Conservatives Beating Bill Nye the Global Warming Guy, But Obama to the Rescue

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bill Nye “the Science Guy” and CNN are a bit miffed at all those global warming scoffers. They are winning the public debate, beating the “consensus” opinion that global warming — or globaloney — is poised to destroy the planet.

Nye and CNN host Carol Costello both dismissed any climate change skeptics with Costello claiming that “politicization” and a willful disbelief in global warming consensus was helping to ruin that cherished science. Costello also worried that skeptics were “winning.”

In a July 2 appearance on CNN’s Newsroom, host Carol Costello warmed Nye up driving straight for the idea that “the weather” has become “incredibly politicized” and asked Bill Nye to respond to charges that he was just a “kooky guy who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

Nye defended himself saying, “I can read graphs” and went on to claim that the left’s beloved consensus was true because, well, that is “just how it is.”

It is interesting to note that neither Costello nor Nye seemed to think that left-wing, global warming supporters were engaging in any “politicizing” of the issue. Curiously, neither mentioned Climategate, the now infamous series of emails released by whistleblowers that proved that global warming supporters were engaging in a monumental political campaign in order to keep the money flowing to their research projects, a campaign that made the lie to the “science” of global warming.
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Conservatives Beating Bill Nye the Global Warming Guy, But Obama to the Rescue”

An Example of Pointless Greenieness

-By Warner Todd Huston

NBC has created an entire phalanx of videos centered on environmental issues to show its fealty to the religion of greenism. There are celebrities, trite slogans, and all sorts of absurd promises on what going green can do for us all. But are these “solutions” really any good? Let’s look at one of NBC’s claims to see if it makes much sense, shall we?

The subject happens to be one of green fascism’s favorites: light bulbs. The ad, you see, claims that if every American household gets rid of incandescent light bulbs to be replaced with an energy savers, why… well, here is the voice over of the ad:

If every home changes one of these (image of an incandescent light bulb) for one of these (an energy saving light bulb), we’d save enough power to light up New York City for a year. Broadway, Wall Street, Central Park. Just one light bulb. You don’t have to do a lot to do a lot.

But let’s think about this.
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An Example of Pointless Greenieness”

Heartland Institute: The ‘Gate’ Scandal That Never Was

-By Warner Todd Huston

Global warmists finally have an email “gate” of their own that they can turn against “deniers” and they are taking full advantage of it. The Warmists are excited that the Heartland Institute, a Chicago-based state policy group, has been “outed” for attempting to undermine the religiously held tenets of global warming. Emails to that effect are claimed to have been leaked from this group and the warmists as well as their handmaidens in the Old Media are touting this scandal as proof of… well, it’s a bit hard to discern what it is proof of. In fact, it isn’t “proof” of much of anything, really.

For one thing the documents are fakes, but even if they weren’t… so what?

For quite some time, for instance, Chicago’s Heartland Institute has been holding events, debates, and seminars on the hoax of global warming. The Heartland Institute has an entire section of its website dedicated to debunking global warming and it has produced books and pamphlets attacking the false “consensus” of man-made global warming. Without question, global warming (a quasi religious belief I personally call globabloney) has been a major focus at Heartland for a long time, to be sure.

That being understood — not only understood but glaringly obvious — leaked emails that purport to show that Heartland has a plan to influence lawmakers, scientists, members of the media, and even schools against global warming is a bit of a “well, duh!” Any ten seconds of time spent on the Institute’s website would tend to make it clear that they are against claims of man-made global warming. At some point, even if the documents were real it should not come as any sort of shocking revelation.
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Heartland Institute: The ‘Gate’ Scandal That Never Was”

The House Kills the Senate’s $322 Million Climate Service

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week the House killed a new Senate approved, bureaucratic boondoggle that according to the House Appropriations Committee would have cost taxpayers a minimum of $322 million buckaroos, and good on them for it.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration wanted to create a new division to be called the National Climate Service. Similar to its National Weather Service the new NCS would have “streamlined delivery” for requests on the agency’s climate and weather data.

Amusingly, the NOAA tried to claim that the new service would not cost the taxpayers anything at all. They didn’t even request money to fund the new division. But this no-cost claim was doubted by the House Appropriations Committee that estimated that its killing of the idea saved taxpayers $322 million.
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The House Kills the Senate’s $322 Million Climate Service”

EPA to Give Itself Powers to Preemptively Deny Natural Resource Development?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again an Obama regulatory agency tries to give itself wild new powers, powers that would crush American energy and natural resource development, powers meant to quash the business sector.

A press release from Resourceful Earth News imparts a warning about the Environmental Protection Agency’s newest powergrab. A lfet-wing Democrat Senator is asking the EPA to accept the idea of taking upon itself the power to deny mining or development of other natural resources before any scientific studies or any permitting procedures even begin. This Senator wants the EPA to just say no because, well, simply because it feels like it.

This effort is at the behest of Washington Senator Maria Cantwell (Dem.) who is urging the EPA to invoke the Clean Water Act to put a permanent end to the development of Pebble Mine in Alaska. Pebble Mine owners have already spent $120 million over three years to satisfy federal and state government regulations. Expensive and expansive scientific studies and environmental studies have already been conducted but now that the EPA has agreed to launch its scientific analysis of the mine, Cantwell wants the EPA to preempt the environmental review process the EPA itself put in place and simply decide to prevent the operation of the mine out of hand with no science needed to back it up.
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EPA to Give Itself Powers to Preemptively Deny Natural Resource Development?”

Solyndra: Green Jobbery, Green Robbery

-By Warner Todd Huston

We have come to learn something about our president. He really loves green. But what we can’t quite decipher is if that green is green jobs and energies or just the good old fashioned green of tax money. Whatever the case, it sure is true that the green of U.S. tax dollars is far more prevalent with “O” than those mythical green jobs he’s trying to fund with it and this mess with failed green company Solyndra is revealing quite a lot.

Now, firstly lets dispense with the left’s weak defense of this whole Solyndra mess, shall we?

Left-wing organization The Center for American Progress is trying to take the spotlight off Obama and Biden and off the current administration’s culpability for the millions in tax dollars given Solyndra by informing everyone that the first time a federal loan to the green company was broached was during the waning weeks of George W. Bush’s presidency.
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Solyndra: Green Jobbery, Green Robbery”

No Spark: The Unanswered Questions of the Chevy Volt

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every time we turn around these days President Obama is touting the idea that the “future” of America lies in green energy and one of those greenie ideas is an Obama favorite: electric cars. Not to let him down, Government Motors has obliged by pushing the Chevy Volt as the car of the future. But thus far the future looks a lot like GM’s present; a whole lot of failure leaving a whole lot of questions.

While Obama continues to tout his — meaning our — investment in GM others are not so sanguine. For instance, billionaire Warren Buffet has invested in a Chinese electric car company instead of putting his considerable investment acumen to use with the Chevy Volt. Buffet may be a dolt on taxes, but apparently his investing senses haven’t gotten any spark from the Volt.

One of the reasons that Buffet went for the Chinese company is that some of its technology seems superior to various systems of the Chevy Volt. According to Forbes, Buffet has targeted the company because the, “car can travel 186 miles, more than the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt, on a single charge with a top speed of 87 miles per hour.”
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No Spark: The Unanswered Questions of the Chevy Volt”

Another Favored Obama Green Business Goes Bankrupt

-By Warner Todd Huston

It seems that the surest way to go bankrupt is to have President Barack Obama use your business as some sort of example of the wonders of his administration and we have yet one more example of that in Evergreen Solar, Inc., the heavily taxpayer funded business that has now closed its doors.

In April of 2009 Barack Obama’s White House Communications Dept. sent out a missive to the State of Massachusetts happily touting all the great new “green jobs” that his stimulus spending was creating.

“Evergreen Solar,the Marlborough-based maker of solar panels,” the White House letter said, “also is hoping to hire 90 to 100 people at a manufacturing plant in Devens, said Gary Pollard, vice president of human resources.
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Another Favored Obama Green Business Goes Bankrupt”

Obama’s New EPA Rules Would Destroy Our Energy Sector

-By Warner Todd Huston

Half of America’s energy comes from coal-fired power plants but Obama’s new EPA rules would about destroy the coal industry driving our energy costs through the roof. That’s not all they would do, either.

Even Paul Bedard of USNews says that Obama’s new EPA rules will “slam the coal industry so hard that hundreds of thousands of jobs will be lost.”

Analysis by the National Economic Research Associates says that these two new EPA regulations would be “among the most expensive ever imposed by the agency on coal-fueled power plants, dramatically increasing electricity rates and natural gas prices and leading to substantial job losses,” and would cost the U.S. electric sector nearly $18 billion a year.
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Obama’s New EPA Rules Would Destroy Our Energy Sector”

Green Policies a Substitute For Anti-Capitalist, Anti-American Ideas

-By Warner Todd Huston

Those anti-capitalist college professor types that used to sneer at America and supported the murderous antics of the Soviets had for a short time after the fall of the U.S.S.R. no place in which to invest their anti-American ideals. However, it is clear that they have found a new home: greenism. And so, the old left is the new left again, re-born and hiding behind climate change, mythic green energy, and environmental extremism all acting the surrogate for their failed communist-styled ideas.

One of the latest examples of this surrogacy is indulged by the University of Maryland’s Gar Alperovitz with a piece in The Nation entitled “The New-Economy Movement.”

In this piece, Alperovitz not only openly admits that the so-called “new economy” thinking is simply today’s dumping grounds for ages old, communist philosophy — evinced in buzz words like social justice, egalitarianism, and sustainable communities — he claims they will never be satisfied and that as time moves on, the demands of these enviro-centric economic theories will grow “much more radical.”
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Green Policies a Substitute For Anti-Capitalist, Anti-American Ideas”

Children’s Book Publisher Collapses to Radical Environmentalist Pressure

-By Warner Todd Huston

Extremist environmentalists have won yet another victory for propagandizing our children in schools by forcing Scholastic Books to junk a proposed energy-themed classroom education packet that treated the subject in a more even handed mode in favor of a program that only pushes extremist enviro policies. Yes, once again, the hard-core, anti-capitalist left has won a victory to control what our kids are taught in our schools.

As we learn from Commentary Magazine, Scholastic’s energy program has been under attack from the far left for weeks. Mother Jones Magazine, The New York Times, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and the group aptly named “Treehugger” have been attacking the children’s book publisher to force them to jettison the proposed series because Scholastic had authored the program in partnership with the American Coal Foundation.

The 4th grade lesson program was built on a larger look at America’s energy products including coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear power along with the so-called green energies of wind and solar power. But the inclusion of traditional (and technologically possible) forms of energy like coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear was enough to send the heads of the radical enviro-wacko’s heads spinning.
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Children’s Book Publisher Collapses to Radical Environmentalist Pressure”

Paradox: Green-Loving Washington State About to Penalize Electric Car Owners

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some people think that marriage is the most absurd institution ever invented by man. But those that think so are ignoring what is truly the most idiotic, paradoxically absurd practice in all of human history: government. Yeah, yeah, necessary evil and all, but still there is nothing that exemplifies human folly better than politics and Washington State has uncorked a doozie for us today.

From coast to coast and all over the world liberals are mindlessly going gaga for green. Anything that smacks of greenism is, with religious fervor, promoted and revered. The electric automobile, for instance, is one of the left’s dream modes of transportation. Pursuant to that dreamy green dream, liberals have made sure that all sort of tax breaks are lavished upon those citizens who dutifully jump up to their necks into the unprofitable and technologically untested world of electric cars. Washington State is no exception to this mania.

… and hilarity ensues.

The Associated Press is even a bit snarky about the whole mess.
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Paradox: Green-Loving Washington State About to Penalize Electric Car Owners”

Greenpeace Admits Coal Power a Job Creator

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently the enviro-centric group Greenpeace issued an extensive report scolding the “dirty” energy choices made by tech giants like Apple, Google, and Facebook. Greenpeace is all exercised over the fact that many of these companies have moved to North Carolina to take advantage of the coal-produced energy there because the costs are cheaper than the power in other regions. Amusingly, Greenpeace seemed to have completely missed the fact that coal obviously creates jobs or all these companies wouldn’t be moving to North Carolina in the first place.

Greenpeace has its nose out of joint because Google, Facebook, and Apple have moved data centers to NC to take advantage of “low-cost energy” that it claims produces a “corresponding lack of commitment to clean energy.” The eco group is aghast that “misplaced tax incentives” bring jobs and economic success to rural North Carolina.

All that capitalism is horrible, I suppose.
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Greenpeace Admits Coal Power a Job Creator”

The Sad Tale of 50 Million Global Warming Refugees

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the sad, sad tale of the 50 million global warming refugees that the UN warned us about. Oh, it isn’t sad because there are any 50 million refugees, it’s sad because people believed that there were going to be 50,000 refugees due to global warming. After all, these purported refugees never materialized.

Back in 2005 the U.N. had determined that by 2010 there would be some 50 million refugees thrown out of their homes because of the ravages of globaloney. As Aaron Worthington says, that prediction came up short of the mark “by only around 50 million.” When the UN was at the height of its great global warming scam, the United Nations Environment Programme predicted that by 2010 there would be 50 million people driven from their homes as a result of globaloney…

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First Obamacare Waivers Now EPA Rules Waivers

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Obama Administration is quickly becoming the most corrupt administration in American history. Recently we reported about the mounting number of waivers that Obama is giving his union pals and union supporters so that they can get away from having to suffer under his Obamacare law and now the president’s jobs-killing greenhouse gas rules levied upon the nation using his fiat EPA powers are also being set aside for his best buddies. Naturally, all those getting these big waivers were big donors to Obama’s campaign.

At this point we are up to over 700 Obamacare waivers given to his union pals and other campaign donors and now the EPA has announced the first waiver for the new greenhouse gas rules that really haven’t even been implemented exactly yet.

Timothy Carney reports that General Electric has been the lucky, lucky recipient of a waiver for Obama’s EPA rules. Yes, very lucky, indeed.
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First Obamacare Waivers Now EPA Rules Waivers”

As Japan Abandons Emissions Caps, Obama Rushes Headlong Toward It

-By Warner Todd Huston

Even as the Japanese have abandoned its national emissions trading scheme because they’ve realized how many jobs would be lost as a result of the draconian regulations involved, President Obama continues to claim that he wants to impose similar jobs-killing regulations on America.

Japan initially announced that its national carbon trading scheme was to have been approved in the now concluding parliamentary session. But common sense and business interests have delayed the bill until the next session begins in January putting the future of the law into question.

Japan’s National Strategy Minister, Koichiro Gemba, who was appointed to review the government’s core green policy steps, said the trading scheme needed further careful study, indicating that it had effectively been shelved.

Japanese authorities are coming to realize that the emissions cuts that the island nation had imagined it would achieve will cost jobs and severely hamper their business sector. Stark realizations are dawning on the Japanese that emissions goals would be “nearly impossible to meet” without deep cuts in emissions by manufacturers, the power infrastructure, not to mention homes and business buildings.
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As Japan Abandons Emissions Caps, Obama Rushes Headlong Toward It”

Our Idiotic Courts: Car Gets Stolen, Then Owner’s Held Liable For Theft, Also Trees Get ‘Rights’

-By Warner Todd Huston

All too often it is an upside down world in our American court systems. Here we have two more stories that really argues for the word “impeachment” to get far more of a workout in our nation than it currently does. In one case, a woman whose car was stolen is held liable for the theft of her own car merely because the keys were inside and in the second, more egregious tale, several courts across the land have decided that trees have “rights” not to be cut down.

First up in our cavalcade of lunacy is the case of the stolen car in Nashville, Tennessee. As it happens a car owned by one Rubye Jarrell was stolen and in the course of the theft and the resulting police chase the thief crashed the car into that of the Newman family. The Newman’s promptly sued the police department for daring to chase a thief. The penchant for people to sue police for doing their job is bad enough but even worse, the owner of the car was also charged with “negligence” because her grandson left the keys in the car “in a high crime area.” This is a crime, apparently, because in this foolish court’s opinion a person that leaves keys in a car is just as bad as a thief that steals a car.

This moronic decision absurdly making the victim just as blamable as an actual thief is yet one more example of our overly litigious society. Was it stupid to leave keys in a car? Sure. Should someone so stupid as to leave their keys in their car be surprised that the car gets stolen? If they are surprised they are doubly stupid. But are they liable for the thief’s actions? Hardly.
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Our Idiotic Courts: Car Gets Stolen, Then Owner’s Held Liable For Theft, Also Trees Get ‘Rights’”

UN Climate Summit, Cancun, Mexico: Climate Conmen Sending You Back 100 Years

-By Warner Todd Huston

As most of you know last week I was down in Cancun, Mexico reporting on the U.N. Climate Change Summit (officially called COP16/CMP6). It was several days of sun, surf, and U.N. conmen. I am back in the saddle here at home but Friday I went from the warm white sands of Cancun back to the cold white snow of Chicago. Where’s all that global warming when you need it?

At least I have the modern conveniences of natural gas to keep my house warm and coal and nuclear-fired electric to power my electronic entertainment and work devices both. Unfortunately, if the con in Cancun is successful we may no longer have such luxuries.

One of the last places I visited in Cancun was the Villa de Cambio Climatico — or in English the climate change village. The exhibit was sponsored by the Mexican federal government and was set up in order to indoctrinate Mexico’s school children in the ways of environmental hokum.

At the exhibit we found what was presented as the ideal eco-friendly house. Of course, it was suitably small as the enviro-Nazis most certainly don’t want anyone enjoying a bit of elbowroom in their homes though it did have space for a few modern niceties. It had a tiny computer area, an actual flush toilet, and a four-foot-tall refrigerator that looks like it might be able to store enough food for two or three days.
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UN Climate Summit, Cancun, Mexico: Climate Conmen Sending You Back 100 Years”

The Con in Cancun: UN Climate Change Summit Update

-By Warner Todd Huston

I am here in Cancun, Mexico investigating the U.N. Climate Change Conference to see what sort of wonderful solutions to save our very planet are being planned for all of us here in sunny Mexico. It’s always nice that we can come to save the planet… at a nice resort hotel complex… on a beach… in a moderate clime… isn’t it?

For those of you that are unaware of what this conference is about, this conference is being called COP16/CMP6. That stands for — prepare to doze off here — the 16th edition of Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP) and the 6th Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP). Just like the UN to puff itself up with grand sounding titles, isn’t it?

And it’s a good thing we are here in time to save the earth, too. I mean what with thousands of delegates having winged their way here on private jets and as they drive themselves about in fleets of armored SUVs, as well as the hundreds if not a thousand or more Agentes Policiacos Federales and military personnel driving about in trucks toting machine guns and armored vests to keep us all safe from drug cartels, why it’s about the nick of time that we are here to save the planet.
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The Con in Cancun: UN Climate Change Summit Update”

UN Climate Summit: The Con in Cancun

-By Warner Todd Huston

In but a few hours I’ll be headed to Chicago’s O’Hare airport to wing my way to sunny Cancun to do a few days reporting on the U.N. Climate Change Summit. As is my luck in life, sunny Cancun will be rainy Cancun if the weatherman is to be believed. Of course, weather reports aren’t the only thing going on down there that isn’t to be believed.

There has already been some guffaw inducing inanities in Cancun. For instance, an Oxfam report is telling summit attendees that “more than twice the number” of people have died from natural disasters in 2010 than have in 2009. And they tell us this is all due to global warming even though they also admit “it is impossible to link any single event with rising temperatures.”

What is the solution to the problem that Oxfam cannot prove exists? Why your money, of course. Oxfam wants the U.S. to establish a “Green Fund” of at least $100 billion annually to combat all this carnage and global warming.

If a big, multi-billion dollar slush fund that’s at the beck and call of globaloney peddlers isn’t enough, summit attendees are also demanding that the whole civilized world ration itself back to the stone age to “solve” global warming/climate change.
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UN Climate Summit: The Con in Cancun”

Al Gore’s Climate Exchange Scheme Utterly Fails… Media Ignores It All

-By Warner Todd Huston

Al Gore’s much ballyhooed Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) has recently announced that it will no longer be engaging in carbon trading, an activity that was the sole purpose that it was created. This is an utter failure of purpose in global warming hysteria yet the Old Media is almost completely silent on this colossal failure.

Why has the media remained utterly quite on this abject failure after unleashing on the public an avalanche of stories that touted the creation of the CCX back in 2000 — and since for that matter? Roger L. Simon and David Thomson wonder just that.

The CCX was the brainchild of Northwestern University business professor Richard Sandor, who used $1.1 million in grants from the Chicago-based left-wing Joyce Foundation to launch the CCX. For his efforts, Time named Sandor as one of its Heroes of the Planet in 2002 and one of its Heroes of the Environment in 2007.

But as of the October 21 announcement that carbon trading would end, the Old Media is nowhere to be seen on the story.
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Al Gore’s Climate Exchange Scheme Utterly Fails… Media Ignores It All”

Nanny State Republican Upton Wants House Energy Committee Chair?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Light bulb banning Republican Fred Upton (R, Mich) is angling to become the new GOP chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee as the House begins to look to adjusting to reflect the Republican’s tidal wave election. Upton is a perfect example of the sort of representative that the new GOP congress needs to think about very carefully before elevating them to higher positions.

Upton has the seniority to take the position, it is true, but his past nanny state-styled votes for banning the light bulb in favor of CFLs makes his bid troubling taking into consideration the conservative direction voters went on November 2 — and Upton didn’t just vote for the bill, he co-sponsored it with the left leaning Dem. Jane Harmon of California.

Upton’s voting record is quite a mixed bag where it concerns proving his conservative credentials. Along with the nanny-state light bulb ban vote, Upton also voted against extending the Bush tax cuts, he was in favor of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), as well as the first stimulus bill.
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Nanny State Republican Upton Wants House Energy Committee Chair?”

Eco-Fascists in England Want You Dead Unless You Agree With Them

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is an eco-nazi effort going on in England called the 10:10 Campaign and in a video meant to encourage people to join the green effort people that disagree with the eco-nazis are murdered for their skepticism. Apparently murdering those that disagree with you is supposed to be funny.

In a Telegraph article, James Delingpole says, “Eco-fascism jumps the shark.” It hink it’s done more than that. It’s revealed its fascist nature.

Dear Brittany, did you know your tax money went to pay for this disgusting, hateful, fascist eco-nonsense? So, if you don’t believe in Globaloney you should be murdered in the messiest of manners? Yep, that’s the Nazis on the left I know, for sure. If you don’t agree with them, why you should be “re-educated” or killed.

As Delingpole’s article notes, this garbage was not only sponsored by the British government it was also funded by a few private businesses: O2, Sony and Kyocera. You might want to let them know of your displeasure.

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Eco-Fascists in England Want You Dead Unless You Agree With Them”

Calif. AB32 Set to Make Bad Economy Worse

-By Warner Todd Huston

Four years ago those Californians, ever the starry-eyed dreamers, came up with the “Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006,” also called AB32. But like most of these global warming laws, the results will be to oppress the economy and throw people out of work while doing little about global warming.

The law mandates that by 2020 the state’s greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced to 1990 levels. Supporters say it is the premiere global warming reducer in the nation and makes California a leader in new green technologies. Critics say it is killing jobs right during the worst economy since The Great Depression, a time when jobs are needed most to bring California out of the black hole that the budget has fallen into.

To counter the deleterious effects of AB32 opponents have introduced Proposition 23, a ballot initiative that would put a hold on AB32 until unemployment drops below 5.5% and stays at that rate for at least a year.
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Calif. AB32 Set to Make Bad Economy Worse”

Discovery Hostage Taker Following the Typical Envrio-Extremist’s Path

-By Warner Todd Huston

This James Jay Lee that was shot down by police in Maryland after taking hostages inside the headquarters of the Discovery Channel cable station has followed the typical environmental extremist’s path to insanity.

If you are unaware, James Jay Lee was an enviro-extremist. He was so extreme that he felt that people should not be allowed to have any more children because it was “killing” the planet.

In his rambling manifesto he implored the Discovery Channel to change its programming. “Focus must be given on how people can live WITHOUT giving birth to more filthy human children since those new additions continue pollution and are pollution,” Lee wrote. (See .pdf of his manifesto)

Sadly, his psychotic devotion to global warming left him dead. But, as I said he’s followed the normal path to complete radicalism, a path we see with animal rights nuts, other enviro wackos… in fact it is the path that all extremists take.

Here is how it goes:
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Discovery Hostage Taker Following the Typical Envrio-Extremist’s Path”

Obama Scrubs White House Website of Climate Change Promises, Media Mum

-By Warner Todd Huston

Despite that President Obama made Cap and Trade and other green policy plans a focal point of his early days in office — not to mention his campaign for president — the White House has quietly scrubbed from its official website many of Obama’s promises and green initiatives. I guess the era of Obama really is “change you can believe in”?

Especially interesting it the sudden disappearance of Obama’s plan to commit $150 billion on clean energy research and development.

In 2008 as Obama was preparing to take office he featured on his “Office of the President Elect” website a pledge to spend $150 billion on energy R & D. As of today, that pledge is still there.
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Obama Scrubs White House Website of Climate Change Promises, Media Mum”

Toilet Paper ‘Down Under’ To Cost More Thanks To Green Policies

-By Warner Todd Huston

First the greenies came to take away our lightbulbs in the U.S. and force us to buy more expensive ones. Now the greenies are on the march in Australia with the unkindest swipe of all: forcing Australians to pay 42 percent more for toilet paper.

In a report recently put out by Tim Wilson of (.pdf of report), we find greenism being used as a cover to foster protectionist trade restrictions in Australia. Wilson reveals that toilet tissue companies in Australia are using fake green concerns to keep competing foreign toilet paper products from reaching the country. These restrictive polices will cause the cost of toilet paper in Australia to climb as competition is eliminated.

Further he cites the use of fake green policies serving as cover for restrictionist policies in other countries, too. Not just by governments, but corporations and even unions are using fake green issues to serve their desires to dampen free trade internationally.
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Toilet Paper ‘Down Under’ To Cost More Thanks To Green Policies”

Green Weenie Loses Enviro-Wacko Mind

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a tale of geenism gone wild, a man in Toronto went into a rage over his next door neighbor’s trash bin. This high priest of greenism was at his greenwits end because the woman dared to improperly sort her pop cans from her regular trash.

This loony greenie went into a rage of righteous indignation and began assaulting the poor woman until the police had to be called to remove the enviro-religionist from the premises.

Good thing greenies think humans are all evil creatures that need to be wiped off the face of mother earth. After all, if this man’s religion respected humans he might be found in violation of his beliefs.

So an “A” for effort goes to this greewiewacko from Canada. I am sure that every greenie reading this right now is nodding their head in solidarity with this nutcase and agreeing that the woman deserved her pelting.

All hail Gaia.
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Green Weenie Loses Enviro-Wacko Mind”

Daily Kos Editor Says Global Warming Skeptics Should Commit Suicide

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is how the left treats those with whom they disagree, folks. Daily Kos contributing editor and writer Steven Andrew has suggested that anyone that disagrees with the globaloney of global warming should commit suicide in a “Soylent Green world.”

In his examiner column headlined, “Studies Show Dramatic Decrease in Plankton,” Andrew made what he called a “symbolic suggestion” that might “be in bad taste.”

After railing that skeptic Steve Millroy “regularly carpet bombs newspaper editorial pages with climate change disinformation,” Andrew then makes his “suggestion.”
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Daily Kos Editor Says Global Warming Skeptics Should Commit Suicide”