Union Violence and Death Threats Continue

-By Warner Todd Huston

A few stories around the web concerning the union thugs in Wisconsin.

In Fond Du Lac, Wis. (just north of Milwaukee) a few GOP lawmakers had to skip the Saint Paddy’s Day parade because of death threats issued by union scumbags.

So much for the Democrat’s “new tone.”

“We’ve taken them all seriously and we’re happy to say that none of them have panned out yet here in Fond du Lac, so we’re still vigilant,” Deputy Chief Kevin Lemke said.

Meanwhile, the Washington Examiner pegs the situation exactly right in its Saturday editorial:
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Union Violence and Death Threats Continue”

Senator Ron Johnson on The Budget and the Debate in Wisconsin

-By Warner Todd Huston

Recently I was part of a conference call with Senator Ron Johnson (R, Wis). Johnson is a member of the GOP wave that over took Washington in the 2010 midterms. In a surprise to many, Johnson defeated long-time Wisconsin Senator, Democrat Russ Feingold.

My first question was one that I have also asked Chief Deputy Whip of the House Peter Roskam. I wondered what Johnson’s position was on the idea of states declaring bankruptcy.

Johnson said that he agrees with Roskam that state should not be allowed to declare bankruptcy. “I totally agree with Peter Roskam. There’s no way the federal government should be called upon to bail out states that have been irresponsible in terms of their spending, that haven’t made the tough choices in their jurisdictions… I would definitely oppose the bailing out of any states”
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Senator Ron Johnson on The Budget and the Debate in Wisconsin”

Leftists/Union Wisc. Thugs: An Orgy of Death Threats and Warnings of Violence

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Democrats and their handmaidens in the Old Media have been decrying the evils of the “violent rhetoric” of the Tea Party and Republicans for the better part of two years, now. Yet all the violence and threats of same continue to come mostly from those left of center.

The video below shows just a little of the hatred, threats, and unhinged stupidity from the left (content warning).

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Leftists/Union Wisc. Thugs: An Orgy of Death Threats and Warnings of Violence”

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

-By Frank Salvato

When Benjamin Franklin emerged from Independence Hall in Philadelphia at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, he was approached by a Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia. It was then and there that she asked the now famous question, “Well, Doctor, what have we, a republic or a monarchy?” It is said that Dr. Franklin, without hesitation, said, “A Republic, ma’am, if you can keep it.”

By definition, courtesy of Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law, a Republic is “a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law.” In other words, and to paraphrase without deviating from the definition’s intent, a Republic is a system of government where the ultimate power lies with the people; that power executed by way of elected representatives who are responsible to those who elected them and according to the rule of law.

The United States of America is a Republic, a Constitutional Republic. By this it is meant that we elect representatives who execute government per the rule of constitutional law, the United States Constitution being the ultimate and exclusive basis for that law.
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A Republic, If You Can Keep It”

In Face of Death Threats, Wisc. GOP Passes Curb on Unions

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last night we reported that the Wisconsin State Senate separated from the budget bill the curbs on government unions that Governor Scott Walker campaigned on achieving and passed it out of committee for a vote by the full Senate. Today, in a smashing success for Wisconsin Republicans, the senate voted on the union curb bill and passed it. And all this in the face of death threats and attempted mob rule by Democrats and their union thug masters.

The final vote count was 53 in favor and 42 opposed. Four Republicans broke ranks with the leadership and voted with the Democrats, but the bill still goes to Gov. Walker’s desk for his signature and will then become law.

In a statement, Walker said, “I applaud all members of the Assembly for showing up, debating the legislation and participating in democracy. Their action will save jobs, protect taxpayers, reform government, and help balance the budget. Moving forward we will continue to focus on ensuring Wisconsin has a business climate that allows the private sector to create 250,000 new jobs.”
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In Face of Death Threats, Wisc. GOP Passes Curb on Unions”

Union Abuses in Wisconsin

From the office of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

Madison— Today Governor Walker’s office released more specific examples and new details to show how collective bargaining fiscally impacts government and how reforming collective bargaining can improve government.

A Year’s Worth of Pay for 30 Days of Work

Under the Green Bay School District’s collectively bargained Emeritus Program, teaches can retire and receive a year’s worth of salary for working only 30 days over a three year period. This is paid in addition to their already guaranteed pension and health care payouts.

At the average annual salary for a Green Bay teacher of $51,355, this amounts to a daily rate of pay of $1,711.83, or an hourly rate of $213.98. Since most retiring teachers receive higher than average salary, these amounts are, in practice, much higher.

Source: WLUK-TV, 3/3/11
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Union Abuses in Wisconsin”

Republicans In Wisc. Pass Curbs on Gov’t Unions

-By Warner Todd Huston

After all the huffing and puffing, we find that Wisconsin’s Republicans have a spine after all. They have taken a step that they have many times threatened and divvied up the budget bill with the provisions to scale back some of the collective bargaining “rights” once had by the state’s government employees and gone ahead and passed the thing.

On Wednesday night, the Wisconsin Senate — minus the fleebagging Democrats that have run off to Illinois — separated from the budget bill the part of the previous legislation that eliminates some, but not all, of the collective bargaining capacity of government workers.

Even though the past legislation could not be passed without a quorum because of the fleeing Democrats, the Senate Republicans utilized a work around to pass the parts of the legislation that affected unions. By separating the union parts out of the budget bill, they got around the quorum requirements that are necessary to pass bills that concern spending. With the part that didn’t spend money in committee legally and properly and without the need for a quorum the Republicans passed the union provisions.
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Republicans In Wisc. Pass Curbs on Gov’t Unions”

Wisc. Democrat Tells Workers Pay Union Dues or Lose Your Job

-By Warner Todd Huston

You can only serve one master and Democrats have chosen unions over the people. Proof of this is once again seen in the post by Bryan Preston of Pajamas Media where we find a Democrat lawmaker from Wisconsin who has announced that if you don’t want to pay dues to his union masters, why, then you should expect not to work in Wisconsin.

State Rep. Nick Milroy is the Democratic state representative from Wisconsin’s 73rd assembly district. He was on America’s Radio News with anchors Chris Salcedo and Lori Lundin. Salcedo pointed out that union membership was split by their votes in 2010, 49% for Democrats and 47% for Republicans, nearly an even split. But unions donated 93% of their total contributions to Democrats in 2010, and 7% to Republicans or others. The question was asked if the assemblyman could understand why Republicans were not in favor of having tax payer funded dues go to fund Democrat campaigns? The assemblyman contended that public employees can opt out of the unions. But when pressed about how even those that opt out must pay union dues, the assemblyman suggested that those people that didn’t want to be part of a union could find other work.

Get that, folks? As far as this union bought and paid for politician is concerned, if you don’t want to support unions expect to lose your ability to work in Wisconsin.

Head on over to Bryan Preston’s page and hear the outrageous audio of this radio appearance.
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Wisc. Democrat Tells Workers Pay Union Dues or Lose Your Job”

Loud Mouthed, Hatemongering, Violent Teachers Shut Down Towhnhall Meeting

-By Warner Todd Huston

Is this the distempered, hatemongering that our “teachers” are teaching our children?

The video below is the last seven minutes of a townhall meeting that was held on March 7 in Wisconsin. It was hosted by Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R, WI) and State Senator Leah Vukmir (R-Wauwatosa). The video shows that the pols quietly listened to the whiner teacher issue her lies about what the situation is in the state but when State Sen. Vukmir went to the podium to try and respond, the crowd filled with distempered union thugs erupted and would not let her finish her points.

Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but when scenes like this were reported to the nation back in 2009 when Tea Party members were interrupting townhalls because they were so upset at Democrat lawmakers, why, the Democrats and their handmaidens in the Old Media establishment were filled with dire warnings that the uproars were evidence of the end of our polite political discourse was nigh.
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Loud Mouthed, Hatemongering, Violent Teachers Shut Down Towhnhall Meeting”

Obama’s Chicago Machine Helping Wisconsin Fleebaggers?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Newsradio 620 in Milwaukee has a shocking story about the dirty underground efforts by the Chicago political machine loyal to Rahm Emanuel and President Obama that is apparently applying its dark arts again, this time assisting the leftist, fleebagging Wisconsin State Senators in their efforts to thwart the democratic process in the Badger State.

WTMJ is reporting that State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R, Juneau) is saying that organizers attached to Obama is purposefully trying to help the recall effort against GOP lawmakers in Wisconsin.
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Obama’s Chicago Machine Helping Wisconsin Fleebaggers?”

Union Waste: Retiring Wisc. Teachers Given a Year’s Salary for 30 Day’s Work

-By Warner Todd Huston

As each week rolls onward we see more and more of the outrageous waste and unearned perks that government union teachers in Wisconsin are — ahem — fortunate enough to have gotten because of the unions “negotiating” with Wisconsin Democrats over the years. Another such outrage is a program where retiring teachers can earn a full year’s pay for 30 days work over a three-year-period.

This “emeritus program” allows retired teachers a full years pay for only 10 day’s work for during each of a three-year period (30 days total work).

Fox News Green Bay reports that the Green Bay School Board has suddenly approved requests by some 140 retiring teachers and 15 administrators to join the emeritus program likely because they know the writing is on the wall and they want to make one more run at the taxpayer’s bank before the gravy train grinds to a halt. Last year only 24 teachers were allowed to join the program.
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Union Waste: Retiring Wisc. Teachers Given a Year’s Salary for 30 Day’s Work”

Michael Moore: Big Fat Union Hypocrite

-By Warner Todd Huston

With the spotlight on Wisconsin’s union thugs rampaging across the state, one wonders why it took propaganda filmmaker Michael Moore so long to put himself in front of the news cameras to take some of their publicity for himself. But this weekend, Moore finally glommed onto the cameras making himself out to be a great supporter of the union’s efforts in the Badger State. Once again, though, Moore proves to be a hypocrite. It was Moore, after all, that excluded using union workers in one of his recent films. Some supporter of unions!

Filmmaker Moore attend a recent Wisconsin pro-union rally and regaled the crowd with an address saying, “Madison is only the beginning.”

“We’re going to do this together. Don’t give up. Please don’t give up,” Moore told the protesters, who have swarmed the Capitol every day for close to three weeks.

Oh, he’s a great supporter, right? But let us drift back only a few years to 2009 when he was filming his last bomb, Capitalism: A Love Story. During that production we found that Moore didn’t hire union stagehands (the IATSE) for his film.
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Michael Moore: Big Fat Union Hypocrite”

Who is Footing Wisconsin Fleebagger’s Bills?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The expenses for the Fleebagging Wisconsin Democratic Senators are mounting. It’s been about a week’s worth of expenses since they’ve gone on the lamb. So, who is paying for all this? There has been rampant speculation that third party donors and union lobbyists have been slipping these Wisc. State Senators some money to pay their fleebagging costs. If they are this is clearly illegal.

The relevant Wisconsin statue is from Subchapter III, Chapter 13, Wisconsin Statutes (13.625), the prohibited practices section.

(1) No lobbyist may:
(a) Instigate legislative or administrative action for the purpose of obtaining employment in support or opposition thereto.
(b) Furnish to any agency official or legislative employee of the state or to any elective state official or candidate for an elective state office, or to the official’s, employee’s or candidate’s personal campaign committee:
1. Lodging.
2. Transportation.
3. Food, meals, beverages, money or any other thing of pecuniary value…

There is also a chance that these senators are using their campaign cash to pay their expenses. And if they are, the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board says that this is OK.
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Who is Footing Wisconsin Fleebagger’s Bills?”

Left-Wing Union H8ters Update

-By Warner Todd Huston

Today we have two examples of union thugs acting like, well, union thugs. We have two examples in Ohio and one in Wisconsin, two hotbeds for union whiners of late.

The first one is the tale of a leftist protester arrested for calling in a bomb threat to an aviation business in Eu Clair, Wisconsin a few hours after Governor Scott Walker appeared there to give a speech.

The Chippewa Herald reports that local resident, Patrick J. Knauf, 43, of Eau Claire, called in the threat. Knauf has been involved in the union-sponsored protests of Republican Walker and himself appeared for a recent protest held at the Chippewa Valley Regional Airport which is right next to the company in question.
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Left-Wing Union H8ters Update”

Teacher Thugs Cause $7.5 Million in Damage to Wisc. Capitol Bldg

-By Warner Todd Huston

Not only are they ripping off Wisconsin’s taxpayers through their lavish salaries, pensions, and benefits, now government employees and their supporters are causing even more expenses born by Wisconsin’s working poor and middle classes because they have caused $7.5 million in damages with their protests at the Wisconsin State capitol building in Madison.

According to reporting by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel the damages to the capitol and its grounds have been estimated at $7.5 million.
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Teacher Thugs Cause $7.5 Million in Damage to Wisc. Capitol Bldg”

Another Unhinged Wisconsin Teacher’s Obscene Hatred Forced on the Kids

-By Warner Todd Huston

UPDATED: Teacher sends his hate down the memory hole, deletes blogs

Racine middle school teacher Jack Senzig is exactly the sort of person that makes all Wisconsin teachers look bad. His selfishness and hatred is so palpable that it seems his very existence is now dedicated to disgorging it all upon his family, friends, and, worse, his students. In fact, his hatred for everyone that disagrees with him has gotten so bad that he cannot resist forcing images of torture, murder, and evisceration onto his students.

This cretin has major issues, folks, and he’s a teacher of children.

Thanks to Real Debate Wisconsin we find the disgusting imagery that this “teacher” is disgorging on the various websites he operates, sites that his students and friends visit.
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Another Unhinged Wisconsin Teacher’s Obscene Hatred Forced on the Kids”

Left-Wing Group Takes Down Conservative Website — Petty Little Children Affecting Nothing

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left-wing Internet-based group calling itself “Anonymous” briefly took down the website of the conservative activist group Americans For Prosperity on Sunday, Feb. 27. Yet all the sturm und drang signifying… what? Me thinks that “Anonymous” is reading too many comic books.

Amusingly, with the Denial of Service (DNS) attack “Anonymous” imagines themselves striking a blow for the oppressed, or something. “Anonymous hears the voice of the downtrodden American people,” they sonorously tell us on their website. The amusing thing to me is that they imagine the oppressed are government employee union members. Only, here is the thing… people that work for the government are on average the best paid people in America. They have the best benefits, the earliest retirement ages, and the cheapest healthcare in the entire country — cheapest to them anyway, not to us the taxpayers. It is a fact that government employees are the new elites in America today. It is also a fact that they live high on the hog off the backs of the working poor.

So who the heck do these fools in “Anonymous” think they are come to the aid of?
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Left-Wing Group Takes Down Conservative Website — Petty Little Children Affecting Nothing”

Government Employee Unions Undemocratic, Unfair, Unsustainable

-By Warner Todd Huston

A lot has been said about the thuggish behavior of these teachers in Wisconsin and other union toughs across the country who have been caught on tape calling people Hitler and dictators, and attacking peaceful Tea Partiers. The behavior of union supporters has been ignorant to say the least. But as we’ve focused on the behavior of these ignoramuses, we’ve also neglected to explain just why their unions are illicit in the first place.

To start with we should remind everyone that government employees have not always been allowed to unionize. Collective bargaining for pubic employees only started in 1958 after New York Mayor Robert Wagner signed what came to be called “the Little Wagner Act” allowing city workers to unionize. In fact, collective bargaining itself was only legalized even in the private sector in 1935 when Wagner’s own father, New York Senator Robert Wagner, sponsored the National Labor Relations Act, or the Wagner Act. Nationally, collective bargaining for government employees began in 1962 when President John Kennedy signed Executive Order 10988 allowing federal employees to unionize and gain collective bargaining.
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Government Employee Unions Undemocratic, Unfair, Unsustainable”

New Tone: After Budget Vote, Wis. Democrat Tells Fellow Rep. ‘You Are F***ing Dead’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Democrat’s “new tone” rolls ever onward… into the ditch. After the latest vote on the Budget Repair Bill last Friday, Democrat State Representative Gordon Hintz (54th District) turned to fellow Representative Michelle Litjens (R, 56th District) and said: “You are F***ing Dead!”

Nice “new tone,” isn’t it? But it fits well with his pals in the teachers unions sporting Walker-is-Hitler signs not to mention how it fits with all the videos of union thugs committing violence against Tea Partiers that we’ve seen over the last week.

This Hintz creep is a piece of work, too. Earlier in February he got swept up in a prostitution ring in Appleton, Wisconsin.
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New Tone: After Budget Vote, Wis. Democrat Tells Fellow Rep. ‘You Are F***ing Dead’”

VIDEO: Calif. Union Goon Pushes Tea Partier While Yelling About ‘Fascists,’ Another Attacks Man in Georgia

-By Warner Todd Huston

Union animals escalating violence across the country…

BigGovernment.com has the startling tale of a Teamster Jacket-wearing union goon attacking a Tea Party member at a protest held in Sacramento, California.

Naturally, even as this union scumbag was manhandling a Tea Partier, he was yelling through a bullhorn that Tea Partiers are “fascists.”

The union thug was later issued a citation by Sacramento police for his physical assault.

I hate to say this, but I am afraid that these union thugs won’t be happy until someone is seriously injured at one of these protests. Unonistas cannot restrain the abject hatred they feel for Americans and the union left’s long, violent history augers that someone is going to get hurt sooner rather than later. I dearly hope that my fears are never realized, but it’s certainly hard to deny the distinct possibility. I certainly don’t want anyone hurt, here, not on any side of this budget debate.

SecularStpidest also has posted what it is claiming is an interview with the another guy that got manhandled in Atlanta, Georgia by a union thug…

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VIDEO: Calif. Union Goon Pushes Tea Partier While Yelling About ‘Fascists,’ Another Attacks Man in Georgia”

Absurd: Leftists Fool People Into Fearing That Wisconsin Budget Bill is Crafted to Kill People

-By Warner Todd Huston

Wisconsin’s MacIver Institute reports on how left-wing radicals are fooling sick people in Wisconsin into imagining that Governor Walker’s budget proposal is meant to kill all sick people.

Here is one of those poor people that have been bamboozled into imagining that they are going to be killed by the state of Wisconsin because Governor Walker is attempting to instill some fiscal sanity in the Badger State.
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Absurd: Leftists Fool People Into Fearing That Wisconsin Budget Bill is Crafted to Kill People”

VIDEO: Union Thugs Say Gov. Christie Will ‘Shoot Them’ Like Gadhafi

-By Warner Todd Huston

At a rally in New Jersey, we see more teachers that don’t deserve to be allowed near children for their ignorance of history, their wild-eyed hatred, and their outright stupidity.

In this video we see “teachers” who don’t feel bad about parading around in the streets while their children are left without teachers. Worse, we see this historically ignorant, fact starved fools that think that Governor Chris Christie will start murdering them in the streets like Libyan strongman Muammar Gadhafi has been doing in Libya.

People like this should be immediately fired. There is NO comparison between the current anti-union sentiment being evinced by the majority of Americans today and the murderous oppression being perpetrated by Islamicists in the Middle East and northern Africa.

A so-called teacher that equates Gov. Christ Christie to a Gadhafi-like monster is too stupid to be allowed to teach our children.
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VIDEO: Union Thugs Say Gov. Christie Will ‘Shoot Them’ Like Gadhafi”

Video: Stop Obama and His Union Bosses!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Courtesy of the Republican National Committee…

This is exactly right. While every state is drowning in debt, Barack Obama and the billions that unions have spent on him and his Democrat Party is being put toward thwarting the will of the voters and to making the state’s and the federal government’s debt far, far worse.
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Video: Stop Obama and His Union Bosses!”

Wisconsin Union Facts

-By Warner Todd Huston

Thee has been a lot of confusion over just what the heck is going on between Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and the unions in the Badger State. Who is doing what to whom is information that seems to be a bit hard to come by. What does Walker plan to do? What does his bill mean?

For those that want a good wrap up of exactly what is going on no better post than that of Brian Fojtik’s over at Pundit League can be found.

Please do take a quick jump over to Wisconsin Union Wars: The Facts and read all the details.

Also, if you want a pretty good review of Walker’s record, take a look at www.TheHispanicConservative.com.
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Wisconsin Union Facts”

All Teachers Unions Must Fall, Not Just Wisconsin’s

-By Warner Todd Huston

The lies that have been peddled by the unions in Wisconsin are legion. They are claiming that Walker has a budget surplus he’s hiding, he isn’t. They have been claiming that it “isn’t about the money,” but it is. They have even claimed to be “sick” by having real doctors issue falsified sick letters so that they can play hooky from school, shutting down both Wisconsin’s government and its schools. These lefties have also claimed that Governor Walker has surprised everyone with his anti-union drive.

On the that last one, nothing could be further than the truth. Governor Walker’s entire political career has been filled with similar pronouncements, policies, and attempts at policies.

But there is one more lie that is universal across the education establishment: more money will fix everything. A singular fact is that more and more money being pumped into education is not fixing anything. To prove that, we can turn to Central Falls school in Rhode Island for a little morality play.
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All Teachers Unions Must Fall, Not Just Wisconsin’s”

Wisc. and Ind. Democrats: Union Cash Driving Democrats to Run and Hide

-By Warner Todd Huston

With Democrat state legislators in Wisconsin and now Indiana fleeing their states so that they don’t have to do their job — just call them fleebaggers — it would be easy to assume that Democrats are cowards. If not cowards, then petulant children throwing temper tantrums because voters did not give them a power-lock majority. But while cowardice and petulance both factor into these running donkeys their main motivation is greed. You see, if public employees lose their power then they will have no more money to give Democrats for their campaign coffers.

By far unions are the largest donors that Democrats have all up and down the line from local and state to federal. Unions spent over 50 million dollars on Barack Obama’s campaign back in 2008 and they spent another 50 million for the 2010 midterm elections.

Most specifically pubic employee unions are Democrats biggest supporters. In the last week of the 2010 election, for instance, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) spent over a million dollars to help elect Democrats. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) spent almost $400,000.
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Wisc. and Ind. Democrats: Union Cash Driving Democrats to Run and Hide”

Wisconsin Teachers: Putting Kids at Risk

-By Warner Todd Huston

Why do these teachers hate Wisconsin’s kids?

A reader named Tom from Des Moines, Iowa, emailed me and asked some pertinent questions of these recalcitrant teachers. I have asked some of these questions here myself and I have heard a few of them floated on Twitter, Facebook and the radio, but it is good to have them all in one post.

The teachers, says reader Tom, keep claiming that it’s all “for the kids” yet their actions here prove that the kids are last on the list as teachers worry more about safeguarding their unions, their high salaries and lucrative benefits.
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Wisconsin Teachers: Putting Kids at Risk”

Wisc. Union Thug: ‘First They Take Away Unions, Then They Take Away The Jews…’??? Unions Want Legalized Theft, Plain and Simple

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every so-called teacher in Wisconsin needs to be removed from the classroom and should not be allowed to return until she can prove that she’s become educated enough to understand that no politician in Wisconsin is “just like Hitler.”

These thugs latest claim is that “it’s not about the money” but the facts speak pretty clearly that it is all about the money. The union thugs want more of yours, Wisconsin, and your Republican legislators are telling them that the wallet is empty.

This has become ground zero for the fight against the thievery that public employee unions have perpetrated against the people for 50 years. This is day one in the fight to end the abuse.

… and make no mistake about it, folks. The unions are in a war against YOU, the taxpayer. They think YOU are the enemy. YOU are their target. YOU are their sugar daddy. Tell them you’ve had enough of their abuse.
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Wisc. Union Thug: ‘First They Take Away Unions, Then They Take Away The Jews…’??? Unions Want Legalized Theft, Plain and Simple”

Great: One of the Most Violent Union Thugs Now Appearing With Thug Teachers in Wisconsin

-By Warner Todd Huston

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has decided to flock to the side of thug Wisconsin teachers on Friday. This should not be much of a surprise. Trumka understands that this battle could serve to galvanize anti-union sympathies all across the country, and rightfully so. With the hate and “violent rhetoric” being employed by these thug teachers with very little legitimate provocation these teachers are quickly proving that they aren’t sympathetic figures. In any case, Trumka hopes to turn the sliding sympathies back in his favor.

It should also not surprise anyone that Trumka, one of the most vile, violent thugs in upper echelons of uniondom, has flocked to the side of unionistas that have employed some of the most vile rhetoric and characterizations of their enemy, the people of Wisconsin.
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Great: One of the Most Violent Union Thugs Now Appearing With Thug Teachers in Wisconsin”

These Hatemongers Are in Control of Our Children!

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Wisconsin teachers are calling everyone that opposes them a Nazi, they are creating signs with crosshairs over the faces of their political enemies, like the grown-ups they are they are calling political foes “dicks,” calling Republicans “terrorists,” and saying that they “hate people.” And why all this vitriol from the Party whose president wants more “civility” in politics? Why because they are being asked to pay a few dollars more into their own healthcare each month, what else?

Doug Ross has a compilation of some 15 of the most egregious signs being toted around by the union thugs in Wisconsin.

Here are a few of them:

Check out Ross’s post for more.

These public employee unions need to be eliminated. They are entirely undemocratic and antithetical to good government.
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These Hatemongers Are in Control of Our Children!”