Leftist ‘The Nation’ Wants to End Capitalism by Destroying the Family

Now, you might think that headline above is an exaggeration. Sadly it isn’t. The left-wing rag, The Nation, is truly suggesting that the best way to end capitalism is to eliminate the American family and to take away all children from their parents.

This laughable screed was penned by Rosemarie Ho, someone who thinks “feminist theory” is a legitimate discipline. Ho wrote, “Feminist theorist Sophie Lewis’s new book looks at how rethinking pregnancy and the idea of family as forms of labor is central to emancipatory politics,” as the hook for her May 16 article at The Nation.

This is the nonsense that passes for “thought” on our nihilistic college campuses, folks.

Indeed, doing herself no favor with intelligent people everywhere, Ho admits at the outset that the idea of destroying the family is a central tenet of communist theory as proposed by Marx and Engels. Ho dug her hole even deeper by also pointing out that abolishing the family is a main goal of radical homosexual theorists, too.

Marx and Engels and radical homosexuals… she cites these as worthy thinkers?

Ho makes herself a laughing stock in her very first paragraph.
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AUDIO: Obama is FOR a Communistic Redistribution of Income… He SAID So in 1998

-By Warner Todd Huston

During the campaign in 2008, Barack Obama had a revealing moment in Ohio when he told Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher (Now running for Congress in Ohio) that he wanted to “redistribute the wealth.”

His supporters cried that anyone that called Obama a communist based on this revealing slip was making a mountain out of a mole hill. They said he was “taken out of context” and didn’t mean what his detractors were claiming he meant.

But did he? Did Obama mean that he is for a socialistic, big government confiscation of wealth to have it redistributed to those that have less? Again, his supporters clam this is an outrageous misread of his ideas. But his supporters would have to contend with what then Senator Obama said at a conference at Loyola University in 1998.

At that October 19, 1998 conference, Obama said in explicit and direct terms that he is for redistribution of wealth.
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AUDIO: Obama is FOR a Communistic Redistribution of Income… He SAID So in 1998″

U.K. Riots: What Liberalism Has Wrought

-By Warner Todd Huston

Britain is burning.

It will be here soon enough, the rampaging bands of useless youths coursing through England destroying property and looting stores as they go. Why will it be here? Because our liberal elites look to Britain as the model for where we should go and are actively attempting to force us down that destructive, immoral path.

For several nights, now, the ignorant, selfish, half-wild, cretins that the British call their children have been waging war with common decency. They have been looting the nation’s soul. And why? Because liberals have mollycoddled them, given them free stuff, allowed them to exist in a world without rules or consequences.

British columnist Max Hastings explained it best in his Wednesday column:
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U.K. Riots: What Liberalism Has Wrought”

Video: Leftists Embarrass Themselves at Protest

On July 28th, several unions and liberal advocacy groups came together on Capitol Hill to protest. It wasn’t just a protest on the events surrounding debt ceiling drama. As is so often the case with liberal get togethers, their participants were upset over a wide array of topics, from the war to proposed changes to Social Security and Medicare. They also came to listen to avowed Communist and former 9/11 truther Van Jones speak.The MRCTV crew couldn’t resist. We high tailed it to the Hill to interview these folks and give them an opportunity to speak their minds on camera.All was going swimmingly until some of the events organizers caught onto the fact that many of the folks who we were talking to, were totally embarrassing themselves…

Read the rest at MRCTV.org.

Green Policies a Substitute For Anti-Capitalist, Anti-American Ideas

-By Warner Todd Huston

Those anti-capitalist college professor types that used to sneer at America and supported the murderous antics of the Soviets had for a short time after the fall of the U.S.S.R. no place in which to invest their anti-American ideals. However, it is clear that they have found a new home: greenism. And so, the old left is the new left again, re-born and hiding behind climate change, mythic green energy, and environmental extremism all acting the surrogate for their failed communist-styled ideas.

One of the latest examples of this surrogacy is indulged by the University of Maryland’s Gar Alperovitz with a piece in The Nation entitled “The New-Economy Movement.”

In this piece, Alperovitz not only openly admits that the so-called “new economy” thinking is simply today’s dumping grounds for ages old, communist philosophy — evinced in buzz words like social justice, egalitarianism, and sustainable communities — he claims they will never be satisfied and that as time moves on, the demands of these enviro-centric economic theories will grow “much more radical.”
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Green Policies a Substitute For Anti-Capitalist, Anti-American Ideas”

Do SEIU Members Know Their Union Consorts With America’s Enemies?

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is one thing that always flummoxes me. Over the last few decades American labor unions have increasingly become adjuncts, associates, pals, close friends — what ever you want to call them — with anti-American groups like the Communist Party USA and various socialist, anti-Israel groups, and pro-terror groups like the many pro-Palestinian groups. So, what the hell are the regular, presumably true American rank and file members doing about this fact? Are they aware of it? If they are aware of it why do they sit idly by while their union leaders consort with enemies of the United States of America?

The May Day rally in L.A. is just the latest example of major American unions joining hands with commies, socialists, terror-supporters and anti-Americans.
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Do SEIU Members Know Their Union Consorts With America’s Enemies?”

‘Educators’ Conference To Get You Racist White’s Minds Right Coming Soon

-By Warner Todd Huston

Alright you evil, rotten, racist, white oppressors, it’s time once again for the “White Privilege Conference,” this year to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota on April 13 – 16. Come on out you white teachers so we can get your rotten minds right about how racist you are and so that you can go back to your students and let them know how racist they are.

I’ll bet you think I am being sarcastic with the name of that conference, right? Nope. It really IS called the “White Privilege Conference,” and this year is its 12th year!

So, what is it? Why it’s a conference for America’s teachers to explore the full length and breadth of multiculturalism. We are all the same, you see, Indians, Hispanics, Blacks, all at harmony and all equal… well, unless you are a whitey, of course. If you are a whitey, well you have some splanin’ to do! You are the one black mark on this wonderful multicultural world, doncha know? And it’s about time you admitted your malevolence, dang it!
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‘Educators’ Conference To Get You Racist White’s Minds Right Coming Soon”

British Police Afraid of Local Kids, Soon to Come to the USA?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A British police chief has prohibited his own officers from patrolling a local park after dark because he and his fellows are afraid of the punks and trouble makers that infest the place at night. Thanks to a self-destructive and blind obeisance to PCism Britain has truly become an asylum run by the inmates. But this disease of PCism is one that left-wingers in America dearly want to emulate. Will the USA soon find police afraid of their own shadows, too?

Police Inspector Andy Sullivan told a meeting of the Wisbech, Cambridgeshire Town Council that he was not going to allow his officers to enter the park after 8PM because it is too dark. “The place has no lighting and it is still, in effect, a building site. I am not going to put my staff – police officers or PCSOs – into an area where they can’t see what is going on,” he said.
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British Police Afraid of Local Kids, Soon to Come to the USA?”

What The Heck Happened to the Anti-War Movement?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember those hoary days of raucous protest when anti-war protesters sent thousands of people into the streets sometimes with only a days notice? Now consider this: have you seen any of these giant protests since 2008 presidential election?

Yeah, no one else has, either. Do you wonder why that is? Well, it’s because the anti-war movement was nothing else but a hypocritical proxy issue used solely to get rid of President Bush and the Republicans. It was never about war at all. At this point this is an indisputable fact.

These days the anti-war movement cannot put more than a few dozen people in the street for its cause — which itself is little else but a proxy issue for the implementation of a worldwide socialist state.

Obviously it was never about “war.” It was just about Bush. After all, from the perspective of the issues and claims made against the Bush war policies by the anti-war left, Obama is not doing a whole lot differently in his foreign policy than did Bush.
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What The Heck Happened to the Anti-War Movement?”

Capitalism 101, A Video Series by Leon Weinstein

-By Warner Todd Huston

Presented here is the first episode of Capitalism 101, a series intended to help parents teach their children of the virtues of capitalism and liberty.

According to series creator Leon Weinstein, “I am trying to teach adults how in an entertaining and engaging way to pass on their children why capitalism is important to THEM, and why without liberty THEY will be deprived of many things they (and we) take for granted.”

Leon Weinstein is an author and former citizen of communist Russia. His past work, The Capitalist Guidebook, is a tour de force apologia for capitalism, western civilization in general and the U.S.A. in particular.

(Video) Proof That British Students are Morons

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week thousands of coddled British students rioted because the British government decided that its children would have to… gasp… earn their own way through college. No longer would these petulant brats be given a free ride through higher education says the government. And these punks are not very happy about it.

Well, one dimwitted 15-year-old child took to a mic at the so-called “Coalition of Resistance National Conference” held in Camden on November 27, 2010. Oh, this child was aghast over the government’s evil ways, he was exercised about his supposed rights, and outraged over how shabbily he and his generation is being treated. In fact, with all his passion, you’d have thought he and his ilk had been really mistreated, held back, oppressed even. But what was really at issue was that he was going to be expected to actually earn his own way through college.

This dimwitted child revealed his inability to think clearly in a public place. He certainly exemplified that old saying, “don’t just stand there allowing people to think you’re stupid, speak up and prove that you are.”

Take a look at how absurd this child is…

I mean, really. This little boy stands there boldly claiming that he and his generation aren’t just going to sit there and “take whatever the government threw at them.” This moron doesn’t get that his logical disconnect is replete with stupidity. Of COURSE he’s going to sit there and take what the government is giving them. That is the whole point of his petulant blather. He WANTS government to give him free stuff.
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(Video) Proof That British Students are Morons”

Union Member Advocates for End of Capitalism, Private Property Rights

-By Warner Todd Huston

Calling for civil unrest and the end to private property rights, Sharon Black of the Baltimore All-Peoples Congress, tried desperately to rouse communists and socialists everywhere at the Workers World Party’s annual conference on November 13th and 14th in New York City.

Black — whose name is a fitting one for her dark agenda — wants an end to capitalism and the United States of America and yearns for a return to the glory days of the Soviet Union. “Socialist ideology which reflects the highest level of working class of solidarity” Black said, “which points in the direction of eliminating all exploitation and emancipating humankind has been in retreat since the collapse of the Soviet Union.”

Yes, let’s go back to the oppression and gulags of the old Soviet Union!! This pampered, western moron, this idiot fellow traveller of an evil empire that fell years ago, is what passes for an intellectual on the left.
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Union Member Advocates for End of Capitalism, Private Property Rights”

Crossroads School, a K Through 12 School Sponsoring Left-Wing Rally?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences, a K-12 facility in Santa Monica, California, is tired of all the political insanity out there. To help ameliorate this state of affairs, the school has decided to use its campus assets, its school email system, and its teachers to sponsor a Jon Stewart-styled rally to “restore sanity” in its area.

Luckily for Santa Monica such “moderate” voices as 60s counterculture activist Tom Hayden, progressive talk show host and activist lawyer Jim Lafferty of the National Lawyers Guild, and others are going to be on hand to shout down the “extremists” out there. But with this list of speakers, “moderation” is the last thing that can be expected.

This rally raises many questions. Why is a school for younger children advocating adult political issues to its students by hosting a list of left-wing, radical speakers and presenting them as “moderates”? How can a school that claims to be interested in fostering “diversity” be lending itself to a rally lacking diversity of thought? Does this school get any federal or state money? If so, how can it justify the use of its teachers, technology, and facilities for a partisan, left-wing rally?
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Crossroads School, a K Through 12 School Sponsoring Left-Wing Rally?”

John Conyers Speaking at Democratic Socialists of America Meeting

-By Warner Todd Huston

Should Democrats “pal around” with socialists? Whether it is a good idea or not here we have a sitting congressman actually going to a group of socialists and addressing them at one of their meetings. It wasn’t that many years ago that such a meeting would ring the death knell for a politician’s career.

Today, though, it goes entirely without note.

On October 5, 2010, Congressman John Conyers went personally to speak before a meeting in Michigan’s of members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

The socialist that introduced Conyers reminded the gathered comrades that Conyers was a major sponsor of the single payer healthcare system. Amazingly Conyers noted that he was “honored” to be introduced by the socialist, too, and paid all due deference to those assembled.
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John Conyers Speaking at Democratic Socialists of America Meeting”

Leftwits Try to Top Beck With October Rally in D.C.

-By Warner Todd Huston

The leftists are trying to emulate both Glenn Beck and the Tea Party movement by having their own march on D.C. and it is coming in but a few days. They are claiming that “hundreds of thousands” of their extreme leftist compatriots will gather at the Lincoln Memorial on October 2 for a left-wing bacchanalia at our nation’s capitol.

They are calling it “One Nation Working Together,” and it is yet one more left-wing, extremist attempt to employ Orwellian language to name an event because, Lord knows, they don’t include the millions of conservative Americans in that “one nation” title!

Here is what they are saying of their poor attempt to emulate Beck:
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Leftwits Try to Top Beck With October Rally in D.C.”

Socialism much Closer than the Frontier

-By Kevin Roeten

Many refuse to believe Socialism is as close to America, something it was not founded on, as it is. We may start to see socialism initiated by the election this fall. The ominous harbinger—the outgoing of Senator Christopher Dodd (D/Ct).

Called the Livable Communities Act (SB1619) was brought by Dodd, and will fulfill The Green Agenda – Agenda 21, adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro (1992), creating a ‘new world order’. SB1619 has just been approved by the Senate Banking Committee, and is on the fast track to passage in the Senate. The thought is this legislation must be passed before a Republican takeover in November.

Few realize this, but the unscrupulous Nazi regime based on anti-Semitic laws, actually followed the highway of modern environmentalism through Nazi Germany, as described in the Mark Musser book Nazi Oaks Book Review.
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Socialism much Closer than the Frontier”

National Education Association Orders Members to Read Communist Guide Book

-By Warner Todd Huston

The National Education Association (NEA) is the premier teachers union group in the country. As such it is instructive to learn the sort of reading material that the biggest of all teachers unions tells its own members to study so that they can more adequately represent teachers in America today.

A look at the NEA website reveals a shocking recommendation to its members. The union that represents the teachers that we send our children to every school day suggests that its members read the communist-like manifesto of famed left-wing agitator Saul Alinsky.

That’s right, the NEA wants its members, America’s teachers, to become programmed by the ideas and policy prescriptions in a communist manifesto.
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National Education Association Orders Members to Read Communist Guide Book”

Howard Zinn, Left’s Favorite Historian Now Proven Member of US Communist Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

Howard Zinn (1922 to 2010) is the left’s favorite contemporary historian. As an historian he is a child of the Beardian revolution yet he has for decades been able to straddle that line between legitimate historical observer and anti-American leftist. America’s intellectual society, in both the social movement and universities, have looked to him as a paragon of American virtue. He’s always been held up as just the right mixture of American leftism coupled with true scholarship.

But those of us on the right that have paid attention understand that he is not American in outlook and never was. Until now, though, it’s been hard to pin down his final loyalties. Now, with the revelations made due to a recent FOIA request, Zinn’s FBI files reveal the truth that Zinn fought his whole life to hide from the public. Howard Zinn was a card carrying member of the Soviet funded Communist Party USA (CPUSA).
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Howard Zinn, Left’s Favorite Historian Now Proven Member of US Communist Party”

I Must Condemn Iowa Billboard Comparing Obama to Lenin and Hitler

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently an Iowa Tea Party group sponsored a billboard in Mason City, Iowa that grouped President Obama with Communist Soviet dictator Vladimir Lenin and monstrous WWII maniac Adolph Hitler.

The billboard showed the three leaders each with the word “change” under them and with a message that read, “radical leaders prey on the fearful and naive.”

Clearly the billboard was saying that Barack Hussein Obama was a “radical leader” in the same vein as Lenin — whose Russian Revolution spawned nearly a century of oppression, gulags and wars — and Adolph Hitler — whose unhinged hatred for Jews sparked genocide and WWII.

I must admit I got a smirk out of the whole episode. But even as I got that nervous giggle out of my system, I simply cannot countenance the message of this sign and must wholeheartedly condemn it.
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I Must Condemn Iowa Billboard Comparing Obama to Lenin and Hitler”

Review: Obama’s Not a Socialist, by Stephanie Herman

-By Warner Todd Huston

The most often used epithet cast at President Obama is that he’s a raving socialist. It is an easy charge to make what with his wanting to “spread the wealth,” his desire to destroy the autonomy of the business community and place it squarely under the thumb of government, and his constant expansion of big government . It can easily lead one to imagine that Obama thinks he’s Karl Marx incarnate. But is he? Is he really a socialist? (Download book HERE)

In her new short essay, Obama’s Not a Socialist, Stephanie Herman takes up this question and decides that while he may be a “socialist in his heart,” he is not a real socialist. Instead, Herman calls him a “corporatist.”

Before she gets to her assessment of Obama, Herman does a pretty fair job encapsulating the intellectual history of socialism from its 1800s era beginnings to today. She hits the high spots of socialist thinkers, what they imagined socialism to be, and in what climate their ideas were created.
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Review: Obama’s Not a Socialist, by Stephanie Herman”

An American Tragedy: When Commies Give You Lemons…

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago Sun-Times financial reporter Terry Savage wrote a little opinion piece this week about a kid’s lemonade stand she came across in a ritzy, liberal northern suburb of Chicago. The kiddie enterprise violated one of our most sacred American principles and Savage was incensed by the whole incident.

Savage stopped to buy some lemonade from the two little girls and when she asked how much, she was told that it was free! As the girls happily gave their parent’s food away, their nanny stood beside them smiling approvingly.

Savage was unhappy with the girl’s faux generosity. “That’s not the spirit of giving. You can only really give when you give something you own.” Savage wrote, “They’re giving away their parents’ things — the lemonade, cups, candy. It’s not theirs to give.”
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An American Tragedy: When Commies Give You Lemons…”

Dear, Former Victims of Socialism/Communism, America Needs OUR Help!

(ED’s Note: Friend to the blog, Leon Weinstein who is a US citizen that emigrated from the USSR in 1974, wrote this because he is alarmed that the U.S. is headed to the hell he ran from so long ago. This is important stuff, folks. Leon KNOWS what he’s talking about as he lived through Russian Communism. We need to seriously think about his warnings…)

-By Leon Weinstein

Dear ex-compatriots who once lived under the socialist regimes of the Soviet Union, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Cuba, China, Albania, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Venezuela of Chavez, the Argentina of Peron, and others of similar life experience!

I was born in the Soviet Union and was lucky to part with socialism and lucky & privileged to become the US citizen. However during last year and a half I am becoming increasingly concerned about the direction American leaders are steering our country to. More and more the US resembles the world you & I were fortunate to leave behind. More and more it now resembles the path Russia took a century ago – and we all know the devastating results this “experiment” caused. This is the very same path Greece recently chosen in trying to achieve another “just society.”

For years the United States was the island of sanity in the ocean of pain, suffering and injustice in which most of the world was drowning. The countries that were able to stand against tyrannies and make life bearable for their citizens did so in large part because the US was backing them with its might. If America falls, world as we know it will end. Without a strong America we will soon see China establishing its hegemony over Asia; Russia will strengthen its muscles and take back Eastern Europe; Hugo Chavez and brothers Castro will run Latin America; and a wide swath of the globe stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Indonesia and perhaps the Philippines will become radically Muslim – fanatically massacring “infidels.”

Please read Letter to America below and (if you agree with the content) sign it, and forward it to all your friends, relatives, co-workers and pen pals. Ask your spouse and kids over age eighteen to sign it as well. Even if you never lived in a socialist country but share our concerns, we are asking you to stand with us. When signing Letter to America please choose the field “I didn’t experience socialism firsthand but I agree with you.”

Thank you all for your willingness to raise your voice and defend freedom! You & I now have an opportunity and obligation to help America, to do something for all the good we so generously received from this wonderful country.

Our voices will make a difference!

Letter to America
Written by people who came from where Obama is taking America to

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened… I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.” — Norman Mattoon Thomas, Six times Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.
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Dear, Former Victims of Socialism/Communism, America Needs OUR Help!”

2005 Kid’s Bush/Hitler Art Gets Award, 2010 Kid’s Obama/Commie Art Gets Censored

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is, as we all know, the year 2010 and the era of Obama has fairly begun. Accordingly the commissars of good art taste in our schools have spoken: no kid’s artwork that makes The Obammessiah out to be a commie will be allowed. Interestingly there was another time, another year when things were different. In 2005, as it happened, another kid’s Bush-is-Hitler artwork received a wonderful award for it’s inventiveness. How times have changed, eh?

Back in those hoary years of 2005 when the evil, evil Bush was destroying the world, our schools were happy to host kid’s art that made Bush out to be one of the worst human beings in history. Bush-is-Hitler was so acceptable to our schools that Jeffery Eden, a 17-year-old student, was celebrated when he created his award-winning Bush diorama that, juxtaposed “Hitler quotes with statements by Mr. Bush, Nazi swastikas with American flags, desert-colored toy soldiers with olive plastic figures.”
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2005 Kid’s Bush/Hitler Art Gets Award, 2010 Kid’s Obama/Commie Art Gets Censored”