Defunding of Planned Parenthood Upended With Secret Amendment in Tennessee Budget Work

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the Things Wrong With Our Legislative System Appears in Tennessee

One of the things wrong with our system of creating legislation and passing it into law in America today has appeared in Tennessee. The Volunteer State is not the only place things like this happen, either.

Recently the Tennessee legislature passed a bill to remove state funding from the abortion mill operator Planned Parenthood. The bill was a hard fought victory for the Tennessee GOP and finds favor with the voters as well. As it happens, while the budget was winding its way through the Tennessee legislature a thus far unnamed state senator slipped in an amendment that no one saw, no one voted on, and no one knew anything about. This surreptitious amendment completely upends the defunding of Planned Parenthood quite despite the open legislative process that eliminated the funding in the first place.
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Defunding of Planned Parenthood Upended With Secret Amendment in Tennessee Budget Work”

Tenn. Voters To Get Chance to Say Abortion Not A ‘Protected Right’

-By Warner Todd Huston

This could shape up as a major battle between supporters of infanticide and pro-lifers in 2014. Pro-abortion forces will likely flood the Volunteer State with out-of-state money to defeat a referendum that may appear on the 2014 ballot allowing citizens to decide whether or not their state constitution really does have a special right protecting abortion.

This referendum is aimed at over turning a 2000 state court decision that read all sorts of “rights” into the Tennessee Constitution that had for 200 years never appeared there. The decision erased several state laws restricting abortion under the assumption that the state constitution had even stronger protections for abortion that does the U.S. Constitution.

The referendum will read as follows:
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Tenn. Voters To Get Chance to Say Abortion Not A ‘Protected Right’”

Budget Victory: All Right, Tea Partiers, Time to Stop Whining and Learn Politics

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sorry Tea Partiers, but the GOP won this budget battle despite that you didn’t get all you wanted, this was a major GOP win. In fact, treating it otherwise endangers further cuts and bigger budget wins. If the drive to cut the budget stops now, it might be YOUR fault!

What is that you say? Gosh, we only got a paltry $38.5 billion in cuts? You say this is a loss because we were promised $100 billion and even that is a drop in the bucket with a budget trillions overspent?

Yes, your laments are all true to a degree. And here’s the “but” you know is coming…

…but it’s time for you Tea Partiers to grow up and learn a little something about reality and politics. Oh, you can scrunch your face up all you want over that dirty word, “politics.” But you’d better come to learn, it, live it, and love it if you really want to keep your influence and continue pushing the government down this new path to the budget cuts.
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Budget Victory: All Right, Tea Partiers, Time to Stop Whining and Learn Politics”

Pro-Life Group Rallies in Chicago

This past weekend in Chicago, pro-lifers came together to pay a special tribute to pro-life activism hero, Joe Scheidler. Pro-abortion groups found out about the event and began organizing a protest. Fortunately, the Chicago “LIFE Mob” had the event covered. They showed up with their trademark yellow “LIFE” balloons, outnumbered the protesters, and showed their support for Joe.

Students for Life of Illinois

GOP Hopefuls Support Cuts to Planned Parenthood Funding

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember, President Obama is an advocate of infanticide…

The pro-life organization Susan B. Anthony List has announced that nine potential GOP presidential candidates have signed on to a call for Congress to defund the abortion mill organization Planned Parenthood.

The pro-life group has statements from Rep. Michelle Bachmann, Governor Haley Barbour, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, former Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Gov. Sarah Palin, Rep. Ron Paul, Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Gov. Mitt Romney,and former Senator Rick Santorum all saying in one way or another the Planned Parenthood should be defunded.

Abortion is certainly an issue that shine a light of stark differences between Republicans and President Ogbama. Obama is solidly for abortion. In fact, he is a supporter of infanticide as his own words have clearly shown.
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GOP Hopefuls Support Cuts to Planned Parenthood Funding”

New Pro-Life Billboard With Obama Image From Group Warning of ‘Black Genocide’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago, Illinois: A new pro-life billboard will be unveiled on March 29 on Chicago’s South side in a heavily African American area. The Chicago billboard will feature a graphic of President Obama with its message saying, “Every 21 minutes, our next possible leader is aborted.”

The display is sponsored by the pro-life group Life Always, the same group that put up a billboard in New York informing New Yorkers that abortion is no less than genocide against America’s black population.

The billboard in New York was so controversial that it only lasted a short time before it was taken down due to death threats and threats of violence issued by abortion activists.
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New Pro-Life Billboard With Obama Image From Group Warning of ‘Black Genocide’”

Texas Abortion Centers Killing Teen’s Babies Without Informing Parents

-By Warner Todd Huston

Texas has a parental notification law for abortions. Underage teens are not supposed to be allowed to have the procedure until her parents are made aware of the crisis. Unfortunately, it has been discovered that many abortion mills in Texas are breaking the law and killing the babies of under aged girls without informing parents.

But there are more violations than just that. A three-month-long investigation by a pro-life group has also found that medical records are routinely and illegally destroyed and hazardous medical waste is commonly disposed of illegally. reports that Operation Rescue has announced that it has identified several abortion clinics that have violated regulations imposed by the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
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Texas Abortion Centers Killing Teen’s Babies Without Informing Parents”

Planned Parenthood Funding A Defacto Abortion Tax on America

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the anniversary of Roe v. Wade it is the perfect time to highlight the fact that the millions upon millions of federal tax dollars that have gone to fund the abortion mill organization Planned Parenthood is a defacto abortion tax levied on the American taxpayers.

In 2008 alone, Planned Parenthood received nearly $350 million in federal funding. By Planned Parenthood’s own reckoning, this funding went to eliminate babies for more than 324,000 women that year.

The organization reports that Planned Parenthood has received some $3.9 billion in federal funds since 1987. Pro-life supporters should go to www. and add their voice to eliminating federal funding for abortions.
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Planned Parenthood Funding A Defacto Abortion Tax on America”

Pro-Life label can be Very Inaccurate

-By Kevin Roeten

It’s very confusing when someone says they’re pro-life. What exactly does that mean? Does that indicate the alleged pro-life person would vote to directly affect Roe vs. Wade (SC decision in 1973 that made it legal to abort in all months of pregnancy)? Heath Shuler (D/NC) claims he’s pro-life, but his Asheville office said in 2008 that he would not vote to rescind Roe vs. Wade.

It’s easy to go a step further. Would it be OK to abort if you thought something was seriously wrong with the baby? If you knew it had Down Syndrome? If it was conceived by incest? By rape? What if you thought you needed to get rid of it for another reason?

With Tim Tebow, doctors told Pam (mom) she needed to abort Tim, because all the strong medications she took being pregnant while fighting amoebic dysentery, may have caused irreversible damage. Pam refused; Tim was born, and received the Heisman Trophy as a sophomore (2007) playing for the Florida Gator football team.
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Pro-Life label can be Very Inaccurate”

Shuttering New Jersey Abortion Mills: Another Reason Why Christie is a Hero

-By Warner Todd Huston

Aside from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie taking the fight to the state’s greedy, education-killing teachers union the Gov has also struck a blow against rampant abortion in the Garden State by taking away state funding to abortion mills. Steven Ertelt reports that at least one Planned Parenthood office is closing down and others are looking to “creative” budgeting to stay open.

In July Governor Christie vetoed a bill that would restore the $7.5 million of state funding that the legislature tried to implement after Christie removed that funding from the budget. Democrats in Trenton thought they had enough votes to override Christie’s veto, but at the last minute state Republicans backed out of signing onto the override.

Parenthood of Southern New Jersey president Lynn Brown told the newspaper, “We are in think mode and creative mode and we are doing all that we can to try and salvage to see as many people as we need to see.”

“We all know it’s strictly ideological,” Brown said of the funding cuts to the abortion business. “This is a very frustrating and perplexing time for us.”

Perplexing? What is so hard about understanding that the state is nearly bankrupt and can’t be wasting money on killing babies?
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Shuttering New Jersey Abortion Mills: Another Reason Why Christie is a Hero”

Abortion Options: Limit Lifetime, Restrict Childbearing, and/or Suffer

-By Kevin Roeten

If you opt for an abortion, you opt for restrictions on your life including death. That doesn’t sound like ‘empowering’ the woman, but weakening her, limiting her choices, and forcing her to be subservient to the whims of society. Of course, it doesn’t include putting a human to death. One that already has every chromosome in place that includes hair color, intelligence, gender, and all attributes.

Abortion and birth control have health risks (1) that should be told to women. But Planned Parenthood never does. The British College of Psychiatrists admits abortion causes mental health problems (2). It is known abortion is more risky for women than normal childbirth (3). A Canadian study reveals a 93% increased risk of a premature birth after a second abortion (6).

After an abortion, PTSD rates increased for women by 61% in a South African study, where sleep disorders were more prevalent (7), babies were more likely to be premature or underweight (8), children were linked to higher rates of child abuse (9), and many other studies have found women with a history of abortion are at increased risk for depression, generalized anxiety disorder, suicidal tendencies, substance abuse, psychiatric hospitalization, and other problems (10). As suspected, new study has revealed a 66% increased breast cancer increase after abortion (5).
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Abortion Options: Limit Lifetime, Restrict Childbearing, and/or Suffer”

Abortionist’s Hypocrisy: Infant Survives Abortion, Found Alive 2 Days Later

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently a baby in Italy was put through horror for his two short days of life in an incident that puts paid to the hypocrisy of those that think that an in vitro human infant is not really a human at all.

This child survived a botched abortion then was laid alone in a cold room struggling to live for 20 hours before anyone bothered to notice it survived the attempted ending of its life. His torture lasted another day before death finally arrived to claim him.

Once the baby was found still hanging onto life after “doctors” tried to kill it, the hospital made a sudden, vain attempt to bring it to health. To complete the circus atmosphere, after the child passed, police in Italy began a homicide investigation of the incident. Why? Because in Italy infanticide is illegal.

Confused? You should be.
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Abortionist’s Hypocrisy: Infant Survives Abortion, Found Alive 2 Days Later”

New Illinois Pro-Abortion Bill Out of Committee, Let’s STOP This Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

HB6205 was passed out of the House Human Services Committee in Springfield today, March 10, by a vote of 5 to 2. This bill is one of the most radical pro-abortion bills ever sponsored in the Illinois State House but we still have a chance to stop it by encouraging our various representatives to vote “no” on this dangerous piece of legislation.

HB6205 will put in place some of the most radical abortion rules ever in the state of Illinois should it pass. The bill would :
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New Illinois Pro-Abortion Bill Out of Committee, Let’s STOP This Bill”

Illinois Dangerous ‘Presumed Consent’ Organ Donor Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois State Senator Dale Risinger (R, Peoria) has offered a bill in Springfield that drives our society further along the path of making parts of the human body a commodity, undercutting the sacred status of human life.

SB 3613, the Presumed Donor bill, amends the Illinois Anatomical Gift Act to define all Illinois patients as “presumed donors” unless they specifically avail themselves of the opt out clause. In other words, unless you tell the government that in the case of your presumed brain death you don’t want your body parts cut out and donated to other patients, they will be cut out and given to others.

As the law stands now a potential donor has to opt in to the organ donor program in order to allow the government to authorize usage of organs in case of brain death. One must inform the state ahead of time that one will agree to donate his organs. This bill would reverse that process of consent. If SB 3613 passes all patients will be assumed to be fodder for transplants unless they’ve specifically told the state that they do not want their body parts to be parceled out to other people.

As the synopsis of the bill states: This bill, “Provides that, on and after July 1, 2012, each resident of Illinois who is of sound mind and who has attained the age of 18 years is presumed, by operation of law, to have given all of his or her body for any organ donation purposes.”

Proponents of this bill say that it will help alleviate the desperate need for donor organs and will help hundreds of patients live that might otherwise die due to their disease and lack of donor organs.

It does sound like a great idea until one begins to look at it all with a bit more logical eye. Laws like a “presumed donor” law could easily cause doctors to care less for the injured when looking to harvest organs for patients waiting transplants. And since the criteria for a transplant includes the donor’s “brain death” one is struck with abuse that such a designation could lead to.
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Illinois Dangerous ‘Presumed Consent’ Organ Donor Bill”

Abortion Rates Rose in Illinois 2008

-By Warner Todd Huston

United Press International is reporting that abortion rates rose five percent in Illinois in 2008. Illinois doctors performed 47,717 abortions, the most in five years.

The state Department of Public Health reported 47,717 abortions in 2008, the latest year for which it has figures. In 1998, there were 49,403.

There is a law on the books that could bring this number down, of course, but extreme leftists and infanticide fans in the state have stalled its implementation over and over again. A Parental Notification Law for teens 17 and under was passed in 1995 and the left has been fighting it in court ever since. So far, every attempt they’ve made to have it declared unconstitutional has failed, yet each year they continue to find pliant, ant-constitutional judges to once again declare it “on hold” until its legal status can be “reviewed” and determined.
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Abortion Rates Rose in Illinois 2008″

Illinois Parental Notification for Abortions Delayed AGAIN! Call Springfield Now!

-By Warner Todd Huston

(Passed on from my friend Eunice Conn)

It took 14 years to get the Parental Notification Bill of 1995 passed in August(of this year) in Illinois. Then, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation decided to enact a 90-day “grace period” to give abortionists time to prepare for the new policy.

That grace period should have ended today (Tuesday, Nov. 3) but….well you know our Illinois Gov’t. They approved another extension.

Tomorrow, they will decide how much time they need.

If you are so inclined contact Gov. Quinn and urge him to instruct the Dept. of Financial and Professional Regulation to end the delay.

Govern Quinn, Springfield Office : 217-782-0244

Governor Quinn, Chicago Office: 312-814-2121

Sacramento City College Crushes Student’s Free Speech

**UDPATE** 11/9/09

-By Warner Todd Huston

For Constitution Day this year at Sacramento City College Associated Student Government (ASG) President and student Steve Macias arranged for a group named Genocide Awareness Project, an anti-abortion group, to participate on campus in the Constitution Day activities.

The group was approved for participation by the ASG and set up its booth at the appointed time. And then the world came to an end. Pro-Infanticide groups such as Planned Parenthood set up their own, countering booths the next day and left-wing hatemongers in the student body immediately began to circulate a recall petition to have Mr. Macias removed from the Associated Student Government leadership.

There is also some speculation that this insane, un-American recall effort being visited upon Mr. Macias is being tacitly approved of by the College adviser overseeing the ASG.
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Sacramento City College Crushes Student’s Free Speech”

40 Democrats Lining Up to Oppose Pelosi’s Abortion Funding in Healthcare Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

The news is full of the behind closed doors deals being made by Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Pelosi but all is not harmonious in the land of healthcare “reform.”

One example of this is the fight amongst Democrats over abortion funding in Obamacare. Despite claims to the contrary, abortion will be funded by these various healthcare bills floating about in Congress. This fact makes moderate and conservative Democrats uneasy and forms just one of the many disagreements that Democrats are having with Democrats over Obamacare.

The Hill reports on this disagreement that has seen a group of up to 40 House Democrats banding together to oppose abortion funding in Obamacare.
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40 Democrats Lining Up to Oppose Pelosi’s Abortion Funding in Healthcare Bill”

Obamacare’s Abortion Fight Heats Up

-By Warner Todd Huston

Steven Ertelt raised the alarm today that Congressional Democrats are looking for ways to sneak federally funded abortion into Obama’s massive take over of one sixth of the nation’s economy by nationalizing our healthcare system.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R, Iowa) is warning of the Democrat’s abortion funding plans, as well. “On abortion, despite commitments made by the President and Secretary Sebelius,” Grassely warned, “this bill does not follow the longstanding principle that federal funds should not be provided for elective abortions.”

But pro-life forces are not sitting idly by.
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Obamacare’s Abortion Fight Heats Up”

I Agree: Birth Control COULD Save the Planet

-By Warner Todd Huston

This may shock many of my conservative fans, but I cannot remain quiet about my support for the singularly brilliant idea that Obama’s so-called science czar offered in the 1975 college textbook Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment. Birth control, it was theorized, could save the planet. I have to say that I wholeheartedly agree.

In 1975, John Holdren argued for a perfect way to save the planet. “Compulsory control of family size is an unpalatable idea,” Holdren wrote in 1975, “but the alternatives may be much more horrifying.”

In essence, Obama’s operative Holdren is saying that preventing new births is the best way to save the planet from an out-of-control humanity. And I have to say, I cannot disagree.

We need to get this idea out to everyone in Holdren and Obama’s fandom. It is simply undeniable logic that if Obamaites, liberals, socialists, greens, enviro-nazis, communists, Democrats and anti-Americans everywhere cease having babies, this planet will be much, much better off.
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I Agree: Birth Control COULD Save the Planet”

Will Obamacare Put Abortion Providers in Schools?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In a section innocuously titled “School-Based Health Clinics,” the House bill, H.R. 3200, seems to set up Democrats to invite groups like Planned Parenthood into our schools to serve as a school “health clinic.” (‘Sec. 399Z-1. School-Based Health Clinics.)

And even more insidiously the bill provides for these “clinics” to be initiated immediately — effective date to be July 1, 2010 — whereas much of the rest of H.R. 3200 does not take effect until 2013. Why the rush? If one were cynical, one might think that the fast tracking of these “clinics” was meant to catch critics off guard. After all, if these “clinics” are slipped into our schools before anyone is aware of them, it will be harder to get them out or to protest the whole deal beforehand.

Here is how Sec. 399Z-1 begins:
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Will Obamacare Put Abortion Providers in Schools?”

Despite Obama’s Claim, Obamacare WILL Fund Abortions

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama has accused opponents of abortion of “fabrication” when they say that Obamacare provides federal funds for abortions. He’s calling them liars despite the fact that basically sides with abortion opponents claiming that the president’s polices will fund abortion.

So, who’s fabricating now, Mr. Obama?

On August 19, Obama made the assertion that federal funding for abortion is a “fabrication.”

You’ve heard that this is all going to mean government funding of abortion. Not true. This is all, these are all fabrications that have been put out there in order to discourage people from meeting what I consider to be a core ethical and moral obligation…

(Hear audio of Obama’s speech HERE.)

So what does say of the president’s outrageous claim?
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Despite Obama’s Claim, Obamacare WILL Fund Abortions”

Reason Asks, Why is Killing Abortionists Wrong? Because it is Un-Christian, That’s Why!

-By Warner Todd Huston

On a recent Reason Magazine blog called “Hit and Run,” Jacob Sullum asks the tough question of why it’s wrong to kill an abortion doctor if the killer truly believes that abortion is murder? Why would Christian groups, Sullum wonders, denounce the murder of abortionist, George Tiller?

Sullum asks what might appear to be logical questions, but it also seems that he didn’t do much to research the issue before posing them. My cursory look at Christian ethics and the Bible, for instance, shows that there is no way in keeping with a Christian worldview to justify the killing of an abortion doctor by a lone actor outside the duly constituted law.

Still, Sullum asks some salient questions and offers some pointed remarks and they deserve to be addressed.

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Reason Asks, Why is Killing Abortionists Wrong? Because it is Un-Christian, That’s Why!”

Publius Statement on Tiller Murder

It is the policy of Publius’ Forum to decry the heinous murder of George Tiller, infamous abortionist from Kansas. There is no justification whatever for this act of barbarism.

The policy of this site is that abortion is always wrong in all but 1% of the cases (life of the mother only) and should be made illegal in ALL others. But, since we stand for protection of innocent life, we also cannot condone violence against abortion doctors anymore than we can against a fetus in the womb.

However, the law of the land holds that abortion is legal under certain circumstances. While we will work to change that, the fact is George Tiller was not “guilty” of any violation o the law. Further, it is generally not the duty of citizens to take the law into their own hands to mete out punishment. So, this killing of Tiller does NOT meet any standard of justification.

As Christians, we feel that punishment is the duty of the state and God, not individuals.

We do nominally support the death penalty, but this is a punishment for wrong doing and we feel it does not equate to abortion in the least. However, it is also the policy of these pages that the death penalty has been woefully misapplied in the U.S. and needs a major overhaul, so no automatic agreement with said punishment is assumed.

Finally, we will point out that Tiller’s murderer is NOT affiliated with any legitimate pro-life organization, so he is no more indicative of the pro-life movement than say Charles Manson was of the 60s Counter Culture movement.

We grieve for Dr. Tiller’s family and hope that his killer is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Christian University Decertifies Democrat Club, Why it is the Right Decision

-By Warner Todd Huston

Tell me President Obama, how many babies would Jesus kill?

Liberty University, a Christian college situated near Lynchburg, Virginia and founded in 1971 by Jerry Falwell, has this week decertified its college Democratic Party club over the singular fact that the National Democratic Party is a supporter of abortion. After the debacle of allowing a president that is a supporter of infanticide being invited to speak at the leading Catholic University in the nation, I can only say that Liberty University should be congratulated for standing up for its principles. At least these Baptists actually believe in something unlike the putative Catholics at Notre Dame.

But is this a violation of political free speech in a nation where the Democratic Party is a long-standing, historically important political force that is followed by half the electorate and currently holds a majority of the seats in our national government? Are these students having their speech illicitly quashed by Liberty University?

The simple answer is a resounding “no.”

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Christian University Decertifies Democrat Club, Why it is the Right Decision”

Did Sessions Say Abortion is Not a Problem for Judicial Candidates?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michael O’Brien over at The Hill reports that Senator Jeff Sessions (R, Ala.) told Fox News recently that he had no litmus test on abortion for judicial candidates and that a judge that had pro-abortion views could get his vote for confirmation.

This might alarm anyone that is vehemently anti-abortion. It should also alarm all those conservatives that pushed for Senator Sessions to be made the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

…but hold your outrage for just a minute. Let’s more closely look at what he said.

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Did Sessions Say Abortion is Not a Problem for Judicial Candidates?”

Sorry About Your Loss, Mom. Now Can We Use Part of Your Baby?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Professor Sir Richard Gardner, a leading scientist for stem cell research at Oxford University, England, proposed using parts of aborted fetuses as transplantable material for the ill last week causing great concern for those believing in the sanctity of human life.

Sir Richard called for studies into the feasibility of transplanting fetal organs into adults and found it curious that it hasn’t been done already. He claimed it would take much research to prove the feasibility of the idea.

Imagine what this concept would result in, however. Who cannot realize the Pandora’s box of horrors that would be opened with this idea? Should such an idea take hold we necessarily would find doctors telling mothers that it is OK to abort their children because it “might save a life” all so that researchers would have more fetal material to study.

And it could get even worse if such research would find the idea feasible. We would then end up with doctors pushing abortion so that we could begin to disseminate fetal tissue to prolong other people’s lives. We would therefore be setting up a system of purposefully killing infants to prolong the lives of older humans.

What sort of society kills its young to provide spare parts to make older people live longer?

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Sorry About Your Loss, Mom. Now Can We Use Part of Your Baby?”

Obama to Force HIS Moral Standards on YOU

-By Warner Todd Huston

Just a reminder that Barack Obama still has the inaptly named Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) on his plate. During the campaign Obama promised to work on the act as one of his first efforts as president. For those unaware, this law would take away the rights of parents to be notified when their children are undergoing abortions, will cancel state laws against partial birth abortion and nationalize rules governing abortion. It will force taxpayer funding for abortion nationwide and force all hospitals and healthcare facilities run by religious organizations to act against their religious principles by forcing them to become abortion mills.

The FOCA attempts to redefine abortion as a Constitutionally protected right and to federalize all abortion rules taking away the right of the states to make their own laws concerning the issue and, thereby, taking away the right of the voters to add their voice to the debate.

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