Two Examples Showing Liberals Don’t Know ANYTHING About U.S. History

-By Warner Todd Huston

This week we have two prominent examples proving that liberals are ignoramuses about the Constitution and U.S. history. One incident wholly misunderstood by the left was uttered by the redoubtable Sarah Palin and the other by Christine O’Donnell.

First up Sarah.

In Nevada Sarah Palin kicked off a new tour to spur conservatives and Republicans to the polls just ahead of the midterm elections. During one of her speeches Palin said that conservatives shouldn’t “party like it’s 1773” just yet. We need to keep our shoulder to the wheel and get to the polls first, she warned.

The idiots of the left went wild with Palin’s 1773 date. It proved that Palin was an idiot, they said. Why, the only famous date in our early history is 1776, they chortled. Palin is obviously too stupid to know we became a nation in 1776 they guffawed.

A string of Twitter posts and TV reports streamed from these unschooled leftists attacking Palin for her obvious stupidity.

Of course, these leftist idiots proved themselves illiterate enough not to know that Palin wasn’t referencing the 1776 birth of the nation. Palin was at a Tea Party rally and was referencing the Boston Tea Party… you know, the one that occurred in 1773? Yeah, remember that one?
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Two Examples Showing Liberals Don’t Know ANYTHING About U.S. History”

Video: What We Tea Party Conservatives Believe

Bill Whittle has a great, great video here helping to explain our conservative views in an intelligent, even soft-spoken, style. This is part one of two, the second to come soon.

Progressive ideas have always failed and our ideas are successful every time they are tried.

Bill Whittle is the host of PJTVs Afterburner.

Govt Officials Take Day Off To Raise Campaign Cash for Bosses

-By Warner Todd Huston

Must be nice to be a boss at the Cook County Board of Review. While there are 436,000 appeals for property tax appraisals sitting in its offices, the bosses of the Cook County Board of Review took a day off in the middle of the week to attend a fundraiser for Cook County Democratic Chairman Joe Berrios. And they invited their employees to join them.

It’s all fun and games working for government, we all know.

A dozen Board of Review employees and many of those lawyers and tax attorneys that make their living dealing with the Board attended the golf outing fund raiser for Berrios.

But who cares about work when there’s fundraising to be done?

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Govt Officials Take Day Off To Raise Campaign Cash for Bosses”

Jamal Greene: Why I Am a Conservative?

Jamal Greene took to his video camera to tell us why he is a conservative. His effort is a serious and worthy explication of conservatism and his words should be listened to.

Jamal Greene: “In this video I speak about the ideas and beliefs that hold true. As a young educated black male I wanted to show the other face of the Conservative Movement: Me. There are many of us out here. Thanks to Glenn Beck for having them on his show. As a young educated black I constantly face down the stereotype that all blacks are Liberal and vote democrat. I am a member of the Tea Party, so the liberal media lies about the tea party being racist are completely untrue. This video dedicated to freedom, life, and liberty of the American Spirit. The Best is still yet to come for America.” As seen on Mr. Greene’s FaceBook.

Democrats’ Un-American Hate for the Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

California Democrat Pete Stark thinks that the Constitution of the United States is powerless to control the every desire of Democrats. He thinks that the Constitution is not a guide for limited government, but an excuse for intrusive government.

It’s easy to dismiss Stark over his long history of distempered public behavior but his core belief is the core belief of the un-American Democrat Party as it exists today. They all, to a man, feel that there is nothing that prevents them from doing just anything they feel like doing. They imagine we are a “democracy” that needs only a winning number of votes to do anything. No law, no principle, no tradition binds them.
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Democrats’ Un-American Hate for the Constitution”

Helping a Chicago Hero

At the end of June while walking a Chicago street, a Chicago musician heard the cries of a woman being assaulted and went to help. Matthew Leone, a bass player for a Chicago-based band named Madina Lake, found the woman being beaten by what turned out to be her abusive husband.

Like a good neighbor, Leone got between the two and stopped the beating. Unfortunately, when his back was turned, Leone was then assaulted by the much larger husband of the beaten woman. Leone was beaten pretty badly and ended up in the hospital with a swelling brain, a broken jaw, and many other injuries.

Leone is recovering, but his brain injuries have yet to heal. They even had to remove a large part of his skull so that the swelling would not damage his brain further.

You can see more of the details of Mr. Leone’s recovery and story at the Chicago Radio and Media website: Through the Pain — Coming to the Aid of a Chicago Hero.

And if you want to help, here’s how:

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Helping a Chicago Hero”

Blue Island, Ill. Politician’s Pool Party Ends With One Dead

-By Warner Todd Huston

If this isn’t a perfectly representative Illinois politician story I’ve never seen one. There’s misuse of public facilities, influence abuse, nudity, binge drinking, sexual harassment and a death… all the elements of the Chicago Way style of politics. It only lacks the bribes and payoffs that we always see, but as the cops become more involved, likely that’ll come along in due time.

Phil Kander has the odd tale of intrigue, wild partying, and death in the SouthTown Star of the southern suburbs.

As it happens, Freddie Bilotto, the president of the Blue Island Park District Board, thought it would be wonderful to commandeer a city pool after hours, close it to the public, and invite all his most lewd and lascivious buddies and their easily undressed girlfriends for a bit of wild bacchanalia all on the city’s dime.
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Blue Island, Ill. Politician’s Pool Party Ends With One Dead”

Ill. Mayor’s Lies About His Military Awards

-By Warner Todd Huston

Calumet Park, Illinois is straight south of Chicago nearing the Indiana border. Illinoisans of the area call it Cal Park for short. Unfortunately, it seems to have earned a new nickname thanks to the lies over his military record told by its mayor, Joseph DuPar. Its new name should be Bull Park.

Easily fitting in with other serial military service liars such as Massachusetts District Attorney candidate Richard Blumenthal, Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, Mr. John “did you know I served in Vietnam” Kerry, and even fellow Illinoisans Phil Hare and Mark Kirk, Mayor DuPar made a pretty outrageous claim on his bio during his recently successful election campaign.
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Ill. Mayor’s Lies About His Military Awards”

America? It’s Become a Silly Little Place

-By Warner Todd Huston

The United States of America used to be a fearsome power but one with a soft touch. Peoples of the world looked to this great nation as that “shining city on a hill” and came here by the millions to become the next new American citizen. Producing its greatness were great men and in memory of those great men landmarks, and worthy institutions were named after them by a proud and thankful people.

We had Washington City named for the father of our country. We had schools and libraries named after the first man of the people, Andrew Jackson. We had more schools and later highways named after the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln. Yet more schools and highways were named after the man that won WWII for us, Dwight Eisenhower. An Airport was named after the great communicator, Ronald Reagan.

These great men helped build this country and contributed to its greatness in their own special ways. Their contributions can neither be slighted nor forgotten. These were important men, great men that led this wondrous nation.

So, what do we have today? What great men are finding an adoring public choosing to name important facilities, places of learning, or great veins of transportation after them? What great men are following in the footsteps of these past great men? Who else has done things like won a terrible war, became our first president, freed the slaves, saved the country from elitists, or helped bring the masses into political power?
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America? It’s Become a Silly Little Place”

A New Declaration of Independence for a New Revolution

-By Warner Todd Huston

America is fast coming to a crossroads from which there will be no return if we take the wrong path. Do we take the road that leads away from America and toward a Euro-esque way of governing? Do we cast aside our American character and bury our great nation in a grave of socialist-styled authority? Do we damn our progeny to a failed superstate that violate every tenet of our original ideals?

I say we do not. I say we reject the democrat’s Euro-esque ideas and refocus ourselves on American exceptionalism. Our federal system has strayed far from our founding ideals and we may soon find that its time for a new Declaration of Independence from a tyrannical government that has usurped power from proper authority.

Since it is Independence Day this weekend, I offer this new Declaration as a rallying cry to all those willing to return to our true American character…
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A New Declaration of Independence for a New Revolution”

Disclosure Act: Another Example of Unconstitutional Obamaism

-By Warner Todd Huston

On June 24 the House of Representatives passed by a bare minimum number of votes the DISCLOSE Act, a law that is supposed to be a new effort to get around the recent US Supreme Court decision that struck down parts of Congress’ campaign finance law. Bare minimum or no there is no doubt that this new law is an unconstitutional mess that unfairly limits the free political speech of some Americans while giving an unfair advantage to unions and certain lobbyists — lobbyists including the National Rifle Association and Big Labor groups such as the AFL-CIO and the SEIU.

The DISCLOSE Act (full name, Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections Act) was passed through the House by a 219 to 206 vote with only two Republicans voting in favor and 36 Democrats voting against. The two Republicans that voted in favor were Mike Castle of Delaware and Joseph Cao of Louisiana.

So what is this law supposed to do? For one thing the law would require “special interest group officials to physically appear at the end of campaign ads they sponsor, acknowledging their campaign contributions.” It would also require that advocacy groups detail on their public websites every campaign they’ve donated to.
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Disclosure Act: Another Example of Unconstitutional Obamaism”

Despite Misconception, We Conservatives DO Want Some Government

-By Warner Todd Huston

Leftists love to purposefully misconstrue what sort of government conservatives want. Certainly whenever some new big government boondoggle erupts in the typical corruption and waste that is government, conservatives rail against the misappropriation of powers that such boondoggles invariably mean. But when government isn’t doing something they want it to do and conservatives kvetch with equal vitriol, the first attack left-wingers charge them with is hypocrisy. The left’s taunt, however, is a willful misread of what it is that conservatives are saying in their critique of government.

Unfortunately, many conservatives make this taunt all the easier to level because it seems that they are a bit hazy themselves on just what they should think about the role of government.

Conservatives come by this problem honestly, though. What conservative worth his salt is unaware of Ronald Reagan’s famous small government quote: “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” (Reagan’s first inaugural address)
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Despite Misconception, We Conservatives DO Want Some Government”

Publisher’s Warning Label: That Constitution and Declaration is No Longer Valid Thinking

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Virginia-based publisher has decided that the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and other founding books are likely offensive and they want their readers to understand that these old documents are no longer valid ways of thinking. And so the publisher, Wilder Publications, has put a warning label on its reprints of America’s founding documents and books to shield American’s delicate sensibilities.

The warning label reads, “This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today. Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.”

The warning labels appear on copies of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, the Articles of Confederation, and the Federalist Papers, as well as other founding books and documents the company reprints.
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Publisher’s Warning Label: That Constitution and Declaration is No Longer Valid Thinking”

Dan Proft: Highland Park H.S. Provides a Real Education with Girls Basketball Flap

From Dan Proft, Urquhart Media…

(A Podcast of this commentary can be heard HERE)

I remember my grade school basketball coach telling me that “the graveyards are full of indispensable people.” It was his way of explaining that no individual is more important than the team.

A favorite refrain of my high school basketball coach was that “talent guarantees nothing” to remind us that we had to work for what we sought to achieve.
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Dan Proft: Highland Park H.S. Provides a Real Education with Girls Basketball Flap”

Dan Proft: It’s Curtains for Ali G

From Dan Proft, Urquhart Media…

Who would have thought that pawn broker Scott Lee Cohen, the deposed Democrat Lt. Governor candidate, would have turned out to be a more competent lender than former Democrat golden boy Ali G?

I guess Cohen should have played basketball with the President.

The “Ali G” I refer to is Alexi Giannoulias. The nickname is ripped from the fictional interviewer created by comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. Giannoulias’ comedic campaign for the U.S. Senate would normally be the stuff of fiction but this is Illinois.
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Dan Proft: It’s Curtains for Ali G”

Proft’s latest: The Simple Math of Socialism

From Dan Proft…

The Simple Math of Socialism

If you’re like me, there’s nothing you enjoy more than listening to politicians you can’t trust try to explain legislation they haven’t read by arguing about accounting models they don’t understand lifted from government agencies they manipulate that leave you with tax bills you can’t afford.
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Proft’s latest: The Simple Math of Socialism”

This Congressman Doesn’t Know the Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

What the heck is that old Constitution thingie, anyway? Does anyone in Congress know? Of course we’ve been railing about those leftist members of Congress who both don’t know anything about the Constitution, nor care a whit about it. But it isn’t just the lefties that don’t know anything about the Constitution.

Here we have a patriotic American schooling Congressman Frank A. LoBiondo (2nd District, New Jersey) on what is contained in Article One of the Constitution. LoBiondo is a Republican.

Sad as it is, it is sort of grimly amusing that LoBiondo started out sounding like a 5th grade child trying to wrack his brain after being asked a question by the schoolmarm. It’s the old, “The Constitution is a particular piece of paper with Constitutiony things in it, intended to act as a Constitution” sort of answer that Congressman LoBiondo started out with.
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This Congressman Doesn’t Know the Constitution”

Using the System FOR Us: The Freedom Force Strategy

The National Precinct Alliance is an effort to give tea party folks the guidance to make a difference at home, within their own local political system. This is the only way that we conservatives can influence what is happening in our state government and what is happening in Washington. All our tea party protests are great, but if they aren’t followed up with real political activism — as opposed to mere bombast and carping — we will find that politics will move on without incorporating our ideas, we will stay marginal in the actual power plays in our governments.

So, with that said, here is some info from the National Precinct Alliance:

The Freedom Force Strategy

The American people find themselves in the very difficult position of having to reform their government from the bottom up, after decades of public neglect which allowed politicians from both political parties to behave as though the U.S. Constitution doesn’t exist any longer.

State legislatures have been forced by over-reaching federal policies, to restate, reclaim and reassert Tenth Amendment rights just to defend the citizens of their states from oppressive policies coming out of Washington DC.
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Using the System FOR Us: The Freedom Force Strategy”

Meghan McCain’s Latest: Too Stupid Not to Comment Upon

-By Warner Todd Huston

Just hearing her name causes me pain and normally I wouldn’t waste a minute’s time worrying about what this vacuous little child has to say on much of anything — as is evidence by the fact that this is the first time my keyboard has shuddered out her name. However, Meghan McCain’s latest blog post is a piece of conventional wisdom that, while not unique to little Meaggie’s fallow mind (which itself is de rigeuer for the girl, sadly), it is one that has been heard since the day women began to stride into the world of western politics. However, it is one that I think no longer applies. So, I’d like to address the empty reasoning on women in politics despite that it emanated from McCain’s somewhat barren pen.

Here is McCain’s prosaic premise: The attacks on Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton have made it harder for women and is proof that no woman will ever be “just right” for politics. To which anyone not looking to make excuses can only say a resounding “yeah, right.”

The simple matter of fact is that anyone that clamors for great power will stir great passions in those whom they wish to govern. And those that find wide support among the people will find that such support is ephemeral once decisions start having to be made. It doesn’t matter if the powerful is man or woman.
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Meghan McCain’s Latest: Too Stupid Not to Comment Upon”

Peraica Wants Investigation Into Stroger’s Hiring of Law Firm

-By Warner Todd Huston

Commissioner Tony Peraica posted a notice on Twitter today about the growing controversy over Cook County Board President Todd Stroger’s hiring of the law firm of Mayer Brown, LLP, to investigate the county’s finances.

Peraica posted the following:

NEWS FLASH: Com. Tony Peraica requests SA Anita Alvarez to begin quo warranto proceedings against Todd Stroger over Mayer Brown, LLP hiring.

As the Chicago Tribune reported on October 5, Stroger obtained the funds to pay this law firm by invoking an “emergency purchase” power. The hiring was not presented to the county board for approval.

At that time, Peraica scorned Stroger’s unilateral actions.

“This is, in my view, an inappropriate and wasteful expenditure of scarce taxpayer dollars,” Peraica said.

Mayer Brown was hired to probe the county’s finances after a it was announced that a grand jury had expanded its investigation into county expenditures.
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Peraica Wants Investigation Into Stroger’s Hiring of Law Firm”

Ill. Senators Stand By Prostitution, Tax Cheat Hiding ACORN

-By Warner Todd Huston

Democratic Illinois Senators Durbin and Burris both voted to stand behind ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) in a Senate vote to defund the criminal organization this week.

A measure placed in the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development appropriations bill was overwhelmingly passed by the Senate to defund the group over the latest round of bad publicity of this nefarious organization.

On top of the last decade of constant convictions for vote fraud all across the country, ACORN offices have been caught in a tri-city “sting” of sorts where ACORN employees were helping to cover up what they understood to be a mortgage fraud and prostitution business by helping fudge IRS forms to disguise the activities. These ACORN employees even thought they were helping to cover up sex trafficking in underage, illegal aliens.
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Ill. Senators Stand By Prostitution, Tax Cheat Hiding ACORN”

Protest Representative Melissa Bean

-By Warner Todd Huston

(Illinois Representative Melissa Bean scheduled an appearance at the Lake Zurich Chamber of Commerce breakfast on Sept. 2. Unfortunately for her constituents this townhall meeting is not open to the public unless a $25 fee is paid for a ticket. The Tea Party Patriots in her district have scheduled a protest to impress upon this elected official that she should meet with her constituents without charging admission!)

Come out and join the protest of Melissa Bean this Wednesday. Rep. Bean is again selectively ducking her constituents. This healthcare event is by paid fee only in front of the Lake Zurich Area Chamber of Commerce.

She did finally schedule a tele-townhall but that also was a failure. It appeared she again selectively chose who she called and who got to ask a question. Why is Melissa Bean continuing to not talk to all the citizens of the 8th district.

Wednesday, September 2nd  
Lake Zurich Chamber of Commerce Breakfast  
Outside Concorde Banquets  
20922 Rand Road  
Kildeer, IL  
7:00 AM – 9:30 AM
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Protest Representative Melissa Bean”

Corruption: State Police Bureaucrat Gets Confiscated Luxury Car Assigned Him

-By Warner Todd Huston

A 2006 Illinois State law allowing state police to seize the personal property of repeat drunk driving offenders resulted in the seizure of a high performance car early this year. The result of this tale is a perfect example of the sort of corruption of principles that working for the state, any state, leads to.

Taken from it’s rightful owner was a 2006 Dodge Charger with a V-8 Hemi engine that speeds from zero to 60 MPH in five seconds and has a topped out speedometer reading of 165. The high-end cruiser had only 26,000 miles on it when the police forcefully took it from its owner.

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Corruption: State Police Bureaucrat Gets Confiscated Luxury Car Assigned Him”

Illinois GOP Wrong On Special Election to Fill Obama’s Senate Seat

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once it became known throughout the state that Governor Balgojevich was being entertained by the U.S. Attorney for his creative attempts to shore up his retirement plans and once it was realized that the Governor had yet to pick a replacement to fill Barack Obama’s Senate seat, the Illinois GOP latched on to the call for a special election as the solution for that issue.

Unfortunately, they’re wrong.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, it is definitely the only way a Republican could possibly be sent to Washington as our junior senator from Illinois. But special elections are not the constitutional way we fill a vacated senate seat. It just isn’t.

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Obama: Giving Raspberry to Progressives With Cabinet/Staff Picks?

-By Warner Todd Huston

DailyKos and DemocraticUndergroud types are starting to get a bit miffed at their messiah. So far, no one from their ranks has been given the nod to take a spot on Obama’s staff or to fill his cabinet openings. The “progressives” are noticing, too, that far from bringing a “new” wave of politics to Washington, so far Obama is bringing back the age of Clinton. Instead of Washington becoming Obamopolis, it is a re-birthed Clintonville that is rising like a phoenix from the ashes.

It is certainly too early to claim that Barack Obama is going to be a centrist president like the far lefties fear. After all, he hasn’t even taken office yet. But, one thing that can be said, when evaluating his pick of staffers and cabinet positions thus far, he sure ain’t the candidate of “change” he claimed to be when he was a candidate. Obama has picked no one “new,” no one “different,” and no one “forward looking.” So far, every choice he’s made has either been an old Clintonite or another of those old politicos from the 90s that have been on the outside looking in since the year 2000.

The Progressive magazine, for one, is wondering just what the heck is going on?

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Warner Todd Huston vs Crooks and Liars

-By Warner Todd Huston

I was asked to be a part of a podcast for The quality of the recording is not so hot, but that is a minor annoyance. At least you can understand all involved for the most part. Go on over and give it a listen.

Skewz Podcast #36: Sound-Off- Mike Finnigan of Crooks and Liars and Warner Todd Huston of NewsBusters Talk About Media Bias in the 2008 Election

We had a blast speaking to Mike Finnigan of and Warner Todd Huston of We discussed how the media may have played a role, if any, in the 2008 election. Mike was in rare form and Warner and I had a good time keeping up with him. Of course, Warner felt the treatment of Palin was especially abusive. Mike, as you might have guessed, didn’t entirely agree. Listen in and decide what you think.

We hope you enjoy the conversation with Mike and Warner as much as we did.

He Said, She Said

Why The Finger Pointing Aids Democrats
-By Warner Todd Huston

We have gone through the first round of internal recriminations with the recent excoriation of Governor Palin by those “unnamed” McCain staffers. We are also starting to see a few hints of the slaps for John McCain more of which will soon come from amongst GOP faithful. But, while the media loves the bashing, this internal carping does nothing to help us at all. And most especially, breaking out the long knives for our own will only strengthen Barack Obama by cementing in the voter’s minds that the GOP is in permanent disarray setting Obama up to create a Democratic majority that will be difficult to defeat.

First of all, the attacks on Governor Palin are sure to cleave this party in half if they continue. The candidacy of Palin highlighted the split in the Republican Party that has been there since Reagan forged a new GOP majority to support his bid for the White House in 1980. Palin does not appeal to what used to be called the country club Republicans but she appeals very much to the family values voters that Reagan brought into the Party. In fact, she doesn’t just appeal to them, she excites them.

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Slate Editor NOW Upset at Constant Obama Fundraising Emails?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Dahlia Lithwick, a Slate senior editor, is newly miffed at the constant Obama fundraising emails she’s received. Oh, she didn’t mind them as the campaign was going on, she says, but now that Big “O” is fairly elected, Lithwick is tired of them. One gets the feeling, of course, that this has been building in her for some time — a sneaking dread mounting with each demand for cash. She even ends her Slate piece telling Obama that as far as she is concerned he should consider himself “cutoff” from her wallet.

Too bad she seems completely clueless that his constant grubbing for donations have moved from the voluntary stage to the mandatory stage now that she has helped elect him. She even mentions that she wants to get back to “panicking about her 401(k)” which is also amusing since the party she supports is now saying that they want to take possession of her 401(k)! Does she even know this?

Lithwick’s Slate posting seems to say a lot about a media that really never did get to truly see Barack past his glitzy exterior. It was all hope-n-change. Only the “change” ends up being that every last penny in her pocket AND her 401(k) is going to go to her email buddy, Barack.

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Obama’s Mixed Signals For Pakistan and India

-By Warner Todd Huston

At only five days into his transition period, Barack Obama may have already made several mistakes in his relations with the countries of India and Pakistan that could cloud his relationship with two of the most powerful and influential nations in that part of the world.

Obama’s first odd move was to appoint Google financial adviser Sonal Shah to his transition team. Shah, a well-known 40-year-old economist and Indian American, is controversial in Pakistan for having links to a Hindu nationalist political party as well as a few other extremist groups based in India.

As soon as Obama brought Shah onto his team, tongues in Pakistan began to wag about the “controversial” economist for her connection to VHP-America. The Pakistani news service Daily Times pointed to connections between VHP and a group suspected of sponsoring riots that targeted Muslims and Christians in Gujarat, India.

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Obama Sends Man Linked With Terror Group AND George Soros to Deal With Egypt/Syria

-By Warner Todd Huston

News services in Israel are on fire with talk that Barack Obama has just sent a supporter of the terror group Hamas as his envoy to Syria and Egypt to relay news of his policies to come. Last September Israel’s suspicions were heated up about “former” Obama advisor Robert Malley being sent to Syria with a George Soros funded group. It was then claimed by Egyptian sources that Malley was still working as an advance man for Obama which angered Israelis because six months earlier Malley announced that he had held “regular meetings” with Hamas. At that time, Malley’s comment caused the Obama camp to hurriedly distance the candidate from any connection with Malley. But, with the election over, it seems that Obama’s claims that Malley didn’t really work for him are not quite true. It also seems that we already have the very first example of Obama sticking his finger in the eye of our allies in Israel. Naturally, the U.S. press is not reporting this news.

In September of this year, Robert Malley caused consternation among people that stand against the terror group Hamas when he went to Syria to work for a group called the International Crisis Group — a George Soros funded NGO also chaired by other doyens the far left. Some thought that he was secretly there as an Obama advance man, but there is no real proof that he was there in that capacity at that time so the story died down.

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