Another Black Racist Whines About Whites ‘Murdering’ Blacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the nation’s African American community continues to wallow in an epidemic of black-on-black murder each and every day, we get the likes of “CrunkFeminist” Brittney Cooper claiming that the real problem in the black community is “an onslaught of white murder,” a badly formulated phrase for which she offers no evidence but one case.

In a hyperbolic piece in Salon, Brittney Cooper desperately tries to make the case that no black person is safe in America today apparently because there are marauding bands of elderly white folks killing blacks by the buckets full–a mythic group in which she casts Hispanic man, George Zimmerman.

What is her proof of this absurd claim that whites are killing blacks? Only a single example. Cooper’s ire is directed at the fact that a white man was not convicted of murdering a black teen in Florida. Yes, one white man’s crime is enough for Cooper to imagine a nation where no black is safe as she gives only a single example to “prove” her hyperbolic claim.
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Another Black Racist Whines About Whites ‘Murdering’ Blacks”

Executed Prisoner Wakes Up In Morgue, Iran Getting Him Ready for Second Execution

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week a prisoner in Iran was hung for drug offenses but when his “body” got to the morgue it was discovered that he was still breathing. Now Iranian authorities are nursing him back to health so that… they can hang him again.

The man identified as Alireza M was sentenced to death by Iranian authorities and the sentence was carried out on October 9. But the attempt was botched.

After hanging for 12 minutes, prison officials cut the man down and sent him to the morgue. But upon arrival there the morgue’s staff discovered that he was still breathing and rushed him to the hospital.

Despite the first botched attempt, though, Iranian officials told the BBC that he is still to be hanged.
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Executed Prisoner Wakes Up In Morgue, Iran Getting Him Ready for Second Execution”

Ill. Gov. Quinn Repealing Death Penalty

-By Warner Todd Huston

Claiming that “It is impossible to create a perfect system, one that is free of all mistakes,” Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed a bill that would eliminate the death penalty in Illinois, despite a campaign promise that he would keep it.

In signing the order, Quinn also commuted the sentences of 15 death row inmates converting the sentences to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

During his recent campaign to take his own full term as Governor (Quinn filled out disgraced Gov. Blagojevich’s last term), Quinn claimed that he’d keep the death penalty, but he also said he’d keep the moratorium in place as the system is reviewed. His opponent at the time, State Senator Bill Brady, said he would end the moratorium.
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Ill. Gov. Quinn Repealing Death Penalty”