Obama: Who Needs Victory When We Can Negotiate With The TahleeBahn?

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Barack Obama came before the American people tonight to unleash his latest campaign speech disguised as a foreign policy address. It was a presentation that even Politico calls “boring and predictable, balanced to please critics,” and one that “did not change the debate about the war.” But, one thing does seem like news. Obama never used the word victory and he also said we’d negotiate with the Taliban – an enemy he annoyingly insists on calling the Tahleebahn.

One singular theme emerged from this speech. Apparently, to President Obama, “victory” does not mean a win, but it only means a settling with negotiations with our enemies. Very Chamberlainesque, isn’t it?

But there were quite a few odd statements made by the president tonight. One was his claim that Usamma bin Laden was the “only leader al Qaeda has ever known.” This is absurd. There have been dozens of al Qaeda leaders and we killed many of them long before we finally got to bin Laden.
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Obama: Who Needs Victory When We Can Negotiate With The TahleeBahn?”

Miss America 2011 Slams WikiLeaks as ‘Espionage’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The new Miss America Pageant winner, Cornhusker Teresa Scanlan, wowed judges with her black bikini, her piano playing, and her silky blond hair. She’s the youngest winner ever at 17, her theme this year was eating disorders, and she also criticized WikiLeaks as “espionage.”

Scanlon said that she wanted to become a lawyer because she wanted to help change the negative perception that people have of lawyers.

“At this point, attorneys and politicians are looked down on and have terrible reputations for being greedy and power hungry and I really think it’s important for people who have their heart and mind in the right place get into those powerful positions,” she said to the media.
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Miss America 2011 Slams WikiLeaks as ‘Espionage’”

Obama Says U.S. Can ‘Absorb Terror Attacks’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Eh, don’t worry, America. If there is another 9/11-like terror attack, The One says that we can “absorb it” and just become “stronger” because of it. It’s as if he wants it to happen, or something!

In his latest book, Bob Woodward encountered a President Obama that seemed to casually blow off worry of another terror attack. The Washington Post gave us a sneak preview of Woodward’s newest tome where Obama acted so flippantly toward another 9/11. (my bold)

Woodward’s book portrays Obama and the White House as barraged by warnings about the threat of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil and confronted with the difficulty in preventing them. During an interview with Woodward in July, the president said, “We can absorb a terrorist attack. We’ll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever… we absorbed it and we are stronger.”

If we are “stronger,” and that is entirely debatable, it certainly isn’t because of anything the Obama administration has done.
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Obama Says U.S. Can ‘Absorb Terror Attacks’”

Coming to YOUR Nation: Muslims Forcibly Take Over French Street for Prayers

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the more insidious ways that Muslims try to impose their sharia laws on western nations is to use the west’s liberal laws against them by warping that law to install sharia by stealth. Such is the case in a section of France where Muslims, sometimes appearing in the hundreds, choke a French street to perform their daily prayers. They have no permits, they have not asked for legal permission, they simply congregate by the hundreds and do it, breaking the law as they do so.

Sadly, the French government has told the police to stand idly by and allow it to happen showing that France is being pulled both ways on Islam.

On one hand they are strictly a secular government even going so far as to make religious expression uncomfortable — especially for Christians. France has banned the veil and many Frenchmen have spoken out against radical Islam.
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Coming to YOUR Nation: Muslims Forcibly Take Over French Street for Prayers”

John Kerry: Obama Preparing to Negotiate With Afghan Terrorists?

-By Warner Todd Huston

If one can believe a word Senator John Kerry (D, Mass) says, the United States is launching efforts to negotiate with Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan.

“I can report without being specific that there are efforts under way. They are serious and I completely agree with that fundamental premise — and so does General [David] Petraeus and so does President Obama — there is no military solution,” Kerry told NPR. “And there are very active efforts now to seek an appropriate kind of political settlement.”

So that means that Obama is willing to negotiate with terrorists that kill little girls for wanting to go to school, kill people for listening to music, destroy world art treasures like the Bamyan Buddhas, stone women and gays just because they can, and murder innocent aid workers and doctors.

What a great idea, Obama!
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John Kerry: Obama Preparing to Negotiate With Afghan Terrorists?”

After a Year in Office, Biden Says Afghan War Policy Still Developing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Vice President Joe Biden wants everyone to just calm down. He says that it’s “much too premature” to judge the Obama administration’s efforts in Afghanistan. Apparently, after a year of focusing on “the right war,” America is still waiting for the Obama administration to “develop” its policies there.

But one thing seems sure, the Obama administration has already excluded the possibility that more troops will be sent if Biden’s comments can be believed. When asked if the additional 30,000 troops are successful, will the administration send even more after them, Biden did not hesitate to say, “I do not believe so.”

So, success seems to be right off the table. After a year of the administration’s flaccid talk about our efforts in Afghanistan, after a decision to send fewer troops than generals have requested, and after a year of “developing” policy, the one thing that might be successful — more troops — has been preemptively taken off the table before anyone even knows if the first deployment will work.
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After a Year in Office, Biden Says Afghan War Policy Still Developing”

This Just In, Liberals Are Murderers

-By Warner Todd Huston

What is it that the extremists of the anti-war left, liberals, and Democrats say about the U.S. practice of capturing and detaining terror suspects? Don’t they say that it is wrong and evil? To that end, the left has through constant abuse of our own legal system made it practically untenable to capture and house terrorists in detention centers. And so, the U.S. is now just killing them outright instead of trying to capture them.

Let me say that again: because of the left, we are now just killing terrorists instead of capturing them. The result? Liberals are responsible for what they would consider the “murder” of terrorist suspects.

Yes, liberals are murderers. Now, not only are they baby murderers, but they are terror suspect murderers too. Will the left’s bloodlust never be sated?

A report in the L.A. Times reveals the ultimate, logical outcome of the left’s ill-considered actions against the war on terror. With the plans of closing Guantanamo Bay detention facility proceeding, the Obama administration is finding itself facing a dilemma. What they heck is it to do with terror suspects? According to the L.A. Times Obama faces “bringing them to the U.S. or even killing them.”
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This Just In, Liberals Are Murderers”

Trials for bin Laden? Why?

-By Warner Todd Huston

There has never been a trial of a fallen national leader that would stand up to the scrutiny of good criminal law. They have always been politically motivated, full of passion, and short on legal niceties or any observation of technical precision. Because of this, should the United States capture Usamma bin Laden, she should quickly and immediately execute him. Period. End of discussion.

From the absurd trial of Charles I by Cromwell’s Roundheads, to the Nazi trials at Nuremberg, to the Soviet Show Trials all the way to the execution of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, no political trial has been legally legitimate. Moral legitimacy is another subject, but the truth is that every one of these trials mentioned was bad on legal procedure.

Not only are these trials bad on technical law, but they set bad precedents. The Nuremberg trials, for instance, should never have happened because they emboldened those miscreants that had the idea that an “International community” could possibly have the legal power to try and convict a leader of a fallen state or deposed government.

Better that the Nazis should have been taken out back of a death camp and summarily executed as befits any fallen, evil foeman. The Romans were right. Kill those fallen leaders and move on. There is no need to justify it via some warped appeal to “the law.”
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Trials for bin Laden? Why?”

When Indians Are Better Cowboys Than the Cowboys

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week an article appeared in the Wall Street Journal that gave me pause even as it evoked outrage. It proved that the India has more backbone than America does where it concerns portraying Islamic terror in films.

The article was penned by Arun Venugopal. The writer is a young Indian-born, American-raised reporter who has knocked about in both Bollywood and the American film communities, and his piece is an eye opener.

Venugopal notes that the Indian film industry does not shy away from a “full throttle” portrayal of Islamic terror in its films.
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When Indians Are Better Cowboys Than the Cowboys”

IRS Plane Attacker Part of ‘Right Wing,’ Christmas Bomber Just a ‘Lone Wolf’

-By Warner Todd Huston

No clearer difference can be seen in how the Old Media and its left-wing compatriots treat mass killers, terrorists and nutjobs than the way Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab and Joe Stack have been portrayed by the Old Media and the left. Abdulmutallab, the jihadi Christmas Bomber, was treated as an aberration unconnected with any larger group — despite that he trained with al Qaeda — and Joe Stack, who flew a plane into an IRS building in Austin, Texas, has been held up as the epitome of the “teabaggers” and the “anti-government right” despite that not a single tie to those folks has been yet discovered.

Immediately after Abdulmutallab tried to blow himself and a plane full of passengers into martyrdom on Christmas Day 2009, President Obama’s administration declared this guy an “isolated extremist” and said he had no connection to our Islamofascist enemies. Obama was helped along in this by many Old Media news sources.

On Dec. 26,for instance, CBS reported that Abdulmutallab was a loner. “As of now, he appears to be a lone actor with no conspirators. A report the following day said of the jihadist bomber, “’We’re not aware of anybody else,’ one official told Orr. No further arrests are imminent.”
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IRS Plane Attacker Part of ‘Right Wing,’ Christmas Bomber Just a ‘Lone Wolf’”

Vice President Joe Biden is a Prevaricating Hypocrite

-By Warner Todd Huston

I have it on good authority that Joe Biden was laughed at as a fool by his colleagues in the Senate before he was elevated to veep. Well, this recent Iraq flap of his is more proof of how silly this man is and shows that he cannot be taken seriously.

Oh, and let us remember here that this is Joe’s own doing. He is the one that keeps opening his big mouth.

As HotAir says :

If you’re keeping score at home, the supposed foreign-policy genius whom we call our VP has the following track record on Iraq: Voted against the Gulf War; voted in favor of the 2003 invasion; opposed the surge; called for the country to be partitioned and earned himself a healthy degree of infamy among Iraqis in the process; and has now taken to lying about his prior naysaying and insisting that the administration deserves more credit than it does. Point for point, it’s the precise opposite of conventional wisdom about how things have played out. To steal a line from Glenn Reynolds, they told me that if I voted for McCain we’d have a vice president who didn’t know anything about foreign affairs — and they were right!

Joe Biden is a stupid, stupid man.
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Vice President Joe Biden is a Prevaricating Hypocrite”

Rep. Joe Wilson on Healthcare and Afghanistan

-By Warner Todd Huston

Does Joe Wilson or any of his colleagues on the Hill care about the Constitution?

I participated in a conference call last Friday with Representative Joe Wilson (R, SC) who wanted to rally the troops against Pelosi’s healthcare bill. He also talked of Afghanistan, as well. But I think he made a revealing comment about the Constitution that distresses me.

Rep. Wilson started off his comments with his condolences to the families of the victims of the criminal actions at Fort Hood which had only recently happened at the time. “As a 21-year veteran of the military myself with three sons in the Army, one in the Navy, and a nephew in the Air Force, I truly do have a deep sympathy for the families at Fort Hood,” Wilson said.

Wilson then went into the issues of the day and said he was pleased to see the “clean sweep” that Republicans in Virginia saw in the governor’s race there.

This has also been an extraordinary week with the elections on Tuesday in the state of my ancestors, Virginia. I’m so grateful for the Commonwealth that there was a clean sweep and as it pointed out to me the Republican clean sweep there was for limited government and extending freedom is in the tradition of Thomas Jefferson.

Wilson also remarked that Jon Corzine, the incumbent Dem. gov. in New Jersey, had some “pretty strong things to say about me” and was happy that he lost his re-election bid.
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Rep. Joe Wilson on Healthcare and Afghanistan”

Obama Abandons Abused Women in Afghanistan

-By Warner Todd Huston

President Barack Obama is putting the finishing touches on making a mockery out of the unsupportable claim that Democrats care about women’s rights by his signal to the Afghan Taliban, warlords, strongmen, militias, and tribal leaders that he’s ready to negotiate with anyone there in order to smooth his efforts in that troubled region.

President Obama is letting it be known that he’s prepared to cut deals with the Taliban in order for Afghan warlords to cut ties with al Qaeda. Obama thinks he can work with the supposedly “moderate” Taliban groups in Afghanistan in a bid to oust al Qaeda. A Taliban moderate. What sort of mythical creature is this?

One thing is sure, however, if Obama turns Afghanistan back over to the Taliban and other Islamic warlords in an effort to make it appear as if he’s had success there, women will be the hardest hit. The possibility that Obama will abandon Afghanistan’s women frightens Wazhma Frogh, an Afghan women’s advocate who received the U.S. State Department’s 2009 International Woman of Courage Award.
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Obama Abandons Abused Women in Afghanistan”

Obama Loathes American Success

-By Warner Todd Huston

Let’s try a thought experiment. When I say “victory,” what do you think of? Do you think of winning the World Series? Do you picture that famous photo of the U.S. Sailor kissing the pretty girl in Time Square as WWII ended? Do you just imagine “winning” at whatever contest is at hand?

It is likely that even if you don’t picture a particular thing, at the very least your initial emotional response is a warm feeling of worthy accomplishment and an assumption of gaining the accolades that accompanies victory.

It is less likely that upon hearing or seeing the word “victory” an American would immediately get a feeling of defeat and humiliation or picture the end of anything. It is even less likely that a loathing would well up inside of the minds of an American when the word is broached.

Unfortunately, Barack Obama is not like average, patriotic, optimistic Americans. At least we can easily assume this to be the case by what President Obama recently said of our military efforts in Afghanistan.

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Obama Loathes American Success”

Obama’s New War Priorities Deceiving, Maybe Wrongheaded

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some may look at Obama’s defense funding request coming in at about $144.6 billion as a welcome reduction over the 2008 budget of $186 billion. Some may also be tempted to claim that Obama is ramping down America’s war efforts. But that would be a hasty conclusion because the numbers are a bit deceiving. On top of that some of the areas that Obama wants to shift the money to shows that the president is heading down the wrong path to a successful conclusion of our Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts and that he is perhaps foolishly expecting Pakistan to follow his lead when it is already plain that she won’t, maybe even can’t.


Obama’s negotiation team had already gotten a “rude shock” last month when Richard Holbrooke and Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen were rebuffed by Pakistan when the pair proposed a joint operation against al Qaeda and the Taliban in her violence wracked tribal regions.

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Obama’s New War Priorities Deceiving, Maybe Wrongheaded”