Chicago’s and Suburbs GOP Primary Results, And More….

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here are a few of the results of last night’s primary race in Chicago and the surrounding areas. Unfortunately, for a city of millions, less than 30,000 dragged themselves to the polls to vote. Even more to Chicago’s shame, there are only just over a million people even registered to vote in a city of just under three million citizens!

Anyway, results can be found at the Chicago Board of Elections for the city and for the suburbs at Cook County Clerk’s Office.

First Congressional District
Donald E. Peloquin will face Democrat Bobby Rush (incumbent)

Second Congressional District
Brian Woodworth will face Democrat Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. (incumbent)

Third Congressional District
Richard Grabowski will face Daniel William Lipinski (incumbent)

Republicans did not put up a candidate in the Fourth District, Luis Gutierrez will continue in the Fourth

Fifth Congressional District
Dan Schmitt will face Democrat Mike Quigley (incumbent)

Republicans did not put up a candidate in the Seventh District, Danny Davis will continue in the Seventh

Eighth Congressional District
Joe Walsh (incumbent) will face Democrat Tammy Duckworth

Ninth Congressional District
Timothy C Wolfe will face Democrat Janice D. Schakowsky (incumbent)

Tenth Congressional District
Bob Dold (incumbent) will face Democrat Brad Schneider

Eleventh Congressional District
Judy Biggert (incumbent) will face Democrat Bill Foster

Other Congressional Seats

As to the other Congressional races, the big fight was between Don Manzullo and Adam Kinzinger for the reconfigured 16th District. Kinzinger beat long-time incumbent Manzullo and will be taking the nomination (and likely the Nov. election) for the 16th District.
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Chicago’s and Suburbs GOP Primary Results, And More….”

Citing Elmhurst Dillard Calls for Pressure on ComEd

From the office of Ill. State Senator Kirk Dillard (24th District)…

In a Friday, October 14, 2011 interview on WLS radio’s Don Wade and Roma Show, Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) outlined his concerns about the SmartGrid legislation being pushed by Commonwealth Edison.

Voicing concerns relayed to him by local citizens and elected officials, Dillard said on the radio station that the SmartGrid legislation needs improvement. “The status quo is not enough,” Dillard said. “Cities like Elmhurst, which is right in my area, have had severe power outages. We need reliability. We’ve got to do something and we need to look at our electrical grid. In some places it’s old and decaying, so the status quo is not acceptable.”

In response to a question about how Quinn thinks raising electric rates are bad for businesses but thinks a 66% increase in income tax is okay, Dillard said, “I don’t believe in guaranteed rate increases [for utilities] by the Commerce Commission.”

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Citing Elmhurst Dillard Calls for Pressure on ComEd”

Downers Grove Republicans Endorse Dillard

From the office of Rep. Tom Cross, Ill GOP House Leader…

After tallying the ballots, the Downers Grove Township Republican Organization (DGTRO) voted to endorse Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) in his bid for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District.

Held at Ashyana Banquets on 75th Street in Downers Grove, the vote took place after extensive presentations by Dillard and his opponent. Citing his opponent’s lack of experience and inability to work within the Republican caucus and with Democrats across the aisle, Dillard called for Republicans to unite to bring Illinois back to fiscal responsibility. There were almost 100 Precinct Committeemen from throughout the township voting, and over 30 elected officials from around DuPage County attending. To endorse, the DGTRO required an extraordinary75% of committeemen to agree.
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Downers Grove Republicans Endorse Dillard”

Chris Nybo Running for Ill. State Senate, 24th District

-By Warner Todd Huston

At the recent TeaCon 2011 event, I had a chance to speak to Chris Nybo, currently a state representative for the 41st district. Nybo is running against State Senator Kirk Dillard of the 24th District in the upcoming GOP primary.

As he is already a State Rep., the big question is why the run to upset Dillard? According to Nybo, he didn’t want to run against his colleagues Patti Bellock or Sandy Pihos, both of whom are state reps that are now in Nybo’s district due to redistricting.

Let’s allow Mr. Nybo take it from here…

So where do we stand with Mr. Chris Nybo?
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Chris Nybo Running for Ill. State Senate, 24th District”

Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin Endorses Dillard

From the campaign to re-elect Kirk Dillard, Illinois State Senate…

At a recent Republican meeting, Illinois State Representative and Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) endorsed Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Hinsdale) in Dillard’s race for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District.

Citing several pieces of landmark legislation sponsored by Sen. Dillard, including most recently a Internet Portal Act to disclose, on-line and in real-time (, every salary, contract, tax break and tax deadbeat, Durkin said, “Sen. Kirk Dillard is the voice of families in Illinois and we must return Kirk Dillard to Springfield so we can draw on his valuable experience in creating jobs to get Illinois working again, protecting our families, controlling our out-of-control state budget and providing accountability in state government.”

Durkin then added, “Kirk knows Western Springs and our area well. He was instrumental in garnering the funds to replace the dilapidated Oak Street Bridge so that area residents have access to Hinsdale Hospital in case of emergency.”
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Assistant Republican House Leader Jim Durkin Endorses Dillard”

Former Elmhurst Police Chief Millner Endorses Dillard

From the reelection campaign of Senator Kirk Dillard…

At the York Township Republican Committeemen meeting, Illinois State Senator and long-time Elmhurst Police Chief John Millner (R-Carol Stream) endorsed Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) in Dillard’s race for re-election to the 24th Senatorial District. Millner is also a Past President of the Illinois Police Chiefs Association.

Calling Dillard one of Illinois finest legislators, and a friend of all of the communities in DuPage County, Millner cited Dillard’s accomplishments, especially in the areas of accountability/transparency, fiscal policies and law enforcement.

“Sen. Kirk Dillard is the voice of DuPage County in Springfield and we must have his valuable experience in stopping the tax, spend and borrowing agenda,” Millner said.
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Former Elmhurst Police Chief Millner Endorses Dillard”

State Sen. Kirk Dillard Calls for Halt to Political Activity Over 9-11 Weekend

From the Office of Illinois State Senator Kirk Dillard…

State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Westmont) called upon his local volunteers and precinct committeemen to suspend political petition passing and other political activities this weekend in observance of the September 11th terrorists attacks 10th year anniversary. This is the first week candidates can pass petitions to be on the March 2012 election ballot under the newly drawn legislative maps following the census. Dillard will be attending multiple official ceremonies and church services over the weekend.

“This weekend is the time to transcend politics and partisan activities,” said Dillard in a letter to his local volunteers and committeemen. “Let us count our blessings and remember what is truly important.”
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State Sen. Kirk Dillard Calls for Halt to Political Activity Over 9-11 Weekend”

DuPage Republican Party: Secretive, Insular, Corrupt

-By Warner Todd Huston

The nonsense going on in the DuPage County GOP is a perfect example of all that is wrong with the Illinois GOP. It all rather shows why the GOP is useless in the state of Illinois. The DuPage party organization took what could have been a great public relations opportunity and turned it into yet another secretive, back-room dealing that cut out voters and proved that even its own party rules make no difference to party powerbrokers. Worse, this isn’t the first time DuPage GOP has mishandled the same situation.

On July 18, a Monday, DuPage GOP Party Chairman Dan Cronin abruptly resigned from his post as chairman. It doesn’t seem to have been a long planned resignation — though Cronin had mentioned he would not run for reelection to the chairmanship — and it certainly was not one enacted with public note. In fact, no one outside of Cronin’s inner circle even knew it was coming until several hours beforehand when Dave Diersen reported the coming resignation the Sunday before Cronin stepped down.

After Cronin left his post that Monday evening, the nine GOP township chairmen in DuPage County unanimously voted to replace Cronin with Randy Ramey, the state representative for the 55th district as well as Wayne Township GOP Chair. Ramey is also the stepson of famed GOP politico Pate Philip, onetime powerful leader of the Illinois senate.
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DuPage Republican Party: Secretive, Insular, Corrupt”

U.S. Rep. Roskam Marches in Wheaton Memorial Day Parade

-By Warner Todd Huston

Memorial Day Parade, Wheaton, Ill– Illinois Congressman Peter Roskam (R, 6th District) walked in the Wheaton Memorial Day Parade to some applause and ended the exercise by speaking to those assembled at the Wheaton Cemetery to commemorate those that have served us in peace and war and those who gave their last full measure so that we could remain the last best hope of the world.

The weather could not have been better as the parade stepped off this morning. The skies were clear and Summer temperatures had finally arrived. As the route rolled on the heat did tend to rise, though. Still, compared to the dismal weather we’ve seen the last few months, this Memorial Day was a welcome respite.

Rep. Roskam had a group of about fifty supporters march with him and I joined them to document the event. As we walked the distance from downtown Wheaton to the Wheaton Cemetery it was obvious that the congressman had many fans along the route. There were surprised smiles and a healthy amount of applause as the congressman and his lovely wife led the contingent.
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U.S. Rep. Roskam Marches in Wheaton Memorial Day Parade”

Wasteful Referendum Defeated in Suburban Lamont

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the election day success stories enjoyed by Americans for Prosperity, Illinois, occurred in nearby Lamont. A wasteful school referendum was defeated in Lamont and AFP was at the forefront of educating voters on the facts as they went to the polls.

Residents of Lamont had become tired of seeing their taxes go up every single year while the District constantly cried poor, so due to requests from residents, AFP – Illinois began an effort to understand exactly why the budget and the taxes for Lamont’s School District 113a have been constantly rising for every one of the last eleven years.

Upon investigation, AFP discovered that while revenues for the district have risen 50% over the last eleven years, the District’s spending has risen 77% during the same time.
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Wasteful Referendum Defeated in Suburban Lamont”

Kinzinger Urges President Obama to Institute No-Fly Zone Over Libya

From the office of Ill. Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger (11th District)…

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-11), a pilot in the Air National Guard with tours in the Middle East, sent a letter to President Obama urging the institution of a no-fly zone over Libya.

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Kinzinger Urges President Obama to Institute No-Fly Zone Over Libya”

VIDEO: Interview With Chief Dep. Whip, Congressman Peter Roskam

-By Warner Todd Huston

Illinois Congressman Peter Roskam (R, 6th District) has really climbed the ladder of leadership since the 2010 elections. He went from Congressman in the minority party in DC to the Chief Deputy Whip of the majority Republican Party riding the GOP wave that overtook the Hill last November.

Roskam is the go-to man for the budget debate. He handles this like an expert and, with his role of Chief Dep. Whip, is part of the leadership team. But I peg him as one of the best guys on that team where it concerns the budget.

Some of the things he’s talking about here are already in play, but the one thing I’d like to focus on are his comments on regulations and the idea of states trying to file for bankruptcy.
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VIDEO: Interview With Chief Dep. Whip, Congressman Peter Roskam”

Is Rafael Rivadeneira DuPage County’s Bad Hispanic?

-By Warner Todd Huston

The soap opera As the World Turns was canceled last summer, but apparently the political scene in DuPage County is trying to revive it. Well, if not the show than at least the drama. This one has a Hispanic twist, too. It comes in the person of conservative Rafael Rivadeneira, Tea Party favorite and President of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly of Illinois (“RNHA of Illinois”)…. or is he?

Over last weekend the RNHA held its annual convention in Dixon, Illinois. There Rivadeneira was reelected to the position of RNHA president. But apparently not everyone was happy with the outcome. OK, “not happy” is an understatement. Some were so mad that they spilt the event in half and marched over to another hotel and elected their own slate of leaders.

Now, that’s drama.
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Is Rafael Rivadeneira DuPage County’s Bad Hispanic?”

Roskam Statement on January Jobs Report

From Congressman Peter Roskam (Ill., 6th District)…

Washington, DC – Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL), Majority Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement after the Department of Labor released their January jobs report:

“President Obama and Democrats promised that if we just spent a trillion dollars on the ‘stimulus’, unemployment would stay below eight percent. Two years later, unemployment remains at nine percent, and our economy is still feeling the effects of the Democrats’ spending binge that brought trillions in debt, but not jobs. The 21st consecutive month of unemployment levels at nine percent or more is proof enough that it’s time to enact Republican plans to cut spending and regulation to grow jobs.
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Roskam Statement on January Jobs Report”

An ‘Open Letter to the DuPage County GOP’ Protesting Sen. Scott Brown Visit?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is an interesting note from Frank Napolitano of the DuPage Conservatives. Apparently, the DuPage Conservatives are none too happy that a mushy-middleman like Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown is coming to speak to the conservative heart of collar counties.

I’d certainly agree with Mr. Napolitano that Scott Brown is in no way a conservative. I can’t imagine anyone mistaking him as one, either. He’s no more conservative than, say, oh, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney happens to be. I guess the main difference between Brown and Romney is that Brown admits to being a mushy-middleman whereas Romney is one, but won’t admit it. But… well… back to the subject…

Mr. Napolitano is wondering why Brown is speaking before an otherwise pretty conservative area of our fair state? I have to say, I wonder the same thing.
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An ‘Open Letter to the DuPage County GOP’ Protesting Sen. Scott Brown Visit?”

Congressman Joe Walsh (8th District) Townhall Meeting

From the office of Congressman Joe Walsh (8th District)…

Congressman Walsh of Illinois’ 8th District will be holding an open to the public town hall Wednesday night, January 12th from 7-8:30pm in Wauconda, IL. Walsh will discuss his first week in Congress, the upcoming House agenda, and the events in Arizona over the weekend. Walsh looks forward to answering constituent questions on these and any topics.

“What happened in Arizona Saturday was tragic. I’d like to honor Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords by doing what she loves to do and what I love to do, which is meeting with and speaking with my constituents” said Walsh.

All are welcome. The town hall will be held at the Wauconda Township Hall, located at 505 W. Bonner Road from 7-8:30pm Wednesday night.

Ill. Congressman Roskam Condemns Horrifying Attack on Member of Congress, Staff, and General Public

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Republican Chief Deputy Whip Congressman Peter Roskam released the following statement after the senseless attack against Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), members of her staff, and members of the general public:

“Today’s attack against Rep. Giffords, members of her staff, and citizens interacting with their representative in the Tucson area, is horrifying and devastating, and I condemn it in the strongest of terms. Attacks of this kind, in our democratic society, simply cannot stand. My thoughts and prayers are with all those injured and their families in this senseless attack.”

(Video) Townhall Meeting With Mark Kirk and Randy Hultgren, Saint Charles, Illinois

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Dec. 11, 2010, I attended a townhall meeting held in the 14th Congressional District featuring Congressman-elect Randy Hultgren and newly minted Senator Mark Kirk. The event was held in the theater of a local high school in Saint Charles, Illinois.

The afternoon started out with an address by Senator Mark Kirk who already was sworn in for an interim term and will be starting his first full term as senator in January. After Kirk finished his opening remarks, Mr. Hultgren spoke and then there was some time for questions for the audience.

Kirk spoke for a strong defense, he spoke for fiscal responsibility and he spoke against the DREAM Act. For his part, Mr. Hultgren didn’t have much to say past his recently successful campaign talking points. But that is to be expected since he has not yet been to Washington to be involved in the issues in our nation’s capitol. Hultgren won’t take office until Jan. 5. Both men strongly spoke in favor of repealing Obamacare.

I have video of both men’s comments. I took the video with my hand-held Flip cam so it may be a bit shaky here and there. (And on the Kirk video I had to set the camera down for half a minute to turn my phone off as I got a call in the middle of his remarks. I thought I had turned it off, but obviously forgot to do so! So my apologies there.)

Here is the video of the two gentleman’s remarks…
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(Video) Townhall Meeting With Mark Kirk and Randy Hultgren, Saint Charles, Illinois”

Congressman Roskam Commemorates Veterans Day From Korea

From Congressman Peter Roskam…

Joins His father, a Korean War Veteran, At President Obama’s Remarks to Troops at Yongsan Garrison

SEOUL, Korea, Nov 11 – Congressman Peter Roskam issued the following statement in commemoration of Veterans Day:

“It is a privilege to be in Korea today with my father on the 60th Anniversary of the Korean War – a war which he fought bravely in to preserve freedom and halt the advance of Communism. My father, V.R. Roskam, has received an outpouring of thanks and appreciation from Koreans everywhere we’ve visited the last week. It’s a powerful lesson: the sacrifices our men and women in the Armed Forces have made to preserve freedom in almost every corner of the globe, even decades later, are not forgotten. The bustling capital city of Seoul, home to 12 million people, is testament to the generations of Americans who have helped ensure the existence of whole nations of free people.
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Congressman Roskam Commemorates Veterans Day From Korea”

Democrat Teacher Can’t Believe Kids Would Vote For Republican

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last week I spied a short piece at Illinois Review about a post on My Suburban Life that detailed the story of a left-wing teacher that was shocked that a majority of her students in DuPage County, Illinois voted for Republican Representative Peter Roskam in the school’s mock election.

Social studies teacher Lori Keough of Glenbard High School found herself flummoxed that her students voted for every Democrat on the fake ballot but Representative Roskam, a Republican. Glenbard High is situated in Roskam’s 6th legislative district.

Students picked Republican Peter Roskam for the 6th district, with 52 percent of the vote, compared to Democrat Benjamin Lowe, who brought in 44 percent. For the other elections, students mainly voted for Democrats.

Social studies teacher Lori Keough was surprised by yesterday’s results.

“Just because DuPage County is so Republican, I was shocked that Democrats won every single race except for Roskam,” she said. “It shows in general that students are learning on their own and making decisions on their own and not going with what their parents think.”

You just have to laugh at this blinkered assumption that left-wing teacher Keough had here. So the kids didn’t make decisions just “going with what their parents think” but agreed with her that all Democrats should be elected… and as far as she is concerned her indoctrination of students is evidence of students “learning on their own” but if kids went with their parent’s ideas, why they are not “learning on their own.”
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Democrat Teacher Can’t Believe Kids Would Vote For Republican”

Steve Rauschenberger Will Fight for Illinois Prosperity‏

From the Ill. Chamber of Commerce…

We need leaders in Illinois that will stand up and fight to restore prosperity to our communities.

Steve Rauschenberger is one of those leaders — and that’s why we support him for election to the 22nd State Senate District.

Long known as one of the foremost budget experts in Illinois, Steve’s will oppose higher taxes and fight the reckless spending that has led Illinois to our current fiscal crisis.

I urge you to watch this brief video in which Steve shares his vision for restoring prosperity to the Prairie State:

In order for Illinois to return to prosperity, we need leaders in Springfield who will work to empower Illinois employers to grow and create new jobs.

Steve Rauschenberger is one of those leaders.

Todd Maisch
Vice President of Government Affairs
Illinois Chamber of Commerce

P.S. Learn more about Steve by visiting his Web site or by connecting with him on Facebook.

Senator Chris Lauzen: Ridden Hard and Hung Up Wet

-By State Senator Chris Lauzen, 25th District

The decent, hard-working taxpayers of Illinois – – of our entire country – – have been “ridden hard and hung up wet”, as they say in the Deep South.

I was shocked to read about a focus group of “Wal-Mart Moms”, a new political demographic of disappointed female voters, a significant portion whom feel sorry for President Obama. I don’t fully understand this emotion considering the aggressive passage of healthcare, cap-and-trade, so-called stimulus/takeovers and multiple expensive vacation trips for him and Michelle, but I am listening closely.
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Senator Chris Lauzen: Ridden Hard and Hung Up Wet”

Hultgren Was Tonight’s Winner In St. Charles

From the Hultgren for Congress campaign (14th District)…

ST. CHARLES – The Randy Hultgren for Congress campaign issued the following statement tonight after the League of Women Voters candidate forum in St. Charles.

“With his clearly articulated, positive vision for the future and his commonsense solutions to the problems confronting our nation’s economy and workforce, Randy Hultgren was clearly the winner in tonight’s debate,” said John Cooney, Hultgren for Congress campaign manager. “Voters have a choice between Bill Foster’s unwavering support for Nancy Pelosi’s reckless agenda of rampant spending, higher taxes and bigger government or Hultgren’s plans for limiting the size and scope of our federal government, lower taxes and responsible government. Voters in the 14th District realize that Congress is broken and that Randy Hultgren will fight to restore a commonsense approach in Washington.”
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Hultgren Was Tonight’s Winner In St. Charles”

Bill’s Boondoggle: Multibillion Dollar ‘Stimulus’ Still A Failure

From the Hultgren for Congress campaign (14th District)…

ST. CHARLES – The Randy Hultgren for Congress campaign issued the following statement today regarding the so-called ‘stimulus,’ a failed piece of legislation supported wholeheartedly by Bill Foster.

“Friday’s dismal jobs report, revealing that 95,000 more Americans lost their jobs and that unemployment remained stagnantly high at almost 10 percent, is a further reminder of the failure of Bill’s boondoggle, Congressman Foster’s so-called ‘stimulus,’” said Gill Stevens, spokesman for the Hultgren campaign. “We were promised that if the ‘stimulus’ was passed, unemployment would never go above 8 percent – but for seventeen consecutive months, unemployment has exceeded 9 percent.
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Bill’s Boondoggle: Multibillion Dollar ‘Stimulus’ Still A Failure”

95,000 More Jobs Lost in September; Unemployment 9.6%

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District)…

Schilling: “These numbers remind us why we need a clean break from the failed liberal policies of Washington.”

EAST MOLINE, IL–The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released the jobs report for September. Total nonfarm payroll employment dropped by 95,000 jobs, and the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 9.6%. Bobby Schilling, Republican candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, released the following statement regarding the report:

“14.8 million people in this country are unemployed, and the unemployment rates among youth (26%), African-Americans (16.1%), and Hispanics (12.4%) are disturbingly high. These numbers remind us why we need a clean break from the failed liberal policies of Washington. Over the past two years, Rep. Hare has consistently voted for more spending and higher taxes while refusing to promote policies that would create jobs. As a successful small business owner, I understand that our biggest priority right now is getting people back to work. While Phil Hare spends every minute he has ‘debunking the myth’ that our country faces a $13.6 trillion national debt, I’ll be fighting for jobs by advocating low taxes, less spending, and limited government.”
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95,000 More Jobs Lost in September; Unemployment 9.6%”

October 11,12: Illinois Turnaround Tour DuPage County & McHenry County

The Illinois Policy Institute is sponsoring a bus tour (The Illinois Turnaround Tour) of the state to get voters excited about the fast approaching elections. This week they have stops in nearby DuPage and McHenry Counties.

Real change starts here…and real change starts with you.

Think the national government is a mess? Take a closer look at Illinois.

For years, Illinois politicians have driven our state in the wrong direction—a direction that’s leading us to financial ruin. That’s why we’re launching the Illinois Turnaround Campaign, focused on practical, common-sense solutions to our state’s problems:

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October 11,12: Illinois Turnaround Tour DuPage County & McHenry County”

Fact Checking Rep. Foster’s Lies

From the Hultgren for Congress campaign (14th District)…

With election day only four weeks away, Congressman Foster has grown increasingly desperate in his attempts to draw voter attention away from his abhorrent record.

Think about it, what else does Bill Foster have to run on? What possible reason would the voters of the 14th District have to re-elect him?

  • His lock-step voting record with Nancy Pelosi 92.6% of the time?
  • His support for the Wall Street bailout?
  • His support for the government takeover of health care?
  • His support of the failed stimulus that failed to keep unemployment below 8%?
  • His support for every single spending bill coming out of Congress?
  • His support for the upcoming tax increases that Congress has failed to prevent?

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Fact Checking Rep. Foster’s Lies”

Hare Desperate to Take Focus Off Record Uses Debunked Attacks on Bobby Schilling and ATR Pledge

-By Adam Radman, Americans for Tax Reform

The recent attacks by Rep. Phil Hare’s campaign against Bobby Schilling and the Taxpayer Protection Pledge lack credibility. Democrats like Rep. Hare have made these false and misleading claims over and over again across the country. A number of news sources have reviewed the charges and discredited them. Starting in April,’s Brook Jackson condemned the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for making similar claims calling the attacks “blatantly false.” Jon Ralston, during his television show Face to Face, called similar claims against the Pledge in NV-03 “thoroughly misleading.” Even the DSCC and Democrat Senate candidates have attempted to distort the meaning of the Pledge. Democrat Sen. Patty Murray’s attempts were called “a stretch” by King 5 TV in Washington State.

Rep. Phil Hare has attempted to distract voters from the important issues this election cycle: jobs and economic growth. Voters should demand to know from Rep. Hare just how tax hikes on individuals and/or businesses create jobs. In fact, voters should also ask him why he left Washington before putting a stop to one of the largest tax hikes in U.S. History. By taking the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, Schilling has made a clear pledge to the taxpayers in IL-17 that he will oppose and vote against any and all tax increases on working families and employers
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Hare Desperate to Take Focus Off Record Uses Debunked Attacks on Bobby Schilling and ATR Pledge”