Democrats Violate Equal Pay for Women, Lilly Ledbetter Betrayed

-By Warner Todd Huston

As one of his first official acts, President Barack Obama made a great show of his deep concern for the idea of equal pay for women by signing the Lilly Ledbetter Act, a bill that was supposed to solve that inequity. Sadly, it appears that Obama and his Democrats are only interested in forcing private industry to observe equal pay for women while refusing to hold themselves to that high standard.

In 2009 Obama got a lot of credit for how much he cares about women yet by April of 2012 a study of what women were being paid in his White House showed they were being paid less on average than the men in his office.

But it isn’t just Obama’s hypocrisy that has come to light on the issue of equal pay for women in government. A new survey of the pay of staffers of Senate Democrats shows that they too are paying their workers less than they pay men.

The Free Beacon looked into the pay of Senate staffers and found that 37 Democrats staffers pay females in their offices less than they pay male employees.
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Democrats Violate Equal Pay for Women, Lilly Ledbetter Betrayed”

Biden ‘Comfortable’ with Same Sex Marriage – Thirty Two States Are Not

-By Rev Michael Bresciani

Gay marriage opponents have won bans or amendments 32 times on ballot measures since 1998. Joe Biden, like his boss, doesn’t seem to care much for the general consensus of voters around the country and he seemed even a bit cocky in his announcement that he is okay with men who want to marry men, and women that want to marry women.

Biden ignored the 4,000 year old solid scriptural teaching to offer his all new definition of marriage to NBC’s Meet the Press, Sunday May 6, 2012 at Mellon Auditorium in Washington.

Biden told his audience that – “marriage should be about being loyal to someone you love, whether that marriage is between a man and a woman, two men or two women.”

With such a high official of the U. S. government chiming in with both his good attitude and an entirely new definition of marriage, we are caught between Biden and Jesus and must now decide who we are more disappointed with.
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Biden ‘Comfortable’ with Same Sex Marriage – Thirty Two States Are Not”

Proof: Obama DID Intend to Use Fast And Furious For Gun Control Push

-By Warner Todd Huston

Early in my coverage of the mounting scandal over Obama’s policy of arming Mexican narco-terrorists, I said that this was obviously a thinly veiled attempt to create a false narrative geared toward pushing more gun control policies on Americans in order to eliminate our Second Amendment rights. Looks like I was right if a new report by CBS News is any indication.

Sharyl Attkisson reports that newly uncovered documents from the Department of Justice indicates that Obama officials contemplated just that, an plan to use the fake crisis manufactured by them to claim that guns are too easy to get and therefore must be further regulated….

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The Greens Just Love Us to Death

-By Alan Caruba

The vote to end the $6 billion in subsidies to ethanol producers reminded me how much Greens love us all. Surely only love could inspire taking corn and turning it into moonshine, and then mixing it with gasoline. The result caused food riots in far off nations while raising the cost of a gallon of gas every time we fill up at the pump. The ethanol mandates actually reduced the mileage a gallon will provide.

At some point, even the Greens grew disenchanted with ethanol and signaled their permission to end this costly boondoggle to our fearless leaders in Washington, D.C.

You may recall they got off to a strong start when the Environmental Protection Agency was established in 1970. Its first act was to ban DDT and the result of that has been the needless death of millions who could and should have been protected against malaria. The nation these days is experiencing a bed bug population explosion that could be stopped in six months if the EPA would only authorize a pesticide to kill the critters. They won’t.
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The Greens Just Love Us to Death”

What Economic Turnaround?

Obama and his cohorts want to sell the American people a bill of goods. DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz is telling the country that Democrats “own” the “recovery.” Only one problem. There ain’t one.

Don’t buy the lies, folks. Don’t do it.

Barack Obama Deserves Great Kudos For Finishing Hunt for bin Ladden

-By Warner Todd Huston

The particular operation that finally got this murderous monster, Osamma bin Ladden, has been ongoing for four years. It started at the end of Bush’s term in office. It has finished with dedication under President Barack Obama.

Barack Obama was perfectly correct to send his Seal Team from Afghanistan and to avoid telling the Pakistani government that this operation was in the offing. Barack Obama deserves great credit for not bowing to Muslim entireties in Pakistan to keep them fully informed about our operations.

After all, the reason the hunt for bin Ladden has taken this long is not because Clinton or Bush were failures, but because every single time we told the Pakistani government that we were close to bin Ladden, the Pakistanis informed bin Ladden that we were on his tail and allowed him to get away.

The Pakistanis cannot be trusted in any way. Period. Obama was quite right to realize this.
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Barack Obama Deserves Great Kudos For Finishing Hunt for bin Ladden”

Leftists/Union Wisc. Thugs: An Orgy of Death Threats and Warnings of Violence

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Democrats and their handmaidens in the Old Media have been decrying the evils of the “violent rhetoric” of the Tea Party and Republicans for the better part of two years, now. Yet all the violence and threats of same continue to come mostly from those left of center.

The video below shows just a little of the hatred, threats, and unhinged stupidity from the left (content warning).

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Leftists/Union Wisc. Thugs: An Orgy of Death Threats and Warnings of Violence”

Obama’s Government Denying Tax Status Based on Pro-Israeli Support?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A pro-Israel education group called Z Street is claiming that Obama’s IRS has violated its Constitutional rights by denying it tax exempt status solely because it supports Israel, support that apparently runs counter to Obama’s stance on Israel.

Z Street reports that Obama’s IRS asked a telling question of the group as it sought the tax exemption earlier this year. In August, Z Street filed a lawsuit claiming that the IRS was delaying the consideration because the group is a vocal supporter of the State of Israel and that support apparently runs counter to the Obama’s administration’s position.
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Obama’s Government Denying Tax Status Based on Pro-Israeli Support?”

‘Call Me Madam’: Let This Video Be My Apology for Once Supporting Sen. Boxer

-By Warner Todd Huston

David Zucker has made a great video slamming Barbara “Senator Ma’am” Boxer. It is very funny.

Call Me Madam Joe from RightChange on Vimeo.

Zucker says on, “I was motivated to do something on this after I saw the video of Barbara Boxer interrogating the General.”

I remember immediately feeling embarrassed that a member of Congress would treat an officer of the U.S. military like that. And doubly embarrassed that back in the early 90’s I had contributed to Barbara Boxer’s campaign. I was so outraged at the pure arrogance of that moment, that I sat down to write the spot, highlighting the pure absurdity of our California Senator dressing down a General for calling her “Ma’am.” No Naked Gun or Scary Movie ever had an opportunity as good as that one for pure ridicule. Never mind that the military are instructed to call their superiors including members of congress ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’, including specifically, Members of Congress!

I thought an apology would have been appropriate, but to my knowledge, none has ever been made by Senator Boxer. This I find distressing, since apologies from public figures nowadays are the norm. I mean, it’s not as if she texted her junk to Brett Favre. This was just arrogantly insulting an army officer. But I guess that’s okay with her.

This odious woman deserves to be fired from the Senate. Come on California. Are you going to allow this arrogant cuss to be returned?