U.S. Veterans Walk Out on Meeting with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez After She Attacks America

-By Warner Todd Huston

A pair of U.S. military veterans cut short a meeting with New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reportedly after the left’s It Girl began bashing America.

Veterans Silvio Mazzella and Anthony Vitaliano had agreed to meet with the congresswoman who had hoped to bring herself a little credit for supporting our veterans. But it was not to be when the famously extremist, left-wing freshman rep. began attacking America.

“She knocks the country, she knocks the president. And that’s not what America is about,” said Silvio Mazzella, a Vietnam War vet and treasurer of Community Board 11, according to the New York Post.

The paper added that Anthony Vitaliano — an Army veteran who worked in the NYPD for 38 years, and commanded the Bronx’s homicide detectives — was also in the meeting with Ocasio-Cortez.

Vitaliano had enough of Ocasio-Cortez’ nonsense, too.
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Leftist ‘The Nation’ Wants to End Capitalism by Destroying the Family

Now, you might think that headline above is an exaggeration. Sadly it isn’t. The left-wing rag, The Nation, is truly suggesting that the best way to end capitalism is to eliminate the American family and to take away all children from their parents.

This laughable screed was penned by Rosemarie Ho, someone who thinks “feminist theory” is a legitimate discipline. Ho wrote, “Feminist theorist Sophie Lewis’s new book looks at how rethinking pregnancy and the idea of family as forms of labor is central to emancipatory politics,” as the hook for her May 16 article at The Nation.

This is the nonsense that passes for “thought” on our nihilistic college campuses, folks.

Indeed, doing herself no favor with intelligent people everywhere, Ho admits at the outset that the idea of destroying the family is a central tenet of communist theory as proposed by Marx and Engels. Ho dug her hole even deeper by also pointing out that abolishing the family is a main goal of radical homosexual theorists, too.

Marx and Engels and radical homosexuals… she cites these as worthy thinkers?

Ho makes herself a laughing stock in her very first paragraph.
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Economist Says Obama Misrepresented his Study on Romney Tax Plan

-By Warner Todd Huston

Princeton economics professor Harvey Rosen wants everyone to know that he didn’t say what Obama’s reelection campaign is claiming he said about Mitt Romney’s tax plan, namely that it would necessarily raise taxes on the middle class.

On the evening of October 7, team Obama mass emailed another one of its ever present campaign press releases and the topic du jour was how Mitt Romney’s plan will raise taxes on the middle class.

“Even the studies that Romney has cited to claim his plan adds up still show he would need to raise middle-class taxes,” the press release said. “In fact, Harvard economist Martin Feldstein and Princeton economist Harvey Rosen both concede that paying for Romney’s tax cuts would require large tax increases on families making between $100,000 and $200,000.”
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Economist Says Obama Misrepresented his Study on Romney Tax Plan”

Obama’s Offensive Anti-Woman Campaign Ad (Now Disappeared Down Memory Hole)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Earlier today the Obama campaign’s “official Tumblr page” featured an offensive message:

This image was followed with a text tag that said, “because they kinda do.”

Uh, no, they kinda don’t, you supercilious liars.

And since when was a woman nothing but her p*ssy? I thought women wanted to be considered a whole person, a person with a mind and someone worth more than a mere sex organ?

Apparently all liberal women think is that they are a giant, walking vagina and absolutely nothing else.

Naturally, as soon as a light was shown on their lies, the Obama campaign removed the offensive page. All you get is an error page now. Now it’s down the memory hole as if it never happened.


Click on the image above to see a bigger version of a screen shot of the Tumblr page

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Obama’s Offensive Anti-Woman Campaign Ad (Now Disappeared Down Memory Hole)”

Both Sides Set Expectations for Presidential Debates

-By Warner Todd Huston

Both the Romney and Obama camps are attempting to lower expectations for their respective performances in the upcoming presidential debates with both saying the other has an advantage.

In a recent memo to Romney supporters, for instance, Romney adviser Beth Myers noted that the President is a “universally-acclaimed public speaker and has substantial debate experience under his belt.”

“This will be the eighth one-on-one presidential debate of his political career. For Mitt Romney, it will be his first,” Myers warned.

As for team Obama, in his memo the President’s top political adviser, David Axelrod, played the “Obama’s really busy” card trying to play down expectations that he will do well at the debates because he has a lot of duties as President that gives him less time to prepare for debates.

“The challenger, unencumbered by the responsibilities of being the President, has more time to prepare — a benefit of which Gov. Romney has taken full advantage,” Axelrod said.
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Both Sides Set Expectations for Presidential Debates”

Wash. Post-Owned Website: Will Romney Reach Out to Racists?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A website owned by the Washington Post, one that caters to African Americans, has a question about the upcoming debates. In yet another outrageous use of the race card, The Root wants to know if GOP nominee Mitt Romney will “reach out to racists” in the debates.

Keli Goff ‘s Root piece is exactly as insulting, racist, and ignorant as that title leads you to believe it is, too.

In Goff’s blinkered opinion, only racists question the inappropriate, 20-year-long relationship between racist Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama. Goff’s feverish imagination conjures that racism as Romney’s next move to gain the advantage in this close election contest.

First of all, aside from her own racist premise that all whites are racists enough that re-introducing Rev. Wright into this election will automatically win Romney votes, one has to wonder why this fool would think that this tactic would work in 2012 when it didn’t four years ago?
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Wash. Post-Owned Website: Will Romney Reach Out to Racists?”

If You Work for Government, You Deserve to be Fired

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yes, that title, If You Work for Government, You Deserve to be Fired, is meant literally. I really don’t care what you do for government I think you deserve to be fired.* In fact, I think that you need to be fired to save this republic. Not only do I want you fired, I want your pension negated. You don’t deserve one.

I’ll let that sink in a bit.

Of course, conservatives have the reputation of wanting to oust everyone in office and for wanting to “vote the scoundrels out.” But, I am not just wallowing in a trope, here. In fact, I’d like to add one more level to the throw-them-out-of-government concept. Let’s fire every government worker from the smallest village receptionist or sewer worker to the staffers of the highest Senator and every menial clerk and recalcitrant paper shuffler in between.

I am, here, indulging a little bombast, of course, but only a little. A very little.

It’s not just pique at the famous laziness of government workers I’m talking about. I’m also not only deploying that stereotype contending that the only reason government workers get their jobs is because they are pals with a politician — or another government worker, for that matter. It’s not just that they are better paid than just about any real American in the private sector — whether they deserve it or not — and it’s not because they are impossible to fire, nor is it because they get a better pension and health care than anyone who really contributes to society… well, OK, it is because of that stuff. All that stuff and more.
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If You Work for Government, You Deserve to be Fired”

ACLU: Obama Has Quadrupled Warrantless Wiretaps

-By Warner Todd Huston

The ACLU released a report this week that shows that under Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder, warrantless wiretapping and monitoring of American’s electronic communications is “sharply on the rise.”

After months of litigation and Freedom of Information Act requests, the ACLU obtained documents from the federal government proving that real-time monitoring of electronic communications inside the U.S. has climbed 60 percent since 2009 and far surpasses that under President Bush.

The ACLU reports that the Dept. of Justice used “pen register” and “trap and trace” techniques 23,535 times in 2009 and 37,616 times in 2011.
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ACLU: Obama Has Quadrupled Warrantless Wiretaps”

Pelosi: ‘We’re Keeping it Positive,’ But ‘Republicans Poison the Debate’

-By Warner Todd Huston

In an appearance on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D, CA) claimed that Democrats were conducting a “positive” campaign but Republicans were trying to “poison the debate.”

Pelosi also told Maddow that Republicans are trying to “suffocate the airwaves, suppress the vote, poison the debate,” and cause “people throw up their hands and say, ‘I just don’t even know if I want to participate in this.'”

Pelosi went on to claim that she and her party are trying to “keep the campaign positive.”

This from the side of the aisle that called GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney a “felon,” and claimed he killed a steel worker’s wife.
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Pelosi: ‘We’re Keeping it Positive,’ But ‘Republicans Poison the Debate’”

Bill Clinton’s Brother Accused of Hiring Women to Beat Each Other Up

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bill Clinton’s brother, Roger, may not be the Clinton that feels others’ pain, but it sure seems he enjoys watching it.

Ever in trouble of one kind or another, this time Roger is accused of hiring women to beat each other up while he watches.

The National Enquirer broke the story of Nadeze Connelly, 36, who claims that on April 1, 2011, Roger Clinton invited her to his home to cook dinner for him but when she arrived she was physically attacked by a woman named Melissa Fitzpatrick.

Connelly claims that Roger simply stood by watching the assault and did nothing to break up the tussle.
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Bill Clinton’s Brother Accused of Hiring Women to Beat Each Other Up”

10% Fewer Americans Believe US Is Winning War on Terror

-By Warner Todd Huston

As the turmoil in the Middle East roils and President Obama’s foreign policy scheme faces severe pressure, a recent survey of likely voters finds that pessimism about our success in the War on Terror “continues to grow” with 45 percent saying they think the U.S. is winning that war, a 17-point drop from its one-time high of 62 percent in February 2009.

Rasmussen found that 45 percent think the U.S. is winning the war, 21 percent think the terrorists are winning, and 26 percent think that the neither side has an advantage.

The number of those who think the U.S. is winning has been steadily dropping since May of 2011.
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10% Fewer Americans Believe US Is Winning War on Terror”

Ill. Dem. Candidate Claiming to be a ‘Businessman,’ Reports no Earnings For Last 3 Years

-By Warner Todd Huston

Brad Schneider is running for Congress in Illinois against 10th District incumbent, Republican Robert Dold. Schnedier claims he’s a “businessman” and is running on the pretext that, according to his campaign literature, he’ll “bring his business expertise to Congress.” Yet, this “businessman” has reported no income at all for the last three years from the very small business he claims is his primary occupation.

How is it that one can claim to be an expert businessman yet have no income from his business? That is a question that at least one 10th District constituent wants answered.

In his literature, Schneider claims that he’s “worked with small business, helping them grow and succeed.” He’s also said, “I’m a business guy. I like using numbers to solve problems and help people.”

Consequently, in his disclosures, at appearances, and on questionnaire forms, Schneider lists Cadence Consulting Group, LLC as his primary occupation.

Yet, despite claiming that Cadence Consulting Group, LLC is his chief source of income, he’s reported no income at all from the company for the last three years.
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Ill. Dem. Candidate Claiming to be a ‘Businessman,’ Reports no Earnings For Last 3 Years”

Obama’s UN Speech: Soft Pedaling America’s Principles

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another UN meeting, another Obama appearance where he bends over backwards for foreign ideals and terror supporters. Once again Obama basically places ideas antithetical to America’s in front of ours as he addresses the world, seeming to apologize for us all over again.

For instance, the President began his speech with a eulogy of sorts to murdered U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. But the President didn’t have the courage to call that murder an act of terrorism. In fact, Obama used the word terror only one time in this speech and this in the same month in which acts of terror have been perpetrated across the Middle East.

Obama was upbeat, though, about the so-called Arab Spring that swept across the Middle East earlier this year and he was self-congratulatory on his part in it all.

“Since then, the world has been captivated by the transformation that has taken place, and the United States has supported the forces of change,” he said to the foreign leaders gathered at the UN.

But, Obama sure hasn’t supported pro-democracy forces in Iran. And with his “leading from behind” he has offered but uneven and tepid support for the forces in Libya, not to mention his complete silence about the pro-democracy activists in China. Further he has wasted not a word urging Bahrain to release its pro-democracy political prisoners. In fact, he’s been slow to voice support for most of the pro-democracy activists throughout the very Arab Spring he praised at the UN.
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Obama’s UN Speech: Soft Pedaling America’s Principles”

Chevy Volt Battery Plant Floundering Despite $151 Million from Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another in a long list of Obama-touted and tax-supported “green energy” companies is on the verge of going out of business, this time in Michigan.

Two years ago, President Obama visited the LG Chem battery plant in Holland, Michigan. Obama then hailed the plant saying, “You are leading the way in showing how manufacturing jobs are coming right back here to the United States of America.”

But today, those LG Chem jobs Obama claimed were “coming back” are seeing intermittent layoffs instead of growth.
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Chevy Volt Battery Plant Floundering Despite $151 Million from Obama”

ABC, CBS, CNN, & MSNBC All Knock Obama For Campaigning Instead of Governing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every once in a while the Old Media takes a jab at their most favorite president of all time and Obama’s decision to skip any meetings with the world leaders that are gathering at the UN this week seems to be one of those times.

Just to name a few, Chuck Todd of MSNBC, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, ABC’s Jake Tapper, and the CBS Evening News all took swipes at the president for doing campaign stops, TV entertainment shows, and softball interviews instead of doing his job as our nation’s chief foreign policy representative by meeting with the world leaders who are this week visiting New York at the United Nations.

CBS slapped Obama saying “diplomacy gets a backseat to campaigning” on Monday in a piece by Nancy Cordes.

Noting that last year Obama conducted “13 one-on-one meetings with major leaders,” this year not so much.
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ABC, CBS, CNN, & MSNBC All Knock Obama For Campaigning Instead of Governing”

Against Family’s Wishes, CNN Used Murdered Ambassador’s Journal in Reports

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN has finally revealed the “source familiar with Ambassador Stevens’ thinking” upon which it based much of its reporting in the week following the attack on our embassy in Benghazi and the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens. That “source” was his own, handwritten journal and CNN used it for its reportage quite despite the wishes of Stevens’ surviving family.

On Friday, September 21, CNN host Anderson Cooper made the admission on his Anderson Cooper 360 show saying that much of the “information was found in a personal journal of Ambassador Stevens in his handwriting.”

We came upon the journal through our reporting and notified the family. At their request, we returned that journal to them. We reported what we found newsworthy in the ambassador’s writings. A reporter followed up on what we found newsworthy, as I said, in the ambassador’s writings.

This rather benign explanation, though, runs quite contrary to what the Wall Street Journal reported. As WSJ reported, the family had asked CNN not to use the journal at all.
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Against Family’s Wishes, CNN Used Murdered Ambassador’s Journal in Reports”

The Obamaized Flag Poster Suddenly Disappears from Campaign Store

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week, President Obama’s campaign paraphernalia store on his website was heavily criticized for having a poster of a U.S. flag that was Obamaized by having the field of fifty stars replaced with an Obama logo. Over the weekend, the item was suddenly disappeared down the Internet memory hole.

The poster, titled “Our Stripes: Flag Poster,” was criticized by nearly every conservative blog and news site on the web for the arrogance of replacing the fifty states with an Obama logo. It was said that it shows Obama imagines that there are no New Yorks, no Texases, no Californias, only the Obama states of America.

Whatever the meaning of the flag poster, the item is no longer at the campaign store. A visit to the page where it once resided now returns an error message. An Obama campaign spokesman claims that the reason the item no longer appears in the store is that it is sold out. This claim does not ring true to some.
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The Obamaized Flag Poster Suddenly Disappears from Campaign Store”

Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘2016,’ A Warning Tale

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 2007-08, Americans didn’t know anything at all about the man they were about to make the President of the United States. They elected Barack Obama to the highest office in the land despite knowing nothing about him, his ideas, or his past, and, unfortunately, he’s led this country to despair. Now it is time for him to run for re-election and Dinesh D’Souza has made a film he’s titled 2016: Obama’s America in order to help make sure it doesn’t happen a second time.

This weekend I attended a private screening of D’Souza’s 2016 held by Freecapitalismnow.com and hosted by Chicago Republican gadfly William J. Kelly and the filmmaker himself, Mr. D’Souza. What I saw, even as I already knew much of the material from dispirit sources, was still eye-opening.

In the film, D’Souza relied heavily on Obama’s book, Dreams of My Father He notes that the book isn’t titled dreams of my father, but from. This, D’Souza says, is the tip off to the President’s true ideology.
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Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘2016,’ A Warning Tale”

As Embassies Burned, Obama More Interested in Interviews and Photo Ops

-By Warner Todd Huston

Even as President Obama’s flacks are telling the media that he is too smart to attend daily intelligence briefings, we are finally finding out what he did on that volatile Friday morning last week when our embassies were burning and 21 countries were erupting in anti-American protests. Instead of worrying about all that, Obama was giving puffball interviews to entertainment magazines and having photo ops.

Instead of spending precious time dealing with the developing crisis in the Mid East and with his foreign policy scheme in a total freefall, on Friday morning, September 14, Obama was giving an interview to the entertainment magazine People en Español and participating in a photo session with photographer Omar Cruz.

Worse, this puffball interview wasn’t on his public schedule and was hidden from the public. Wasn’t Obama the one that claimed he’d have the most transparent administration in history?
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As Embassies Burned, Obama More Interested in Interviews and Photo Ops”

Offensive: Obama Selling Obamaized U.S. Flag Prints

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some feel that President Obama is an arrogant sort of fellow. A quick look at the Obama store section of his campaign website might tend to substantiate that feeling when finding the Obamaized U.S. flag print that team Obama is selling there.

(Click image to see a screen shot of the Obama store webpage)

Does this sort of arrogance offend you? If it doesn’t it should at least make you raise your eyebrow. How gauche is it that Obama is putting his own Madison Avenue-like, branded logo on a U.S. flag?

What patriotic American would put his own logo on a U.S. flag? It just doesn’t seem right, does it? I mean, remaking the flag in his own image is quite a thing, isn’t it?

And what is the most arrogant part of it all? Notice that all the stars in the flag have been replaced by the Obama logo? That’s right, there ARE NO STATES in Obamaland. We are all just part of the Messiah himself, Barack Hussein Obama.
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Offensive: Obama Selling Obamaized U.S. Flag Prints”

A Bet: Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. to Quit Congress

-By Warner Todd Huston

News today was revealed that Jesse Jackson, Jr. has put his Washington D.C. home up on the market. This after his many months in seclusion for “exhaustion” or whatever mental problem he’s claiming he had this week. So, my guess is Jesse Jackson will quit Congress.

If I had to bet, I’d guess he’ll quit just after he wins reelection, too.

Jackson put his home on the market in June so it is obvious he’s been planning this for some time. The house is listed for $2.5 million and you can see the video listing here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGxgMFwFXaI.

Why would he wait until after he wins re-election? So that he can be 100% sure that his Republican opponent couldn’t possibly take the seat. Not leaving anything to chance to keep the seat in Democrat hands, he’ll quit right after he wins re-election, for sure.

Does this serve his voters? Of course not. Democrats don’t care about what is moral, right or good for the people. They only care about power.

So, who is that Republican that Jackson wants to be sure and prevent from having any chance to unseat him? His name is Brian Woodworth.

Here is Brian Woodworth’s webpage for donations and info: http://www.woodworthforcongress.com/. And here is Woodworth’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/WoodworthforCongress.
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A Bet: Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. to Quit Congress”

AUDIO: Obama is FOR a Communistic Redistribution of Income… He SAID So in 1998

-By Warner Todd Huston

During the campaign in 2008, Barack Obama had a revealing moment in Ohio when he told Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher (Now running for Congress in Ohio) that he wanted to “redistribute the wealth.”

His supporters cried that anyone that called Obama a communist based on this revealing slip was making a mountain out of a mole hill. They said he was “taken out of context” and didn’t mean what his detractors were claiming he meant.

But did he? Did Obama mean that he is for a socialistic, big government confiscation of wealth to have it redistributed to those that have less? Again, his supporters clam this is an outrageous misread of his ideas. But his supporters would have to contend with what then Senator Obama said at a conference at Loyola University in 1998.

At that October 19, 1998 conference, Obama said in explicit and direct terms that he is for redistribution of wealth.
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AUDIO: Obama is FOR a Communistic Redistribution of Income… He SAID So in 1998″

Instead of Watching Embassies Burn Obama Watches Football Last Weekend

-By Warner Todd Huston

We are told that President Obama watched a lot of football this weekend. I guess it was more fun than attempting to deal with our embassies burning in the Middle East and our soldiers being killed in Afghanistan.

The newsflash is courtesy of Amy Gardner’s twitter feed. Gardner, the White House reporter for the Washington Post, reports that the press gaggle on Air Force One reported that Obama spent his time watching football.

President Obama didn’t watch SNL season opener this weekend; watched a lot of football, per Josh Earnest on AF1 gaggle.

Must be nice to take time away from the pressing duties of being president to relax and watch a little football. But one wonders when this president actually takes time to undertake any of those pressing duties between golf, football, bowling in the White House bowling alley, and flying about the country for daily fundraising events?
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Instead of Watching Embassies Burn Obama Watches Football Last Weekend”

Why is the EPA Funding a Private Newspaper?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Environmental Protection Agency has been indulging its inner propagandist by spending at least $3.5 million to float newspaper that is purportedly “reporting” on the EPA’s pet issues. Unfortunately for the readers of this newspaper, the fact that the EPA is its sugar daddy is never told the reading public.

So much for an independent press!

The newspaper in question is the Chesapeake Bay Journal, a free publication that appears monthly across the Mid-Atlantic states. Environmental themed articles from this paper have also appeared in such newspapers as The Baltimore Sun.

This is no partisan issue, either as this has been going on for at least two decades.
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Why is the EPA Funding a Private Newspaper?”

Recovery Lagging for Middle Class

-By Warner Todd Huston

So much for Obama being the “President of the middle class”…

According to the Census Bureau, income for the middle class fell 8 percent to its lowest level since 1995. “The New York Times” severely understates the case saying that this “poses a challenge” for Barack Obama as he vies for a second term
According to the report, middle class income has fallen to a national average of $50,054 annually, close to what it was back in 1995. The Times finds this troublesome for the President.

That drop poses a political challenge for President Obama as he presents himself as a champion of the middle class and defends his economic stewardship in a tightly fought presidential race. The Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, is likely to seize on the decline as evidence of the president’s failure to fix an ailing economy. Mr. Obama, for his part, has emphasized the potentially damaging effects of Republican policies on the middle class.

Revealing a lopsided recovery, the same Census Bureau report does note that the top 5 percent of households have seen some recovery of lost income even as they “took a whack in the recession.”

The Obama administration points to these statistics claiming that the “rich” need to be taxed more. But others disagree.
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Recovery Lagging for Middle Class”