Hypocrisy: Left Wants SCOTUS Justice Thomas Recusal, Ignores Kagan’s Clear Conflicts

-By Warner Todd Huston

This past weekend the Washington Post published a hit piece on the grand opening of a museum in Georgia dedicated to the birthplace of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The paper was desperate to make some grand conspiracy, some lawbreaking evil from the project. But whatever is going on with the museum, this story was just one more shot orchestrated by the left aimed at forcing Justice Thomas to recuse himself from the upcoming hearings on whether or not Obamacare is Constitutional. Of course, this is all a smoke screen to hide the fact that it is really left-wing darling Justice Elana Kagan that should recuse herself from the case.

The Post story was a mish mash of innuendo, guesswork, and partisan claims, all amounting to much of nothing for proof of wrong doing. The Post even took the opportunity to use the word “whitewashed” when describing the color of the building housing the museum commemorating Justice Thomas’ birthplace. None too subtle, that.

There was plenty of other coverage of the opening of the museum that was positive, of course. Still it is apparent that the left hates Justice Thomas so much that they can’t even stand it that a small commemoration of his place of birth be created.

But real facts weren’t on the agenda for this article on Thomas. This article was meant as yet another slap at Thomas in order to mount pressure against him for the upcoming case against Obamacare. The left has been floating the demand that Justice Thomas recuse himself because his wife has worked as a “conservative activist and lobbyist, where she specifically agitated for the repeal of ‘Obamacare.'”
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Hypocrisy: Left Wants SCOTUS Justice Thomas Recusal, Ignores Kagan’s Clear Conflicts”

Bobby Unser: Race Car Driver, Celebrity… Criminal?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bobby Unser is famous for having won the Indy 500 three times and only one of two drivers that won that great race in three separate decades (’68, ’75, ’81).

Unser has a long list of achievements in motor sports starting back in the early 1960s. But there is one achievement, dubious though it may be, that the federal government is happiest he achieved. He is officially a federal criminal and the U.S. Forest Service couldn’t be happier.

Criminal? Oh, you bet. At least according to our despotic federal government he sure is….

Read the rest at RightPundits.com.

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Bobby Unser: Race Car Driver, Celebrity… Criminal?”

Aussie Moron Gets Shot By Sticking Face In Front of Shotgun

-By Warner Todd Huston

We certainly never want to see anyone shot accidentally. If a firearm is wielded it is imperative that the one pulling the trigger is in the right to do so. In Australia we have a case to prove the exception. Once in a while someone who gets accidentally shot, well, they just plain deserve it.

Julia Symons is apparently one of the dumbest people in Australia. Being an animal rights wacko and anti-hunting busybody, that puts her right up there, of course, but the thing that put her on top of the list of morondom occurred over the weekend of March 19 at Lake Buloke, Victoria, Australia.

It seems that Mz Symons was one of about 150 dimwitted protesters trying to get between the shotguns of some 2000 legal hunters and the ducks they were shooting at for the first day of duck hunting season at the lake. Like her foolish pals, Symons was trying to disrupt the hunters by jumping into the water and wading dangerously near the shooters to intimidate them into quitting the hunt.
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Aussie Moron Gets Shot By Sticking Face In Front of Shotgun”

VIDEO: Another Lefty Garbles the Citizens United Case

-By Warner Todd Huston

Annie Leonard has made another one of her left-wing, hopelessly skewed videos and in this one she employed every unthinking left-wing trope possible to garble the Citizens United case from last year. Well, Lee Doren has unleashed another fantastic take down of Leonard’s nonsense. This one is very much worth sticking through to the end, folks.

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VIDEO: Another Lefty Garbles the Citizens United Case”

(Video) I Was a Guest on NRA Radio’s ‘Cam And Company’ Show

-By Warner Todd Huston

I was a guest on Cameron Gray’s National Rifle Association radio program “Cam and Company” last night.

I was on the program to discuss my article about Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer’s wrong-headed interpretation of the Second Amendment as one that doesn’t really protect the individual’s right to bear arms.

My article under discussion was: “Supreme Court Justice Breyer: Founders Were For Restricting Guns… Why Breyer is Wrong.”

It was a great segment, I have to say.

Supreme Court Justice Breyer: Founders Were For Restricting Guns… Why Breyer is Wrong

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Fox News Sunday, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer spoke of his dissenting decisions in the several Second Amendment cases that he heard as a Justice. He told host Chris Wallace that he thought that James Madison only included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights as a sop to the states and Breyer insisted that historians agreed. In essence, Breyer was saying that Madison was not interested in an individual’s right to gun ownership and self-protection and for that reason his dissenting opinions against that individual right accorded well with what the founder’s thought on the issue.

But Breyer’s assumption that a citizen’s right to bear arms is not sacrosanct and his following contention that the founders would agree seems to ignore much of the history of the era not to mention the precedents in law and the historical record upon which the founders relied to define their political ideas — including Madison.

Of course, it is a bit ridiculous to take one lone founder’s words and assume that it represents the opinion of all of them. It is quite easy, after all, to find quotes from any particular founder that in no way reflected even a minority opinion of the day. For instance, Thomas Jefferson once advocated that all laws be dumped every few decades so that the next generation could start over with their own ideas unencumbered by past generations. Even Madison thought that idea was absurd. Hamilton found that many of his most dearly held financial ideas left his fellows cold. John Adams thought that we should call the president “your majesty,” an idea that earned him much derision. And Poor Richard himself, Benjamin Franklin, once proposed that each galaxy had it’s own “God” that ruled in his own sphere meaning that there were infinite gods for infinite galaxies. Not every idea the founders had were gems, to be sure.

Still, Madison spoke with most of his contemporaries, not outside them, when he considered the meaning of the Second Amendment.
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Supreme Court Justice Breyer: Founders Were For Restricting Guns… Why Breyer is Wrong”

Justice Kilbride: Extreme


Illinois Supreme Court Justice Tom Kilbride has spent millions on slick TV ads and direct mail — trying his best to hide his liberal record and portray himself as “independent.”

Today, the Chicago Tribune editorial board blows a hole in Kilbride’s claims of independence, writing:
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Justice Kilbride: Extreme”

NO on Justice Kilbride: $1.25 Million Dollars


That’s how much cash Illinois Supreme Court Justice Tom Kilbride’s campaign has received from the Illinois Democratic Party.

He’s used much of that money to pay for slick TV ads and direct mail pieces to cover up his record of siding with criminals over victims and law enforcement.

Now it’s our turn to tell the truth.
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NO on Justice Kilbride: $1.25 Million Dollars”

Kagan Gets the Nod With 5 Republicans Voting Yes

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, was just given the official nod to take her seat on the highest court in the land. Five Republicans voted yes and one Democrat voted no. The vote was 63-37.

The five Republicans that voted yes are as follows: Lindsay Graham (R,SC), Judd Gregg (R, NH), Susan Collins (R, Maine), Richard Lugar (R, IN), and Olympia Snowe (R, Maine).

Kagan’s confirmation is the sixth most contested since WWII. Kagan’s 37 no votes as measured against the following:

Robert Bork (58 nos)
Clement Haynsworth (55 nos)
G. Harrold Carswell (51 nos)
Clarence Thomas (48 nos)
Samuel Alito (42 nos)
Elana Kagan (37 nos)

Of those nominees Bork, Haynsworth and Carswell were rejected while Alito and Thomas were confirmed.

Conservatives have criticized Kagan as one who has a radical, left-wing ideology. The document dump from early June on Kagan’s work in the Clinton administration showed Kagan as an anti-gun advocate, pro-assisted suicide, pro-abortion, for some human cloning experimentation, and very supportive of the whole global warming theology. Conservatives feel she will help push the court in a leftward direction.

Racist D.C. Delegate Denies Justice’s Racial Make-Up

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you know that a black person could “propose” that they are or are not a black person? I suppose that this means we can all somehow deny reality if that is true. I mean, perhaps rainbows do have a pot of gold at the end and unicorns really do exist? At least this state of fantasy exists if you are the racist Eleanor Holmes Norton, Democrat Delegate from Washington D.C.

On April 28, The Hill reported that Norton saw fit to attack one of her betters on the U.S. Supreme Court by insisting that Justice Clarence Thomas only “proposes” that he is an African-American.

“We’re not sure this president is ever going to nominate another African-American to the court,” Norton said. “He’s African-American. We’ve got someone who proposes to be African-American on the court.”

First of all, why anyone would ask a racist what she thinks about important issues is a question in and of itself. Would any one care what David Duke has to say about the make-up of the Supreme Court? I sure as heck wouldn’t.
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Racist D.C. Delegate Denies Justice’s Racial Make-Up”

Why Conservatives Get Sandbagged By Liberals

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few weeks ago the Weekly Standard had a ridiculously hopeful editorial about how President Obama couldn’t possibly go any further to the left with his next SCOTUS pick because of the ideological basis upon which they sold Justice Sotomayor. For the Standard, Terry Eastland was sure that the logic by which Sotomayor was sold to the country would preclude a shift leftward for the next court pick. Unfortunately, Eastland proved once again that too many conservatives simply do not understand that liberalism does not rely on logic or consistency , it simply barrels forward with no heed to reason. You see, liberals are powermongers, not logicians. They only care about what wins not that their logic is consistent moment to moment. Eastland’s complete lack of understanding shows why conservatives are sideswiped by liberals every time.

Eastland’s main point was that during the confirmation process, Judge Sotomayor “dissented from her sponsor’s view of what a judge should be” by presenting her judicial philosophy as one based on a strict interpretation of the law. This, Eastland notes, is in stark contrast to President Obama’s apparently long-held belief that a judge needed “empathy” to be a good jurist.

Eastland notes that in 2005, then Senator Obama voted against the confirmation of Chief Justice John Roberts “precisely because… the nominee came up short on the empathy measure.” Eastland then points out that early in the four-day-long confirmation process Sotomayor began “separating herself from Obama on the matter of empathy” and that her testimony eventually made explicit the difference between the nominee and her patron on that point.
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Why Conservatives Get Sandbagged By Liberals”

CNN’s Analysis, Sotomayor a ‘Cautious and Careful Liberal,’ is Left Rhetoric Exemplified

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you want to see how liberals in the media “do” their thing, nothing has been a better example than the analysis by CNN’s Jeffery Toobin. We’ve highlighted some on-air work of his Sotomayor coverage, but he also has a written piece on CNN.com that is a perfect example of how the left spins rhetoric to legitimize leftist precepts.

In his July 13 piece, for instance, Toobin calls Sotomayor a “cautious and careful liberal” like Ginsburg and Breyer. So, it makes one wonder, has Toobin ever called anyone on the right a “cautious and careful conservative”?

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CNN’s Analysis, Sotomayor a ‘Cautious and Careful Liberal,’ is Left Rhetoric Exemplified”

Obama’s Racist Judge

-By Warner Todd Huston

Soon the Senate will take up the cause of President Obama’s nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court. In the news this week, one of her decisions that appeared before the current court was reversed. With Sotomayor in the news, then, it is time to look her over once again. It must be said, though, that any close scrutiny finds her wanting.

To begin with, it’s shocking that President Obma has nominated for a spot on the Supreme Court a judge whose decisions have been reversed or rejected in five out of the six times her cases appeared before that august body. Additionally and by her own admission, she was admitted to Princeton ahead of other law students as a result of affirmative action despite having lower grades. She once gleefully called herself a “perfect affirmative action baby,” even as her grades were “highly questionable.”

“My test scores were not comparable to that of my colleagues at Princeton or Yale,” Sotomayor once said on a discussion panel during an event sponsored by a non-profit law organization in the 1990s.

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Obama’s Racist Judge”

Conservatives: Oppose Sotomayor at Your Own Risk?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few of our newly minted spokesmen for all those seemingly ubiquitous new Republican moderates out there are starting to say that if we oppose Sotomayor, we do so at our own risk. By this they mean that if we are seen to oppose a strong Hispanic woman we will be hurting our chances further with Hispanic voters. To this one can only say poppycock. Sotomayor should be opposed and vigorously but not because of anything other than her rather un-judicial judicial philosophy.

No one, not one conservative commentator or politician, cares a whit that Sotomayor is Hispanic. There simply is no expectation of opposing her because she is of Latino heritage. And so, because of this, there should be no reason whatever to shy from criticizing her qualifications and philosophy. Further, to allow moderates on our side or anyone on the left to equate our opposition to a racial objection is illegitimate and should be vociferously denied.

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Conservatives: Oppose Sotomayor at Your Own Risk?”

Justice Ginsberg Would Rather be Liked by Foreigners Than be Right

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ever since Justice Sandra Day O’Connor began babbling about it several years ago, the talk of Supreme Court Justices of the United States of America using foreign court rulings to base their decisions upon has been a topic of dread for those interested in adhering to the U.S. Constitution.

It should be shocking to see a U.S. Supreme Justice talking about using foreign precedent but it would sadly not surprise anyone that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, former ACLU lawyer, is doing just that. Not only is she bringing up the subject but she professes not to understand why any American would be upset that a SCOTUS Justice might see nothing wrong with using foreign court decisions to decide our own rulings.

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Justice Ginsberg Would Rather be Liked by Foreigners Than be Right”