Illinois Ranks as ‘Worst’ For Small Businesses

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again Illinois and California are neck-and-neck in the calculations for the worst of the worst U.S. states, this time in a measure of how friendly the states are for the growth of small businesses.

Earlier this month released its third annual survey of the climate for small businesses exploring such ratings as the overall friendliness of the state to small businesses, the ease of starting a business, regulations, ease of hiring new employees, taxes, and other criteria.

The poll was conducted among over 12,000 small business owners across the country.

The survey, held in conjunction with the Kauffman Foundation, found that the worst states for small businesses were California, Rhode Island and Illinois, all of which got a Thumbtack “F” rating. The next worst were Connecticut and New Jersey, both of which received a “D” grading.

Illinois has descended in its rating each of the three years that the survey has been conducted having earned a “D+” in 2012, a “D” in 2013, and an “F” in 2014.
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Illinois Ranks as ‘Worst’ For Small Businesses”

Middle School Cancels ‘Honors’ Night Because it Hurts Feeeeelings

-By Warner Todd Huston

A middle school in Rhode Island had canceled its night meant to honor students who achieved excellent grades because officials felt that the annual honors ceremony would hurt the self esteem of those more stupid kids who didn’t get top grades.

Parents whose children attend the Archie R. Cole Middle School in East Greenwhich, RI, were sent an email this week telling them that the annual honors night was canceled because administrators were wringing their liberal hands over the “exclusive nature” of the ceremony.

“Members of the school community have long expressed concerns related to the exclusive nature of Honors Night,” the email began.

The school wanted to eliminate a special night to honor kids with high grades or excellence in extra curricular activities and instead have individual, smaller ceremonies based within the events, teams or classes where the kids excelled. This would have eliminated the greater recognition of the high achievers and served to create more understated, less public displays of recognition. In other words, the school-wide platform of recognition would be eliminated replaced by quieter recognition that would not hurt the dumb kids’ feelings.
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Middle School Cancels ‘Honors’ Night Because it Hurts Feeeeelings”

2-Inch-Tall Army Soldiers Gets School Kid Reprimanded

-By Warner Todd Huston

A policy of no tolerance for weapons got an 8-year-old boy in trouble at his Rhode Island grade school this week. The boy brought in nearly a dozen M-14 Army rifles to his Tiogue School in Coventry, R.I. grade school and was chastised by the principal for the outrage.

How did he get all those assault rifles into the school you might ask? Why he did it by gluing seven or so of his 2-inch-tall green army soldier toys to his camo colored ball cap for “make a crazy hat” day at school. That’s right, a few green army man toys were enough to trip the poor child up in this foolish school’s “no weapons” policy. (Photo credit,

Seriously. No weapons includes 2-inch-tall army soldier toys holding teeny, tiny representations of army rifles. 2-inch-tall army soldier toys are enough to get a kid sent in shame to the principal’s office and threatened with sterner action.
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2-Inch-Tall Army Soldiers Gets School Kid Reprimanded”

All Administrators and Teachers at Rhode Island School Fired

-By Warner Todd Huston

I don’t expect this to stick. I fully expect some left-wing, paid off judge to come to the aid of these union thugs. But… in Central Falls, Rhode Island School Superintendent Frances Gallo has fired an entire high school’s worth of teachers and administrators over a labor dispute.

Central Falls High School is situated in one of the poorest sections of Rhode Island yet the teachers there make between $72 and $78 thousand per year, far above the mean income of the area. The school is also performing dismally.

So, Superintendent Gallo told teachers that they would have to work perhaps twenty-five minutes more per day and help tutor the students. Naturally the un-caring teachers union refused — proving once again that education and the kids are not of interest to a union.

The union wouldn’t budge so Super Gallo just fired them all. Now THAT is some funny stuff right there! Good for Super Gallo.
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All Administrators and Teachers at Rhode Island School Fired”