Advocates Want Contraceptives Services Pushed Even if Real Healthcare is Cut

-By Warner Todd Huston

The 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, to be held on July 11, is intended to “mobilize global policy” to assure that 120 million women and girls are afforded family planning, contraceptives and other information. Sponsors of the event want more money put to these services for poor women around the world. But it seems likely funding this new program will take money away from actual healthcare services already offered, especially in a day when economies are failing worldwide.

Claiming, “It has been proven that family planning saves lives, improves health, strengthens communities, and stimulates economic growth,” the London Summit intends to get its funding from the international community in any way it can.

One thing seems certain, it is painfully obvious that these people think of pregnancy as an affliction, something that needs to be stamped out. Also interesting is the focus on the poor in a eugenics-like push to eliminate the lower classes of peoples by encouraging fewer pregnancies.
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Advocates Want Contraceptives Services Pushed Even if Real Healthcare is Cut”

Mom With Developmentally Disabled Baby Scolded for Not Aborting Him

-By Warner Todd Huston

Christian’s mom and dad were devastated when doctors told them that their baby was bound to have severe disabilities upon birth. True to the prediction he did, but mom and dad loved their baby boy regardless. But that love didn’t stop a woman from calling Christian’s mom a “horrible person” for not aborting him in utero.

Christian’s mom decided to make a wonderful video, titled “The Right Choice,” about her experiences. Get ready to grab some tissues with this one…

Little Christian has showed these monstrous liberals that he can bring love and light to the world despite his disabilities.
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Mom With Developmentally Disabled Baby Scolded for Not Aborting Him”

Abortion-Supporting Obama Makes Pregnant WH Visitors Register Unborn Baby as Separate Visitor

-By Warner Todd Huston

It is interesting that the Obama White House, a place where everyone thinks a pre-born baby is just a lump of “unviable cells” and not really a person, is now insisting that pregnant mothers must register themselves and their unborn baby on the visitor log when they visit the White House.

As noted by Steven Ertelt,

The Director of the White House Visitor’s Office, Ellie Shafer, today distributed an email newsletter to members of Congress and others providing detailed instructions on how to register an unborn child (“a baby that has not yet been born,” as Shafer puts it) into the security system the White House uses to arrange group tours.

“We have received a number of calls regarding how to enter security information for a baby that has not yet been born,” Shafer wrote. “Crazy as it may sound, you MUST include the baby in the overall count of guests in the tour. It’s an easy process.”

My guess is these abortion-supporters don’t even get the irony of a White House that on one hand wants to devalue a fetus as not worth anything, a “lump of unlivable cells” that could be destroyed at will, yet want expecting mothers to register their unborn babies as a separate “person” when they visit the People’s House.
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Abortion-Supporting Obama Makes Pregnant WH Visitors Register Unborn Baby as Separate Visitor”

Aborting Born Babies: Are Only Liberals Truly ‘Human’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In February of 2012, a pair of left-wing “philosophers” wrote a paper that claimed that babies aren’t human until they can become cognizant of themselves, aware that if they were to be “aborted” or killed they’d be losing something valuable, their lives. This, they claimed, justified abortion as well as post birth infanticide. Naturally they had elaborate justifications for their stance and what they wrote is chilling indeed, for it essentially states that only people that think like them are really worth the status of “human,” worth having their lives considered sacrosanct.

The pair, Alberto Giubilini of Milan, Italy, and Francesca Minerva of Australia, held as a central thesis that since abortion is so commonly accepted there had to be a more expansive use for it. That use, the pair decided, should be to cover killing babies born with developmental problems. After all, they said, neither fetuses or newborns “have the same moral status as actual persons,” so this certainly must mean that newborns with catastrophic birth defects could be killed without any moral reservations.

Here is how they justified the non-human status of both a fetus and a born baby.
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Aborting Born Babies: Are Only Liberals Truly ‘Human’?”

When You Disagree With Leftists, They Simply Dehumanize You

-By Warner Todd Huston

The hatemongers of the Democrat Party and their pals on the far left like to pretend that it is the right that dehumanizes its foes, but the truth is no one dehumanizes enemies better than the left does. Case in point, the left thinks if you are a woman that doesn’t support convenience infanticide, then they will accuse you of not even being a woman at all.

A State Representative from Pennsylvania, Babette Josephs, a Democrat from Philadelphia, is today’s prime example of how expertly Democrats dehumanize their enemies. At a recent rally sponsored by Philly infanticide supporters, Josephs unleashed what Steven Ertelt calls “a new low in political discourse.”

I think Mr. Ertelt was too kind, for what Josephs did was to discount the very womanhood of her enemies simply because they disagree with her support for easy-to-get Infanticide. From Charles Thompson we learn that at this rally, Josephs said that any woman that disagrees with the extremists of the abortion-mill lobby aren’t even women.

Then, she took specific aim at women lawmakers who co-sponsored the ultrasound bill, asking rhetorically, “I do not understand how a woman in this Legislature can say to herself: ‘I’m not capable of making my own health decisions… but I can get elected and make them for somebody else.’

“What is wrong with these women? What are they thinking about?” Josephs continued. “Are they women? Or are they men with breasts.”

Now, you might imagine that this was just one creep with a big mouth, right? Would that were the case. You see, after this creep’s words became public knowledge, the Democrat Party organization that sponsored the rally immediately announced that it was standing behind her outrageous comments.
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When You Disagree With Leftists, They Simply Dehumanize You”

False Fronts: Obama Still Pretending Fluke is an Innocent Kid

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you want to see how the left skews the narrative using untrue claims and false imagery to sell a message, you don’t need any other example than President Obama’s recent press conference where he continued to perpetrate the myth that Sandra Flake is somehow an innocent coed, a kid barely out of high school, when she is actually a long-time liberal activist in her 30s.

At the press conference the President was asked about Rush Limbaugh and his apology. Not only did Obama drag his own daughters into the debate, but he said he told activist Fluke that “her parents should be proud of her.” This line feeds into the myth that Sandra Fluke is but a young coed. However, Fluke is 30 years old. People stop assuring folks that their parents should be proud of them once they begin approaching middle age, certainly! If Mz. Fluke’s parents still aren’t proud of her as a 30-year-old, I doubt the president can help matters much.

But the thing here is, the left wants to promulgate the false image that Fluke is a young woman, innocent as the driven snow. She just isn’t. She’s a conniving activist, not a wide-eyed coed.
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False Fronts: Obama Still Pretending Fluke is an Innocent Kid”

Ultrasound Cacophony: The Left’s Newest Pro-Abortion Lie

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the Commonwealth of Virginia the left has a new attack against those that want to regulate abortions. The legislature in the Old Dominion introduced legislation to require ultrasounds to be performed before an abortion could be performed. Idiotically, leftists cried foul claiming the requirement is somehow “like” getting raped. Yet a new study show that the left’s favorite abortion mill, Planned Parenthood, performs ultrasounds before abortions in 99% of its operations.

Talk about making fools of themselves, the left has done it again.

First, let’s look at the left’s claim, though. Speaking for the pro-infanticide set, Dahlia Lithwck at Slate makes the case:
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Ultrasound Cacophony: The Left’s Newest Pro-Abortion Lie”

Planned Parenthood vs Women: PP Getting Its Thug On!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation announced that it was no longer going to be offering funds and grants to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading abortion mill operator. This decision has sent Planned Parenthood over the edge of both sanity and civility with a new fundraising letter that dispenses with its past staid talk about women’s healthcare and goes straight for thuggish threats of retaliation, finger pointing, and attacks on other women.

The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, a well known breast cancer-fighting charity, decided to withhold further donations to the abortion provider for several reasons, one of which is that Planned Parenthood is under investigation by Congress for violating various state abortion laws.

Last month the Associated Press reported Komen’s new criteria and why it is excluding PP. “Komen spokeswoman Leslie Aun said the cutoff results from the charity’s newly adopted criteria barring grants to organizations that are under investigation by local, state or federal authorities,” the report said. “According to Komen, this applies to Planned Parenthood because it’s the focus of an inquiry launched by Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., seeking to determine whether public money was improperly spent on abortions.”
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Planned Parenthood vs Women: PP Getting Its Thug On!”

Dear Romneyites, Reagan Was NOT an Abortion Supporter!

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the things that many Romney supporters are using to explain away their decision to ignore Romney’s many flip flops is Ronald Reagan’s one-time support for abortion and his signing of the Therapeutic Abortion Act as governor of California in 1967. But this comparison is a non sequitur. Reagan’s support of that abortion bill and his subsequent turn against it is less like a flip flop than Romney’s about face on the issue. In fact, a review of the two men’s record on abortion makes Romney look worse for the effort, not at all “just like Reagan.”

The first thing to realize about Reagan’s 1967 signing of the California abortion bill was that the whole national debate on abortion was, if you will, in its infancy. It was then not much of a national issue. The arguments for and against abortion had not crystallized into the well-worn positions we now know so well. After all, Roe v Wade wasn’t to catapult the issue to national prominence until 1973.

When this bill came before him in 1967, Reagan was admittedly unsure of what to do with the thing. He dithered for a long time before finally signing the bill because he simply had never given much thought to the issue. He quickly regretted placing his signature on the bill and firmly decided that hence forth he would be pro-life. He never supported an outright pro-abortion measure again.
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Dear Romneyites, Reagan Was NOT an Abortion Supporter!”

A Good, Pro-Life Hollywood Story

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here at the site we often take Hollywood to task for its outrageous liberalism, and rightfully so. Of course it’s our job to look for the worst cases to alert you all about the nagging left-wing bias. But occasionally there are stories that are good ones and it is incumbent upon us to report those, too. This is one of those stories.

More often than not when we have stories out of Hollywood about life issues it is invariably a pro-abortion tale and in the case of scientific studies, it is usually some denizen of Tinseltown coming out forcefully for unethical fetal stem cell research. The destruction of life is de rigueur out there, unfortunately.

But not this time.

You might say that this celebrity has boldly gone where no Hollywooder has gone before. You also might wince at my horrible attempt at humor when you find out that we are here today to celebrate the efforts of Eugene W. Roddenberry Jr., the son of Gene Roddenberry the creator of Star Trek.

You see, in October the son of the “Great Bird of the Galaxy” donated $5 million to stem cell research. But, unlike so many of the Hollywood persuasion, this gift is not earmarked for fetal stem cell research. It is instead going to a facility that specializes in adult stem cell research.
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A Good, Pro-Life Hollywood Story”

Is Apple’s iPhone Ap Siri Pro-Life?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A story has been circulating about Apple’s new smart phone product called Siri. It is an iPhone application that allows users to ask the phone questions that the phone then searches to answer. Well, apparently one thing that the ap won’t answer is for it to provide directions to the nearest abortion mill.

Siri is an early voice recognition phone ap that hears your spoken questions, searches the Internet and/or Apple’s cloud services, then returns a verbal answer to the user. If, for instance, you ask for an email to be read to you, Siri will do so. If you ask for the nearest Taco Bell, Siri will tell you.

As mentioned, though, it has been discovered that if you ask where the nearest baby killing center is, well apparently it won’t tell you.

This is leading people to tout Siri as a “pro-life” ap.
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Is Apple’s iPhone Ap Siri Pro-Life?”

Unbelievable: Planned Parenthood Used Thanksgiving Holiday to Push Abortion!

-By Warner Todd Huston

The indefatigable Steven Ertelt reports another outrage from the infanticide fanatics at Planned Parenthood. Apparently Planned Parenthood is advocating that families use the Thanksgiving holiday (and the upcoming Christmas break) as a day to push their ideas on abortion onto friends and family.

What could be more heartwarming? Friends and family, good food, and a little convivial conversation about killing babies? I mean, what is more fun to talk about around the Thanksgiving table than killing babies? Besides, remember how the Pilgrims were so concerned with killing babies? Yeah, so the discussion is a natural Thanksgiving Day topic, ya know?

As Ertelt says, the page on Planned Parenthood’s website is, “sure to upset millions of pro-life advocates who are busy spending the day thanking God for the gifts and blessings they’ve been given, especially the gift of human life…”

PP wants to help you for the holidays, you see? They offered a nice list of “eight easy steps” for pushing infanticide on family and friends for the holiday.
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Unbelievable: Planned Parenthood Used Thanksgiving Holiday to Push Abortion!”

A Proposal on Personhood

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yesterday a measure failed in the Mississippi elections. The measure would have declared that life begins at conception and therefore what liberals like to call an “unviable tissue mass” deserves to have the rights of a human being.

I agree to a small degree that if the measure would have passed that a whole lot of maybe unintended consequences would have emerged. But that is, I feel, a discussion worth having. Why shouldn’t we argue from the position that human life is precious?

But many leftists said it is “madness” to say that life begins at conception because it would impinge on liberal’s love affair with infanticide. Certainly, some might say “the madness” is all the babies getting killed that liberals conveniently don’t accept as “human,” but, well, you know.

So, what is a human, anyway?

Essentially left-wingers have no logical argument about what is and isn’t a “person.” They argue to kill babies merely out of convenience. They just don’t want the bother of having a baby. About time they admitted it.
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A Proposal on Personhood”

Ill. Gov. Quinn Bestows Award at Pro-Abortion Group Event

-By Warner Todd Huston

Steven Ertelt reports that Illinois’ Democrat Governor Pat Quinn has come under fire by the state’s Catholic bishops for agreeing to present a leadership award to a pro-abortion group.

Quinn will present the award at a Nov. 17 event being held by Personal PAC, a pro-abortion activist group that supports pro-abortion candidates in Illinois.

Naturally, this pro-abortion group gave $5,000 to Quinn’s reelection campaign in 2010.
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Ill. Gov. Quinn Bestows Award at Pro-Abortion Group Event”

Illinois: Beloved Doctor Benched For Not Being Proficient with Electronic Medical Records System

-By Warner Todd Huston

A popular, longtime Doctor from central Illinois has been sidelined by employer Springfield-based Memorial Health System because he has not become proficient with the electronic medical records system, named EPIC Systems, that they purchased and implemented. Patients are so incensed that they’ve started a Facebook page as well as a blog to rally to his defense.

This situation brings into focus the problem of top-down medical solutions, calling into question the efficacy of healthcare by committee, not to mention Obmacare itself. Do we really want to sacrifice good doctors in favor of good followers of top-down rules? Do we want good users of computers or excellent doctors?
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Illinois: Beloved Doctor Benched For Not Being Proficient with Electronic Medical Records System”

HB 3027 Will Promote Abortion, Force out Abstinence in Sex Education

From Lake County Right to Life…

(Grayslake, IL—October 19, 2011) Lake County Right to Life joins the Illinois Family Institute and numerous other pro-life, pro-family organizations in opposing Illinois HB 3027, the new sex education bill. The bill is supported by Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, NOW, and numerous other Illinois pro-abortion organizations. The bill will be taken up in the fall veto session, which begins on October 25. HB 3027 has already been passed by the Illinois Senate.

HB 3027 mandates that every public school teaching sex education in grades 6 – 12 must teach comprehensive sex education. Lake County Right to Life has numerous major problems with this bill, including:

It mandates curriculum promoting abortion, stating that it is legal, safe, and parents don’t have to know about it.

It calls for “medically accurate” sex education, but the curriculum misinforms students by telling them that “morning after pills” don’t cause abortion.
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HB 3027 Will Promote Abortion, Force out Abstinence in Sex Education”

Rep. Joe Walsh Discusses Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Representative Joe Walsh appeared at a conference earlier this month and he was asked to address some of the troubles that this nation is going to suffer once Obamacare really kicks in.

Walsh is 100% right about his contentions over this destructive Obamacare mess.

Representative Walsh has already announced that he will run against Republican Congressman Randy Hultgren in the newly re-configured 14th District in the upcoming primaries.
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Rep. Joe Walsh Discusses Obamacare”

Did a Big Dem Donor Turned Obama Medical Records Czar Hoodwink Members of Congress?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did Obama’s medical record czar, Judy Faulkner, hoodwink five members of Congress into pushing her own medical records company as the solution for the problem of electronic medical records for all government contracts? That’s what some wonder as Obama’s search for an electronic medical records solution evolves.

In a likely earnest effort to bring jobs to Wisconsin and help improve the fortunes of a home state company, five members of Congress signed onto a letter urging the Department of Defense to seriously consider EPIC Systems medical records computer architecture. (Download PDF of letter)

The letter, signed by Wisconsin Senators Herb Kohl (D) and Ron Johnson (R), as well as Representatives Paul Ryan (R), Tammy Baldwin (D), and Ron Kind (D), was written some two years after EPIC Systems CEO, Judith Faulkner was appointed (April 3, 2009) to Obama’s Health Information Technology Policy Committee. This is a committee established by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that will, “make recommendations on creating a policy framework for the development and adoption of a nationwide health information technology infrastructure,” for electronic medical records.
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Did a Big Dem Donor Turned Obama Medical Records Czar Hoodwink Members of Congress?”

Nancy Pelosi Says Republicans Want to Kill Women — But Who Are Really the Killers?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Nancy Pelosi has a message for you: Republicans want to kill women. Yes, there it is, another fine example of the Democrat “new tone.”

All one can say to that is, “Nancy, you ignorant slut.” (If you’ll excuse my channeling an SNL era Dan Aykroyd?)

What’s all her hypocritical fury being directed at? The Protect Life Act that passed the House 251-172 on Thursday.
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Nancy Pelosi Says Republicans Want to Kill Women — But Who Are Really the Killers?”

Obama Donor, Now Medical Records Czar Gets Little Gov’t Job BIG Gov’t Contracts

-By Warner Todd Huston

Must be nice to be a member of the “in” crowd, the crowd of crony capitalists to whom President Obama has given so much of the taxpayer’s money. And not just money but positions of power in the government.

Take, for instance, Obama’s newest czar, Judith Faulkner, recently named Obama medical records czar. She was not only put in charge of deciding which company would be used for Obama’s official electronic medical records system, but she also just happens to have an electronic medical records company of her own. And, gosh, it seems her company is suddenly quite busy and just might be in line to become THE electronic medical records company. Imagine that.

Only a few weeks ago news of Faulkner’s elevation to Obama’s Health Information Technology Policy Committee. This committee is charged with deciding how $19 billion in Obama bucks is spent on healthcare IT systems.
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Obama Donor, Now Medical Records Czar Gets Little Gov’t Job BIG Gov’t Contracts”

Friedman: Over 105,000 Jobs Lost Since January Tax Hikes

From the Dr. Arie Friedman for Illinois State Senate campaign…

Illinois lost another 16,183 jobs in August, according to figures released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Illinois State Senate candidate Arie Friedman called the report “another call to action by state policymakers to repeal those ill-considered income tax hikes they passed last January.”

“What is it going to take to alarm our elected officials in Springfield?” asked Friedman. “The Democrats are not grasping the true meaning of Illinois’s steady drop in jobs. What will it take? Do they have to lose their own?”
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Friedman: Over 105,000 Jobs Lost Since January Tax Hikes”

Health Care Compacts Would Save $3 Trillion

From the effort to create the Health Care Compact to replace Obamacare…

Alexandria, VA – Today, the Health Care Compact Alliance released its analysis of the financial impact of the Health Care Compact on the national deficit. The Alliance found that, if implemented in all 50 states, the compact would cut the deficit by nearly $3 trillion by 2021.

“The Health Care Compact is more than just health care reform,” said Leo Linbeck III, Vice Chairman of the Health Care Compact Alliance. “It is governance reform that will make a difference in not only the way Americans choose their health care system but will save our federal government trillions. In the coming weeks, members of the Congressional super-committee will continue meeting to determine ways to reduce our nation’s deficit and reigning in health care spending must be their priority. The Health Care Compact offers real reform while reducing the deficit.”
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Health Care Compacts Would Save $3 Trillion”

New Federal Policy Hinders Fight Against Human Trafficking Penalizes Faith-Based Groups Over Abortion Stance

From Lake County Right to Life…

(Grayslake, IL—September 7, 2011) Human trafficking is modern-day slavery, where immigrants are forced into prostitution or slave labor. Since 2000, with the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), the Department of Health and Human Services has operated anti-trafficking programs, providing them through nonprofit partner organizations. From the beginning, faith-based organizations were in the forefront of these efforts, instrumental in developing ATIP (Anti-trafficking in Persons Program) and providing a large percentage of services. Now changes in HHS grant requirements will exclude some of these very organizations from participating in the programs.

Between 14,500 and 17,500 victims are trafficked in the U.S. annually, about 1/3 of them children. Coalition partners identify victims, raise public awareness and provide services such as food, shelter, legal assistance, income assistance, mental health services, English language training, employment assistance and health care.
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New Federal Policy Hinders Fight Against Human Trafficking Penalizes Faith-Based Groups Over Abortion Stance”

Belief that Women are Inferior IS Inferior

-By Kevin Roeten

Mixing abortion with woman power is not an oxymoron. Women many times claim that a young baby they’re pregnant with (what else can they be pregnant with?) is only her body. She says she can do anything with her body she wants.

If she’s pregnant, she’s got a living, breathing, human within her body. But that living human is a totally separate entity, with a whole set of different chromosomes. It’s in her body, but it’s no longer her body.

One non-abortion group seems overly concerned with the “After Abortion” part. They believe abortion can be a direct or indirect result of an unwanted abortion, or coerced actions that can psychologically force the woman into aborting.

Women are considered the stronger sex in many forms. Usually, they can withstand higher amounts of physical pain than their male counterparts, and many women would consider themselves equal or better than men in most instances, except with the possibility of brute strength.
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Belief that Women are Inferior IS Inferior”

Joe Biden OK With Murdering Chinese Babies

-By Warner Todd Huston

We are faced with a difficult dilemma concerning Vice President Joe Biden’s outrageous comments about China’s one-child policy delivered in China this week.

On one hand we must either believe Joe Biden is a compete idiot, or on the other understand that he is OK with the fact that Chinese officials forced women to late term abortions and in many cases actually murdered already born babies to satisfy the one child per couple rule that the communist oppressors put into place years ago to curb the country’s population size.

Neither prospect is very auspicious for Biden or Obama.

While visiting Chinese students in southwest China, Biden raised the one-child issueContinue reading

Joe Biden OK With Murdering Chinese Babies”

Pro-Lifers Get a Win in Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois pro-lifers have this year been pursuing several new bills in Springfield and at least with one initiative they have won the day.

Students for Life of Illinois reports that on August 4th, Governor Quinn signed HB2093 into law to become Public Act 97-0254.

This Act extends the list of persons required to report child abuse or neglect to include any physician, physician’s assistant, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, medical technician, certified nursing assistant, social worker, or licensed professional counselor of any office, clinic or physical location that provides abortions, abortion referrals or contraceptives. (Planned Parenthood and ACLU originally lobbied against this bill, btw)

This provides more protection to young girls who are victims of sexual abuse and whose abusers are using abortion to cover up their crime. The bill was inspired by the fact that Planned Parenthood has been shown to routinely cover-up sexual abuse of minors.

There are many more battles to fight, of course, but at least in this dismal state one bright spot has emerged. So, congrats to the supporters of the DCFS child neglect reporting changes.
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Pro-Lifers Get a Win in Illinois”

HHS Sec. Sebelius Adopts Guidelines Violating Obama’s Executive Order

From Lake County Right to Life…

Religious Hospitals Could be Forced to Cease Providing Health Care

(Grayslake, IL – August 2, 2011) Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced Monday that the federal government will require new health plans to fully cover all contraception, including sterilization and pills designed to cause abortions. Conscience protections previously promised in President Obama’s 2010 Executive Order, as well as current conscience laws, have been ignored.

Sebelius’s decision to classify contraception as “preventive medicine,” causes all related drugs having FDA approval, such as abortion pills Ella, Plan B and RU486, to be included in health plans at 100% coverage. This means that individuals and insurers who find these morally objectionable will have no other option and will be forced to pay for them.
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HHS Sec. Sebelius Adopts Guidelines Violating Obama’s Executive Order”

Pro-Life Group Thrown Out of Illinois July 4th Parade By Jaycees

-By Warner Todd Huston

Apparently, when no one was looking, the Jaycees became a pro-Infanticide group. I wonder about this because the United States Junior Chamber Jaycees has thrown the Palatine Area Catholics Respect Life Group out of the Palatine, Illinois July Fourth parade, preventing them from participating in this year’s celebration.

The Jaycees claim that they have done so because the pro-life group has an “offensive” photo on the banner they planned to carry in the procession. Following is a photo of the banner as seen on the local Patch story:

“They decided that an unborn baby is too offensive,” said Martin Kelley, co-founder of Palatine Area Catholics Respect Life. “It’s an ultrasound photo. It’s not a picture of an aborted baby.”

So, how is an ultrasound photo of an in utero infant “offensive”? This isn’t a gruesome photo of an aborted fetus like many pro-life groups use to shock viewers — if it were I might agree with the claim that it is an offensive display. This is simply a live baby in the womb captured through the wonders of modern technology.
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Pro-Life Group Thrown Out of Illinois July 4th Parade By Jaycees”

Planned Parenthood’s Stranglehold on Congress

-By Kevin Roeten

Young unborn tigers being killed in their mother’s womb is not accepted in our society. What about killing young unborn golden retrievers? If large enough, the baby retrievers would have to be removed piece by piece, or if almost full term, would have to be wholly removed and left to die outside of the womb somewhere.

One could kill the mother, but no more babies would be produced after that. But with humans, the mother is a “life”. It would be unacceptable to kill her. But many decide to kill the baby instead. Wasn’t it thought to be unacceptable to kill “life”?

But humans fall back on Roe v. Wade, not only to justify, but to claim as ‘legal’ the killing of unborn children. It’s difficult to answer the question—what happens to the soul if I abort? Then we comprehend that diabolical accomplice—Planned Parenthood of America (PPA).
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Planned Parenthood’s Stranglehold on Congress”