Your Reminder that the Democrats are Fascists

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I have been saying this for years: The Democrat Party is a fascist party. Simply put and demonstrably so.

This week, X user CynicalPublius posted a great post showing how today’s Democrat Party is predicated on policies that makes it no different than a fascist concern. This does NOT mean Democrats are Nazis. But it DOES mean their policies are indistinguishable from a fascist organization.

So, without ado, here is CynicalPublius’s points:

  1. Laws promoting the seizure of guns from law-abiding citizens and/or the denial of gun ownership rights for law-abiding citizens.
  2. Censorship of free speech by pretending such censorship protects the citizenry from faulty information (i.e., so-called “disinformation”).
  3. Government control of industry.
  4. Government control of the mass media.
  5. Control of the entertainment industry as a means of propaganda. (See: Leni Riefenstahl; Walt Disney Corporation.)
  6. Children belong to the State and not their parents.
  7. Political dissidents and opposing political leadership are to be persecuted for fabricated “crimes” under the color of law through the courts.
  8. Political dissidents are locked up for months/years without a trial.
  9. Leading political opponents who are a threat to the fascist order are to be assassinated.
  10. Extreme nationalism (Democrats hate the United States of America, but are extreme nationalistic zealots for the Woke States of America).
  11. Purposeful division of the population along racial and ethnic lines as a means to power.
  12. Leadership of the ruling fascist party is chosen by party leaders without any input from rank-and-file party members, but an illusion of democracy is perpetuated. (See: Kamala as nominee with zero votes.)
  13. Certain party criminals are turned into martyrs upon their demise. (See: Horst Wessel; Saint George Floyd.)
  14. Destruction of statues, symbols and art of the pre-fascist order.
  15. Accuse dissidents of the very crimes you yourself commit.
  16. Justify all of it for the “common good.”

He is exactly right. The Democrat Party is a fascist party.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at:, X at WTHuston, or Truth Social at @WarnerToddHuston.

Obama Takes Criticism for Doing Wave at Ballgame, Dancing While Brussels Burns

-By Warner Todd Huston

Even as the world is still reeling from the aftermath of the terror attacks in Brussels, Obama has been seen dancing and taking in baseball games like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

Hours after the attacks that killed over 30 people — including some Americans — President Obama gave the outrageous atack a mere 50 seconds of time in a speech otherwise filled with praise for communist Cuba and condemnation for the U.S.

Only an hour or so later, as Obama enjoyed the day’s event planned by his dictatorial communist hosts, the same President who only had 50 seconds of his time to discuss the attacks in Brussels was seen doing the wave at a Cuban baseball park.

Not long afterward the press were treated to scenes of the President doing the tango with a lovely Cuban woman who was not his wife.
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Obama Takes Criticism for Doing Wave at Ballgame, Dancing While Brussels Burns”

Jude Law is Proof Once Again That Actors Should be Ignored Off the Screen

-By Warner Todd Huston

Actor Jude Law seems to fancy himself some sort of intellectual philanthropist but his trip to the illegal Muslim migrant camp in Calais, France nicknamed “The Jungle” proves once again that actors should be ignored when they are off the screen because they are generally too stupid to be worth anyone’s time.

Actor Law visited “The Jungle” just ahead of its being shut down and demolished. He went there to highlight the “plight” of these illegal migrants and to plead for his own nation of Britain to allow even more of these lawbreaking, rapists and thieves into his country.

Full of faux compassion, Law traipsed around with a coterie of other actors and British celebrities– all of whom were surrounded by a security squad. They filmed some silly special meant to fool Brits into feeling sorry for the migrants but the criminal nature of these people was too much for them to subdue for long because after the cameras stopped rolling these so-called “refugees” turned on Law’s security team and robbed them of their wallets and cell phones.

If it wasn’t so affirming it would be funny — neigh hilarious — that these British do-gooders went to Calais to “help” these illegal migrants only to be attacked and robbed for their troubles.

So, how did Law and his foolish fellows characterize the incident?
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Jude Law is Proof Once Again That Actors Should be Ignored Off the Screen”

Ooops: NATO Video Says Chicago is ‘Capital of Illinois’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama must not have been paying too much attention to what his folks at NATO have been doing as they prepare for the summit coming up on May 20, 21 in Chicago because the new video touting the gathering has a few whoppers included. Namely that Chicago is the capital of Illinois (it isn’t) and is “the city he grew up in” (he didn’t).

As the mellifluous tones of the European accented, female narrator begins, we see images of the shining City of Big Shoulders, The City That Works, the legendary Windy City, the, uh, Capital of Illinois? That’s what we are told…
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Ooops: NATO Video Says Chicago is ‘Capital of Illinois’”

VIDEO: My CPAC Interview with EU Member Daniel Hannan, Freedom Lover

-By Warner Todd Huston

Member of European Parliament, Daniel Hannan, visited the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this year and I had the opportunity for a few minutes with him. Hannan is an eloquent and passionate advocate of freedom and liberty and urges we Americans not to throw it all away. Hannan is a humble and gracious man, as well.

Daniel Hannan and me at CPAC [Note= My camera stared going bad over the week, so some of my photos are not the best. Apologies for that.]

Here is another little taste of Hannan’s views.
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VIDEO: My CPAC Interview with EU Member Daniel Hannan, Freedom Lover”

Kiss the European Union Goodbye

-By Alan Caruba

In Paris on October 15th, a group of finance ministers and central bankers known as the G20, representing major nations, gave the European Union until October 23red to find an answer to the financial crisises that are tearing apart the EU and its monetary structure.

Don’t hold your breath. If not now, at least in the foreseeable future, the EU will collapse for the oldest reason, national sovereignty and national self-interest.

If you visit Wikipedia and enter “European Wars,” it will kick out a list that’s several pages long in small print starting with the Trojan Wars, 1193-1184 BC. The Romans conquered everyone for a while. The Spanish tried to invade England. For a while Napoleon was invading everyone. There were the hundred year wars, thirty year wars, and wars for the hell of it. Suffice to say the Europeans have a long record of going to war with one another.
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Kiss the European Union Goodbye”

Western Unrest and the Failure of Social Engineering

-By Frank Salvato

While the world mainstream media is focused on the unrest that has plagued Great Britain, they are delinquent in reporting on societal unrest elsewhere in the Western world. In Chile, tens of thousands of students staged violent protests, demanding changes in government-funded public education. In Philadelphia, a rash of “flash mob” incidents has forced that city’s mayor to impose curfews for teenagers in several neighborhoods. And in Milwaukee, authorities are investigating a string of mob-like actions involving large groups of predominantly black teenagers near the Wisconsin State Fair, leading one City Alderman to attributing the violence as a sign of “deteriorating African American culture in our city.”

In all of these instances – from London to Milwaukee, Santiago to Philadelphia, one common factor exists: Young people, who have been endowed with a falsely elevated sense of self-esteem, are narcissistically demanding more from a grossly over-extended government entitlement system instituted by Progressives to create a dependent populace. Why would anyone want to create such an unstable and dangerous societal atmosphere? Power.

In its detailed examination of Progressivism,, states:
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Western Unrest and the Failure of Social Engineering”

Earth Day and Environmental Insanity

-By Alan Caruba

Anyone who has been paying any attention to the environmental movement has got to have concluded it is insane.

  • While the United States stands poised on defaulting on its ever-growing debt — the highest in the nation’s history;
  • While wars and insurrections are waged in the Middle East, across northern Africa, and in the Ivory Coast;
  • While Japan struggles to deal with a major earthquake and nuclear plant meltdown;
  • While Islam wages terrorism worldwide, and
  • While European nations attempt to deal with their own financial crisis, the environmentalists — Greens — engage in the most absurd frauds and nonsense since the Dark Ages.

In news from the United Nations — a misnomer if ever there was one — Bolivia is proposing a UN treaty that will give “Mother Earth” the same rights as accorded to human beings. It has just passed a domestic law that grants these rights to bugs, trees, and all other natural things in its own country.

According to the Bolivian proposal, humans have sought to “dominate and exploit” the Earth in ways that threaten the “well-being and existence of many beings” such as malaria-bearing mosquitoes, lice and ticks that spread disease, trees that provide timber for shelter and countless other uses, venomous snakes, and every other creature upon which we depend for food—beef, chickens, and fish, to name just three.
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Earth Day and Environmental Insanity”

Journalist in France Convicted for Anti-Muslim Hate Speech

-By Selwyn Duke

We’ve heard a lot about Geert Wilders, the Dutch parliamentarian whose warnings about Muslim influence in his nation place him in the crosshairs of the powers-that-be. But while the tow-headed modern-day Templar has thus far dodged the hangman on Truth-speech charges, another intrepid defender of Western civilization has not been so lucky. And we haven’t heard much about him.

He is French journalist Eric Zemmour, and he was just convicted this week of “inciting racism.” Writes The New American’s R. Cort Kirkwood:

Zemmour’s “controversial” remarks included his observation that most drug dealers in France were black or Arab, and that employers “have the right” to deny employment to those two groups of people.
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Journalist in France Convicted for Anti-Muslim Hate Speech”

Multicultural Suicide

-By Alan Caruba

In his famed poem, Mending Wall, the American poet, Robert Frost chided the rock wall that he and his neighbor would mend each spring, replacing fallen rocks. “He is all pine and I am apple orchard. My apple trees will never get across and eat the cones under his pines, I tell him. He only says, ‘Good fences make good neighbors.’

You can see the Great Wall of China from outer space. It is an astonishing piece of work

Begun in the fifth century B.C. and added to by later dynasties, it succeeded in defending China from invasions by northern tribes. In 1600, it helped the Ming dynasty defend against the Manchu, but when the gates at Shanhaiguan were opened in 1644 by a dissident Ming border general, the Manchus quickly seized Beijing and that was the end of the Ming dynasty.
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Multicultural Suicide”

When a Journalist Hasn’t a Clue About the Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Constitution of the United States of America. Journalist Mary Dejevsky wrote about it, but she sure hasn’t the first clue about what it does, what it means, or why American politics seem to have gone awry. She did get some things correct in her article in Britain’s Independent newspaper but over all she proved that she neither understands, nor even has a general feel for the greatest governing document ever written by man.

Further Mary Dejevsky reveals herself to be a typical left-winger that not only doesn’t “get” the USA but actively hates her and wants her destroyed and replaced with a pale copy of any particular European nation. In this she differs little from the goals of the current Democrat Party and she certainly represents a typical journalist.

One of the things the Independent’s Washington correspondent got right, though, was contained in the subhead, a pull quote from further down in the article. “The ignorance, bickering and sheer incompetence the present system fosters in a new administration is not worthy of a world power in the modern age.” Couldn’t agree more.
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When a Journalist Hasn’t a Clue About the Constitution”

Did Turkey Bomb Kurds With Chemical Weapons in 2009?

-By Warner Todd Huston

News is just beginning to eek out that Turkey might have used chemical weapons to kill some Kurdish activists a year ago in the Kurdish area of southeastern Turkey. If this is true it could severely complicate relations between the EU and Turkey, an applicant for EU membership.

Germany’s largest magazine, Der Spiegel, is reporting that German officials have received photos of eight members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) all of whom were killed by Turkish military forces in 2009.

A German photo fraud expert pronounced the photos authentic after assessing them since March. A forensics report confirming that the photos are of people killed by chemical agents has also been reported.
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Did Turkey Bomb Kurds With Chemical Weapons in 2009?”