Sen. Marco Rubio Wonders Where Obama’s Budget Plan Is?

-By Warner Todd Huston

It amazes me that after all this time of the debt crisis discussion, after the media has spent hours upon hours scolding Republicans for being the “party of no,” that President Obama has remained absent from the actual discussion and has offered no plan of his own.

Yet, even as Obama’s failure to lead has become painfully obvious to anyone actually paying attention, the Old Media has given no coverage of Obama’s abject failure to lead.

To so many in the general public that have not paid close attention, they listen to the Old Media’s overage and think it is the Republicans that have offered no plan. But, as Florida Senator Marco Rubio notes in the video below, it is the GOP that has offered multiple plans, multiple bills, multiple compromises while the Democrats have continually said no, no, no…

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Obama’s Plans To Control Every Drop of Water in the USA

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the last day to voice your concern about Obama’s plan to take control of every source of water in the USA.

The Democrats are pushing legislation that would take the word “navigable” out of our current Clean Water Act. If successful, the reconfigured law would give to the federal government the power over every water source in the USA. Every river, lake, stream, every creek, every driblet, even every stand alone pond would come under control of Washington’s EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers.

Conceivably, if you have a puddle in your back yard the federal government will have control of it!…


Obama Mentioned ‘Gun Tracing’ in 2009 Mexico Visit

-By Warner Todd Huston

We are getting closer and closer to the truth in this gun walker/fast and furious scandal. Up to now the question had been one of what did the president know about this business? Well, it seem that back in April of 2009 Obama referred to the concepts of this very program when he was visiting Mexico.

See video…


Obama 2009: Don’t Raise Taxes in a Recession/Obama 2011: We Need to Raise Taxes

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has come a great marker of Obamaism that holds that everything he says has an expiration date and that he simply has no integrity because of it. How many foreign policy ideas (especially about the wars) has he presented that he’s done a 180 on? Well, here is another one, this on taxes. Just in 2009 Obama was saying that we shouldn’t be raising taxes during a recession, yet only two years later all he wants to do is raise taxes even though we are still in that self-same recession.

In 2009, just ahead of the 2010 midterms, Obama was happily telling NBC that he wasn’t raising taxes because we were in a recession. In 2009 Obama said…

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Obama’s Mexican Gun Running Paid For by Stimulus Money

-By Warner Todd Huston

This Operation Fast and Furious or Project Gunrunner (also called Gunwalker) scandal just keeps getting worse. Now we find out that Obama funneled stimulus dollars to help fund his plan to arm Mexican narco terrorists with US guns that have ended up killing Americans and Mexicans alike and have ended up in gang activity back here in the US.

That’s right. Obama was so intent on arming murderers in Mexico that he and his minions carved out stimulus money for the project. You can see the notation on page 16 of the PDF document of the Stimulus Bill under the sections marked OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS, STATE AND LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE…

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CA Public Schools See Lower Funding But Higher Test Scores

– By Warner Todd Huston

It is pretty amusing to see the Sacramento Bee acting all shocked that less funding from the state didn’t hurt education and higher student test scores were realized despite the lower spending on education. But that seems to have been the case.

As the State of California has floundered state services have had to do with less tax money and the schools are no different than other departments. As the Sac Bee says, “conventional wisdom” states that schools need ever higher amounts of money to successfully teach our children. But, shock of shocks, the Sac Bee has found something that defies that purported wisdom…

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John Adams’ Reminiscences of the First Independence Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

John Adams was one of the truly indispensable men among our founding fathers. He was the man that wrote one of the first fully written out Constitutions in human history when he wrote the Constitution of Massachusetts. He wrote a seminal book on government that helped inform the founders of our nation, he was an ambassador to France and other European nations, he was our first vice president, our second president, and more.

In fact, Adams was at the center of one of the incidents that set the tone for our national character. When the Redcoats responsible for the Boston Massacre were put under arrest, John Adams stepped forward to represent the Redcoats in court. Many of his fellow patriots were amazed at this offer, some even incensed at Adams for doing so. But Adams said that the rule of law was far more important than merely making points with the home crowd and the Redcoats deserved to have competent representation…

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Obama, Israel Hater, Claiming to be Israel’s Friend

-By Warner Todd Huston

This takes the cake, doesn’t it? Obama has spent about three years doing everything he can do to make things harder on our only Mid East ally, Israel. He’s slammed Israel, dissed them and generally turned his back on our only true friend in the Mideast. Now Obama has launched a campaign to “go on the offensive” against those that claim he is anti-Israel. I suppose it’s like a campaign to convince people that up is down and cold is hot?

Greg Sargent of the Washington Post blog The Plum Line is reporting that

How Many Lies Can Obama Get Away With?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Just yesterday, President Obama used the bully pulpit to scold the Senate about breaking for the July Fourth holiday. In his White House presser, the president told Congress that they should stay in DC and work just like he does. So, the Senate decided to stay and work. The Republican leadership even offered to host the president in a meeting to help work on those important issues the president seems to think need special attention.

So, what happened? Did the president happily bound off to meet with Senate Republicans so that they can work on these important, important issues? Did he give the GOP a hearty congratulations for listening to his entireties and for getting down to work?…

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Tea Party Poll: Rick Perry On Top

-By Warner Todd Huston

According to a McClatchy-Marist poll from Wednesday, Texas Governor Rick Perry is the Tea Party favorite to be president of the Untied States in 2012.

Perry has not made any announcement of running as of yet, but he comes in above Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann and the others either announced or mulling still.

The poll shows that Perry garners 20% support with Mitt Romney coming in second at 17%. Palin comes in third at 16% while Michele Bachmann rings in at 12%.

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Leftist Judge Leaked Anti-Posser Story Because Her Claim Is Garbage

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few days ago I posted a story about a leftist judge accusing Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser of physically attacker her in a closed-doors meeting of the justices. The lefty sites went mad for this story, but as the days wore on the lefty judge’s claims started to seem less and less credible. Now we are finding out that the lefty judge herself leaked the story in order to hurt Judge Prosser in the court of public opinion because she knew she had no real legal case against him. In other words, she was lying, she knew it, and she launched a program of character assassination because she had no real legitimate case to press in the courts.

Christian Schneider of The National Review’s The Corner blog reports some more of the sad details about this left-wing attack and gives us even more reason to suspect that lefty Justice Ann Walsh Bradley is simply a liar…

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Michele Bachmann Is In!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michele Bachmann, a representative from Minnesota, has finally thrown her hat in the ring. As of Monday, June 27, Bachmann made it official in front of a crowd in Waterloo, Iowa.

It is no mistake that she did so in Iowa, either, Bachmann has been polling quite well in Iowa coming in near the top of the heap along with long-time candidate Mitt Romney. Interestingly, neither Romney nor Bachmann have been campaigning too heavily in Iowa as of yet and Bachmann is a late comer to the race on top of that…

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More Obama Ignorance on Jobs, Economy: One Week Automation is Bad, the Next its Good

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember last week how President Obama was railing about how evil ATMs were because they somehow took away people’s jobs. This evil, evil automation was bad on June 14, right? Well today, only eleven days later, suddenly Barack Obama is all about automation and how wonderful it is…

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Romney’s Huge Money Advantage

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few weeks ago, Herman Cain said that he wasn’t worried about facing Mitt Romney, but he was worried about facing Mitt’s money. Today, Politico reports that Romney has a huge advantage over the other Republican candidates with a campaign war chest they can’t duplicate.

If his one-day fundraiser in May that brought in $10 million is any indication, Romney seems to be on target to raise nearly $40 million for the 2012 election and the primaries that precede it. The campaign is low-balling that figure by saying that he will only reach about $20 million, but even to me that seems low…

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Huntsman’s Path to GOP Nomination: Ignore GOP Voters

-By Warner Todd Huston

One has to wonder if Jon Huntsman’s path to the GOP nomination for the White House will be second only to Newt Gingrich’s for its impossibility? Even Huntsman is admitting in an interview with Politico that the only way he can win is if he aims for non-Republican votes for his primary effort. So, the only way he can win the GOP nomination, even in his own opinion, is if he ignores GOP voters! If this isn’t a joke, what is?

As Kasie Hunt writes for Politico, Huntsman “sketched out a path to the Republican nomination” with the Internet newser that was, “an exercise in needle-threading that hinges on his ability to capture a large swath of independent voters.”…

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Are We Worse off Under Obama? More Say YES!

-By Warner Todd Huston

While I thought him a great president, I am not one of those conservatives that constantly invoke the name of Ronald Reagan. But one aspect of his 1979 race for president is looking eerily familiar to today’s upcoming 2012 race for the White House.

One of the phrases that helped Reagan win his bid for president in 1980 was his pointed jab of a question put to the American people: are you better off now than you were four years ago (when Jimmy Carter was elected)?…

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More Proof That Huntsman is Less ‘One of Us’ And More ‘One of Them’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The media and the Democrats have been falling all over themselves to welcome “moderate” Jon Huntsman into the presidential race. There is one reason and one reason only for this. He is more like them (Democrats) then he is us (Republicans and Conservatives) and they feel that a weaker, version of them will tip in a win for Democrats.

With the Announcement of his candidacy on June 21 Huntsman tried to sound the steady, uncontroversial candidate, one who would avoid the mudslinging. He wrongly attributed such a tact to Ronald Reagan, a candidate who definitely took it to his opponent, Jimmy Carter, and in personal terms…

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John Bolton, Ambassador… No, Wait, Maybe President?

-By Warner Todd Huston

When John Bolton was the Interim U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations during the Bush years, the UN hated him, the Democrats wouldn’t confirm him, and Republicans and conservatives loved him. He was one of the toughest talking U.S. Ambassadors since Jean Kirkpatrick though he outdid her sternness, to be sure.

At least since last winter, Bolton has been exploring a run for the White House, still he has yet to make a final decision. Bolton, though, insists that the current filed has seen no “coalescing around a particular candidate.” Apparently he still feels there is plenty of time to make a final decision…

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Now Obama Smacks A Weiner

-By Warner Todd Huston

The news just keeps getting worse for the Democratic Representative from New York, Anthony Weiner. Now even President Obama is saying if he were the embattled congressman, he’d resign. That’s gotta hurt.

Obama sat down with TODAY’s Ann Curry for a show that will air on Tuesday and Curry asked the president about the Weiner incident. “I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign,’’ Obama said.

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Rick Santorum Radio Ad: Santorum, the Courage to Fight for America

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, Rick Santorum announced that he is definitely in the hunt for the 2012 GOP nomination last week and he’s already released his first radio ad. He’s the first GOP hopeful to dos so.

It has the tag line, “Rick Santorum, the courage to fight for America.”

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Can Tea Party Conservatives Support Mitt Romney?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Daily Caller has an interesting interview with the chief of what is reputed to be the leading Tea Party organization in America, FreedomWorks. Matt Kibbe, the president of FreedomWorks, said that Tea Party conservatives are having a major problem supporting Mitt Romney, not just in the primaries but also if he were to become the party nominee.

If this is true, it would seem to make Romney’s path to the White House problematic. If Mitt can’t get the conservative base out to help him defeat Obama, there isn’t likely any way he can win election to the presidency…

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Newtered: Whole Campaign Staff Quits

-By Warner Todd Huston

Newt Gingrich’s little campaign for the 2012 GOP nomination for president has hit yet another roadblock. Today Newt’s entire campaign staff quit all at once (en masse as the Frenchies say). Worse, his entire Iowa office team also quit not long thereafter.

Newt is promising to soldier on saying, “I am committed to running the substantive, solutions-oriented campaign I set out to run earlier this spring. The campaign begins anew Sunday in Los Angeles.” But many are saying this is the end of the road…

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Huntsman Says He’d Support an Assault Weapons Ban… Until He Won’t

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Wednesday afternoon’s Hugh Hewitt radio show GOP hopeful Jon Huntsman said that he’d support an assault weapons ban and would not support the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the latter because he supports civil unions. Hours later the Huntsman campaign reversed its candidate’s statement saying he misunderstood the question. He would veto an assault weapons ban, they claimed.

First of all, here is exactly what Huntsman said when host Hewitt asked if he’d veto an assault weapons ban if he were president: “I would not veto an assault weapons ban.” That seems pretty clear, no?…

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U.S. Dept. of Education Has Stormtroopers? Who Knew?

-By Warner Todd Huston

As Matt Welch says, this is woeful proof of the over militarization of our law “enforcement” community, but apparently a SWAT Team was called out to break down the door of a guy that was late on his student loans, all at the behest of the Department of Education!

Seriously! Who knew that the Dept. of Education could deploy stormtroopers?

Check out the dangerous police state we are creating…

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Cain: ‘We Have to Beat Romney’s Money, Not Romney’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Herman Cain has been known to say that he doesn’t need a campaign warchest with tens of millions of dollars in it to beat the Republican field for the GOP nomination for president. He says all he needs is a good message to win.

However, this week Cain did acknowledge that Mitt Romney’s huge campaign warchest and his well-known ability to raise funds is an advantage that will factor into beating Mitt.

…Cain has another disadvantage compared to Romney, one that neither he nor anyone else is recognizing: organization….

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GOPers With Biggest Appeal Stats: Herman Cain and Mitt Romney?

-By Warner Todd Huston

It seems that the GOP field (both those formally announced and those assumed to be in it) for the nomination to run against Obama in 2012 is not exciting too many voters, at least not yet. Granted it may be too early to expect too many Americans to be worried about the next election. It’s over a year off, after all. Still Pew finds that the “Republican Candidates Stir Little Enthusiasm .”

It is interesting, however, that Pew has found that, along with Mitt Romney, Herman Cain has a good excitement factor, especially considering his lack of name recognition compared to Romney…

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Haley Barbour Says He’s NOT Running for White House

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN’s Political Ticker has the scoop that Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has decided not to run for president in 2012. This is a bit surprising as he seemed to be well on his way to launching a serious bid. Now, all of a sudden, he’s decided he’s out.

“I will not be a candidate for president next year,” Barbour said in a statement. “This has been a difficult, personal decision, and I am very grateful to my family for their total support of my going forward, had that been what I decided.”

I spoke to Barbour myself at CPAC this year and asked the hard question: how can a white southerner beat the first black president… see video…

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Haley Barbour Says He’s NOT Running for White House”

Mr. Bean Going to Royal Wedding But Not Barack and Michelle

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fist off let me say that any American that cares at all about the so-called “royals” in the UK (or any other nation, for that matter) needs to turn in their American card ASAP. We left England precisely because of the whole anti-democratic and silly notion of a “royals” anything. However, let me also admit to getting an odd sort of amusement out of the fact that Barack Hussein and Michelle “I’ve never been proud of my country” Obama are not being invited to the upcoming royal wedding of Prince whoseits and his princess to be whatshername the Muggle.

But on the guest list, however, is TVs Mr. Bean, a Mideastern royal that is currently being accused of brutal crack downs on his own people, sports guy David Beckham, movie director Guy Ritchie, and singer Elton John. But no Obama…

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Mr. Bean Going to Royal Wedding But Not Barack and Michelle”

Snark on Trump’s ‘Magnificent Prank’ of a Presidential Run

-By Warner Todd Huston

Scott Adams is the cartoonist/writer that brought us the Dilbert comic strips and he says he is supporting Donald Trump for president. He is not saying Trump would be a great president, or that he is a perfect Republican, or that he’s even a competent politician, though. No, why Adams is supporting Trump is because Trump is pulling off the prank of the century on the Republicans. For that chutzpah, Adams thinks Trump deserves support.

Headlining his blog post “Donald Trump: Magnificent Bastard,” Adams’ post is certainly little else but pure snark. But, he has some great points in this comedic take on the Trump candidacy. It all raises the central question: what is Trump’s real angle, here…

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Snark on Trump’s ‘Magnificent Prank’ of a Presidential Run”

Stupid Leftists Don’t Know Who They Are Protesting

-By Warner Todd Huston

To be a common leftist, all you need is your vitriol, your hate and a few buzzwords in your head and you think you are an informed, engaged citizen. It doesn’t matter if you have any real idea about what you are on about or any facts at your disposal. As long as you have that righteous indignation, that is all you need, apparently. No truth need apply.

Take what has befallen a small business in Iowa as a case in point to show that many leftists don’t need any truth to back them up, that their hate keeps them warm…

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Stupid Leftists Don’t Know Who They Are Protesting”