into the Victoria Beckham top not crowd, a bizarre little news story about a disturbing trend in British headwear has largely gone unnoticed. Yet the implications of the article are far reaching and an ultimate threat to the authority of police women in all Western countries.

So let’s visit the seemingly obliging police force of Avon and Somerset in England to see how the secularist state’s mania for political correctness has come up with an uncalled for catering to Islamic “sensitivity” concerning community relations. In a move that only those in love with subservient dhimmitude status can dream of, non-Muslim police women in Avon and Somerset now are issued with headscarves to wear when they enter local mosques on police business. There are somber black scarves for police uniforms and blue ones for Police Community Support Officers.

Naturally, Muslims were delighted to be consulted especially since modern Islamic headscarves are a sign of political resistance to Western culture and not a religious requirement although politically minded Muslim women within the UK’s police and medical establishments already clamored for and got uniform style hijabs accepted for their professions. No matter what the sex of the wearer, when you strip away a part of a police officer’s uniform, you symbolically strip away the power and the authority of the office. It’s the same reason why security guards’ uniforms so closely resemble police uniforms; there is power inherent in the outfit. Police uniforms are a visible sign of authority, which carries not only the full support and approval of the state, but also the compliance and respect of the citizenry.
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Every Day Is A Bad Hair Day When You Send The Wrong Signals”

Static Culture, Static Fashion

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

There was an odd, little fashion show held in late June in Paris in the underground ballroom of the George V Hotel that was both a comic, costume exercise in futility and an attempt to drag Saudi religious and cultural sensibilities into the 21st Century. Fresh on the heels of French President Nicholas Sarkozy’s proclaiming that the enshrouding burqa was “…not welcome…” on the streets of the French Republic, Dior haute couture designer John Galliano, the French design houses of Nina Ricci and Jean Claude Jitrois and the Italian labels Blumarine and Alberta Ferretti valiantly tried to remake the Saudi Arabian abaya into a playful, more modern version of its black, drab, overcoat-like self.

The show’s organizer was the general manager of Saks Fifth Avenue in Saudi Arabia, Dania Tarhini. She was obviously thinking of her wealthier and more worldly-wise clients when she stated, “I realized that most of the Saudi clients are wearing designer brands, but they’re covered by a black abaya. It is an obligation to wear the abaya there, but let them feel good about it.”
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Static Culture, Static Fashion”

Ten Cost Cutting Suggestions for California

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Poor Kal-ee-for-nee-ah Governor Ahnold Schwarzenkennedy! He may have an “R” after his name politically but he’s been running California like a liberal for years now. However, it is finally catching up with him; as of July 1st California went from a state of great weather and fabulous scenery to one of fiscal emergency. Facing a $24.3 billion shortfall in the state’s budget, Governor Schwarzenegger called a special session of the state legislature on June 30th to close the gap but the state’s Republicans held firm against the frantic demands of the tax-tax-tax, spend-spend-spend and spend some more Democrats.

Now California’s vendors and local agencies will be getting IOUs instead of state checks We can also expect needed services and providers like police, firemen and health care workers to get the axe while Sacramento fat cats on six-figure salaries bloviate about the need to cut corners “somewhere”.
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Ten Cost Cutting Suggestions for California”

Busby Burqa’s Fashion Follies

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

The French definitely know fashion. From the elegance of Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent to the theatricality of Jean Paul Gaultier, they know how to dress the female form. Even their First Lady, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, was a fashion model and earned up to $7.5 million a year during the ‘90s for strutting the catwalks of such designers as Sonia Rykiel, Christian Dior, Karl Lagerfeld, Givenchy and Christian Lacroix.

So it should come as no surprise then that France’s President, Nicholas Sarkozy, has gone on the offensive against a growing trend among France’s female Islamic population of donning the totally enshrouding, personality obliterating, head-to-toe garment with mesh over the eyes known as the burqa or it’s “kinder” slits-for-the-eyes cousin, the niqab.
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Busby Burqa’s Fashion Follies”

This Isn’t The Future We Were Promised

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Way back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, way back before personal computers, way back before cyberspace became the new frontier, there was Science Fiction and I was addicted to it. I read everything that I could get my hands on. I cut my baby teeth on Jules Verne and H.G. Wells but came to love all of Isaac Asimov’s works, read Heinlein until dizzy, lingered over Ray Bradbury’s prose-poetry, consumed A. E. Van Vogt, enjoyed Kurt Vonnegut’s quirky extrapolations, got into compare-and-contrast mode between Aldous Huxley and George Orwell’s dystopias, fantasized my way through Tolkein and C.S. Lewis and always made a beeline for anything written by Theodore Sturgeon, Philip K. Dick, Fritz Leiber, Harlan Ellison and Larry Niven. I was the first in line at the local news agent for the latest monthly editions of Amazing Adventures, Analog, and Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine.

At Disneyland, while other kids raced up Main Street to enter Fantasyland or Adventureland, I would always hit Tomorrowland first. Specifically, I headed straight for the “Rocket to the Moon” ride with its imaginative walk-through area showing an audio-animatronics mock-up of NASA’s Houston Control Center, where my father had been responsible for the real-life computer installation and set-up. Then it was into the ride’s circular rocket chamber amphitheater with in-the-middle movie screens on floor and ceiling “showing” your out-of-this-world flight to around the Moon and back. The seats were on a hydraulic system so that when you “blasted off”, you would “sink down” from the force of acceleration then lightly “lift up” to simulate a floating feeling of anti-gravity.
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This Isn’t The Future We Were Promised

This Chick Does Flicks: Terminator Salvation

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Directed by Joseph “McG” McGinty Nichol and starring gritty, post apocalyptic warriors, Christian Bale and Sam Worthington, Terminator Salvation, is a fine way to start off Summer 2009’s rollercoaster of action films. Now right from the start I thought that The Terminator was scary and amazing. Then along came the even more satisfying and hair raising Terminator 2: Judgment Day followed by the somewhat forgettable Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. However, Terminator Salvation opens up a whole new dystopic Terminator future world of man-munching special effects determined to obliterate human kind.

Terminator Salvation starts out calmly enough in 2003 when death row inmate, Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), signs over his pre-lethal-injection body to dying-of-cancer Dr. Serena Kogan (Helena Bonham Carter), who promises Wright that, “You will live again!” but doesn’t go into details. Fast forward 15 crazy years and it’s now the fried and crispy critter post-nuclear world of 2018 run by that Deux-et-machina wannabe, the self-aware Skynet, doing its level best to make sure that what few surviving humans are left go completely carbon neutral before their time.
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This Chick Does Flicks: Terminator Salvation”

Connecting Some Dots

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

As the American Main Stream Media, public in general and conservative talk show hosts in particular lose interest in the on-going saga of bumptious talk show host, Michael Savage, being banned from Great Britain because of his political beliefs, a small news article and a newsletter alert popped up today that may seem disparate but added together form a troubling pattern. Blame it on the twelve-day shelf life of news stories when fickle public attention finally wanders away but Michael Savage’s story may soon segue from one man’s struggle to every man’s struggle to preserve their freedom of speech, thought and political beliefs within and without their own country.

Currently the only ones in America still making a major flap over Michael Savage’s unfair treatment by British Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith’s, arbitrarily placing him on the UK’s “Least Wanted” list of banned travelers is Michael himself. He, of course, is rightly obsessed with it and no can blame him. He thunders daily on his show, excoriating Smith, England and the Limbaughs, Hannitys and Levins of his radio genre that are doing nothing to support him.
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Connecting Some Dots”