2010: The Entertainment Industry’s PC Year in Review

-By Warner Todd Huston

For the entertainment industry’s practitioners of political correctness, 2010 was another banner year. Even as conservatives have made deserved headway in La La Land and other areas of the industry, there still aren’t enough conservatives to bring much needed patriotism, logic, and common sense to the scene. Sadly, the industry is still filled with those slavishly dedicated to anti-American tropes, left-wing blather, and self-hatred. From comic books, to music, to radio, TV and movies, PCism still runs rampant.

Without further ado, here are just a few examples of PCism from 2010 in music, TV, movies, and publishing. Certainly there are many more and these are not necessarily a “top ten,” but these examples do serve to show that PCism is not dead despite the Tea Party uprising, the growth of the conservative new media, and the resulting Republican tsunami from the midterm elections.

(In no particular order…)
Movies and Actors

Who could forget the film Machette, starring Danny Trejo and directed by Robert Rodriguez? This one was a sort of pastiche of 1970s exploitation movies with a Mexican twist. The film was replete with White sherifs ruthlessly murdering pregnant Mexican immigrants, American businessmen working to keep Mexicans down, overpowering racism against Mexicans by white Americans and it all seemed intended to inflame militant Mexican nationalism and to goad illegal immigrants in America to put all the blame on white America. The creators claimed it was supposed to be just good, over-the-top fun but in the climate of racial tensions in America today it was as funny as a militant Mexican flavored attempt to start a race war.
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2010: The Entertainment Industry’s PC Year in Review”

RIP Captain Beefheart

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in the late 70s and early 80s I got into a band called “Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band.” Really great, wacky, seemingly improvised, music. Strange, haunting, exuberant. Did I say strange?

The Captain was one Don Van Vliet. He was a friend and contemporary of Frank Zappa (hence the “strange” part). Well, I missed the news a few days ago, but I just found out that the Captain has passed away on Dec. 17th. He was 69.

If you’d like to learn more about Don Van Vliet, here is a great profile of the man written by Lester Bangs of Village Voice.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Vliet’s odd musical excursions inspired many later hit makers. Johnny Lydon, Devo, PJ Harvey, Joe Strummer, the Residents, Tom Waits, Pere Ubu and the Fall all claimed to have been inspired by Captain Beefheart.

Even though his musical career was never a giant financial and popular success, he did have critical acclaim. Still, where he made an even larger mark was in the world of abstract painting.

I never did go back and try to get any of the Magic Band’s work on CD. All my albums are still on vinyl! I haven’t listened to them in years. Now that the Captain has passed on, maybe I’ll break them out again.
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RIP Captain Beefheart”

No Cancer in Hinkley, California: Activist Hollywood Wrong AGAIN!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Proving once again that Hollywood always gravitates to the wrong causes, Tim Cavanaugh of Reason.com reported on Dec. 14 that the California town made famous by Erin Brokovich — an activism that Hollywood embraced with a major motion picture starring Julia Roberts — has proven not to have lived up to all the anti-corporate fearmongering that brought the town to the country’s attention.

For those of you that are hazy on the story, local activist Erin Brokovich successfully took Pacific Gas and Electric to court forcing it to pay a record $333 million class-action settlement because it was determined that the company allowed a toxic plume of hexavalent chromium 6 to be released from the natural gas pipeline based in Hinkley, California.

The charge from Brockovich and her supporters was that this cloud of hexavalent chromium 6 was surely going to unleash a wave of devastating cancers on the unsuspecting residents of Hinkley. The courts tended to agree. The court of public opinion also agreed. Interestingly, there wasn’t any real scientific proof to give the contention veracity, but everyone was just sure that increased levels of cancer would befall these poor people. The company lost and paid dearly.

It was just the sort of David vs Goliath story that drew Hollywood to the tale. A 2000 film starring Julia Roberts, one of the highest paid actresses of her day, was crafted to make a hero of Miss Brockovich.
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No Cancer in Hinkley, California: Activist Hollywood Wrong AGAIN!”

Hollywood Lunatics and Other Stories

-By Warner Todd Huston

It’s a holiday and some might say we should be charitable to the unfortunate. By unfortunate usually they mean those that don’t have as much as you and I. But one might construe “unfortunate” to mean being gut wrenchingly stupid, too. And when one thinks of the gut wrenchingly stupid one often thinks of the denizens of Hollywood above all others. Still it is awfully hard to be charitable toward such stupidity, I have to admit.

Today I have two members of the gut wrenchingly stupid Hollywood set to report upon. It might have been three but the terminal lunacy of Charlie Sheen just goes without saying.

This week Americans stood ready to wish each other a Happy Thanksgiving, to be sure. Well, everyone was but the vapid Angelina Jolie, that is. To her this holiday isn’t a day to thank God for our fortunate bounty and to reflect upon the fortuitous founding of this nation, it’s little else but “happy murder the natives day” and she refuses to take part.
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Hollywood Lunatics and Other Stories”

Roger Ebert As Black Hearted as His Disease is Cancerous

-By Warner Todd Huston

One would think that a fellow as ravaged by cancer as Roger Ebert would find his soul a bit less rancorous toward others. One would think that a man that has had such pain would not wish pain on others. But Roger Ebert is a liberal. Pain and hate is what they do.

Proof of this is in the latest hatred that spewed from Roger Ebert’s keyboard over the Thanksgiving holiday. While everyone else was enjoying family and thanking God for their bounty, this black-souled, venom-spitting, hatemonger was taking a little time out of his holiday to wish ill on others. Worse he was doing so in the name of thanksgiving.

The hateful Ebert wrote the following tweet on his Twitter account on thanksgiving:

Today let us give thanks for the right of trial by jury. Especially Tom Delay’s jury.

Now, no matter what you think about Tom Delay, it is sure that Thanksgiving is not the day to be reveling in someone else’s tribulations. The day of Thanksgiving is not the day to be spewing hatred on others. It is the day to be thankful to God for one’s own blessings.
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Roger Ebert As Black Hearted as His Disease is Cancerous”

Randy Quaid Wants Canadian Asylum Cuz ‘They’ Are Murdering Actors in Hollywood… or Something

-By Warner Todd Huston

Jammie Wearing Fool brought to our attention the weird’o story of actor Randy Quaid and his wacky wife who are trying to get asylum in Canada to avoid prosecution for trespass and avoiding detention here in the USA. Why do they want asylum? Why because “they” are killing people in Hollywood for being… I guess just for being actors… or something.

Mrs Quaid begged a Canadian immigration adjudicator not to force her to return, saying friends, such as actors David Carradine and Heath Ledger, have been ‘murdered’ under mysterious circumstances.

‘We feel our lives are in danger,’ she said. ‘Randy has known eight close friends murdered in odd, strange manners… We feel that we’re next.’

Well if “they” are killing Hollywooders they sure haven’t done their job nearly well enough. I can think of a dozen of ‘em right off the top o’ my head that’r still walking around who need that treatment! Someone is falling down on the job, I’d say. I mean it’s like killin’ Kennedys. Why’d they stop at just two? Slipshod work is all I can think of.

Seriously, though, I think Randy and his wacky wife are gooped up on the gop if they think that they are targets of those Hollywood assassins. But I still don’t know why they are worried. Does Quaid and his wife really think they are in the same class of actors as Heath Ledger?
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Randy Quaid Wants Canadian Asylum Cuz ‘They’ Are Murdering Actors in Hollywood… or Something”

CBS’s ‘Medium’ Present A Sheriff Joe Arpaio-Like Character As Rapist-Murderer

-By Warner Todd Huston

On October 15, the Whodunnit/Psychic series “Medium,” which is set in Phoenix, Arizona, featured a character obviously based on tough-on-crime, real-life Sheriff Joe Arpaio. But instead of presenting him as a tough, but serious lawman, this TV show depicted its Arpaio-like character as a rapist of teen girls as well as a murderer.

I guess CBS couldn’t possibly present its Sheriff Arpaio-styled character as a good man. Their Arpaio-like character had to be seen as a sicko, rapist, and murderer. It is just another example of how Hollywood and the TV industry can’t stand it that there are real men out there that the voters love because they are public servants that are tough-minded, but fair. No, to TV, anyone that isn’t a liberal must be a rapist, a murderer, or a mentally deranged cretin.
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CBS’s ‘Medium’ Present A Sheriff Joe Arpaio-Like Character As Rapist-Murderer”

Actors Union Acting a ‘Bully Boy’ Over Aussie Lord of the Rings Sequels

-By Warner Todd Huston

Unions are the scourge of Middle Earth, or at least the upcoming filmed version of Tolkien’s Hobbit set in that mythical land, anyway. Peter Jackson, heir to the Tolkien legacy on film, is trying to produce a two-part Hobbit film but the local actors union is standing athwart him Sauron-like and casting its evil union eye upon the project frustrating everyone.

Jackson accused the Media Entertainment Arts Alliance of being an “Australian bully boy” after the union spurred actors to boycott the production over unmet union demands.

In a public letter, Jackson railed against the union demands.
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Actors Union Acting a ‘Bully Boy’ Over Aussie Lord of the Rings Sequels”

Movie Trailer: True Grit Gets Grittier

-By Warner Todd Huston

Joel and Ethan Cohen have taken the book that the 1970 John Wayne vehicle of the same name was based on and given it a new treatment. The book was published in 1969 and written by Charles Portis and related the tale of a young girl determined to avenge the death of her father by teaming up with a seedy, aging gunfighter named Reuben J. “Rooster” Cogburn and a greedy Texas Ranger named La Boeuf.

I am all in for this one, I have to tell you! But it sure seems like Jeff Bridges and especially Matt Damon are in every other movie these days! For that matter, Josh Brolin has done quite a lot of work lately, too.

But this trailer looks great.

1970, Rod Serling: Television Has Little Relevance

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 1970 University of Kansas Professor James Gunn interviewed famed “Twilight Zone” creator Rod Serling and what he said about how badly the subject of race was handled on TV in his day is particularly trenchant.

Gunn, a science fiction writer in his own right having won many awards for his work, asked Mr. Serling if he felt that any current television fiction was relevant to the human condition. Rod was discouraged that it was, especially where it concerns the issue of race.

“Most television fiction that I watch has very little relevance. I think it’s one thing to say that we will now have a program called ModSquad, say, and we will have one black man and one oriental and one Hawaiian to show this marvelous melting-pot concept. But I think, Jim, that’s altogether phony. I don’t think that’s… I think at best condescension and at worst exploitation. The fact is that we have so distorted the pure ethnic minority over the years by making every black man a banjo player, and a village idiot, and a coward, that suddenly we are going to reverse switch, he is now a brain scientist or an atomic scientist or any one of an equal distortion at the other end. Needless to say I’d much prefer the distortion on the good side of the scale… but all television fiction I find quite irrelevant and quite unrelated.”

That was a pretty dismissive view for Rod Serling to think of the medium that made him famous, but on the other hand it’s hard to argue with his logic. For all the ballyhooing about TV it has rarely been relevant to much of anything.

The interview is about 20 minutes long and is quite interesting.

Things haven’t gotten much better, have they?

The sad thing about this great bit of film history is to realize that this genius, Rod Serling, had only five more years to live after the shooting of this interview.
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1970, Rod Serling: Television Has Little Relevance”

New Film ‘Machete’: Cynical Exploitation of America’s Racial Troubles

-By Warner Todd Huston

The new film Machete is born of a joke. No, really. In 2006 when Quentin Tarantino was gearing up for his double feature movie experience Grindhouse, he solicited other directors and even the fans to make fake trailers for bad 70’s exploitation moves. These trailers were shown between the two features in a takeoff of the coming attractions shown between movie features in those old 70s era B-picture film houses Tarantino was spoofing with Grindhouse. Machete was one of these over the top, fake movie trailers and it featured the catch phrase, “This time they f**ked with the wrong Mexican.” It got such a rousing reception from Tarantino’s fans that he and director and partner Robert Rodriguez thought it would make a great sendup film of its own.

But the joke has soured. In this film white America is the enemy and the United States is an oppressive force. It gets so extreme that in one scene a pair of white men shoot to death a pregnant Mexican woman merely so that her baby won’t be born in the USA. The pair then cruelly say, “Welcome to America,” to the dead woman’s Mexican husband.

That is some pretty harsh stuff.
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New Film ‘Machete’: Cynical Exploitation of America’s Racial Troubles”

It’s The End of Days: A Hanna Montana Tribute Act??

-By Warner Todd Huston

For a Sunday headshaker, My Chicago friend Pat Hickey has alerted us to a catastrophe of Biblical proportions. The Seventh Seal is broken, he says. Why is it the end of days? Because there is now a Hannah Montana tribute Act out there plying your local Summerfests and carnivals.

Seriously. A Hanna Montana tribute band? If it isn’t the end of days it’s at least the end of entertainment. Here we have a young girl recreating a fake girl, in fake hair, doing a fake act, for a non-existent band. It is so many levels of manufactured “entertainment” that it boggles the mind.
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It’s The End of Days: A Hanna Montana Tribute Act??”

Michael Moore Caught Stealing Others’ Work

-By Warner Todd Huston

Filmmaker Michael Moore, famed for his propagandistic left-slanted portrayals of America in such films as Roger and Me, Bowling for Columbine, and Sicko, is under fire for lifting the work of a writer from the Knoxville News Sentinel and reposting it on his own site in total despite that copyright laws disallow such a practice.

On his site Random Mumblings the News Director of Innovation for the Knoxville News Sentinel, Jack Lail, reported that Michael Moore lifted an entire story and its accompanying video production from his newspaper’s website and reposted it all on MichaelMoore.com. Not only did he lift the whole story (not just excerpts, but the whole thing) and take the video to repost it on his own site, Michael Moore did not add any new content and even re-processed the News Sentinel’s video to remove their logo from the screen.

The article’s original author, the Knoxville News Sentinel’s Frank Munger, alerted Lail to the thievery prompting Lail to contact Moore demanding it all be removed. For several days Lail’s demand was ignored as Moore has been known to thumb his nose at copyright laws and intellectual property rights. Finally, though, by July 12 the Moore website removed the offending pages. (For a screen shot of Moore’s website, see the post at Random Mumblings.)
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Michael Moore Caught Stealing Others’ Work”

A Major Logical Flaw in Zombies

-By Warner Todd Huston

OK, you zombie movie fans, I have a question that reveals a logical flaw in zombies.

But first some points: zombies are putrid and falling apart, right? They don’t heal they just putrefy, right? Also, uncooked human skin is very rubbery and hard to bite off the bone easily, right? (take my word for it, it is) You need a good strong set of chompers to rip raw human flesh from the body.

OK, then, with that in mind how can zombies eat raw human flesh? If the rest of their bodies are falling apart how can they keep their teeth in their head long enough to tear human flesh apart? Wouldn’t their teeth be falling out and putrefying like the rest of their bodies?

It’s a logical flaw that ruins zombies for ME, anyway. Maybe I just ruined them for you, too?
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A Major Logical Flaw in Zombies”

Princess Leia Found Her Darth Vader: It’s You and Me

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, she’s a former alcoholic, drug addict, washed up actor, shock therapy patient (no, really) and one-time princess to the universe, but now Carrie “Princess Leia” Fisher can add one more calumny to her long list of off-kilter, personality deficits: she’s a “teabagger” hater. So, she’s got that going for her, which is nice.

Hawking another one of those prosaic celebrity tell-alls, Fisher spoke to the folks at the entertainment site PopEater.com and when the subject of Obama and the Tea Party movement came up, the one-time heartthrob of nerds everywhere didn’t hold back. They are all “racists” she said.

PoEater.com asked Fisher if she had met President Obama; she hadn’t but wanted to. And then they asked the leading question of the day: “Do you think Tea Party is just people who are pissed that there is an African American president?”

Warming to the presented theme, Fisher took the bait at warp speed.
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Princess Leia Found Her Darth Vader: It’s You and Me”

Democrats Force Captain America to Flee America

-By Warner Todd Huston

California’s Democrats have forced the upcoming Captain America movie to be filmed in England. Why would that be, Buckey? Because it’s just too expensive to film the movie in California because of the Democrat’s punitive taxes.

For Yahoo Movies, Mike Ryan asks a seminal question: Should We Now Call Him ‘Captain England’? In his lament, Ryan worries over the U.S. film industry as movies and TV shows flee America, specifically California, for the cheaper production rates of Canada and England.

And now Democrats are so concerned with propping up union thugs, forcing themselves on the people at every avenue, and stealing as much money from the rest of us that they can that they’ve even chased Captain America away from America!
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Democrats Force Captain America to Flee America”

How Hollywood Maligns The Right

-By Warner Todd Huston

We all know of the great slights that Hollywood deals out to the American right. We see them all the time. From the TV shows that casts Republicans as villains, the movies that make Christians out to be hypocrites or even outright evil. Traditional motherhood and fatherhood also find constant ridicule at the hands of Hollywood. The overt examples are everywhere, of course. But the grand swipe isn’t all that Hollywood indulges. There are also these ubiquitous, small, quick, too fast to notice swipes against the right perpetrated by Hollywood. A fine example of the side-swipe approach to denigrating the right came in the April 29 episode of The Mentalist, a CBS detective show starring Australian actor Simon Baker.

Now, at the top here I want to say that The Mentalist is generally an inoffensive, amusing little show fashioned in the Sherlock Holmes mode featuring a detective that sees every little clue and can with ease assemble these disparate facts to solve the crime. Baker turns in a funny performance with just enough underlying darkness to make his character interesting.

But, despite that it is generally a diverting entertainment, the show is just as disposed to slam anything from the right as any other and the April 29 episode gives us a prime example of that.
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How Hollywood Maligns The Right”

Seth MacFarlane: Historical Illiterate (Hollywood Lies About Arizona Law)

-By Warner Todd Huston

“Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane proves once again that while the denizens of Hollywood might be good at acting, or singing, or TV and movie making, they most certainly have no clue about history or contemporary politics. They are utterly illiterate about the world around them because of the insular bubble in which they live. In a recent interview reported by Reuters, the insufferable MacFarlane proves himself to be el stupido on the recent Arizona illegal immigrant law.

Now, one isn’t necessarily illiterate to oppose the new law essentially forced upon Arizona due to the utter failure of the federal government to properly deal with the illegal immigration problem, a problem that we’ve suffered under in this country since at least the 1980s. Certainly, there are substantive reasons to be both for and against the new law. Unfortunately for MacFarlane, “substance” isn’t in him.

The first quote that Reuters reports from MacFarlane is this bit of historical illiteracy…
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Seth MacFarlane: Historical Illiterate (Hollywood Lies About Arizona Law)”

Robocop Director: Robocop Was an ‘American Jesus’ Because he Kills People

-By Warner Todd Huston

Andrew Breitbart appeared at an awards ceremony in Chicago on Friday the 16th and one of his remarks was that Hollywood is “40 years into the left injecting bad into America.” To counter the bad, Breitbart urged us all to remind each other what is good in our great nation. As an illustration of Breitbart’s warning I give you Paul Verhoeven, the director of the 1987 film Robocop.

Verhoeven recently spoke to MTVs Josh Horowitz about the underlying symbolism of Robocop and his main conception was that the Robocop character was an “American Jesus” because his method of righting wrongs was to shoot and kill all evil doers. Robocop was judge, jury and executioner all in one and that apparently makes him an “American Jesus.”

It was Verhoeven’s contention that America is little else but a violent nation that has no interest in peace, law, and order, or diplomacy but is the quintessentially violent cowboy, self-interested, and mostly a lawless place.

In his own words, Verhoeven told MTV the following:
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Robocop Director: Robocop Was an ‘American Jesus’ Because he Kills People”

Madonna: Sex Selling Hypocrite

-By Warner Todd Huston

I guess as a youngster she was busy designing wacky, risque outfits when she should have been learning the definitions of words, but Madonna — the famed “Material Girl” — uttered a whopper recently misusing the word “irony” when she should have been using the word “hypocrite”… as in what she is.

Of course the first thought that anyone has of pop singer Madonna is sex, sex, sex. She has made her entire career on selling her sexuality. From the days of 1983’s hit “Holliday,” to photo spreads in Playboy and Penthouse, to crawling on stage like a cat in heat, to girl-on-girl kisses, and raunchy videos throughout, Madonna has made her bucks with her body with as much skin showing as possible at all times even today in her 50s.

But, suddenly mother Madonna is hopeful that her own 13-year-old daughter, Lourdes, will “dress more conservatively.” Sex is bad all of a sudden when Madonna is talking about her own child.
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Madonna: Sex Selling Hypocrite”

Hollywood Scripting: A Primer

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some have wondered how Hollywood works. There is the romantic version where a writer of talent writes an outstanding, heartfelt script, a director of vision expounds upon that script and actors with intensity bring it to life. Like much about romance that romantic image of Hollywood is a myth.

No, what Hollywood does when it wants a “serious” movie or TV show (especially a TV show) is dust off its basic outline and fit new names and different locations to each product. Well, revealed for the first time, here are those basic guidelines:
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Hollywood Scripting: A Primer”

Robert Culp, Gone at 79

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another iconic actor from my youth has passed. Robert Culp died today as a result of a head injury suffered from a fall outside his home. A passerby discovered the unresponsive actor and called 911. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Culp is most known for his alternately comic and dramatic role as Kelly Robinson, globe trotting tennis pro and American spy, in the 1960s TV show “I Spy.”

His work on this series was exemplar and “I Spy” was one of the best of its genera. It was serious subject matter which was never treated in the campy way that rival show “Man From U.N.C.L.E.” treated the spy theme. The writing on “I Spy” was always top notch.
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Robert Culp, Gone at 79″

Chgo Alderman Knocks Movie Avatar

-By Warner Todd Huston

Channel 2 News is reporting that Eleventh Ward Alderman James Balcer is railing against the new movie Avatar because it portrays U.S. Marines as murderous villains.

Bachler is a decorated Marine that served in Vietnam and is outraged how the Corps is treated in James Cameron’s film.

Balcer says the film makes Marines “look like lunatics.” In reality, he said, “We are a good, generous country that helps people.”

Of course Ald. Balcer is right. This movie is a technical wonder, certainly. But the story line could have been written by a 10-year-old from Berkeley. It is blatantly anti-capitalist, anti-American, anti-Marine, and anti-military. In fact, it is anti-human. Worse it is based on the simple minded “White man saves the natives” storyline where a white guy discovers the simple, noble natives and turns himself into one of them then turns around to oppose his own people in order to “save” the natives.

This story has been done a thousand times and been done better. Dances With Wolves is that story, the Tom Cruise movie The Last Samurai is that story, to a degree Lawrence of Arabia is that story and all were done better than Avatar.

So good for Ald. Balcer.
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Chgo Alderman Knocks Movie Avatar”

Those DVD ‘Special Features’ Rarely that Special

-By Warner Todd Huston

When DVDs first began to contain those now ubiquitous special features, those mini documentaries, series of interviews, or behind the scenes shoots, it seemed like such an exciting idea, especially for film buffs (or series fans). But now that they have become fairly common and now that I’ve seen a lot of them, I have to say that they are almost entirely worthless for anything other than time-wasting, disc stuffers.

Did you know that JJ Abrams is a great camera shaker and is “the life” of the new Star Trek movie? Did you know that no one worked harder than Peter Jackson, director of the Lord of the Rings trilogy? Isn’t the newest Punisher movie as fun as a real live comic book? Didn’t the actors on Silverado have fun? Wasn’t Patton intense? Aren’t all these films as brilliant as Shakespeare?

Do you care at all?
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Those DVD ‘Special Features’ Rarely that Special”

New Hollywood Movie Says Islam Destroyed by 2012!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Roland Emmerich’s new end-of-the-world disaster film 2012 has a rollicking good time destroying every monument to man’s architectural genius in the world. The Sistine Chapel goes kablooie, as does the Vatican and the giant Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro. The White House gets flattened, too. All man’s most well known landmarks get turned to dust by Emmerich’s over-the-top movie effects team.

But by the time the year 2012 rolls around, director Roland Emmerich is obviously saying that Islam has already been wiped off the face of the Earth before the end came. There are no Saudi scenes of mayhem and destruction in his film. No Iranian landmarks get caved in, no destruction of Mecca and Medina are shown in Emmerich’s mashup masterpiece.

One can only conclude that Roland Emmerich has decided that Islam has been whipped out by an enraged western civilization before the year 2012. Emmerich is obviously saying that all Muslims have been put to death and all Muslim holy sites will have been erased from the earth long before 2012 comes to end all of civilization.
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New Hollywood Movie Says Islam Destroyed by 2012!”

A Great Halloween Website: Bob Burns’ Hollywood Halloween

-By Warner Todd Huston

Folks, you just have to set a side some time to go visit a great site that will help get you in the mood for Halloween.

Bob Burns is best known as a movie effects guy, actor, sci-fi and horror movie props collector, and all around horror movie enthusiast, but starting in the late 1960s he also began to turn his California bungalow home into a Halloween horror show for the neighborhood kiddies.

But, as the years rolled on and as Burns’ Hollywood effects maker friends began to get involved the shows grew to some amazing, effects laden spectaculars that began to draw people from hundreds of miles away to see the show.

Anyway, Burns is offering four half hour videos about the shows they did and the videos are really fun to watch. Really nostalgic.

So far, three of the webisodes have been posted with one more coming next week. You just got to see them.

So, check it out at Bob Burns’ Hollywood Halloween.
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A Great Halloween Website: Bob Burns’ Hollywood Halloween”

Famous Leftist Michael Moore Snubs Union in Flimmaking

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michael Moore fancies himself a man of the left. He’s many times claimed to be the best friend to all unions. He’s claimed to be a man of the people… well, one that’s a mutli millionaire that rides about in limos, anyway. He’s even trying to advertise his new film by giving free tickets to union members. But, one union is refusing to accept those free tickets. Why? Because Moore somehow forgot to hire union stagehands when he made that film.

Like most of what he does, Moore’s lefty rhetoric is made the lie by his actual actions.

Moore did not hire any members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees for his newest film and because of that the American Federation of Teachers has officially turned away his offer of free tickets to his new film, “Communism, a love story” (I think that’s the title… isn’t it?).

Ooops. Looks like Moore is as “real” as the MGM backlots!
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Famous Leftist Michael Moore Snubs Union in Flimmaking”

Once again, Hollywood Jabs Sarah Palin

-By Warner Todd Huston

We’ve seen it before. Hollywood seems to need to find a way, any way, to jab Governor Palin as much as possible. Case in point we have the soon to be released movie titled “Did You Hear About The Morgans?” starring Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker.

Right in the trailer for this new laugh riot film is a jab at Palin. But it is a typically illogical jab, one that makes no sense at all. But it IS a jab and I guess logic isn’t necessary to the good folks in Hollyweird if it results in a jab at Palin.

The premise is that Hugh and Jessica are a married couple from New York that witness a Mafia hit and end up in witness protection in Wyoming. The jab comes in when Parker sees her first woman in a cowboy hat and worriedly says, “Oh my God it’s Sarah Palin.”

Guffaws all around, eh?

Of course, the whole thing is idiotic. Sarah Palin is not known for cowboy hats. Sarah Palin is not from Wyoming. Sarah Palin is not a south westerner at all. I would suggest that even idiot New Yawkers are aware that Palin is Alaska personified, not Wyoming!

It is also a little incongruous that the movie is portraying Hugh Grant as a married man. I thought all he cared about was prostitutes?

I also have to say that Sarah Jessica Parker is looking very old in this trailer. This woman is not aging well, to be sure.

That’s Hollyweird for ya.
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Once again, Hollywood Jabs Sarah Palin”

NBC’s Medium: Not the TV of Old

-By Warner Todd Huston

I like the NBC series Medium starring Patricia Arquette. It’s about a psychic that helps the Phoenix, Arizona police catch criminals, usually murderers. Well, I say NBC because that is where the season finale ended this week and in a cliff hanger yet. Next fall it will pick back up on CBS because NBC dropped the show. Of course, it’s only natural that CBS would pick the show up for the next season because the CBS Television Studios division produces the show in the first place… um, even though it was first aired on NBC.

This is what I mean that this isn’t the old days of TV. In the old days CBS would not produce shows for NBC and any network that dumped a show that another network rescued — a rarity in and of itself — would not have allowed a cliff hanger for a season finale that would send viewers to the competition!

So, what of this odd show? Well, the whole series can be summed up by the word “consternation.” There’s consternation by the hero, Arquette’s Allison DuBois, who is always churned up about catching a criminal, the consternation of her boss trying to figure out how to actually bring in a criminal found through a psychic’s visions, the consternation of always suffering husband Joe who can’t figure out how to be a good father when he doesn’t know what crazy situation his wife will next get into, and the consternation of the three young DuBois daughters that are struggling both with growing up and growing up with certain annoying psychic powers of their own that they can neither control nor understand.

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NBC’s Medium: Not the TV of Old”