To Attack Trump Liberals Rehash Lie of LBJ ‘Overcome by Emotion’ in Vietnam Era Photo

-By Warner Todd Huston

Liberals went wild on Monday rehashing a decades-old lie about how President Lyndon Johnson was seen in a 1968 White House photo being “overcome” by the loss of life during the Vietnam War.

The image went viral on Monday as historically illiterate liberals began posting the photo they claimed showed LBJ being overcome with emotion about the loss of American lives. Naturally, it went viral because liberals were using it to claim President Donald Trump is heartless in the face of the death of Americans who have died from the coronavirus.

A typical tweet juxtaposing the falsified photo of LBJ with the supposed heartlessness of Trump was posted by lying liberal Ben LaBolt who moaned that today we don’t have a president with “empathy” like that wonderful LBJ.

The claim that the photo depicts well-known racist, and foul-mouthed ass Lyndon Baines Johnson as crumbling in the face of the toll of American deaths during the Vietnam war has been around for as long as that photo has been in the public eye.

But that characterization is a lie. That photo simply was not snapped when LBJ was hearing about the death toll in Vietnam.

The truth of that moment in time ends up having nothing at all to do with Vietnam, nor does it factually depict LBJ “breaking down,” having “empathy,” or being “overcome” about anything.
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Leftist ‘The Nation’ Wants to End Capitalism by Destroying the Family

Now, you might think that headline above is an exaggeration. Sadly it isn’t. The left-wing rag, The Nation, is truly suggesting that the best way to end capitalism is to eliminate the American family and to take away all children from their parents.

This laughable screed was penned by Rosemarie Ho, someone who thinks “feminist theory” is a legitimate discipline. Ho wrote, “Feminist theorist Sophie Lewis’s new book looks at how rethinking pregnancy and the idea of family as forms of labor is central to emancipatory politics,” as the hook for her May 16 article at The Nation.

This is the nonsense that passes for “thought” on our nihilistic college campuses, folks.

Indeed, doing herself no favor with intelligent people everywhere, Ho admits at the outset that the idea of destroying the family is a central tenet of communist theory as proposed by Marx and Engels. Ho dug her hole even deeper by also pointing out that abolishing the family is a main goal of radical homosexual theorists, too.

Marx and Engels and radical homosexuals… she cites these as worthy thinkers?

Ho makes herself a laughing stock in her very first paragraph.
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Snob tries Slumming for ‘Sacrifice’

-By Warner Todd Huston

When President Obama came to office he told the nation that a shared sacrifice was key to America’s recovery. He urged Americans toward self-reliance and thrift. In those early days the idea of reviving the “victory garden” concept of WWII became an idea whose time had come… again. So, let’s tell a fairy tale of one upper class Midwestern Mommy, shall wee. With Obama’s example to the nation before her, this mother decided to take the President up on his suggestion and began her own victory garden in her upscale neighborhood.

She was initially excited about her contribution to that shared sacrifice so urgently hailed by the president, even felt duty bound to observe the president’s exhortation. Soon she broke ground with the help of her children. She even brought some local kids over to her house to help so that the spirit of the effort might spread. It was a picture worth seeing and a message earnestly delivered.

The digging and planting was quite successful, actually. She was gratified that some local media arrived at her picture perfect home and indulged some ooos and ahs about how she was involving the city’s youth and inculcating a concern for our nation among them.

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Snob tries Slumming for ‘Sacrifice’”

Vice Prez Gaffe-o-matic: Biden Praises Jersey Auto Tunnel Project… Wonders Why Rail Tracks Are In The Way

-By Warner Todd Huston

Vice President gaff-o-matic strikes again. Construction finally began on the nation’s largest transportation project in North Bergen, New Jersey this week. After much debate and planning an $8.7 billion tunnel that is supposed to double the number of train commuters that can travel between New Jersey and Manhattan broke ground at last.

Vice President Joe Biden was so excited about the tunnel that he mentioned the project on a Monday conference call with various newspapers and interested parties in New Jersey. He was proud that the Obama administration had sent stimulus money to this new tunnel “designed to provide for automobile traffic” for New Jersey.

Uh, oops. It’s a railway tunnel, not a car tunnel, Joey.

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Vice Prez Gaffe-o-matic: Biden Praises Jersey Auto Tunnel Project… Wonders Why Rail Tracks Are In The Way”

Obama Gives U.S.A. an Expiration Date and it’s NOW

-By Warner Todd Huston

In his much ballyhooed speech given in Cairo, Egypt, yesterday, Barack Obama sought to make common cause with the “Muslim world” as if all Muslims are in accord. Of course, this ignores the simple fact that Muslims kill Muslims far more than Muslims even kill others. Still, it’s all well and good to want to make common cause when it is achievable.

There is much to agree with in Obama’s Cairo speech. (Full text here) His rhetoric about freedom of religion and the American success story is right on. There is also much to quibble with, especially that he seems to assume a moral equivalence between all parties in the conflict between the west and that “Muslim world.”

There is, however, one line in his speech that reveals what he thinks of us and where he thinks we should be as a nation. And that “where” is down.

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Obama Gives U.S.A. an Expiration Date and it’s NOW”

Obama Ignoring Longtime Allies

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama is well into his ongoing adventure I’ll call TWAT (The World Apology Tour). And while he is bowing to Saudi Princes, groveling at the feet of South American communists, and promising radical Islamists that the U.S. wants to be their bestest buddy, all the while telling the world how wrong we are on everything, he also seems to be steadily torking off our allies.

Well, don’t take my word for it. Even The New York Times is saying it. In a June 4 story, the Times worries that, “on a more basic level, there is a sense that the Obama administration is ignoring the needs and counsel of longtime allies.”

Let’s take a look at some of the snubs and missteps that Obama has perpetrated in his short time in office, shall we?

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Obama Ignoring Longtime Allies”

Obama Has ‘Expiration Date’ For His Religion, Too?

-By Warner Todd Huston

After spending three years running away from his past, Barack Hussein Obama is now nominally a Muslim again. At least that is the message that ABC’s Jake Tapper has discovered in the new, new way in which the Obama administration is presenting the president’s connections to Islam and his religious upbringing and heritage. Suddenly it’s A’OK to say that Obama has “experienced Islam” and remark about his “Muslim father” again. Rah, rah for Islam.

It has been said that everything that Barack Obama says has an “expiration date,” because it isn’t long after he promises something or makes allusion to some policy direction that he chucks the idea under the bus and drives head-long on to the next “promise” to earnestly offer the American people. And it isn’t just his centrist positions he later conveniently reverses himself on, either, as several of his more extremist liberal ideas have gone under the tram, too — much to the chagrin of many lefties that voted for him.

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Obama Has ‘Expiration Date’ For His Religion, Too?”

Could Obama’s Left Wing Flap him to Death?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Naturally from our vantage point, Barack Obama is a left-wing terror as president. To name just a few things, he is turning our system from one of capitalism to one of socialism, he is attempting to undermine the Constitution by placing an activist on the Supreme Court, he is weakening our national security by frittering away the gains of the previous administration and by bending over backwards for our enemies while constantly flipping off our allies, he is looking to destroy our national healthcare system by introducing a disastrous single payer system, and he is attempting to give anti-business unions the power to destroy what is left of the business community that he himself hasn’t gotten around to crushing as of yet. We on the right are alarmed by his trip down the ruinous road that Europe has already well traveled to rueful results.

One would think that the American left (or the anti-American left as the case may be) would be thrilled that their most fantasized about social, political, and economic sledgehammers were being wielded by their Obammessiah. But, one might be surprised to see that the extremists on the left are beginning to rumble in seething anger over the fact that, to date, Obama hasn’t gone fast enough or far enough to the extreme left to suit them. One of these wild-eyed, bomb-throwers has even just called for his resignation.

So, are we beginning to see waning the far left’s love affair with The One? Might this disappointment turn into the sort of lefty outrage that it did with Lyndon Baines Johnson? Will Barack Obama’s left wing flap him to death?

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Could Obama’s Left Wing Flap him to Death?”

Obama: Undoing This Mess Left for Me

-By Warner Todd Huston

Transcript of President Barack Obama’s Press Conference:

Thanks for coming and I hope that being in my presence is enough reward for you in the press that have come to pay homage. Now, let me stand just here so that you can get some nice photos of me with my head framed by the presidential seal on the wall… there ya go. OK take your photos now. Good. See how the seal looks like a halo around my anointed head? Excellent. Good work fellas. Oh, and you honey’s too, can’t forget the ladies.

Well, let’s get started…

I know these are hard times we face today. As I sat in the movie theater of my house here in the Nation’s Capitol watching the latest Star Trek movie, I couldn’t escape from thinking about these tough times in which we live. Not even my Kobe beef dinner and cocktails could shake me from my reverie on these hard times. We all must engage in a shared sacrifice firmly shouldering the burden of this mess left for me from the previous administration.

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Obama: Undoing This Mess Left for Me”

Can We Talk of Liberal Hypocrisy?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two examples that reveals the unprincipled left for what it is.

It is often useful to review the past to see how it affects the present and with the rise of The One, we can see revealed the basic hypocrisy of the left that is so blatant as to be nearly unbelievable. Well, unbelievable if anyone were to mistakenly imagine that liberals and leftists actually have any principles, that is. The hypocritical shift that attitudes on the left took between George W. Bush’s days in office and that of Barack “I won” Obama is stark, but revealing.

Let us start with the left’s unhinged reaction to the Tea Party movement.

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Can We Talk of Liberal Hypocrisy?”

He Loves His Wife… if ONLY She’d Change!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Can a liberal really love the USA? A perfect allegory explains.

I was sitting in a local bookstore not long ago and overhead a conversation that seemed emblematic of so much of what is going on in this country today. A young man lamented his choice of a mate but insisted he loved her dearly. But every effusive claim of undying fealty came coupled with a “but” that amounted to how he wanted her to change so she would be even better.

The two young men in their late 20s or early 30s sat sipping latte and talking of their world and I could not help but hear as they sat immediately behind me. One was a perfectly representative slacker type. Baseball cap on backwards, sports jersey, reedy mustache, and the newest sports gym shoes revealed his personae. His friend was a backpack sporting, ponytailed wearing, be-speckled type with sandaled feet poking out of the bottom of his torn jeans. They were both pretty representative of generation now with their talk of video games, their admiration of Obama — though without any factual knowledge from which to justify that admiration — as well as their PDAs, cell phones and laptops computers all glowing with use.

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He Loves His Wife… if ONLY She’d Change!”

The ‘Youth’ Have Failed The Messiah

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama was supposed to have energized “the youth” of this country like no other presidential candidate ever. We were assured that with Obama as president we’d see a revitalization of “the youth” that would respond by streaming to volunteer for public service. And, in expectation of this avalanche of volunteers, and in build-it-they-will-come mode, Obama had passed through Congress his brown-shirt-like Serve America Act that pumped some $6 billion of our tax money into an upgraded national and community service program.

But the youth have failed him. According to Peter Levine, director of Tufts University’s Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE) youth volunteering has dropped for the first time sine 9/11.

Of course, I am making light of the situation, here, admittedly. But, let’s look at something that goes against the Obama line of mythology as far as his real support among America’s youth goes. Let’s face it, it isn’t just Obama. The vaunted youth vote has been in steady decline since 18-year-olds were given the vote by a mistaken act of Congress in 1972.

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The ‘Youth’ Have Failed The Messiah”

A Prime Example of The Left Lying to Itself and Everyone Else

-By Warner Todd Huston

Barack Obama has just taken the next step towards a complete disregard for America’s foreign policy by back slapping self-professed enemy to the “great Satan,” tin pot dictator and oppressor, Hugo Chavez. As Obama grins and associates with such low-end characters, treating them as worthy members of the international community, he drags down both the United States and any country that strives to treat its people with the dignity they deserve as human beings.

But, Obama is, at least, fulfilling a campaign promise to treat all foreign leaders as equals no matter how evil, oppressive, and murderous they are. His compatriots on the left agree with this sort of engagement claiming that such “diplomacy” can only be a good thing. Despite this, though, this basic engagement-is-good ideal is not a principle held consistently by the left proving that situational ethics are the only ethics that the left can muster.

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A Prime Example of The Left Lying to Itself and Everyone Else”

Do We Restrict Peanuts Because 100 People a Year Die from Allergy?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is the nanny state at its most ridiculous. Healthies — people that obsess about health — are on the march in Madison, Wisconsin trying to get the state government to ban people from feeding peanuts to squirrels on the state Capitol grounds. It’s a state emergency, ya know? Why these casually discarded peanuts could just maybe affect a child that has an allergy. We MUST ban the evil peanut to SAVE THE CHILDREN!

One would think that people are dropping dead every 5 seconds from peanut allergies with all this energy and focus directed against that monstrous Mr. Peanut. You would think that this important health effort would save uncounted lives, wouldn’t you?

Maybe not.

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Do We Restrict Peanuts Because 100 People a Year Die from Allergy?”

NY Dem Steals Republican Email

-By Warner Todd Huston

You might recall the gyrations that Democrats made about Bush’s “most secretive presidency”? One item upon which the Democrats focused their ire was the system by which the Bush administration saved White House email communications in order to satisfy the Presidential Records Act. Bush was definitely amiss in properly saving them for posterity (and legality) and it cost the government millions to go back to retrieve unstored emails.

As we all know, Congressional Democrats made a big show of their concern over those lost emails and constantly sent public letters to the White House to force compliance with the records act. It was a piece with their “worst president in history” campaign so lovingly crafted and diligently carried out.

Now, however, it appears that public letters to the president asking about compliance with the Presidential Records Act are a tad less important to Congressional Democrats. Even though the White House has not answered any requests from Congress on how compliance will be carried out, Democrats are less keen to push the issue.

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NY Dem Steals Republican Email”

If They Even Lost Kos, Geithner is Doomed

– By Warner Todd Huston

Certainly one cannot say that Markos Moulitsas, the fellow that invented, is the sage of the Democratic Party specifically or the left generally, but he does have a certain following as well as a high profile among activists if not Party regulars and political bosses. So when Kos begins Twittering that Sec. of the Treasury Tim Geithner is failing, this is not a good sign for Obama’s guy.

On Sunday, March 23, Kos wrote a Twitter posting stating “Geithner is starting to look like Obama’s Rumsfeld.”

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If They Even Lost Kos, Geithner is Doomed”

USNews Column: Obama’s Post-Partisan Washington Failure all Republican’s Fault

-By Warner Todd Huston

Two March 19 editorials on Obama’s failure to create post-partisanship in D.C., both from lefties, can’t be farther apart from each other in their conclusions. Marc Dunkelman’s in U.S. News blames everyone but Obama for the failure to invent that mythic bipartisan Washington while Mort Kondracke’s Real Clear Politics piece lays the fault squarely at Obama’s door step.

But, the differences in the two are not just in conclusion but in the journey it took to get there. Sadly, the journey the Dunkelman piece took to get to its conclusion went through Obamamania, into the Obamagobsmacked tunnel, then it took The One turnpike, and ended up parked squarely in Obama’s southern port… if you know what I mean? In other words, it was based solely on a sycophantic love affair with the Obammessiah instead of on solid political analysis.

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USNews Column: Obama’s Post-Partisan Washington Failure all Republican’s Fault”

Thanks for Sending us a Terrorist, President Obama

-By Warner Todd Huston

Dear President Obama,

We are thankful to you, our wonderful president, for showing the world that the citizens of Illinois are kinder and gentler than those evil Bushies. It has always been obvious to us that we are more open minded and far more caring than anyone but your gift to us this month proves our love for multi-culturalism. We can hold our heads up high in The Hague and in the hallowed halls of the École Nationale d’Administration at long last.

We are blessed and we thank god — not meaning to specify any particular god or gods to which you subscribe — for your beneficence with this action coming so soon during these early days of your administration of hope and change. To think that this hallowed day has arrived already!

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Thanks for Sending us a Terrorist, President Obama”

Another Example of Obama’s ‘Bi-Partisanship’ Lie

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama is going to bring a new age of “working together” to D.C. He is the man to initiate that era of nice we’ve all been waiting for. He is captain bi-partisan… remember all that? When he finally got to the Oval Office he had a few meetings and some cocktails with a few Republicans. Everyone hailed this as the “new” Washington the promised land of post-partisanship.

Then came the omnibus spending bill. It was planned entirely by the Democrats in Congress, the Republican leadership thoroughly excluded from the planning sessions. Obama said not a word nor did he raise a finger to change the situation. It shouldn’t be surprising because the flavor was set by Obama early. When asked about working across the aisle, Obama told Republicans that he didn’t have to. “I won,” he pointedly said.

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Another Example of Obama’s ‘Bi-Partisanship’ Lie”

Free Speech For Students… Unless You’re Christian, That Is

-By Warner Todd Huston

Our institutes of “higher” learning are all about being inclusive. They are stridently for freedom of speech and stand 100% behind the concept of open political debate. Well, unless you’re a Christian, that is. Christians, you see, are the only group that our fetid colleges and universities have agreed to discriminate against.

Last week, another example of that well known “tolerance” our schools are so concerned with promulgating was seen in Pomona College in Claremont, California. There two Christian, pro-life students were banned from the Pamona campus. Their crime? Video taping a question-and-answer session with a Planned Parenthood representative invited to speak there.

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Free Speech For Students… Unless You’re Christian, That Is”

Obama’s New Jobs Success: For Creating New Lobbyist Jobs, That Is

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, President Obama really does have some success at new jobs creation that he can proudly point to as evidence that his “stimulus” is working. Apparently, Democrat staffers are fleeing the Hill for K Street, that swanky address where so many lobbying firms have taken up residence in D.C. Not only have Democrat aides been finding some great new jobs in lobbying firms, but they’re getting premium salaries, to boot. These Democrat aids turned lobbyists are commanding $350,000 to $450,000 salaries on K Street.

Chris Frates of Politico is reporting that Democrat aides are “hot commodities” as new employees for lobbying firms. The reason? Obama’s new policies are so confusing and complicated that these firms are scrambling to get a staffer that has any idea at all about what is going on to help them figure out what to do for those they represent.

So, Obama is growing the size of K Street and helping create lucrative new jobs for his loyalists on the Hill in the doing. Must be nice. It is a bit perplexing, though. Obama spent nearly two years attacking lobbyists as the bane of American politics. Candidate Obama was all about the evil, evil money in politics, that money he so hated, and he was going to eliminate it all for you and me. It’s only because he loves us so, you see.

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Obama’s New Jobs Success: For Creating New Lobbyist Jobs, That Is”

Obama Dirt Digger’s Brand New Gig

-By Warner Todd Huston

Back in 2007, many media outlets and their co-conspirators on the left were aghast that George W. Bush would try to place an “opposition researcher” for the GOP into the U.S. attorney general’s office in Arkansas. In high dudgeon, these folks claimed that Bush was “politicizing” the White House counsel and pinned it all on the evil Karl Rove. Bush’s appointment was scuttled to satisfy critics. But, now Obama is doing the same thing — only in a worse form — and the same media and lefty critics are oddly silent.

Barack Obama has been fond of saying that his so-called stimulus bill has “shovel ready jobs” built into it. This would be jobs ready to go, make-work style things of little lasting worth that are reminiscent of FDR’s feels-goodism of the New Deal. Regardless of what Obama really means about any association between shovels and jobs he certainly has at least one shovel-evoking job made up of whole cloth and manned by a likely suspect. I am talking here about Obama’s new job for his dirt digger in residence, the newly minted job of “White House counsel research director.”

It’s a grand title for dirt digger, but there you have it.

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Pelosi: Screw Barack’s ‘Bi-Partisanship’ AND The GOP

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again Nancy Pelois has told Barack Obama that he can take his desire for a post-partisan Washington and shove it. Pelosi has left little doubt that she doesn’t give a flying fig about the bi-partisan method of governing to which Obama continually pays lip-service.

So, will President Obama take these slaps from Pelosi lying down or will he stand up for what he keeps claiming he is truly interested in? Will this president allow the Speaker of the House to drive his agenda without his input?

Thus far, it seems that he will. It is starting to become glaringly obvious that Barack Obama isn’t taking any part in the actual process. He just gives good press conference and then retreats back into the White House to leave the real work to others. And those “others” (like Democrats Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid) are not interested in their president’s sparkling ideals. Not only do Reid and Pelosi have no interest in heeding Obama’s lofty call to work across the aisle with the GOP but they want to crush the GOP without mercy. It’s partisan business as usual as far as the Democrats in Congress are concerned.

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Hovind Still in Prison: Jerks Still in Office!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

It seems the political left has no shame, no self respect, no character, and no consistent principles. You want proof? Easy. Recently Tim Geithner was approved by the U.S. Senate to be the Secretary of the Treasury. Senator Collins had the courage to vote against him saying, “I can’t vote for a tax cheat.” Hurray for her. Tim had refused to pay his taxes until he was tapped by President Obama to become the enforcer of U.S. tax laws! He did not spend any time in prison. The loonies have taken over the asylum.

I suggest if an American citizen forgets, overlooks, neglects, refuses, etc., to pay his taxes and ends up in court, he might try to plead the “Geithner Exception.” After all, if it works for a Patrician, it should work for a peon. However, if you try this, it might be wise to plan on a year away from home living at government expense in government housing.

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Obama’s ‘Faith Based Initiative’ Office to Benefit ACORN-Like Groups?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Associated Press is reporting that Barack Obama has today announced that he is “expanding” the faith based initiatives program that George W. Bush started during his tenure. Obama now intends to offer cash support to organizations “no matter their religious or political beliefs.”

In other words, now faith based funding will go to groups like ACORN (the Association of Community Activists for Reform Now), the group that has for the last decade or so been involved in massive voter fraud all across the country.

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Cash for the ‘Arts’ In Obama’s Stinkulus Bill: A Caviar Feast on a Cheeseburger Budget

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama has called the economic worries facing Americans a “continuing disaster” and an “economic crisis,” one verging on a “catastrophe.” It will all “turn crisis into a catastrophe and guarantee a longer recession,” he says, unless we pass the stimulus bill now. There is no time to wait. It’s an emergency. We’re doomed and need only these most important federal handouts to get us past this disaster.

So, why is there uncounted millions of dollars for “the arts” in this pork laden mess?

I don’t know about you, but when my finances take a down turn and I am at emergency, subsistence levels in my income — a situation I have, indeed, faced in my life — the first thing I do is determine what expenditures are vital and necessary and cut out, or at least cut back, the rest.

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Czar Schmar

-By Warner Todd Huston

We have here an excellent lesson in just why it probably won’t work to have a “czar” or other countless outside groups attempting to advise the president at the same time that duly constituted, federal agencies are attempting to do the same thing. They will all jealously fight for turf and, in the end, it’s likely no one will be advising the president because of the turmoil.

Bloomberg has a story today revealing that the panel of economic experts that Obama claimed would advise him on such matters is not working well with Obama’s National Economic Council Director, Lawrence Summers. Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, Obama’s pick to head this outside group, is, according to Bloomberg, growing “increasingly frustrated” that his economic recovery group is getting no assistance from Obama’s administration.

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Tax Cheats, Unethical Lobbying, Now Porn Pushers for Team Obama?

-By Warner Todd Huston

That Obama fella knows how to pick ’em, I have to say. First we get a former governor of New Mexico that has to bow out over possible participation in illegal pay-to-play scams. Then we get a series of tax cheats offered up for various positions on Obama’s cabinet and in his administration. Then we find out that Obama has “relaxed” his rules against lobbyists and hired a slew of them — with one of them, Wanda Solis, having unethically lobbied her own House colleagues at the same time she was guiding through the House the very bill she was lobbying for. She was in essence lobbying herself.

And NOW Obama has picked a porn pusher for the number 2 man at Justice.

Barack Obama has picked David Ogden for deputy attorney general. Ogden has a fairly extensive history as a strident defender of Playboy and other porn producers having represented such interests many times. He also once filed a brief against the Children’s Internet Protection Act saying that it should be declared unconstitutional that librarians be forced to limit the sorts of sites that children should be allowed to visit on library computers.

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