to Team With Anti-Semitic News Service

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been noted that has been treading an increasingly anti-Israeli path and its recent announcement of a partnership with the anti-Semitic news site seems another step down that road.

On July 16, Mondoweiss announced on its website that it was officially teaming up with Salon and the news is not sitting well with pro-Israeli activists and bloggers. Mondoweiss, they say, is a virulently anti-Semitic site.

Upon news of the teamup, for instance, the staff at the Algemeiner blog reported the many voices calling Mondoweiss an outlet for anti-Semitism.
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Israel Killed Fewer Civilians in Military Operations Than Others, Including the US

-By Warner Todd Huston

The last decade or so we’ve assigned a euphemism to the deaths of civilians in military operations; we’ve called it “collateral damage.” The fact is, though, that deaths of bystanders — purportedly innocent — are almost unavoidable in war operations. After all, war usually entails the indiscriminate firing of automatic weapons or the dropping of large bombs and this simply cannot be done in a surgical manner. But one nation has succeeded in a near total elimination of the deaths of innocents. That country is Israel.

Commendably, Israel has gone far out of its way to minimize civilian causalities over the last five years or so. Does this bust well-worn Palestinian propaganda? It should. In general the facts make the lie to nearly everything the Palestinians and their supporters say, but this particular point demolishes the propaganda.

Propagandists against Israel love to throw around claims that Israel is a violent, war-like nation and that she loves to invade her neighbors. But, once again, facts devastate this blather. In its short life Israel has been engaged in many military actions, to be sure, but few of them began with the Israelis as the aggressors. Most of Israel’s actions have been defensive in nature. The idea of defense as opposed to conquest is so inculcated in Israel that they’ve even put the word “defense” in the name of their military forces. Hence we have the Israeli Defense Force (IDF).

In 2006 after the Israeli disengagement in Gaza, the number of rockets fired into Israel by Muslims in Palestine increased a shocking 436 percent. Israel allowed this outrage to continue for a long time before finally replying and they did this for fear of causalities of non-combatant Palestinians.
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Israel Killed Fewer Civilians in Military Operations Than Others, Including the US”

Obama Appointed Ambassador Says Israel At Fault for Muslim Anti-Semitism

-By Warner Todd Huston

Since he ascended from nothing to the office of President of the United States, Obama has shown a disdain for most of our western allies that borders on hatred. But he’s reserved his most backhanded treatment to Israel. It isn’t just what he’s done to show Israel that he has no use for them, but it goes all the way down to his every last appointment and this week we see another reminder of that in the comments belched forth by Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, who basically said that anti-Semitism perpetrated by Muslims is really all Israel’s fault.

As Jake Tapper (one of the few real reporters in Washington) reported on Sunday, Gutman made his remarks at a conference on anti-Semitism organized by the European Jewish Union on Dec. 2.

At the conference Gutman said, “a distinction should be made between traditional anti-Semitism, which should be condemned and Muslim hatred for Jews, which stems from the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.” Gutman imagined that tensions between Muslims and Israel is one, “largely born of and reflecting the tension between Israel, the Palestinian Territories and neighboring Arab states in the Middle East over the continuing Israeli-Palestinian problem.”
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Obama Appointed Ambassador Says Israel At Fault for Muslim Anti-Semitism”

Debunking the Palestine Lie

There has NEVER been such a people as the Palestinians. And those that wanted their own nation have been little else but murderers, racists, and hatemongers since the 1920s and before!

This video does a great job explaining the REAL history of these murderous, monstrous, haters.

Worse, during WWII the Palestinians honed their hatred to a special edge by learning at the feet of the Nazis.

The basis for all this violence, hatred, murder, war, and destruction perpetrated by the so-called Palestinians? Islam, of course.

Obama Puts Israel on ‘State Supporters of Terror’ List, Then Opens Diplomatic Relations With Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s is one of the most disastrous foreign policies of any president ever. His latest outrage is the dual absurdities of, on one hand putting Israel on a list of state sponsors of terrorism, while on the other hand opening a dialog with and bestowing diplomatic legitimacy upon the terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

This is the schizophrenic mess that Obama’s anti-western centric foreign policy ideas have created. It shouldn’t be much of a surprise, though. Upon becoming President Obama almost immediately launched into a series of one more example of Obama giving Israel the back of his hand.
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Obama Puts Israel on ‘State Supporters of Terror’ List, Then Opens Diplomatic Relations With Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt”

Obama: Who Needs Victory When We Can Negotiate With The TahleeBahn?

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Barack Obama came before the American people tonight to unleash his latest campaign speech disguised as a foreign policy address. It was a presentation that even Politico calls “boring and predictable, balanced to please critics,” and one that “did not change the debate about the war.” But, one thing does seem like news. Obama never used the word victory and he also said we’d negotiate with the Taliban – an enemy he annoyingly insists on calling the Tahleebahn.

One singular theme emerged from this speech. Apparently, to President Obama, “victory” does not mean a win, but it only means a settling with negotiations with our enemies. Very Chamberlainesque, isn’t it?

But there were quite a few odd statements made by the president tonight. One was his claim that Usamma bin Laden was the “only leader al Qaeda has ever known.” This is absurd. There have been dozens of al Qaeda leaders and we killed many of them long before we finally got to bin Laden.
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Obama: Who Needs Victory When We Can Negotiate With The TahleeBahn?”

Hey Obama, Let’s Go Back to Pre-1958 Borders, Too…

From the mail bag:

Dear President Obama:

I am writing today with a somewhat unusual request. First and foremost, I am asking that you return America to its August 20th, 1959 borders so that Hawaii is no longer a state and you are no longer a citizen.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

(H/T my friend at Blue Collar Muse)

Obama Was Israiled: Killing bin Laden Was Not Foreign Policy Experience For Prez

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu schooled President Obama — who is clearly out of his depth — on Middle East diplomacy. This would not have been necessary if Obama had not tried to turn decades of American foreign policy on its ear, if he had not turned against our only real Mid East friend, and if he hadn’t made to come to the comfort of radical Islamists without conscience who only want to kill Jews and Americans. Obama also proved that just killing bin Laden does not equal foreign policy expertise.

Coming off his high after presiding over the end of America’s number one enemy, Obama thought he saw an opening to help bin Laden’s Islamist pals win a small battle over Israel. He planned his big speech on America’s new Mid East policy. Unfortunately for President Obama, the Hindenburg had a more successful flight than Obama’s new foreign policy ideas.

Most of the president’s speech was pedestrian and meandering, but one sentence was snuck in that completely changed American Middle East policy, or at least it was intended to.
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Obama Was Israiled: Killing bin Laden Was Not Foreign Policy Experience For Prez”

EXCLUSIVE Interview with Rep. Peter Roskam About Israel, Unified Palestinian Govt., And US Foreign Policy

By Jeff Dunetz

The past few months have seen unexpected developments in the Middle East, the continuing “Arab Awakening,” Egypt’s slide toward being controlled by the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, Syria and Libya in revolt; it seemed as if for the first time in recent history the Israeli-Palestinian dispute represented the calmest place in this violence-prone area of the world.

That all changed in early May when the Palestinian Authority, run by the “moderate” terrorists of the Fatah party, agreed to reunite with the more overt terrorists of Hamas who rule over the Gaza Strip.

…This morning Politico carried an op-ed composed by two members of the House GOP leadership: Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), and Peter Roskam (R-Ill) Deputy Majority Whip and Co-Chair of Republican Israel Caucus.

I had the opportunity to interview Congressman Roskam this morning. We discussed the Politico op-ed as well as other key issues regarding American foreign policy as it relates to Israel and the Middle East. Below is that interview, beginning with an overview of the situation provided by the Congressman….

Read the rest at YidWithLid.

Hamas Poisons Peace Process

-By Rep. Eric Cantor and Rep. Peter Roskam

As the news of Osama bin Laden’s death spread, the free world breathed a deep sigh of relief and praised the United States for its accomplishment.

But in the Palestinian territories, such sentiments were not shared.

In the eyes of Ismail Haniyeh and the infamous Hamas terrorist organization he leads, the operation “marks the continuation of the American policy based on oppression and the shedding of Muslim and Arab blood.” Really?

If killing the man responsible for the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history — not to mention the aggressor who did more to subjugate and kill fellow Muslims who disagree with his worldview than perhaps any other individual on earth — makes us oppressors, then how would Hamas describe bin Laden?
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Hamas Poisons Peace Process”

Christians Barred By NYPD From Muslim/ANSWER Sponsored Anti-War Rally

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two Christians were told by Police that they were not allowed to attend an anti-war rally held by a conglomerate of Muslims groups, unions, and Barack Obama’s Organizing for America organization on April 9 in New York City.

About 1,000 people came together at Union Square on Saturday to protest the U.S. military at a rally sponsored by the group Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER).

James Simpson reports, though, that two Christians were removed from the scene by police because the jackboots claimed that they were “disturbing people.”

According to a counterprotester on the scene, “Besides the sea of them, there were two Christians peacefully preaching about how Jesus died for our sins, and the police told them to leave because they were “disturbing people.”

This event was co-sponsored by the usual, anti-American suspects, of course. A group calling itself the Muslim Peace Coalition USA was one of the sponsors. So was the Islamic Circle of North America. As well as a host of radical, anti-American groups many with ties to The Worker’s World Party socialists.

As Simpson notes, this rally got much favorable TV time in Iran and acted to assist that murderous regime with it’s anti-American propaganda. It’s great that they could aid and abet our enemies, isn’t it?
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Christians Barred By NYPD From Muslim/ANSWER Sponsored Anti-War Rally”

Time Mag Editor: Koran Is ‘Directly The Word of God,’ Bible Just a Book ‘Written By Man’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another example of a sort of cultural suicide where western media types assume that all Muslims are blameless while all Americans are at fault in this clash of civilizations between Islamism and the West we have a recent episode of MSNBC’s Hardball with one-time Democratic operative Chuck Todd standing-in for host Chris Matthews.

Todd was discussing the riots in Afghanistan sparked by Islamist ire over the burning of a Koran by a Florida pastor. During the interview Todd and a guest stated that the Christian Bible was just a book written by men while the Koran was the “direct word of God.” The two implied that this excuses Muslims from murdering people over the book burning.

In the segment Time Magazine’s World Editor Bobby Ghosh told Chuck Todd that the riots and murders perpetrated by Muslims in Afghanistan were obviously understandable because the Koran is apparently more holy than the Christian Bible. Ghosh averred that it’s important to “keep in mind” that the Koran is “not the same as the Bible to Christians.” Why, you might ask? Why it’s because the Koran is “directly the word of God.” On the other hand, the Bible is just a book “written by men.”
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Time Mag Editor: Koran Is ‘Directly The Word of God,’ Bible Just a Book ‘Written By Man’”

‘Atheists for Islam’ Happy to Support Religion?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sometimes a single picture is enough to put the left’s folly in crystal clear terms and we have one for you today.

The current crop of militant atheists have been parading about the country wailing about how the evil, evil Christians are oppressing them by having non-sectarian things like “In God We Trust” on our money or allowing a manger scene on city property. That’s some oppression, there, eh?

Well, last weekend a photo was snapped that shows exactly what militant atheists really mean behind their rhetoric. Oh, they aren’t against religion. They don’t likely think they are being oppressed, either. No their real goal is rather simple. They are enemies of Christianity exclusively.

Today’s militant atheists aren’t looking for “equality” or “fair treatment.” They only want one thing: the destruction of Christianity. The total elimination of it in public.

Why do I say that? Witness the photo below snapped at the March 6th “I Am A Muslim Too” rally held at Times Square, New York, organized by rap music mogul Russell Simmons.

This is a stark contradiction in terms, is it not? Atheists are spending every waking minute telling anyone that will listen that religion is the root of all evil — and by that they mean Christianity — yet here they are helping to support Islam at an “interfaith” rally?

How does that track? How does it make any sense at all?
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‘Atheists for Islam’ Happy to Support Religion?”

Evangelical Christians and American Jews, Allies or Foes?

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the text of an address I gave to a men’s luncheon in Niles, Illinois on March 3, 2011. Niles and its neighbor Skokie are heavily Jewish areas in the northern suburbs of Chicago. I hope it was fairly well received and that you will similarly find it interesting.

We all know there has been a complicated and often unfortunate history between European Christians and their Jewish fellows. There is an earned suspicion that Jews have for European Christians that goes back centuries. Over time relationships between Jews and European Christians has swing wildly from acceptance, to indifference to outright antagonism and back again.

Sadly, it seems that these days the pendulum is swinging back to Europeans again seeing Jews as an unwanted element and crimes against Jews in many parts of Europe have been on the rise. Some of this is due to the influx of Muslim immigrants in Europe, but not all of it by a long shot.
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Evangelical Christians and American Jews, Allies or Foes?”

Xmas Sing Along: Jihad Bells, Jihad Bells, Jihad all the Way…

The good folks at LatmaTV are back with a rousing Palestinian Christmas carol. It is suitably titled “Jihad Bells” and gives us a first hand look at why Christians have been “mysteriously” disappearing from The PA controlled areas and in the Muslim world.

Could it be that the Muzzies persecute them mercilessly? Let’s find out…

Obama’s Government Denying Tax Status Based on Pro-Israeli Support?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A pro-Israel education group called Z Street is claiming that Obama’s IRS has violated its Constitutional rights by denying it tax exempt status solely because it supports Israel, support that apparently runs counter to Obama’s stance on Israel.

Z Street reports that Obama’s IRS asked a telling question of the group as it sought the tax exemption earlier this year. In August, Z Street filed a lawsuit claiming that the IRS was delaying the consideration because the group is a vocal supporter of the State of Israel and that support apparently runs counter to the Obama’s administration’s position.
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Obama’s Government Denying Tax Status Based on Pro-Israeli Support?”

Did Bush Offer to Take 100,000 Palestinians Into the USA?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Israel’s Haaretz news agency recently reported that on Sept. 19 former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said that President George W. Bush promised to take in 100,000 Palestinian refugees, giving them automatic American citizenship in exchange for a mid east peace deal.

Former prime minister Ehud Olmert said Sunday that the Bush administration had assured him that the United States would be willing to absorb some 100,000 Palestinian refugees immediately as American citizens, should Israel reach a permanent settlement with the Palestinian Authority.

Imagine that. If Olmert can be believed the one president that built his reputation on being a fighter of terrorism was willing to let 100,000 Palestinians into the U.S. Worse, Bush was willing to push them ahead of people that had been waiting years for the privilege of becoming American citizens and make these 100,000 Palestinians instant American citizens!
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Did Bush Offer to Take 100,000 Palestinians Into the USA?”

One Loud Jew Sends Media Spinning

-By Warner Todd Huston

The newest faux outrage comes from the mouth of controversial Jewish Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. In a sermon from Israel, Rabi Yosef as much as called for God to commit genocide against the so-called Palestinians. I say “as much as” because he didn’t actually call for genocide, but he came awfully close for comfort. In fact, even as he didn’t say it explicitly it’s hard not to see it being implied.

“Abu Mazen and all these evil people should perish from this earth,” said Rabbi Yosef, head of the Israeli Shas party. “God should strike them and these Palestinians — evil haters of Israel — with a plague,” he added.

Naturally, the Palestinians are outraged and Reuters, the Associated Press, and other news outlets are playing the story for all its worth. By Monday it’ll likely be everywhere.
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One Loud Jew Sends Media Spinning”

A Tale of Two Anti-Semitic Rants: Oliver Stone’s Not So Bad, Mel Gibson’s Horrible

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some of you may recall that early in the morning of July 28 of 2006 actor Mel Gibson was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving in Los Angeles, California. During that arrest, it was reported that Gibson was alleged to have launched into a brief but vehement denunciation of Jews that were “responsible for all the wars in the world.” Famed at the time for having produced and directed the film The Passion of the Christ (2004), Gibson’s anti-Semitic tirade was the feature of news reports throughout the media for weeks after the incident.

The same cannot be said, however, for Oliver Stone who just last weekend launched into his own anti-Semitic rant. Coverage of Stone’s outrageous comments, arguably as bad as Gibson’s, has been met with a virtual shrug from the Old Media, especially the TV newsers.
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A Tale of Two Anti-Semitic Rants: Oliver Stone’s Not So Bad, Mel Gibson’s Horrible”

Obama’s Weak Foreign Policy Shows Again

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama once again shows his fecklessness and weakness in foreign policy with a decision by the State Department to allow the Palestinian Mission in Washington D.C. to fly the flag of its non-existent country.

Recently the flag of the Palestinian Authority was authorized for display by the State Dept. even though there is no such country as Palestine and the U.S. government does not officially recognize it as such. The State Dept. also agreed to upgrade its designation of the Palestinian mission to that of a “General Delegation.”

The State Dept. claimed that this was “an improvement in relations” with the Palestinians.

The Obama administration has been meekly asking that the Palestinian Authority engage in direct face-to-face negotiations with Israel, but PA President Mahmoud Abbas has rebuffed all requests.
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Obama’s Weak Foreign Policy Shows Again”

Video: ‘The Three Terrors’ Skewers Palestinian Supporters

The folks at the Hebrew language opinion and news site Latma have done it again. A new effort revealing the hypocrisy of the Palestinians and their slavish supporters across the world are skewered in yet another parody video.

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Video: ‘The Three Terrors’ Skewers Palestinian Supporters”

Vlog: News Analysis of ‘We Con The World’ Video Controversy

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is my first vlog (that’s video blog for the uninitiated) using my new HD camera. I see I have to fix my lighting problem in the room I was using to record it in, but anyways… it was my first stab at it, so give me a break will ya?

This episode I look into the controversial decision of YouTube to pull the Latma parody video of “We Are The World,” which they titled “We Con The World.” The video makes fun of the Palestinian supporters in the aftermath of the IDF raid of several “aid” ships off the coast of Gaza.

In any case, I will be sure to get better at this video deal-i-o, so don’t let this first attempt dissuade you from trying my next one, won’t you?

Terrorists Rejoice: YouTube Pulls Pro-Israeli Video

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the week following the Israeli boarding of boats piloted by Turkish “peace activists” off the coast of Gaza Caroline Glick and the good folks at the Hebrew language Israeli news site Latma created a parody video skewering the violent actions perpetrated by those “peace activists” against members of the Israeli authorities attempting to enforce the Gaza blockade. The video went up on YouTube and garnered three million views within a matter of days.

Created as a parody of the 1980s activist song “We are the World,” the Latma song was named “We Con the World” and humorously depicted an array of Palestinian supporters singing about how they’d fooled the world into thinking that it was the Israelis that were the bad guys in the Gaza blockade incident.

The video was very clever and hit just the right notes of humor being not too mean spirited yet easily hitting home with its message. The humor of the video was wholly in keeping with western humor and not over-the-top or unduly offensive at all. Naturally, YouTube pulled it anyway.

On her website, Glick reports that the video’s creators were told by YouTube that the use of the original song, “We are the World,” was a copyright violation. But Glick disputes this claim.
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Terrorists Rejoice: YouTube Pulls Pro-Israeli Video”

When Life Give You Murderous Islam, Make a Funny Song Out of It

Here’s a very inventive and funny parody of the penchant for fluffery and meaningless gestures from all those empty headed entertainers out there. But this little production has a serious point beneath it.

When you are surrounded by murderous Muslims, what else can you do but laugh? Well, laugh and defend yourself, anyway. And this hilarity does both.

Jihadis Killed in Clash With IDF Near Gaza

-By Warner Todd Huston

I hate to interrupt our Memorial Day observations, but this news story is too immediate to ignore.

The Old Media is already misreporting the bloody incident off the Gaza coast between a flotilla of Muslim “peace activists” and the Israeli Defense Force. They are, of course, making Israel out to be the bad guys and while it is regrettable that anyone had to get killed in this incident, the fault lies with the armed “peace activists,” not Israel.

That’s right, these are supposed to be peace activists, yet they had armed themselves with bats, metal bars, and slingshots with marbles as projectiles and later firearms that they had hidden on their craft. Why isn’t anyone in the Old Media asking why peace activists are arming themselves?
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Jihadis Killed in Clash With IDF Near Gaza”

Vice President Joe Biden is a Prevaricating Hypocrite

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have it on good authority that Joe Biden was laughed at as a fool by his colleagues in the Senate before he was elevated to veep. Well, this recent Iraq flap of his is more proof of how silly this man is and shows that he cannot be taken seriously.

Oh, and let us remember here that this is Joe’s own doing. He is the one that keeps opening his big mouth.

As HotAir says :

If you’re keeping score at home, the supposed foreign-policy genius whom we call our VP has the following track record on Iraq: Voted against the Gulf War; voted in favor of the 2003 invasion; opposed the surge; called for the country to be partitioned and earned himself a healthy degree of infamy among Iraqis in the process; and has now taken to lying about his prior naysaying and insisting that the administration deserves more credit than it does. Point for point, it’s the precise opposite of conventional wisdom about how things have played out. To steal a line from Glenn Reynolds, they told me that if I voted for McCain we’d have a vice president who didn’t know anything about foreign affairs — and they were right!

Joe Biden is a stupid, stupid man.
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Vice President Joe Biden is a Prevaricating Hypocrite”

Another Obama Slight to American Jews

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another in a long series of swift kicks to Israel and American Jews, the Obama Administration has announced that it is slashing the guest list and budget for its 2009 Hanukkah celebration.

According to the Jerusalem Post the guest list is being cut in half causing some American Jews to wonder if Obama is giving them the cold shoulder… again.

In case no one has been paying attention, President Obama has been slighting Israel and American Jews since before he became president. His pick of Samantha Power, the Palestinian apologist, for his Mid East policy team was a fine example of his obvious disdain for Jews. And she isn’t his only pro-Palestinian adviser.
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Another Obama Slight to American Jews”

Journalist Tells of Harrowing Protest Experience in… Israel?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Over the last few weeks dozens of Iranians yearning for a more democratic government, striving to beat back the oppressive Mullahs, desperate to live free, have been killed in the streets of Iran during democratic protests. In China Uighurs and members of the religious sect Falun Gong are constantly attacked, imprisoned, tortured and killed for their ethnicity or beliefs by Chinese officials. Not long ago Buddhist Monks were killed by police for their protests in the streets of Myanmar. And on a nearly daily basis, members of the Taliban are killing villagers for not observing their oppressive rule in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

We live in times of violent protests tearing at some of the most oppressive governments in the world. And so, Australia’s ABC fielded a report about one “violent” protest experienced by one of its own reporters. Was it murderous Islamists attacking villagers? How about Chinese thugs killing ethnics? Perhaps it was an Iranian Mullah ordered massacre of citizens wanting democracy that frightened her so much?

Uh, no. It was Orthodox Jews that spit on her.

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Journalist Tells of Harrowing Protest Experience in… Israel?”

How do we Work With ‘Palestinians’ That Punish Little Girls for Playing Music?

-By Warner Todd Huston

We are sonorously told to respect the “Palestinians,” that their “government” is one we must work with to solve the ages old conflicts of the Middle East. We are also told by those advocating realpolitik between the west and the Muslim world that their system based on Islam is just as good as anyone else’s, just as we are so often assured that all governments deserve equal consideration merely because they exist.

But, when things like what happened to the members of a girl’s youth orchestra based in the Palestinian camp of Jenin occur, well it’s awfully hard to feel that the Palestinian government is “just like us.” In fact, it’s pretty hard to think that it is anything but inhuman.

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How do we Work With ‘Palestinians’ That Punish Little Girls for Playing Music?”