RightOnLine – Las Vegas, June 15-17 — BE THERE!

-By Warner Todd Huston

I’m headed to Vegas next month. Here’s why…

The event sponsored by Americans For Prosperity has already confirmed many of the speakers such as Michelle Malkin, Scott Rassmussen, Jonah Goldberg, Dana Loesch, and a host of others.

There is also another reason why you should go. Not only will you have the opportunity to hear some great speakers, but there will be all sorts of breakout sessions that will help you learn how to use the Internet to become a better conservative activist online.

Yet, that’s not all. You will also get a chance to see the premiere of the movie “Hating Breitbart.”

Join RightOnline for “Hating Breitbart” Exclusive Premiere

Misguided attacks, smears and accusations have often been directed toward conservative activists. But during the dawn of the tea-party movement, this hatred warped into attacks which became increasingly personal and hostile. No one knew this better than Andrew Breitbart, a nationally renowned conservative advocate and blogger who passed away suddenly earlier this year.

“Hating Breitbart” – two and a half years in the making – documents Breitbart’s rise in the media world, from the birth of the Tea Party in 2009 to early this year. The film shows behind the scenes footage of many of the explosive media controversies that Breitbart found himself at the center of, including the Congressman Weiner Twitter-scandal and the undercover recording of ACORN tapes. Learn more at www.hatingbreitbart.com.

We’re proud to announce that Americans for Prosperity Foundation and RightOnline will host a Hating Breitbart screening of select scenes on Friday, June 15th at the annual RightOnline Conference. RightOnline is the must-attend yearly conference for right-leaning media and bloggers to educate on and encourage online activism.

To be among the first in the world to get a sneak-peek at the new film, be sure to attend RightOnline! www.RightOnline.com

Join the conversation on Twitter! Visit: @rightonline and @hatingbreitbart

You should come too. For more info or to register CLICK HERE.
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RightOnLine – Las Vegas, June 15-17 — BE THERE!”

CPAC Straw Poll: It’s Mitt!

-By Warner Todd Huston

3,408 CPAC attendees participated in this year’s straw poll, the poll’s second highest number of participants, and they picked Mitt Romney as their man.

With a pool of voters that said at 63% that slashing big government was a main concern for 2012, a 97% disapproval rating for President Obama, and even a 28% disapproval rate the job Republicans in Congress are doing, voters picked Romney over Santorum by only 7 percentage points.

  • Romney 38%
  • Santorum 31%
  • Newt 15%
  • Paul 12%

Paul dominated the CPAC polling over the last two years, but this year he placed a distant fourth place. Paul did not attend CPAC this year and his followers were absent as well. Unless a few of them were out protesting with the Occupiers, of course.

The CPAC poll has no official standing Party-wise, to be sure, but as ACU Chairman Al Cardenas notes it is a good barometer of a nice large slice of the conservative movement.

This result does show the surging Santorum candidacy, though. It is clear that Rick Santorum has at last gotten his chance to be the non-Romney candidate. I think if CPAC were to have been held three or four months ago, Rick would not have achieved this close finish with Romney here at this conservative gathering.

I must say, I had imagined that Mitt might lose to Santorum considering his surging poll numbers out and about in the rest of the country outside CPAC, but I also must say that Mitt’s speech was competent and free of any unforced errors, if you will.

So, there you have it. Mitt barely edges out Rick Santorum as king of CPAC.
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CPAC Straw Poll: It’s Mitt!”

CPAC Speeches: Contrasting Santorum, Gingrich, Romney

-By Warner Todd Huston

CPAC 2012 featured appearances by the three top GOP contenders who came to ask for the support of the conservatives gathered there. First came former Penn. Senator Rick Santorum, then Governor Mitt Romney, and finally former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, all came to sell their ideas and candidacy.

Rick Santorum

Santorum came out to the most applause of the three, for sure. As he and his family mounted the stage the crowd was obviously eager to hear what the candidate had to say.

“Conservatism did not fail this country,” began the meat of the former Pennsylvania Senator’s remarks, “conservatives failed conservatism.”

Santorum said that in the past we, “listened to the voices that said we had to abandon our principles and our values to get things done, to win.” But no more compromise, he said. “The lesson we’ve learned is that we will no longer abandon and apologize for the policies and principles that made this country great for a hollow victory in November.”

Santorum went on to say that Obamacare was a “game changer” and with it, as the British found with their system, we will never be free again. “It’s about government control of our lives and it’s gotta stop,” he asserted to great applause.
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CPAC Speeches: Contrasting Santorum, Gingrich, Romney”

Ohio: Self-Proclaimed ‘Tea Party’ Candidate Doesn’t Know Who Andrew Breitbart Is?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Is it possible these days to be a new, active conservative running for Congress for the first time and not know who Andrew Breitbart is? Me, I’d reckon that an in the know, new candidate that claims to be conservative and a spokesman for Tea Partiers could not possibly be so isolated that he is unaware of conservative media-crusader Andrew Breitbart. But there is a candidate in Ohio who displayed right on his own campaign website just such a display of ignorance on Breitbartania, Breitbartism, or Breitbartness… whatever you want to call it, it just appears that this guy is stone-cold out of touch with the current conservative movement not to know thing one about Andrew Breitbart.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am sure there are plenty of 90-year-old, Brahmin conservatives who get flummoxed at “the Facebookings.” I am sure there still exist out-of-touch, elder statesmen of the movement that just haven’t caught up with those newfangled Internet tubes that our friend Al Gore created. I am sure that there are more than a handful of aged establishment types shaking their fist at the Fox News and those darn websheets positive that they’ll never catch on, just as they were sure rock-n-roll was a passing fad. But can you be an up and comer in the conservative movement and be wholly unaware of one of the newest icons of conservatives everywhere?

I am here at CPAC this week and just ran into Joe “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher who was telling me about his run for Congress in the 9th Congressional District. Joe made me aware of a hilarious little example of the abject cluelessness of his opponent. So let me introduce to you one Mr. Steve Kruas. Professional auctioneer actually licensed with the Ohio State Ag Department with well over 300 “successful” auctions under his belt. I guess you don’t need the Internets, talk radio and TV news shows to sell used farm equipment.
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Ohio: Self-Proclaimed ‘Tea Party’ Candidate Doesn’t Know Who Andrew Breitbart Is?”

CPAC Hair Doo Disaster

-By Warner Todd Huston

Being the king of sartorial splendor and a noted expert in haute couture (is it sad that I could spell that Frechified word without spell check?) it falls to me to dish about the worst hairdo at CPAC. That doo disaster belongs to Michelle Duggar of the famed doubling Duggars from TV. Call it a Garridoo Disaster.

Let’s leave ideology aside, as I find many of her ideas personally appealing, and let’s just talk hair, shall we, girlfriends? The Duggar doo was a disaster, plain and simple.

The whole thing seems to be a melange of styles. The poodle cut, the front flip, the long and straight, the perm, the mullet, even. All may work separately but together it is a hiarifying experience.
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CPAC Hair Doo Disaster”

Occupy Wall Street Comes to CPAC, Unions in Command

-By Warner Todd Huston

The police had the Occupiers well in hand. Notice they had their ever-present tents, too!

A sizable group of Occupy Wall Street protesters assembled Friday late morning to protest CPAC. Naturally this group was buoyed by big labor because, as we all know, the OWSers aren’t really any sort of grassroots anything but are a wholly manufactured, left-wing, anti-American concern funded and organized by hard core left-wingers.

I decided not to bother engaging with them as I’ve done in the past because I’ve learned that dialog is not what they are interested in. They have their rote and often infantile talking points, slogans, and chants and that is usually all they have to offer.
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Occupy Wall Street Comes to CPAC, Unions in Command”

Rick Santorum at CPAC

-By Warner Todd Huston

This morning former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum appeared at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and gave a very solid speech. Mounting the stage with his whole family, he was energetic and in good spirits.

The following are the main points from his address if you’d rather read than watch the video.
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Rick Santorum at CPAC”

Cleta Mitchell: GOP Super-Lawyer

-By Warner Todd Huston

Without question Tea Partiers are unhappy with the elites of Washington D.C. Yet Cleta Mitchell is one Washingtonian that has became a welcome addition to the campaigns of some high profile Tea Party candidates.

Mrs. Mitchell, you see, is the in-demand, bulldog election law attorney that many Tea Party candidates go to when things began to get heated as they did during the 2010 elections.

Last October the Wall Street Journal noted that Mitchell’s clients included Joe Miller of Alaska, Christine O’Donnell of Delaware, Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, South Carolina’s Senator Jim DeMint, Sharron Angle of Nevada, Marco Rubio of Florida and many others.

Mitchell’s latest high profile client is Florida legislator Adam Hasner who is expected to run for the Senate in 2012. The conservative Hasner is a close associate of newly minted Senator Marco Rubio. Between 2007 and 2010 Hasner served as Rubio’s deputy majority leader in the Florida House.

With such high profile clientele, it is no wonder that Mitchell is called the “Republican super lawyer.”
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Cleta Mitchell: GOP Super-Lawyer”

A Few Moments With Senator Jim DeMint

-By Warner Todd Huston

Senator Jim DeMint (R, SC) is well known as the most conservative man in the upper chamber. He gave a rousing speech here at CPAC and afterward told a small gathering of us that many of the points he made will appear in his forthcoming book, Now or Never, Saving America From Economic Collapse. That message is, he said, that we have only a short time to turn this mess around and get this country back on track.

DeMint said that we need to remind our people — or in too many cases teach them from scratch — about America’s exceptionalism, but we also need to learn what changed from the days when our exceptionalism was better understood by the people. DeMint also noted that one of the problems we have to over come is that the Democrats agenda now prevents them from working in any way with the GOP and because their agenda is so extreme we just can’t compromise with them any more.

“Something’s gotta give,” DeMint said, “We have about a year before its too late
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A Few Moments With Senator Jim DeMint”

Breitbart Editor, Dana Loesch Receives Accuracy In Media Award at CPAC

-By Warner Todd Huston

(Note: The Wardman Marriott lost all Internet connection half way through the event on Thursday and it never came back so no one in the entire building had any connection unless they had their own Internet aircard. I apologize for not getting these up earlier today, but there was no help for it!)

Long-time media watchdog group Accuracy in Media bestowed its Grassroots Journalism Award to the editor-in-chief of BigJournalism.com, one of Andrew Breitbart’s suite of conservative websites on Thursday evening at CPAC.

Of the award and Miss Loesch, Don Irvine, Chairman of AIM, said:
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Breitbart Editor, Dana Loesch Receives Accuracy In Media Award at CPAC”

Truing the Voter Rolls, Voter Integrity Project: Many States have More Voters Registered Than Voting-Age Population

-By Warner Todd Huston

True the Vote is proud to announce that it is teaming with Judicial Watch on an election integrity project to pressure the states to clean up voter registration rolls to satisfy Section 8 of the National Voting Rights Act (NVRA), a law that all too many states have been violating for years.

Judicial Watch and True The Vote have sent letters to California, Ohio, Indiana, and Florida — others are also being considered — demanding that they satisfy the law or face lawsuits to attempt to force them to obey the law.

Section 8 of the NVRA requires that each state makes “a reasonable effort” to assure that voter rolls are current and correct but for years many states haven’t purged their voting rolls of people that have passed away, left the state, or are otherwise no longer legitimately enrolled. The result is that many states have more voters on the rolls than they have in voting-age population.
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Truing the Voter Rolls, Voter Integrity Project: Many States have More Voters Registered Than Voting-Age Population”

CPAC 2012 Begins

-By Warner Todd Huston

I am here at the beautiful Wardman Marriott in Washington DC this week for the Conservative Political Action Conference or CPAC. We will be seeing a whole host of conservative icons coming to speak… and the presidential candidates will be here too (Sarcasm? What sarcasm?). I’ll be covering as much as I can but there is no way to see, hear, do, and talk to it all, for sure.

The Chairman of the Conservative Action Union (ACU), the host organization for CPAC, is Al Cardenas and in his appearance before the press this morning he promised an exciting event.

Cardenas also noted that this year it seems that the contest for supporters being waged by the four remaining presidential candidates is wide open.
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CPAC 2012 Begins”

Rep. Walsh Schools National Park Service Director About Occupy DC

-By Warner Todd Huston

Why does the National Park Service think they should treat Occupy DC with kid gloves? Because they have “occupy” in their name… er… something. At least that is according to the head of the National Park Service, Jonathan B. Jarvis.

8th District Congressman Joe Walsh (R, ILL) wonders why Park Service personnel are not just tolerating the OWSers but actively assisting them and giving them aid for their protests!

Are we paying our taxes so that the Park Service can become part of an anti-American protest movement? Apparently we are.

Congressman Walsh did a great job showing that these OWSers are not something to be coddled.

(H/T Marathon Pundit)

Are You a Conservative? Welcome to the Majority!

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has been a lot of lament by the far left in America that the Tea Party has somehow driven the Republican Party to conservative extremes. This, however, is untrue. The truth is, the American public has been trending toward conservative views for more than a decade before the Tea Party even came about.

According to Gallup, for the last three years more Americans have self-proclaimed themselves as conservatives than have claimed the moniker of moderate.

Political ideology in the U.S. held steady in 2011, with 40% of Americans continuing to describe their views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal. This marks the third straight year that conservatives have outnumbered moderates, after more than a decade in which moderates mainly tied or outnumbered conservatives.

But think about this for a minute. This means that fully 75% of America is more conservative than the Democrat Party, a party that decades ago stopped being a party of centrism becoming instead a European-like, liberal party.

Gallup’s several decades of polling finds that “moderates” have been in slow decline since 1992 with Americans calling themselves “liberal” now only measuring at 21 percent. With this we see a nation that is not just center-right as many political pundits have for years claimed, but is actually trending conservative.
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Are You a Conservative? Welcome to the Majority!”

Village of Palatine Attempts to Hide Millions in Accrued Village Sick and Vacation Time Balances‏

From the Palatine Tea Party…

Village of Palatine Attempts to Hide Millions in Accrued Village Sick and Vacation Time Balances
(Palatine, Illinois) – The Village of Palatine went out of its way to hide employee sick time and vacation time balances when we attempted to submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain employee balances.

Government agencies expect taxpayers to pay their expenses, but when asked to view the data the answer is met with clear opposition. The Village tried to hide behind HIPPA law as their excuse. We then appealed the Village’s decision with the Illinois’ State Attorney and won. (click here for pdf document). Based on the 2009 W2’s, the sick time balance is approximately 9 million dollars and the vacation time balance totals approximately $687,000.
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Village of Palatine Attempts to Hide Millions in Accrued Village Sick and Vacation Time Balances‏”

One Illinois Guy Who Won’t Be At TeaCon 2011

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, there is one local Illinois activist that apparently won’t be at this weekend’s TeaCon 2011, but not for want of trying. Bill Kelly, one-time candidate for Illinois Comptroller — he came in second, by the way — has told me that he’s been barred not only from getting media credentials for the event, but even from buying a ticket.

Kelly has a page on the Washington Times community section blogs and was told by the Times that he could get media creds representing them at TeaCon, but when he went to the event staff with his request TeaCon organizers denied his credentialing.

Kelly feels that people at WIND radio, one of the event co-hosts, put the kybosh on his credentials because of a recent dust up between Kelly and Senator Dick Durbin not to mention another dustup between Kelly and local TV reporter Jay Levine.
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One Illinois Guy Who Won’t Be At TeaCon 2011″

Indiana Makes Great Strides in School Choice, Pro-Life Legislation

-By Warner Todd Huston

While everyone has been focusing on the Nazi signs being carried by “teachers” in Wisconsin, Indiana’s fleebaggers have finally come home and the state’s legislature has gotten down to business. The result has been some great conservative victories for school choice and pro-choice legislation.

Hoosier Access has the finer points and details, but I’ll give an overview of two great pieces of legislation that passed down at the state’s House in Indianapolis.
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Indiana Makes Great Strides in School Choice, Pro-Life Legislation”

Palin Gives Time A Few Minutes of Her Time About Its False ‘Reporting’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The media is so sure that only the worst about Palin could possibly be true that false stories, out right lies, and even comedy bits are constantly presented as actual news. Time Magazine is the latest to fall into that trap by reporting a satirical Internet posting about Sarah Palin as hard news. It all just goes to prove that Sarah Palin lives in the heads of the Old Media and it must be awfully cramped up there.

Last week on Time Mag’s Celebrity Newsfeed, Nick Carbone reported satire as fact only to make a “correction” days later. Carbone had fallen for a “tongue-in-cheek” Internet posting that joked that in an interview with Fox News personality Sean Hannity Palin said she wanted to deport Christina Aguilera for screwing up the National Anthem at the opening of the Superbowl.
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Palin Gives Time A Few Minutes of Her Time About Its False ‘Reporting’”

CPAC 2011: Ron Paul’s Last Straw With YAF (Time for Paulies to Grow Up)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ron Paul may have won the CPAC straw poll but he’s lost Young Americans for Freedom, a conservative, college Republican-style organization to which he used to belong. Just as the results of the straw poll were revealed YAF announced they were kicking Paul out of the organization.

This is a pretty big deal, too. If you aren’t aware, Paul served on YAF’s board of advisors for more than two decades, he’s commented positively about YAF on the floor of the House in the past, and was once awarded the Guardian of Freedom award, YAF’s top honor.

This break is a hard one, indeed, and it’s mostly over Paul’s simple-minded foreign policy ideas.
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CPAC 2011: Ron Paul’s Last Straw With YAF (Time for Paulies to Grow Up)”

CPAC 2011: Ron Paul Wins CPAC Poll Again, Beats Romney by 7 Percent

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again Congressman Ron Paul of Texas has won the CPAC straw poll. Paul took 30 percent of those polled this year. Former Governor Mitt Romney took second place with 23 percent of the vote.

Naturally when Paul’s name came out on top the Paulies erupted in glee.

To see a bigger shot of the results on the jumbo screen, click on the images below.

First choice results

First choice results coupled with second choice

Full first choice poll results:

  • Congressman Ron Paul (Teas): 30%
  • Mitt Romney (Mass.): 23%
  • Former NM Gov. Gary Johnson: 6%
  • NJ Gov. Chris Christie: 6%
  • Newt Gingrich: 5%
  • Former Minn. Gov. Tim Pawlenty: 4%
  • Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann: 4%
  • Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels: 4%
  • Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin: 3%
  • Businessman Herman Cain: 2%
  • Former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee: 2%
  • Former Penn. Senator Rick Santorum: 2%
  • So. Dakota Senator John Thune: 2%
  • Fomer Utah Gov. John Hunstman: 1%
  • Miss. Governor Haley Barbour: 1%
  • Other: 5%
  • Undecided: 1%

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CPAC 2011: Ron Paul Wins CPAC Poll Again, Beats Romney by 7 Percent”

‘Sarah’ Comes to CPAC 2011… OK, Not Really

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Sarah Palin impersonator also hit the floor at CPAC 2011. She had the style and did a great vocal impersonation, but her facial features are just a little off. Still “Sarah Palin” appeared at CPAC and fooled a few bloggers and fans in the process.

Obviously a stunt. Thanks to Uncoverage we find that this was just a woman looking to drum up some business for her impersonator business.
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‘Sarah’ Comes to CPAC 2011… OK, Not Really”

VIDEO Interview: Remember Dale Peterson Who Said His Opponents ‘Don’t Give a Rip About Alabama’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

During the early days of the 2010 primary season you all might recall the campaign commercial of that cowboy hat wearing, horse ridding, straight shooter from Alabama who was looking to take the nomination for Alabama’s Agricultural Commissioner? You might recall that Ag Commish candidate Dale Peterson looked straight into the camera and told us all that his opponents “don’t give a rip about Alabama!” You also might remember that his TV spot went viral on the Internet and he became the new favorite of straight shooters everywhere.

Well, I ran into Dale at CPAC and was graced with the opportunity to put a camera before the great Mr. Peterson and to let him give us all what for!
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VIDEO Interview: Remember Dale Peterson Who Said His Opponents ‘Don’t Give a Rip About Alabama’?”

CPAC 2011 Photos — Cheney and Rumsfeld NOT Badly Treated

-By Warner Todd Huston

Note: Check in on my Twitter feed throughout the weekend as I live Tweet from CPAC. I’ll be Tweeting some of the speeches and the goons on here. http://twitter.com/warnerthuston

The first day at CPAC was quite interesting. I met Donald Rumsfeld, actress and comedienne Victoria Jackson, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, and several others.

One thing about yesterday that is being incorrectly reported is the reception that Donald Rumsfeld and former Vice President Dick Cheney received. Many reports are claiming that when Cheney mounted the stage to introduce Rummy he was booed by an almost equal number of attendees that clapped and cheered for him. This is incorrect. There were but a small smattering of boos and catcalls for Cheney. 90 percent of the crowd loved seeing him there.
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CPAC 2011 Photos — Cheney and Rumsfeld NOT Badly Treated”

Warner Todd Huston at CPAC 2011

-By Warner Todd Huston

Main stage at CPAC

I have just arrived at the 2011 CPAC event. Not sure what I am going to attend or who I might see, yet, but just thought I’d post a note that I am here.

I want to thank RedCounty.com and RightPundits.com for sponsoring me at this year’s big bash.

More later…
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Warner Todd Huston at CPAC 2011″

Why Is Free Republic’s Jim Robinson Attacking Conservative Bloggers?

Is Free Republic Down? It should be.

(Note:To show how irrelevant Free Republic has become, on the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration the site was booted off line for the entire day. The ENTIRE day. One of the most important days for the center right movement and Free Republic was no where to be seen during the day’s events. What a joke.)

-By Warner Todd Huston

I hate it when conservatives attack each other, I have to say. The latest example of suicidal intra-conservative attacks is coming from Jim Robinson, the owner of the famed righty message board Free Republic. Sadly, Mr. Robinson has launched a campaign to harass and ultimately ban from his board all right leaning bloggers that try to post their items there.

Over the last three months or so what many Freepers thought was a self appointed band of FR-police began appearing and attacking posts by bloggers. Several screen names have been used to attempt to harass bloggers into quitting the board. The campaign has been successful in several circumstances, driving some bloggers to quit the board. In other cases, when the campaign wasn’t successful in driving the blogger to quit, Robinson himself has stepped in to ban the bloggers from posting on FR.

The sad thing is that none of these bloggers have been attacked and/or banned for the topics of their posts. All of these bloggers are good conservatives, none holding views which conservatives find antithetical to their ideology. These posters are not being attacked for what they posted but are being attacked for posting at all.
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Why Is Free Republic’s Jim Robinson Attacking Conservative Bloggers?”

Nevada Union Illegally Coordinating with Reid Campaign for Votes

-By Warner Todd Huston

Elizabeth Crum has a great report over at National Review detailing a series of emails between the campaign staff of Senator Harry Reid and union members of Harrah’s casino in an effort to coerce workers to vote for Harry Reid.

Crum reveals emails between Reid’s office and the union folks telling them to force their members to get to the polls, setting up bus trips for that purpose, and even sending a spread sheet file identifying workers who had and had not voted and for whom they voted.

This is all clearly illegal.
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Nevada Union Illegally Coordinating with Reid Campaign for Votes”

The Most Important Election in a Generation! GO VOTE TODAY!

-By Warner Todd Huston

The polls are now open all across this great land for what promises to be one of the most historic upsets in American electoral history. And you have a chance to be a part of it.

More than just a wild ride of a vote, though, this midterm election could serve as the last chance for conservatives to fully affect the direction that the United States of America is going.

If conservatives don’t win big and then proceed to press their advantage in the coming 2 years, it could mean the end of the U.S. as we know it and the permanent rise of the Euro States of America.

So, folks, you simply MUST vote GOP today.
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The Most Important Election in a Generation! GO VOTE TODAY!”