ABC’s Tapper: Doesn’t the President Want Transparency? What About His Nominee’s Taxes?

Jake Tapper cremates the struggling White House Press chief, Robert Gibbs. Tapper asks when we will ever get that supposed “transparency” that Obama keeps talking about. He also wonders why we still have not all been informed of the speaking fees and tax problems of Obama’s nominees to various offices. Press Sec. Gibbs just ignores the questions and never answers.

The transcript can be seen at: Tapper’s Political Punch.

Classic stuff.

It’s About The Change Yet Lobbyists and Tax Cheats Abound in New Administration

-By Warner Todd Huston

From the early days of his campaign, Obama made with the flourish that, should he be elected, lobbyists would not be welcome in his new tone Washington, his Washington of change and hope. Soon after the election, Obama’s spokesman John Podesta made a great show of announcing that Obama was insisting on the “strictest ethics rules ever applied” to his ongoing choices for members of his administration and his transition team.

In the early November news conference, Podesta proudly proclaimed that Obama was so interested in distancing himself from the old, business-as-usual Washington that they didn’t care if they were excluding people of long Washington experience with their supposed strict ethics rules. Podesta sternly told reporters, “I’ve heard the complaint that we’re leaving all these extra people on the side, that we’re leaving all the people that know everything out in the cold. So be it. That’s a commitment that is one the American people expect and one the President-elect made.”

Yet within weeks it became clear that this new ethical standard was merely so much window dressing. Now, lobbyists abound in Obama’s administration and have since day one. Not only that, but tax cheats seem to be particularly drawn to the new president.

Continue reading “It’s About The Change Yet Lobbyists and Tax Cheats Abound in New Administration”

Arkansas Dems Say USA ‘Founded By Slaveowners’ — Were ALL Founders ‘Slaveowners’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

To answer the headline: NO.

According to the historically illiterate Democrats in the Arkansas legislature, the USA was “founded by slaveowners,” and so they said in a resolution celebrating the election of Barack Obama. Not surprisingly, a few Arkansas Republicans objected to this stilted and historically misleading language and voted against the thing and those few Republicans deserve a pat on the back.

The resolution congratulating President Obama was killed in the Arkansas House Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs this week when Republicans raised objections over the language in the document that claimed the United States as a nation was “founded by slaveowners” as if every founder was a slave owner or slave owning was a chief reason for creating the nation.

Opposition led by Rep. Dan Greenburg, R-Little Rock, and Rep. Ed Garner, R-Maumelle, centered around language in the resolution that described the United States as a nation founded by slaveowners. Greenburg and Garner wanted the language stricken or amended, noting that not every founding father was a slaveowner.

Apparently, Democrats in Arkansas are unaware that a large number of the Founding Fathers not only didn’t own slaves, but abhorred what would come to be known as the peculiar institution. Famous Founders such as John and Sam Adams, Ben Franklin and Thomas Paine were very much anti-slavery. Paine, for instance, was a founding member of one of the first anti-slavery societies in the country, founded in 1775 in Philadelphia.

Continue reading “Arkansas Dems Say USA ‘Founded By Slaveowners’ — Were ALL Founders ‘Slaveowners’?”

Biden Claims He Will be ‘Obama Confidant,’ Obama Says Nothing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Joe Biden has decided that he is going to serve Barack Obama as a sort of senior advisor that will be “the last guy in the room when he makes these critical decisions.” At least that is how the BBC is reporting the matter. Biden also assures the BBC that his vice presidency will be a “break with the past.” Of this Biden is no doubt correct, at least where it concerns the recent past.

But, what is Joe Biden really going to be doing? We are all aware, of course, that Biden has been telling anyone that will listen that he won’t be like Dick Cheney. Politico reported last December that Biden imagines he will “restore” the vice presidency to its proper role in the White House even though it didn’t seem that Joe had a firm grasp on what the Constitution actually says about the office. And to the BBC, Biden is tryig to foster the notion that he’ll be like some respected father figure for the young Obama helping the president make the big decisions as the administration moves forward.

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Famous Obama ‘Hope’ Image Stolen?

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, where exactly did the communist graphics inspired artist Shepard Fairey get the image of Obama for his ubiquitous “Hope” poster featuring a confident, young Obama intently staring off into the distance for glorious leader’s future, anyway? Turns out the celebrated artist stole it from an Associated Press freelance photographer and never bothered to acknowledge where he got it in the first place. I guess the word “ethics” didn’t fit as easily on that iconic Fairey poster, eh?

At least one Old Media photographer was curious about the source photo that the poster was based on. Philadelphia Inquirer photog Tom Gralish wondered aloud on his blog about just where the heck that original photo came from? Apparently among the shooter set in the Old Media the question had become a nagging one and Gralish decided to put on his sleuthing cap to track down the original source. After a short time at the task he discovered the original, uncredited photo used by Fairey to make the wildly successful poster that made him bundles of cash.

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Obama is the Heroin of the Masses

-By Warner Todd Huston

There used to be a saying in the vaunted counter-culture days of the 1960’s that went: “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” This bit of instant doggerel was used to justify all sorts of aberrant, self destructive behavior by the hippie generation like drug use, sexual promiscuity and a rampant anti-intellectualism. Thankfully, that foolish era has passed us… more or less. Unfortunately a new era has dawned turning the USA into an Obamanation that may end up reviving the worst of the 60’s era. The new phrase might be considered to have now become “Turn O, give in, bail out.”

Well, at the very least drug dealers in New York have signed on wholly to the new Obamanation and they have found the most suitable product to represent the new age. The Sullivan County Sheriff’s office have busted a drug ring selling “Obama heroin.”

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Live or Memorex? Canned Inaugural Music a Metaphor?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The dulcet tones of Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, violinist Izhak Perlman, pianist Gabriella Montero and clarinetist Anthony McGill floated out among the crowd to celebrate the ascension of The One on Tuesday. It was music to soothe the savage beast from some of the best known performers of American classical music. The assembled performers were there to entertain the masses to celebrate the coming. All eagerly strained to hear the delicate work of America’s musical masters.

Unfortunately it was a recording. The classical gas was a mere Milli Vanilli-a-rama.

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Why I Want Barack Obama To Fail As President

-By Warner Todd Huston

An extremely liberal co-worker of mine — he’s in the past said that the “rich” should be killed, for instance — asked me a serious question by which he felt he could gauge whether or not I was a “real” American in his eyes during the rise of the age of Obama. He wondered whether I wish success for Barack Obama as our president. After a few seconds of reflection I had to honestly give a qualified “no” in answer to his query. Naturally this fellow went off about how it was unAmerican to wish the president to fail and how it would damage the country. But, after he briefly calmed down, and brief calm is usually all we can expect from him, I gave him a fuller explanation.

I reminded him that it was a qualified no I gave him. Of course every American wants his president to be successful on every count that will benefit the country. No true American wants to see a monumental, destructive, Carteresque failure in the White House. My liberal co-worker is correct on that count. No one wants the next Buchanan, who, Nero-like, fiddled while Washington D.C. and the country burned. We want them all to be Reagans, Washingtons and Lincolns.

But, that is just it, isn’t it? We want them to do what is best for the country. That is what we mean by “success.” And, when you get right down to it, opinions vary of what “best” means. I do want Obama to be successful on what would be best for this country, absolutely. Unfortunately, there is little that he campaigned on that would be good for this country.

Continue reading “Why I Want Barack Obama To Fail As President”

The Left Does Not Want Compromise, Their Hate Too Strong

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Boston Globe had an interesting piece on January 19 that pretty much proved that the left is never, ever interested in working with others, only in conquering and destroying others. They aren’t interested in the ages old American system of compromise but only in the Marxian concept of destruction, absorption and recreation.

The occasion of this example was a piece on the foolish outreach to the American left made by evangelical leader Rick Warren. In “Effort to surmount polarizing debates backfires on pastor, the Globe unwittingly revealed the depths of the politics of personal destruction in which the left engages when they find opposing views.

Rick Warren has oft times courted criticism with his natural base on the right side of the aisle by engaging the left. But, Warren has been keen to advance beyond the right/left debate to get to the Jesus debate. He would rather see a discussion of the words of Jesus occur than to continue to indulge in the religious tinged right/left political debate of the day. Unfortunately for Warren, the left won’t allow any such outreach.

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The All Hat, No Cattle Obama Recovery Plan

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Caucus Blog of The New York Times says that Barack Obama’s transition staff are claiming that his so-called economic recovery plan will be a “paperless plan.” By that, they mean that there will be no “detailed documents, cost estimates” or the sort of announcements and “fanfare that capital watchers expect for the unveiling of major initiatives.”

It seems that, in Papal fashion, Obama plans to issue lofty rhetoric from the balcony to adoring crowds, then will retreat back inside his chambers to allow others to “fill in details.”

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Giving Obama ‘A Chance’… Or Not

-By Warner Todd Huston

America has always had a great tradition, one mature for it’s age and true at birth, of the peaceful turnover of power from one faction to another. Never have Americans rioted when a president of another party took his seat in the White House, never has the military been called in and never has government been wholly shut down during the turnover of power because of political strife and unrest. This is, it cannot be denied, a good thing. It is one of the things that makes the USA’s unique among the history of nations. But, does this relative good sense include the necessity of one party giving the new president of the opposing party “a chance” once he takes office? As Republicans, are we obliged to sit back and allow a new president we opposed — in this case Barack Obama — the opportunity to do anything and everything he so pleases? Is this what is meant by “giving him a chance”?

I’ll have to politely say “no” is the answer to that question. Republicans are under no obligation to chuck all principles to the four winds in some mistaken notion of giving Barack Obama “a chance” to do whatever it is he wants to do in office. We have no reason to sit back and do nothing just because “the people have spoken.” To that, it must be pointed out that none of our members of “the people” spoke in Obama’s favor.

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Obama’s Inauguration Sold to Highest Bidder, TV Not This Excited Since Clinton in ‘93

-By Warner Todd Huston

Reuters has a January 7 Hollywood Reporter story informing the world that “HBO lands rights to inaugural ceremony,” but this raises the question; why are parts of the inauguration being auctioned to the highest bidder for exclusive coverage? Shouldn’t all of the inauguration be something for every American and not relegated just for the TV station that has the most cash? Why is this vaunted man of the people allowing exclusive coverage of his big day to go to a station not available to all Americans equally?

It makes one wonder if the Democrat’s claims of being interested in equality and fairness is all but hot air when the money is hitting the table?

HBO is claiming that they will offer the program for free, not pay-per-view, and that it will be broadcast to folks without the HBO channel on their cable service. But it will still be just on cable. Naturally, for those without cable at all, well, these people are out of luck. So much for Obama’s big day being for ALL the people. I guess it’s only for those with cable.

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The Nutrooters Newest Hope for Hope-n-Change

-By Warner Todd Huston

Eli Pariser, the delusional Nutroot kingpin of, has been allowed a few column inches of space in the Washington Post to reveal his hope for some Obama hope-n-change, and his op ed is a doosie, for sure. Headlined “Will He Bring We Can Believe In?,” Pariser gives voice to his most hopiest of hopeiness that Obama is the True One that they all hope he is. All joking aside, this is a pretty revealing op ed for its utter inability at introspection or, on the other hand, its complete lack of honesty — I’m not sure which.

In fact, Pariser’s very first paragraph reveals his own extremism, an extremism that he pretends doesn’t exist (that being the lack of introspection, or the cynical attempt at covering the truth to which I was alluding).

So, how’s the Obama administration doing so far?

It’s a trick question: We’re still about minus-23 days in. But already, folks on the left and the right are furiously reading tea leaves, worrying about whether he’s as progressive as promised or trying to turn lemons into lemonade (“Hillary Clinton at State: a victory for conservative foreign policy values”). Through all this, there’s been surprisingly little focus on what may be the most important question Obama faces.

As Pariser mentions, Obama hasn’t taken office and so far all he has are appointments and a lot of vacation time, so no administration exists. This isn’t Obama’s fault, nor something to hold against him, but Pariser’s fevered imagination is running amuck, here.

Continue reading “The Nutrooters Newest Hope for Hope-n-Change”

Obama’s New School Chief Supported Creating Gay High School in Chicago

-By Warner Todd Huston

So, how often do you think that the Old Media will mention that Barack Obama’s choice for Secretary of Education, Chicago schools chief Arne Duncan, supported to be opened in Chicago a gay, lesbian and transgender high school? Any takers?

I have looked over many of the stories on Obama’s pick for Sec of Ed, but seen mention of his support of the gay high school only a few times. Only three stories mentioned it out of the first 20 I checked. Even the Wall Street Journal didn’t mention it in their announcement of the Obama pick.

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Big Gov’t Lovers Lack Key Intellectual Capability: Logic

-By Warner Todd Huston

The first two paragraphs of a recent Salon Magazine piece by Michael Lind on Obama’s plans for America’s future are striking for the utter lack of any relationship whatsoever between them.

Take a look at the aforementioned graphs:

Barack Obama is a man with a plan. On Dec. 6, the president-elect announced major parts of his plan to revitalize the American economy. He listed four priorities: “a massive effort to make public buildings more energy-efficient”; “the single largest new investment in our national infrastructure since the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s”; “the most sweeping effort to modernize and upgrade school buildings that this country has ever seen”; and a program to “renew our information highway” by increasing broadband adoption, by schools and hospitals in particular.

Obama’s priorities make excellent sense. After emergency measures to stabilize the economy, public investment aimed at accelerating U.S. economic growth should be domestic reform priority No. 1. That’s because raising the rate of economic growth is the reform that makes all subsequent reforms easier. Accelerating the long-term growth of the productive economy will get us out of the recession faster, refill depleted federal, state and local government funding for public services sooner, and permit larger investments to be made with the same or lower tax rates in areas of needed reform like social insurance, energy and education. And the more rapidly the economy grows, the more quickly the colossal but necessary deficits the U.S. is now running up will melt away.

After reading these two opening sections, one must realize that there is little reason to read the rest of Lind’s piece because of the fallacy that his first paragraph has anything whatever to do with the second. The logic connecting the two is so strikingly lacking that one might suspect that these two paragraphs were randomly snipped from completely different articles by two different writers.

Let’s review what Lind says are Obama’s priorities in the first paragraph in a simple bulleted list.

  • a massive effort to make public buildings more energy-efficient
  • the single largest new investment in our national infrastructure since the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s
  • the most sweeping effort to modernize and upgrade school buildings that this country has ever seen
  • a program to renew our information highway

And what does Lind say of this list? He says it “makes excellent sense.” He says that these program ideas are “aimed at accelerating U.S. economic growth” because that policy “should be domestic reform priority No. 1.” Then he praises Obama because he is interested in “raising the rate of economic growth” and that this is the “reform that makes all subsequent reforms easier.”

And the logical disconnect? Obama’s pie-in-the-sky ideas that Lind lays out in paragraph one have little to do with “accelerating U.S. economic growth” as Lind claims they do in paragraph two. The plans Obama offered just don’t have any bearing on economic growth in anything but the most tangential way.

Let’s take them one at a time.

  • a massive effort to make public buildings more energy-efficient

Sure, after this “massive effort” the government might find that it saves several cents a day on its electric bill. Sure that will add up to millions eventually. But would, as Lind lovingly believes, this little program accelerate U.S. economic growth? Hardly.

  • the single largest new investment in our national infrastructure since the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s

Sounds nice. But, what does it even mean? It’s wonderfully vague. Still, even if we equate it to the national highway system that was built in the 50s, such an effort might not bear fruit for decades to come. Further, when the system of national highways was built there was nothing at all comparable to it and its creation was a major addition to our lives. What new project could be so amazingly transformational? And, even if there was such an idea that could approximate that sort of transformation, Obama didn’t offer it as the central idea in his “plan.” And once again, this Obama pronouncement has little bearing on improving our economy in a time when Lind’s “emergency measures” were required.

  • the most sweeping effort to modernize and upgrade school buildings that this country has ever seen

So, new buildings equate to well-informed students? Lincoln learned from the back of a shovel, as the saying goes. This obvious big government trope is meaningless. Sure it will be good to have nice schools, but again, how does this have anything at all to do with our current economic crisis? Nothing, of course.

  • a program to renew our information highway

This one is an area that has economic import, but, it is not in the proper purview of government. The best thing government can do to spur the Internet is to stop over regulation and get out of the way of private business and the market place.

In the end, the most striking aspect of Lind’s two paragraphs is the utterly slavish belief in big government as the solution to all ills. Lind’s entire lack of logic even shoehorn’s “emergency” status onto actions that will obviously take decades to come to fruition not to mention the singular fact that Obama’s plan has a spurious connection to the economy to begin with.

The only thread that draws Lind’s two paragraphs together is the simple, near religious belief that big government is the cure all. So, since Obama is announcing giant, expensive, feels good programs, Lind assumes without any hesitation that it all serves to make us a better country which must, in his false logic, positively impact the economy.

The illogic boggles the mind.

(Photo credit:

Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer, has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and is featured on many websites such as, Human Events Magazine,, New Media Journal, Men’s News Daily and the New Media Alliance among many, many others. Additionally, he has been a frequent guest on talk-radio programs to discuss his opinion editorials and current events. He has also written for several history magazines and appears in the new book “Americans on Politics, Policy and Pop Culture” which can be purchased on He is also the owner and operator of Feel free to contact him with any comments or questions : EMAIL Warner Todd Huston

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Jefferson and Obama’s Birth Certificate: My Reply to Michael Gaynor

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Tuesday morning of December 10, I sent out my piece titled “Thomas Jefferson says forget about Barack’s birth certificate.” I was sure it would raise the hackles of those vested in the Barack Obama birth certificate issue, abbreviated as COLB (certificate of live birth) by those so inclined to care about it. Boy was I right. My email has been stuffed with accusations that I hate the Constitution or am secretly an Obama supporter despite that in my original piece I clearly called the man a socialist whom I didn’t want in the Oval Office.

But, I felt we need an actual discussion, not of Obama’s birth itself, but of the Constitutional, electoral, and philosophical issues that underlay the debate. Fortunately, Michael Gaynor of obliged. To that end and to his piece, I’d like to take some time to reply here, being sure to thank him for at least allowing that I was “well-intentioned” with my original consideration of the matter.

Unfortunately, Mr. Gaynor starts out right off the top with a misconception of what I am saying and it misinforms his entire take on my piece. He writes:
Continue reading “Jefferson and Obama’s Birth Certificate: My Reply to Michael Gaynor”

Thomas Jefferson Says Forget About Barack’s Birth Certificate

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well. I am sure that this is going to anger some of you. But, I have to say it anyway…

OK, I have basically stayed silent about this whole Obama birth certificate dust up until now because I have been trying to resolve the dichotomy in my mind between being a Constitutional constructionist and a pragmatist. But, at long last I have realized that the two really aren’t as much at odds as it might seem. In fact, I found my answer in the words of Thomas Jefferson — as well as Madison, Franklin and a few others, but we’ll stick with Jefferson quotes for the sake of a sharply focused discussion.

I have discovered that Thomas Jefferson has already told us upon which side we as conservatives should descend over the question concerning Barack Obama’s birth certificate and his eligibility for the office of president of the United States. Mister Jefferson would tell you all to shut up, accept cruel fate, and get ready to claim Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States of America.

That’s right, forget about it. Move on. Nothing to see here.

Before you get your Constitutional shorts in a bunch, I absolutely agree with you that we are a nation of laws and not men. Jefferson did too, once saying that we must consider what the original intent of the Constitution was before we rush into a decision and the original intent in this case was clearly to make sure every president was a natural born citizen of this country before being eligible to run for that highest of offices. (“The Constitution on which our Union rests, shall be administered … according to the safe and honest meaning contemplated by the plain understanding of the people of the United States at the time of its adoption — a meaning to be found in the explanations of those who advocated [for it]…”– Thomas Jefferson)

Continue reading “Thomas Jefferson Says Forget About Barack’s Birth Certificate”

Has Joe Biden EVER Read the Constitution?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Politico reported recently that the Democrat majority intends to “restore” the “proper” role of the vice president once Obama is sworn into office. They claim that they will somehow roll back the power that Cheney “stole” from Congress and that Biden will not be allowed as much leeway as Cheney was.

Of course, it’s all well and good that what the vice president can or cannot do is reassessed from time to time. It is certainly up to each administration how to use its vice president and, to a certain degree, for Congress to assist the administration to set that role. Many vice presidents have had almost no role at all in the administration, still others have had a little while a few have comparatively had a lot of powers and duties.

Continue reading “Has Joe Biden EVER Read the Constitution?”

Liberals Don’t Know What Patriotism Means

-By Warner Todd Huston

**UPDATE** Alan Colmes Links to this post at Liberaland

Some think it a canard that liberals aren’t patriotic. In some ways, it is a canard, but only just. Some liberals really do imagine themselves patriotic. But in what ever way liberals imagine they feel for their country, it doesn’t seem that patriotism is really what they feel. At least not in the way that patriotism is properly defined. There has been a spate of stories in the media since Obama’s election that serve to illustrate why liberals seem incapable of being patriotic.

But, first, what is patriotism?

After the War of 1812 one of our most celebrated sea captains, Stephen Decatur (America’s first post Revolutionary War military hero) once gave a toast at Norfolk to his fellow seamen that is the most perfect illustration of true patriotism. As he lifted his glass, Decatur said,
“Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong.”

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Hillary Pick Reveals Obama’s Lack of Experience

-By Warner Todd Huston

Time magazine wants so badly to make Obama into the next Abraham Lincoln — so noble that he’s willing to include political enemies in his cabinet — that they are willing to throw away any pretense at observing the candidate himself to make it happen. The latest risible effort by Karen Tumulty and Massimo Calabresi invokes the supposed “team of rivals” comparison as Barack Obama begins to formulate his cabinet. The Time writers base their entire point on the fact that Obama is probably offering the job of Secretary of State to Hillary Clinton, his rival for the Democratic nomination.

But, there are is a glaring error Time makes in its analysis. Obama is not picking Hillary because he is noble or looking to include a wider range of policy proscriptions in his cabinet, nor is he picking Hillary to heal party divisions. For one, he’s picking Hillary because Obama himself doesn’t know anyone that could take the office. In fact, that is the main reason he’s going back to the tarnished Clinton years to fill his staff and cabinet positions in the first place. Obama himself has nether the experience nor the network of knowledgeable associates to take those positions so he has no choice but to rely on the past. Secondly, he mistakenly imagines that he can control her merely because she is supposed to be at his pleasure.

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The ‘Rigid’ Obama — Will He React to ‘Change’ Well?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Originally Appeared in Human Events 11/03/08

The L.A. Times’ Peter Nicholas had a rather revealing piece about Barack Obama that causes yet another concern about the candidate of “change.” Is Obama the sort of man that can, himself, actually handle change?

A president must be flexible enough to meet the ever-changing world, but is Obama that man? Is Barack Obama nimble enough to react in tough situations?

After reading Nichols’ piece one has to wonder.

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Trash Novelist’s Trash Talk: Obama Loss Will ‘Spark American Civil War,’ Says Erica Jong

-By Warner Todd Huston

Like most of the leftist illiterati in the U.S., trash novelist Erica Jong has revealed symptoms of what appears to be a mental nervous breakdown over this election. In an interview to the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, Jong fretted that an Obama loss would “spark the second American Civil War” and also that his loss would cause “blood to run in the streets.” She also admitted that she was experiencing a “paralyzing terror” about the upcoming election. It seems that those most mentally disturbed by this election inhabit the American far left, revealing a seeming delicately balanced mental state — or maybe I should say an unbalanced one.

Jason Horowitz of the New York Observer brings us Jong’s overwrought blather and also notes that Jong seems to think the same worries are being echoed by many of her jet-setting comrades. Jong notes that Jane Fonda, Naomi Wolf, Ken Follett and others have agreed with her that the world will end if the messiah isn’t elected.

Horowitz translates what he calls “the more spirited quotes” from Jong’s Italian interview:

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McCain Endorsing Journalists Thrown off Obama’s Campaign Plane!

-By Warner Todd Huston

ALERT! Senator Obama has thrown off his campaign plane the members of the press representing the New York Post, Washington Times and Dallas Morning News — papers that endorsed John McCain for president. According to an exclusive from Drudge this happened yesterday night, Oct. 30.

As Drudge has it, some are saying that the Obama campaign is trying to “make room” for network bigwigs and a documentary crew attempting to cover Obama’s last remaining days on the campaign trail.

Now, let me recap a paragraph from Obama’s plea to the nutroots to play nice:

But to the degree that we brook no dissent within the Democratic Party, and demand fealty to the one, “true” progressive vision for the country, we risk the very thoughtfulness and openness to new ideas that are required to move this country forward.

But, is throwing off his plane journalists that disagree with him an example of Barack “reaching across the aisle”? Is this his idea of a “new” politics, one of “bipartisan” principles? Dissent from his positions and be banished???

I guess Obama’s intention to play nice and doing away with “brooking no dissent” is suddenly not so important when one wants to win the White House. Let’s “get in their face,” instead, eh Senator Obama?

(H/T Electric City Blog)

Guess What An Obama Halloween Costume Is? Yep, RACIST!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, last week we discovered that saying Obama is a socialist is racist code. For quite a while we’ve been told that saying his middle name is racist. Saying he pals around with terrorists is racist. Not voting for him is racist. Wanna know what else is racist? Dressing as Obama for Halloween…. but only if you’re a white kid. So says the Columbus Dispatch (Ohio), anyway.

This’ll break the hearts of little Obamatons and their sycophantic parents all across the nation for this Halloween season, sadly enough. But, if you don’t want to be considered a low-down, four-flushing racist, you little Obamites better not do it. Just say nO, kids. The Dispatch’s Kathy Lynn Gray has saved the day, though. She’s warned us ahead of time that Dressing like The One is racist as all get out.

Continue reading “Guess What An Obama Halloween Costume Is? Yep, RACIST!”

2001 Obama Interview: Wanted Socialism, to Break Free of Constitution

-By Warner Todd Huston

In an interview with Chicago’s WBEZ radio in 2001, Barack Obama laid out his true socialist desires. In the interview, Obama says that the Civil Rights movement didn’t succeed because it didn’t win to “redistribute the wealth.” He says the Supreme Court under Warren failed because it didn’t break free of the Constitution!

Barack Obama wants to institute communism and wants to eliminate the Constitution of the United States. Is THIS the man you want for president? this man is no Democrat. He’s a traitor to the most important ideas of our nation.

Ayers Said Everyone Knew He was a Marxist

-By Warner Todd Huston

During the very same week that William Ayers was siting on a board with Barack Obama Ayers gave a radio interview where he said that everyone in Chicago knew he was a Marxist. Ayers also said once again, as he has many times, that he is not sorry for his monstrous terrorist actions.

THIS is the unAmerican scumbag that Barack Obama associates closely with.

Get Back Barack!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Get Barack  
(sung to the tune of the Beatles’ “Get Back”)

Obo is a man who thinks he’s a messiah 
But he wants it socialist.  
Obo left his home in sunny ol’ Hawaii  
For some greedy ACORNists.  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Get Barack to where he once belonged  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Get Barack to where he once belonged.  
Get Back Obo. Let’s Send ‘im home  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Barack to where he once belonged  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Barack to where he once belonged.  
Get Back to Chicago, O.

Joejoe was a man who thought he was a winner  
But we’re glad it didn’t last.  
Joejoe left his home in Scranton, Pennsylvania  
For some Washingtonian cash.  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Get Barack to where he once belonged  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Get Barack to where he once belonged.  
Get Back Joejoe. go home  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Barack to where he once belonged  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Barack to where he once belonged.  
Get Back Joejoe.

Sweet Michelle Obama says she loves her country  
But none really believe her line  
All the folks that watch her know she’s full of big’try  
All she ever does is whine  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Get Barack to where he once belonged  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Get Barack to where he once belonged.  
Get Back Michella. go home  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Get Barack to where he once belonged  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Get Barack to where he once belonged.  
Get Back Michella  
Yer terror pals are waiting for ya  
Wearing a professor’s mantel  
And livin’ a life of ease  
Get on home Michella  
Get Barack, get Barack.  
Get Barack to where he once belonged.