Newest PC Goal: More Hispanic Theme Parks

-By Warner Todd Huston

When is a national park not a national park? When it is “themed” toward one small segment of the population by a government infected with PCism. That is what U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar did when he advocated recently for “Latino” themed national parks and historical landmarks.

One might ask if Salazar is Interior Secretary of the right country with such a suggestion?

To carry through with his penchant for identity politics, Salazar has also pushed the National Parks Service to forget about those evil dead white guys and try to find more places for our historic landmarks that are associated with women and minorities.
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Newest PC Goal: More Hispanic Theme Parks”

Garofalmania: A Mental Condition

-By Warner Todd Huston

Truth of life number one: logic is anathema to left-wingers. Recently on the little-watched Current TV cable station, so-called “comedienne” Janeane Garofalo disgorged one of the most perfect examples of this truth of life that can ever be used as prima facia evidence.

Speaking about the rise of Herman Cain’s bid for the GOP nomination for president, Garofalo released the “logic” of the left.

First a word about Mr. Cain. In case you have been living under a rock for the last year, Herman Cain is a businessman, a talk show host, a former executive of several multi-billion dollar companies, he is a man with a long list of degrees and such. Herman Cain is running to become the Republican nominee for president. He has for the last several years been a mainstay at Tea Party rallies all across the country and draws big, enthusiastic crowds among these conservative activists. He’s a powerful speaker and really knows how to wind up an audience. Lately he’s won several straw polls and is ranked no less than the number 3 candidate to take the Republican nomination. He is also black.

So, here is the tortured “logic” that Garofalo used to explain why Republicans are loving this guy — this black guy.
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Garofalmania: A Mental Condition”

What Guns Were Made For: Homeowner in Philly Attacked By Mob

-By Warner Todd Huston

A homeowner in Philly was attacked by a mob of racist black “youths” that broke into his home apparently looking to kill white people. This is exactly the situation that the Second Amendment was made for.

The Philly Inquirer reports that “dozens of youths” marauded into a sleepy Philly neighborhood to find white teens to beat up or kill reportedly because an African-American was attacked on a playground nearby.

Don’t you love how the newspaper reports the makeup of the crowd? It’s just “dozens of youths” instead of what it really was, an army of black criminals intent on mayhem and murder. Police even said that it wasn’t just “youths,” either, but people into the thirties at least.

Mark LaVelle was standing outside near his home when two 13 or 14-year-old white boys ran up to him fearful that the mob would come after them. Once the crowd saw LaVelle with the two boys, they did, indeed, turn their attention to the three.
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What Guns Were Made For: Homeowner in Philly Attacked By Mob”

Racebaiter Chicago Priest Reinstated By Spineless Cardinal

-By Warner Todd Huston

Father Michael Pfleger, one of the most hateful and divisive priests on the American Catholic scene, has been temporarily given back his position as pastor of St. Sabina Catholic Church on Chicago’s South Side by Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George.

In a new statement posted on the website of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Father Pfleger apologizes for threats to leave the Church that he made in a radio interview last month saying he feared that his comments were hurting the Church — something he claimed he didn’t intend.

With public apology in hand, Cardinal George has reinstated this hatemonger to his former role as pastor of St. Sabina Church in order to allow him to help find a new pastor and help with that transition. Apparently he has until December to make the arrangements.
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Racebaiter Chicago Priest Reinstated By Spineless Cardinal”

Democrat New Tone: Penn. Pol. Asks if She Can Kill a Colleague, ‘Blow His Brains Out’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yes, it’s that new age of Democrat political civility rearing its ugly head yet again. During an April 12 debate on gun control Pennsylvania State Representative Margo Davidson of Philadelphia wondered aloud on the House floor if it might be OK for her to blow the brains out of one of Pennsylvania’s Republican Representatives.

Before we even go on with this story, imagine if a white, male, and Republican politician had asked during a debate on policy if it would be OK if he blew the brains out of a black, female, Democrat. Just imagine what would be happening to such a man should he have done this. Certainly his name would be on the lips of every TV newscaster for at least a week after he said such an outrageous thing. Movements would be born to oust him from his elected position. Colleagues would be condemning him. Race-baiters would be flocking to the state for vigils. Further his own party would be denouncing him in no uncertain terms.

But what we have here is a black female, a Democrat from a big city, and no one is paying any attention at all. Obviously it is not a big deal. Apparently we are expected to just move on as if there is nothing wrong with a black woman expressing the desire to kill her political opponent.

Double standard is the nicest thing I can say about it.
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Democrat New Tone: Penn. Pol. Asks if She Can Kill a Colleague, ‘Blow His Brains Out’”

Just a Reminder of What Sort of Liar Barack Obama Is…

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember when Barack Obama told the nation that his father served in WWII? Well, neither his father NOR his step father was old enough to serve in WWII. Obama simply lied. Straight out. Bald faced. Lied.

Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (Obama’s father)
Born: April 4, 1936 Died: November 24, 1982, aged 46.
He was 5 years old when the US entered WW II, and less than 9 1/2 yrs old when it ended.

Lolo Soetoro (Obama’s step father)
Born: January 2, 1935 Died: March 2, 1987, aged 52.
He was 6 years old when the US entered WW II, and 10 years old when it ended.

Now people that are covering for Obama like to claim that he “clearly” meant to be referencing his grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham who did serve in the war. People say that since Dunham helped raise Obama that he might view Dunham as a father figure and that he simply misspoke. He meant grandfather, you see? They also remind us that Obama had an uncle in the war.

To believe this line of reasoning you have to believe that “the smartest man in the world” cannot tell the difference between a grandfather or an uncle and a father and displayed that ignorance in the midst of an important political speech!

Which do you think is more likely? That he did not know the difference between a grandfather and a father? Or that he wanted to sound closer to the “greatest generation,” wanted to score political points, and assumed that no one in the swooning news media would call him on his lie? You decide.
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Just a Reminder of What Sort of Liar Barack Obama Is…”

Chicago’s Most Notorious Priest Finally On Way Out?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Father Michael Pfleger is as far from the image of a parish priest as can be imagined without crossing the line into absurdity. He is a loud-mouthed activist that has spent a 30-year career calling people he doesn’t like names, spewing race tinged “sermons,” liberally tossing out the race card, and engaging in extremist political causes. Not the model priest, for sure.

Pfleger has vexed the Catholic Archdiocese in Chicago for years and rumors have constantly swirled that he would be removed from his position as the pastor of Saint Sabina, a Catholic Church on Chicago’s south side. Church leaders have constantly been under pressure to do something about this troublemaking priest.

Father Pfleger has indecently involved himself in numerous political causes. His favorite activism is to organize news camera grabbing pickets. He’s picketed TV shows, business owners, and companies. He’s called gun shop owners murderers and Threatened their lives, he’s tried to get radio stations shut down, and he’s erected billboards attacking musicians.
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Chicago’s Most Notorious Priest Finally On Way Out?”

The Arrogance and Hate From Congressional Democrats

-By Warner Todd Huston

My friend Kerry Picket of the Washington times was involved in a little tête-à-tête with a foul-tempered, arrogant Democrat member of congress that is just so typical of how these hatemongers on the left attempt to shut down debate, call conservatives racists, and act like petulant children in general that it must be highlighted.

Picket interviewed Democrat Al Green of Texas after a recent Homeland Security committee meeting last week. At that meeting, Green absurdly claimed that the KKK was just as dangerous at al Qaeda and insisted that all this worrying over radical Islam was misplaced.

Picket tried to engage this distempered fool on the subject after the meeting and his hectoring, overbearing, dissociative reply was something to behold.
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The Arrogance and Hate From Congressional Democrats”

The Beginning of the End of The Race Card?

We are seeing it more and more: black Americans decrying other blacks for throwing the race card.

Here is a great and encouraging video of Congressman elect Allen West talking about the issue with Juan Williams on Fox News.


Brutal Fisking: NC NAACP Chapter Pres. Alleges Tea Party is as Racist as Democrats

-By Duane Lester

The NAACP has released its unbiased report on racism in the Tea Party and has unexpectedly found it is racist.

Hardly surprising.

The president of the North Carolina NAACP chapter, Rev. William Barber, went far enough in his condemnation of the group to be noticed by the Washington Post:

“We have to have particular concern about supremacy attitudes, violence, hate language, particularly when it’s rooted in notions of restoring or taking back or redeeming the country,” Barber said. “Because, in the American social-historical-political psyche, we have historical markers that tell us how dangerous this is to be given legitimacy.”

For instance:

“We know in 1867 when the Ku Klux Klan, for instance, laid out its political purposes, it was about restoring and re-enfranchising, if you will.”

“And then when you go to the Reconstruction Era, you find this same attempt to spew this division, this hate language out…. ‘We need to restore America. We need to take it back.’”

Barber moved on to 1963. “When George Wallace used this language and themes of division, very vitriolic hate language,” Barber said, “Medgar Evers was killed in June of that year… We had the bombing of a church, four girls were killed at Sunday school and then we had a president assassinated.”

It’s hard to believe I have to do this, but I guess I do, at least for the good Rev. Barber.
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Brutal Fisking: NC NAACP Chapter Pres. Alleges Tea Party is as Racist as Democrats”

Rick Sanchez And The Showbiz Third Rail

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bob Parks of Black&Right is talking about that “third rail” of the entertainment industry: them Joooos. Bob is a bit mystified as to why it’s such a no-no to say that the entertainment industry is filled with folks of the Talmud?

Unless Jews are hired into the business based primarily on their ethnicity and not relevant prior experience (and there’s no proof of this), I don’t see why people are canned for making an observation that any other group would be proud of?

I can see Bob’s point, actually. Jews fill the entertainment industry at every level and always have, at least since the days of film and radio began. Their particular aptitude for understanding the humor and pathos of human existence leaves them in good stead to create fine entertainment, for sure.

Parks also wonders why idiot CNNer Rick Sanchez was fired from CNN for his rant on the radio last week if the unvarnished truth that Jews fill the entertainment industry is such common sense.
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Rick Sanchez And The Showbiz Third Rail”

Bob Parks: In Search of People of Color

Where are the people of color at the 9/12 March in Washington D.C.?

Well, the media always says that there are no African Americans, no Hispanics, no Asians that frequent the Tea Party-styled protests anywhere in America. So, Bob Parks took the occasion to do a little hunting for some at the Freedom Works 9/12 March in D.C.

So did you? Did YOU see any people of color?

Atlanta Post: Obama’s Not Black Enough

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the if-a-white-guy-said-it department, a black oriented website called The Atlanta Post is featuring a piece by Yvette Carnell headlined, “Obama’s Achilles Heel: He’s Not African-American,” in which Carnell decides that Obama is failing because he isn’t really black enough to make it all work. Further Carnell asserts that Obama can’t convince African Americans that he is angry enough to be their president.

Aside from the somewhat stilted writing style — Carnell writes as if she’s clumsily attempting literature instead of news/opinion — the piece can really be boiled down into the premise that Obama isn’t militant enough for a real African-American to accept him. He isn’t “a bully,” and he doesn’t look to employ a “David and Goliath” style of governance Carnell says. This all means that American blacks can’t relate to him she posits.

Carnell starts off with a harsh slap at The One saying of his recent Oval Office Iraq War address: “Another Obama address, another failed attempt at messaging by the White House communications team.”
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Atlanta Post: Obama’s Not Black Enough”

Race does NOT need to be Discussed

-By Kevin Roeten

Race is old hat, right out of the 1950’s. Time to get over it. There’ll always be a deranged small minority who believes a different race is to be impugned. But one party thinks race is what you talk about to get elected. Buckle up if you are a member of either group.

As in Joseph Phillips’ column: America: Still Talking About Race, one of the things Obama said he was trying to do was change the conversation on race. Unfortunately, he has done the exact opposite. As an alleged black president, the country has race on its mind more than ever (even though Obama is only 45% black).

Racism has been charged so many times by one party that it’s becoming worn out, like the old fairy tale about the boy crying ‘wolf’. Representatives Maxine Waters and Charles Rangel have claimed racism is one of the reasons behind investigations into their dishonest dealings.

How about the time Obama used an alleged break-in incident to flash the race card by saying the police ‘reacted stupidly’ after Gates (house owner) was arrested for disorderly conduct. As the police report states, Sergeant James Crowley was a “police academy expert on racial profiling.”
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Race does NOT need to be Discussed”

Walmart’s Barbie Price is Raaaacist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Race hustlers, hate peddlers and “critics” strike again with their wolf-crying about raaaacism. This time it’s that eeevil Walmart (again) that is raaaacist because one of its stores marked down the black Barbie doll to $3.00 while the white Barbie doll was still being sold at $5.95. See? It’s raaaacist!

ABC claims it found some “critics” that charge Walmart for not being “sensitive” in its pricing strategies. For its part Walmart says that the store in question was trying to thin out inventory for the upcoming Spring restocking.

But… can’t you see that it’s raaaacist, asks ABC and its carefully sought out “critics”? Here is the race hustler and agitation pimp that ABC dredged up to point fingers at that eeeevil raaaacist Walmart.
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Walmart’s Barbie Price is Raaaacist”

Tiger Woods: Didn’t Join The Club?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now, I thought we wanted a world without color? I thought we wanted a world where “love” beat out misogyny, a world where people were “just people”? Yet we are still in an era where the Associated Press, with a serious tone and a straight face, reports the story of Tiger Woods daring to favor “white women” as paramours. And astonishingly it is Tiger that is portrayed as somehow in the wrong to like white women and the “black community” that somehow legitimately feels aggrieved? This after a presidential campaign where the Democrat’s lead candidate was often portrayed as “not black enough.”

I have been blogging since 2001 and in all that time you’ll find few stories about the adulterer du jour. Granted I am a politics blogger, but I didn’t even much care about the John Edwards debacle and I’ve but barely mentioned the Mark Sanford dust up. When it comes to this sort of stuff, I usually find myself bored with it all. On top of that, I have no interest in sports at all. I mean zilch.

So, why a piece about Tiger Woods of all people, you may ask? Because this racism racket has become the biggest hypocrisy of American culture, that’s way. It has become a fine-for-me-but-not-for-thee situation where the “black community” can advocate for separatism for themselves while excoriating everyone else for even daring to broach the subject. When the black community takes up the issue for itself everyone else is supposed to nod approvingly and say they are due the discussion because of “the past.”
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Tiger Woods: Didn’t Join The Club?”

Why Do Hampton U’s Black Students Hate White People?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Hampton University in Virginia made a huge mistake. They took Barack Obama’s post racial world idea and, thinking it was already here, anointed a white chick as its “Miss Hampton University” pageant winner. Now some of the black students are mad that the traditionally black university named a white girl as “Miss Hampton U.”


I guess we aren’t in that era of Obama like we thought we were. I guess we aren’t quite done with all that racial strife that we keep hearing about on the news, eh? I hate it when the man… er, the bro… is always keeping the white chicks down! Can’t we just get along?

On a serious note, I think we should demand that the heartless, racist students of Hampton University be forced to endure “diversity training” or face expulsion. This sort of hate should be excoriated. And now that Congress has made such hate crimes even more hatey than before thanks to its new hate crimes legislation, I certainly expect some of these racist students, these hatemongers at Hampton U, to go to jail.

Why’s it gotta be like that, man?
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Why Do Hampton U’s Black Students Hate White People?”