Actress Kyra Segdwick On Hollywood’s Mistake: Ignoring Midwest

-By Warner Todd Huston

Actress Kyra Sedgwick might be tempting fate in Hollywood with a recent interview on the Tavis Smiley show on PBS where she scolded her industry for ignoring the great middle of the country.

Sedgwick was on the show discussing her recently concluded series The Closer on TNT and noted that the show was a great hit in the Midwest, but not in L.A. or New York City. At first she said she felt insulted at this ratings truth, but it wasn’t long before she realized that this wasn’t a bad thing at all.

She told Smiley that she came to feel that Hollywood was making a mistake to ignore everything outside New York and Los Angeles.

“I think that there’s a … huge difference,” Sedgwick said, “between what people politically believe and what interests people in Los Angeles and what interests people in New York, and what they believe politically [in the rest of the country] … and I think to ignore that is really cutting yourself out of a huge part of your population that I feel… they’re under-represented, and I think that was the great thing about [The Closer series].”
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Actress Kyra Segdwick On Hollywood’s Mistake: Ignoring Midwest”

Half-Wit Hollywood Hottie: Hey Obama, Fire This Cop That Pulled Me Over

-By Warner Todd Huston

One-time Disney cutie Amanda Bynes was pulled over for drunk driving in Hollyweird this week. What was her reaction to this personal low? She thinks Obama should fire the cop that pulled her over.

No… seriously.

As soon as she was arrested, like every mind-numbed Obamaite she took to Twitter to demand that her messiah come to her aide.

Well, why not? After all, when Obama was immaculated his supporters imagined that their mortgages and rent would be free and he’d give them all sweet, no-show government jobs. Even Saint Obama himself said that the sea levels would fall with his election and his clownish vice president said that cancer would be cured if O won the White House.

This sort of religious-like belief in the omnipotence of a mere president is so entirely un-American. But aside from the cultural rot it evinces, it is also immoral to imagine that a political leader should be so all powerful. Would you want a president that has the power to fire a county sheriff for making a properly legal arrest for drunk driving? Is that really the sort of power that you want a prez to have??

That isn’t democracy, that isn’t American. It is totalitarian. But, that is how the left thinks. They are totalitarians at heart.
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Half-Wit Hollywood Hottie: Hey Obama, Fire This Cop That Pulled Me Over”

Jon Lovitz: Another Hollywierder Mugged by Reality

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week comedian Jon Lovitz appeared on a podcast to talk about his years on NBC’s Saturday Night Live. The conversation, though, veered toward politics and to many left-wingers it veered too to the right! On the pocast, Mr. Lovitz went on a tirade about what he feels are the tax lies Obama is unleashing on America causing Lovitz’ fair weather fans to take to their Twitter accounts in merciless attack on the funnyman.

We can call this episode a case of being mugged by reality. In fact a double dose of it, yeah, that’s the ticket.

Lovitz lambasted Obama as a “jackass” for constantly saying that the “rich” in America don’t pay their fair share. He also noted that despite what the liberals say, “the rich” don’t pay low tax rates. In fact, he feels they pay at least 50% of their income in taxes when all taxes of all sorts are added up. He also pointed out that he considers himself a liberal and he voted for Obama. Of course, as most comedians do today, Lovitz went for the blue language, but his rant was extremely heartfelt and passionate and it became the rant heard ’round the Internet — well, at least the rant du jour of last week, anyway.

Still, it is quite an event when a self-described liberal launches into such a discussion and carves out for himself an opinion from what most would imagine is right-wing territory. But there you have it. Lovitz was mugged by reality.
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Jon Lovitz: Another Hollywierder Mugged by Reality”

Saturday Short Video Fun: The Action Hero’s Guide to Saving Lives

This is hilarious…

If At First You Don’t Succeed… You Must Be Ace Mulligan!

When lives are on the line… When there’s danger at every turn… When clichés run amuck… Sometimes the best thing to do is call Mulligan! Ace Mulligan! Starring PATRICK WARBURTON, “The Action Hero’s Guide To Saving Lives” is a laugh-out-loud action-comedy that takes you behind the scenes of Ace Mulligan’s perilous and not-always-successful mission to stop the bad guys, get the girl, and save the day. It’s not always easy being an action hero!

Produced entirely from concept to screen in just under 6 1/2 weeks and shot in 4 nights. This ambitious, micro-budget short was made possible through collaboration with a talented and dedicated cast and crew.

a Justin Lutsky film –
Staring: Patrick Warburton, Brett Simmons, Sean Naughton, Andrea Bogart
Produced by: Keegan Wilcox, Clint Carmichael, Justin Lutsky
Written by: Brett Simmons, Opie Cooper
Cinematography by – Jeff Dolen

Hollywood Reporter Wishes She Had Disease to Stay Skinny?

-By Warner Todd Huston

I guess now it’s cool in Hollywood to make light of diseases, illnesses, and allergies. At least it is for one Internet entertainment reporterette who apparently wishes that she had some sort of disease if that disease made her skinny. Seriously, this is the sort of vapidity that makes the denizens of Hollyweird and their hangers-on appear so reprehensible.

On her April 9 YouTube entertainment report about the latest Miley Cyrus rumors, host Stephanie Bauer reported that the singer took to Twitter in reply. Tongues were wagging recently that Cyrus might be anorexic due to recent photos of her gaunt figure. Cyrus, though, says she stays skinny mostly because she has a “gluten and lactose allergy.”

“It’s not about weight, it’s about health,” Cyrus said. “Gluten is crap anyway.”

For her part, hostesset Bauer wished she could have a disorder, disease, or allergy, too, if it made her “look amazing” like the teen singer.
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Hollywood Reporter Wishes She Had Disease to Stay Skinny?”

Revisionism: Old Timer Phil Donahue Injects Racism Into 2002 Iraq War Vote

-By Warner Todd Huston

Old-timer Phil Donahue, about who rumor has it used to have some sort of TV show back in the previous century, has recently turned up on NPR for some unexplainable reason. And, like his long past career, he’s dwelling equally in the past with his new comments about the authorization of force against Iraq in 2002. But he’s adding a new spin to the now irrelevant discussion by adding to it all one of the left’s favorite tropes: racism.

You see, according to Donahue, racism sullied the decision to authorize George Bush to intervene in Iraq in 2002. How is that, you ask? Well, according to Donahue it’s because none of the blacks in Congress voted for the war.

What does that mean? To Donahue it means that these African American congressmen were better, smarter, and free of racism, I guess. Only whites wanted to kill innocent Iraqis, hence the racism.

On NPR’s Smiley & West show*, Donahue floated the idea that all the African Americans — in fact he said “every person of color” — voted against the war in Iraq. Apparently, Donahue thinks that this is because all “the white people in Congress” are racists.
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Revisionism: Old Timer Phil Donahue Injects Racism Into 2002 Iraq War Vote”

Suddenly The Actor IS a Reason Condemn a Movie?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Left-wingers have for years complained that conservatives are wrong to condemn a movie based on the outspoken nature or politics of a staring actor or director.

“It’s just a movie,” they tell us and they scold us for not separating the entertainment from the actor’s real life. But now, in a typical hypocritical move, left-wingers are condemning a movie that is in the works precisely because of who is involved in the project, Mel Gibson, someone they do not like. It is hard not to recognize the hypocrisy here.

The movie is a sword and sandals piece based on the epic 2nd Century B.C. battle of Jewish hero Juddah Maccabee, whose victory over the Greek and Syrian armies forms a central part of Hanukkah. Gibson has been working on the movie for quite a while and planned to direct.
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Suddenly The Actor IS a Reason Condemn a Movie?”

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Disappearing Boobs: Lifetime Gives J.Luv Breast Reduction

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now, usually TV Cable shows aim for the over the top as opposed to the understated, right? Well, speaking of “tops” Lifetime seems to have had a sudden attack of squeamishness over actress Jennifer Love Hewitt’s… shall we say, ample… bosoms.

Hewitt plays a single mom that found herself impressed into service as a massage therapist turned prostitute in the new Lifetime show The Client List.

Advertisements for the show have been quite racy with lots of skin showing and all sorts of lingerie and a two-minute promo in the form of a music video had tongues wagging and men drooling all spring.

But all of a sudden, Lifetime seemed to pull back on it’s racy promo posters. There is an original poster out there with Hewitt nearly baring all with the camera filled to the brim with her cup, as it were.

But a second poster suddenly made the scene with a decidedly less bosomy Hewitt wearing a much more modest bra, one that covers much more of her than the original.

It’s hard to figure what to make of this deal. But, there you have it. Lifetime gave Jennifer Love Hewitt some breast reduction. As a man, I have to say I object.
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Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Disappearing Boobs: Lifetime Gives J.Luv Breast Reduction”

Hollywood’s Vision of Conservatives: Nasty, Filled With Hate, And Near Psychotic

-By Warner Todd Huston

Aaron Sorkin is about to unleash his vision of what conservatives and Republicans are like in a new HBO series called The Newsroom and it ain’t going to be pretty. It seems like more proof that liberal Hollyweirders don’t know anything about conservatives. They are all Pauline Kaels now.

The premise of the series gives us a famous, trusted, objective, unbiased cable network news anchor loses his cool during a campus interview session. He lets loose his inner demons right in front of the students he came to address as well as the ever present video cameras that send his tirade to viral Internet status. Chaos with his career ensues.

Newsman Will McAvoy, lead character played by Jeff Daniels, is said to be a “registered Republican” in the show yet nearly all the issues and points he espouses, at least in the series trailer, seem liberal. He’s a global warming believer, he’s hateful of American culture, dismissive of religion, and says that America is not a great country, not to mention that he’s an insufferable, manic, arrogant sort. Yet, again at least in the trailer, he never blames the left for these failures.
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Hollywood’s Vision of Conservatives: Nasty, Filled With Hate, And Near Psychotic”

Sacha Baron Cohen, The Oscars, And the Death of Propriety

-By Warner Todd Huston

Outrage of the day: The Academy Awards folks banned shock comedian Sacha Baron Cohen from its ceremonies this week. Then did only with caveats. Then didn’t know what to do. It all shows a certain death of propriety, not just in Hollywood (where its been dead a long time in most cases), but in the US in general.

This tempest in a teapot started when comedian Cohen asked the Academy if he could walk down the red carpet on his way into the Oscar Award ceremony in the full regalia of an ersatz Middle Eastern dictator’s military uniform, the same costume he wears in his forthcoming comedy flick, The Dictator. He planned, so he told them, to change into his regular tuxedo once inside but wanted to use his entrance to the ceremony for his own purposes.

As they should have, the Academy folks told him no way. And they didn’t just tell him no, they pulled his invitation to attend unless he promised not to pull any such stunts. They rightly feared he’d pull the stunt anyway.

Unfortunately, after initially standing on principle, the Academy is now dithering, afraid the “negative publicity” is making it look bad, and is now in the throes of reconsidering its actions. To me, I think the Academy is perfectly correct to tell Cohen that the Oscars are for celebrating film not a place to serve as a platform to advertise his own project, a film not even up for consideration for an award at that.
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Sacha Baron Cohen, The Oscars, And the Death of Propriety”

RIP Hollywood’s Sword Master

-By Warner Todd Huston

We already have our first passing in Hollywood. You won’t likely know his name, but Bob Anderson, 89, passed away just into this new year on the second of January (1922-2012).

Like I said, the name may not mean anything to you but you’ve most assuredly seen his work. Anderson, you see, was Hollywood’s most famous sword master.

When you were watching Darth Vader lightsaber fighting with Obi Wan, you were watching Bob Anderson in the Vader costume. When you were watching the Princess Bride you were watching Anderson’s sword fighting choreography. When you were watching the Lord of the Rings you were seeing Bob’s work all over the screen.

Anderson coached Errol Flynn, Sean Connery, Viggo Mortenson, and Johnny Depp in the use of the sword and was Hollywood’s top swordsman.

Director of the movie Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson, said released a statement about Anderson’s passing.

“Bob was a brilliant swordsman and a gifted teacher; I will remember him as a wonderfully patient man, possessed of a terrific sense of humour. It was a privilege to have known him.”

Anderson wasn’t just a Hollywood fantasy expert, though. He represented Britain in fencing at the 1952 Olympics and at the 1950 and 1953 World Championships, so he had a real world swordsman’s experience.

Rest in Peace, Mr. Anderson.

I leave you with Anderson’s great choreography for the Princess Bride…

Actor Ruffalo Wants Obama to Turn Army Corps of Engineers Political

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mark Ruffalo — you know, the millionaire actor that claims to be part of the 99% — may not be a scientist. But he plays one on mass emailings from left-wing advocacy groups. And with that activism Ruffalo is urging President Obama to turn the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from a science-based service to the American people into just another politicized arm of progressivism.

Ruffalo is lending his name to, an anti-fracking group claiming that the practice of drilling for natural gas contaminates drinking water wherever it is employed.

The science of the water contamination claim is not exactly proven but that won’t stop this group and actor Ruffalo from claiming it as fact. Clearly more scientific studies are needed to determine what is true and what isn’t here.
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Actor Ruffalo Wants Obama to Turn Army Corps of Engineers Political”

Tweet and Facebook Activism! Stop Congress From Destroying the Internet

The End of the Internet as We Know It

Tomorrow, the House Judiciary Committee will hold their first hearing on E-PARASITE, a bill written by Hollywood lobbyists that could end the Internet as we know it. They’ve had their say, now it’s our turn.

Act now to protect Internet freedom by contacting the members of the House Judiciary Committee over the phone, and on Twitter and Facebook. Then, spread the word about Social Media #LobbyDay as we use the Internet to save the Internet.


The PROTECT IP Act (S. 968) and the E-PARASITE Act (part of the “Stop Online Piracy Act”, H.R. 3261) would devastate job-creating American technology companies and social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube in the name of protecting Hollywood copyrights. These bills would create a “Great Firewall of America” by embracing the same Internet censorship tactics as the world’s worst human rights abusers, including regimes like communist China, Iran, Syria, and Burma. A number of technology experts have concluded that these bills would mean “the end of the Internet as we know it.”

What does it do?…
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Tweet and Facebook Activism! Stop Congress From Destroying the Internet”

Dancing With The Haters: DWTS Slam on Tea Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

Even Dancing is not safe from left-wing attacks on Tea Partiers, sadly. Tonight on the venerable dance show, fashion makeover maven Carson Kressley thought it would be a hoot to make fun of over half the voters in America with an attack on how he thinks Tea Party activists smell.

On tonight’s Dancing With The Stars, funny guy Carson Kressley hit the screen wearing a gorilla mask. Taking it off he snarked, “It still smells like a Tea Party.”

So, what are we to make of this nonsense? Is Kressley saying that Tea Party activists smell like gorillas?

Are we supposed to be laughing at that, now?

So, what do Democrats smell like? Maybe Europeans? How about reds?

I wonder what dance partner Anna Trebunskaya, who was born in Russia, thinks about that? I wonder how ABC will take attacking so much of its audience?

Whatever Anna or ABC thinks of it the bigger questions is, what do you Tea Partiers think? Maybe you can ask ABC yourself?

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Dancing With The Haters: DWTS Slam on Tea Party”

Eleanor Mondale Passes, Aged 51

-By Warner Todd Huston

Eleanor Mondale, the precocious daughter of Vie President Walter Mondale, passed away at her home in Minnesota. Mondale, aged 51, had been diagnosed with brain cancer in 2005 and finally succumbed to the illness.

Mondale made a name for herself in radio and TV after her father’s failed 1984 run for the White House against Ronald Reagan. But she was also the talk of the town, if you will before she launched her entertainment career.

She was a known “party girl” and again became notorious after her fling with rocker Warren Zevon was revealed in a book by Zevon’s widow published in 2007.

Mondale had several parts in TV shows, became an entertainment reporter, and went on to become a successful radio personality in Minnesota. Her radio career touched Chicago briefly in 1986 when she did a stint on WGN-720 (AM)

She was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2005 but had thought that the cancer had gone a year later. But by 2008 the cancer that eventually took her life had returned.
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Eleanor Mondale Passes, Aged 51″

Hollywood’s Next Rape Fantasy: 13-Year-Old Raped, Held As Sex Slave in New Film

-By Warner Todd Huston

It looks like Hollywood has not learned the lesson that a graphic rape of a teen girl is not the best recipe for box office sales as this year, yet another rape fantasy film has emerged from the muck and mire of Hollywood in the hopes to assault audiences everywhere.

You may remember back in 2007 when upcoming actress, then a 13-year-old Dakota Fanning, starred in Hounddog, a film in which her character was raped. When the film debuted at the Sundance Film Festival, the rape scene elicited actual boos from the audience. Still, the scene was not explicit and the rape itself was not shown on film.

This time, however, Hollywood went from the implied rape of a 13-year-old Dakota Fanning, to the graphic rape, bondage, and enslavement of a 13-year-old Chloe Grace Moretz in a new film hitting Sundance titled Hick.
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Hollywood’s Next Rape Fantasy: 13-Year-Old Raped, Held As Sex Slave in New Film”

Actress Mila Kunis: Middle America Stupid for Not Loving Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is always amusing to hear actors and actresses venture into the unfamiliar territory of politics when interviewers are cruel enough to broach such issues. Sadly, actress Mila Kunis is no exception to that Hollyweird tendency toward guffaw inducing political bloviating. Naturally and in keeping with most of the rest of the industry, in a new interview she’s disgorging that prosaic, ill-conceived, left-wing trope that she heard somewhere or another that serves as the basis of her “opinion.”

Of course she’s all a gush over The One. “I love Barack Obama, I voted for him and I will forever be proud of my vote,” she is reported as saying to Britain’s Stylist magazine.

Kunis, it appears, considers herself highly informed about politics and most especially on how wonderfully she thinks Obama is doing in office. Conversely, she seems blissfully unaware of the zero job growth we just experienced not to mention the highest unemployment this country has experienced since The Great Depression. She seems also completely ignorant of the trillions of dollars of debt that Obama has piled up.

Still, she is sure that the compromises that she thinks Obama made in recent economic policies are going to hurt us.
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Actress Mila Kunis: Middle America Stupid for Not Loving Obama”

You know It’s Bad When Even Leftist British Comedian Says England ‘No Longer English’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Wow. You know it’s gotten bad in the U.K. when a left-wing actor and British icon is now saying that his country has lost its essential Englishness. It looks like Monty Python alum John Cleese has “funny walked” his way into a bit of a controversy over his remarks, and this time from the left for a change.

Last week the 71-year-old comedian told a Sydney, Australia TV audience that London was “no longer an English city.”

You could see the steam come from the left’s ears over that one.

According to The Sun, Cleese was asked about what he felt about the yob riots that plagued England in August. Cleese apparently wasn’t very sanguine of the state of things in jolly old England.
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You know It’s Bad When Even Leftist British Comedian Says England ‘No Longer English’”

Chicago’s Marilyn Monroe Stature: From the Windy City to the Tacky City

-By Warner Todd Huston

I finally made it downtown to see the absurd Marilyn Monroe statue that sits in Pioneer Court, the public mall area next to Tribune Tower on Michigan Avenue near the Chicago River. I have to say it is as tacky in person as it seems in photos. Moreso, maybe.

The paean to Marilyn Monroe’s famous sewer grate scene in the movie “The Seven Year Itch” went up in early July. It was created by New Jersey artist Seward Johnson and portrays Monroe as she stood above the sewer grate, dress flying in the air, face in that patented Monroe look of ecstasy.

To me, however, it resembles not so much a sculpture as it does a cheap kewpie doll-like, carnival prize. Unfortunately, it isn’t kewpie doll sized but is so big at 26-feet-tall that you can’t simply dismiss it as mere kitsch.
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Chicago’s Marilyn Monroe Stature: From the Windy City to the Tacky City”

Coming Soon A George Harrison BioPic from Martin Scorsese

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have to say, I am very interested in this project. It’s a Harrison biopic movie. No, not William Henry Harrison. Not even Benjamin Harrison. It’s George Harrison, the Beatle.

I have always been more fascinated by “the quiet Beatle,” George Harrison, than the others. I also like his music far better than John Lennon’s. I have most of Harrison’s solo albums, but not many of John’s solo work.

Harrison’s music was much more complex than both Lennon’s and McCartney’s, I have always thought. And Harrison developed a very distinctive sound, too. His last album, “Brainwashed” is very fun.
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Coming Soon A George Harrison BioPic from Martin Scorsese”

Interesting: A Movie About The Philippine Insurrection (1899 – 1902)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Let’s hope this isn’t just another bad Hollyweird attempt to be “relevant” about today’s issues by garbling history and imposing modern sensibilities on people that have been dead for a hundred years.

Most Americans have no clue that we fought a vicious 4-year war in the Philippines at the end of the Spanish-American War (1899 – 1902). It was marked by misunderstandings and atrocities on both sides. Hostilities even continued for years after the “official” end of the war.

The action was part of the era when most major western nations engaged in all sorts of imperialist endeavors to enlarge their territories and their power on the international scene. The US was no different in the quest for power in those days — well, maybe a little different — but our country quickly soured on imperialism and never embraced the concept like the European powers did.

Film Synopsis:
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Interesting: A Movie About The Philippine Insurrection (1899 – 1902)”

Time Mag Movie Review: G.W.Bush and Rick Perry Just Like Blood Thirsty Conan The Barbarian

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you know that Texas Governor Rick Perry and President George W. Bush are just like the fictional, prehistoric, sword-wielding, mass murderer, Conan the Barbarian? Well Time Magazine entertainment reporter Richard Corliss is here to inform you all about it in his review of the new action movie released this week based on the Robert E. Howard character. What is it with these people that they have to bring their hatred for Republicans into their reviews about films that have nothing whatever to do with politics?

It is clear that Corliss is not a fan of this flick, for sure. And he mixes metaphors and abuses sayings to beat the band to show his disdain. But it is his second, non-sequitur-filled paragraph that goes for Perry’s and W’s throats. Corliss features this attack prominently in the second paragraph of the review so that no one will miss it.

Corliss describes how at the beginning of the movie a young Conan watches his entire family slaughtered in front of him. To Corliss, this seems somehow “kind of like” the way Saddam Hussein plotted to kill George W. Bush’s father, H.W. Bush.
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Time Mag Movie Review: G.W.Bush and Rick Perry Just Like Blood Thirsty Conan The Barbarian”

ABC Whitewashing History: No Ciggies No Whites Only in New Early 60s-Based ‘Pan Am’ TV Series

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember back in the early 1960s when blacks could get any job they wanted in the American airline industry? Oh, and remember back then how no one smoked cuz it was really, really bad for you and stuff? Yeah. No one else does, either. Well, maybe not no one. Big Three Network ABC seems to remember it because that is how they are envisaging how the world worked back in 1963 for its new TV series about airline stewardesses entitled “Pan Am.”

In yet another example of Hollywood PCism run amuck, producers, we are told, “admitted” that studio execs at ABC-Disney nixed any chance that the show’s characters or extras would be smoking during the series even though the historical fact is that the bulk of the adult population of 1960s America smoked.

In fact, smoking was as common as “Coffee, Tea, or me.” Everyone was allowed to smoke on airline flights in the 1960s. It is just a fact. Yet producers have decided that the show will never portray a single fuming butt in flight despite the historical reality.

Heck, who over 45 does not remember cigarette ads portraying doctors telling consumers how smoking was good for your health? I sure do!
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ABC Whitewashing History: No Ciggies No Whites Only in New Early 60s-Based ‘Pan Am’ TV Series”

On the Movie Set Today…

Well, all day I have been on the movie set here in Louisiana, so I won’t be posting nearly as much here for the next week (the fans say “boo” the detractors say “yaaa”).

Thus far I been training the extras in military drill for civil war soldiers and firearms training is after lunch. About 130 guys in all. Going fairly well so far.

Today and Sunday for training. Monday rehearsal and some scenes to be filmed.

Filming starts later in the week for the major scenes.

Slate Says Detroit ‘Needs’ Anti-Christian, America-Slamming Statue

-By Warner Todd Huston

For some strange reason the left-wing Internet site thinks that the City of Detroit needs a statue erected to an anti-Christian, anti-American pop icon. That’s right, Slate thinks that Detroit needs to diss Jesus, slam capitalism, and attack the United States of America as an evil, violent nation. Strange recommendation for a city that literally drove America’s capitalist success story, isn’t it?

Well that is precisely what Slate is suggesting in an entertainment feature about raising a Motor City statue to the Hollywood sci fi movie character Robocop. After all, the Robocop movie was a purposeful slam on the United States and Christianity, not some celebration of her genius. This is exactly what the film’s director has said numerous times. Strange that Slate wants to use a character that presents what it claims is bad about America as something worthy enough to which to build a memorial.

For Slate Patrick Cassels, a 20-something actor, “Internet enthusiast,” and entertainment writer, announced his support of the statue to the violence-soaked movie icon mostly because it is an attack on “Regonomics” and corporations. But, as if supporting a paean to Marxism isn’t grating enough for building a statue in an American city, he spends no time at all on the anti-Christian theme of the movie.
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Slate Says Detroit ‘Needs’ Anti-Christian, America-Slamming Statue”

Michael Moore: Big Fat Union Hypocrite

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the spotlight on Wisconsin’s union thugs rampaging across the state, one wonders why it took propaganda filmmaker Michael Moore so long to put himself in front of the news cameras to take some of their publicity for himself. But this weekend, Moore finally glommed onto the cameras making himself out to be a great supporter of the union’s efforts in the Badger State. Once again, though, Moore proves to be a hypocrite. It was Moore, after all, that excluded using union workers in one of his recent films. Some supporter of unions!

Filmmaker Moore attend a recent Wisconsin pro-union rally and regaled the crowd with an address saying, “Madison is only the beginning.”

“We’re going to do this together. Don’t give up. Please don’t give up,” Moore told the protesters, who have swarmed the Capitol every day for close to three weeks.

Oh, he’s a great supporter, right? But let us drift back only a few years to 2009 when he was filming his last bomb, Capitalism: A Love Story. During that production we found that Moore didn’t hire union stagehands (the IATSE) for his film.
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Michael Moore: Big Fat Union Hypocrite”

CBS Names Its Palin-Supporting Character After Terrorist

-By Warner Todd Huston

The CBS drama The Good Wife, a politically charged soap-opera-like series, is coming under fire for naming its Sarah Palin-boosting character after America’s most infamous domestic terrorist, Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.

Matthew Vadum of the Washington-based Capital Research Center says that naming the character “McVeigh” conjures an unmistakable inference. “Calling a character ‘Kurt McVeigh’ conjures up unmistakable images of mass murdering terrorist Timothy McVeigh. Hollywood screenwriters don’t live in a cultural vacuum; they help to create American culture,” Vadum told Fox News.

Even as the TV producers claim that they weren’t trying to discredit Sarah Palin by naming a character that supports her in its series after America’s most murderous homegrown terrorist, they also admit that they purposefully chose the name to invoke anti-government sentiment in the show’s other characters.
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CBS Names Its Palin-Supporting Character After Terrorist”

Some of the Unsung, Working Actors that Died in 2010…

-By Warner Todd Huston

We all know the really famous actors that died in 2010. But there was also a bunch of actors that, when you see their face, you’ll remember… if, that is, you were a big TV and film watcher during the 1950s, 60s, 70s and/or 80s.

Check out the familiar faces of the following 25 actors. The faces are familiar even if the names are not.

(in order from date of death)

RIP 2010

Bernard Kates

(Dec. 26, 1922-Feb. 2, 2010) Kates did stage, starred as Sigmund Freud on Star Trek, and starred on the soap The Guiding Light.

Andrew Koenig

(Aug. 17, 1968-Feb. 14, 2010) Andrew made his mark as Kirk Cameron’s sidekick in the series Growing Pains. He was the son of Star Trek’s Walter Koenig (Chekov) and tragically committed suicide in Canada.

Lionel Jefferies

(June 10, 1926-Feb. 19, 2010) Most famous for his role in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, but he had a long career that stretched five decades.
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Some of the Unsung, Working Actors that Died in 2010…”