Union Thugs Hurl Racial Taunts in North Dakota

-By Warner Todd Huston

Union-lovers and Democrats point to Tea Party enthusiasts routinely calling them “racists” and “violent.” Yet, since the Tea Party movement began, no racial epithets nor violence has been reported or proven. On the other hand, month in and month out we have seen one example of union members engaging in both racism and violence. This week in North Dakota we have yet one more example of unions acting like racists.

Police say union supporters have directed racial slurs and racist symbols at replacement workers and security personnel outside an American Crystal Sugar plant in North Dakota.

Last week we saw union members engaging in terrorist behavior when members of the Longshoremen’s union attacked the public docks in Longview, Washington. There union members destroyed property and took hostages in a dispute with management.

Unions are antithetical to rule of law. We’ve seen it over and over for decades.

Finally, as always, remember this: These are the people that Obama supports and that support Obama.
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Union Thugs Hurl Racial Taunts in North Dakota”

Obama Now Trying to Intimidate Consultants and PR Firms of Businesses

-By Warner Todd Huston

True to form, even as he says he wants to cut regulations, Obama’s regulatory army is marching hard against business and this week the president’s Labor Dept. has unleashed yet another salvo in order to hurt the business sector. Before I start this explanation of yet another Obama powergrab through his powers to regulate, may I remember you all that this president has made a big, fake show out of claiming that he wants to cut unnecessary regulations? While he says it a lot, he’s made few attempt to live up to the claim.

Now, in two weeks — Sept. 24 to be exact — the public comment period on Obama’s newest powergrab will be over and the Dept. of Labor will undertake to implement a new scheme to make it uncomfortable for PR firms. law firms, polling firms, and communications companies of all sorts to do business with companies that have employees, workers that might in the future be unionized or currently are unionized.

The new regulation by Obama’s Labor Dept. would force all “persuaders” to register with the government and disclose all their financial info to the DOL.
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Obama Now Trying to Intimidate Consultants and PR Firms of Businesses”

Union Members Take Hostages, Destroy Property: But Remember, Tea Party is ‘Dangerous’

-By Warner Todd Huston

After months of accusations that it is the Tea Party movement that is somehow “dangerous” to America, much of such rhetoric coming from union members and their supporters, we get union members of the Longshoremen storming the Port of Longview, Washington taking hostages, destroying property, and generally acting like lawless thugs.

Imagine what the news would have been if it were people identifying themselves as Tea Partiers that attacked a place, took hostages, and went on a protracted campaign of property destruction. There would have been congressional resolutions denouncing the Tea Party, there would be wall-to-wall coverage and ultimately multiple investigations from every corner.

Yet, since it was union members involved, we get a few passing reports in the media and we all move on to the debut of the new NFL season.
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Union Members Take Hostages, Destroy Property: But Remember, Tea Party is ‘Dangerous’”

AFL-CIO Prez: Hey, Remember 9/11? Was a Great Union Moment, Right?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In one of the most disgusting examples of the self-absorption of the union mind set, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka decided that his 9/11 memorial would not be much about 9/11, but would instead be just another excuse to say how great unions are and how evil conservatives are. This isn’t just gauche, but insulting, infuriating, and just plain ignorant. Not only that, but it is most certainly disrespectful of the fallen and just plain un-American.

But, then again, that describes unions in just about every instance, doesn’t it?

Disgustingly, the AFL-CIO’s Trumka turned a “memorial” to 9/11 into a union snake-oil sales pitch. Worse he began with an almost dismissive attitude to the memory of the attacks on our homeland.
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AFL-CIO Prez: Hey, Remember 9/11? Was a Great Union Moment, Right?”

Lefty Protesters: Here’s a Poll to Help Us Find Out What We are REALLY Mad About

-By Warner Todd Huston

I had to laugh when I found out about the left’s newest protest du jour. They are hopin’ mad, don’t cha know? So mad that they are busy organizing marches, protests, civil disobedience, and all sorts of activities to protest it all. But amusingly they aren’t even sure what it is they are mad about.

So, like all good citizens in the age of technology, they’ve created a Facebook poll to find out what they should protest!

Now, let me say this: if you are being oppressed by someone, if your life is so bad that you need to organize protests, usually “the problem” is pretty obvious in its seriousness. I mean, if things are so bad that you need mass resistance, you shouldn’t need any Facebook polls to discover what the problem is. It just should be pretty darn obvious.

Other folks in our modern age don’t need polls to find out what to protest. The so-called Arab Spring has its dictators to oppose. The Chinese Falun Gong have that whole being tortured and murdered by Chinese authorities thing going on — a pretty good thing to protest, I’d say. Heck, even though I don’t agree with them, many in the Eurotrash set have something to protest in that their governments are finally wising up and cutting entitlements. It’s all some pretty obvious stuff to oppose, murder, oppression, and entitlement cuts is.
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Lefty Protesters: Here’s a Poll to Help Us Find Out What We are REALLY Mad About”

Just a Video Reminder: Lefty Protesters Hate America

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago blogger Rebel Patriot took his video camera to Daley Plaza in downtown Chicago to film a few of the leftist protesters infesting the place last week. He talked to a commie for a few minutes as seen below.

But before you see it I just want to point out, though, that THIS guy is the quintessential Democrat/left-winger/union protester that you see at every pro-union, pro-Democrat rally. Not merely some of them. ALL of them.

At every protest you will find these sort of nuts lurking about. The murder-loving Che Guevara supporters, the socialists hawking their newspapers, the communists in the fist-shirts, the anti-Americans droning on and on about how evil America is… you see them everywhere at every single left of center protest.
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Just a Video Reminder: Lefty Protesters Hate America”

Leftist Pigs Make Democrat Dumpster of D.C.

-By Warner Todd Huston

The extremists of the left-wing had their march yesterday and now look at the garbage they left on our National Mall in Washington D.C.

This disgusting video shows what a few foreign tourists found on the Nation Mall in D.C. after the pigs and slobs of the left-winger’s “On Nation” rally left that public space. A pig sty mess left for our tax dollars to have to pay to clean up. Just like a leftists to make others pa for their mess, isn’t it?

By comparison, the same space was clean as a whistle after Glenn Beck’s crowd left.

Here is a video of a Parks Dept. employee saying that this “One Nation” protest was the “worst” he sees and that Beck’s rally left the grounds clean as a whistle.

There can be no doubt that Democrats and leftists are pigs.

My Other coverage of the “One Nation” rally:

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Leftist Pigs Make Democrat Dumpster of D.C.”

Lefty Rally at Lincoln Memorial Gets Glad Handed By Old Media, But Event a Bust

-By Warner Todd Huston

**UPDATED WITH VIDEO of communist and socialist participants**
**UPDATED 10/03/10 PHOTO of rally from Wash. Memorial**

Naturally the Old Media is doing its level best to pump up the “One Nation” rally. The lefty protest is gathering in front of the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington D.C. today, Oct. 2. But despite the glowing reports by the media there is no denying the fact that few people have turned out for the anti-Tea Party event sponsored by some 400 of America’s most extreme left-wing organizations and their associates in uniondom.

Despite months of planning the event seems like a bust. Sponsored by dozens of unions and groups such as the Communist Party USA, various socialist organizations, Code Pink, the racist Latino group La Raza and other extremist groups, organizers hoped to energize the left just ahead of the midterm elections just one month away. But the numbers that have turned out — even with the streets full of union-sponsored buses — pale in comparison to the Glen Beck rally that many feel the lefties were trying to emulate.


A view of the Glenn Beck ‘Restoring Honor’ rally taken from atop the Washington Monument. This shot clearly shows the throngs of people that attended the event. (PHOTO CREDIT: Doug Schantz /CNN)

This is a screenshot of the live Ustream video just as clearly showing that the crowd attending the ‘One Nation’ rally does not extend very far down the reflecting pool at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial.

Here is a shot that jut came out on Sunday showing the rally from the Washington Memorial showing how few there were compared to the Beck rally above.

Still, the Old Media is putting a sunny face on this debacle. The Washington Post, for instance, says that the One Nation rally is “energizing Liberals,” despite that few have turned out to participate.
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Lefty Rally at Lincoln Memorial Gets Glad Handed By Old Media, But Event a Bust”