They Tell Us What They Are… SOCIALISTS! New Video…

-By Warner Todd Huston

OK, folks, you are the first (well, first after my wife, anyway) to see my newest video conflagration! My newest promulgation, my brand new instigation, if you will. Tell me what you think, won’t you?

‘New Hope’ For American Docs: Help Them Move Overseas, Won’t You?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The despair in the field of medicine over Obama’s government takeover of America’s once vibrant healthcare system can be overwhelming for America’s doctors. Many have said that if Obamacare is implemented, they’ll hang up their stethoscope and retire. The gloom is overpowering.

But WAIT! Help is on the way. A new effort is underway to help these poor doctors get themselves out from under the U.S. Government’s thumb, a new website has been started to keep Obama’s socialist overreach at bay. If you are an American doctor, help has arrived to help you uphold your hippocratic oath and still serve your American free-market, capitalist principles.

At, you can help an American doctor to get to freedom by sending him to a country that values his skills more than Obamabots do.
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‘New Hope’ For American Docs: Help Them Move Overseas, Won’t You?”

Obama Supporter’s Racism Cop Out

-By Warner Todd Huston

If you want to see the ignorance of the left, below is a good video to see it in. In it a woman that supports Obamacare makes all sorts of accusations that everyone is a racist in a confrontation at a small protest outside of Illinois Representative Jan Schakowsky’s Chicago-area offices. Another portly woman whines about the fact that she might be expected pay for her own healthcare and her equally portly boyfriend calls people names and asks what’s wrong with “a little socialism?”

The video shows that the only people filled with hate, the only ones resorting to name-calling and ignorance are the Obamacare supporters. But the you’re-all-racists lady is the most typical example of the left’s empty-headed line of attack against anyone that dares to nay-say their communist ideas.

One of the ignorant things this woman did was dismiss the Holocaust. It is infuriating, of course, that this chubby chider in purple was so dismissive of the Holocaust because there once was slavery. To her, slavery was worse than the Holocaust. A disgusting display of ignorance, of course. It is also a sad display of ignorance that this woman really thought that her “ancestors” were brought to Evanston, Illinois to work a “plantation.” This foolish woman doesn’t appear to know the history of her own people. There WERE no slave plantations in Evanston, Illinois so it is impossible that her ancestors were brought to Evanston to work plantations for white folks.
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Obama Supporter’s Racism Cop Out”

Did Stupak Prostitute Himself for $$ to Home District?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Rep. Bart Stupak caught at Work in Washington D.C.

Why did this “pro-life Democrat” throw away his supposedly principled stand against Obamacare’s forced federal funding of abortion last weekend? Maybe his Friday announcement of $726,409 for “airport maintenance and improvements” has something to do with it?

This money is going to several airports in his home district back in Michigan.

Maybe it’s just a coincidence? Do ya think?

Let’s face it. There is no such thing as a “pro-life” Democrat, nor a religious one, for that matter.

You know what they say? Stupid is as Stupak does.

Obamacare is ‘Like Christmas’ for Democrat Voters

-By Warner Todd Huston

WRAL TV of Durham, N.C. has a story today that exemplifies how Democrats win votes in a most un-American way. In the words of one North Carolina resident and Democrat voter, Democrats are “like Christmas” because with Democrats in office no one has to pay any of their bills.

WRAL had a news story on local reactions to the signing of Obamacare and the report featured video of resident DeCarlo Flythe of Durham, N. C. who was “overjoyed” that Obamacare is here.

Here was Mr. Flythe’s reaction to Obamacare:

“It’s gonna be like Christmas, you know your first Christmas when you want that Barbie doll, so it’s gonna be just like Christmas. I mean it’s gonna be great, you know worries, you know the bills, we can go ahead and pay our co-pay and be all right.”

According to the report, Flythe has a job but doesn’t think he has to pay for his healthcare and he imagines that Obamacare will give it to him for the cost of a co-pay. Co-pays are doctor visit fees in many insurance policies that are typically less then $100 a visit. But co-pays are not all there is to paying for healthcare because the premiums paid to the policies are what is used to cover other aspects of the service to the patient.
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Obamacare is ‘Like Christmas’ for Democrat Voters”

Obamacare’s Awaiting Legal Phoenix

-By Matthew J. O’Connor

With the house of representatives’ imminent passage of Obamacare this evening, the mainstream Sunday political talk shows this morning were already starting in with their “post-passage” spin and genuflection styled reverence of the “new” president who ”transcended politics” accomplishing the near impossible, ”healthcare reform.”

What the mainstream media’s new “post-passage” screed conveniently omits, from its freshly painted narrative, is the fact Obamacare legislation has made an absolute mockery of the legislative process; a process that was abused in ways that cannot be defended on account doing as much would be arguing against the very principles of political liberty, equity and fairness as set-forth within the ultimate social contract underpinning our entire system, the Constitution.

A bold statement? You bet it is and it’s in the arena of bold due to the egregious nature of how the Obama administration and its party led congress has conducted itself over the past 14 months in their, “at all costs” pursuit of their prized ideological trophy, Obamacare.
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Obamacare’s Awaiting Legal Phoenix”

Give ‘Em Hell, John

Watch it and weep…

The United States of America was murdered today by a vote of 219 to 212.

I should note how ill-mannered the Democrats are by their hoots, catcalls, and generally immature behavior the evidence of which can be heard on this video.

Some Healthcare Tweets on My Feed

-By Warner Todd Huston

Of course, nothing could be better than the Tweet I saw from Sky_Bluez: “Stupid is as Stupak does.” That about sums up the whole day so far.

But here are a few others from various folks on my Twitter feed that are worth noting…

  • buelldawg said: “Tea Party protesters who gathered on the Capitol lawn 2 sing “We Shall Overcome” stole the show”
  • JimDeMint said: What’s happening in the Capitol today gives a whole new meaning to “March Madness.”
  • Sky_Bluez said: “I’ve never been prouder to be a Republican” Powerline has some good “Silver Linings”
  • RepMikePence said: It is disappointing to see Members exchange 30 years of pro-life law for a piece of paper from the most pro-abortion president in history
  • JonHenke said: Prediction: This health care legislation will not reduce the deficit or health care costs.
  • sanuzis said: Stupak opponent Republican Dan Benishek jumped from 166 fans to 1743 on Facebook in one hour!!
  • JonHenke said: 2nd Prediction: Before too long, Democrats will insist we need another #HCR to fix the problems this #HCR will cause.
  • riley1999 said: Complete SEIU thugs forcing way into middle of #killthebill crowd. Potty mouthed as they are told to leave #tcot
  • warnerthuston said: We are well on our way to a new USA, one more like Europe. The old US is now dead. Was a grand ride, but the Great Experiment is over!
  • ChiNewsBench reminds us: Dems aren’t voting for Health Care. They are voting for the pork & entitlements they were promised
  • BobGriggs said: John Lewis mocked the work of MLK.Jr when he locked arms with Pelosi in a pseudo-civil rights march through healthcare protesters.
  • LarrySabato said: Did Dems have 216 firm on Friday? No. Was it virtually guaranteed they would by today’s vote? Of course. Party matters. Just Kabuki theater.
  • warnerthuston said: Fla A. G. Bill McCollum will file lawsuit with SCOTUS to have Obamacare thrown out as soon as bill passes
  • warnerthuston said: Just a reminder, Exec. Orders are only temporary and can be rescinded or changed at ANY time, by ANY president.

This was all in the space of an hour or so. Tweets like this have been going on all day long!

Democrats Don’t Care About ‘Health,’ It’s All About Politics

-By Warner Todd Huston

Robert Creamer of the HuffyPost penned a very revealing piece that proves that Democrats simply don’t care at all about anyone’s “health,” but that this whole fiasco is solely about political “wins” and power. If someone happens to get a little healthcare out of the thing, that is purely incidental to the actual purpose of Obamacare.

Creamer’s piece describes the top 10 reasons why voting yes on Obamacare is “good politics for Democrats.” Tellingly, not one of the reasons is because healthcare “reform” is good for the people. In fact, most of his “reasons” that Dems should vote for Obama’s socialist take over of our healthcare system is because it’s good for Obama’s political fortunes.

One would think that Democrats should vote for this “reform” because it’s good for the people, but that idea doesn’t seem to factor into Creamer’s reasons at all. And from the political calculations we’ve seen during this last year of healthcare debate, he isn’t much different than those whose vote will create this socialized healthcare program.
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Democrats Don’t Care About ‘Health,’ It’s All About Politics”

Boehner: Make Them Announce Their Vote!

-By Warner Todd Huston

GOP Minority Leader John Boehner (R, OH) is calling for a stand-up, out-loud vote on the House floor for Obamacare.

Boehner wants each House member to be called on a roll call vote and to “stand up before God, their country, and their constituents and announce their vote.”

In fact, we should support this roll call vote no matter which side of the Obamacare issue you stand upon. All Americans should know where their representatives stand.

Tea Party Protest at Illinois Rep. Bean’s Office

-By Warner Todd Huston

I attended a gathering of Americans protesting both for and against Obamacare in front of Illinois Rep. Melissa Bean’s Schaumburg offices this afternoon, though those protesting against Obamacare far out numbered those in favor of it I have to say. It is also amazing that anyone came out as cold and snowy as it was!

I suppose there were just over 100 folks out with their Gadsen flags, American flags, and both professionally printed and homemade signs with their favorite slogans upon them. One fellow even showed up with his tricorn hat and a pitchfork!
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Tea Party Protest at Illinois Rep. Bean’s Office”

Tell Your Illinois Representatives to Vote ‘No’ on Obamacare

We are coming to crunch time, folks.

If you don’t want to see the end of the United States as a free country, if you abhor the idea of the emergence of the new European States of America, then call your Illinois representatives and tell them to vote “no” on this Obamanation of a bill.

  • Bobby Rush (D-01) 202-225-4372
  • Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-02) 202-225-0773
  • Dan Lipinski (D-03) 202-225-5701
  • Luis Gutierrez (D-04) 202-225-8203
  • Mike Quigley (D-05) 202-225-4061
  • Peter Roskam (R-06) 202-225-4561
  • Danny Davis (D-07) 202-225-5006
  • Melissa Bean (D-08) 202-225-3711
  • Jan Schakowsky (D-09) 202-225-2111
  • Mark Kirk (R-10) 202-225-4835
  • Debbie Halvorson (D-11) 202-225-3635
  • Jerry Costello (D-12) 202-225-5661
  • Judy Biggert (R-13) 202-225-3515
  • Bill Foster (D-14) 202-225-2976
  • Timothy Johnson (R-15) 202-225-2371
  • Don Manzullo (R-16) 202-225-5676
  • Phil Hare (D-17) 202-225-5905
  • Aaron Schock (R-18) 202-225-6201
  • John Shimkus (R-19) 202-225-5271

VP Biden Says Obama Plans to ‘Control Insurance Companies’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The indispensable Jake Tapper of ABC News took an interview with Vice President Joe “Foot in Mouth” Biden that contains a nugget of information that tends to prove that Barack Obama intends to destroy America’s insurance industry and place it under the full control of the federal government.

Tapper asked VP Biden what he’d been hearing from the members of the Democrat Congress that are vulnerable over this healthcare debate and Biden’s reply let slip the administrations ultimate goal; full government control of the insurance industry. (My bold)

BIDEN: Well, I yes. Some of them I say they say, well, Joe, look, man, I mean, you know, you guys haven’t massaged this very well. And, you know, this thing has gone on so long, I don’t know. And my response is, hey, man, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I’m telling you, you know, pre-existing, they’re going to be covered. You know we’re going to control the insurance companies.

Granted Joe Biden is the court jester of the Obama Administration. He is a fool of the highest order. It would be easy to dismiss this silly little man’s words. However, the idea that Obama wants to take full federal control of the insurance industry fits quite nicely with Obama’s claims as a candidate — that he was for a single payer plan all along.

Barack Obama fully intends to destroy the health insurance industry and replace it with a socialist nationalized healthcare program.

Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to vote “no” on this un-American legislation.

Congress Switchboard: (202)224-3121

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VP Biden Says Obama Plans to ‘Control Insurance Companies’”

Keep Calling Washington to Dump This Healthcare Bill

Keep calling D.C., folks. This socialist healthcare bill will be the end of the United States as we know it and will be the beginning of the Euro States of America. We will no longer be a representative republic but a socialist-democratic tyranny.

This bill will destroy America as it is and materially alter the relationship between citizen and government.

Congress Switchboard: (202)224-3121
White House Switchboard: 202-456-1414

Obama Set to Create More Joe Stacks

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Republican members of the House Ways and Means committee today alerted the country to the appalling fact that Obama and his Democrat cohorts will be creating 17,000 new IRS agents with the President’s signing of Obamacare.

With animosity against the Internal Revenue Service growing, it seems clear that Obama is creating more Joe Stack IRS plane attackers with this move. Stack’s main reason for slamming his small plane into an IRS building in Austin, Texas was because of what he saw as the evils of the IRS and with Obamacare creating a giant new army of intrusive and unaccountable IRS agents, Stack’s evil act is sure to be repeated in the future.
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Obama Set to Create More Joe Stacks”

Read HR4872, Healthcare Bill Online

OpenCongress has online the healthcare bill that will soon be facing a vote in the House of Representatives.

Health Care Bill Summary – by OpenCongress: this is the full text of H.R. 4872, the Reconciliation Act of 2010. This bill would amend the Senate version of the health care reform bill to bring its provisions more in line with the House version.

This is a budget reconciliation bill, resulting from instructions that were included in Congress’ 2010 budget plan. Under the rules, debate of this bill would be limited to 20 hours in the Senate, meaning no filibuster, and amendments would be severely limited. The House is expected to vote on this bill on Sunday 3/21/10. The roll call is predicted to be very tight, likely coming down to a single vote.

Apologies that the formatting of the bill text on this page is a bit messy — because Congress does not publish official info in ways that are compliant with the Eight Principles of Open Government Data, the OpenCongress team was obligated to manually assemble the HTML web code from the original .pdf document. We’re working now to make this bill text work like other bills on the site, so you’ll be able to permalink and comment on individual sections of bill text. For a summary of the Reconciliation Bill and ongoing news & blog coverage, see our Blog, follow us on Twitter, and let us know what you think by writing us with your questions and comments

Video: Death Panels for Americans, Free Healthcare for Illegals… It’s In There

-By Warner Todd Huston

Big payoffs to unions, free healthcare to illegal aliens, death panels for Americans, limits and rationing to Americans… it’s ALL in the bill (HR 3200).

And remember, folks. We get taxed immediately but none of these wonderful “benefits” actually kick in for FOUR YEARS! So even if you liked this communist paradise you won’t get it for almost half the decade. It makes you wonder… how many dead people will Democrats be responsible for since this bill doesn’t kick in for so long, eh?

These are the things that Democrats want in a nationalized healthcare bill. These are the things that WILL end up passed if ANY part of Obamacare is passed.

This will materially alter the relationship between citizen and government and will put a tombstone over what was the United States of America. If Obamcare passes, the U.S.A. is dead.

Anti-Healthcare Rally in Schaumburg – Tuesday, March 16, NOON!

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to have enough votes to shove ObamaCare down Americans’ throats by Friday.

Will you be available during lunch on Tuesday for a show of opposition to Congresswoman Melissa Bean? She is the ONLY swing vote in Illinois, so YOU can make a difference!

Join all northeast Illinois Tea Party and grassroots organizations at Congresswoman Melissa Bean’s office on Tuesday for a “Health Care Bill Rally”

1701 E. Woodfield Road (Suite 200)
March 16th

Feel free to bring those signs, bullhorns, etc.

Dear America, Admit That You’re Stupid! Love, Nancy

-By Warner Todd Huston

The founding fathers debated bills for weeks. They then wrote them, referred them to committee’s of style and prose, brought them back to the floor, debated them again, wrote newspaper articles about them, went home to their districts to discuss them, and finally passed them — or not — after much deliberation.

Today’s Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wants us to just pass a bill so that later we can “find out what is in it.”

Here’s what the zombie from San Francisco said about Obamacare today:

“You’ve heard about the controversies within the bill, the process about the bill, one or the other. But I don’t know if you have heard that it is legislation for the future, not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America, where preventive care is not something that you have to pay a deductible for or out of pocket. Prevention, prevention, prevention–it’s about diet, not diabetes. It’s going to be very, very exciting. But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”

Why can’t we know what’s in the bill before you pass it, Nancy? Or are you afraid that once people find out the horrors contained in this abortion of a bill they might not want it passed? In fact by nearly every accounting the American people don’t want this communist take over of one-sixth of the economy to proceed.

Of course, communists and socialists don’t care what the people have to say about anything. They, after all, know best, right? That’s why Nancy and her coven in D.C. just want us to shut up and let them pass this witch’s brew.

So let this Congress lumber forward like the living dead to pass a bill that will materially alter the relationship that citizen has to government in these great United States. Let Nancy “Fright Night” Pelosi destroy the United States as we know it…

On second thought, let’s not. Call your Congressman and Senator today and tell them you do not want this destructive bill passed in your name.
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Dear America, Admit That You’re Stupid! Love, Nancy”

Rep. Lipinski Dem. of Illinois Says He’s a ‘No’ On Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois Congressman Daniel Lipinski has confirmed to John McCormack of the Weekly Standard that he is now a “no” vote on Obama’s healthcare debacle.

Lipinski is a pro-life Democrat that is associated with the block that Bart Stupak (D, Mich.) says will vote “no” over the fact that the Obamacare plan has public funding for abortion in it.

Add Congressman Dan Lipinski of Illinois to the coalition of pro-life Democrats standing firmly with Bart Stupak in the fight over taxpayer-funding of abortion in the health care bill. Asked if the congressman is “open to voting for a health care bill that lacks the Stupak amendment,” Lipinski’s spokesman Nathaniel Zimmer replied in an email to THE WEEKLY STANDARD: “No. Congressman Lipinski will not vote for a health care bill that provides federal funding for abortion.”

Lipinski represents the 3rd Congressional District which is situated in a south central part of Cook County.
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Rep. Lipinski Dem. of Illinois Says He’s a ‘No’ On Obamacare”

Gov’t Employees Now Make More Than Private Sector Workers

-By Warner Todd Huston

The news we have been warning you about is in. Government workers on average exceed the pay scale of those in private industry. The unsustainable situation is here. It is now clear that Bill Clinton was a bit premature when he said that the “era of big government is over.” Sadly he didn’t count on the era of big Obama to come.

One word explains why this upside down situation has come to fruition: unions.

USA Today is reporting that “the number of federal workers earning six-figure salaries has exploded during the recession.” The paper finds that workers at the high end of the salary scale are well represented in government. I’d say overly represented.
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Gov’t Employees Now Make More Than Private Sector Workers”

Obama Judgeship Bribery Joins Louisiana Purchase and Cornhusker Kickback

-By Warner Todd Huston

Are you a member of the U.S. House of Reps or a Senator that needs some “convincing” that selling out your constituents and implementing a socialist take over of healthcare is a good idea? Well, President Wheeler-Dealer has a deal for you.

You’ve heard of the Cornhusker Kickback where a Senator from a western state can get all sorts of freebies from the government for a “yes” vote on Obamacare?

How about that ever popular Louisiana Purchase where a nice southern lady was paid off for that “yes” vote?

Well now comes Obama’s newest backroom deal in an effort to payoff a member of Congress for a “yes” vote.

Obama has now bribed a member of Congress with a judgeship to the brother to a member of the House of Reps in hopes that he will vote “yes” on Obamacare during the now upcoming reconciliation phase of the bill.
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Obama Judgeship Bribery Joins Louisiana Purchase and Cornhusker Kickback”

Out is President Hope-n-Change, In is President Bull Hockey

-By Warner Todd Huston

What do you have to add to Obama’s own words?

Does this fool even believe a word he says?

Of course, this makes obvious that despite his braying about not being an “ideological” guy, he is precisely that, ideological. He’ll do or say anything to get his left-wing agenda passed into law including out right lie to the nation. In fact, as Obama told Diane Sawyer, he doesn’t even care if he’s only a one-term president! His socialist agenda is even more important to him than the Democrat’s victory at the polls in 2010 or even his second term in 2012.

Never thought I’d say this, but it all makes you wish for Clinton to be back. At least all HE did was lie about getting his thang on!

159 Big Sepnding, Big Government Features of Obamacare

-By Warner Todd Huston

When Obama says that his Obamacare healthcare plan isn’t a big government take over of healthcare he really is simply lying outright to the nation (well, let’s be honest, it’s not really his plan because the Democrats wrote it and he had no real input into it).

Here is a list of 159 new programs, administrative boards, and bureaucracies that the Democrat Party’s healthcare bill creates:

(PS, remember that all the tax increases starts NOW, if this bill is passed, but none of the coverage starts for four years!)

1. Grant program for consumer assistance offices (Section 1002, p. 37)
2. Grant program for states to monitor premium increases (Section 1003, p. 42)
3. Committee to review administrative simplification standards (Section 1104, p. 71)
4. Demonstration program for state wellness programs (Section 1201, p. 93)
5. Grant program to establish state Exchanges (Section 1311(a), p. 130)
6. State American Health Benefit Exchanges (Section 1311(b), p. 131)
7. Exchange grants to establish consumer navigator programs (Section 1311(i), p. 150)
8. Grant program for state cooperatives (Section 1322, p. 169)
9. Advisory board for state cooperatives (Section 1322(b)(3), p. 173)
10. Private purchasing council for state cooperatives (Section 1322(d), p. 177)
11. State basic health plan programs (Section 1331, p. 201)
12. State-based reinsurance program (Section 1341, p. 226)
13. Program of risk corridors for individual and small group markets (Section 1342, p. 233)
14. Program to determine eligibility for Exchange participation (Section 1411, p. 267)
15. Program for advance determination of tax credit eligibility (Section 1412, p. 288)
16. Grant program to implement health IT enrollment standards (Section 1561, p. 370)
17. Federal Coordinated Health Care Office for dual eligible beneficiaries (Section 2602, p. 512)
18. Medicaid quality measurement program (Section 2701, p. 518)
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159 Big Sepnding, Big Government Features of Obamacare”

Four Key Minutes from Obama’s Failed Healthcare Summit

A great video from the Heritage Foundation that shows how the Republicans really made Obama look the fool at his healthcare summit last week.

My favorite is Louise Slaughter (D, NY) who was all upset that a women in here district was “wearing her dead sister’s teeth” because the woman could not afford dental care. But, guess what Louise? Your idiotic example is meaningless to this healthcare discussion because Obamacare DOES NOT COVER DENTISTS! Obamacare would not solve your constituent’s false teeth crisis!