Some Photos From CPAC 2014

-By Warner Todd Huston

The reason the blog has been so sparsely populated this last week is because I have been in Washington DC since March 2 taking meetings and then attending the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Well, I say “attending” but I mean skipping much of it n favor of going to panels held outside the event, meetings in small rooms held by individuals and groups not participating at CPAC.

Oh, and I attended quite a few parties, too, of course.

There was Representative Louie Gohmert’s Party where he celebrated the launch of his new Political Action Committee, ?GOH Conservative PAC There I met Rush Limbaugh’s Bo Snerdley–yes he really exists.

Meet James Golden, aka Bo Snerdley

I also ran into Maryland Congressional candidate Dan Bongino once again. THIS is a great candidate, folks.

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Some Photos From CPAC 2014″

Republican Elites DID Seek to Keep Federal Oversight on State Elections

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week PJ Media posted a short story that reported that certain operatives in the Republican Party establishment wanted to buck the Supreme Court of the United States of America and look to ways to re-instate federal oversight over elections and redistricting in southern states. The Republican National Committee immediately denied the report and said they absolutely were not looking to re-impose federal oversight on the states.

In June the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) struck down part of the voting rights law and returned oversight of redistricting and elections back to the several southern states. Since 1965 these states had to plead to the federal government to get approval for such things all due to civil rights violations during the days of Jim Crow.

This decision was hailed by conservatives as a move in the right direction but Obama’s racebaiting Attorney General, Eric Holder, has vowed to return the states back to federal oversight quite despite what the SCOTUS decided.

Now, in the original PJ Media report (RNC Operatives Join Holder’s Campaign Against Texas, Several Other States), it was reported that “the RNC have been spending RNC donations plotting to do exactly what Eric Holder is seeking to do–return Texas and other states to federal oversight.”
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Republican Elites DID Seek to Keep Federal Oversight on State Elections”

Left-Wing Group Takes Down Conservative Website — Petty Little Children Affecting Nothing

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left-wing Internet-based group calling itself “Anonymous” briefly took down the website of the conservative activist group Americans For Prosperity on Sunday, Feb. 27. Yet all the sturm und drang signifying… what? Me thinks that “Anonymous” is reading too many comic books.

Amusingly, with the Denial of Service (DNS) attack “Anonymous” imagines themselves striking a blow for the oppressed, or something. “Anonymous hears the voice of the downtrodden American people,” they sonorously tell us on their website. The amusing thing to me is that they imagine the oppressed are government employee union members. Only, here is the thing… people that work for the government are on average the best paid people in America. They have the best benefits, the earliest retirement ages, and the cheapest healthcare in the entire country — cheapest to them anyway, not to us the taxpayers. It is a fact that government employees are the new elites in America today. It is also a fact that they live high on the hog off the backs of the working poor.

So who the heck do these fools in “Anonymous” think they are come to the aid of?
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Left-Wing Group Takes Down Conservative Website — Petty Little Children Affecting Nothing”

U.S. Senator Rob Portman Delivers Weekly Republican Address

Our goal as Republicans is to make sensible reductions in this spending and create a better environment for job growth, not to shut down the government. Getting our debt and deficits under control is the first step we can take, and the single most important step Washington can take, to get our economy moving and create the jobs we so badly need.

Full transcript of Senator Portman’s Address:

“I’m Rob Portman. I am proud to represent the people of Ohio as a new United States Senator. What I heard in my travels to every county in Ohio over the past couple of years, and what I continue to hear across our state, is a deep concern over jobs and the future of our economy. There is an understandable frustration with Washington’s failure to address even the most basic problems.

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U.S. Senator Rob Portman Delivers Weekly Republican Address”

Video: Stop Obama and His Union Bosses!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Courtesy of the Republican National Committee…

This is exactly right. While every state is drowning in debt, Barack Obama and the billions that unions have spent on him and his Democrat Party is being put toward thwarting the will of the voters and to making the state’s and the federal government’s debt far, far worse.
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Video: Stop Obama and His Union Bosses!”