‘We Made a Mistake’: Cracker Barrel Dumps Robertson Products Then Reverses, Puts Them Back

-By Warner Todd Huston

Cracker Barrel restaurants found itself in its own Ducking hullabaloo this weekend when it bowed to pressure from militant gay groups to pull Duck Dynasty merchandise. On Friday the national restaurant chain announced it was pulling the products from its gift shop shelves but by Sunday it reversed itself announcing it had “made a mistake.”

On Friday December 20, Cracker Barrel announced on its Facebook page that it was dumping any Duck Dynasty product with Phil Robertson’s face on it.

In the posting the restaurant chain wrote the following:
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‘We Made a Mistake’: Cracker Barrel Dumps Robertson Products Then Reverses, Puts Them Back”

CNN’s Brit Twit Piers Morgan Says 1st Amend. Should Only Cover Speech HE Likes

-By Warner Todd Huston

British twit Piers Morgan, host of one of CNN’s lowest rated evening talk shows, has made it clear many times that he is wholly ignorant about the U.S. Constitution. Usually he reveals his ignorance about the Second Amendment, but this time he’s shown his stupidity about the First saying that freedom of speech shouldn’t cover speech he doesn’t like.

Foreign citizen Morgan was naturally responding to the current controversy over comments made by Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson. Morgan says that Robertson shouldn’t be allowed to have his freedom of speech or his choice of religion. Robertson should only be allowed to say what Piers Morgan thinks is proper.

Morgan idiotically jumped to his over used Twitter feed to reveal his latest nonsense saying, “Just as the 2nd Amendment shouldn’t protect assault rifle devotees, so the 1st Amendment shouldn’t protect vile bigots. #PhilRobertson.”

It is painfully clear that this interloper from England has never read the U.S. Constitution and doesn’t understand it. I guess the “ye olde English language” it was written in is too complicated for Morgan to grasp.
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CNN’s Brit Twit Piers Morgan Says 1st Amend. Should Only Cover Speech HE Likes”

‘Duck Dynasty’ Family Announcing They Will Likely Quit A&E Network

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Duck Dynasty controversy continues to roll onward. In a new statement today, it appears that the Robertson family is edging toward quitting the A&E network and putting a halt to their Duck Dynasty TV show.

As we predicted on the day the controversy over clan leader Phil Robertson’s comments in GQ magazine about gays hit the news, the family is looking like they will probably quit the network that introduced them to the country.

Not to toot my own horn, but I immediately said that the family would probably quit the show in solidarity with Phil.

Now it seems this may happen. Today the family released a statement on the whole issue and while they didn’t yet say they are quitting the show, it sure looks like that is the next step.
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‘Duck Dynasty’ Family Announcing They Will Likely Quit A&E Network”

SUSPENDED: Gay Group Attacks Duck Dynasty Star, But Ignored Hate-Filled Alec Baldwin

-By Warner Todd Huston

Gay groups don’t care about gay slurs. They care about liberalism. So, when a liberal utters a gay slur it is brushed off as unimportant. But if a conservative seems to say something bad about gays, why, it is the end of the world. That is the case here with the recent condemnation that the gay group GLAAD doled out to Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson.

The gay group GLAAD came out to excoriate Phil Robertson of A&E’s reality TV hit Duck Dynasty for his comments about gays in a hostile interview in the upcoming issue of GQ magazine.

As soon as the interview became public knowledge, GLAAD ran to Entertainment Weekly which posted the complaint in a piece with the lie-filled title, “‘Duck Dynasty’ star makes anti-gay comments; GLAAD slams.”

In the interview Robertson laid out the typical, Christian, Bible-based ideas about homosexuality and in fact just paraphrased Corinthians in his comments that homosexuality is wrong but that he still loves gays as human beings.

Before we get to GLAAD’s complaint, here is what Robertson said in the GQ interview:
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SUSPENDED: Gay Group Attacks Duck Dynasty Star, But Ignored Hate-Filled Alec Baldwin”

OUTRAGEOUS: School Bans Kid’s Christmas Poster Because it ‘Might be Religious’

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s a sales job, not a religious message!

It could be, it might be, it… isn’t religious, but the fearful authorities at a Minnesota school thought that a skeleton carton on a kid’s Christmas poster was “religious” and should be taken down.

The poster featured the cartoon character Jack Skellington from the Tim Burton movie “The Nightmare Before Christmas” but this didn’t stop the absurd authorities at the PACT Charter school in Ramsey, Minnesota from taking it down for fear of “religious” themes.

The civil rights advocacy group The Rutherford Institute has taken up the cause and sent a letter to the school warning them of their folly.
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OUTRAGEOUS: School Bans Kid’s Christmas Poster Because it ‘Might be Religious’”

Biased Reporter Uses His Media Job to Force City To Take Down Nativity Scene

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Chipley, Florida nativity scene.

A reporter for a small Florida newspaper decided that he wanted to see if he could get the city of Chipley to remove its nativity scene from public property because he claims it is somehow against the US Constitution. There is that unbiased media we are so in love with, eh?

“Reporter” Randal Seyler of the Washington County News decided to try and use his position in the media to destroy a community nativity scene when he noticed that the decoration was put up at city hall.

This biased, troublemaker ran to city hall and warned them he was going to start causing problems for the city if they didn’t remove the nativity scene.

Chipley Mayor Linda Cain was not interested in Seyler’s anti-Christmas crusade, though, so he ran to a militant atheist group that loves to file frivolous lawsuits against cities all across America.
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Biased Reporter Uses His Media Job to Force City To Take Down Nativity Scene”

Militant Atheists Force U.S. Air Force to Remove Christmas Nativity Scene

-By Warner Todd Huston

An “offensive” nativity scene at Shaw Air Force base in North Carolina.

An anti-religious and anti-Christmas atheist group has forced the U.S. Air Force to remove a nativity scene off base property at Shaw Air Force base in Sumter, South Carolina, saying it “violates the Constitution.”

The militant atheist group called Military Religious Freedom Foundation sent a letter to the Pentagon whining about the nativity scene early this month. After receiving the letter, Pentagon lawyers became afraid that the plastic Jesus in the Nativity scene would spark lawsuits.

Air Force crews removing the scene.

So, the Pentagon had the traditional religious scene removed out of fear.
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Militant Atheists Force U.S. Air Force to Remove Christmas Nativity Scene”

The Charlie Brown ‘Meaning of Christmas’ Show Would Never be Allowed Today

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you are a netcitizen of a certain age, you’ll remember the Charlie Brown TV specials. We all waited for them each year on Halloween and Christmas. It was always a highlight of our childhood years in the 60s and 70s. But if they tried to make heartwarming shows like this today the left-wing, anti-Americans and Christmas haters out there would destroy any TV network that tried it.

This TV cartoon special is so filled with traditional Christmas and Christian religious symbolism that were it made today the left would firebomb any network that tried to do it.

Take the central monologue delivered by Peanuts character Linus who quoted from the Bible to explain what the true meaning of Christmas is for all of us.
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The Charlie Brown ‘Meaning of Christmas’ Show Would Never be Allowed Today”

U.S. Post Office Celebrates Kwanzaa and Hanukkah… but NOT Christmas

-By Warner Todd Huston

The U.S.Post Office Holiday Stamps Flier

A new print ad for the U.S. Post office reminding customers about its wonderful new holiday stamps seems to be missing the “Christmas” part of the holidays. The ad features a Hanukkah menorah stamp, a Kwanzaa stamp and that wonderful standby Christian stamp… the gingerbread house. Yes, the Post Office just excluded Christmas in its ad.

The advertisement is a mailer sent to American’s homes to remind them of the holiday stamps offered by the U.S. Post Office.

As is clearly seen, the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah is celebrated by a stamp. So is the fake African American “holiday,” Kwanzaa. But instead of Christmas being celebrated, we get a gingerbread house. Where is Christmas?

As the wags at Twitchy noted, “One of these USPS holiday stamps is not like the others.”
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U.S. Post Office Celebrates Kwanzaa and Hanukkah… but NOT Christmas”

Atheists Force School to Cancel Christmas Toy Drive Because: Religion

-By Warner Todd Huston

A school in South Carolina has been forced to cancel its annual toy collection drive for the charity Operation Christmas Child by atheists who claim that the event is “religious” and therefore should not be allowed.

For the past three years East Point Academy in West Columbia, S.C., has been participating in the toy drive for needy children. But this year the school has had to cancel their participation because an atheist group sent a letter to the school threatening to sue over the false “separation of church and state” issue.

School principal, Renee Mathews, is flabbergasted by the absurd letter saying that the only “religious” part of the toy drive is the word “Christmas” in its title. Otherwise there is not a single mention of religion in anything concerning the event. It’s just a toy drive for needy kids.
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Atheists Force School to Cancel Christmas Toy Drive Because: Religion”

Ohio Court Upholds Firing of School Teacher Fired for Christian Religious Views

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Ohio Supreme Court upheld the 2011 firing of school teacher John Freshwater saying that his insistence in keeping Christian symbols in his classroom somehow violated the U.S. Constitution.

The story began all the way back in 2008 when Ohio’s Mount Vernon City Schools began the process of firing science teacher Freshwater because he had religious symbols like his personal Bible in the classroom.

The school system maintained that he was “violating” the Constitution by having Christian symbols in his public school classroom.

There was also a false report that he used heated tools to “brand” crosses onto the arms of some students. This charge was dropped years later.

Eventually the school system fired the teacher because he refused to remove the religious symbols including his personal Bible which he kept on his desk.

Now the Ohio Supreme Court is upholding that firing.
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Ohio Court Upholds Firing of School Teacher Fired for Christian Religious Views”

VIDEO: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Stars Take Over Local Church, Joke About Atheists

-By Warner Todd Huston

The good folks of your favorite TV reality show, Duck Dynasty, are holding what they call the “Duck Commander Sunday Services,” from now on. And, typical of their humorous, straightforward personalities, even made a joke at the atheists in a recent Sunday service.

The wise-cracking, Duck call-making family are holding court each Sunday at a Louisiana church and in a report by The Blaze, they are all true to form singing, preaching, and making jokes as they led their congregation in services this last weekend, on Sunday, September 1.

Willie Robertson addresses the congregation

As The Blaze reports, “‘Our attendance doubled on Sunday and I can’t tell you how many visitors told me that there is just something about White’s Ferry Road church that feels like you just came home,’ Ryan Howard, brother of Willie Robertson’s wife Korie, told TheBlaze.com in an email. He said the West Monroe church’s two Sunday morning services had over 3,000 people.”
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VIDEO: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Stars Take Over Local Church, Joke About Atheists”

California Christians Found ‘Not Guilty’ of Reading Bible Near Gov’t Offices

-By Warner Todd Huston

A court has said that a pair of Christians were “allowed” to read the Bible aloud outside the Department of Motor Vehicles in Hemet, California. Wasn’t it kind of the government courts in California to say that these Christians were allowed to have their rights to free religious expression?

Back in 2011 Mark Mackey and Bret Coronado were arrested and charged with misdemeanor offenses for reading the Bible outside the DMV location.

But on August 13, Superior Court Judge Timothy Freer found the men “not guilty” of any offenses.

Prosecutors had to prove that the men needed a permit for their Bible reading, but were not able to make that case.
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California Christians Found ‘Not Guilty’ of Reading Bible Near Gov’t Offices”

Mysterious ‘Angel’ Priest From Missouri Car Crash Revealed

-By Warner Todd Huston

On August 4 a nearly fatal car crash occurred on a Missouri highway. The driver was feared near death and called for a priest to minister to her. Suddenly a Catholic priest appeared seemingly out of nowhere, attended to her, and then mysteriously disappeared causing many to wonder just who he was and how he just vanished like that. Well, now that mystery priest has been identified.

It may have been miraculous that Father Patrick Dowling from the Diocese of Jefferson County just happened to be right where he was needed most but it wasn’t quite the sort of “miracle” that some were assuming of his appearance.

In the aftermath of the car accident in which Katie Lentz was hit head-on by a drunk driver, rescue workers feared that they wouldn’t be able to get the woman out of her mangled car in time to save her life. A priest was needed to anoint her, they felt. If she passed in the wreck, she wanted to be blessed.

Just at the right time came Father Dowling. He ministered to the stricken woman and then, when he was done, he slipped away not to be seen again.
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Mysterious ‘Angel’ Priest From Missouri Car Crash Revealed”

DOJ Defunds Youth Programs that Reference God

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s Department of Justice has summarily removed federal funding from two Louisiana youth programs, one a Young Marines program, because a local official refused to sign a pledge stating he would require the programs to ban mentions of God.

Julian Whittington, the sheriff of Bossier Parish, La., told Fox News that Obama’s Justice Office of Civil Rights defunded the Young Marines chapter and another youth program over mentions of religion. In the case of the Young Marine program, chartered in 1965, the funding was cut off because the group features an oath that mentions “God.” In the other case it was because a program for at risk youth featured a voluntary, student-led prayer session as one of its activities.

Sheriff Whittington says that the DOJ withdrew a combined $30,000 from the programs because the groups refused to remove God from their activities. The sheriff said this was evidence of the government’s “aggression and infringement of our religious freedoms.”
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DOJ Defunds Youth Programs that Reference God”

Wikipedia’s Top Hits: In America, George W. Bush’s Entry Most Controversial

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study of the most controversial entries on Wikipedia, the crowd sourced, online encyclopedia, shows that in the English language entry the most fought over is the biography of George W. Bush.

The authors of The most controversial topics in Wikipedia, a study that looked at the most controversial pages by language group, finds some topics stir passions in all cultures–such as matters of religion, God, Jesus, and Muhammad–while others are dependent on more localized matters–such as ages old ethnic conflicts and local politics.

The study looked at the pages that are fought over the most by constant behind the scenes editing by users. The most debated pages undergo what the study terms “edit wars,” which is the back and forth of “reverts,” the action of undoing what another editor added. The goal of the study was to find what subjects were most controversial by language, but also to see what topics straddled cultures.

Maybe unsurprisingly, in the English language Wiki, which is visited most heavily in the United States, the bio of George W. Bush still elicits hot controversy. Bush’s entry appears at the very top among the top ten most edited pages in English. Anarchism comes in second and Muhammad third.
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Wikipedia’s Top Hits: In America, George W. Bush’s Entry Most Controversial”

Bashing Benedict: Networks Slam Retiring Pope

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study by the Culture and Media Institute of Pope Benedict’s retirement reveals constant attacks, ridicule, and repeated allusions to scandals as ABC, CBS, and NBC reported on Benedict’s final days.

The survey reveals that the Catholic Church was repeatedly deemed “troubled,” the Church was attacked for not “modernizing,” the real-world Church was constantly compared to the fictitious world of novelist Dan Brown and his Da Vinci Code series of books, and late night TV hosts turned Benedict into a butt of jokes.

On February 11, Pope Benedict announced his retirement due to ill health setting off the big three networks into attack mode.

“From Benedict’s Feb. 11 resignation through the evening of Feb. 27, the day before it took effect, the networks referred to the Catholic Church as a troubled institution 122 times and aired the word ‘scandal’ 87 times in 112 reports. Anchors and reporters suggested that the Church must modernize (32 times) and pressed for change in issues regarding women (7 times) and gays (13 times). At times, they trivialized the first resignation of a Pope since the 1500s as ‘worthy of a Dan Brown novel’ (ABC’s Harris again.) and sensationalized it by entertaining theories about other reasons Benedict might be stepping down.”

On the lighter side, over the two-week period, network morning shows continuously aired jokes about Benedict staged by late night comedy shows such as Jimmy Fallon, David Letterman and Conan O’Brien.
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Bashing Benedict: Networks Slam Retiring Pope”

MSNBC: Why Not Let Sonia Sotomayor Become The Next Pope?

-By Warner Todd Huston

On a February 17 broadcast of MSNBC Live, panelist Chris Smith thought it would be a great idea to have U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor replace retiring Pope Benedict as head of the Catholic Church.

Smith, a contributing editor of New York magazine, thought Sotomayor would offer a “trifecta” of liberal attributes.

“Here’s a trifecta: Latin, female, American. It would do a lot of good. I mean it’s ridiculous, we’re talking about a religion here where women can’t even become priests… but it would speak to some of the issues about how the Church needs to open itself up,” Smith said.

Smith also offered another reason that Sotomayor would be a great Pope. It is because she is a Puerto Rican who lived in the Bronx and is “someone who lived in the real world.” Smith felt this “real world” life is something that “would be good for whoever is Pope.”

Smith was the only one that offered a “fantasy pick” for the new Pope. The other panelists picked current cardinals.
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MSNBC: Why Not Let Sonia Sotomayor Become The Next Pope?”

CNN’s Morgan: Both the Constitution and the Bible Need New Amendments

-By Warner Todd Huston

Piers Morgan has done it again, this time saying that both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution are “inherently flawed” and need new “amendments.”

During Morgan’s Monday, December 24 broadcast of his cable spectacle, CNN’s British import once again attacked America’s most deeply held principles by slamming both the Constitution and the Bible.

Morgan was interviewing Saddleback Church Pastor Rick Warren when he essentially went for the throat.

“Both the Bible and the Constitution were well intentioned, but they are basically, inherently flawed. Hence, the need to amend it. My point to you about gay rights, for example, it’s time for an amendment to the bible,” the CNN host said.

Naturally, Pastor Warren told the cable talker that at least he didn’t believe the Bible was flawed.

But Morgan thought it was all pretty funny. “You should compile a new bible,” Morgan guffawed.

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CNN’s Morgan: Both the Constitution and the Bible Need New Amendments”

God Hating Atheists Apparently Believe in Devil?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Portland atheist Mark Hecate is mad that someone made him look like a devil.

A pro-atheism billboard in Portland, Oregon was defaced causing the atheist group that paid for the sign upset that they had been “demonized.”

Pro-atheist billboard defaced in Portland, Oregon

The billboard featured Mr. Hecate next to the phrase, “This is what an atheist looks like.” The billboard campaign was meant to convey the idea that atheists are somehow just like you and me.

But some wag with a spraypaint can thought it would be funny to paint devil horns on ol’ Mark’s head making him into a devil.
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God Hating Atheists Apparently Believe in Devil?”

The Mayflower Compact, 1620: An American Founding Document

One of America’s earliest, religious documents, the Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. It was written by the Separatists, also known as the “Saints”, fleeing from religious persecution by King James of Great Britain. They traveled aboard the Mayflower in 1620 along with adventurers, tradesmen, and servants, most of whom were referred to as “Strangers.”

The Mayflower Compact was signed aboard ship on November 11, 1620 by most adult men (but not by most crew and adult male servants). The Pilgrims used the Julian Calendar, also known as Old Style dates, which, at that time, was ten days behind the Gregorian Calendar. Signing the covenant were 41 of the ship’s 101 passengers, while the Mayflower was anchored in what is now Provincetown Harbor within the hook at the northern tip of Cape Cod.

It is interesting to note that even as they were fleeing religious persecution, they still felt they were Englishmen and wrote their compact as Englishmen.

Here is the text of the compact as seen in William Bradford’s History Of Plymouth Plantation as written in William Bradford’s History Of Plymouth Plantation:

(Spelling and punctuation modernized)

In the name of God Amen· We whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord King James by the grace of God, of great Britain, France, & Ireland king, defender of the faith, &c

Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith & honor of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia· do by these presents solemnly & mutually in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant, & combine our souls together into a civill body politic; for the our better ordering, & preservation & furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof, to enact, constitute, and frame such just & equal laws, ordinances, Acts, constitutions, & offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most mete & convenient for the general good of the colony into which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have here under subscribed our names at Cape Cod the ·11· of November, in the year of the reign of our sovereign Lord King James of England, France, & Ireland the eighteenth and of Scotland the fifty fourth. Ano: Dom 1620


John Carver Edward Tilley Degory Priest
William Bradford John Tilley Thomas Williams
Edward Winslow Francis Cooke Gilbert Winslow
William Brewster Thomas Rogers Edmund Margesson
Isaac Allerton Thomas Tinker Peter Brown
Myles Standish John Rigsdale Richard Britteridge
John Alden Edward Fuller George Soule
Samuel Fuller John Turner Richard Clarke
Christopher Martin Francis Eaton Richard Gardinar
William Mullins James Chilton John Allerton
William White John Crackstone Thomas English
Richard Warren John Billington Edward Doty
John Howland Moses Fletcher Edward Leister
Stephen Hopkins John Goodman  

History behind the Mayflower Compact

(As compiled HERE)

The Mayflower Compact was signed on 11 November 1620 on board the Mayflower, which was at anchor in Provincetown Harbor. The document was drawn up in response to “mutinous speeches” that had come about because the Pilgrims had intended to settle in Northern Virginia, but the decision was made after arrival to instead settle in New England. Since there was no government in place, some felt they had no legal obligation to remain within the colony and supply their labor. The Mayflower Compact attempted to temporarily establish that government until a more official one could be drawn up in England that would give them the right to self-govern themselves in New England.

In a way, this was the first American Constitution, though the Compact in practical terms had little influence on subsequent American documents. John Quincy Adams, a descendant of Mayflower passenger John Alden, does call the Mayflower Compact the foundation of the U.S. Constitution in a speech given in 1802, but this was in principle more than in substance. In reality, the Mayflower Compact was superseded in authority by the 1621 Peirce Patent, which not only gave the Pilgrims the right to self-government at Plymouth, but had the significant advantage of being authorized by the King of England.

The Mayflower Compact was first published in 1622. William Bradford wrote a copy of the Mayflower Compact down in his History Of Plymouth Plantation which he wrote from 1630-1654, and that is the version given above. Neither version gave the names of the signers. Nathaniel Morton in his New England’s Memorial, published in 1669, was the first to record and publish the names of the signers, and Thomas Prince in his Chronological History of New England in the form of Annals (1736) recorded the signers names as well, as did Thomas Hutchinson in 1767. It is unknown whether the later two authors had access to the original document, or whether they were simply copying Nathaniel Morton’s list of signers.

The original Mayflower Compact has never been found, and is assumed destroyed. Thomas Prince may have had access to the original in 1736, and possibly Thomas Hutchinson did in 1767. If it indeed survived, it was likely a victim of Revolutionary War looting, along with other such Pilgrim valuables as Bradford’s now lost Register of Births and Deaths, his partially recovered Letterbook, and his entirely recovered History Of Plymouth Plantation.

The term “Mayflower Compact” was not assigned to this document until 1793, when for the first time it is called the Compact in Alden Bradford’s A Topographical Description of Duxborough, in the County of Plymouth. Previously it had been called “an association and agreement” (William Bradford), “combination” (Plymouth Colony Records), “solemn contract” (Thomas Prince, 1738), and “the covenant” (Rev. Charles Turner, 1774).

HuffPo Scolds Dems for ‘Caving’ On Reinsertion of God and Jerusalem Into Platform

-By Warner Todd Huston

It might appear odd, but Huffington Post seems to be scolding the Democrats for having “caved in” to pro-religion and pro-Israel forces in the Democrat Party for succeeding in having God and Jerusalem put back into the Democrat Party platform after they were removed earlier today.

Clearly proving that there is a great division in the Democrat Party over these two issues, Huffington Post’s headline screamed that the Democrats have become “The Pushover Party” now that God and Jerusalem have been reinserted into the party platform.

What is also clear is that Huffington Post is siding against God and Israel and saying that real Democrats don’t cave to Christians and Jews.

The day has not been good for the Democrat Party. After the Democrats were embarrassed all during the morning and afternoon of Sept. 5 over the unsettling deletions of God and Jerusalem from their platform, a voice vote was called on the floor of the convention to have God reinserted and also to have it reaffirmed that Jerusalem is the rightful capital of Israel.
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HuffPo Scolds Dems for ‘Caving’ On Reinsertion of God and Jerusalem Into Platform”

Democrats Booed Re-Insertion of God, Affirmation of Israel’s Capital in Platform

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier in the day on Wednesday, the Democrat Party suffered two embarrassments over its platform by the elimination both God and the capital of Israel from the document. Worse, when a move was made to reinsert them into the guiding positions of the party, the floor erupted in loud boos.

Earlier in the day news leaked out that the Democrat Party platform saw the word “God” removed from it. Hot on the heels of that news it was discovered that anti-Israel activists had also succeeded in removing the affirmation that Jerusalem is the rightful capital of the nation of Israel.

As the chattering classes in the news media wrangled over these deletions, the Democrat Party began to feel pressure to fix this sleight to God and our biggest Mid East ally, Israel.

The pressure built to the point where a move was made to put these items back into the platform. And so, on a voice vote from the podium at the convention, the changes were introduced to loud booing from the floor.

It was worse than a simple booing of support for Israel and God, though. The voice vote procedure was clearly rigged by the chair of the convention, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and the voice of the convention’s delegates was ignored.

With the two important issues removed from the platform, the Party needed to bring their reinsertion to a floor vote. Mayor Villaraigosa had the resolution to reinsert the words read to the convention and then called for a floor vote to approve it. The rules state that two thirds of the floor needed to agree to the change for it to be approved.

Villaraigosa’s first attempt brought as many voices saying they didn’t want God and Jerusalem back in the platform as those that did.
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Democrats Booed Re-Insertion of God, Affirmation of Israel’s Capital in Platform”

A Few Arguments About Our Mis-Educational System

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every time I begin arguing with a liberal over the efficacy of our current system of mis-education, it almost always gets around to a few retorts from them. They say I am anti-intellectual or they say that because I’m conservative, then religion must form the bedrock basis of all my ideas and, therefore, my ideas are invalid. Then they say I don’t know “the truth” because of all this. Sometimes all come up at once working together like a regular tag-team of ideas to invalidate conservative views.

But a few arguments always befuddle them and I love to see the confusion descend over their eyes as they try to figure out a way to reply.

Before I get too far into this, though, one thing they do is tout definitions of the terms of debate written by those ensconced in the education fields under discussion. They then say these definitions are “fact.” I ask them if they understand that they are taking the word of interested parties on the definition of terms and ask them if such biased sources should be automatically accepted? If they say yes — and they usually do — I then ask them why they won’t accept the biased definitions of religious authorities, then? Why should university folks be so automatically right, even though they are biased in favor of defining their terms in a self-serving manner but the same self-serving definitions have to be wrong when the religious are in dictionary mode?

At this they usually just cock their eyebrows and move on as if I never said anything.

So, as their argument goes, they tell me that religion is utter superstition and that the received wisdom of religion is necessarily anti-intellectual. They say that just believing what a priest or minister tells me is relinquishing my ability to think for myself.

Firstly, the Christian religion has, since the reformation, been grounded in a personal journey through the belief system of Jesus and the words of the Bible. Since Gutenberg started up his first printing press and began churning out copies of the Holy Bible, Christians individually and necessarily became students of religion, not just rote receivers. Christians are supposed to read, consider, inculcate, and come to understand the Bible intellectually, not just be indoctrinated into it. So, right off the bat the liberals are ignorant of Christianity when they claim it is anti-intellectual.
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A Few Arguments About Our Mis-Educational System”

New Film: Jesus Christ Not Divine, Born of Roman Rapist

-By Warner Todd Huston

So much for Hollywood’s days of the sweeping Biblical epic, I suppose, but a film director and author of a controversial book on Jesus Christ has announced he’s found the financial backing to produce a film on the Christian Messiah that will contend that Jesus was just a good politician, one born after his mother was raped by a Roman soldier, but a man most certainly not the Son of God.

Director Paul Verhoeven, most famous for having brought movie goers the 1987 film Robocop, is looking to begin filming his newest flick based on his own book, Jesus Of Nazareth.

Verhoeven’s 2008 book dismisses the Bible’s chronicling of miracles performed by Jesus Christ not to mention asserting that Jesus’ birth was less than immaculate and indeed was the result of Mary being raped by a Roman Centurion. Verhoeven also claims to debunk the fact that Judas Iscariot — one of the Twelve Disciples — betrayed Jesus to Roman authorities just previous to the crucifixion.

In 2008 Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, called Verhoeven’s book “laughable.”
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New Film: Jesus Christ Not Divine, Born of Roman Rapist”

Obama’s ‘Bullying Czar,’ A Hater Extraordinaire

-By Warner Todd Huston

The man’s name is Dan Savage and he’s supposed to be leading President Obama’s anti-bullying, pro-tolerance effort. Yet, at an April High School rally in California from the podium, Savage, a homosexual, started calling Christians “pansies” and “morons,” and said the Bible was “bullshit.” Savage also said the Bible pushes a pro-slavery message.

So much for tolerance and being against bullying!

But, make no mistake about it, folks. This is the sort of hate and lies that liberalism is based on. They love to pretend they are the tolerant ones, but their ideology is always the first to start the re-education camps and firing squads when you disagree with them — just ask the Kulaks, the Jews, and those that disagreed with Pol Pot and the bloody Red Chinese.

Dan Savage would love to kill as many of you that disagree with him as he could. He is a typical liberal.

We cannot escape the conclusion that President Obama is on the same page as this cretin, too. After all, Obama has not fired this man as his “bullying czar.” Obama continues to support him to the fullest extent. Proof once again that Barack Obama is the most extreme, far left president in American history.
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Obama’s ‘Bullying Czar,’ A Hater Extraordinaire”

Friends at Liberty University: Dump Driscoll!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

My friends at Liberty University made a major mistake when they had Mark Driscoll at their school. Mark is a very successful pastor and author, and is known as “the cussing preacher.” Ministers should be known for wisdom, knowledge, godliness, kindness, fairness, generosity not cursing, carnality, and crassness! I hope Liberty officials realize their mistake and will drop Driscoll from their list of speakers.

Driscoll preaches many truths that I hold dear and no doubt he is a very effective communicator; however, to purposefully use profanity to “pump up” his sermons and to appeal to youth is really bizarre as well as sinful. If I had sat on his ordination counsel, I would demand he return his ministerial credentials. He should be selling insurance or used cars not corrupting his immature audience.

Many Southern Baptist Churches (where 30% of pastors do not have a biblical worldview!) have engaged Driscoll to preach for them. At the Axxess Church in Arlington, Texas he was told that swearing might fly in Seattle but not in Texas. Rather than take the suggestion (warning) Driscoll used the F word in his first statement! He later apologized.
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Friends at Liberty University: Dump Driscoll!”

Dan Savage Bombs while Bullying Christians and Bashing the Bible

-By Rev Michael Bresciani

Gay anti-bullying spokesperson, Dan Savage, belittled, berated and bullied Christians the Bible and the Pope while addressing 3,000 high school students at a school journalism convention in Seattle, organized by the National Scholastic Press Association. Savage, a militant high profile gay activist who writes graphic sex columns tried to humiliate the Christian kids but went away as a bully himself, in a bad show of self-indulgent hedonism. He is the head of the ‘It Gets Better Project,’ an activist group that is supposed to help gays make the transition out of the straight life into the wonderful brave new world of the gay life.

Apparently he sees himself as the guardian angel of those whose feelings may have been hurt or who are depressed because of the difficulties involved with the transition out of the world of the straights.

While most people discover who they are as they mature and find their place in society, the gays need special help to get into their little sphere and they also need special laws and alerts for the use of non-politically correct catch words and phrases that signal that they are being bullied.
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Dan Savage Bombs while Bullying Christians and Bashing the Bible”

Bob Beckel: Christians Don’t Talk That Way On or Off the Air!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Recently I was watching Hannity on Fox while speaking in Tucson and spending time with long-time friends. Bob Beckel, thinking the show was on a commercial break, used the F word. Hannity suggested that he apologize; however, he refused, saying incorrectly that they were not on the air. (As if that mattered!) The panel assured him that the vulgar word was heard by the nation-wide audience. Beckel humbly, although reluctantly, apologized. There is a difference in an apology, even a sincere one, and repentance.

Beckel then blamed Hannity for not steering the show correctly thereby relieving himself of blame! What he and almost all media personalities don’t understand is that the word should never be used. Christians should never use the word and should confess it as sin if they do. A lame apology will not do. Beckel claims to be a Christian but only he and God know for sure. The fact is: he used a foul, wicked word that is used by uncouth, unthinking, uncaring, uneducated people.

Even non-Christians should not use that and other vulgar words. A few years ago, even the most rude, crude, and lewd men did not use such words in decent company especially in the presence of women. Now, even women are using the term. Yes, the times, they are a-changin’! For the worst.
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Bob Beckel: Christians Don’t Talk That Way On or Off the Air!”

The First Lady’s Curious Theology

-By Rev Michael Bresciani‏

In America We Elect presidents, we don’t worship them. But the Weekly Standard blog offered a headline on April 17, 2012 that could be filed under ‘seeing it is still too hard to believe.’

In a short piece by Daniel Halper the headline was “Michelle Obama: ‘This President Has Brought Us Out of the Dark and Into the Light’ If it were not a direct quote taken from Michelle Obama’s rally speech at a campaign event in Nashville, Tennessee earlier the same day, we could only imagine that some virulent anti-Obama politico went too far and just made up a false and despiteful headline to hurt the Obama campaign. But the headline is quite true.

Here is what is apparent. The Weekly Standard is no religious website and Daniel Harper is no dialectical theological giant like Karl Barth or a great expositor of the scriptures like Charles Haddon Spurgeon, but it is also apparent that he wasn’t trying to be.
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The First Lady’s Curious Theology”