-By Adam Radman, Americans for Tax Reform
The recent attacks by Rep. Phil Hare’s campaign against Bobby Schilling and the Taxpayer Protection Pledge lack credibility. Democrats like Rep. Hare have made these false and misleading claims over and over again across the country. A number of news sources have reviewed the charges and discredited them. Starting in April, FactCheck.org’s Brook Jackson condemned the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for making similar claims calling the attacks “blatantly false.” Jon Ralston, during his television show Face to Face, called similar claims against the Pledge in NV-03 “thoroughly misleading.” Even the DSCC and Democrat Senate candidates have attempted to distort the meaning of the Pledge. Democrat Sen. Patty Murray’s attempts were called “a stretch” by King 5 TV in Washington State.
Rep. Phil Hare has attempted to distract voters from the important issues this election cycle: jobs and economic growth. Voters should demand to know from Rep. Hare just how tax hikes on individuals and/or businesses create jobs. In fact, voters should also ask him why he left Washington before putting a stop to one of the largest tax hikes in U.S. History. By taking the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, Schilling has made a clear pledge to the taxpayers in IL-17 that he will oppose and vote against any and all tax increases on working families and employers
Phil Hare Campaign Caught Telling Lies about the “No New Taxes” Pledge
Hare campaign desperate to distort Schilling’s “no new taxes” promise
WASHINGTON, DC—The Phil Hare Campaign recently launched a new line of attack on Bobby Schilling by attempting to mislead voters about the actual meaning of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. The goal of the Pledge is to protect taxpayers and businesses from tax increases. The Hare campaign’s charges follow the patently false claims made by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) earlier in the year – claims that the non-partisan FactCheck.org agrees are “blatantly false.”
The “No New Taxes” Pledge commits a signer to “oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses and oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.” By making this promise, Schilling has taken tax hikes off the table for all taxpayers in Illinois- something Phil Hare has not done….
Read the rest at ATR.org.