From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill, 6th District)…
It’s no secret America is facing a tidal wave of debt.
We all know that Washington must stop spending money it does not have. At its current rate, Medicare will go bankrupt in just nine years. Think about that.
If we do nothing, we’re guaranteeing that Medicare and other crucial safety net programs won’t exist for the next generation.
Disturbingly, Democrats’ plan does nothing to save these programs. In fact, the White House’s own budget lets Medicare simply go bankrupt, all while increasing taxes by $1.5 trillion on job creators. That is not a serious proposal.
If we don’t manage our debt, our debt will soon forever manage us. We must act so we leave our country a place of limitless opportunity and prosperity for our kids and grandkids.
Here’s what we can do about it: educate ourselves and our neighbors about the nature of our debt and how to ensure it doesn’t ruin this country.
House Republicans’ have a new budget called the Path to Prosperity. Our Path creates jobs and economic growth, saves crucial safety net programs for future generations, and eliminates the impending tidal wave of debt. It is in stark contrast to the Democrats’ plan that ensures Medicare goes bankrupt while imposing trillions in job-crushing taxes on Americans.
I made two short videos explaining our debt and the Path to Prosperity. Please take a look at them by clicking here, and then forward this message around to your neighbors.
Educating ourselves about the debt is a big first step towards putting this country back on the right track. Thanks for watching.
A Tidal Wave of Debt
A Path to Prosperity
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