Apple CEO Who Hates Indiana Christians Happily Does Business With Countries That Execute Gays, Stone Women

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apple CEO Tim Cook is making a particular point this week to attack Christians in Indiana calling them “dangerous,” but it seems he has no problem at all selling his products in Muslim-led countries that kill gays for being gay and stone women when they are raped. Nor does he have a problem making his product in China, the world’s leading violator of human rights.

Clearly Tim Cook is a huge hypocrite… like all liberals are.

If you tool over Cook’s Twitter feed, you’ll see several Tweets of him whining about Indiana’s Religious Restoration of Freedom Act–a law just like those in 30 other states, states that no leftist is seeking to boycott.

Here is a screenshot of Cook’s Tweets…
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Apple CEO Who Hates Indiana Christians Happily Does Business With Countries That Execute Gays, Stone Women”

Those Against Indiana’s Religious Freedom Law are Either Ignorant or Liars

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have to be straight forward right at the outset on this faux controversy over the new Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Those losing their tiny minds about it are either wholly ignorant of what is in the law, or know full well what is in it and are lying about the law in order to push their anti-Christian, gay-supporting agenda. There can be no other choice, here.

Firstly, before we even get to the case in Indiana, to act as if this whole idea is “new” is specious. Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRA) have been around since President Bill Clinton signed one in the 1990s.

The first such law was signed in 1993 by Bill Clinton and was passed unanimously by the House of Representatives where it was sponsored by no less than New York’s Chuck Schumer, now one of the farthest left Senators in Washington D.C.

Furthermore, 30 other states have RFRA laws just like Indiana’s or other laws that offer RFRA-like protections–including liberal states like Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Washington state, and Illinois.
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Those Against Indiana’s Religious Freedom Law are Either Ignorant or Liars”

University Apologizes for Racist ‘Black Santa’ Display

-By Warner Todd Huston

If Santa were black would you be afraid to let him come down your chimney? Or would he only visit “the hood”? These are some of the questions asked in a racist Christmas display at Indiana University. Needless to say, the university has apologized for the debacle.

The controversial display featured a banner headline that asked, “Can Santa be a black man?” And all the type was white… except for the word “black” which was helpfully colored black to, you know, slam that message home.

The display featured stockings with messages on them. One said “If Santa is a black man, would you let him come down your chimney?” and another said “If Santa Claus is a black man, wouldn’t he only visit the ghetto?”

Naturally, the display got everyone mad, as well it should.
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University Apologizes for Racist ‘Black Santa’ Display”

Muslim Indiana Congressman: US Schools Should Use Koran as ‘Foundation’ Like Madrassas Do

-By Warner Todd Huston

Democrat Congressman Andre Carson of Indiana has a new plan for America’s schools. They should be retooled using the Islamic Madrassa as a model and their “foundation” should be the Muslim holy book the Koran.

Rep. Carson made these suggestions at the annual convention of the Islamic Circle of North America held in Hartford, Connecticut on May 26. This year’s convention theme seems to have been “Our Family, Our Home & Our Destiny” and Carson took this concept to heart in his plan to remake American schools into a nation of Madrassas.

Can anyone imagine the outcry from the left and the Old Media both if a Republican Congressman had made the suggestion that our grade schools and high schools should be remade into Bible-pushing centers?
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Muslim Indiana Congressman: US Schools Should Use Koran as ‘Foundation’ Like Madrassas Do”

VIDEO: Richard Mourdock For U.S. Senate, Indiana

-By Warner Todd Huston

(With the recent defeat of Richard Lugar, Richard Mourdock now has the nomination of his party for Senate. Here is my interview with Mr. Mourdock from CPAC this year.)

Richard Mourdock is in a GOP Primary in Indiana that we should all pay close attention to. Mourdock is primarying long-time, mushy moderate Senator Dick Lugar — he of the constant thumb in the eyes of his conservative constituents.

If Mourdock can defeat Lugar, we will have a far more conservative voice from Indiana in the U.S. Senate and that is something we sorely need.

Mourdock is also a solid and impressive candidate, so let’s hear it for Richard Mourdock…

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VIDEO: Richard Mourdock For U.S. Senate, Indiana”

Court Watching: 2008 Democrat Vote Fraud in Indiana and Virginia

-By Warner Todd Huston

This month two states, Indiana and Virginia, have indicted Democrats and convicted felons on charges of vote fraud during the 2008 election cycle.

While reading these, remember that the left says there is no vote fraud in the USA…

In Indiana four St. Joseph County Democrat officials have had charges filed against them for allegedly forging Obama primary petitions during the 2008 election.

Authorities charge that the scheme to submit the fake petitions for Obama was hatched at the local county Democrat headquarters.
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Court Watching: 2008 Democrat Vote Fraud in Indiana and Virginia”

VIDEO: J.D. Miniear, Indiana 7th Congressional District

-By Warner Todd Huston

Next in my Challengers Series of videos taken at this year’s CPAC is a few minutes with J.D. Miniear, a Republican who is vying for the GOP nomination for Indiana’s 7th Congressional District centered around the state’s biggest city — and capital — Indianapolis.

The current occupant of that seat is the odious Andre Carson, who, you may recall, has been mired in many controversies over the outrageously racist things he’s said over the years. The latest was his outrageous claim that all Tea Partiers wanted to hang blacks from trees.

As far as I am concerned, ANY Republican that takes Carson’s seat from him is a good candidate!

Still, Miniear faces a whole slew of GOP candidates. No less than seven candidates fill out the 7th CD’s primary field. Seems like an uphill climb for Mr. Miniear, for sure.
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VIDEO: J.D. Miniear, Indiana 7th Congressional District”

VIDEO: Jackie Walorski for Indiana’s Second District

-By Warner Todd Huston

The next in my Challengers Series of video interviews with candidates for Congress takes us to Indiana’s Second Congressional District. Jackie Walorski is running represent the northwestern corner of the Hoosier State — sometimes called the Michiana region.

The Second is currently held by Democrat Joe Donnelly who is not running for reelection. Donnelly is instead looking to take Richard Lugar’s Senate seat (Lugar himself faces a primary challenge by Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock).

Walorski seems a serious candidate, ready for business and well informed about the issues. She has served in the State House of Representatives for the 21st District since 2005.

Rep. Walorski just barely lost a bid to defeat Donnelly in 2010, Donnelly beating her by a mere one percent. But before that race, Walorski has quite a record of defeating candidates. Her three terms in the State House were each won handily.

So, it’s Walorski for the Indiana Second.
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VIDEO: Jackie Walorski for Indiana’s Second District”

Indiana Democrats Fleebagging Again, Abandoning Their Jobs

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again Indiana Democrats are playing the fleebagger game. Because they don’t have enough votes in the Indiana Statehouse, Hoosier Democrats are abandoning their rightful duties and fleeing the Capitol over Indiana’s right-to-work bill currently under consideration in Indianapolis.

Indiana Senate Bill 269 and House Bill 1001 would make it illegal to require workers in Indiana to join a union as a condition of being allowed to have a job. Allowing workers a choice seems like an inherently American idea, doesn’t it?

After all, how could anyone tell you that you must belong to a union or you’re not allowed to have your job? That sort of forced association seems so contrary to the American character. But forcing people to join unions just so that they can have a job is precisely what Indiana Democrats are fighting to protect.
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Indiana Democrats Fleebagging Again, Abandoning Their Jobs”

Arie Friedman Announces Candidacy for Ill. State Senate

From the Arie Friedman for 29th District Ill. State Senate campaign…

Over 100 supporters march with candidate in Buffalo Grove parade

Touching off what will likely be a referendum on last winter’s state income tax hike; Highland Park pediatrician Arie Friedman announced his candidacy for the State Senate as over 100 supporters gathered about him just before stepping off as Team Friedman in the Buffalo Grove Labor Day weekend parade.

Friedman, 45, is the only announced Republican candidate. West Deerfield Township Supervisor Julie Morrison of Deerfield, a former Republican, is the sole Democrat to have announced thus far for the 2012 race in the newly drawn 29th District, which takes in the southeast corner of Lake County and parts of Wheeling, Palatine and Northfield Townships in Cook County. Incumbent State Sen. Susan Garrett (D-29th) recently announced her retirement.

In speaking to his volunteers, Friedman called for repeal of the state income tax hike and declared repeal would be a centerpiece issue in his campaign. He noted the income tax increase would be a defining issue between him and Morrison, should she become his opponent after the March 20 primaries.
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Arie Friedman Announces Candidacy for Ill. State Senate”

An Interview With Todd Rokita, Indiana’s Fourth District

-By Warner Todd Huston

(This interview was originally a part of the interview series of the incoming GOP freshmen.)

Interview with freshman Representative Todd Rokita of Indiana’s Fourth Congressional District (Rep.-Elect at time of interview).

Being here in Chicago right adjacent to Rokita’s turf, I was already familiar with his work as Indiana’s Secretary of State and so when the RP team offered me an interview with him, I jumped at the chance.

Rokita made quite a stir in the Hoosier state with his idea of requiring voters to present a photo ID before they were allowed to vote. This law was a campaign promise he made as he ran for the Secretary of State’s office. It was a law that he got passed, too, so we already know that he has a history of fulfilling campaign promises.

Rokita was particularly proud of his voter ID law. In our conversation he noted that the left has failed repeatedly to get it thrown out by an act of the courts. “The other side really can’t find the hurt voter. And that’s one of the main reasons they keep losing. You know, we thought it through, not perfectly but well enough to where the courts just keep upholding it.”
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An Interview With Todd Rokita, Indiana’s Fourth District”

Indiana Supreme Court Eviscerates U.S. Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

Indiana’s highest court has turned against our rights and the Constitution of the United States. The Supreme Court of Indiana has just decided that the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution does not apply to the citizens of Indiana.

The court has decided that Hoosiers have no right to be safe in their own homes from illegal entry, search, and seizure by police. Indiana’s highest court has just said that Hoosier stormtroopers can invade any home at ay time and citizens have no right to resist because it is “against public policy.”

Blogger Bruce McQuain said this appalling incident in Indiana is an example of, “why you have to constantly protect your rights daily from attacks from within,” and boy is he right.
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Indiana Supreme Court Eviscerates U.S. Constitution”

A Tidal Wave of Debt

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill, 6th District)…

It’s no secret America is facing a tidal wave of debt.

We all know that Washington must stop spending money it does not have. At its current rate, Medicare will go bankrupt in just nine years. Think about that.

If we do nothing, we’re guaranteeing that Medicare and other crucial safety net programs won’t exist for the next generation.

Disturbingly, Democrats’ plan does nothing to save these programs. In fact, the White House’s own budget lets Medicare simply go bankrupt, all while increasing taxes by $1.5 trillion on job creators. That is not a serious proposal.
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A Tidal Wave of Debt”

Indiana Democrat Fleebagger’s Hotel Bill Completely Paid for by Unions

-By Warner Todd Huston

It wasn’t long ago that Indiana Democrats fled the Hoosier state so that they could avoid doing their job in the state legislature. These Democrats self-righteously claimed that they were doing this “for the people” and insisted that they should be considered as heroes. One Indiana Democrat even claimed that his running off to Illinois to luxuriate in a resort hotel was somehow just like being a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan.

Well, after weeks and weeks of patting themselves on the back as working “for the people” we now see just who these fleebagging Democrats were really working for… and it sure as heck wasn’t “the people.”

A recent campaign finance report was released that shows that the entire $84,953.70 hotel bill at the Comfort Suites Urbana was paid for by unions. That’s right, unions.
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Indiana Democrat Fleebagger’s Hotel Bill Completely Paid for by Unions”

Truth in Accounting Issues: Indiana’s ‘Financial State of the State’ – True Tax Burden $11.4 Billion

From the Institute for Truth in Accounting…

Chicago (November 29, 2010) Today, the Institute for Truth in Accounting released Indiana’s “Financial State of the State.” After an intensive review of the State’s 2010 audited financial report the Institute determined the State is in a precarious financial position because it does not have the funds available to pay $11.4 billion of the State’s commitments as they come due. Each taxpayer’s share of this financial burden equals $5,700.

Indiana state law requires a balanced budget. “If governors and legislatures had truly balanced the state’s budget, no taxpayer’s financial burden would exist,” said Sheila Weinberg, founder and CEO of the Institute for Truth in Accounting (IFTA). She continued, “A state budget is not balanced if past costs, including those for employees’ retirement benefits, are pushed into the future.”
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Truth in Accounting Issues: Indiana’s ‘Financial State of the State’ – True Tax Burden $11.4 Billion”

Union Chief Tries to Steal Civil Rights Movement

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few weeks ago AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka used the Civil Rights movement as a comparison for his union work. He wanted his audience to imagine that unionism is somehow just like the struggles for equality under the law that African Americans sought in the middle of last century. This is a disgusting attempt by Trumka to steal the mantle of Civil Rights for his money-grubbing, union thuggery.

In Washington D.C. early in March Trumka tried to glom onto Martin Luther King’s legacy and apply it to union efforts to grab luxurious healthcare and pension benefits from businesses and taxpayers alike.

“April 4 [is] the day on which Martin Luther King Jr. gave his life for the cause of public collective bargaining,” he pompously said.

Not only is this simply incorrect factually it is an outrage to say that King gave his life defending unions. We all know that King fought for the basic human rights of an entire people in a nation that had cast them into second-class citizen status, not for rich pensions, unduly high wages, and free healthcare.
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Union Chief Tries to Steal Civil Rights Movement”

Indiana Democrat Fleebagger Compares Himself to Our Soldiers

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is nothing worse than some self-interested politician acting as if his partisan political agenda makes him serving his country just like our brave soldiers at war. But here we have it from Indiana’s 69th District Democrat Dave Cheatham, one of the Hoosier State Reps that ran off to Illinois to avoid doing his job at the state capitol.

But what is worse than this cretin claiming that his running off to Illinois to stay at a resort hotel for a week on the taxpayer’s dime is somehow just like being a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan is the fact that the union thugs in the audience applauded for this politician, heartily agreeing with the whole misconception!

Representative Cheatham (and isn’t it just right that his name has CHEAT in it?) was at a union meeting with Indiana’s union-sold teachers in attendance when he told the audience that he was just like our soldiers when he ran off to Illinois. Disgustingly, the teachers in attendance gleefully clapped for the man’s conceit.

So, here you have it, Representative Cheatham saying that his running off to Illinois to sit in a resort hotel is “just like” our soldiers going off to Afghanistan.
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Indiana Democrat Fleebagger Compares Himself to Our Soldiers”

Indiana Makes Great Strides in School Choice, Pro-Life Legislation

-By Warner Todd Huston

While everyone has been focusing on the Nazi signs being carried by “teachers” in Wisconsin, Indiana’s fleebaggers have finally come home and the state’s legislature has gotten down to business. The result has been some great conservative victories for school choice and pro-choice legislation.

Hoosier Access has the finer points and details, but I’ll give an overview of two great pieces of legislation that passed down at the state’s House in Indianapolis.
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Indiana Makes Great Strides in School Choice, Pro-Life Legislation”

Ind. Republicans Spoof on Fleebagging Democrats in Satire Song

-By Warner Todd Huston

At least the GOP has been civil during this whole debate. This is not something that the wild-eyed, hatemongers on the left of the union thugs can say. Well, here are some elected GOP officials in Indiana trying to lighten the mood a bit with a spoof on the old John Denver song “Take Me Home, County Road.”

The chorus of the Hoosier’s song goes: “Bring them home to the place they belong, Indiana!”

Great stuff.

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Ind. Republicans Spoof on Fleebagging Democrats in Satire Song”

Mitch Daniels Explains Himself Well… But Having to is a Problem

-By Warner Todd Huston

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels once again did a fine job explaining himself over his recent seemingly controversial opposition to introducing any right to work laws in Indiana. Turns out he really isn’t that opposed to it, but he sure seemed to be against the idea a few days ago. He has since said his opposition was misunderstood. Unfortunately Daniels seems to be spending an awful lot of time re-explaining himself these days and this seems to auger that he is not running for president.

On the 22nd the IndyStar reported that Daniels wanted Republicans to drop the right to work law they were contemplating introducing. This report caused such conservatives as Jim Geraghty of the National Review to say, “color me extremely disappointed” in the Hoosier State’s governor.

Daniels has since clarified and also complained that the IndyStar sort of misquoted him. Now, usually I’d be the first to jump on the knock-the-media bandwagon, but in this case I don’t see how anyone could say he was misquoted in the pages of the IndyStar.
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Mitch Daniels Explains Himself Well… But Having to is a Problem”

Wisc. and Ind. Democrats: Union Cash Driving Democrats to Run and Hide

-By Warner Todd Huston

With Democrat state legislators in Wisconsin and now Indiana fleeing their states so that they don’t have to do their job — just call them fleebaggers — it would be easy to assume that Democrats are cowards. If not cowards, then petulant children throwing temper tantrums because voters did not give them a power-lock majority. But while cowardice and petulance both factor into these running donkeys their main motivation is greed. You see, if public employees lose their power then they will have no more money to give Democrats for their campaign coffers.

By far unions are the largest donors that Democrats have all up and down the line from local and state to federal. Unions spent over 50 million dollars on Barack Obama’s campaign back in 2008 and they spent another 50 million for the 2010 midterm elections.

Most specifically pubic employee unions are Democrats biggest supporters. In the last week of the 2010 election, for instance, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) spent over a million dollars to help elect Democrats. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) spent almost $400,000.
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Wisc. and Ind. Democrats: Union Cash Driving Democrats to Run and Hide”

Do We Need ‘Civil Disobedience’ In Illinois? One Blogger Thinks So

-By Warner Todd Huston

Tom Mannis of Chicago News Bench says the time has come for civil disobedience in Illinois. With the recent steep climb in income taxes bequeathed us by Illinois Democrats it is painfully obvious that our politicians in Illinois don’t care much about us. It is obvious, too, that they have a single-minded intention to destroy every last job in the state… well, except, perhaps, the jobs offered by state government and the odd union and ACORN office, anyway.

Sure the Illinois GOP voted against the giant tax hike. But some feel that was just a smoke screen and that they are secretly happy with the move.

For his part Mannis wonders where the heck the Tea Party was during this recent wild tax hike. “In Illinois,” he says, “they seemed to be asleep at the wheel in the days leading up to voting in the State Legislature for one of the worst tax hikes ever.”

But civil disobedience?
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Do We Need ‘Civil Disobedience’ In Illinois? One Blogger Thinks So”

Indiana County Throwing Man off His Own Property For Living in Camper

-By Warner Todd Huston

A county government in Indiana has decided that a man that is bothering no one, a man living a very simple lifestyle, a man living on his own property must be evicted from it. Why have these jackbooted government thugs decided that this must be done? Because the man has the gall to live so simply that he has no plumbing or electricity in the camper he is living in.

WISH TV news in Indiana told the tale of Dick Thompson, a 72-year-old man living on his own 38-acre property in Madison County. Thompson lives on the property with several horses, a dog, and a bird. He resides in an old camper that has no sewer and no electricity.

“I’m a country boy,” explains Thompson. “I just want to be left alone.”

The County claims that Thompson is “breaking ordinances and laws” because he refuses to get sewer service or electric hooked up. This is why the county has decided he is a criminal. The county has harassed Mr. Thompson with multiple court dates, threatening letters, and claims of fines and court actions. In fact, the courts told him he’d be evicted on Nov. 30 of this year.
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Indiana County Throwing Man off His Own Property For Living in Camper”

GOP’s Buyer Blasts Dem Speaker: ‘This is why the People have Thrown You Out’

Representative Steven Buyer (R, IN, 4th District) does a great job of highlighting how out of touch and anti-democratic that the Democrats in the House of Representatives in Washington really are.

More Union Resistance in Auto Industry

– By Warner Todd Huston

Here’s the scenario: The economy is in the worst shape it has been in for a generation. Your industry is in serious financial distress and people in your business are losing jobs all over the country. You happen to be working, but your union is negotiating a new contract that will affect a buyer of your plant, a buyer that might be able to keep everyone working. What do you do? Make serious efforts to negotiate or reject all offers?

If you are the UAW you cut your nose off to spite your face, apparently. At least that seems to be the case in Indianapolis, Indiana where the UAW has rejected concessions in a labor dispute at the GM plant there.

Even worse, the union recalcitrance is causing a buyer of the plant to back out putting everyone’s jobs in jeopardy.
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More Union Resistance in Auto Industry”

Video: Ind. Gov. Mitch Daniels Says Obamacare Has Devastating Consequences

Governor Daniels also offered an op ed to go with his video…

We’ve been through a global recession. Now we’re fighting through a stalled recovery. Revenues are the lowest they’ve been in half a century. Their finances a wreck, many states have effectively sunk into bankruptcy.

Indiana is still afloat. In fact, we’ve fared better than most. We continue to meet our obligations without raising taxes, and the reserves we carefully built and protected will get us through the downturn.
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Video: Ind. Gov. Mitch Daniels Says Obamacare Has Devastating Consequences”

That Stimulating Stimulus Paid for Homemade Porno?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well if this isn’t a fitting addition to the story of the stimulus what is? The University of Notre Dame in Indiana recently fired an electrical engineering professor over allegations that the prof used $190,000 in federal grant money and matching university funds to buy cameras and other equipment to make homemade porno.

Like a true hair-splitting academic, professor Oliver M. Collins is fighting his firing claiming that the university has no proof that he was the one that made the pornographic images that the university found stored on his university-owned computer. That’s right, he is clueless on how all those porn images got on his computer. Just clueless! And all those cameras he bought with the school’s money? Um… well… he’s going to take up bird watching… maybe?

Collins has filed a lawsuit claiming that the university owes him more than $75,000 in damages. But Collins was later heard telling university officials, “Hey, nice economic package you have there.” But I jest.
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That Stimulating Stimulus Paid for Homemade Porno?”

Michigan: An Oil Spill Closer to Home

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everyone is aware of the BP oil spill in the Gulf affecting all our coastal states, most especially Louisiana. But in Michigan there is an oil spill closer to home to worry residents. And surrounding states are eyeing the situation warily hoping they aren’t also affected.

Just north of the Indiana border in Battle Creek and Emmett Township, Michigan a 30-inch pipeline that carries 8 million gallons of oil per day from Griffith, Indiana to Canada ruptured spilling more than 800,000 gallons of oil into Talmadge Creek.
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Michigan: An Oil Spill Closer to Home”