He’s Not One of Us: Marco Rubio is an Establishment Republican

-By Gary Krasner

Is Rubio a conservative? “Compared to what?” as Henny Youngman would ask. And he’s right. Everything is relative.

Which is why I was jolted when Rush Limbaugh seemed to say during his Feb. 2 show that Rubio is a conservative no different than Ted Cruz. Rush visited the topic the next day, too.

But then Rush is a pushover. He knows his fellow Floridian personally and I suspect he feels it would be a betrayal to cast him out. Rush was a good soldier for President G.W. Bush, if you recall. Because Rush is a nice guy. Loyal to friends. He’s not like Michael Medved, for example, who calls Ted Cruz a self-interested political opportunist, and lauds people like John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Oren Hatch, and had actually supported Mitt Romney as his first choice.

Given the folks Medved has loved for years, it’s no surprise to me that Marco Rubio is his preferred candidate. But Rush considers Rubio sufficiently conservative, and distinct from John Kasich or Jeb Bush?! The man from Realville? It doesn’t compute.
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He’s Not One of Us: Marco Rubio is an Establishment Republican”

The Astroturf Attempt to Destroy Rush Limbaugh Exposed

-By Warner Todd Huston

An attempt to destroy Rush Limbaugh through the intimidation of his advertisers has been exposed as the work of a small handful of activists at least one of whom works for the George Soros-funded, astroturf outfit Media Matters for America.

The effort to destroy Limbaugh dubbed “Stop Rush” was started in 2012 by Angelo Carusone, the vice president of the Soros-funded Media Matters website. Carusone intended the effort to be an adjunct to President Obama’s re-election campaign.

The Stop Rush campaign is presented to Limbaugh’s advertisers as an army of regular Americans incensed by Limbaugh’s purportedly “racist” on-air comments. This grassroots army is then purportedly enlisted to frighten advertisers on Limbaugh’s radio show into dumping their sponsorship.

But far from being an army of regular Americans joined together for a cause, an investigation into the group has shown that it is really just the efforts of 10 people. Joining paid media astroturfer Carusone is a Kent State University Professor and several women who seem intertwined with each other.
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The Astroturf Attempt to Destroy Rush Limbaugh Exposed”

New York Times: IRS Scandal Ignored Because of Rush Limbaugh

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has been much speculation in the media on why Obama’s current scandal of the IRS targeting conservative groups for attack didn’t come out last year when the initial flurry of reportage on the incident was seen. Well, The New York Times thinks it has the answer: it was Rush Limbaugh’s fault.

When the IRS finally admitted these last few weeks that it had, indeed, unfairly targeted conservative groups–most especially during the 2012 election cycle–many pointed out that this targeting was being complained about for some time. But why did the scandal just break big now, in May of 2013, when stories about it go back several years?

The paper of record pondered this very question in a May 21 piece by Michael D. Shear that places the blame on Limbaugh. It’s all because of “slutgate,” Shear claims.

The Times points out that in March of 2012, Representative Charles Boustany, Jr. (R, LA) held a hearing on the IRS targeting but the story got little traction. Shear quotes several parties to the effect that it was a “dog-bites-man story” in that the media wasn’t interested in talking about Tea Party groups complaining about the IRS.

So, what stories did hold the media’s attention during Boustany’s 2012 hearing? Rush Limbaugh’s media manufactured “slutgate.”

It was during the first week of March that Rush Limbaugh ridiculed abortion mill supporter Sandra Fluke for being a “slut” because she wanted the U.S. government to pay for her contraception.

The media, of course, went into a feeding frenzy on “slutgate” to the point that Rush eventually apologized for his over-the-top characterization of the abortionist. It was all the media could talk about at the time.
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New York Times: IRS Scandal Ignored Because of Rush Limbaugh”

Rush Limbaugh Does Live in Obama’s Head

-By Warner Todd Huston

On May 14 after news broke that President Obama had once again attacked talk radio host Rush Limbaugh by name, El Rusbo joked that he was “living rent-free in Obama’s head.” It’s hard to fault Limbaugh’s logic on this. After all, the President of the United States of America has used his bully pulpit to bully Rush nearly a dozen times since he became President.

Remembering that Rush Limbaugh is but a voice on the radio and has no vote in any government, hasn’t the ability to wield the power of regulation, and cannot force anyone to do anything under the cover of law, here are some of the times that President Obama went out of his way to kick Limbaugh and did so by name, not just with a general allusion (starting with the most recent):

At a New York fundraiser on May 13, 2013

Meeting with denizens of Hollywood at a fundraiser, President Obama complained that he, the most powerful man in the western world, couldn’t get anything done in Washington because a single radio host stood in his way.

“I genuinely believe there are Republicans out there who would like to work with us, but they’re fearful of their base and they’re concerned about what Rush Limbaugh might say about them. And as a consequence, we get the kind of gridlock that makes people cynical about government,” Obama said.
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Rush Limbaugh Does Live in Obama’s Head”

Glenn Beck Goes ‘Wobbly’

-By Chuck Busch

To: Mr. Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch

I just received your recent newsletter in which you related what Glenn Beck said on his Internet Broadcast program concerning inane ideas about “surrender.” I was not aware of his statement as I make it a point to not tune into Glenn on the Internet or on his radio program. Initially, I thought he was doing a service by bringing out controversial information on little discussed subjects that all American’s should be aware of. However after a time, he lost believability, was let go by FOX News and his radio program dissolved into silliness. This is not a time for frivolity and jokes. It is time for a serious effort to educate a misguided populace.

I have been concerned for some time that the host of conservative commentators on radio and TV, with the exception of Rush Limbaugh, have become entirely too harsh and strident contributing to the characterization that conservatives are uncaring and cold-hearted. Anger (and we all have reason to be angry) is too strong of an emotion to sustain over the long term and it is Obama’s strategy to wear us out. Rather than engaging in a personal shouting match with our opponents, we need to meet the challenges to our liberties with a steadfastness, confidence and calmness that will convince people of the soundness of our arguments. The face of conservatism and the Republican Party must attract more listeners and entreat them to consider objectively the major issues of the day. Instead of people reacting to the personality of the talk show host, let them focus on the substance of the debate. (See article on Fox News programming by Michael Reagan titled “New Song, New Singers” March 21, 2013.)

I have already mentioned Rush Limbaugh who founded conservative talk radio and is, without doubt, the master of the trade. He has an uncanny way of being critical of the administration but doing it in a good-natured humorous manner. Ridicule can be a good weapon against these uptight liberals but only if used in a skillful way. Rush, in this post-election cycle, has also made it his objective to connect with the “low information voter” which is a brilliant strategy. The people must be convinced that the supposed benefits of a generous federal welfare state are not only corrupting, but are unsustainable and are not worth the lost of liberties that they entail. They must also learn that this administration does not have their best long-term interests are heart and it’s social and economic policies have produced this ongoing distress in all aspects of American life.
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Glenn Beck Goes ‘Wobbly’”

New York Times: Celebrating the End of ‘Rush Limbaugh’s Country’

-By Warner Todd Huston

For his final Campaign Stops editorial November 18, New York Times columnist Thomas B, Edsall asked the seminal question left arising from the results of the re-election of Barack Obama: Is Rush Limbaugh’s Country Gone?

Beginning his piece with a quote from Limbaugh’s show where the most listened-to talker in the nation expressed his fear that “we’ve lost the country” to Obama and his followers, Edsall noted that Limbaugh’s worries “echoed a Republican theme” that was voiced before Obama’s re-election.

Barack Obama has unleashed a coalition of Americans “who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it — that that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them” — as Mitt Romney put it in his notorious commentary on the 47 percent.

Edsall goes on to agree with Limbaugh that our country has drifted decidedly in favor of big government, nanny-state ideals and away from freedom and liberty — though he doesn’t say it that way, to be sure.
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New York Times: Celebrating the End of ‘Rush Limbaugh’s Country’”

America Crosses the Bebelos – The Rush to Boot Rush

-By Rev Michael Bresciani

Surprise comes from just about everywhere in today’s American setting and unparalleled moral decline. It is amazing to see just how far and how fast the decline is taking place and perhaps even more amazing is to see, just who is part of it, and who is resisting and decrying the great national slide into the shadowy regions of reprobation.

Recently Raquel Welch, who was once a sex symbol herself, said Americans are a bunch of “sex addicts.” Coming from Raquel this assessment makes the most resistant left wing proponent of pulling out all the stops, pause to ponder.

Wallace Henley, writer for the Christian Post, has likened Rush Limbaugh who recently apologized for calling a Georgetown University student a ‘slut,’ to a rock that is only crying out because others were too afraid to speak up.

In an article entitled “Rush Limbaugh: A Crying Stone in Place of Mute Prophetic Voices?” Henley said, “There are no doubt better, more loving ways to say it than Rush did. However, the episode brings to mind the words of Jesus when Pharisees tried to get Him to muzzle His followers. “I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!” Jesus said. (Luke 19:40)
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America Crosses the Bebelos – The Rush to Boot Rush”

Please Contact Advertisers That Dumped Limbaugh, Tell Them How YOU Feel — Here’s their Info

-By Warner Todd Huston

So far, 22 companies have pulled their advertising from the Rush Limbaugh radio show. They have done this, some because they are big dollar Obama supporters (like Carbonite), many more because they were pressured by a concerted campaign to intimidate them launched by various left-wing groups.

Those of you that support Rush Limbaugh really need to contact these advertisers and let them know how upset you are with them for dropping his show. You need to speak up just as the extremist left-wing websites and Obama operatives have done.

Squeaky wheel, you know? After all, we have just as much right to tell these advertisers that we oppose their attack on Rush Limbaugh as the left-wingers do in telling them to drop Limbaugh as a client.

Below are links to the contact pages of each company’s website. Please call them all… and like a good Chicago election campaign, do so more than once!

On another note, Carbonite may be finding its actions are not helping its own bottom line. Apparently Carbonite’s stock has fallen through the floor.
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Please Contact Advertisers That Dumped Limbaugh, Tell Them How YOU Feel — Here’s their Info”

WARNING: If You Use Carbonite Computer Backup Service, Cancel it NOW

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is accidental “hypocrisy,” where you didn’t actually realize that you have committed the logic/moral sin, and then there is rank hypocrisy, that time when you do two things that are totally opposite each other yet you defend both. The on-line computer backup company, Carbonite, has committed the latter over this business with Slutgate and its ending of advertising with the Rush Limbaugh radio show.

For those unaware, a long-time liberal activist named Sandra Fluke was brought to a faux committee hearing in D.C. by former Speaker of the House Nancy “Sanfran” Pelosi to disgorge the left-wing, big government, liberal ideology about spending federal tax dollars to give free sex supplies to rich Georgetown coeds so that they can sleep around all they want without all those messy consequences.

After her White House planned “testimony” Rush Limbaugh, as is his wont, called this woman a slut. It’s hard to defeat his blustery logic with that. After all, what DO you call a woman that thinks everyone else should pay for both her education and her sex supplies? Anyway, Rush made such a splash with the comment that the inevitable, left-wing faux outrage was ginned up.

As a result, Carbonite announced that it would pull its advertising from the Limbaugh show.
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WARNING: If You Use Carbonite Computer Backup Service, Cancel it NOW”

No, Daily Caller, Rush Will Not Back a Candidate in the Primary

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Daily Caller posted an Op Ed calling on Rush Limbaugh to save the GOP by offering a clinching endorsement of one of the non-Romney candidates. The writer was full of reasons and praise for the most listened-to radio talker, but for all the importuning, Rush will never back a primary candidate. The truth is, there just isn’t anything in it for him.

The writer, Yates Walker, says that short of some action by Rush, Romney will be the GOP nominee. Romney’s big money and ubiquitous support among the ignoratti of the GOP elites will be too much for any candidate to overcome unless Rush plays the wild card, he says.

Walker fears that if Rush doesn’t speak, it will all be over.

If Rush doesn’t make a move, recent history will repeat itself. Romney’s multimillion-dollar ad buys and the mainstream media will destroy Rick Santorum before the end of January. Though he is an excellent conservative candidate and could beat Obama in 2012, Rick will be called “unelectable” by so many pundits over the next three weeks that it will become conventional wisdom. The conservative vote will split between Santorum, Gingrich, Perry and Huntsman. Ron Paul will take his customary 12-20%. And Romney’s quarter of the GOP vote will be good enough to win … unless Mr. Limbaugh decides to intervene.

Walker goes on to say that Rush has been “toying” with crushing Mitt for months and that Rush must be “chomping at the bit” to do so.
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No, Daily Caller, Rush Will Not Back a Candidate in the Primary”

Salon’s Rant about Rush, Race and Reconstruction

-By Michael Zak

Today, Steve Kornacki, news editor at Salon, published a lengthy denounciation of the Republican Party, and of Rush Limbaugh specifically, on the subject of civil rights The title of the article is Dittoheads, race and denial. Kornacki makes a pretense of setting the record straight about the civil rights movement, but instead he imparts his own lefty spin. Rather than go through the article point by point, I’ll let just a few observations serve to illustrate the overall duplicity.

The very image atop his article is a lie. It portrays a Republican, Rush Limbaugh, on the Confederate flag despite the fact that the Confederates were Democrats.

Hey, Steve! How about speaking some Truth to Power? Your article should have admitted the fact that the Confederates were Democrats. You could also admit the fact that you, as a Democrat, are a member of the Party of Slavery, Jim Crow, and the Ku Klux Klan.

The historical argument he makes is based on another lie:
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Salon’s Rant about Rush, Race and Reconstruction”

Real Men‏

-By Nancy Morgan

Rush Limbaugh stated emphatically last week that “Real men aren’t liberal. And real men, real men, don’t vote for liberals.” Rush, once again, hits the nail on the head. And here’s why.

Real men have an innate sense of self that is not dependent on group approval. They have not succumbed to the sanitized, homogenized, and feminized version of manhood that the academic, media, and political elite have adopted. Instead, they have the courage to form their own opinions, relying on independent thinking instead of political correctness.

Liberal males, on the other hand, have taken the much easier path of allowing a group identity to define who they are. They have willingly adopted the leftists’ focus on feelings and emotions when confronted with immutable facts, thus allowing them the ability to retain the all-important moral high ground when those facts prove inconvenient.
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Real Men‏”

KC Star: Republicans Afraid of Limbaugh, Uses Democratic Press Release to ‘Prove’ It

-By Warner Todd Huston

Yael T. Abouhalkah is all excited to let the readers of the Kansas City Star know that he’s found another Republican politician that has had to grovel at the feet of Rush Limbaugh, apologizing to the radio giant for a slight cast his way. And to “prove” it Abouhalkah used a press release from the Democratic National Campaign Committee that said so. Yeah, nice unbiased source there, Abouhalkah.

Seriously, does Abouhalkah imagine that a Democrat Party press release is an unbiased source about what is happening between a Republican lawmaker and Rush Limbaugh? No wonder newspapers are falling on such tough times. If Abouhalkah is any indication, the definition of common words aren’t even any longer understood in the Star’s newsroom. Words like “source,” “unbiased,” “legitimate,” and “veracity” seem to be foreign to the folks at the Star. With such a failure to understand the very basics of journalism, its no wonder readers are abandoning newspapers in droves.

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KC Star: Republicans Afraid of Limbaugh, Uses Democratic Press Release to ‘Prove’ It”

Shocker: Journalists on OUR Side For a Change

-By Warner Todd Huston

The folks at The Hill alerted me to the fact that the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) have decided to oppose any reinstitution of the inaptly named Fairness Doctrine. I know, imagine that… as lefty a group as the SPJ actually agreeing with conservatives that the Fairness Doctrine is an abomination of our Constitutional right to free political speech! You can knock me over with a feather, and all.

The Hill is right to quip that this makes for strange bedfellows, but it would seem like a no-brainer for anyone interested in Constitutional rights and a jealous protection of free speech no matter whose it is.

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Shocker: Journalists on OUR Side For a Change”

A Prime Example of The Left Lying to Itself and Everyone Else

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama has just taken the next step towards a complete disregard for America’s foreign policy by back slapping self-professed enemy to the “great Satan,” tin pot dictator and oppressor, Hugo Chavez. As Obama grins and associates with such low-end characters, treating them as worthy members of the international community, he drags down both the United States and any country that strives to treat its people with the dignity they deserve as human beings.

But, Obama is, at least, fulfilling a campaign promise to treat all foreign leaders as equals no matter how evil, oppressive, and murderous they are. His compatriots on the left agree with this sort of engagement claiming that such “diplomacy” can only be a good thing. Despite this, though, this basic engagement-is-good ideal is not a principle held consistently by the left proving that situational ethics are the only ethics that the left can muster.

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A Prime Example of The Left Lying to Itself and Everyone Else”