‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Pushes Immigrant Family ‘Caged Like Animals’ Storyline

-By Warner Todd Huston

ABC’s long-running medical drama, Grey’s Anatomy, featured a poor immigrant whose wife and son were “caged like animals” by evil U.S. immigration officials and a doctor who put her career and the hospital’s reputation at risk to perpetrate insurance fraud to help the foreigner.

The May 2 episode, entitled “What I Did For Love,” featured an immigrant man who entered the U.S. on a visa with his four-year-old daughter. But the girl becomes sick with an unknown illness and the immigrant, Luis (Omar Leyva), took her to the E.R., Newsbusters wrote.

The character explained to the doctors that he came to the U.S. and found a job before applying for asylum. The show blithely ignores the fact that seeking a job in the U.S. is not grounds for asylum and that, legally, would-be asylum seekers are supposed to apply for asylum before entering the U.S. and before “finding a job.”

Naturally, the episode does not note that the practice of separating children from immigrant parents began under the Barack Obama administration, nor does the show inform viewers that it is only illegals that are subject to the policy. It is likely that if Luis was in the U.S. on a legal visa, then his wife and son would also likely be coming in on a visa and would not be subject to the separation policy.

Luis is also fearful of the costs of the E.R. visit as he has no insurance. Since he has a job, he says he wants to pay. “I clean office buildings in Belltown. And I pay taxes. I am not asking for something for nothing. And I’m going to buy one of those policies as soon as I have enough,” he tells the E.R. doctor.
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SyFy Channel Loves Union Protesters, Hates Those Darn Company Owners

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the biggest hit series on the science fiction cable channel SyFy is Warehouse 13, a show where federal agents traipse about the country recovering “artifacts” that have dangerous, other worldly powers. But on Monday’s episode, the show indulged a few real world, left-wing political tropes by slamming capitalism, praising unions and attacking southerners.

[Spoiler alert]

The plot of the show centered around the recovery of an “artifact” hidden somewhere in a West Virginia steel mill that is undergoing a union strike.

Naturally, as soon as the agents get to the steel mill, they are immediately suspicious of the steel mill’s owner and they interrogate him as if he is an obvious criminal just because, well, he is a business owner, after all. Naturally, the owner character is played as a dismissive, jerk. Because, well, he’s a business owner.
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SyFy Channel Loves Union Protesters, Hates Those Darn Company Owners”

Actress Kyra Segdwick On Hollywood’s Mistake: Ignoring Midwest

-By Warner Todd Huston

Actress Kyra Sedgwick might be tempting fate in Hollywood with a recent interview on the Tavis Smiley show on PBS where she scolded her industry for ignoring the great middle of the country.

Sedgwick was on the show discussing her recently concluded series The Closer on TNT and noted that the show was a great hit in the Midwest, but not in L.A. or New York City. At first she said she felt insulted at this ratings truth, but it wasn’t long before she realized that this wasn’t a bad thing at all.

She told Smiley that she came to feel that Hollywood was making a mistake to ignore everything outside New York and Los Angeles.

“I think that there’s a … huge difference,” Sedgwick said, “between what people politically believe and what interests people in Los Angeles and what interests people in New York, and what they believe politically [in the rest of the country] … and I think to ignore that is really cutting yourself out of a huge part of your population that I feel… they’re under-represented, and I think that was the great thing about [The Closer series].”
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Actress Kyra Segdwick On Hollywood’s Mistake: Ignoring Midwest”

Lifetime’s Army Wives: Domestic Terrorist is Über Patriot?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Lifetime’s Army Wives has often walked up close to anti-American plot lines without stepping too far over the line, but this weekend’s episode crossed right over into the left’s famous — and famously bogus — favorite storyline: turning patriotic Americans into villains.

This is one of the far left’s favorite plot lines. Hollywood loves turning patriots into whacked out, enemies despite the fact that in real life such a thing is extremely rare.

In the episode aired on August 5 entitled Centennial, a wacko “patriot” planned to shoot an Army general to right the wrongs of a country gone bad. The mad man felt that the nation was being destroyed by the un-American activities of the government and in a computer recording he said he intended to strike a blow for true Americanism by killing the general.

The episode featured a cliffhanger ending typical of the series. It ended with the shooting scene the results of which will be resolved next week.

The entire plot is based almost solely on the actions of one domestic terrorist. When Timothy McVeigh brought down the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995 he was linked to the Militia movement and said to be desirous of taking down an out of control government. McVeigh was portrayed as an unhinged, über patriot gone awry.
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Lifetime’s Army Wives: Domestic Terrorist is Über Patriot?”

TNT Series: Motherhood, Marriage is ‘Miserable’

-By Warner Todd Huston

TNT Cable network chose to ridicule motherhood, motherhood activism, marriage, and large families all at once on its latest episode of the cop-dramaedy series Rizzoli & Isles. The episode showed once again the disdain with which traditional motherhood and marriage is viewed in the entertainment industry.

On the July 17 episode two well-known psychologists are murdered setting the stage for the investigation. The heroes of the show, Rizzoli, a police detective, and Isles, a medical examiner, discover that the victims are advocates of childless families and had a history of activism against childbirth. Naturally, the first suspect the police in the show light upon is a woman that featured the anti-child psychologist on her pro-motherhood website.

The police look over this motherhood advocate’s website to find that her organization is called, Women Are About Kids. Yes, the acronym is WAAK, because, well, you know, anyone that is pro-family is whacked, right? The website also features a cross-hairs targeting symbol over the face of the murdered anti-child psychologist. Because, well, you know, all those violent conservatives use crosshairs on their enemies.
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TNT Series: Motherhood, Marriage is ‘Miserable’”

HBO’s ‘Newsroom’ Being Programmed by Soros-Funded Think Progress?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Left-wingers are hailing HBO’s new series The Newsroom happily proclaiming it as The West Wing for the 2010s. Like The West Wing, this new show is penned by liberal activist and TV producer Aaron Sorkin. But, wait. Who is writing it? According to Sorkin’s writing team, it seems as though the George Soros-funded, extremist website Think Progress is doing the heavy lifting for team Sorkin.

The episode for Monday, July 9 was a Tea Party bashing extravaganza filled with all sorts of smears of Tea Partiers, of Rep. Michele Bachmann and all things conservative. During this same episode one of the characters favorably mentions Soros-funded Think Progress. This caused TP operative Adam Peck to take to his Twitter account to thank Sorkin and his writers for giving his website a plug.

In reply, the co-author of that night’s episode, Gideon Yago, replied to Peck’s Tweet saying that the website’s “reporting and archiving was vital to the research we did.”

I like how he put that. “Research.” In other words, they merely did a word search on the Think Progress website and that served as their “research.” The TV writers essentially allowed Think Progress to do the work for them.
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HBO’s ‘Newsroom’ Being Programmed by Soros-Funded Think Progress?”

You Need to Watch This Sneak Preview of ‘Bunheads,’ a New TV Show

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new show is giving a sneak preview of its first episode online. I am almost afraid to say I thoroughly enjoyed this pilot episode of the new series from ABC Family entitled “Bunheads.”

Usually if a show doesn’t have a cop, an alien’s head exploding, a car chase, a cowboy shootout, or a space ship in it, I just don’t care to watch it. But I went to this sort of secretive website and put in the pass word “LyingGameFans” and watched this thing.

It was very good. It was sweet, funny, and utterly compelling. I think you’ll like it, too. I particularly liked the lack of a laugh track.

Here is the synopsis from the series website:

Bunheads is the tale of a Las Vegas showgirl (series lead Sutton Foster), who impulsively marries a man, moves to his sleepy coastal town, and takes an uneasy role at her new mother-in-law’s dance school.

From Executive Producer Amy Sherman-Palladino, the creator of Gilmore Girls, the series will be headlined by Tony Award®-winning actor Sutton Foster. Bunheads is set to premiere Monday, June 11.

I know, right? Gilmore Girls?? I never watched a single minute of that show, too girly for me. So, I went into this with no idea what to expect re the writing. And that writing was top notch, I felt.

I really liked this show. I think you might, as well. Go take a look and see if I’m right.
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You Need to Watch This Sneak Preview of ‘Bunheads,’ a New TV Show”

Hollywood Reporter Wishes She Had Disease to Stay Skinny?

-By Warner Todd Huston

I guess now it’s cool in Hollywood to make light of diseases, illnesses, and allergies. At least it is for one Internet entertainment reporterette who apparently wishes that she had some sort of disease if that disease made her skinny. Seriously, this is the sort of vapidity that makes the denizens of Hollyweird and their hangers-on appear so reprehensible.

On her April 9 YouTube entertainment report about the latest Miley Cyrus rumors, host Stephanie Bauer reported that the singer took to Twitter in reply. Tongues were wagging recently that Cyrus might be anorexic due to recent photos of her gaunt figure. Cyrus, though, says she stays skinny mostly because she has a “gluten and lactose allergy.”

“It’s not about weight, it’s about health,” Cyrus said. “Gluten is crap anyway.”

For her part, hostesset Bauer wished she could have a disorder, disease, or allergy, too, if it made her “look amazing” like the teen singer.
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Hollywood Reporter Wishes She Had Disease to Stay Skinny?”

Revisionism: Old Timer Phil Donahue Injects Racism Into 2002 Iraq War Vote

-By Warner Todd Huston

Old-timer Phil Donahue, about who rumor has it used to have some sort of TV show back in the previous century, has recently turned up on NPR for some unexplainable reason. And, like his long past career, he’s dwelling equally in the past with his new comments about the authorization of force against Iraq in 2002. But he’s adding a new spin to the now irrelevant discussion by adding to it all one of the left’s favorite tropes: racism.

You see, according to Donahue, racism sullied the decision to authorize George Bush to intervene in Iraq in 2002. How is that, you ask? Well, according to Donahue it’s because none of the blacks in Congress voted for the war.

What does that mean? To Donahue it means that these African American congressmen were better, smarter, and free of racism, I guess. Only whites wanted to kill innocent Iraqis, hence the racism.

On NPR’s Smiley & West show*, Donahue floated the idea that all the African Americans — in fact he said “every person of color” — voted against the war in Iraq. Apparently, Donahue thinks that this is because all “the white people in Congress” are racists.
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Revisionism: Old Timer Phil Donahue Injects Racism Into 2002 Iraq War Vote”

Actor Ruffalo Wants Obama to Turn Army Corps of Engineers Political

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mark Ruffalo — you know, the millionaire actor that claims to be part of the 99% — may not be a scientist. But he plays one on mass emailings from left-wing advocacy groups. And with that activism Ruffalo is urging President Obama to turn the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from a science-based service to the American people into just another politicized arm of progressivism.

Ruffalo is lending his name to WaterDefense.org, an anti-fracking group claiming that the practice of drilling for natural gas contaminates drinking water wherever it is employed.

The science of the water contamination claim is not exactly proven but that won’t stop this group and actor Ruffalo from claiming it as fact. Clearly more scientific studies are needed to determine what is true and what isn’t here.
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Actor Ruffalo Wants Obama to Turn Army Corps of Engineers Political”

Dancing With The Haters: DWTS Slam on Tea Party

-By Warner Todd Huston

Even Dancing is not safe from left-wing attacks on Tea Partiers, sadly. Tonight on the venerable dance show, fashion makeover maven Carson Kressley thought it would be a hoot to make fun of over half the voters in America with an attack on how he thinks Tea Party activists smell.

On tonight’s Dancing With The Stars, funny guy Carson Kressley hit the screen wearing a gorilla mask. Taking it off he snarked, “It still smells like a Tea Party.”

So, what are we to make of this nonsense? Is Kressley saying that Tea Party activists smell like gorillas?

Are we supposed to be laughing at that, now?

So, what do Democrats smell like? Maybe Europeans? How about reds?

I wonder what dance partner Anna Trebunskaya, who was born in Russia, thinks about that? I wonder how ABC will take attacking so much of its audience?

Whatever Anna or ABC thinks of it the bigger questions is, what do you Tea Partiers think? Maybe you can ask ABC yourself?

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Dancing With The Haters: DWTS Slam on Tea Party”

Eleanor Mondale Passes, Aged 51

-By Warner Todd Huston

Eleanor Mondale, the precocious daughter of Vie President Walter Mondale, passed away at her home in Minnesota. Mondale, aged 51, had been diagnosed with brain cancer in 2005 and finally succumbed to the illness.

Mondale made a name for herself in radio and TV after her father’s failed 1984 run for the White House against Ronald Reagan. But she was also the talk of the town, if you will before she launched her entertainment career.

She was a known “party girl” and again became notorious after her fling with rocker Warren Zevon was revealed in a book by Zevon’s widow published in 2007.

Mondale had several parts in TV shows, became an entertainment reporter, and went on to become a successful radio personality in Minnesota. Her radio career touched Chicago briefly in 1986 when she did a stint on WGN-720 (AM)

She was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2005 but had thought that the cancer had gone a year later. But by 2008 the cancer that eventually took her life had returned.
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Eleanor Mondale Passes, Aged 51″

Time Mag Movie Review: G.W.Bush and Rick Perry Just Like Blood Thirsty Conan The Barbarian

-By Warner Todd Huston

Did you know that Texas Governor Rick Perry and President George W. Bush are just like the fictional, prehistoric, sword-wielding, mass murderer, Conan the Barbarian? Well Time Magazine entertainment reporter Richard Corliss is here to inform you all about it in his review of the new action movie released this week based on the Robert E. Howard character. What is it with these people that they have to bring their hatred for Republicans into their reviews about films that have nothing whatever to do with politics?

It is clear that Corliss is not a fan of this flick, for sure. And he mixes metaphors and abuses sayings to beat the band to show his disdain. But it is his second, non-sequitur-filled paragraph that goes for Perry’s and W’s throats. Corliss features this attack prominently in the second paragraph of the review so that no one will miss it.

Corliss describes how at the beginning of the movie a young Conan watches his entire family slaughtered in front of him. To Corliss, this seems somehow “kind of like” the way Saddam Hussein plotted to kill George W. Bush’s father, H.W. Bush.
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Time Mag Movie Review: G.W.Bush and Rick Perry Just Like Blood Thirsty Conan The Barbarian”

ABC Whitewashing History: No Ciggies No Whites Only in New Early 60s-Based ‘Pan Am’ TV Series

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember back in the early 1960s when blacks could get any job they wanted in the American airline industry? Oh, and remember back then how no one smoked cuz it was really, really bad for you and stuff? Yeah. No one else does, either. Well, maybe not no one. Big Three Network ABC seems to remember it because that is how they are envisaging how the world worked back in 1963 for its new TV series about airline stewardesses entitled “Pan Am.”

In yet another example of Hollywood PCism run amuck, producers, we are told, “admitted” that studio execs at ABC-Disney nixed any chance that the show’s characters or extras would be smoking during the series even though the historical fact is that the bulk of the adult population of 1960s America smoked.

In fact, smoking was as common as “Coffee, Tea, or me.” Everyone was allowed to smoke on airline flights in the 1960s. It is just a fact. Yet producers have decided that the show will never portray a single fuming butt in flight despite the historical reality.

Heck, who over 45 does not remember cigarette ads portraying doctors telling consumers how smoking was good for your health? I sure do!
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ABC Whitewashing History: No Ciggies No Whites Only in New Early 60s-Based ‘Pan Am’ TV Series”

CBS Names Its Palin-Supporting Character After Terrorist

-By Warner Todd Huston

The CBS drama The Good Wife, a politically charged soap-opera-like series, is coming under fire for naming its Sarah Palin-boosting character after America’s most infamous domestic terrorist, Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.

Matthew Vadum of the Washington-based Capital Research Center says that naming the character “McVeigh” conjures an unmistakable inference. “Calling a character ‘Kurt McVeigh’ conjures up unmistakable images of mass murdering terrorist Timothy McVeigh. Hollywood screenwriters don’t live in a cultural vacuum; they help to create American culture,” Vadum told Fox News.

Even as the TV producers claim that they weren’t trying to discredit Sarah Palin by naming a character that supports her in its series after America’s most murderous homegrown terrorist, they also admit that they purposefully chose the name to invoke anti-government sentiment in the show’s other characters.
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CBS Names Its Palin-Supporting Character After Terrorist”

2010: The Entertainment Industry’s PC Year in Review

-By Warner Todd Huston

For the entertainment industry’s practitioners of political correctness, 2010 was another banner year. Even as conservatives have made deserved headway in La La Land and other areas of the industry, there still aren’t enough conservatives to bring much needed patriotism, logic, and common sense to the scene. Sadly, the industry is still filled with those slavishly dedicated to anti-American tropes, left-wing blather, and self-hatred. From comic books, to music, to radio, TV and movies, PCism still runs rampant.

Without further ado, here are just a few examples of PCism from 2010 in music, TV, movies, and publishing. Certainly there are many more and these are not necessarily a “top ten,” but these examples do serve to show that PCism is not dead despite the Tea Party uprising, the growth of the conservative new media, and the resulting Republican tsunami from the midterm elections.

(In no particular order…)
Movies and Actors

Who could forget the film Machette, starring Danny Trejo and directed by Robert Rodriguez? This one was a sort of pastiche of 1970s exploitation movies with a Mexican twist. The film was replete with White sherifs ruthlessly murdering pregnant Mexican immigrants, American businessmen working to keep Mexicans down, overpowering racism against Mexicans by white Americans and it all seemed intended to inflame militant Mexican nationalism and to goad illegal immigrants in America to put all the blame on white America. The creators claimed it was supposed to be just good, over-the-top fun but in the climate of racial tensions in America today it was as funny as a militant Mexican flavored attempt to start a race war.
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2010: The Entertainment Industry’s PC Year in Review”

Roger Ebert As Black Hearted as His Disease is Cancerous

-By Warner Todd Huston

One would think that a fellow as ravaged by cancer as Roger Ebert would find his soul a bit less rancorous toward others. One would think that a man that has had such pain would not wish pain on others. But Roger Ebert is a liberal. Pain and hate is what they do.

Proof of this is in the latest hatred that spewed from Roger Ebert’s keyboard over the Thanksgiving holiday. While everyone else was enjoying family and thanking God for their bounty, this black-souled, venom-spitting, hatemonger was taking a little time out of his holiday to wish ill on others. Worse he was doing so in the name of thanksgiving.

The hateful Ebert wrote the following tweet on his Twitter account on thanksgiving:

Today let us give thanks for the right of trial by jury. Especially Tom Delay’s jury.

Now, no matter what you think about Tom Delay, it is sure that Thanksgiving is not the day to be reveling in someone else’s tribulations. The day of Thanksgiving is not the day to be spewing hatred on others. It is the day to be thankful to God for one’s own blessings.
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Roger Ebert As Black Hearted as His Disease is Cancerous”

CBS’s ‘Medium’ Present A Sheriff Joe Arpaio-Like Character As Rapist-Murderer

-By Warner Todd Huston

On October 15, the Whodunnit/Psychic series “Medium,” which is set in Phoenix, Arizona, featured a character obviously based on tough-on-crime, real-life Sheriff Joe Arpaio. But instead of presenting him as a tough, but serious lawman, this TV show depicted its Arpaio-like character as a rapist of teen girls as well as a murderer.

I guess CBS couldn’t possibly present its Sheriff Arpaio-styled character as a good man. Their Arpaio-like character had to be seen as a sicko, rapist, and murderer. It is just another example of how Hollywood and the TV industry can’t stand it that there are real men out there that the voters love because they are public servants that are tough-minded, but fair. No, to TV, anyone that isn’t a liberal must be a rapist, a murderer, or a mentally deranged cretin.
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CBS’s ‘Medium’ Present A Sheriff Joe Arpaio-Like Character As Rapist-Murderer”

News Anchorman Fired for Being Conservative?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Was Washington’s WJLA TV anchorman Doug McKelway fired because he dared appear too conservative to suit the station’s left-wing news director and general manager? It sure is hard to escape that conclusion after reviewing the incident, in any case.

McKelway had a run-in with general manager Bill Lord last month that resulted in his being fired for “insubordination.” At issue was a July piece on the BP oil spill disaster in which the anchor seemed to go against the station’s liberal grain.

McKelway was sent for a stand up report near where a small protest against “dirty oil money” was held at Capitol Hill, Washington D.C. The anchor rightly pointed out that the protest was small and was peopled by little else but a group of far left fringies that are, as McKelway said, “largely representing far-left environmental groups.” The anchor went on to say that this might be a “risky strategy” because the one politician that took more BP Oil money than “anyone in history” is President Barack Obama himself.

Apparently that was all left-wing station manager Bill Lord could take and it wasn’t long before McKelway was called on the carpet for his truthful portrayal of the tiny protest. The result was that McKelway officially “resigned,” but GM Bill Lord is still claiming that McKelway was fired because of “insubordination” and “misconduct.”
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News Anchorman Fired for Being Conservative?”

1970, Rod Serling: Television Has Little Relevance

-By Warner Todd Huston

In 1970 University of Kansas Professor James Gunn interviewed famed “Twilight Zone” creator Rod Serling and what he said about how badly the subject of race was handled on TV in his day is particularly trenchant.

Gunn, a science fiction writer in his own right having won many awards for his work, asked Mr. Serling if he felt that any current television fiction was relevant to the human condition. Rod was discouraged that it was, especially where it concerns the issue of race.

“Most television fiction that I watch has very little relevance. I think it’s one thing to say that we will now have a program called ModSquad, say, and we will have one black man and one oriental and one Hawaiian to show this marvelous melting-pot concept. But I think, Jim, that’s altogether phony. I don’t think that’s… I think at best condescension and at worst exploitation. The fact is that we have so distorted the pure ethnic minority over the years by making every black man a banjo player, and a village idiot, and a coward, that suddenly we are going to reverse switch, he is now a brain scientist or an atomic scientist or any one of an equal distortion at the other end. Needless to say I’d much prefer the distortion on the good side of the scale… but all television fiction I find quite irrelevant and quite unrelated.”

That was a pretty dismissive view for Rod Serling to think of the medium that made him famous, but on the other hand it’s hard to argue with his logic. For all the ballyhooing about TV it has rarely been relevant to much of anything.

The interview is about 20 minutes long and is quite interesting.

Things haven’t gotten much better, have they?

The sad thing about this great bit of film history is to realize that this genius, Rod Serling, had only five more years to live after the shooting of this interview.
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1970, Rod Serling: Television Has Little Relevance”

Princess Leia Found Her Darth Vader: It’s You and Me

-By Warner Todd Huston

Well, she’s a former alcoholic, drug addict, washed up actor, shock therapy patient (no, really) and one-time princess to the universe, but now Carrie “Princess Leia” Fisher can add one more calumny to her long list of off-kilter, personality deficits: she’s a “teabagger” hater. So, she’s got that going for her, which is nice.

Hawking another one of those prosaic celebrity tell-alls, Fisher spoke to the folks at the entertainment site PopEater.com and when the subject of Obama and the Tea Party movement came up, the one-time heartthrob of nerds everywhere didn’t hold back. They are all “racists” she said.

PoEater.com asked Fisher if she had met President Obama; she hadn’t but wanted to. And then they asked the leading question of the day: “Do you think Tea Party is just people who are pissed that there is an African American president?”

Warming to the presented theme, Fisher took the bait at warp speed.
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Princess Leia Found Her Darth Vader: It’s You and Me”

How Hollywood Maligns The Right

-By Warner Todd Huston

We all know of the great slights that Hollywood deals out to the American right. We see them all the time. From the TV shows that casts Republicans as villains, the movies that make Christians out to be hypocrites or even outright evil. Traditional motherhood and fatherhood also find constant ridicule at the hands of Hollywood. The overt examples are everywhere, of course. But the grand swipe isn’t all that Hollywood indulges. There are also these ubiquitous, small, quick, too fast to notice swipes against the right perpetrated by Hollywood. A fine example of the side-swipe approach to denigrating the right came in the April 29 episode of The Mentalist, a CBS detective show starring Australian actor Simon Baker.

Now, at the top here I want to say that The Mentalist is generally an inoffensive, amusing little show fashioned in the Sherlock Holmes mode featuring a detective that sees every little clue and can with ease assemble these disparate facts to solve the crime. Baker turns in a funny performance with just enough underlying darkness to make his character interesting.

But, despite that it is generally a diverting entertainment, the show is just as disposed to slam anything from the right as any other and the April 29 episode gives us a prime example of that.
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How Hollywood Maligns The Right”

Seth MacFarlane: Historical Illiterate (Hollywood Lies About Arizona Law)

-By Warner Todd Huston

“Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane proves once again that while the denizens of Hollywood might be good at acting, or singing, or TV and movie making, they most certainly have no clue about history or contemporary politics. They are utterly illiterate about the world around them because of the insular bubble in which they live. In a recent interview reported by Reuters, the insufferable MacFarlane proves himself to be el stupido on the recent Arizona illegal immigrant law.

Now, one isn’t necessarily illiterate to oppose the new law essentially forced upon Arizona due to the utter failure of the federal government to properly deal with the illegal immigration problem, a problem that we’ve suffered under in this country since at least the 1980s. Certainly, there are substantive reasons to be both for and against the new law. Unfortunately for MacFarlane, “substance” isn’t in him.

The first quote that Reuters reports from MacFarlane is this bit of historical illiteracy…
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Seth MacFarlane: Historical Illiterate (Hollywood Lies About Arizona Law)”

Robocop Director: Robocop Was an ‘American Jesus’ Because he Kills People

-By Warner Todd Huston

Andrew Breitbart appeared at an awards ceremony in Chicago on Friday the 16th and one of his remarks was that Hollywood is “40 years into the left injecting bad into America.” To counter the bad, Breitbart urged us all to remind each other what is good in our great nation. As an illustration of Breitbart’s warning I give you Paul Verhoeven, the director of the 1987 film Robocop.

Verhoeven recently spoke to MTVs Josh Horowitz about the underlying symbolism of Robocop and his main conception was that the Robocop character was an “American Jesus” because his method of righting wrongs was to shoot and kill all evil doers. Robocop was judge, jury and executioner all in one and that apparently makes him an “American Jesus.”

It was Verhoeven’s contention that America is little else but a violent nation that has no interest in peace, law, and order, or diplomacy but is the quintessentially violent cowboy, self-interested, and mostly a lawless place.

In his own words, Verhoeven told MTV the following:
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Robocop Director: Robocop Was an ‘American Jesus’ Because he Kills People”

Hollywood Scripting: A Primer

-By Warner Todd Huston

Some have wondered how Hollywood works. There is the romantic version where a writer of talent writes an outstanding, heartfelt script, a director of vision expounds upon that script and actors with intensity bring it to life. Like much about romance that romantic image of Hollywood is a myth.

No, what Hollywood does when it wants a “serious” movie or TV show (especially a TV show) is dust off its basic outline and fit new names and different locations to each product. Well, revealed for the first time, here are those basic guidelines:
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Hollywood Scripting: A Primer”

Robert Culp, Gone at 79

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another iconic actor from my youth has passed. Robert Culp died today as a result of a head injury suffered from a fall outside his home. A passerby discovered the unresponsive actor and called 911. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Culp is most known for his alternately comic and dramatic role as Kelly Robinson, globe trotting tennis pro and American spy, in the 1960s TV show “I Spy.”

His work on this series was exemplar and “I Spy” was one of the best of its genera. It was serious subject matter which was never treated in the campy way that rival show “Man From U.N.C.L.E.” treated the spy theme. The writing on “I Spy” was always top notch.
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Robert Culp, Gone at 79″

NBC’s Medium: Not the TV of Old

-By Warner Todd Huston

I like the NBC series Medium starring Patricia Arquette. It’s about a psychic that helps the Phoenix, Arizona police catch criminals, usually murderers. Well, I say NBC because that is where the season finale ended this week and in a cliff hanger yet. Next fall it will pick back up on CBS because NBC dropped the show. Of course, it’s only natural that CBS would pick the show up for the next season because the CBS Television Studios division produces the show in the first place… um, even though it was first aired on NBC.

This is what I mean that this isn’t the old days of TV. In the old days CBS would not produce shows for NBC and any network that dumped a show that another network rescued — a rarity in and of itself — would not have allowed a cliff hanger for a season finale that would send viewers to the competition!

So, what of this odd show? Well, the whole series can be summed up by the word “consternation.” There’s consternation by the hero, Arquette’s Allison DuBois, who is always churned up about catching a criminal, the consternation of her boss trying to figure out how to actually bring in a criminal found through a psychic’s visions, the consternation of always suffering husband Joe who can’t figure out how to be a good father when he doesn’t know what crazy situation his wife will next get into, and the consternation of the three young DuBois daughters that are struggling both with growing up and growing up with certain annoying psychic powers of their own that they can neither control nor understand.

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NBC’s Medium: Not the TV of Old”