TSA Claims It Took 5 Guns A Day From Passengers, But Are We Safer?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) thinks it has a great selling point with its announcement that it took 5 firearms a day from passengers trying to board planes in 2013. But are our airports and planes safer because of this?

The TSA made the announcement on its January 24 “year in review” blog post where officials bemoan that their work “being on the frontline also comes with a great risk.” This because after patting down over 600 million passengers one TSA Agent was killed in a criminal action at LA International Airport.

Certainly no TSA Agents should be killed in the line of duty and the loss of TSA officer Gerardo Hernandez is unacceptable, but for the TSA to act as if their job is fraught with constant life threatening dangers is a bit much.

But the more interesting note is the number of firearms confiscated by TSA officials.
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TSA Claims It Took 5 Guns A Day From Passengers, But Are We Safer?”

Russian Celebrity Says U.S. TSA Stripped Searched Her

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Russian TV star visiting the U.S. says that she was violated, stripped naked, and searched by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) when she arrived at the airport in Miami, Florida.

Russian TV celebrity and political activist Ksenia Sobchak says that TSA workers claimed they detected explosives residue on her fingers and demanded the search to make sure she wasn’t a terrorist. (This isn’t the first complaint from a celebrity about the TSA as you can see in the video above.)

Ksenia Sobchak

The woman was returning from a Christmas party in December.
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Russian Celebrity Says U.S. TSA Stripped Searched Her”

Man Makes Firing Gun From Items TSA Allows on Airplanes

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is not only pretty funny, but quite inventive. A man in Tennessee has made a firing gun from the sort of items that you can buy in an airport terminal after passing through security, items deemed safe enough by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) that passengers can carry onto a flight.

The gun that Evan Booth terms a “breakback shotgun,” or a “blunderbuss,” is made of things like a Red Bull can, a hair dryer, a refrigerator magnate, batteries, a rubberized hair band, magazines and packing tape, but it can fire its projectile (made of coins) through a piece of drywall at 260 foot pounds per second.
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Man Makes Firing Gun From Items TSA Allows on Airplanes”

SHOCKING VIDEO: Woman Bares Breasts to Protest Airport TSA Check

-By Warner Todd Huston

We are all used to it by now. Taking off shoes, belts, emptying our pockets, tearing apart our laptop cases, submitting to x-ray scans, all just to get on an airplane in the USA. Well these women have had enough and in protest to the invasive security checks one took off everything and bared her breasts to the TSA.

What is seen on the video–and I can’t seem to find out where it was taken–is three women, all of whom seem to know each other, going through the regular procedure of taking off shoes, belts and the like.
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SHOCKING VIDEO: Woman Bares Breasts to Protest Airport TSA Check”

TSA Finally Dumps Full-Body Airport Scanners

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) has officially closed the books on the controversial “naked-image” full-body scanners being used at security checkpoints at America’s airports.

The TSA announcement comes after a Congressional mandate to make major changes to the devices and after a multitude of complaints from the privacy advocates and civil rights activists who opposed them.

The TSA rolled the scanners out to great fanfare in 2007 claiming that the intrusive images would prevent any sort of contraband imaginable. Along with the “naked-image” scanners, the TSA also initiated a “pat down” policy for anyone who refused to be scanned, a policy that included touching of genitals, breasts, and buttocks of travelers.
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TSA Finally Dumps Full-Body Airport Scanners”

Two Quick Examples of U.S. Government Lies in Labels

-By Warner Todd Huston

Political fancy talk is always fascinating. By this I mean, the essential lies that government tells by re-naming something to make it sound benign or even beneficial when it is really just another anti-American, liberty-killing government initiative, or giving it a harsh label in order to destroy whatever activity that government wants destroyed. Here I have two recent examples of these.

Now, by “re-naming” things to sound better, I mean things such as the so-called “Employee Free Choice Act.” This is a law that actually takes choice away from employees and does not give them any freedom but enslaves them to Obama’s pals in the unions. Or take the “Affordable Healthcare Act” (we know it as Obamacare) which will drive costs up through the roof for everyone. “Affordable” my ass. Or, I’m even talking about the ages old term “re-education camp,” a term that replaced “death camp” because it sounded better. You know, that sort of stuff.

Anyway, my first example will be from our much beloved Transportation Safety Administration (TSA), that agency that saves us daily from those evil water bottles and shampoo containers that are just to darn big to be “safe” on an airplane.
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Two Quick Examples of U.S. Government Lies in Labels”

Purse With Image of Gun Gets Teen Accosted by TSA

-By Warner Todd Huston

In today’s “teh stupid” files, a teen in Norfolk, Virginia missed her flight because Transportation Security Administration screeners pulled her out of line for close scrutiny because she had a leather purse with an image of a pistol engraved on it. You read that right, a leather engraving of a pistol emblazoned on a purse made TSA screeners imagine a pregnant teenaged girl was a security threat.

Vanessa Gibbs was attempting to board a plane to get home to Jacksonville, Florida, but the TSA screeners spied the leather design of a pistol on the exterior of her purse. This, they somehow imagined, made the teen a security risk, so they pulled her out of line for interrogation.

How could a design of a purse cause such panic in the TSA, you might ask? TSA agents told the girl that it is a federal crime to take replicas of firearms onto an airplane. This, they claimed, justified their focus on her purse.

Read the rest at RightPundits.com.

Ending the TSA Madness: Listen Up, Folks, Here’s How You Win the Profiling Debate

-By Selwyn Duke

One thing that saddens me about the TSA security controversy is that we’re missing a great opportunity. Sure, the insanity of patting down three-year-old, blonde-haired lasses and octogenarian grandmothers with prosthesis has caused a great backlash, as more and more people are realizing that our government’s common-sense-blind approach is born of a deadly allegiance to political correctness. In fact, I’ve even heard a few usually very careful pundits float the idea that we should think about profiling Muslims. Unfortunately, though, they invariably drop the ball in the debate.

The problem is that they don’t believe they occupy the moral high ground. Instilled with the idea that advocating “racial profiling” (a propaganda term) amounts to bigotry, they generally back down as soon as someone looks askance at their suggestion. This is especially frustrating to me because I’ve long been promulgating an airtight argument that, not only refutes the racial-profiling propaganda, but also illustrates why the moral high ground actually belongs to our side. So I’ll present the argument again in the hope that it will now receive a better reception. Here it is:
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Ending the TSA Madness: Listen Up, Folks, Here’s How You Win the Profiling Debate”

Combine TSA and Healthcare, Killing All Birds With Two Stones

-By Resa LaRu Kirkland

There’s been a lot of talk lately about two things: stopping the out-of-control spending by the elite and the airport grope-fests we who choose to take flight like the birds must now face so that none of the real terrorists get their pathetic feelings hurt.

Since both the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Health Care (HC) are under the control of our bloated, belching government, my friend Peter Gourley had a brilliant idea.

Why not combine the two? You know, a whole fleet of neurosurgeons, proctologists general practitioners, OB/Gyns, gastroenterologists; make a trip AND get a thorough (and I do mean THOROUGH) checkup. Our airports could double as doctors’ offices. It’s the old two birds-one stone scenario. Just think of the savings…and the conversations…
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Combine TSA and Healthcare, Killing All Birds With Two Stones”

Tweets Regarding Junk Touching

-By Frederick Meekins

Janet Napolitano received a security pat down. Poor sap forced to do that deserves either a medal or hazardous duty pay.

Wonder if TSA administrator John Pistole’s pistol would even show up on the full body scanner or be of sufficient caliber to grab onto in a pat down.

White House eunuchs announced they don’t care whose privates are violated this Thanksgiving season.

If to be subjected to a government mandated “groin check” in an airport, dependent upon what the attendant looked like, one conducted by the opposite gender would be preferable. And if conducted in privacy, there better be candelight and soft music playing in the background.

How come a potential airline passenger merely asserting his right to genital self determination by informing the TSA screener of the penalty for sexual assault is threatened with a $10,000 fine but the same government leveling such a charge likely gives more than this in handout benefits to undocumented foreigners violating our borders? Where are the babykillers now when their mantra of “keep your laws of my body” could finally be applied in an appropriate context?
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Tweets Regarding Junk Touching”

Abolish the Transportation Security Administration

-By Chris Slavens

Democrats’ favorite strategy is to blame George W. Bush for everything from high unemployment to Hurricane Katrina, so it should come as no surprise that some on the left are attempting to pin the abuses of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) on the former president, despite the fact that the Obama administration—with the exception of Hillary Clinton, who has political reasons to distance herself from her boss—is fully supportive of pat-down procedures that would, as one protesting passenger correctly noted, constitute sexual assault if performed by anyone other than government employees.

Strangely, however, a majority of liberals (at least those in the media) have chosen not to assign blame at all, and are instead diligently pretending that groping innocent citizens is the niftiest thing since solar panels, patiently reminding the unwashed masses that it’s perfectly acceptable to trade liberty for security.

The TSA was created during Bush’s presidency, two months after the tragic 9/11 attacks, but it was Democrats who insisted that airport security be handled by federal employees, rather than private firms. And, of course, the screening procedures in question were implemented a few weeks ago with the approval of a federal government controlled entirely by Democrats.
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Abolish the Transportation Security Administration”

You Can Touch My Junk, but Nothing Else

-By Selwyn Duke

Now that “Don’t touch my junk!” has become a rallying cry, I must ask a question: What’s with this youth-culture tendency to refer to male genitalia as “junk”?

Since I keep my nose to the ground, I noticed this slang innovation long before John Tyner drew his line in the sand; it seems to be a phenomenon of the last five years or so. And it’s one I’d like to put on the junk heap.

If I have any junk, it won’t be on my body and probably will end up in the trash bin. And if the TSA wants to rummage through it, hey, be my guest. It’s said that you can tell a lot about a person by examining his refuse. So you can touch my junk — but let’s be a bit more careful when we lay our hands on the language, shall we?
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You Can Touch My Junk, but Nothing Else”

Political Correctness and your Body: Why TSA Security Measures Won’t Fly

Paul A. Ibbetson

This just in: TSA airport security personnel have now reaffirmed, after thousands of overtly aggressive body pat-downs, that elderly grandmothers and little children are still not attempting to commit terrorist attacks by carrying explosives onto planes. The growing discontent at the government’s new intrusive security measures are now being seen throughout the country. The reasons people don’t like it can be broken down into three areas of discussion: efficiency, invasiveness, and the strategic end results.

No one likes to be held up at the airport; however, most flyers are willing to accept delays that can be logically explained. For example, if the landing gear is about to fall off the plane, people have no qualms and show no resistance in patiently waiting while the issue is resolved. That is, people want to be safe while flying and will readily accept being inconvenienced if a reasonable case can be made for the situation. The problem comes when there cannot be a reasonable articulation made between extreme flyer inconvenience and passenger safety. Imagine if a plane with landing gear problems required all passengers to have a forced colonoscopy. The differential between the observed airline safety issue and the requirements placed on passengers would be so great that most flyers would refuse to comply. Welcome to the modern world of TSA security measures and what have become the unfriendly skies.

Prospective passengers in many airports are now being faced with having to go through full-body scanners that render the flyer practically naked to be photographed and observed by strangers. The long-term physical effects of radiation exposure from these scanners are unknown, along with their usefulness in detecting plastics and other materials terrorists use. As of now, full-body scanners do not make a case for security that equals or surpasses their offensive nature. Without more evidence of their practicality, TSA might as well request naked photographs of all passengers at the gate and save them the time of passing through the costly and time-consuming machines. However, the full-body scanners are quickly falling behind in public distaste to the full body pat down.
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Political Correctness and your Body: Why TSA Security Measures Won’t Fly”

Surrender our Liberty for a Little Security?

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Now I know where all the perverts go after a short stint in prison or with ACORN: they work for the Federal Government, specifically for TSA. All sane people agree that safety must be a major concern in this day of Muslim terrorism, but the fools, fanatics, and fascists have taken control at various levels of government. A virus seems to have infected people in power: it results in a loss of common sense, self-respect, modesty, and gratitude for the privilege of working for the American people.

Just the thought of a stranger, even one with a badge, gun, and in uniform running his or her hands up a ladies’ dress (“until resistance is reached”) or grabbing a man’s genitals is indicative of the spiritual, mental, and political condition of the American public. Moreover, it is staggering that any sane person would defend such molestation of anyone especially helpless children.

Janet Napolitano (who has her job because of her support for Obama) says that we must put up with this “inconvenience” for the sake of safety, but that is outrageous. Moreover, it is not an inconvenience but a power grab by the U.S. Government. For a TSA supervisor to say that we have a choice not to fly is appalling, arrogant, and asinine. Americans have a right to travel (not a privilege) without being harassed, hassled, or humiliated by Federal thugs. Federal thugs need to be reminded that we pay their salaries, and they are not being paid to irritate, intimidate, and insult innocent people. That does not go with the badge, gun, and uniform.
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Surrender our Liberty for a Little Security?”

Profile Muslims or Pat Down the Masses?

-By Selwyn Duke

With all the bad press the TSA has received recently, we can’t be sure if the acronym stands for Transportation Security Administration, Touches Sensitive Areas or Truly Scandalous Attention. But, for sure, its pat downs and sci-fi radiation screeners give many of us another good reason to avoid the increasingly unfriendly skies. Yet while the TSA right now has supplanted the IRS as the bureaucracy we most love to hate, its policies are merely part of a longstanding cultural trend: the failure to recognize that the good of the many outweighs the good of the few.

It’s the same reason why certain cities, most notably London, are now surveilling their residents with thousands of video cameras. If you’re not willing to administer punishment sufficient to deter all the criminally inclined save a few intractable miscreants, some of whom you can catch, the only other solution is to have an all-seeing Big Brother that can catch all. It’s much like treating a cancer: If you cannot target just the affected tissue, the only other solution is to treat the whole body.

Because the former is preferable not just in medicine but also law enforcement, behavioral-sciences specialists long ago developed the method called “profiling.” Unfortunately, social-engineering specialists soon after discredited the universal application of profiling with a method called propaganda. Consequently, when we want to administer targeted treatment in the effort to thwart terrorism, we’re told that it’s “racial profiling” and beyond consideration. This is utter nonsense.
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Profile Muslims or Pat Down the Masses?”

A Unionized TSA Will Make Our Airports Less Safe

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everywhere you turn the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) is getting lambasted. If it isn’t people refusing to abide by TSA directions, it’s stories of a “backlash against body scanners” because of the abusive treatment that TSA employees are doling out to travelers. People are becoming fed up with the whole edifice. But imagine how much worse this situation will get if the TSA is allowed to unionize?

Well, if Obama has his way this is exactly what will happen. Evidence his Federal Labor Relations Authority ruled last Friday that the TSA could, indeed, vote on union representation.

This decision opens the possibilities that the American Federation of Government Employees and the National Treasury Employees Union could vie to represent the 50,000 employees of the TSA.
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A Unionized TSA Will Make Our Airports Less Safe”