Obama’s UN Speech: Soft Pedaling America’s Principles

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another UN meeting, another Obama appearance where he bends over backwards for foreign ideals and terror supporters. Once again Obama basically places ideas antithetical to America’s in front of ours as he addresses the world, seeming to apologize for us all over again.

For instance, the President began his speech with a eulogy of sorts to murdered U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. But the President didn’t have the courage to call that murder an act of terrorism. In fact, Obama used the word terror only one time in this speech and this in the same month in which acts of terror have been perpetrated across the Middle East.

Obama was upbeat, though, about the so-called Arab Spring that swept across the Middle East earlier this year and he was self-congratulatory on his part in it all.

“Since then, the world has been captivated by the transformation that has taken place, and the United States has supported the forces of change,” he said to the foreign leaders gathered at the UN.

But, Obama sure hasn’t supported pro-democracy forces in Iran. And with his “leading from behind” he has offered but uneven and tepid support for the forces in Libya, not to mention his complete silence about the pro-democracy activists in China. Further he has wasted not a word urging Bahrain to release its pro-democracy political prisoners. In fact, he’s been slow to voice support for most of the pro-democracy activists throughout the very Arab Spring he praised at the UN.
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Obama’s UN Speech: Soft Pedaling America’s Principles”

ABC, CBS, CNN, & MSNBC All Knock Obama For Campaigning Instead of Governing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every once in a while the Old Media takes a jab at their most favorite president of all time and Obama’s decision to skip any meetings with the world leaders that are gathering at the UN this week seems to be one of those times.

Just to name a few, Chuck Todd of MSNBC, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, ABC’s Jake Tapper, and the CBS Evening News all took swipes at the president for doing campaign stops, TV entertainment shows, and softball interviews instead of doing his job as our nation’s chief foreign policy representative by meeting with the world leaders who are this week visiting New York at the United Nations.

CBS slapped Obama saying “diplomacy gets a backseat to campaigning” on Monday in a piece by Nancy Cordes.

Noting that last year Obama conducted “13 one-on-one meetings with major leaders,” this year not so much.
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ABC, CBS, CNN, & MSNBC All Knock Obama For Campaigning Instead of Governing”

Against Family’s Wishes, CNN Used Murdered Ambassador’s Journal in Reports

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN has finally revealed the “source familiar with Ambassador Stevens’ thinking” upon which it based much of its reporting in the week following the attack on our embassy in Benghazi and the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens. That “source” was his own, handwritten journal and CNN used it for its reportage quite despite the wishes of Stevens’ surviving family.

On Friday, September 21, CNN host Anderson Cooper made the admission on his Anderson Cooper 360 show saying that much of the “information was found in a personal journal of Ambassador Stevens in his handwriting.”

We came upon the journal through our reporting and notified the family. At their request, we returned that journal to them. We reported what we found newsworthy in the ambassador’s writings. A reporter followed up on what we found newsworthy, as I said, in the ambassador’s writings.

This rather benign explanation, though, runs quite contrary to what the Wall Street Journal reported. As WSJ reported, the family had asked CNN not to use the journal at all.
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Against Family’s Wishes, CNN Used Murdered Ambassador’s Journal in Reports”

Instead of Watching Embassies Burn Obama Watches Football Last Weekend

-By Warner Todd Huston

We are told that President Obama watched a lot of football this weekend. I guess it was more fun than attempting to deal with our embassies burning in the Middle East and our soldiers being killed in Afghanistan.

The newsflash is courtesy of Amy Gardner’s twitter feed. Gardner, the White House reporter for the Washington Post, reports that the press gaggle on Air Force One reported that Obama spent his time watching football.

President Obama didn’t watch SNL season opener this weekend; watched a lot of football, per Josh Earnest on AF1 gaggle.

Must be nice to take time away from the pressing duties of being president to relax and watch a little football. But one wonders when this president actually takes time to undertake any of those pressing duties between golf, football, bowling in the White House bowling alley, and flying about the country for daily fundraising events?
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Instead of Watching Embassies Burn Obama Watches Football Last Weekend”

Obama Conference Call Ignoring Administration’s Syria Stagnation

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Obama’s reelection team held a conference call recently. The call was meant as an attack on Mitt Romney’s trip abroad, a trip meant to burnish his foreign policy creds. But one thing that team Obama seemed to want to ignore was Obama’s own foreign policy failures in Syria. And so the civil war in that far away lands was practically ignored by Obama’s advisers.

In fact, Obama’s entire policy on Syria seems to have at the very least become stalled. It is likely he’s putting off any further decisions until after the election in order to appease his anti-war left wing supporters. But whatever the case, he is failing to lead in Syria.

There may soon come a very dangerous tipping point in Syria, too.

This week it was reported by some sources that Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian forces have chemical weapons and may be prepared to use them against rebels. Obama has done little of note about this threat.

Sadly, the rebels have been pleading for better weapons from the U.S. but despite Obama’s pledge of his support for them, he has ignored their pleas.
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Obama Conference Call Ignoring Administration’s Syria Stagnation”

Fox Business Network Video: Henry Kissinger on the Unrest in Syria

-By Warner Todd Huston

Things are still bad in Syria (and all across the Middle East, for that matter). Despite Obama’s claims of great Mid East foreign policy successes, there is still uncertainty and unrest there and Obama is failing to do anything about it all. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger appeared on Fox Business Network with host Lou Dobbs to discuss the unrest in Syria and its impact on U.S. and Russia.

Video courtesy of Fox Business Network.

Obama Appointed Ambassador Says Israel At Fault for Muslim Anti-Semitism

-By Warner Todd Huston

Since he ascended from nothing to the office of President of the United States, Obama has shown a disdain for most of our western allies that borders on hatred. But he’s reserved his most backhanded treatment to Israel. It isn’t just what he’s done to show Israel that he has no use for them, but it goes all the way down to his every last appointment and this week we see another reminder of that in the comments belched forth by Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, who basically said that anti-Semitism perpetrated by Muslims is really all Israel’s fault.

As Jake Tapper (one of the few real reporters in Washington) reported on Sunday, Gutman made his remarks at a conference on anti-Semitism organized by the European Jewish Union on Dec. 2.

At the conference Gutman said, “a distinction should be made between traditional anti-Semitism, which should be condemned and Muslim hatred for Jews, which stems from the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.” Gutman imagined that tensions between Muslims and Israel is one, “largely born of and reflecting the tension between Israel, the Palestinian Territories and neighboring Arab states in the Middle East over the continuing Israeli-Palestinian problem.”
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Obama Appointed Ambassador Says Israel At Fault for Muslim Anti-Semitism”

Narcissist in Chief: Obama’s ‘Look At Me’ Photo

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back on Sept. 20, President Obama stood with the folks from the Open Government Partnership to get a group photo taken. But, even in a photo of over a dozen folks, as far as Obama was concerned it was all about Obama.

There he is, calling attention to himself like a ten-year-old on the carousel trying to get the attention of mommy and daddy.

Worse, he’s covering up one of the participant’s face! How gauche.

Even MSNBCs Rich Shulman couldn’t take the self-centered, arrogance of our president. Under the photo, Shulman wrote, “I don’t know much about diplomatic protocols, but I would guess that waving during the group photo is something to avoid.”

That’s our narcissist in chief!
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Narcissist in Chief: Obama’s ‘Look At Me’ Photo”

Debunking the Palestine Lie

There has NEVER been such a people as the Palestinians. And those that wanted their own nation have been little else but murderers, racists, and hatemongers since the 1920s and before!

This video does a great job explaining the REAL history of these murderous, monstrous, haters.

Worse, during WWII the Palestinians honed their hatred to a special edge by learning at the feet of the Nazis.

The basis for all this violence, hatred, murder, war, and destruction perpetrated by the so-called Palestinians? Islam, of course.

War Drums Beating: Anti-American George Soros Promoting Anti-Americanism in Central Asia

-By Warner Todd Huston

Richard Miniter has a very interesting article in Forbes about the damage anti-American millionaire George Soros is causing to both Central Asia and the foreign policy of the United States.

Soros is an interesting if risible figure. For good reason his name is a boogieman name for we on the right. Truthfully, though, most on the right don’t really have a full grasp on what it is he does to make his name worthy of being put in the pantheon of history’s worst haters of America.

People are aware that he uses his huge fortune to fund left-wing causes and organizations in the U.S., but many conservatives these days are unaware that Soros has also used his cash to topple communist dictators in the former Soviet nations in Central Asia. And while this seems like a good thing, there is all sorts of bad things that have happened because of his interference not the least of which is a growing anti-Americanism in nations that were already suspicious of the United States.

How could that be, conservatives might wonder? How could the leading hater of the U.S.A. be promoting even more anti-Americanism overseas? Shouldn’t his actions be welcomed by left-wingers everywhere?
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War Drums Beating: Anti-American George Soros Promoting Anti-Americanism in Central Asia”

Obama’s Contempt for Our Soldiers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama made what many are calling a mere “mistake” when he visited the 10th Mountain Division. His “mistake” came in when he said that a soldier that received the Medal of Honor was still alive.

Of course, the soldier in question, Sergeant First Class Jared Monti, was killed in Iraq in 2006 and did receive his Medal of Honor posthumously.

Here is what the president said:

“First time I saw 10th Mountain Division, you guys were in southern Iraq. When I went back to visit Afghanistan, you guys were the first ones there. I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.”

Now, why do I say that this shows Obama’s contempt for the military? Because no one should make such a “mistake” as this. Obama and his team miserably failed to get the facts on this most important of facts.
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Obama’s Contempt for Our Soldiers”

U.S. Rep. Roskam Marches in Wheaton Memorial Day Parade

-By Warner Todd Huston

Memorial Day Parade, Wheaton, Ill– Illinois Congressman Peter Roskam (R, 6th District) walked in the Wheaton Memorial Day Parade to some applause and ended the exercise by speaking to those assembled at the Wheaton Cemetery to commemorate those that have served us in peace and war and those who gave their last full measure so that we could remain the last best hope of the world.

The weather could not have been better as the parade stepped off this morning. The skies were clear and Summer temperatures had finally arrived. As the route rolled on the heat did tend to rise, though. Still, compared to the dismal weather we’ve seen the last few months, this Memorial Day was a welcome respite.

Rep. Roskam had a group of about fifty supporters march with him and I joined them to document the event. As we walked the distance from downtown Wheaton to the Wheaton Cemetery it was obvious that the congressman had many fans along the route. There were surprised smiles and a healthy amount of applause as the congressman and his lovely wife led the contingent.
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U.S. Rep. Roskam Marches in Wheaton Memorial Day Parade”

Memorial Day 2011: THIS Is What American Troops Are Made Of…

-By Warner Todd Huston

For Memorial Day, I don’t usually post much, preferring to dedicate the day to memorializing our troops. To do that this year, I am going to share this story about the mettle of our troops. What follows are excerpts from remarks by Marine Lt. Gen. John F. Kelly to the Semper Fi Society of St. Louis on November 13, 2010. Kelly’s son, Marine 1st Lt. Robert Michael Kelly, 29, had been killed in action four days earlier in Sangin, in southern Afghanistan, while leading his platoon on a combat patrol:

Giving Thanks for Our Warriors

“Those with less of a sense of service to the nation never understand it when men and women of character step forward to look danger and adversity straight in the eye, refusing to blink, or give ground, even to their own deaths… No, they are not victims but are warriors, your warriors, and warriors are never victims regardless of how and where they fall. Death, or fear of death, has no power over them. Their paths are paved by sacrifice, sacrifices they gladly make… for you….

“Two years ago when I was the commander of all U.S. and Iraqi forces, in fact, the 22nd of April 2008, two Marine infantry battalions, 1/9 ‘The Walking Dead,’ and 2/8 were switching out in Ramadi… Two Marines, Corporal Jonathan Yale and Lance Corporal Jordan Haerter, 22 and 20 years old respectively, one from each battalion, were assuming the watch together at the entrance gate of an outpost that contained a makeshift barracks housing 50 Marines… Yale was a dirt poor mixed-race kid from Virginia with a wife and daughter, and a mother and sister who lived with him and he supported as well. He did this on a yearly salary of less than $23,000. Haerter, on the other hand, was a middle-class white kid from Long Island. They were from two completely different worlds… But they were Marines, combat Marines, forged in the same crucible of Marine training, and because of this bond they were brothers as close, or closer, than if they were born of the same woman.
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Memorial Day 2011: THIS Is What American Troops Are Made Of…”

Obama’s New ‘Truth Minister’ Husband of ‘General Betray Us’ MoveOn.Orger

-By Warner Todd Huston

This week President Obama revealed his latest attempt to control the media, the Internet, and the information revealed to the people of the United States by creating a new “press” office of sorts, an Obama ministry of truth, if you will. Obama’s grandiose name for this new office is the Progressive Media & Online Response department. Also named was its new director, Jesse Lee. Lee, it turns out, has an interesting connection to one of the most outrageous anti-American, anti-military media efforts in recent memory.

Jesse Lee, you see, is married to Nita Chaudhary, one of the people responsible for the 2007 MoveOn.org newspaper ad that maligned General David Petraeus as “General Betray Us.”

That’s right, the guy that President Obama has chosen to “correct” the Internet and media and to relay the president’s “truth” is connected to one of the most anti-American, anti-military, left-wing activist groups in America. Lee and his wife are typical, hardcore, leftist extremists yet now they are in the People’s House with Lee responsible to “correct” the people themselves when they dare to question The One.
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Obama’s New ‘Truth Minister’ Husband of ‘General Betray Us’ MoveOn.Orger”

Peter Roskam, Ill. Delegation Mostly Disappointed With Obama’s Libya Policies

-By Warner Todd Huston

Despite initially intending to skip a public address, President Obama finally came before the nation last night to speak about his plans and ideas for America’s engagement in Libya. Unfortunately there are more questions than answers still and members of the Illinois congressional delegation are less than satisfied with Obama’s Libya policies.

For one, Peter Roskam (R, 6th), Chief Deputy Whip of the GOP led House, is less than happy with Obama’s televised appearance.

Even though it comes nine days after our military became engaged in Libya, I am pleased President Obama took the opportunity to address the country tonight. Unfortunately many questions still remain. Even with a nationally-televised, widely-promoted speech, Americans still don’t have the answer to a basic and essential question: what is the benchmark for success in Libya?

Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R, 11th) went a step farther yesterday and said that, even though he is not advocating sending troops at this time, we should not automatically rule out sending in American ground troops. “What you end up seeing is when you say we’re never going to send in American troops–you take away that ability to use that as a trump card or leverage.”
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Peter Roskam, Ill. Delegation Mostly Disappointed With Obama’s Libya Policies”

2,200 Marines Go To Libya, ‘What Happened to No Boots on the Ground’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In all the reporting on the involvement of US Forces in Libya a report by WCTI Channel 12 News in New Bern, North Carolina seems to have gone by almost unnoticed. The News channel reports that 2,200 U.S. Marines have been shipped off the Libya. But doesn’t this deployment clash with Obama’s supposedly steadfast claim that there will be “no boots on the ground” in Libya?

On March 20 WCTI reported that the Marines were shipping out.

About 2,200 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, or 26th MEU will take part. Their mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people.

“In Libya right now they are doing exactly what we need them to do. They are doing what they are told and right now that’s protecting Libyan people against Qadhafi forces,” said Captain Timothy Patrick, a Marine with the 26th MEU.

So, what is it? Are there Marines in Libya or will there be “no boots on the ground”? If there are Marines there, what are they there for?
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2,200 Marines Go To Libya, ‘What Happened to No Boots on the Ground’?”

Obama Misspells Libya on Twitter Feed

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, not only has Obama turned a deaf ear to the dozens getting killed in Libya by their own mad dictator, but when the White House Twitter feed finally did decide to discuss the country it spelled the name of the place incorrectly.

Seriously, White House? “Lybia”? Sounds like something that the Bush Administration would be destroyed over by the left-sold media. So, any chances that the media will make fun of Barack “the world traveller” Obama over this?

Yeah, don’t hold your breath waiting for the smarter-than-thou left-media pundit class to start lambasting Obama any time soon.
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Obama Misspells Libya on Twitter Feed”

Obama’s Disastrous Visit to India

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Barack Obama’s now concluding trip to India seems to have turned out to be a failed or at the very least unhelpful effort. His false starts, unhelpful comments and bad policy moves mark this visit as a bit of a mess.

Obama made multiple gaffes not only for India but for his own party back home not to mention his nation. As his political party was delivered a severe blow and his agenda was cut off at the knees on election day he was seen dancing happily all across the continent with a lavish visit paid for at the taxpayer’s expense even as those same taxpayers were enraged at wild government spending sprees. As the Indians worried over Obama’s foreign policy he refused to call the those that attacked them in Mumbai terrorists and finally on his exit from the country he delivered yet another one of his digs at his own country saying that America is a nation in decline.

Things began going wrong for The One even as he first arrived in one of the most vibrant nations on earth. For one thing he arrived a lesser president than when he originally set up the trip. His party was delivered a stunning and historic blow as the GOP picked up over 60 seats in the federal seat of power and hundreds more in the state legislatures in the Nov. 2 election, a feat that hasn’t been repeated since WWII. So Obama arrived with his mandate splintered and his power diminished. He is a president with less power to help his Indian hosts do anything.
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Obama’s Disastrous Visit to India”

Truth Or Fiction Gives Huston the Thumbs Up

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hey I got “fact checked” by the website TruthOrFiction.comand was found… to be 100% correct! I was not aware that this happened, but someone stumbled across it and emailed it to me.

Apparently one of my articles was turned into one of those widely distributed email chain letters and it was so widely emailed to and fro that the fact checker websites took up the issue.

The article that was being emailed was mine titled, “Obama Orders Army NOT To Fly U.S. Flag in Haiti.” In this one I reported that the Obama administration ordered the U.S. military not to fly the U.S. flag during its relief work in earthquake-ravaged Haiti in early 2010.

So why did the Obama administration forbid flying our own flag in Haiti?
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Truth Or Fiction Gives Huston the Thumbs Up”

Obama Says U.S. Can ‘Absorb Terror Attacks’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Eh, don’t worry, America. If there is another 9/11-like terror attack, The One says that we can “absorb it” and just become “stronger” because of it. It’s as if he wants it to happen, or something!

In his latest book, Bob Woodward encountered a President Obama that seemed to casually blow off worry of another terror attack. The Washington Post gave us a sneak preview of Woodward’s newest tome where Obama acted so flippantly toward another 9/11. (my bold)

Woodward’s book portrays Obama and the White House as barraged by warnings about the threat of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil and confronted with the difficulty in preventing them. During an interview with Woodward in July, the president said, “We can absorb a terrorist attack. We’ll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever… we absorbed it and we are stronger.”

If we are “stronger,” and that is entirely debatable, it certainly isn’t because of anything the Obama administration has done.
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Obama Says U.S. Can ‘Absorb Terror Attacks’”

Coming to YOUR Nation: Muslims Forcibly Take Over French Street for Prayers

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the more insidious ways that Muslims try to impose their sharia laws on western nations is to use the west’s liberal laws against them by warping that law to install sharia by stealth. Such is the case in a section of France where Muslims, sometimes appearing in the hundreds, choke a French street to perform their daily prayers. They have no permits, they have not asked for legal permission, they simply congregate by the hundreds and do it, breaking the law as they do so.

Sadly, the French government has told the police to stand idly by and allow it to happen showing that France is being pulled both ways on Islam.

On one hand they are strictly a secular government even going so far as to make religious expression uncomfortable — especially for Christians. France has banned the veil and many Frenchmen have spoken out against radical Islam.
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Coming to YOUR Nation: Muslims Forcibly Take Over French Street for Prayers”

John Kerry: Obama Preparing to Negotiate With Afghan Terrorists?

-By Warner Todd Huston

If one can believe a word Senator John Kerry (D, Mass) says, the United States is launching efforts to negotiate with Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan.

“I can report without being specific that there are efforts under way. They are serious and I completely agree with that fundamental premise — and so does General [David] Petraeus and so does President Obama — there is no military solution,” Kerry told NPR. “And there are very active efforts now to seek an appropriate kind of political settlement.”

So that means that Obama is willing to negotiate with terrorists that kill little girls for wanting to go to school, kill people for listening to music, destroy world art treasures like the Bamyan Buddhas, stone women and gays just because they can, and murder innocent aid workers and doctors.

What a great idea, Obama!
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John Kerry: Obama Preparing to Negotiate With Afghan Terrorists?”

After a Year in Office, Biden Says Afghan War Policy Still Developing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Vice President Joe Biden wants everyone to just calm down. He says that it’s “much too premature” to judge the Obama administration’s efforts in Afghanistan. Apparently, after a year of focusing on “the right war,” America is still waiting for the Obama administration to “develop” its policies there.

But one thing seems sure, the Obama administration has already excluded the possibility that more troops will be sent if Biden’s comments can be believed. When asked if the additional 30,000 troops are successful, will the administration send even more after them, Biden did not hesitate to say, “I do not believe so.”

So, success seems to be right off the table. After a year of the administration’s flaccid talk about our efforts in Afghanistan, after a decision to send fewer troops than generals have requested, and after a year of “developing” policy, the one thing that might be successful — more troops — has been preemptively taken off the table before anyone even knows if the first deployment will work.
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After a Year in Office, Biden Says Afghan War Policy Still Developing”

President Obama Finally Found His Deportee: A Palestinian Convert to Christianity

-By Warner Todd Huston

After a desperate search of the country, President Barack Hussein Obama is ready to deport someone at long last. And that deportee is a dangerous, horrible man, indeed. His name is Mosab Hassan Yousef and he is a convert from Islam to Christianity who hails from Palestine. To show how dangerous he is, he has written a subversive new book named “Son of Hamas,” a book that denounces Islamic terror and violence and warns Americans of dangers posed them. One other thing is interesting about this man. He is the son of the founder of the Palestinian-based terrorist group Hamas and has turned against those terrorists, his former comrades, and family members.

Yeah. A terrible man, indeed.

Yet, here we have President Barack Hussein Obama’s administration looking to deport this man who stands against Islamic terror, this man that wants an end to radicalized Islam, this man that has converted to the very religion that the bulk of American’s observe.

Yes, that wheezing sound you hear is 20 million illegal Mexican immigrants breathing a sigh of relief. Hussein has found his deportee and they are of the hook.
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President Obama Finally Found His Deportee: A Palestinian Convert to Christianity”

What’s Cut from Obama’s West Point Speech Says Much About Him

-By Warner Todd Huston

Drudge has an interesting little snippet concerning President Obama’s recent speech before the graduating class at West Point. It is a short headline about what was cut from Obama’s speech, a cut that really says a lot about the arrogance of team Obama as well as his utter lack of spontaneity and sincerity and his slavish reliance on the teleprompter.

Here’s the little snippet on Drudge:

Tepid applause from cadets: Cuts ‘That’s a lot of cheering’ line from prepared remarks…

So let’s let this straight. Obama actually had written into his speech ahead of time that there was to be “a lot of cheering”? This man who campaigned against the work of these soldiers to be, this man from a party that has called these soldiers murderers, criminals, dullards, and dangerous, these folks were expected to give this president “a lot of cheering”? Obama really expected a lot of cheering from folks he and his party hate so much?

There’s a break from sanity in the Obama White House, for sure.
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What’s Cut from Obama’s West Point Speech Says Much About Him”

Why Does Obama Bow Like a Weakling?

-By Warner Todd Huston

And the award for the bowing-est president evah goes to: Barack Hussein Obama. Give him a round of applause, folks.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen and Democrats, too, this most supplicating of all presidents is at it again, bowing to the Chinese in a recent meeting. What is wrong with this man?

Here are the “best hits” of our weakling president lowering himself and our nation in front of kings, tyrants and foreigners the world over…

Bowing to Saudi tyrants

Bowing to foreign emperors

Bowing to communist dictators

Bowing to communist representatives

Bowing to simple mayors of U.S. cities

And today we get more bows to Chinese dictators

Seriously. What is wrong with this man?

This president is making us less safe every day. Let’s hope the work Bush did holds us over until we have an opportunity to oust this most dangerous of presidents in 2012.

This just in, the Obama Bow gauge.

**Update: 2014**

Now Obama is even bowing to foreign robots! This man has mental problems.
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Why Does Obama Bow Like a Weakling?”

This Just In, Liberals Are Murderers

-By Warner Todd Huston

What is it that the extremists of the anti-war left, liberals, and Democrats say about the U.S. practice of capturing and detaining terror suspects? Don’t they say that it is wrong and evil? To that end, the left has through constant abuse of our own legal system made it practically untenable to capture and house terrorists in detention centers. And so, the U.S. is now just killing them outright instead of trying to capture them.

Let me say that again: because of the left, we are now just killing terrorists instead of capturing them. The result? Liberals are responsible for what they would consider the “murder” of terrorist suspects.

Yes, liberals are murderers. Now, not only are they baby murderers, but they are terror suspect murderers too. Will the left’s bloodlust never be sated?

A report in the L.A. Times reveals the ultimate, logical outcome of the left’s ill-considered actions against the war on terror. With the plans of closing Guantanamo Bay detention facility proceeding, the Obama administration is finding itself facing a dilemma. What they heck is it to do with terror suspects? According to the L.A. Times Obama faces “bringing them to the U.S. or even killing them.”
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This Just In, Liberals Are Murderers”

Trials for bin Laden? Why?

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has never been a trial of a fallen national leader that would stand up to the scrutiny of good criminal law. They have always been politically motivated, full of passion, and short on legal niceties or any observation of technical precision. Because of this, should the United States capture Usamma bin Laden, she should quickly and immediately execute him. Period. End of discussion.

From the absurd trial of Charles I by Cromwell’s Roundheads, to the Nazi trials at Nuremberg, to the Soviet Show Trials all the way to the execution of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, no political trial has been legally legitimate. Moral legitimacy is another subject, but the truth is that every one of these trials mentioned was bad on legal procedure.

Not only are these trials bad on technical law, but they set bad precedents. The Nuremberg trials, for instance, should never have happened because they emboldened those miscreants that had the idea that an “International community” could possibly have the legal power to try and convict a leader of a fallen state or deposed government.

Better that the Nazis should have been taken out back of a death camp and summarily executed as befits any fallen, evil foeman. The Romans were right. Kill those fallen leaders and move on. There is no need to justify it via some warped appeal to “the law.”
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Trials for bin Laden? Why?”

When Indians Are Better Cowboys Than the Cowboys

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week an article appeared in the Wall Street Journal that gave me pause even as it evoked outrage. It proved that the India has more backbone than America does where it concerns portraying Islamic terror in films.

The article was penned by Arun Venugopal. The writer is a young Indian-born, American-raised reporter who has knocked about in both Bollywood and the American film communities, and his piece is an eye opener.

Venugopal notes that the Indian film industry does not shy away from a “full throttle” portrayal of Islamic terror in its films.
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When Indians Are Better Cowboys Than the Cowboys”