Oklahoma Beheading Shows Authorities Are Putting Us In Danger

-By Warner Todd Huston

After a Muslim convert in Oklahoma murdered a fellow co-worker at a food processing plant by beheading her, authorities there rushed to TV to claim that it was *just* workplace violence and that the Muslim murderer is not a terrorist. Since then we’ve seen every example of how this monster was a committed radical Islamist which makes him a terrorist whether he’s connected to a particular group or not yet our leaders are burying their heads in the sand and refusing to admit the truth.

On September 26, a man whom the police keep calling Alton Nolan entered Vaughn Foods, his place of employment, and beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, a woman that works there, a woman he knew. He also tried to kill another employee, Traci Johnson, 43.

As soon as the incident hit the media authorities in Oklahoma rushed to the TV to insist that Nolan was not a terrorist, that he had no ties to any terror group, and that the attack was only a run-of-the-mill, average, boring ol’ case of “workplace anger.”

This is all a pack of lies.
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Oklahoma Beheading Shows Authorities Are Putting Us In Danger”

Tulsa Police Capt. Suspended for Refusing to Attended Ordered Muslims Mosque Services

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Tulsa police officer who was suspended and punished for refusing to attend Muslim religious services at a local mosque that has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood is suing his employer for ordering him to attend over his religious objections.

Even worse, the mosque the officer was order to attend is connected to an Imam who is an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and has been recorded proudly making numerous anti-American statements over the years.

In yet another example of the self-immolation marking the end of western culture, Captain Paul Fields of the Tulsa, Oklahoma police force was suspended and later punished further for refusing to attend the mosque as well as refusing to order any of the officers under him to do so against their religious beliefs.

Of course, we all know that if the Tulsa police had tried to force its officers to attend Christian indoctrination services, the media and the militant atheists who pretend to be against religion–but who are really only against Christianity–would have been all over this case. But because the department was forcing Islam down the throats of its officers, all those nice, liberal groups are silent as a graveyard.
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Tulsa Police Capt. Suspended for Refusing to Attended Ordered Muslims Mosque Services”

Politico’s Thrush Politicizes Oklahoma Tornado

-By Warner Todd Huston

The destructive tornado that destroyed the quiet town of Moore, Oklahoma on the afternoon of May 20 was only a few hours gone, the devastation had yet to be measured, and the dead barely counted much less mourned and laid to rest before Politico’s Glenn Thrush felt it was already time to politicize the event and by scolding Oklahoma’s Senators because they are against global warming and big government spending, no less

Only hours after the monster storm ended, Thrush took to his Twitter account to slam Oklahoma’s Senators.

So, because a tornado hit in an area that has a long history of getting hit by tornados, if that area’s senators were global warming believers…. then, what, Glenn? If Oklahoma’s senators were to be global warming aficionados, would that somehow have warded off a tornado?

Or, perhaps if said senators were believers in big government spending would that somehow have been a bulwark to stop natural disasters?

Or is it, Mr. Thrush, that you are always in a rush to find any reason to attack someone because they don’t believe in your love of big government and your zealous belief in global warming? Regardless of whether a town is destroyed and children are killed it all still serves as fodder for your desire to advance your political objectives?

Is that it, Mr. Thrush?

Related: Liberal Laughing that ‘Conservatives’ Were Targeted by Oklahoma Tornado Today.
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Politico’s Thrush Politicizes Oklahoma Tornado”

Senator Coburn’s Ahistorical, Unworkable Tax Hike Plans

-By Warner Todd Huston

Senator Tom Coburn (R, OK) is trying to break heavy with the Tea Partiers — and for that matter his own party — by encouraging Republicans to include massive tax hikes in the on going budget discussions in congress this year.

Coburn appears to feel that a tax hike simply must be part of the discussion to get a deal this year simply because the Democrats control both the White House and the Senate. Apparently Coburn is afraid that a deal must happen this year or the U.S. will become a third world nation over night.

Unfortunately, Coburn’s ideas on the budget have no historical basis at all. Tax hikes have never helped raise a down economy. It seems Coburn is far more interested in the relative success of a deal to solve our economic situation than in what a tax hike means for both the country and his party and whether it will even work or not.

Coburn is fighting both his party and several anti-tax advocacy groups like Americans for Tax Reform.
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Senator Coburn’s Ahistorical, Unworkable Tax Hike Plans”

Healthcare: Let The States Decide

-By Warner Todd Huston

The debate about healthcare coming from the Democrats is steeped in purposeful misdirection on one hand and a complete lack of any real knowledge about what Obamacare will even do on the other. It is also a major overreach on a federalism level which is why it is hard to understand why more people aren’t talking about the Healthcare Compact plan (healthcarecompact.org).14 states have already signed onto it and has even been signed into law in two of them, Georgia and Oklahoma.

Of course, the problem is that we are expected to believe that Obamacare — which is essentially a nationalized healthcare policy — will work just fine on a national level. Despite that history has proven over and over again that centralized planning simply does not work, most especially with something as unwieldy and complicated as healthcare.

It doesn’t help that we are not being told the truth by those pushing Obama’s plan, either. Many times the president has claimed that with Obamacare you can “keep your health care plan” if you like it, you can keep your doctor if you like him. This, however, has been generously called a “questionable” promise. And that isn’t the only untruth coming from Obamacare supporters.
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Healthcare: Let The States Decide”

The Most Wasteful Government Spending of 2010

-By Warner Todd Huston

Senator Tom Coburn (R, OK), a medical doctor by trade, has put out a report that details some of the worst government waste of 2010. His “Wastebook 2010: A Guide to Some of the Most Wasteful Government Spending of 2010” was released on his website on Dec. 20.

Coburn’s released statement laments the waste.

“As 2010 ends, millions of Americans are still struggling to find work. Even those lucky enough to have jobs have had to tighten their belts. Yet, Congress continues to find new and extravagant ways to waste tax dollars. In today’s economy, we can’t afford to spend nearly $2 million to showcase neon signs no longer in use at Las Vegas Casinos, nor can Congress and federal agencies afford to spend nearly $1 billion a year on unnecessary printing costs.”

“Our national debt is the greatest threat to our national security according to our own military leaders. Well-intentioned people across the political spectrum will argue about the best way to get us back on track. But we can all agree that cutting wasteful and low priority spending from the budget is not only sensible, but essential.”

“I hope this report will give taxpayers and concerned citizens the information they need to hold Washington accountable. As dysfunctional as our politics can seem, our system still works when ordinary citizens get informed and engaged.”

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The Most Wasteful Government Spending of 2010″