American Action Network Launches Anti-Obamacare Ads in California and New York

-By Warner Todd Huston

American Action Network has launched a new series of advocacy ads in the states of California and New York to urge voters to hold their elected officials to account for the regrettable error that is Obamacare. The ads urge voters to support the repeal of the budget-busting Obamacare act.

The ads target six districts: Bill Owens (NY-23), Tim Bishop (NY-01), Louise Slaughter (NY-28), Lois Capps (CA-23), John Garamendi (CA-10), Jerry McNerney (CA-09).

Repeal California

Repeal New York:

AAN recently announced a Continue reading

American Action Network Launches Anti-Obamacare Ads in California and New York”

Yes, ObamacareTax IS the Biggest Tax in American History

-By Warner Todd Huston

Lefties everywhere have hastened to try and absolve the ObamacareTax claiming that it really isn’t the largest tax in American history despite that conservatives say it is. What is their proof? Well, as a percentage of GDP ObamacareTax is smaller than other taxes we’ve instituted in the past. This, statistic, though, is quite misleading.

LoudTalkerBlog has crunched the numbers, but the chief take away is in this chart, and, yes, it is the largest in total cost ever:

Talker goes on to detail why the ObamacareTax is the biggest ever.

But, if you look at the raw dollars of the deal, again using Drum’s numbers, the cost of Obamacare is $71.18 billion dollars. (0.49% x 2010 GDP of $14.526B). That would make it the largest tax increase ever. The second highest dollar amount in the list? Clinton’s 1993 tax increase of $33.34 billion, which is less than half of the Obama tax increase. Third would be GHW Bush and fourth Reagan.

Worse, those lefties that are claiming it isn’t the biggest tax ever are leaving out all sorts of aspects to ObamacareTax in order to make its impact smaller.

In other words, they lie.

No surprise.
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Yes, ObamacareTax IS the Biggest Tax in American History”

Texas Attny Gen on SCOTUS Obamacare Decision: ‘The American People Lost’

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Monday, July 2, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot participated in a conference call sponsored by Americans for Prosperity – Texas to talk Obamacare and how it affects the states. During that call, AG Abbot said “the American people lost” as a result of Chief Justice John Roberts’ decision. He also said the decision “threatens prosperity” as much as any Supreme Court ruling ever has.

Abbott warned that the determination that Obamacare is now a tax, the biggest tax increase in American history, is “a threat to all of us.” He noted that the ruling is “a tax on liberty itself” because now Congress seems to have been given the power to tax inactivity rather than activity.

“The New Taxing Authority will Empower Congress in an almost unlimited way,” Abbott said.

Abbott utilized the same car analogy that many have used since last Thursday to explain why this ruling is dangerous. Congress may now be able to tax people for not buying “green” cars, the AG said.
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Texas Attny Gen on SCOTUS Obamacare Decision: ‘The American People Lost’”

How is Obamacare being Received in the States?

-By Warner Todd Huston has been doing yeomen’s work covering how the various states are reacting to Obamacare and the Supreme Court ruling making it legal. You can see the collected stories HERE, but here are a few highlights:

Follow for the ongoing coverage, but in the mean time, check out this Obamacare tax chart from the Heritage Foundation.

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How is Obamacare being Received in the States?”

Congressman Joe Walsh Has a Message for the Illinois GOP and America

-By Warner Todd Huston

Is Congressman Walsh Making a Populist Run for Illinois Governor?

Joe Walsh is not a rock star like Joe Walsh. Joe Walsh (the Congressman) is not Joe Walsh (The rock singer from the 1970s band The Eagles) yet both were in town this weekend working political ends. Singer Joe Walsh was stumping for Democrat Tammy Duckworth, a practically vacant, establishment Democrat who is good for little else but spewing talking points it doesn’t seem she fully grasps, while Congressman Joe Walsh was across town warning voters at a well attended townhall that thanks to Obamacare, the 2012 election may be our last chance to save America. (

Walsh was in the Elk Grove area to talk chiefly about the historic and historically bad Supreme Court decision that gave Obama a win on his nationalization of America’s healthcare industry. So, Obamacare was the big topic this day.

“I was overwhelmed by the close to 400 people who turned out for today’s forum,” Congressman Walsh stated. “It was clear from the crowd that this decision was not only historic, but also tragic. It’s even more clear that the only way to repeal this unpopular law is to do so legislatively. This health care plan is a job killing bureaucratic mess that is now recognized by the Supreme Court as a massive tax on the struggling middle class. I have made it clear that getting Americans back to work and repealing the President’s health care plan are my top priorities.”

More on healthcare in a moment, but first, after the townhall I had the chance to ask the Congressman some questions about his ideas and his campaign for reelection to his 8th District Congressional seat.

At the outset of our interview, Congressman Walsh had some very stern words for the Illinois Republican Party. In fact, he said the Illinois GOP is currently part of the problem, not the solution.

Here is a transcript of Walsh’s warning to the Illinois GOP.
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Congressman Joe Walsh Has a Message for the Illinois GOP and America”

Sign the Petition: Hands Off My Healthcare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Want to express your indignation at Chief Justice John Roberts’ sell out and the Democrats lie-filled faux healthcare law? Go HERE and sign the *petition to tell Congress and the Supreme Court that you are furious at this breach of trust with Americans everywhere.

If allowed to be implemented even in part, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will sink this country to worse than Greek levels in debt, poverty, and the destruction of our economic and business climates. Obama sold this communist plan with a lie on his lips. Not only by lying to the American public that this wasn’t a tax — a lie the Supreme Court corrected with its decision — but in the very name of the bill (the “affordable” part) the Democrats sold this law with lies on their lips.

*Petition sponsored by Americans for Prosperity.
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Sign the Petition: Hands Off My Healthcare”

Chief Justice Roberts Reelected Barack Obama On Thursday

-By Warner Todd Huston

I know many of you may be upset at this article, but I think the election is now over. Obama will get a second term. I don’t say this happily, but barring any really controversial incident that makes Obama look bad — or worse than he is, I should say — it looks to me that he’s now unbeatable, especially by a Mitt Romney.

Now, before you get your undies in a bunch, no this doesn’t mean we should throw in the towel and quit. It always amazes me that people go stampeding directly for the “oh, so you think we should quit” nonsense. I am not saying that, so stow your whining.

To me, the stars seem to be lining up for another Obama win, though certainly one not close to his numbers the first time ’round. Infuriatingly, it is Supreme Court Justice John Roberts that tipped it in for Obama. His giving Obama the supreme win on his socialist takeover of our healthcare system is the win Obama needed to show that he is “on the right track” as far as too many voters will be concerned.

If the Court would have invalidated Obamacare as it should have, Obama would have looked weak. He would have looked the loser. This would have been enough to keep some of his most freebie-loving voters from the polls on voting day and given Romney a fighting chance. But now that “free” healthcare is a big win, the “gimme” set will come out to vote for neo socialist Obama in hopes that in a second term he’ll pay their mortgage and give them a no-work government job.

But even beyond these freebie-grasping, lowlives that will now vote for Obama when many wouldn’t have been excited enough to come out were it a “free” healthcare loss, other Democrat voters who were down on Obama because he seemed to be losing everything lately will now feel energized to come out and vote.
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Chief Justice Roberts Reelected Barack Obama On Thursday”

Democrats Next to Move to Unionize Obamacare Doctors

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another sign that our healthcare industry is soon to be just another arm of the Democrat Party, Chicago are Democrat Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky thinks it’s a great idea if doctors unionize.

This will completely end any chance that doctors will care about patients. They will instead become just another uncaring, slipshod union hack that won’t much care about the excellence of his work because he’s protected by union rules. Patients will no longer matter.

Doctors will be just like officious DMV employees. Just like lazy Streets and Sans guys. Like all those little bored, arrogant placemen that work for government.

You, the patient, will no longer matter at all.

Welcome to Obamacare, folks. We’re all the victim of a death panel now.
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Democrats Next to Move to Unionize Obamacare Doctors”

Obamacare: Largest Tax Hike in U.S. History

Obama specifically said (yes in his own voice) that Obamacare is not a tax when he sold this faux healthcare bill to the American people.

He simply lied. In fact, even after the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare only because it is a tax, Obama’s White House is still claiming it isn’t a tax.

Obama should go down in history are the biggest, most destructive liar ever to sit in the Oval Office.

No, We DON’T Need Socialist Healthcare

Lee Doren suitably eviscerates a YouTube vide that is proposing communist-styled healthcare programs for the US.

Doren gives us, “Why we don’t need economic illiterates trivializing the dangers of socialized medicine and spouting abject nonsense on YouTube.”

This is a rebuttal to the video Why We Need Government-Run Universal Socialized Health Insurance, some YouTube blather posted by some guy working for the left-wing Campaign for America’s Future.

Obama’s Grade as President: D Plus

-By Warner Todd Huston

Matthew Continetti gives the President a D plus in his grade for his first term in office and with a grade that low, let’s hope it is his only term in office.

Continetti notes that Obama awarded himself a “a good, solid, B-plus” not long ago but when he visited the cacklers at ABC’s The View he decided that he shouldn’t assign himself a letter grade because his term is “incomplete.”

Actually, as Continetti points out, his first term is essentially finished, at least legislatively. Congress won’t be doing much more serious business until after the coming election, so his work is practically done. Since the work is basically done, Continetti feels a letter grade is quite apropos and he gives Obama a D plus.

“One arrives at such a low mark only after a thorough–and scientific–examination of the president’s record of broken promises and unfulfilled expectations,” Continetti writes.
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Obama’s Grade as President: D Plus”

Obama White House Politicizes Mothers Day for Obamacare Push

-By Warner Todd Huston

Nothing is sacred to this president. Nothing. Even Mothers Day is something for him to use to push his wrong-headed political policies as is evident on the White House website where the holiday meant to honor our nation’s moms is being used to push Obamacare.

Click to see full White House “Mothers Day card.”

It would be bad enough if Obama had this appalling use of Mothers Day on his campaign website, but it isn’t. It’s on the official White House website, to that makes it the official position of the U.S. government.

Worse, this is another example of Obama’s use of a faceless image to represent women, just like his risible “Julia” campaign. Apparently women are just faceless automatons to this president, cannon fodder for his reelection campaign.

But this does bring to mind a question. Why is Obama celebrating mothers now? After all, back in 2008 he said that motherhood is a “punishment.”
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Obama White House Politicizes Mothers Day for Obamacare Push”

Michael Mukasey’s Excellent Argument Against Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

On April 20, Michael Mukasey appeared before the Republican Lawyers Association’s National Policy Conference and C-SPAN cameras were there to record his discussion of the conference theme: Restoring a Government of Laws: The Obama Administration v. The Constitution.

Mukasey, the former Bush Administration Attorney General, headlined a half hour discussion — which included a Q&A session — and offered one of the more cogent explanations I’ve seen of why Obamacare is so wildly unconstitutional.

The whole presentation is worth watching but one of his answers during the Q&A segment was particularly important.

One of the attendees asked if Mukasey regale tell them with his hypothetical argument in support of Obamacare. Mukasey joked that his supporting argument would be “an extraordinarily short opinion,” but his more detailed answer actually presented a concise argument to the opposite; why Obamacare is simply unconstitutional. (At about 25 minutes into the segment)
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Michael Mukasey’s Excellent Argument Against Obamacare”

Obama Loves America… When It Agrees With Him

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama is an autocrat. Were we a South American nation he’d be our Hugo Chavez. He is not interested in democracy, our republican form of government, or listening to other’s opinions. And he most certainly is not interested in allowing the American people to see their will reflected in their duly elected officials. It’s his way or the highway. Period.

All this is the subject of a recent New York Times piece that, even as it notes Obama’s wild grabs for personal power, tries its best to give cover to a president that has decided that he has no need to work with Congress and intends to bypass both the courts and our elected representatives to put his radical agenda into place.

With its typical, hypocritical partisanship on full display, the Times, the same paper that repeatedly called George W. Bush an imperial president, is now bending over backwards to excuse even more egregious behavior from its Obammessiah.

In fact, the first paragraphs of the two stories liked above are telling in how the Times regards the two presidents and in how the actual issue of executive overreach is a but a device in stories meant to sell readers on a picture of the man, not the issue.

Let’s take the first paragraph of the 2006 piece on Bush (my bold):
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Obama Loves America… When It Agrees With Him”

No, Left-Wingers, the ‘Founders’ Did NOT Approve of Mandates or Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every few weeks leftist supporters of Obamacare will float the “fact” that our founders passed the first “national healthcare law” claiming that this supports Obamacare. The truth is, though, the history they claim supports them doesn’t in any way prove that the founders would approve of mandates in general or Obamacare in particular.

This failed historical analogy is once again seen this month in the prattling of one Einer Elhauge, a fellow who claims himself the title of a professor at Harvard Law School. If his recent article in The New Republic is any indication of the level of history he teaches students, we have yet another example of our failed state of higher education.

Elhauge makes two failed analogies to history in his support of Obamacare. One is the 1792 law that required men to own a firearm. This law passed by many members of our founding generation — with only four opposing the mandate — proves, Elhauge claims, that mandates were not something the founders would oppose.

Elhauge’s claim is facile, of course. After all, we had no standing army at the time (in fact the founders were vehemently against a standing army) and the whole of the people in the form of the militia were the army.

So, requiring people to own firearms was, at the time, observing the Constitutional mandate to protect the nation. Helthacre is not something in the Constitution and cannot be construed as such, so Elhauge’s extrapolating military matters to Obamacare is absurd o its face.

Then there is the sailor relief act that lefties have been harping on for several years now claiming that it supports Obamacare. This, too, is a facile comparison cynically and illicitly used to explain away Obamacare.
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No, Left-Wingers, the ‘Founders’ Did NOT Approve of Mandates or Obamacare”

Healthcare Death Panels Are Inevitable

-By Warner Todd Huston

Much was made of Governor Sarah Palin’s use of the term “government death panels” to lambaste Obamacare. Left-wingers and Democrats everywhere scoffed at the term and accused Palin of demagogy and even lying. But the fact is, government death panels of all sorts are inevitable once government takes over healthcare. In fact, once government takes over healthcare, all sorts of unscientific, non-health related nonsense creeps into your healthcare whether you like it or not and none of these decisions are made with your doctor’s advice or consent.

To understand this we have but to look to countries that already have government provided healthcare to see many incidents of the foolishness that is government control of medicine. Arbitrary decisions are made, people are told they are too old to bother with and treatments are too late to save the patient because of long wait times.

Worse, are the cases where government lackeys use non-medical criteria to replace medical considerations such as a recent case in Britain where a woman was told she can no longer get her healthcare because her travel distance makes her “carbon footprint” too big.
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Healthcare Death Panels Are Inevitable”

Comparison: Politico Lauds ‘Forceful’ Gov’t Obamacare Argument, Fox Notes it was Laughed At

-By Warner Todd Huston

The first arguments by the government in support of the already wildly over budget Obamacare law were heard at the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday and there is an interesting lesson in media bias that can be seen in the reporting of the day’s presentation. The difference between how the government’s opening arguments was reported by Politico and Fox News is an instructive case of media bias.

First let’s look at how Politico’s Josh Gerstein and Carrie Budoff Brown reported how the government’s arguments were received by the court.

Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr., representing the government, opened his argument Monday with a forceful and solemn plea to the court to grapple with the key questions in the case.

Well, “forceful,” and “solemn,” eh? That sure sounds like the government presented a serious and well-received argument, doesn’t it?

Now let’s see what Fox News had to say about those opening arguments.
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Comparison: Politico Lauds ‘Forceful’ Gov’t Obamacare Argument, Fox Notes it was Laughed At”

With the Individual Mandate it’s Obama v. Obama

Obama was right on the individual mandate…before he was wrong.

Americans agree that the mandate is unconstitutional. A recent Gallup poll found that “Americans overwhelmingly believe the ‘individual mandate,’ as it is often called, is unconstitutional, by a margin of 72% to 20%.” And even a majority of Democrats in the poll agrees with this position.

President Barack Obama’s Complete List of Historic Firsts

Doug Ross has a great list (with links for further reading) of the destructive “firsts” that Obama has perpetrated in his first term. It’s well worth taking a look.

Yes, he’s historic, alright.

  • First President to Preside Over a Cut to the Credit Rating of the United States Government
  • First President to Violate the War Powers Act
  • First President to Orchestrate the Sale of Murder Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels
  • First President to issue an unlawful “recess-appointment” while the U.S. Senate remained in session (against the advice of his own Justice Department).
  • First President to be Held in Contempt of Court for Illegally Obstructing Oil Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
  • First President to Defy a Federal Judge’s Court Order to Cease Implementing the ‘Health Care Reform’ Law

There are dozens more at Ross’ page, so go check it out at

Wash. Post: Obama the Failed and Hard-Edged Partisan President

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Washington Post did an amazing thing over the weekend. It published a story that highlights the critical failure of the President to achieve what could have been a signature success in his first term, that of achieving a budget compromise with the GOP.

The Post, usually a paper with a center left perspective, really took Obama to task for creeping up to a compromise with GOP House Leader John Boehner but then abruptly pulling away, jettisoning the nearly accepted compromise, and slamming the GOP with his left-wing ideology instead of reaching the agreement that was just within his grasp.

Many Republicans are likely glad that Boehner’s reaching out to the president was slapped away by a hard-core, left wing hand, but the facts on the ground are — at least according to the WaPo — that it was Obama that torpedoed the compromise, quite despite his lies that it is the partisan GOP what done the dirty deed.

the Post describes the situation back in July of 2011. John Boehner the establishment Republican and leader of the House had crept into the White House through a side door that the media could not see. He brought with him the Tea Party-linked Eric Cantor, a “good sign” that the GOP was ready to compromise, says the Post.
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Wash. Post: Obama the Failed and Hard-Edged Partisan President”

After Billions in Federal Bailouts, Now GM Lobbying States for More?

-By Warner Todd Huston

How much bailing out does one company need? (The correct answer is none, of course) After receiving some $50 billion in tax dollars from us courtesy of Obama’s “cash stash,” GM is claiming success with a “Obama claimed that GM was “back on top as the world’s number one automaker.” But true or not, if all is coming up roses for GM why is the company now lobbying the individual states for mini bailouts?

That is exactly what is happening. The new “big success” automaker is spending millions hiring lobbyists to squeeze more millions out of state legislatures. As Justin Owen notes, GM has “turned to another, smaller government teat,” by putting its hand out to the states. GM, Owen says, “has received another $1.7 billion in taxpayer-funded grants and tax abatements.”

This is no accident of timing, either. GM admitted to the Tennessee Watchdog that begging to the states for tax dollars is a concerted effort.
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After Billions in Federal Bailouts, Now GM Lobbying States for More?”

Cut the Spending NOW, Washington

We are 1,000 without the Democrat controlled Senate authorizing a budget. Worse, the President’s party hasn’t ben offered a budget tis whole time, even back when they controlled the House, the Senate and the White House.

It’s long past time to stop the spending and get serious about our deficit, Washington.

Video courtesy of

VIDEO: ‘Change has come,’ Alright! But How Good Has it Been?

In 2008, President-elect Barack Obama announced that change had come to America. After three years, the results of that change make many Americans ready to change it back.

And here is a great for-instance of how the Old Media establishment is covering for their Obammessiah. Let’s get in the way back machine and recall how the price of gas was used as a sledgehammer with which to beat George W. Bush about the head. Remember how it was front page news on a daily basis? Well now gas has lingered at highs that it never stayed at during the Bush years and now analysts are saying gas will reach to $4 a gallon this year — an all time high.

Where is the media on this story? Why isn’t it as big a deal as it was 5 and 6 years ago? Ah, yes. We have The One in office. Gosh. How could I forget that the Old Media doesn’t want negative stories about their messiah? Silly me.


Obama Excuses Over 500,000 Union Members From Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember back in the days of the debate over Obamacare when unions were the biggest voices screaming in support of the legislation? Many labor union bosses said that nationalized healthcare was exactly what they wanted. Further they said it was what was good for the country. Yet now we learn that Obama has given waivers to some 550,000 union members so that they don;t have to suffer under Obamacare.

Paul Connor reports that a classic Friday evening document dump from the White House shows that unions employing up to 543,812 members have received waivers fro the Obama administration.

Fridays are often the one day of the week when government agencies satisfy transparency rules and release documents that show what they’ve been up to. They release them on Friday in the early evening because they understand that reporters are already headed home for the weekend and TV news departments have already programed their evening newscasts. These agencies also understand that news agencies don’t often cover heavy news on weekends. Further, by the time Monday rolls around the document will be “old news” and many of them will simply escape attention.
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Obama Excuses Over 500,000 Union Members From Obamacare”

Obama’s Electronic Medical Records Requirements Already Causing Job Loss

-By Warner Todd Huston

While the Old Media has been ecstatic over recent job numbers, claiming that some 200,000 jobs have been added to the economy, we should note that while Obama giveth Obama also taketh away. The media may be trying to claim the President has “created or saved” jobs (the latest weasel word is he’s created job opportunity) but his policies have also cost jobs. In particular his policies are costing jobs in the medical field.

Last week, layoffs were announced in Mississippi at the University of Mississippi Medical Center due in part to the 80 million dollars that it will cost to implement a new computer system named EPIC Systems, Obama’s newly mandated electronic medical records system.

Naturally, the system Obama is forcing on an entire nation of medical professionals and hospitals is the same system owned and operated by Judith Faulkner, one of his own big donors. Faulkner is also a big donor to the Democrat Party. Not surprisingly, besides affording her the lucrative, crony capitalist business deal, Obama also put Faulkner in a key role on the Health Information Technology Policy Committee, the committee responsible for implementing the President’s e-records policy. She has become known as Obama’s medical records czar.

As hospitals and doctors are forced to launch their own EPIC Systems portals, the costs are forcing hard choices for administrators. All to implement what many call a flawed system.
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Obama’s Electronic Medical Records Requirements Already Causing Job Loss”

Mitt Romney: My Mass. Healthcare Plan Is ‘Fundamentally Conservative’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Romney did it again. On Fox News he linked Romneycare to conservative principles, an outrageous act in the eyes of any conservative. But hold the boat, people, because Romney didn’t exactly say that Romneycare itself is a conservative policy. And therein lies the weasel words that Romney has used to describe the Massachusetts healthcare plan he was so proud to pass when he was the Governor of the state.

To the video…


I’m happy to stand by the things I believe. I’m not going to change my positions by virtue of being in a presidential campaign. What we did was right for the people of Massachusetts. The plan is still favored there by 3:1 and it is fundamentally a conservative principle because the people take personal responsibility rather than turning to the government for free care.

Now, let’s look at what Romney said here. He didn’t exactly say that Romneycare itself is “fundamentally conservative.” He said the concept that people should take responsibility for their own healthcare is a fundamentally conservative idea.

Such as it is, he’s right. That IS a fundamentally conservative idea.

But as Romney has repeatedly done since he signed that disastrous, socialist, far from conservative piece of legislation, he has weasel worded his description of that law. As he’s done before, in this clip he illicitly linked conservative principles to Romneycare by focusing at a micro level on the single idea that we should take care of our own healthcare and linking that real conservative principle to his actions as if conservative principles are the guiding forces behind Romneycare. The problem with Romney’s characterization of the issue is that his legislation is fundamentally not conservative. It is big government, socialist, authoritarian nonsense. It’s not conservative at all. Romney tries to us that one tiny conservative idea buried under miles of socialist ideas as misdirection for the ills that Romneycare forces on the people of the Bay State.
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Mitt Romney: My Mass. Healthcare Plan Is ‘Fundamentally Conservative’”

Latest News of Obamacare’s Forthcoming Death Panels

-By Warner Todd Huston

Are you an elderly American? Well get ready to be determined a non-essential medical expenditure if Obamacare has any say in the matter — which it will if its allowed to become fully implemented.

A caller to the nationally syndicated Mark Levin talk radio show last week gave us an appalling sneak peak at the death panels that are about to be unleashed on the country once Obamacare is fully implemented (God forbid).

The caller said that he was a neurosurgeon and told talker Levin that the advance briefing that he got from government representatives informed him that anyone over 70 years of age would be denied lifesaving (and expensive) brain operations because they were too old to bother with.

The caller said that instead of healthcare, older patients with aneurysms or strokes would get “comfort care” — care that would just “comfort” them while they die — instead of care that would cure them of their ills.

Sounds like death panels to me!
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Latest News of Obamacare’s Forthcoming Death Panels”