Liberals Lying Again: ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ is NOT ‘Racist’ in ANY Way

-By Warner Todd Huston

The latest calumny against our country spewed by the historically illiterate left that our national anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner,” is “racist.” It is a charge that further proves that liberals are disingenuous, hysterics that only parrot the garbage that they hear from others even as they don’t take any time to research the matter themselves.

This time the nonsense is being peddled by the California chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People which has not only passed a “resolution” that the national anthem is “racist,” but has announced that it wants to pursue congressional sponsors to rescind the status of “The Star Spangled Banner” as our national theme song.

Why are they doing this? What else but raaaaacism?

Firstly, the move was an effort by the California NAACP to pass a resolution in support of anti-American protester and former NFL player Colin Kaepernick, according to the Sacramento Bee.

“We owe a lot of it to Kaepernick,” California NAACP President Alice Huffman during the group’s state meeting this week. “I think all this controversy about the knee will go away once the song is removed.”

Along with the resolution to celebrate Kaepernick’s hate mongering, the group also charged that “The Star Spangled Banner” is “one of the most racist, pro-slavery, anti-black songs in the American lexicon.”
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243 Independence Day Celebrations and Counting: But What Does it all Mean?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today America enjoys the celebration of 243 years as a nation by noting the day we declared our independence from England. Sadly, that celebration has, for too many, become the “Fourth of July” holiday, a day of picnics, rote parades, “white sales,” and for some a day off work. Of course, we should not and don’t celebrate any “July Fourth” holiday. We celebrate Independence Day, the day we formally separated from our parent nation and took those first unsteady steps into the world as a nation of our own.

So, what is this Independence Day all about? Well, for one thing we celebrate the gifts that our Creator has given us. That’s right, our Founding Fathers started this nation celebrating the gifts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and those natural rights given to us by God, rights that no man or government can take away from us, rights no man can legitimately prevent us from observing.

Contrary to the God-averse America we have devolved into, the Declaration mentions God, the Creator, or the divine multiple times and the Founders rested their entire claim of liberty and freedom on the claim that no government can legitimately take away the natural rights that mankind should and must enjoy.
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Our Second President, John Adams, Recalls the First Independence Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

John Adams was one of the truly indispensable men among our founding fathers. He was the man that wrote one of the first fully written out Constitutions in human history when he wrote the Constitution of Massachusetts. He wrote a seminal book on government that helped inform the founders of our nation, he was an ambassador to France and other European nations, he was our first vice president, our second president, and more.

In fact, Adams was at the center of one of the incidents that set the tone for our national character. When the Redcoats responsible for the Boston Massacre were put under arrest, John Adams stepped forward to represent the Redcoats in court. Many of his fellow patriots were amazed at this offer, some even incensed at Adams for doing so. But Adams said that the rule of law was far more important than merely making points with the home crowd and the Redcoats deserved to have competent representation.
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George Washington Said to Avoid ‘Entangling Alliances’… Or Did He?

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have been interested these days to hear the left citing George Washington, the father of our country, to support their ideas against the GOP and their hope that Obama will pull out of the Middle East. Specifically they have been citing Washington’s farewell address where he supposedly warned Americans against getting involved with foreign nations and getting caught up in those evil “foreign entanglements.”

It is quite amusing to see lefties in love with a founding father or American history and principles for the first time in their lives, certainly, but it isn’t just the left revealing a sudden respect for a founding father with citation of Washington’s address. Ron Paulites and those of an isolationist bent on foreign policy have also been bandying about Washington’s farewell address as some sort of “proof” that one of our “first principles” was to stay away from foreign nations.

What was Washington really saying, though? Did he warn us against “foreign entanglements”? Did he think the U.S. should steer clear of all outside political situations and relegate ourselves only to trade with foreigners?
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George Washington Said to Avoid ‘Entangling Alliances’… Or Did He?”

Capitalism 101, A Video Series by Leon Weinstein

-By Warner Todd Huston

Presented here is the first episode of Capitalism 101, a series intended to help parents teach their children of the virtues of capitalism and liberty.

According to series creator Leon Weinstein, “I am trying to teach adults how in an entertaining and engaging way to pass on their children why capitalism is important to THEM, and why without liberty THEY will be deprived of many things they (and we) take for granted.”

Leon Weinstein is an author and former citizen of communist Russia. His past work, The Capitalist Guidebook, is a tour de force apologia for capitalism, western civilization in general and the U.S.A. in particular.

John Conyers Speaking at Democratic Socialists of America Meeting

-By Warner Todd Huston

Should Democrats “pal around” with socialists? Whether it is a good idea or not here we have a sitting congressman actually going to a group of socialists and addressing them at one of their meetings. It wasn’t that many years ago that such a meeting would ring the death knell for a politician’s career.

Today, though, it goes entirely without note.

On October 5, 2010, Congressman John Conyers went personally to speak before a meeting in Michigan’s of members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

The socialist that introduced Conyers reminded the gathered comrades that Conyers was a major sponsor of the single payer healthcare system. Amazingly Conyers noted that he was “honored” to be introduced by the socialist, too, and paid all due deference to those assembled.
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John Conyers Speaking at Democratic Socialists of America Meeting”

Two Examples Showing Liberals Don’t Know ANYTHING About U.S. History

-By Warner Todd Huston

This week we have two prominent examples proving that liberals are ignoramuses about the Constitution and U.S. history. One incident wholly misunderstood by the left was uttered by the redoubtable Sarah Palin and the other by Christine O’Donnell.

First up Sarah.

In Nevada Sarah Palin kicked off a new tour to spur conservatives and Republicans to the polls just ahead of the midterm elections. During one of her speeches Palin said that conservatives shouldn’t “party like it’s 1773” just yet. We need to keep our shoulder to the wheel and get to the polls first, she warned.

The idiots of the left went wild with Palin’s 1773 date. It proved that Palin was an idiot, they said. Why, the only famous date in our early history is 1776, they chortled. Palin is obviously too stupid to know we became a nation in 1776 they guffawed.

A string of Twitter posts and TV reports streamed from these unschooled leftists attacking Palin for her obvious stupidity.

Of course, these leftist idiots proved themselves illiterate enough not to know that Palin wasn’t referencing the 1776 birth of the nation. Palin was at a Tea Party rally and was referencing the Boston Tea Party… you know, the one that occurred in 1773? Yeah, remember that one?
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Two Examples Showing Liberals Don’t Know ANYTHING About U.S. History”

Video: What We Tea Party Conservatives Believe

Bill Whittle has a great, great video here helping to explain our conservative views in an intelligent, even soft-spoken, style. This is part one of two, the second to come soon.

Progressive ideas have always failed and our ideas are successful every time they are tried.

Bill Whittle is the host of PJTVs Afterburner.

When You Don’t Vote Well, Liberals Assume You’ve Lost Your Minds

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ben Smith of Politico noticed that two “influential writers broadly in sympathy with Obama” recently floated the notion that as the nation turns rightward and isn’t voting with the extreme left, why we’ve all become “irrational.”

In the New Yorker, George Packer wrote that we’ve become a mob of unreason. “Nine years later,” he writes, “the main fact of our lives is the overwhelming force of unreason. Evidence, knowledge, argument, proportionality, nuance, complexity, and the other indispensable tools of the liberal mind don’t stand a chance these days against the actual image of a mob…”

Packer imagines that our “mob” mentality and “unreason” is why that wonderful, most smartest of all presidents in th’ whole wide universe is “less and less able to speak to and for our times.” We are deaf to Sir Smartness because we are all too stupid to understand, don’t you see?
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When You Don’t Vote Well, Liberals Assume You’ve Lost Your Minds”

Called on the Carpet: Obama’s New WH Rug Muffs History

-By Warner Todd Huston

He grew up in Indonesia, his father was a Kenyan, and he’s been fighting the perception that he isn’t much of an American since he became a nationally known entity. Unfortunately for President Obama, his redecoration of the Oval Office is not helping by making him seem just as ignorant about America as his critics claim. This latest gaffe is in the expensive rug he commissioned that has woven onto it a quote mis-attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr.

Obama’s rug has attributed to King an oft-repeated line, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Sure King said it. But even King reminded people that he wasn’t its creator.

Jamie Stiehm has the facts regarding this quote. It was originated by the 19th century champion of social progress, Theodore Parker.

Parker was a staunch anti-slavery man who died just on the eve of the American civil war, a man involved in every reform effort of his day, quite a radical for his time. He even supported domestic terrorist John Brown and supplied money for guns to be used in the “Bloody Kansas” fights over slavery.

King admired this white man who fought to end slavery and used his phrase many times — with full attribution, of course.
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Called on the Carpet: Obama’s New WH Rug Muffs History”

When a Civil Rights Group Hires All Whites… What do You Have?

-By Warner Todd Huston

As we are sonorously and endlessly told, the Southern Poverty Law Center is all about exposing the “hate” and working for “civil rights” in America. But a new website, Watching the Watchdogs, has tracked down the salaries and identities of SPLC’s top officers and it is interesting to note that they are all white people. Not a “minority” in the bunch. And they are all making a pretty penny, too.

So, what do you have when a “civil rights” organization that tries to fight the “hate” out there, an organization that claims it is all about protecting America’s minorities, hasn’t hired any minorities? Maybe the word “hypocrites” comes to mind?

In June I also wrote a piece on the SPLC. In it I noted that the entirety of the Old Media use the SPLC as their number one source for information on “hate groups” and the danger of so-called “white militias,” but I ask what other sources there are for the “hate groups” that the SPLC claims it is tracking. The answer is, none. There are no other sources and the Old Media simply swallows the SPLC’s claims whole.
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When a Civil Rights Group Hires All Whites… What do You Have?”

Jamal Greene: Why I Am a Conservative?

Jamal Greene took to his video camera to tell us why he is a conservative. His effort is a serious and worthy explication of conservatism and his words should be listened to.

Jamal Greene: “In this video I speak about the ideas and beliefs that hold true. As a young educated black male I wanted to show the other face of the Conservative Movement: Me. There are many of us out here. Thanks to Glenn Beck for having them on his show. As a young educated black I constantly face down the stereotype that all blacks are Liberal and vote democrat. I am a member of the Tea Party, so the liberal media lies about the tea party being racist are completely untrue. This video dedicated to freedom, life, and liberty of the American Spirit. The Best is still yet to come for America.” As seen on Mr. Greene’s FaceBook.

Democrats’ Un-American Hate for the Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

California Democrat Pete Stark thinks that the Constitution of the United States is powerless to control the every desire of Democrats. He thinks that the Constitution is not a guide for limited government, but an excuse for intrusive government.

It’s easy to dismiss Stark over his long history of distempered public behavior but his core belief is the core belief of the un-American Democrat Party as it exists today. They all, to a man, feel that there is nothing that prevents them from doing just anything they feel like doing. They imagine we are a “democracy” that needs only a winning number of votes to do anything. No law, no principle, no tradition binds them.
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Democrats’ Un-American Hate for the Constitution”

Another Racist Democrat Turns Up

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left’s narrative is that it is the right that is filled with racists. The Old Media helps the left further this fiction. Occasionally, though, we do get hints of the left’s racism in the Old Media and today we have one example in New York where the campaign of a sitting Democrat congressman outed a list of 80 Jewish campaign contributors of his opponent, a Republican.

New York’s 13th District Congressman Mike McMahon fired his communications director this weekend after she published a list of 80 Jews that donated to Republican opponent Mike Grimm. The McMahon campaign denies it, of course, but the veiled implication — or maybe not so veiled — is that the Republican is dirty with “Jewish money.”

“This is a United States congressman that’s segregating people out by their religion,” Republican Mike Grimm told reporters.
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Another Racist Democrat Turns Up”

America? It’s Become a Silly Little Place

-By Warner Todd Huston

The United States of America used to be a fearsome power but one with a soft touch. Peoples of the world looked to this great nation as that “shining city on a hill” and came here by the millions to become the next new American citizen. Producing its greatness were great men and in memory of those great men landmarks, and worthy institutions were named after them by a proud and thankful people.

We had Washington City named for the father of our country. We had schools and libraries named after the first man of the people, Andrew Jackson. We had more schools and later highways named after the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln. Yet more schools and highways were named after the man that won WWII for us, Dwight Eisenhower. An Airport was named after the great communicator, Ronald Reagan.

These great men helped build this country and contributed to its greatness in their own special ways. Their contributions can neither be slighted nor forgotten. These were important men, great men that led this wondrous nation.

So, what do we have today? What great men are finding an adoring public choosing to name important facilities, places of learning, or great veins of transportation after them? What great men are following in the footsteps of these past great men? Who else has done things like won a terrible war, became our first president, freed the slaves, saved the country from elitists, or helped bring the masses into political power?
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America? It’s Become a Silly Little Place”

An American Tragedy: When Commies Give You Lemons…

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago Sun-Times financial reporter Terry Savage wrote a little opinion piece this week about a kid’s lemonade stand she came across in a ritzy, liberal northern suburb of Chicago. The kiddie enterprise violated one of our most sacred American principles and Savage was incensed by the whole incident.

Savage stopped to buy some lemonade from the two little girls and when she asked how much, she was told that it was free! As the girls happily gave their parent’s food away, their nanny stood beside them smiling approvingly.

Savage was unhappy with the girl’s faux generosity. “That’s not the spirit of giving. You can only really give when you give something you own.” Savage wrote, “They’re giving away their parents’ things — the lemonade, cups, candy. It’s not theirs to give.”
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An American Tragedy: When Commies Give You Lemons…”

A New Declaration of Independence for a New Revolution

-By Warner Todd Huston

America is fast coming to a crossroads from which there will be no return if we take the wrong path. Do we take the road that leads away from America and toward a Euro-esque way of governing? Do we cast aside our American character and bury our great nation in a grave of socialist-styled authority? Do we damn our progeny to a failed superstate that violate every tenet of our original ideals?

I say we do not. I say we reject the democrat’s Euro-esque ideas and refocus ourselves on American exceptionalism. Our federal system has strayed far from our founding ideals and we may soon find that its time for a new Declaration of Independence from a tyrannical government that has usurped power from proper authority.

Since it is Independence Day this weekend, I offer this new Declaration as a rallying cry to all those willing to return to our true American character…
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A New Declaration of Independence for a New Revolution”

Disclosure Act: Another Example of Unconstitutional Obamaism

-By Warner Todd Huston

On June 24 the House of Representatives passed by a bare minimum number of votes the DISCLOSE Act, a law that is supposed to be a new effort to get around the recent US Supreme Court decision that struck down parts of Congress’ campaign finance law. Bare minimum or no there is no doubt that this new law is an unconstitutional mess that unfairly limits the free political speech of some Americans while giving an unfair advantage to unions and certain lobbyists — lobbyists including the National Rifle Association and Big Labor groups such as the AFL-CIO and the SEIU.

The DISCLOSE Act (full name, Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections Act) was passed through the House by a 219 to 206 vote with only two Republicans voting in favor and 36 Democrats voting against. The two Republicans that voted in favor were Mike Castle of Delaware and Joseph Cao of Louisiana.

So what is this law supposed to do? For one thing the law would require “special interest group officials to physically appear at the end of campaign ads they sponsor, acknowledging their campaign contributions.” It would also require that advocacy groups detail on their public websites every campaign they’ve donated to.
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Disclosure Act: Another Example of Unconstitutional Obamaism”

Despite Misconception, We Conservatives DO Want Some Government

-By Warner Todd Huston

Leftists love to purposefully misconstrue what sort of government conservatives want. Certainly whenever some new big government boondoggle erupts in the typical corruption and waste that is government, conservatives rail against the misappropriation of powers that such boondoggles invariably mean. But when government isn’t doing something they want it to do and conservatives kvetch with equal vitriol, the first attack left-wingers charge them with is hypocrisy. The left’s taunt, however, is a willful misread of what it is that conservatives are saying in their critique of government.

Unfortunately, many conservatives make this taunt all the easier to level because it seems that they are a bit hazy themselves on just what they should think about the role of government.

Conservatives come by this problem honestly, though. What conservative worth his salt is unaware of Ronald Reagan’s famous small government quote: “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” (Reagan’s first inaugural address)
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Despite Misconception, We Conservatives DO Want Some Government”

2-Inch-Tall Army Soldiers Gets School Kid Reprimanded

-By Warner Todd Huston

A policy of no tolerance for weapons got an 8-year-old boy in trouble at his Rhode Island grade school this week. The boy brought in nearly a dozen M-14 Army rifles to his Tiogue School in Coventry, R.I. grade school and was chastised by the principal for the outrage.

How did he get all those assault rifles into the school you might ask? Why he did it by gluing seven or so of his 2-inch-tall green army soldier toys to his camo colored ball cap for “make a crazy hat” day at school. That’s right, a few green army man toys were enough to trip the poor child up in this foolish school’s “no weapons” policy. (Photo credit,

Seriously. No weapons includes 2-inch-tall army soldier toys holding teeny, tiny representations of army rifles. 2-inch-tall army soldier toys are enough to get a kid sent in shame to the principal’s office and threatened with sterner action.
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2-Inch-Tall Army Soldiers Gets School Kid Reprimanded”

Anti-War Teachers Disrupt Recognition Ceremony of Military-Minded Students

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week two Massachusetts High School teachers took it upon themselves to protest against the U.S. Military as students that had announced plans to join our armed forces were receiving recognition from their school. Incensed students and parents called for the teachers to be fired.

History teacher Marybeth Verani and English teacher Adeline Koscher raised signs protesting the military during the June 11 ceremony at Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School interrupting the proceedings and angering the parents and their students that were being recognized.

Students were upset that these teachers decided to impose their anti-American, anti-Military view on the room full of attendees during a time meant to celebrate the student’s efforts to serve their country.

Andrew Bowles Jr., a junior at the school, told reporters afterward, “They not only imposed their political will, they imposed it at the wrong time.”

A parent, Joanne Schuman of Yarmouth, thought that the teachers would have been removed from the event.
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Anti-War Teachers Disrupt Recognition Ceremony of Military-Minded Students”

Publisher’s Warning Label: That Constitution and Declaration is No Longer Valid Thinking

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Virginia-based publisher has decided that the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and other founding books are likely offensive and they want their readers to understand that these old documents are no longer valid ways of thinking. And so the publisher, Wilder Publications, has put a warning label on its reprints of America’s founding documents and books to shield American’s delicate sensibilities.

The warning label reads, “This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today. Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.”

The warning labels appear on copies of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, the Articles of Confederation, and the Federalist Papers, as well as other founding books and documents the company reprints.
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Publisher’s Warning Label: That Constitution and Declaration is No Longer Valid Thinking”

All White Swim Meet Celebrates 8 Years of Excellence

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s smiles all around for the National White Heritage Swim Meet held since 2003 near Raleigh, Durham North Carolina. This year nearly 750 swimmers have come from as far away as Florida and Illinois to compete.

“Look at all the people,” said Kenny Cross of Raleigh. “This is where champions are born.”

The all white swim teams were created in an effort to raise interest in swimming in white people. Of course, everyone is welcome….

Wait. Does this make you uncomfortable? Does an all white swim meet make you uneasy and raise the specter of racism? Is it wrong to have an all white swim meet?

Only they aren’t… all white, I mean. They are instead all black.

Still feel the same way?

If not, why?
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All White Swim Meet Celebrates 8 Years of Excellence”

NJ Grade Schools Makes Kids Dress as Women for Woman’s History Month — Yes Even Boys

-By Warner Todd Huston

To celebrate women’s history month this year, grade school boys are being forced to dress up like women at the Maple Shade School District in Burlington County, New Jersey and some parents are none too happy about it.

According to Beth F. Norcia, Principal of the Maude Wilkins Elementary School, the cross-dressing scheme was set up as a contest to celebrate women’s history month among the Burlington County schools.

The idea, says Principal Norcia, is for the kids to dress up as women through various periods of American history. When a nonplussed parent called the school to inquire about the dress-up day, the Principal seemed unperturbed by it all saying that women wear jeans, too, so boys didn’t have to wear a dress unless they wanted to.
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NJ Grade Schools Makes Kids Dress as Women for Woman’s History Month — Yes Even Boys”

This Congressman Doesn’t Know the Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

What the heck is that old Constitution thingie, anyway? Does anyone in Congress know? Of course we’ve been railing about those leftist members of Congress who both don’t know anything about the Constitution, nor care a whit about it. But it isn’t just the lefties that don’t know anything about the Constitution.

Here we have a patriotic American schooling Congressman Frank A. LoBiondo (2nd District, New Jersey) on what is contained in Article One of the Constitution. LoBiondo is a Republican.

Sad as it is, it is sort of grimly amusing that LoBiondo started out sounding like a 5th grade child trying to wrack his brain after being asked a question by the schoolmarm. It’s the old, “The Constitution is a particular piece of paper with Constitutiony things in it, intended to act as a Constitution” sort of answer that Congressman LoBiondo started out with.
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This Congressman Doesn’t Know the Constitution”