Liberals Lying Again: ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ is NOT ‘Racist’ in ANY Way

-By Warner Todd Huston

The latest calumny against our country spewed by the historically illiterate left that our national anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner,” is “racist.” It is a charge that further proves that liberals are disingenuous, hysterics that only parrot the garbage that they hear from others even as they don’t take any time to research the matter themselves.

This time the nonsense is being peddled by the California chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People which has not only passed a “resolution” that the national anthem is “racist,” but has announced that it wants to pursue congressional sponsors to rescind the status of “The Star Spangled Banner” as our national theme song.

Why are they doing this? What else but raaaaacism?

Firstly, the move was an effort by the California NAACP to pass a resolution in support of anti-American protester and former NFL player Colin Kaepernick, according to the Sacramento Bee.

“We owe a lot of it to Kaepernick,” California NAACP President Alice Huffman during the group’s state meeting this week. “I think all this controversy about the knee will go away once the song is removed.”

Along with the resolution to celebrate Kaepernick’s hate mongering, the group also charged that “The Star Spangled Banner” is “one of the most racist, pro-slavery, anti-black songs in the American lexicon.”
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Dear America, Stop Calling This The ‘July Fourth Holiday.” Here’s Why…

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today we celebrate Independence Day, the day we stepped out on our own and formally declared our intention to become our own nation and not a vassal state of England. Unfortunately, too many people keep calling this day “the July Fourth holiday.” But, we don’t celebrate a number or a month. We celebrate our independence as a nation. So, I urge everyone to stop disrespecting our nation’s birthday by calling it “July Fourth” and here is why…

It is well known that John Adams had imagined that July second would be the day that future generations of Americans would remember as their day of independence from England, the nation’s birthday, if you will. It was, after all, on the second that it was proclaimed “(T)hat these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.”

But it was two days later that those gathered in defiance to the King of England declared a “Declaration of Independency” thereby adopting the famed document that carefully delineated the natural rights by which they claimed independence followed by a list of grievances that would explain why they invoked those rights.

So what are we celebrating? Is it our birth as a nation or are we celebrating the document of Independence? Early celebrations were mixed and a bit confused on that point. Not only that but celebrations on July fourth weren’t even that common for quite some time after the Revolution was over. At first, not many felt a need to celebrate something that had only recently happened and was over. It was time to move on from war in many American’s eyes.

Then again, not many Americans had much interest in the Declaration itself until the 1790s when the emerging parties began to vie for bragging rights over who wrote it. The Democratic Republicans proudly held that their leader, Thomas Jefferson, was the author of the document while the Federalists reminded everyone that their leader, John Adams, was also a member of the committee that drafted the document and that he, as much as Jefferson, had his stamp on the Declaration of Independence.
Continue reading “Dear America, Stop Calling This The ‘July Fourth Holiday.” Here’s Why…”

243 Independence Day Celebrations and Counting: But What Does it all Mean?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today America enjoys the celebration of 243 years as a nation by noting the day we declared our independence from England. Sadly, that celebration has, for too many, become the “Fourth of July” holiday, a day of picnics, rote parades, “white sales,” and for some a day off work. Of course, we should not and don’t celebrate any “July Fourth” holiday. We celebrate Independence Day, the day we formally separated from our parent nation and took those first unsteady steps into the world as a nation of our own.

So, what is this Independence Day all about? Well, for one thing we celebrate the gifts that our Creator has given us. That’s right, our Founding Fathers started this nation celebrating the gifts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and those natural rights given to us by God, rights that no man or government can take away from us, rights no man can legitimately prevent us from observing.

Contrary to the God-averse America we have devolved into, the Declaration mentions God, the Creator, or the divine multiple times and the Founders rested their entire claim of liberty and freedom on the claim that no government can legitimately take away the natural rights that mankind should and must enjoy.
Continue reading “243 Independence Day Celebrations and Counting: But What Does it all Mean?”

Our Second President, John Adams, Recalls the First Independence Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

John Adams was one of the truly indispensable men among our founding fathers. He was the man that wrote one of the first fully written out Constitutions in human history when he wrote the Constitution of Massachusetts. He wrote a seminal book on government that helped inform the founders of our nation, he was an ambassador to France and other European nations, he was our first vice president, our second president, and more.

In fact, Adams was at the center of one of the incidents that set the tone for our national character. When the Redcoats responsible for the Boston Massacre were put under arrest, John Adams stepped forward to represent the Redcoats in court. Many of his fellow patriots were amazed at this offer, some even incensed at Adams for doing so. But Adams said that the rule of law was far more important than merely making points with the home crowd and the Redcoats deserved to have competent representation.
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Business Owner Refuses to Remove Giant American Flag Despite City’s Threats and Fines

Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis is refusing to take down a giant American flag over his Gander RV business in Statesville, North Carolina, despite that the city has demanded the flag be eliminated and has taken him to court to force him to obey.

Lemonis is refusing to remove the 40-by-80-foot flag even though the city said it is too large and violates a city ordinance.

But Lemonis says he won’t do it. “There is no way that flag is coming down,” he said.

Lemonis told fans that the city has filed a lawsuit against him.

The city also began charging the CEO a fine of $50 per day until or unless he removes the flag.

The city claims it won’t allow a flag that size within 100 feet of the highway. The city also says that it will not allow flags larger than 25 by 40 feet.

The city also claims that the fine is retroactive to October 15 and that Lemonis owes the city $11,000.

Lemonis, though, is a millionaire and he says he does not care what the city tries to fine him.

“I don’t care if it goes to $500 a day. It’s not coming down,” Lemonis said.

“My family has been car dealers, had been car dealers since the 1960s, and our key trademark was always flying our flag in our dealership in south Florida,” Lemonis told the media. “My family is largely immigrants of the country.”

Lemonis launched a petition to find people who agree with him that the flag should stay. It has already gained more than 118,000 signatures.

“Many cities like Statesville have requested that Camping World and Gander Outdoors take down their American Flags. WE WON’T DO IT! Stand with us,” the petition says.

“This is about more than just the flag. This is about our Veterans, Military, and the men and women that have sacrificed for this great country. They are the reason we fly the flag and they are the reason we will NOT take it down!” the petition added.

Lemonis also notes that the ity can shove its rules because HE owns the property. “The property that’s there belongs to us, we pay taxes and the size of the flag isn’t hurting anybody,” Lemonis said.

“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

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Our Socialist School Teachers

-By Warner Todd Huston

I am beginning to feel that there is no hope for many of our school teachers. They’ve become so infused with leftism that any semblance of Americanism is beyond their grasp. Even history is viewed from within a socialist prism as a recent editorial from a teacher from Pennsylvania proves.

In his editorial, teacher Robert J. Fisher of Upper Saucon Township sought to debunk what he called the “extreme right-wing elements” of today’s America. He did this by claiming that nearly every conflict in our history is some sort of example of Marxist class warfare.

For teacher Fisher, all of American history is one giant example of Marxist principles proven right. It doesn’t matter that the ideas of class as Marx described them really didn’t exist during all of American history, of course.

Fisher claims that “primitive Native Americans” and “subsistent frontiersmen from the Piedmont” were all engaged in class warfare with the “wealthier urban merchants and plantation owners.”

He goes on to claim that the Regulators in 1771 North Carolina, Shay’s rebellion (1787), and the earlier Bacon’s rebellion (1675) were all “class warfare.”

Then he says that the “powerful federal government” that Washington and his compatriots created was an attempt to “deal more effectively with such class-based rebellions.” His proof? The 1791 Whiskey Rebellion.

Fisher bounced to the Jacksonian era, saying that the President Andrew Jackson’s goal was “reform” America to allow “the common man” to become vested in the system then touted the Civil War as the biggest “class struggle” of them all.

And who else was a hero? Of course it was the rise of the labor union coupled with Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal” policies. These, he claims “helped create a vibrant middle class.”

All of this is skewed nonsense. The history of the United States cannot be so simplistically distilled as one of mere class warfare and it’s sad that this person who has been allowed to influence the minds of our children is so blinded by his Marxist theology that this is all he can see.

In fact, in nearly every case Fisher cites the Americans involved were not trying to tear down another class in order to “equalize” society. They did not consider themselves class warriors but people that aimed to advance to a better life themselves.
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Our Socialist School Teachers”

236 Independence Days and Counting, But What Does it all Mean?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today America enjoys the celebration of 236 years of existence as a nation by noting the day we declared our independence from our Mother nation, England. Sadly, that celebration has, for too many, become the “July Fourth” holiday, a day of picnics, rote parades, “white sales,” and for some a day off work. Of course, we should not and don’t celebrate any “July Fourth.” We celebrate Independence Day, the day we formally separated from our parent nation and took those first unsure steps into the world as a nation of our own.

So, what is this Independence Day all about? Well, for one thing we celebrate the gifts that our Creator have given us. That’s right, our Founding Fathers started this nation celebrating the gifts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and those natural rights given to us by God, rights that no man can tax away from us, rights no man can legitimately take by force.

Contrary to the God averse America we have stumbled into, the Declaration mentions God, the Creator, or the divine multiple times and the Founders rested their entire claim of liberty and freedom on the claim that no government can legitimately take away the natural rights that mankind should and must enjoy.

The fact is the Founders did not want a nation free from religion (there is no such founding principle as a “wall of separation” as many think of it today, but that is another story for another day). This is not a Godless nation, but a nation based on Christian ideals.

Secondly, the Declaration of Independence is also a list of the wrongs and slights that England perpetrated against us. In the list of crimes against us that the English Crown and Parliament perpetrated against us is detailed many of the rights that free men must enjoy to truly be free men. This list of slights is not just stuffy old history but are timeless principles which should guide all men even today.

And lastly, to that “all men” point just noted. Our Founders did not write a Declaration that only pertained to their situation in their focused pint in history. Instead they wrote a document to inspire every people to take up freedom and liberty as their own. The Declaration of Independence is not just a document for America. It is one that should inspire all men everywhere to throw off the shackles of government imposed slavery. It is a document that is not just for the nascent American people, but one that insists, “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

The Declaration of Independence is for humanity. Not just America.

And so that is also our charge. Freedom is a cause for all men, not just Americans. The United States should not shrink from the charge to aid and encourage freedom and liberty for all men.

Please take a minute to read the entire Declaration below and re-famliarize yourself with our founding ideals.
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236 Independence Days and Counting, But What Does it all Mean?”

Principal Won’t Let Kids Sing Patriotic Song, But Steamy Bieber Hit A-OK

-By Warner Todd Huston

Welcome to PS 90, Coney Island, New York, where grade school Principal Greta Hawkins says the patriotic and popular song Proud to be an America by Lee Greenwood is verboten, but the teen sex song Baby by Justin Bieber is perfectly alright for Kindergartners to sing at their graduation celebration.

Kindergarteners at PS90 have spent weeks practicing the popular patriotic country song made a national hit after the attacks on 9/11. It was to be the finale of their “moving-up” ceremony at the end of the school year on June 20.

But school Principal Greta “the Grinch” Hawkins had other ideas. According to the New York Post, during a recent rehearsal, Hawkins stomped into the class room and ripped the Lee Greenwood CD out of the music player proclaiming the song unfit for little ears to hear.

The Greenwood song has such unfit lyrics as, “And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.” Such a bad influence on the kiddies, no?

By contrast, Hawkins seemed to have no problem with the Justin Bieber song that has such scintillating lyrics as, “For you, I would have done whatever. And I just can’t believe we ain’t together,” and, “Are we an item? Girl quit playin.'”
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Principal Won’t Let Kids Sing Patriotic Song, But Steamy Bieber Hit A-OK”

Property Renter Forced to Remove U.S. Flag and POW/MIA Flag from Premises

-By Warner Todd Huston

A bar in Charleston, South Carolina has been forced by the company that owns the property upon which the business sits to remove an American flag and the popular black flag that honors Vietnam POWs and MIAs that the bar manager had raised months ago.

Imagine in this day and age when we have soldiers in harm’s way in foreign lands this property management company is so unpatriotic like this!

In October of last year Hope and Marty Young, owners of the Chucktown Tavern, were asked by local military vets to raise the flags in honor of veterans. The flags have flown there ever since.

But in March the Youngs were abruptly told by landlords Beach Management to remove the flags presumably after another tenant complained about noise and other minor annoyances caused by the bar during an outdoor event held there.
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Property Renter Forced to Remove U.S. Flag and POW/MIA Flag from Premises”

Harvard Study: Patriotism Doesn’t Appeal to Democrats

-By Warner Todd Huston

The L.A. Times recently reported something that has been conventional wisdom with conservatives for close to 30 years, now. Democrats hate patriotism. It’s been a matter of faith for quite a while but now comes Harvard to help substantiate that little factoid.

For the L.A. Times, Andrew Malcolm sarcastically makes his way through the Harvard study pointing out that it seems that only conservatives, Republicans, or people that lean toward those views find the celebration of Independence Day a joyous occasion. Democrats and leftists, on the other hand, are not too fired up about all that “July Fourth red-white-and-blue stuff.”

Apparently the study finds…

If you’re into the national holiday by age 18, you are 2% more likely to identify as a Republican, 4% more likely to vote that way and 3% more likely to make political donations.

The study found a lot of other things, of course, but the upshot is that if you are a Democrat or you lean left of center then you aren’t too likely to attend patriotic celebrations. It also finds that people that do attend patriotic events will be more likely to vote against left-wingism.
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Harvard Study: Patriotism Doesn’t Appeal to Democrats”

Good to See University Students Acting Patriotically For A Change… But…

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today a left-wing, anti-American student at Louisiana State University wanted to burn a flag for, he claimed, “due process for students and suspected terrorists alike.” Yeah. Whatever.

As it happens, the students he was claiming to represent didn’t seem to appreciate his idea, though. Several hundred of them turned out to the place where he appeared and drowned out his sniveling statement with loud chants of “USA, USA.”

This nebbish was unable to get his little screed spoken and when water balloons began to pelt him the cops quickly moved him out putting an end to the whole scene. It was epic fail for this dude’s blather.
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Good to See University Students Acting Patriotically For A Change… But…”

Mass. School Kids Now ‘Allowed’ To Say the Pledge of Allegiance

-By Warner Todd Huston

What sort of nation have we become when it takes monumental efforts by a kid to get a school administration to “allow” them all to recite the Pledge of Allegiance?

Nonetheless, that is the nation that liberals have turned these great United States into as after two months of wrangling Arlington, Massachusetts High School student Sean Harrington finally succeeded in getting his school administrators to allow the Pledge to be recited by students in class.

Arlington High School Principal Charles Skidmore told that the policy has now been changed. “All principals in the district must ensure that the Pledge of Allegiance is said every school day in all classrooms,” he wrote in an email to the news channel.

Young Sean said he is pleased with the outcome.
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Mass. School Kids Now ‘Allowed’ To Say the Pledge of Allegiance”

Be Part of This Online ‘Reviving the Constitution’ Event

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is an interesting event being put on by that famous bastion of conservative thought Hillsdale College that you might find interesting to become a part of…

An Online Town Hall
January 30, 2010
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM – (online or in person)

The Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship of Hillsdale College cordially invites you to participate in an online town hall on Saturday, January 30, 2010.

There are two ways to participate in this event–in person or by viewing a live video stream (“webcast”). Advance registration is required for both forms of participation.

Please spread the word to friends and family about this day-long town hall, which will feature presentations and interactive Q&A sessions led by Kirby Center faculty and Hillsdale College President Dr. Larry P. Arnn. The event will run from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and will be broadcast from the offices of in Chantilly , VA.

More info –
Registration –
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Be Part of This Online ‘Reviving the Constitution’ Event”

Democrats Cancel Patriotic Music

-By Warner Todd Huston

My friends across the aisle always tell me that Democrats love America and are as patriotic as anyone on the right. Unfortunately for them, it is hard to believe that their party is on the same all-American page as the rank and file especially since Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat controlled House of Representatives tried to get rid of the patriotic music that is traditionally played on the House telephone “on hold” system.

House Chief Administrative Officer Daniel Beard decided to rid the world of John Phillip Sousa, God Bless America, the Star Spangled Banner, and any other sort of patriotic tunes played while callers to the House of Representative’s switchboard are on hold. Instead of the traditional patriotic music, Beard thought “smooth jazz” was better.

Then came the complaints. And right after that came the backpeddling.
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Democrats Cancel Patriotic Music”

Let’s Not Celebrate July 4th

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is well known that John Adams had imagined that July second would be the day that future generations of Americans would remember as their day of independence from England, the nation’s birthday, if you will. It was, after all, on the second that it was proclaimed “(T)hat these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.”

But it was two days later that those gathered in defiance to the King declared a “Declaration of Independency” thereby adopting the famed document that carefully delineated the natural rights by which they claimed independence followed by a list of grievances that would explain why they invoked those rights.

So what are we celebrating? Is it our birth as a nation or are we celebrating the document of Independence? Early celebrations were mixed and a bit confused on that point. Additionally, celebrations on July fourth weren’t that common for a time after the Revolution was over. At first, not many felt a need to celebrate something that had happened and was over. It was time to move on from war in many American’s eyes.

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Let’s Not Celebrate July 4th”

Proud to be a Conservative? Well, Show It!

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Cypress Times of Cypress, Texas has started a little effort to help conservatives show that they are proud to be American and proud to be conservatives. Times Publisher John G. Winder decided it’s time to show the world that “I Am Conservative America” by having conservatives of all stripes from all across the country send in their photo holding a little sign that proclaims their self pride.

I know, I know. if you are a conservative and are reading this posting, I’ll bet your first thought is to roll your eyes. I do know how you feel because I did the same thing. After all, isn’t it the “feels-good idiots” on the left that indulge in these sorts of empty gestures? These are the sorts of fluffy, pointless things that leftist goofballs do, right? We are serious, ya know? I mean, posting our photos on some webpage ain’t a’gonna change anything, we all know.

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Proud to be a Conservative? Well, Show It!”

If you Don’t Like Your Uncle Sammy… Get OUT!

1915 was about the last time America had the right idea about its immigrants and this song from that era is emblematic of that: assimilate or get lost. Don’t Bite the Hand That’s Feeding You, words by Thomas Hoier and music by Jimmie Morgan, first became popular in 1915 and expresses just that theme. This version was recorded on Edison Records by Walter Van Brunt aka Walter Scanlon.

The basic theme of the tune tells ungrateful immigrants that if they’ve come to hate the United States, their adopted home, then they can get the heck out and go back to the armpit nation from which they came. We don’t need them here.

Unfortunately, too many Americans are afraid to tell ungrateful whiners that want to complain about the U.S.A. to take a hike these days. It’s all about being afraid of immigrants, now. Well, I say we should play this song and takes its message to heart.

So, here it is Don’t Bite the Hand That’s Feeding You.

The sad thing is one of our national parties has built itself on refashioning its members as American ingrates. If this theme were to be applied every Democrat in the country would have to leave!

My Latest Video: I am a Tired American

-By Warner Todd Huston

Are you sick and tired of the anti-Americanism that surrounds you? Watch this and know you aren’t alone.

At Last a Good Boy Scout Story

-By Warner Todd Huston

Out of Georgia comes a heart warmer about the Boy Scouts for a change. Instead of radical gays attacking this noble organization, instead of extremist left-wing politicians trying to make a name for themselves by attacking one of America’s finest youth organizations, we have a story that makes you smile. And you can bet it won’t make national news.

Rodrigo and Rosa Cano moved to the United States in 1980. A decade or so later Rosa gave birth to David who the proud parents enrolled in a local Boy Scouts troop when he reached his tenth year. They hoped that young David could further help them assimilate in their new home as young David brought home his Scouting experiences.

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At Last a Good Boy Scout Story”

I Am A Tired American

-By Warner Todd Huston

I am tired of many things going on today, things that seem designed to undermine and destroy our great country. Certainly, we all have the right to express our opinions and, naturally, every American holding any particular ideology will see things that do not correspond to his idea of the “real America” at any given time. It is right and good that we, as citizens, should seek to make the changes we think necessary to make our country strong. We can all agree that people of intelligence and integrity might agree to disagree, but there are some things about a country that, when abandoned or abruptly changed, creates a place markedly different than what it was previously.

These sorts of seminal changes in the fabric of a nation should only be undertaken when that fabric is rotten even to its core. There have been bad spots of America that had to be surgically removed, we all know. But the core of this nation, despite its blemishes, is not now and never has been rotten.

And so I am tired of the many people who are native to this country that want to destroy what it is to make it into what it isn’t, never was, and cannot be. If we wish this country to be as great into the future as it has been in the past this self-destructive behavior must be stopped.
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I Am A Tired American”

Arkansas Dems Say USA ‘Founded By Slaveowners’ — Were ALL Founders ‘Slaveowners’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

To answer the headline: NO.

According to the historically illiterate Democrats in the Arkansas legislature, the USA was “founded by slaveowners,” and so they said in a resolution celebrating the election of Barack Obama. Not surprisingly, a few Arkansas Republicans objected to this stilted and historically misleading language and voted against the thing and those few Republicans deserve a pat on the back.

The resolution congratulating President Obama was killed in the Arkansas House Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs this week when Republicans raised objections over the language in the document that claimed the United States as a nation was “founded by slaveowners” as if every founder was a slave owner or slave owning was a chief reason for creating the nation.

Opposition led by Rep. Dan Greenburg, R-Little Rock, and Rep. Ed Garner, R-Maumelle, centered around language in the resolution that described the United States as a nation founded by slaveowners. Greenburg and Garner wanted the language stricken or amended, noting that not every founding father was a slaveowner.

Apparently, Democrats in Arkansas are unaware that a large number of the Founding Fathers not only didn’t own slaves, but abhorred what would come to be known as the peculiar institution. Famous Founders such as John and Sam Adams, Ben Franklin and Thomas Paine were very much anti-slavery. Paine, for instance, was a founding member of one of the first anti-slavery societies in the country, founded in 1775 in Philadelphia.

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