Virginia Challenge of Obamacare Wins One in Court

-By Warner Todd Huston

U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson refused to dismiss Virginia’s lawsuit against Obamacare, today, allowing the suit against the federal government to continue on to the next stage.

The federal government sought a dismissal of the suit that challenges the Constitutionality of the part of Obamacare that requires every citizen to buy healthcare insurance.

In his report, Judge Hudson said:

The guiding precedent [on the Commerce Clause] is informative but inconclusive. Never before has the Commerce Clause and Necessary and Proper Clause been extended this far. At this juncture, the court is not persuaded that the Secretary has demonstrated a failure to state a cause of action with respect to the Commerce Clause element.

The chief claim of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is that the mandate to buy insurance violates the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. The federal government was attempting to have Virginia’s lawsuit thrown out with the claim that it doesn’t and should be thrown out because it is obvious that Obamacare does not violate the Constitution.

The judge, however, disagreed that it was so obvious and has allowed the suit to go forward.

It is Attorney General Cuccinelli’s contention that the insurance mandates expand federal power to never before seen heights of power in violation of the Constitution. It is an obvious conclusion, too.
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Virginia Challenge of Obamacare Wins One in Court”

New Chart Reveals the Impossible Complexity of Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Republicans of the Joint Economic Committee have come out with a chart that shows the shocking and just plain idiotic complexity that is Obamacare. (Download .pdf file)

Four months after U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi famously declared “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it,” a congressional panel has released the first chart illustrating the 2,801 page health care law President Obama signed into law in March.

Developed by the Joint Economic Committee minority, led by U.S Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas and Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas, the detailed organization chart displays a bewildering array of new government agencies, regulations and mandates.

Sadly, Obamacare is so complex that even this chart can only show about 1/3 of the foolishness involved. There is so much intertwined, serpentine connections that there was no physical way to even get it all on one chart.

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New Chart Reveals the Impossible Complexity of Obamacare”

Obama Forces Doctors to Snitch to Feds on Patient’s Weight

-By Warner Todd Huston

New federal regulations issued by Obama’s administration will require doctors to record their patient’s body mass index (BMI) ratio. No longer will your weight problems be a matter between you and your doctor. Thanks to Obama, now your doctor will be required by law to snitch to the feds on how fat you are.

Like most of what goes on in Washington, this new little regulation was stuck a bill otherwise wholly unconnected to healthcare, the stimulus billsection 301)

According to the government’s new HIT Standards (Health Information Technology), each patient’s BMI numbers will be recorded and must be available to the federal government on a national database exchange.
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Obama Forces Doctors to Snitch to Feds on Patient’s Weight”

Obama Parody Brilliance: Same as it Ever Was… After the Oils Gone

This is some brilliant parody of the Talking Heads song “Same As It Ever Was.” This one lampoons Obama’s sad reaction to the Gulf oil spill.

Smashing work, from The PolitiZoid Channel.

They also gave us this one…

Love it.

(H/T and

Jury Damage Award Could Close Calif. Healthcare Facilities

-By Warner Todd Huston

When companies are found to have violated regulations that govern their industry, is it right that a jury of non-experts can award damages the amount of which will wipe the company off the face of the earth? That is a question that has been raised in a case recently decided against Skilled Healthcare LLC of California.

A class action lawsuit (lawsuit info here) brought by trial lawyers was filed late last year against Skilled Healthcare of California claiming that the company had violated state regulations that stipulates that nursing homes must maintain 3.2 nursing hours per patient, per day (ppd). The lawsuit claimed that the nursing homes operated by Skilled Healthcare often did not meet the requirement.

Interestingly, there was never any claim from any patient that there’d been harmed or put in danger. Not a single patient claimed personal injury before these lawyers began to file their class action lawsuit.
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Jury Damage Award Could Close Calif. Healthcare Facilities”

Obama’s FDR-Like Bait and Switch

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember when Barack Hussein Obama first became president and the left-wing Old Media universally indulged the claim that he was “just like FDR“? Of late the Old Media has backed off that hyperbolic statement, but at least in a single incident, Obama has proven indeed to be just like FDR. The similarity entails laws about which the two presidents lied to the public in order to sell them. And in both instances, the truth only came out in court.

For FDR it was Social Security. The Roosevelt Administration sold Social Security as an “insurance” program when it began to push for the policy. The truth is, of course, that Social security and its unemployment plan adjunct is in no way an insurance program. It is welfare pure and simple.

But FDR sold it as “insurance” anyway. In 1936, for instance, FDR sternly told an audience in Pennsylvania that it was an insurance program.
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Obama’s FDR-Like Bait and Switch”

Obama’s ‘Keep Your Doctor’ Lies

The Heritage Foundation wants to repeal Obamacare…

Repeal Obamacare from Heritage Action for America on Vimeo.

The Heritage Foundation recently launched a sister organization, Heritage Action for America. Heritage Action is leading a national campaign to repeal Obamacare.

Join the fight to repeal Obamacare with your donation to Heritage Action for America.
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Obama’s ‘Keep Your Doctor’ Lies”

Is The U.S. Too Big to Fail? Greece Wasn’t…


The College Republican National Committee is thrilled to announce the “Don’t Put It On Our Tab” debt-awareness initiative! The national debt poses a lethal threat to our economic future, and we’re not about to let the Democrats think we are ignorant to that fact. Help the CRNC stand up and speak out for our generation by signing the petition today!

Did you know that the a child born into this world today owes over $117,000 to the DEBT alone? With unemployment rising, ‘entitlement’ programs collapsing, and debt skyrocketing how are we ever going to pay that back? The answer is through conservative reform. Join our facebook group (… ) to stay informed 24/7 about the debt, what we are doing to combat it, and to examine potential solutions to it!

Repealing Obamacare and Restoring a Free Market in Healthcare

Economics 101 and what we do AFTER we repeal Obamacare…

Ed Morrissey also has some good commentary about this video at

Created by the Center for Freedom and Prosperity. Visit their webpage at

Obama’s Healthcare Give Away to Union Special Interests

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of Obamacare’s new rules states that if your employer finds it necessary to change healthcare providers to a more cost effective plan they will lose their federal health plan exemptions. This will cause employers to drop employees from health plans forcing workers onto government sponsored plans. So much for Obama’s hoary idea that you can “keep your doctor if you like him.”

Of course, this harmful new rule only applies to 80 percent of America’s workforce because the other 20 percent, those that are union members, are getting a special deal from their pal Barack Obama.

At issue is the definition of the “grandfathered” health plan which is different for those plans initiated by collective bargaining and those simply instituted by an employer. The requirements for unions have been made far less stringent than those of non-union employers.
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Obama’s Healthcare Give Away to Union Special Interests”

Obamacare: Eliminating the Poor and Elderly’s Last Resort to Life and Health

-By Warner Todd Huston

Many left-wingers complain that our healthcare system as it stands leaves out the poor, elderly, and those least able to care for themselves. They say that because of this inequity private medical care should be eliminated and government should take over that role in society. That way, they claim, all will be treated equally and everyone will get the same sort of care. Unfortunately for this left-winger’s utopian fantasy, once government becomes the only doctor in town, the very poor, elderly and indigent about whom the left claims to care so much will end up forsaken by the very system envisioned to save their lives.

Does that seem counter-intuitive to you? Do you believe that those least able to take care of themselves will benefit from a government take over of healthcare in America? If so, you’ve been taken in, you’ve swallowed the left’s fantastic claims hook, line, and sinker and they are playing you for a fool… a fool with pockets to be picked clean and power to be taken away from.

In fact, we are already seeing Democrats and Obamacare advocates warming up the hearse to cart off the dead bodies of the young, indigent and elderly that will pile up as a result of lack of access to heatlhcare forced upon them by Obamacare.
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Obamacare: Eliminating the Poor and Elderly’s Last Resort to Life and Health”

‘Party of the People’ Hides from Them

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember those hoary days of yesteryear, those days when Democrats puffed themselves up as “the party of the people,” of that “party of the common man”? Flash forward to 2010 and we find that those stalwart homespun congressmen, born of the people have set a policy to avoid those “people,” the voters, at all costs. This summer break instead of coming home to visit with constituents and hearing them out at traditional townhall meetings that are usually held by members of Congress returning home, today’s Democrats are skulking into town quietly and once home refusing to hold such meetings where they can see their constituents.

So much for the “party of the common man,” eh?

In fact, Democrats have turned so cynical that Republicans are the ones having more townhalls than members of the majority governing party in Washington.

What are democrats doing instead of holding townhalls where they can hear from their constituents? They are having tightly controlled meetings where crowds are by invite only, they are holding events in constrained spaces where only a few voters can attend, or they are dealing only by phone-meetings where Democrats can use that “democratic” technology of the mute button! Even the New York Times has noticed that Democrats are in hiding.
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‘Party of the People’ Hides from Them”

National Healthcare Saves $$ By Letting Some Patients Suffer

-By Warner Todd Huston

Governor Sarah Palin once complained of those “death panels” in the President’s healthcare policy, a scoff that infuriated Obamacare’s supporters. But the fact is, by its very nature a nationalized healthcare system like the one that Obama wants acts as a “death panel” by denying care to save money. We don’t have to guess at this eventuality, either. We have but to look to England’s health services and we’ll see the exact situation that Palin warned about.

A recent piece published in the Daily Mail reports that the British National Health Service is going to deny services to millions of Britain’s citizens in order to save twenty billion pounds of the NHS budget. “Millions of patients face losing NHS care as bosses prepare to axe treatments to make £20billion of savings by 2014, a top doctor has warned,” the paper warns.

British medical services will likely soon deny hernia treatments, joint replacement for overweight patients, ear procedures (even for children), nose and eye operations, varicose vein procedures, gallbladder and also carpal tunnel procedures. And this isn’t something new. The Brits already deny all sorts of modern medicines because they feel the costs are too high.
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National Healthcare Saves $$ By Letting Some Patients Suffer”

Surviving Trauma Might Depend on Where You Live in Chicago Area

-By Warner Todd Huston

Fox News did an interesting report a few days ago that showed that most Chicago-Area Emergency Rooms are not properly equipped for trauma cases. It seems that it might depend on what part of the city you live in if you will survive a car crash, falling off a building, a gun shot or other such life-threatening trauma. Naturally, if you live on the north side you have a better chance of finding a good emergency trauma center than if you live on the south side.

Fox reports that one of the few southward trauma centers is Advocate Christ Medical Center of Oak Lawn.

The main problem is, of course, money. An unfortunately large number of trauma patients are not covered by insurance and when these patients come through a hospital and are treated for their expensive injuries, the hospitals eat much of the costs of care. The state does pay hospitals a small portion of the costs of indigent care, but by no means do hospitals get their costs satisfied in total.
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Surviving Trauma Might Depend on Where You Live in Chicago Area”

Obamacare Will Kill Medical Technology

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 2008 Patrick Swayze was treated with an advanced medical tool called a “CyberKnife.” It helped add months to his life as he tried to beat the cancer that was consuming him. But, Swayze wasn’t the only American with the good fortune to have this highly advanced medical technology available to him. In fact, there are 100 such machines across the United States. From California, to Minnesota, to Illinois and Washington D.C. Americans currently have the luxury of these wonderful new devices.

Sadly, Britons are not so lucky. There are two CyberKnife machines in the Britain, but they aren’t going to do anyone in the country’s socialist healthcare system any good because despite how successful these machines are British authorities won’t allow them to be used on patients.

Despite that the Mount Vernon cancer hospital in London is part of the National Health Services, despite that they spent £3m to purchase the machine, and quite despite the praise the machines receive in the U.S. and throughout the world, British NHS authorities won’t let NHS doctors use the machine on their patients.
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Obamacare Will Kill Medical Technology”

Rep. Waxman Slips in ‘Bad Vitamin’ clause into Wall Street Reform Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

Nothing says Washington crookedness like a congressman slipping a clause into a bill that has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the main purpose of the legislation. Here we have just another cynical, corrupt bargain made in Washington D.C. with the effort of Henry Waxman (D, Ca) who slipped a little clause into the Wall Street “Reform” bill that is little else but an attack on the healthfood industry. This provision would give Congress more control over all health supplements and vitamins in America and likely lead to many of these businesses shutting their doors.

So often Congress acts like the little kid with his mom in the grocery store. While mom is putting fruits, vegetables, milk, and good marbled beef into the shopping cart, the bratty kid is throwing candy and toys made in China into the basket when he thinks mom isn’t looking. Congress is, of course, the bratty kids of our system. And they need a good whipping.

The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173), was passed by the House and is now in the Senate waiting for that body to take action. But while this law is supposed to be saving our economy, Rep. Waxman seems more interested in destroying the country’s vitamin stores. And to that end, he slipped into this economics bill more regulations on the dietary supplement industry.
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Rep. Waxman Slips in ‘Bad Vitamin’ clause into Wall Street Reform Bill”

Tenn. Newspaper: Being Pro- US Constitution and Anti-Obamacare is Raaaaacist

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you know that if you cared about the U.S. Constitution you are a racist? Oh, and did you also know that being against big government and being against Obamacare also makes you a racist? Well if you didn’t know that the Nashville Tennessean wants you to realize that if you love the Constitution but hate intrusive, overarching Obamacare… well, you, sir, are a big fat racist. The paper also resurrects the lawmaker-spate-upon lie and lays the blame for all this on the Tea Partiers.

That’s right, for the Gannet-owned Tennessean reporter Nate Rau wants you to know that loving the U.S. Constitution is an evil thing to do and if you don’t accept Obamacare like a fish after a baited hook, then you hate black people, too.

Rau starts his slanted piece off claiming that the current states’ rights debate “raises” the “specter of slavery and segregation.” Of course, it does nothing of the kind except for those looking to use that issue to push their race-baiting schemes. There isn’t a single contemporary states’ rights advocate that has brought slavery and segregation into the argument. Nowhere have states’ rights advocates said that relying on the original American principle of local control is an avenue for somehow bringing back slavery! In fact, it is slanderous and patently stupid to say it does. But this is the sort of race baiting that the 30-some-year-old reporter Nate Rau is trying to enflame. I’d say he is the one raising “specters” not the states’ righters.
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Tenn. Newspaper: Being Pro- US Constitution and Anti-Obamacare is Raaaaacist”

Unsafe Sharia Healthcare Coming Your Way, America

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently the British health services ruled that Muslim nurses and doctors didn’t have to wash their hands before handling patients. Why did they reverse a hundred years of sanitary medical practices? Why, because the Brits didn’t want to upset their Muslim citizens who think that washing themselves is some sort of crime against their religion. What else could it be, eh?

Instead of washing their hands between patients, the Department of Health ruled that Muslim health workers could use disposable arm-length plastic gloves to treat patients. Naturally, these gloves can easily spread germs if not disposed of between patients and the danger of such an unsafe practice was acknowledged by officials. But not offending Muslims was far more important to British officials than health safety.

A Department of Health spokesman said: “The guidance is intended to provide direction to services in how they can balance infection control measures with cultural beliefs without compromising patient safety.”

Balance infection control with “cultural beliefs”? Either you are stopping the spread of infections or you are observing cultural beliefs. As a health professional you can’t do both unless those cultural beliefs take back seat to practicing safe and effective medicine!
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Unsafe Sharia Healthcare Coming Your Way, America”

Baskin-Robberts New Ice Cream Flavor Honors Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

In honor of the 44th President of the United States , Baskin-Robberts Ice Cream has introduced Barocky Road, its new flavor.

Barocky Road is a blend of half vanilla, half chocolate, and surrounded by nuts and flakes. The vanilla portion of the mix is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient. The nuts and flakes are all over sized, very bitter, and hard to swallow.

The cost is $100.00 per scoop.

When purchased it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone, but after you pay for it, the ice cream is taken away and divided up between the people in line behind you. But none of the others get too much and leave unsatisfied.

You are left with an empty wallet and holding an empty cone with no hope of getting any ice cream.

If you don’t like your new ice cream experience, members of ACORN and the SEIU will surround you, push you around, and call you a racist. The police will ignore this harassment.

Welcome to your Barocky Road experience. Enjoy it… it’s the sort of change you wanted.
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Baskin-Robberts New Ice Cream Flavor Honors Obama”

Mitt Romney Wrote the Obamacare Book

-By Warner Todd Huston

It looks like Mitt Romney is trying to be the GOP front runner for 2012. But he is one of the main influences for Obama’s socialist takeover of America’s healthcare system. Watch this video and remind yourself why we need to eliminate Mitt Romney from any possibility for being the GOP nominee for President in 2012.

There is NO difference between Romneycare and Obamacare. None. And in 2012 the only way we’ll win the White House away from Obama is to run against Obama. With Mitt Romney as our nominee that will be utterly impossible and he will cause us to lose in 2012.

Romney needs to be eliminated as a possibility for the GOP in 2012.

Congressman Pence Ridicules Dems Claims of Being Tax Cutters

Congressman Mike Pence (R, IN) just can’t keep a straight face when recounting the hypocritical statement by Pelosi’s Democrats that they are tax cutters in this era of Obama.

I have to say, I couldn’t stop from laughing at the Democrat’s lies, either. Obama and Pelosi are responsible for the largest tax increases in U.S. history! It just goes to show that they really do think Americans are stupid.

Obama’s Back Alley Healthcare

-By Warner Todd Huston

For decades abortion supporters argued that restrictions on abortion would cause women to die in unsafe “back alley abortions” all across the land. This scare tactic was a mantra that seemed to work quite well to spread abortions throughout the states and helped spur the Supreme Court to penumbra its way to a pseudo Constitutional “right” for abortions. But the main thrust of the tactic was ostensibly warning about unsafe medical procedures, a situation that they wanted to change. Flash forward to 2010 and we see President Barack Obama and his Democrats about to send not just abortions, but our entire medial system into a veritable “back alley” situation with a shortage of doctors, rationing, denials of service, and outrageously high insurance premiums.

And now we can add a new twist to the dangerous situation that Obama is forcing on patients in the U.S. The Associated Press reports that 28 states are already seeing a shortage of primary care physicians, a dearth of doctors that will only get worse with Obamacare, and these states are looking toward expanding the medical responsibilities of nurses to cover the shortage.

So, what we see here is a situation where less qualified practitioners will see their roles expanding in the era of Obamacare! Healthcare practitioners with less training and experience are being given more responsibilities in our healthcare system even as Obama claimed that his goal was to improve our nation’s healthcare.
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Obama’s Back Alley Healthcare”

Here’s a Leftist Spin on Healthcare For You

-By Warner Todd Huston

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said that Obamacare is a ”momentous step toward comprehensive health care.” Implicit in that statement is that Obamacare isn’t finished and the left fully intends to up the ante even more as time goes on. But that isn’t the spin I announced in my headline. Here is something from the AFL-CIONowBlog written by one Mike Hall. Try this on for spin…

The bill survived a $100 million lie-and-distortion campaign by Big Insurance to kill it—the same kind of tactics these groups have aimed at health care proposals for six decades.

That is some wonderful spin, isn’t it? The bill “survived” a distortion campaign designed to “kill it,” says Hall. But he’s spinning one hundred miles an hour with his claim. The truth is that the bill did not survive that campaign.
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Here’s a Leftist Spin on Healthcare For You”

Outrageous: FBI Uses Non-Violent Conservative Group as Bait to Catch Stalker

-By Warner Todd Huston

Senator Patty Murray (D, Wa) doesn’t want to hear from her constituents if they are upset at her vote for Obama’s take over of our nation’s healthcare. One voter in particular has earned Murray’s ire. He has almost daily called Murray’s offices and in no uncertain terms informed the Senator that he hates her healthcare votes. Really hates it.

Murray was so upset that her constituents had the gall to call and complain that she cravenly called in the F.B.I. to trap upset constituent Charles A. Wilson. The F.B.I. came upon an outrageous idea in order to confirm that the phone number registered in Murray’s caller I.D. was, indeed, being used by Mr. Wilson to “threaten” the Senator.

An F.B.I. agent called Wilson and pretended to be a representative of Patients United Now, an arm of the conservative, free-market organization Americans for Prosperity.
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Outrageous: FBI Uses Non-Violent Conservative Group as Bait to Catch Stalker”

Obama’s Biggest Lobbyist Winners from Left-Wing Advocacy Organizations

-By Warner Todd Huston

On the campaign trail, now President Obama regularly excoriated lobbyists. He said he’d make the government “open and transparent” and said he’d make it hard for lobbyists to “curry favor” with his administration “based on how much they can spend on a fancy dinner.” Once elected, John Podesta, a member of his transition team, said that Obama would be implementing the “strictest ethics rules ever applied” to those scoundrel lobbyists. In his 2009 State of the Union address Obama puffed up his chest, proud of himself that he “excluded lobbyists” from important jobs in his administration.

With all that bombast and populist wind from Obama and his cohorts, then, one would expect to see a dearth of lobbyists in important positions in Obama’s Washington. One’s expectation, however, would easily be dashed by the truth.

Remember the rarefied air of Obama’s campaign for president? Wanna see some, shall we say, “broken promises”?
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Obama’s Biggest Lobbyist Winners from Left-Wing Advocacy Organizations”

Our Problem is a Lack of Health Care — the Moral Variety

-By Selwyn Duke

There was, of course, nothing unpredictable about Sunday’s health-care vote. It was fairly obvious that the Chicago mobsters would, using the Escobarian silver-or-lead tactic, scare up the votes needed to pass Obama’s baby. It was plain that “pro-life” Democrats such as Bart Stupak would, after the requisite posturing, find the rationalization they needed to cast aside a position that was never really a principle. That it came in the form of an executive order with the credibility of the Hitler-Stalin Pact is of little consequence. It was also predictable that the Monday after would bring talk about the extinguishment of liberty and the republic, and heads hanging so low that good Americans could look up and see their shoelaces.

Yet there is a somewhat larger view a person can take here. It is one that distinguishes between symptoms — even very severe ones — and the underlying disease.

Some have asked a very predictable question: “Where were you the day the republic died?” But there is a better one: Where were you when you first knew our republic was dying? As for me, I can’t tell you exactly where, only when. I believe it was the early 1980s. And I was still a teenager.
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Our Problem is a Lack of Health Care — the Moral Variety”