We Need YOUR Help to Fight Voter Fraud in Wisconsin Recall Elections

Patriots are fighting to uphold the integrity of the election process in Wisconsin WILL YOU HELP?

Wisconsin is Just the Beginning.

In an effort to oust Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (along with the Lieutenant Governor and 4 Senators) the union backed group United Wisconsin led a massive drive to fill petition pages by any means necessary, flooding Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board with more signatures than anyone ever expected. When the GAB stated they couldn’t process such an influx and planned only to do visual spot checks, True the Vote decided to take action. True the Vote, together with Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty and We the People of the Republic, launched an effort to engage citizens in an independent, comprehensive audit of recall petition signatures. Why? Because if government can’t or won’t stand up to such Cloward and Piven-esque strategies, then citizens must.

Fellow Patriots, It’s Go Time!

We need your help! All we ask for is 100 minutes. In 100 minutes you can enter data for approximately 100 petition signatures. Nearly 13,000 volunteers from 49 states have signed up to participate in this recall effort – if we all work together this weekend, we can get the job done. This is the real deal – citizens are taking control – let’s stand together!

We Can See the Finish Line

Ours is the only effort with manpower and technology to crowd-source the 152,000+ documents that were meant to drown the GAB and we are 75% of the way done. But WE NEED MORE HELP to get all the signatures entered and THE CLOCK IS TICKING! All challenges in the Walker recall are due on February 27th. We want to post our findings online by February 25th. This timetable requires all signatures to be entered by February 23rd at the latest. Citizens have already found tens of thousands of ineligible names. Here’s an example – Donald Duck signed the petition – and his address is a Starbucks. Signup to help identify this kind of fraud!

If we don’t complete this audit, United Wisconsin wins by default and the clenched fist tactic of recall petition overwhelm will rage across our nation. Wisconsin is just the beginning.

Sign up right here right now

Soon after you signup you’ll receive an email with your password and instructions – then you’ll be ready to go! This audit effort is not about politics – it is about principle. Either we the people are strong enough to stand against union strong-arm tactics or we’re not. Government has already given up. The citizens of this country must hold the line. Invest 100 minutes this weekend, help the citizens of Wisconsin finish strong, and take a stand for election integrity!

And one more request – after you sign up, PLEASE FORWARD this information to your own email lists and ask them to forward it, too.

We can do this, we can do anything, when we stand together.

Onward –

Catherine Engelbrecht
True the Vote

Study: 24 Million Invalid Voter Registrations, 1.8 Million Dead Voters Still Registered on Rolls

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new Pew Center on the States study has revealed that approximately 24 million active voter registrations across the United States are either invalid or contain significant inaccuracies. Worse, some 1.8 millions deceased citizens are still legally registered to vote casting into doubt the legitimacy of America’s voter registration rolls and leaving the door wide open for massive voter fraud.

Pew reports that 1 in 8 registrations is either invalid or has major inaccuracies. The study also finds that the United States spends more money on voter registration but gets less accurate results than other countries such as neighboring Canada. Costs in the US are 12 times higher than costs in Canada, Pew found.

Oregon spent $8.8 million on voter registration in 2008, the cost amounting to $4.11 per voter. Yet in Canada, which adopted a digital registration system, spends only 35 cents per voter nationwide.
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Study: 24 Million Invalid Voter Registrations, 1.8 Million Dead Voters Still Registered on Rolls”

Texas AG Sues Feds Over Voter ID Law

-By Warner Todd Huston

On January 23, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott asked a federal court to clear the way for his state’s voter ID law while he awaits to hear what will happen with his demands that the Department of Justice drop its objections to the Texas law.

Abbott filed an expedited complaint for declaratory judgment (see complaint HERE) based on the fact that several other states have also enacted voter ID laws not to mention that the U.S. Supreme Court has already upheld such laws.
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Texas AG Sues Feds Over Voter ID Law”

New Yorkers Were Paid to Commit Vote Fraud

-By Warner Todd Huston

A trial has been underway for a week in an upstate New York vote fraud case that has brought to light criminal actions committed by Democrats in city government in Troy, New York that seems to go back decades. Some of the first witnesses are also claiming that they were paid by Democrat officials to commit vote fraud.

The case centers around fraudulent voter registrations and absentee ballots for the Working Families Party, a thinly disguised Democrat Party entity originally created by the disgraced community activist group ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now).

Up to eight Troy Democrats are being charged with various offenses such as falsifying business records and forgery.

Jermaine Joseph, the first witness called to the stand in the case, testified that in 2009 he was paid $10 to sign a voter registration card. Joseph, a former Hudson Valley Community College football player, testified that after he signed his form he was paid $10 by someone from City Hall.
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New Yorkers Were Paid to Commit Vote Fraud”

Wisc. Voter’s Name Fraudulently Signed Four Times to Same Recall Petition

-By Warner Todd Huston

A self identified Wisconsin watchdog group called Citizens for Responsible Government of Racine reports that a Racine man found his name signed four separate times to the petition to recall Republican State Senator Van Wanggaard, but the voter, Jeff Demet, said had never signed the recall petitions at all. As watchdog blogger Ken Brown says, “this is what vote fraud looks like.”

Blogger Ken Brown found that Jeff wasn’t the only Demet family member that appeared on official records without having put their hand to the petitions. Brown found that several Demet family member’s names appeared on the petitions, some of them several times, some even under different and false addresses.

It seems evident that these fraudulent signatures were added by Jeff’s brother, Mark, who had joined the recall effort and was passing around petitions himself.
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Wisc. Voter’s Name Fraudulently Signed Four Times to Same Recall Petition”

Yes Virginia The Internet Does NOT Replace Old Fashioned Politics

-By Warner Todd Huston

When Howard Dean became a surprise front runner in the Democrat primary of 2004 doing so on the basis of a strong Internet-based campaign effort, tongues began to wag that the Internet might replace old fashioned retail politics. This time ’round Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich served to get people to question the old way of organizing a campaign.

But this week we’ve seen in Virginia why these airy claims of the Internet’s new dominance is a bit chimerical. We see that old fashioned, boots on the ground politics is still the best method to election.

By all methods of measure, Texas Governor Rick Perry is still a strong candidate in the 2012 GOP Primary race. He sometimes comes in second, third or fourth in polls, but is still considered a top contender for the nomination. Yet as the time came to file his petition signatures in Virginia, it turned out his campaign could not collect enough to get his name on the ballot. So, a reputed front running candidate for the nomination, Rick Perry, will not even appear on the Virginia primary ballot.
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Yes Virginia The Internet Does NOT Replace Old Fashioned Politics”

Austin: Successful Rally to Oppose AG Holder’s Attack on Election Reforms

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Tuesday, December 13 a rally was held near the LBJ Library at the University of Texas, Austin to highlight the attack on election reforms launched inside by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder went to Texas to denounce the Lone Star State’s voter ID laws and claimed that simple voter ID laws were somehow discriminatory. Holder ominously claimed that he would use the power of his office to “enforce civil rights protections” during the upcoming 2012 elections.

Outside the LBJ Library nearly 200 citizens gathered to hear a multi-racial panel of six speakers denounce Holder’s partisan attempts to push the administration’s agenda to turn a blind eye to continuing voter fraud that consistently favors candidates from the Democrat Party.

The rally was sponsored by the Houston-based True The Vote, a grass roots voter integrity project staffed by volunteers. True The Vote is a nation-wide organization that has affiliates across the country, every day citizens interested in the integrity of the elections in their home district.
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Austin: Successful Rally to Oppose AG Holder’s Attack on Election Reforms”

Newt’s New Iowa Political Director Off Campaign For Calling Mormonism A Cult

-By Warner Todd Huston

Controversial comments about Mormonism being a “cult” have resulted in Newt Gingrich’s new Iowa political director being dumped form the campaign. Craig Bergman made the comments at a Wednesday media focus group and only hours later it was announced that he was off the campaign.

At the Iowa meeting of several Iowa media outlets, Bergman said that he thought that, “A lot of the evangelicals believe God would give us four more years of Obama just for the opportunity to expose the cult of Mormon,” He went on to say, “There’s a thousand pastors ready to do that.”

Gingrich, of course, has made it a point that he intends his campaign to be a positive one and has said that personal attacks on his opponents will not be allowed. If this quick elimination of Bergman is any indication, Gingrich is serious with this proscription against negative campaigning.

Only hours after Bergman uttered his claim that Mormonism is a cult Team Newt’s campaign spokesman, R.C. Hammond, released the following email:
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Newt’s New Iowa Political Director Off Campaign For Calling Mormonism A Cult”

VIDEO, Romney’s New Hampshire Ad: I am a Steady Leader

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mitt Romney’s new ad being aired in New Hampshire is a not so subtle slap at Newt Gingrich for Newt’s several marriages.

I have to say, when I think of Mitt Romney, “steadiness” is not the first word that comes to mind. Oh, sure he may be a faithful husband, but he’s hardly been a steady leader in politics. With his million flip flops he’s been on every side of every issue. That isn’t very “steady” if you ask me.
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VIDEO, Romney’s New Hampshire Ad: I am a Steady Leader”

Romney, Newt, Bachtorum, Ron Puntsman: Who Cares?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Like nearly every conservative in America today I am unimpressed by the current crop of GOP nominees for president and feel they all have major flaws — especially the two frontrunners Newt and Romney, both of whom have major deficits as far as staunch conservatives are concerned. But at this point I’ve come to realize that I don’t think I care which one of them is nominated. In fact, I think the White House is not where we should be focusing our intensity in 2012.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying we shouldn’t vote for whichever GOP nominee wins the game show plaudits. We should absolutely pick one of them and then we all, conservatives and Republicans alike, should vote for him (or her).

So, what am I saying? I am saying that the White House is less important than people are saying it is. Instead, we need a two-point focus for 2012 that doesn’t include the White House. We don’t need 999 points. Just two. 1). Gaining control of Congress and 2). turning Obama out. The identity and purity of our presidential nominee is the last thing we should be worried about at this point. It is a bit late for that anyway.

Let me assure you that I don’t have a favorite in this GOP race. And I have three real dislikes: Romney, Huntsman, and Ron Paul. This article is no stealth shilling for any particular candidate. I really do have big problems with all of them. But, again, I don’t think it matters which of them we pick if we focus on the two points I note above.

First of all, any of the GOP candidates (yes even the cranky uncle of the GOP, Ron Paul) would be better than Obama. But that goes without saying because I am a conservative that votes Republican. No surprise there, really.

But there are reasons besides blind partisanship that any of the GOP nominees is better than Obama. In fact, it can really be boiled down to but one issue that makes getting rid of Obama imperative: the courts. He has been thoroughly destructive to this country with his judicial picks.
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Romney, Newt, Bachtorum, Ron Puntsman: Who Cares?”

Mitt Romney Stealth Promotion of Gay ‘Rights’ And Gay Marriage in Mass.

Friend to the blog John Biver sends along an interesting press release about a new book about Mitt Romney’s “stealth promotion” of Gay “rights” and gay marriage when he was Governor of Massachusetts.


Just released: Amy Contrada’s blockbuster book on Mitt Romney’s stealth promotion of the homosexual agenda in Massachusetts.

MassResistance pro-family activist Amy Contrada has just released her definitive study of Mitt Romney’s role in implementing ‘gay marriage,’ promoting GLBT ‘rights,’ and supporting the sexual-radical agenda in the Massachusetts schools while Governor.

Titled, “Mitt Romney’s Deception: His Stealth Promotion of ‘Gay Rights’ and ‘Gay Marriage’ in Massachusetts,” it is a fascinating and thorough record of the sexual-radical activism that took place during that time, whether for same-sex ‘marriage’ or school programs promoting GLBT ‘rights.’ It contains a lot of information never published before.

The book is a rare combination of political history and analysis, enlivened by uncompromising commentary from a front-line activist. Contrada documents how Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney actively supported the homosexual and transgender agenda on same-sex ‘marriage,’ sexual-radical indoctrination in the schools, and societal transformation – while posing as a defender of the Constitution and traditional family values.
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Mitt Romney Stealth Promotion of Gay ‘Rights’ And Gay Marriage in Mass.”

Black Republican’s Campaign Sign Defaced With ‘KKK,’ Media Yawns

-By Warner Todd Huston

William “Bill” Randall is running for Congress out of the North Carolina 13th. Randall, an African American, experienced what must be called a hate crime in the left’s vernacular. His campaign sign had racist graffiti spray painted on it including the letters “KKK.”

Now, usually this is the sort of story that the Old Media goes wild over. It is prof that racism is alive in America, as far as they are concerned. It is proof that Tea Partiers, and conservative whites are eeeevil. This is usually the kind of story that would go national. Yet the media has delivered a collective yawn to the defacement of Randall’s sign.

Why? Because Bill Randall is not the liberal candidate in his election. He is the conservative Republican!
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Black Republican’s Campaign Sign Defaced With ‘KKK,’ Media Yawns”

Romney Shoves RoBamneyCare in Our Faces, Slickly Hiding Behind the 10th Amendment

-By Warner Todd Huston

Romneycare was “the right thing,” proclaimed Mitt “the flip flopper” Romney on a recent Fox News interview with Neil Cavuto. Wouldn’t you know it, the only thing conservatives want him to flip flop on he refuses to do so.

I guess we can’t expect Romney to own up that Romneycare is a disaster for Massachusetts and that it was a major mistake, one that makes him look exactly live Obama any time soon. He’s steadfastly refused to say that Romneycare was a mistake in the past and today he’s doubled down on that insistence…

Read the rest at RightPundits.com.

ENOUGH of GOP ‘Debates’ Where Mediots Show Us How Tough They Are

-By Warner Todd Huston

In the upcoming Republican primary I am not voting for Brian Williams, Brett Baier, Scott Pelly, Wolf Blitzer or any other member of the Old Media. I am trying to figure out which Republican nominee for president I might want to support. So why has every so-called debate featured mediots trying to prove to their mediots pals how tough they can be on Republican candidates instead of the Republican candidates actually debating each other?

Lately every one has been harkening back to those Lincoln-Douglass-styled debates of yesteryear and there is a reason that the famous debates between GOP Senate candidate Abe Lincoln and incumbent Democrat Stephen Douglass held over 150 years ago come so easily to mind. It’s because we aren’t getting that these days!

What we are getting instead are media personalities trying to make reputations for themselves instead of debates that tell us what the GOP candidates know, if they can articulate it, and if they can defend same.

I wish the candidates would stop going to these worthless excuses for debates forthwith. We need real debates and that means substance. The candidates should stop worrying that they might look “afraid” to debate and demand some format changes for any future outings before they show up again.
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ENOUGH of GOP ‘Debates’ Where Mediots Show Us How Tough They Are”

Let the Children Vote? What Lunacy From Think Progress?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Matt Yglesias of Think Progress apparently feels it’s a good idea for kids to vote in U.S. elections. No, not just 18-year-old kids. All kids regardless of age. It is ideas impossible to take seriously like this that makes one wonder why liberals are ever listened to about anything by anyone.

I have to say, though, that it’s funny that Matt brought up this let-kids-vote idea because I was just talking about repealing the 26th Amendment and making the voting age start at 21 again. Funny we were both thinking about kids voting, eh?

Now, despite their undeserved reputation as peacemongers, liberals love a good fight. At least, they love to cause others to fight, anyway. They love to see the non-religious fight the religious, they love to see the relativists attacking patriots, but most especially they love to see the young hating their elders. They do all this by breaking people into balkanized enclaves where their politics of personal destruction can be most effective. And one of their chief weapons is to attempt to destroy social norms and substitute their own, cockeyed view of how things should be.
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Let the Children Vote? What Lunacy From Think Progress?”

Herman Cain Leading in Palatine Straw Poll

-By Warner Todd Huston

A gathering of Tea Partiers in Palatine, Illinois held a straw poll of 38 attendees and Herman Cain came out on top. The group met to watch Tuesday’s GOP debate.

38 Republican primary voters attended a “viewing party” in Palatine, IL on Oct. 18, 2011 for the Republican presidential candidate debate in Las Vegas on CNN. Compare these results to the straw poll for a very similar group last week after the debate in New Hampshire. Herman Cain expanded his lead with this group. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich remain close to each other, and Michele Bachmann picked up some support. Rick Perry continued to decline.

This poll of a small group of Tea Partiers may seem sort of meaningless. Maybe on its face it is but this poll seems to reflect what Tea Partiers and conservatives are feeling throughout the movement, so this is a pretty good snapshot of where we stand today.
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Herman Cain Leading in Palatine Straw Poll”

Texas Redistricting: Forget About ‘Justice,’ Obama’s DOJ is ALL About Politics

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s Department Of Justice claims that Texas redistricting is somehow “unfair” because Democrats have lost power. Therefore the DOJ is going to take the state to court over its new map. Yet, in Illinois, the Democrats have decimated Republican districts and slighted several Hispanic districts, yet the DOJ has turned a blind eye to pleas for redress there. This all tends to prove that Obama’s DOJ is less about “fairness” and more about politics. Sadly, Obama is playing politics with justice.

Only days after his inauguration in 2009 President Barack Obama warned Republicans that he wasn’t much interested in what they had to say on policy. In a meeting with congressional leaders he told Republicans “elections have consequences” and “I won.” Obama apparently wanted to stress that those that win elections should set the agenda and run the table. To echo Rep. Joe Wilson, Obama lied.

Take Texas, for instance. Thanks to two years of one failed Democrat policy after another and after two years of a sustained assault on American values, an attack on our business community, capitalism, and an avalanche of regulations quashing any chance of an economic recovery, the political landscape of Teas turned a deep, deep red in the 2010 midterm elections.
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Texas Redistricting: Forget About ‘Justice,’ Obama’s DOJ is ALL About Politics”

You Need ID in D.C. to Get Sandbags for Irene, But No ID to Vote?

-By Warner Todd Huston

My friend over at Alexa Shrugged (www.alexashrugged.com A great blog you should visit) made a hilarious observation about what is going on in Washington D.C. during preparations for the oncoming hurricane named Irene.

On her Twitter feed Alexa joked about a story on Fox about D.C. residents being told where and how to get sandbags for the storm.

Alexa noted this specific part:
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You Need ID in D.C. to Get Sandbags for Irene, But No ID to Vote?”

My Live Tweets of the August Fox GOP Debate

-By Warner Todd Huston

I usually live Tweet many events like this at my Twitter account: http://twitter.com/#!/warnerthuston. The Fox GOP debate is no exception.

As to the debate, who won and who lost?

I’d say Tim Pawlenty ended his run last night. His bickering with Michele Bachmann rattled him and made him look a bit silly. Tim lost but so did Rick Santorum who kept attacking Ron Paul for some crazy reason. Rick seemed like the queen of rage last night, not Bachmann.

As to Bachmann, she did not damage herself in the room, but a few of the things she said about Pawlenty’s past positions were a bit of a misrepresentation. Still, she could think on her feet and seemed in command of herself whereas Pawlenty was getting mad.
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My Live Tweets of the August Fox GOP Debate”

Wow: Independent Iowa Voters Disapprove of Obama 61% to 32%

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new poll of 500 likely Iowa voters shows that Obama has fallen to new lows in his approval rating not just among Republicans but even among the all important independents. While 52% of voters in the poll disapprove of the job Obama is doing it is even worse with independents. They disapprove of Obama at 61% to 32%.

This is a bad blow to the man that go into the White House on the strength of his hold upon the independent voters. If Obama can’t hold the independents that sent him sailing into office then his road to reelection might be harder than he thought.

This poll shows Obama in a worse light than a recent Gallup poll that found that Obama’s disapproval rating stood at 49% to 43%.

The Wall Street Journal reports the results of the survey commissioned by the American Action Network, a conservative advocacy group, and carried out by The Tarrance Group, a Republican polling firm.
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Wow: Independent Iowa Voters Disapprove of Obama 61% to 32%”

Pawlenty Video: Obama’s Empty Podium, Empty Presidency

-By Warner Todd Huston

Tim Pawlenty has a new ad out that hits Obama where it hurts the most: his utterly failed fiscal policies.

Tag Line: “Tim Pawlenty: Executive Experience Matters”

I would support Pawlenty over Obama, for sure. TPaw is right that Obama’s lack of experience makes him the worst of all candidates for the presidency.

It isn’t just Obama’s lack of executive experience, though. Obama has no experience at anything. He had an invisible stint at Harvard. He was a non-entity at the University of Chicago. He never published a thing of note in the legal or business world. He made no dent in the world of “community organizing.” He was a do nothing state senator and a do nothing federal senator. All he’s ever been is “Obama.”

This ad shows him for the feckless, bromide laden, no-account that he is.

Lefty Outrage Du Jour: Bachmann’s Staffers Manhandle Reporter

-By Warner Todd Huston

ABC’s Brian Ross claimed that Michele Bachmann’s staff pushed him around on July 19 at a campaign appearance. I know, I know, you are waiting for the pity party to start.

In a fit of wild hyperbole, Ross called his treatment by Bachmann similar to the treatment he’s received “mostly by Mafia people.” The left-o-sphere has taken up Ross’ banner, of course, but one can only laugh at Ross considering the ho hum treatment that the media gave back in January of 2010 when a Democrat accosted a different reporter.

In truth, what happened to Ross is fairly mild and all his fault. Bachmann’s staff told the press that she was moving on and would take no further questions but Ross, being the uncouth sort of fella he is, broke away from the other reporters and ran pellmell at the candidate screaming questions anyway. He tried to follow Bachmann into the parking area and at that point her aides stepped in and blocked him even pushing him away a few times.
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Lefty Outrage Du Jour: Bachmann’s Staffers Manhandle Reporter”

Union Writing the Book on Intimidation and Violence

-By Warner Todd Huston

F. Vincent Vernuccio had a great piece in the Washington Times a few days ago revealing the the handbook written by the SEIU that teaches union thuggery to union operatives.

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has a 70-some-page manual that came to light in a recent court case.

SEIU is in federal court defending itself against charges of racketeering and extortion filed by one of its unionizing targets, the catering company Sodexo Inc.Sodexo’s court discovery recently revealed an SEIU “Contract Campaign Manual” on “Pressuring the Employer.” Union pressure is nothing new, but what SEIU recommends is not limited to organizing drives and strikes. Rather, the pressure takes the form of a so-called corporate campaign, whereby the union allies itself with outside third parties to raise intimidation to a new level.

Vernuccio explained that the most recent efforts of the SEIU to push businesses to the edge of bankruptcy so that they are vulnerable to being taken over by union operatives even going to the point of secretly getting the businesses to agree to work with the SEIU to prevent other unions from trying to contact its employees.
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Union Writing the Book on Intimidation and Violence”

Count Down Begins Until We Are Rid of Ron Paul

-By Warner Todd Huston

“Big News,” folks. Ron Paul has decided to retire from his 18-term House seat to “focus” on his next futile run for the GOP nomination for the presidency.

This morning, on his Facebook page, Rep. Paul made the following announcement:

Big news! I have decided not to seek re-election for my House seat in 2012 and will focus all of my energy winning the Presidency. My hometown newspaper The Facts will be running the exclusive story very shortly.

Paul has decided that his run for the White House needs to take precedent… or he just really wants to retire. He is 75-years-old, after all. He likely realizes that he will come no closer to winning the nomination than he ever has before. I mean, can he be so stupid as to imagine he really has a shot?
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Count Down Begins Until We Are Rid of Ron Paul”

Obama’s Veritable Intercontinental FAILroad

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, maybe John Sexton and I both gave Obama a little too much credit on this “intercontinental railroad” gaffe? When he and I wrote about this little gaffe we both assumed that it was no big deal, that it was juts a slip of the tongue — and an easy one to make at that — but that it was evidence of how the Old Media gave Obama a free pass on mistakes. But now it is starting to look like Obama really doesn’t know the difference between the words “intercontinental” and “transcontinental.”

The first incident that John found was posted at Verum Serum a few days ago. He found a video clip of Obama calling the famous American railroad line finished in 1869 an “intercontinental” railroad. Of course it was not intercontinental at all as it was fully contained inside but one country: ours. It was, of course, a transcontinental railroad as it ran across our own country from coast to coast, bringing our nation into one more easily traveled land mass for the first time.

Now, when John and I first saw this gaffe we imagined that it was less evidence of Obama’s stupidity and more evidence of the Old Media’s penchant for covering for any Obama mistake simply because the gaffe had never been reported by the national news. Obviously Obama’s verbal mistakes are not ballyhooed like those mistakes made by conservatives and this little incident was an example of that.
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Obama’s Veritable Intercontinental FAILroad”

When is a Gaffe Not a Gaffe? When Obama Repeats it Over and Over

-By John Sexton of Verum Serum

That silly gaffe that I discovered a few days ago turns out to have been one of as many as half-a-dozen occasions where the President told the same story and made the same error. Here he is giving a commencement speech at the University of Michigan on May 1, 2010:

Reuters reported on the speech including the bit about the “intercontinental railroad”, but apparently no one caught the gaffe. Of course it was a transcontinental railroad, not an intercontinental one.

Obama made the same mistake again at a March 2011 fundraiser for Sen. Nelson. Politico reported the quote but, like Reuters, somehow missed the gaffe:

“My favorite Republican, Abraham Lincoln, happened to be from my home state, but he was a good president,” Obama told the crowd of Democrats who had paid some big bucks for the pep rally. “He was a guy who invested in the intercontinental railroad, and land grant colleges, and the National Academy of Sciences,” he paused, “in the middle of the Civil War!”

The gaffe spread to other members of the administration. As I noted yesterday, David Axelrod repeated the same mistake last weekend. But it turns out VP Biden repeated it as well. As you can see here, Time magazine reported Biden saying it, but like Reuters and Politico, missed the gaffe:
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When is a Gaffe Not a Gaffe? When Obama Repeats it Over and Over”

Conservatives, Tea Partiers Still Not Warming to Mitt Romney

-By Warner Todd Huston

CNN is reporting that the “Christian right” and the Tea Partiers are still nowhere near supporting Mitt Romney’s bid for the GOP nomination for president. Romney’s flip flopping on abortion, his full-on and continued support for his disastrous Romneycare health plan in Massachusetts prompting fear that he will end up supporting Obamacare if he wins, and other flip flops in his record have kept conservatives of many stripes away from supporting him.

Rightfully so, I should hasten to add.

Of course, Romney is leading far and away in most of the polls with Michele Bachmann currently coming in a distant second, so it is interesting to see the base still leery of a Romney candidacy. One has to wonder how the polls can show Romney so far ahead if CNNs report is correct on the base and it’s feelings against Romney. Perhaps these polls are really only based on name recognition even still and the real race has yet to begin…

Read the rest at RightPundits.com.

David Axelrod Agrees: Lincoln Built an ‘Intercontinental Railroad’

-By John Sexton of Verum Serum

When I caught the President talking about President Lincoln’s “intercontinental railroad” in an interview he gave in February, I thought it was just an off-the-cuff gaffe. But it turns out his former chief political adviser made the same mistake just this weekend at the Aspen Ideas Festival (full video here):

It’s not surprising that both men would occasionally misspeak. It is surprising that both would use the same example, i.e. Lincoln’s “intercontinental railroad” as an example of big government stimulus spending, and make the same verbal gaffe while doing so.

You have to wonder if both the President and Axelrod got the same talking points memo from someone at the Center for American Progress or another friendly progressive think tank. And assuming they did get the handy political illustration from a common source, you have to wonder why neither of them caught the error (replacing transcontinental with intercontinental).
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David Axelrod Agrees: Lincoln Built an ‘Intercontinental Railroad’”

Obama’s Lincoln/Railroad Gaffe, why Did Old Media Ignore This?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In keeping with the many dozens of gaffes that Obama has made over the years, Verum Serum found another one from last February that has, with the help of the Old Media, slipped under the radar. Just more proof that Obama’s constant gaffes go unreported by the Old Media while they search high and low for the same sort of misspeaking from Republicans and conservatives.

Apparently the smartest president in history thought that Abe Lincoln built an intercontinental railroad in the midst of the Civil War.

Listen, Abraham Lincoln helped build the interstate, er the intercontinental railroad in the middle of the Civil War because he understood this was going to be important.

For being the smartest person in human history, Obama sure can be a dope sumtimes, kain’t he?
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Obama’s Lincoln/Railroad Gaffe, why Did Old Media Ignore This?”