Obama Puts Israel on ‘State Supporters of Terror’ List, Then Opens Diplomatic Relations With Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s is one of the most disastrous foreign policies of any president ever. His latest outrage is the dual absurdities of, on one hand putting Israel on a list of state sponsors of terrorism, while on the other hand opening a dialog with and bestowing diplomatic legitimacy upon the terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

This is the schizophrenic mess that Obama’s anti-western centric foreign policy ideas have created. It shouldn’t be much of a surprise, though. Upon becoming President Obama almost immediately launched into a series of one more example of Obama giving Israel the back of his hand.
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Obama Puts Israel on ‘State Supporters of Terror’ List, Then Opens Diplomatic Relations With Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt”

Obama: Who Needs Victory When We Can Negotiate With The TahleeBahn?

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Barack Obama came before the American people tonight to unleash his latest campaign speech disguised as a foreign policy address. It was a presentation that even Politico calls “boring and predictable, balanced to please critics,” and one that “did not change the debate about the war.” But, one thing does seem like news. Obama never used the word victory and he also said we’d negotiate with the Taliban – an enemy he annoyingly insists on calling the Tahleebahn.

One singular theme emerged from this speech. Apparently, to President Obama, “victory” does not mean a win, but it only means a settling with negotiations with our enemies. Very Chamberlainesque, isn’t it?

But there were quite a few odd statements made by the president tonight. One was his claim that Usamma bin Laden was the “only leader al Qaeda has ever known.” This is absurd. There have been dozens of al Qaeda leaders and we killed many of them long before we finally got to bin Laden.
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Obama: Who Needs Victory When We Can Negotiate With The TahleeBahn?”

Hey Obama, Let’s Go Back to Pre-1958 Borders, Too…

From the mail bag:

Dear President Obama:

I am writing today with a somewhat unusual request. First and foremost, I am asking that you return America to its August 20th, 1959 borders so that Hawaii is no longer a state and you are no longer a citizen.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

(H/T my friend at Blue Collar Muse)

Obama Was Israiled: Killing bin Laden Was Not Foreign Policy Experience For Prez

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Friday Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu schooled President Obama — who is clearly out of his depth — on Middle East diplomacy. This would not have been necessary if Obama had not tried to turn decades of American foreign policy on its ear, if he had not turned against our only real Mid East friend, and if he hadn’t made to come to the comfort of radical Islamists without conscience who only want to kill Jews and Americans. Obama also proved that just killing bin Laden does not equal foreign policy expertise.

Coming off his high after presiding over the end of America’s number one enemy, Obama thought he saw an opening to help bin Laden’s Islamist pals win a small battle over Israel. He planned his big speech on America’s new Mid East policy. Unfortunately for President Obama, the Hindenburg had a more successful flight than Obama’s new foreign policy ideas.

Most of the president’s speech was pedestrian and meandering, but one sentence was snuck in that completely changed American Middle East policy, or at least it was intended to.
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Obama Was Israiled: Killing bin Laden Was Not Foreign Policy Experience For Prez”

Xmas Sing Along: Jihad Bells, Jihad Bells, Jihad all the Way…

The good folks at LatmaTV are back with a rousing Palestinian Christmas carol. It is suitably titled “Jihad Bells” and gives us a first hand look at why Christians have been “mysteriously” disappearing from The PA controlled areas and in the Muslim world.

Could it be that the Muzzies persecute them mercilessly? Let’s find out…

Obama’s Government Denying Tax Status Based on Pro-Israeli Support?

-By Warner Todd Huston

A pro-Israel education group called Z Street is claiming that Obama’s IRS has violated its Constitutional rights by denying it tax exempt status solely because it supports Israel, support that apparently runs counter to Obama’s stance on Israel.

Z Street reports that Obama’s IRS asked a telling question of the group as it sought the tax exemption earlier this year. In August, Z Street filed a lawsuit claiming that the IRS was delaying the consideration because the group is a vocal supporter of the State of Israel and that support apparently runs counter to the Obama’s administration’s position.
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Obama’s Government Denying Tax Status Based on Pro-Israeli Support?”

A Unionized TSA Will Make Our Airports Less Safe

-By Warner Todd Huston

Everywhere you turn the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) is getting lambasted. If it isn’t people refusing to abide by TSA directions, it’s stories of a “backlash against body scanners” because of the abusive treatment that TSA employees are doling out to travelers. People are becoming fed up with the whole edifice. But imagine how much worse this situation will get if the TSA is allowed to unionize?

Well, if Obama has his way this is exactly what will happen. Evidence his Federal Labor Relations Authority ruled last Friday that the TSA could, indeed, vote on union representation.

This decision opens the possibilities that the American Federation of Government Employees and the National Treasury Employees Union could vie to represent the 50,000 employees of the TSA.
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A Unionized TSA Will Make Our Airports Less Safe”

After Denial, Anti-American Faculty of UIC to Fight For Bill Ayers’s Emeritus Status

-By Warner Todd Huston

The leaders of the faculty of the University of Illinois at Chicago are weighing whether they will wade into the fray and come to the aid of a terrorist.

Last week the board of UIC denied domestic terrorist and close Obama confidant William Ayers the emeritus status he sought upon his retirement. The reason he was denied is due to his own words as laid down in the dedication to his 1974 screed.

In that dedication, Ayers celebrated murderer and political assassin Sirhan Sirhan, the man who killed Bobby Kennedy as he ran for president in 1968.

Unfortunately for Ayers, though, it just so happened that the son of Bobby Kennedy sits on the same UIC board that Ayers had to appeal to for his last little undeserved academic plum. At Kennedy’s urging, the board denied the domestic terrorist’s accolade.
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After Denial, Anti-American Faculty of UIC to Fight For Bill Ayers’s Emeritus Status”

Did Bush Offer to Take 100,000 Palestinians Into the USA?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Israel’s Haaretz news agency recently reported that on Sept. 19 former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said that President George W. Bush promised to take in 100,000 Palestinian refugees, giving them automatic American citizenship in exchange for a mid east peace deal.

Former prime minister Ehud Olmert said Sunday that the Bush administration had assured him that the United States would be willing to absorb some 100,000 Palestinian refugees immediately as American citizens, should Israel reach a permanent settlement with the Palestinian Authority.

Imagine that. If Olmert can be believed the one president that built his reputation on being a fighter of terrorism was willing to let 100,000 Palestinians into the U.S. Worse, Bush was willing to push them ahead of people that had been waiting years for the privilege of becoming American citizens and make these 100,000 Palestinians instant American citizens!
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Did Bush Offer to Take 100,000 Palestinians Into the USA?”

Obama’s Weak Foreign Policy Shows Again

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama once again shows his fecklessness and weakness in foreign policy with a decision by the State Department to allow the Palestinian Mission in Washington D.C. to fly the flag of its non-existent country.

Recently the flag of the Palestinian Authority was authorized for display by the State Dept. even though there is no such country as Palestine and the U.S. government does not officially recognize it as such. The State Dept. also agreed to upgrade its designation of the Palestinian mission to that of a “General Delegation.”

The State Dept. claimed that this was “an improvement in relations” with the Palestinians.

The Obama administration has been meekly asking that the Palestinian Authority engage in direct face-to-face negotiations with Israel, but PA President Mahmoud Abbas has rebuffed all requests.
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Obama’s Weak Foreign Policy Shows Again”

Protest Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers at Roosevelt University‏

Please join Reform Chicago Now for this important protest and spread the word by inviting at least one friend to come with you. Let’s send a strong message that terrorism will not be tolerated – even if the terrorist is a friend of Barack Obama’s.

There will be a protest THIS THURSDAY at 5:45 pm of terrorist-turned-university professor Bill Ayers. Weatherman bombing terrorist and friend of President Barack Obama is holding a fundraiser this Thursday at Roosevelt University, 430 S. Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago. The benefit is for the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability. The admitted bomber and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn planned multiple terrorist bombings in the late 1960s, bombings that resulted in the murder of a San Francisco police officer, the blinding of another with nail shrapnel, and other murders and the injury of many others.

Ayers, a bomb designer, has boasted publicly that he participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972. In all, the Weatherman claimed responsibility for more than 25 other bombings in its infamous reign of terror.
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Protest Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers at Roosevelt University‏”

Video: ‘The Three Terrors’ Skewers Palestinian Supporters

The folks at the Hebrew language opinion and news site Latma have done it again. A new effort revealing the hypocrisy of the Palestinians and their slavish supporters across the world are skewered in yet another parody video.

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Video: ‘The Three Terrors’ Skewers Palestinian Supporters”

Terrorists Rejoice: YouTube Pulls Pro-Israeli Video

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the week following the Israeli boarding of boats piloted by Turkish “peace activists” off the coast of Gaza Caroline Glick and the good folks at the Hebrew language Israeli news site Latma created a parody video skewering the violent actions perpetrated by those “peace activists” against members of the Israeli authorities attempting to enforce the Gaza blockade. The video went up on YouTube and garnered three million views within a matter of days.

Created as a parody of the 1980s activist song “We are the World,” the Latma song was named “We Con the World” and humorously depicted an array of Palestinian supporters singing about how they’d fooled the world into thinking that it was the Israelis that were the bad guys in the Gaza blockade incident.

The video was very clever and hit just the right notes of humor being not too mean spirited yet easily hitting home with its message. The humor of the video was wholly in keeping with western humor and not over-the-top or unduly offensive at all. Naturally, YouTube pulled it anyway.

On her website, Glick reports that the video’s creators were told by YouTube that the use of the original song, “We are the World,” was a copyright violation. But Glick disputes this claim.
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Terrorists Rejoice: YouTube Pulls Pro-Israeli Video”

When Life Give You Murderous Islam, Make a Funny Song Out of It

Here’s a very inventive and funny parody of the penchant for fluffery and meaningless gestures from all those empty headed entertainers out there. But this little production has a serious point beneath it.

When you are surrounded by murderous Muslims, what else can you do but laugh? Well, laugh and defend yourself, anyway. And this hilarity does both.

Jihadis Killed in Clash With IDF Near Gaza

-By Warner Todd Huston

I hate to interrupt our Memorial Day observations, but this news story is too immediate to ignore.

The Old Media is already misreporting the bloody incident off the Gaza coast between a flotilla of Muslim “peace activists” and the Israeli Defense Force. They are, of course, making Israel out to be the bad guys and while it is regrettable that anyone had to get killed in this incident, the fault lies with the armed “peace activists,” not Israel.

That’s right, these are supposed to be peace activists, yet they had armed themselves with bats, metal bars, and slingshots with marbles as projectiles and later firearms that they had hidden on their craft. Why isn’t anyone in the Old Media asking why peace activists are arming themselves?
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Jihadis Killed in Clash With IDF Near Gaza”

Playing Politics With Terrorists in Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

Republican leader Tom Cross finally said something I can agree with. In an editorial in the Daly Herald Cross is quoted as saying that there needs to be time for a state-wide debate about bringing these terrorists here before it happens. “There ought to be a debate. There ought to be a discussion,” said Cross.

The Herald goes on to lament that both sides have already made up their minds and that “discussion appears to be the last thing” anyone wants. To an extent, the editorial is right. The left with Durbin and Quinn in the lead want to bring murderers here and want to waste millions in the taxpayer’s money to do so… only they call this wild spending “good jobs.” And the right represented by Mark Kirk has already decided that bringing these monsters to our state is a bad idea.

But the problem here is that it doesn’t matter what the two sides have decided because Obama and Quinn seem poised to make all the decisions no matter what anyone else wants to do. Quinn lobbied the president for this transfer before anyone even knew that it was a possibility and the president began sending federal inspectors to check the Thomson facilities out before the idea was fairly realized.

It is plain that Quinn has decided to bypass any debate or discussion. Quinn doesn’t see any reason to allow the people of his own state to have a full and open debate about bringing these murderers among us. It’s obvious that Quinn is just going to force Illinois to become the next home of some 100 members of al Qaeda and other radical Islamist groups.

So much for the Governor that has styled himself a “man of the people.” And so much for the president that claimed he’d have a “transparent” administration.
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Playing Politics With Terrorists in Illinois”

Illinois’ Gov And Senator Think Terrorists Bring ‘Good-Paying Jobs’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again we see how clueless Democrats like Illinois Governor Pat Quinn and Senator Dick Durbin are on matters of national security. With Barack Hussein Obama’s decision to treat the terrorists at Guantanamo Bay as if they are common American criminals, as the president bestows all American rights upon them, and with his decision to spread these monsters out across the U.S.A, we see Quinn and Durbin idiotically asserting that terrorists equal “good paying jobs.”

These jobs might come from the sale to the federal government of the Thomson correctional facility in west central Illinois where Obama could send some 100 detainees in preparation of closing down the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba facilities. Obama is struggling to figure out what to do with these detainees after his hastily made, ill-informed decision last January to close down the terrorist detainment facility.

After the idea was announced both Quinn and Durbin found themselves all excited to welcome these monsters into their state and both imagined that the occasion means that Illinois gets jobs. Durbin is quoted in the Wall Street Journal as saying that this is a dramatic opportunity.
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Illinois’ Gov And Senator Think Terrorists Bring ‘Good-Paying Jobs’”

Muslims Try to Shut Down Property Rights of Tennessee Neighbor

-By Warner Todd Huston

Trevor Hill owns what was once a blighted, rundown building in Knoxville, Tennessee. Hill has upgraded and repaired the building and built a restaurant there that he’s christened The Hill restaurant. It’s a full service restaurant and that means it is to serve alcohol. And that last fact seems to be causing a conflict with the folks that own the neighboring building: the Anoor mosque.

Apparently one of the mosque board members, Nadeem Sidiqqi, is upset that an American property owner could possibly serve alcohol in his own business. Sidiqqi thinks he should be able to tell the owner of The Hill restaurant that he shouldn’t be allowed to serve alcohol so close to his mosque. He thinks that the city should invent a law that would mandate a “buffer zone” so that his religious tenets can be enforced on his neighbors. Sidiqqi wants to prevent neighboring property owners from doing as they wish with their own property.

So, is this America or Saudi Arabia?

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Muslims Try to Shut Down Property Rights of Tennessee Neighbor”

Pakistan Releases AQ Khan, Yet John Kerry Says Pakistan is ‘Transforming’ for Better

-By Warner Todd Huston

Proving his tin ear on foreign policy is still as tinny as ever, the hapless John Kerry (D, Mass.) said recently that he believes that Pakistan is “transforming” and “taking terrorists head on.” Yet, only a day or so later, Pakistan announced that it was releasing the notorious nuke trader Abdul Qadeer Khan from house arrest claiming he is innocent of charges of running a nuclear proliferation network.

By releasing one of its most notorious bad actors, it sure doesn’t sound as if Pakistan is getting any more serious about taking terrorism “head on” than it ever did before, does it?

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What Obama Means to The Enemy

-By Warner Todd Huston

Terrorists, murders, oppressors and Islamofascists understandably were not very fond of George W. Bush. Neither were the fellow travelers of the aforementioned lowest rung of the human ladder in Europe, those in the offices of the ACLU and the Democratic Party fond of our late president. This is well understood. But what does the ascension of Barack Hussein Obama mean to them? More importantly, what will what it means to them mean for us?

We have been told by our sycophantic Old Media establishment that Obama is a gift to the world, “our” gift to the world. We are told that he is the one we are waiting for. The L.A. Times, for instance, featured a purportedly heart warming, post inaugural story of three complaining immigrants to the US that seem to imagine that Obama’s presidency will bring them a new era. One complained that we didn’t let him into the U.S. soon enough from the terror producing country of Pakistan. One said we are hated in the world, but Obama lifts that veil. Another whined that working here was no longer a key to success because the country is a failure compared to what it was for immigrants 30 years ago. All three are Muslims.

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